Extension of arms on the upper block corner shelf. Extension of arms on the block. We swing triceps on the simulator. How to do the exercise? Execution technique

What muscles work in exercise

Major muscle group: lateral bundle of the triceps muscles of the arms
Additional group: if done correctly - no
Exercise type: insulating
Complexity: for newbies

How to do extension from the upper block while standing down

The triceps press is classified as an isolating exercise for one of the triceps heads. A properly executed deadlift will only engage that particular muscle bundle. The load helps to increase the relief and shape of the arms.

How triceps extensions look in motion (video)


To pull from the upper pulley, you will need a cable trainer. Exercise does not use muscles other than the triceps. Extending the arms from the upper block is aimed at achieving the following goals:

increased strength of the triceps muscle;
the formation of the relief of the hand;
reduction of skin "wings" in the shoulder area;
an increase in the volume of the hand;
strengthening of bench press characteristics.

Execution technique

The exercise actively uses only the triceps, as well as the stabilizers of the body to hold the position and, in fact, the muscles of the hands that hold the handle of the block. If you feel tension in any other muscle group, the extension of the arms on the block while standing is performed incorrectly.

1. Install the desired handle on the upper block, select an adequate weight of the weights.
2. Grab the handle.
3. Stand upright (a slight forward tilt of the body is quite acceptable), the legs are slightly bent at the knee joints.
4. Keep your back straight and your chest unfolded.
5. For good stability, you can put one leg forward a little.
6. Lower the handle so that there is a right angle between the forearm and shoulder.
7. Keep your elbows close to the body.
8. Extend your arms so that the bar touches the front of your thigh.
9. You need to straighten your arms with some effort. The upward speed should be one and a half to two times slower.
10. At the lowest point, stop and fix the position for 1-2 seconds.
11. While inhaling, return to the starting position.
12. Perform the desired number of repetitions.

For men: 10 - 15 times with a weight of 15 - 20 kg in 2 - 3 sets.
For women: 10 - 15 times with a weight of 5 - 10 kg in 2 - 3 sets.

Exercise options

In addition to the classic grip, the thrust of the upper block for the triceps is performed in the following modifications:

Working with straps. Thus, the arms are lowered and spread apart, which makes it possible to work much more efficiently not only the lateral group of the triceps, but all 3 heads together.
The reverse grip redistributes the load to the thumbs, which may require additional training of the hands.
Techniques with straight and slightly bent grips can contribute to incorrect trajectory and are therefore not recommended for beginners.
The rope handle provides isolated loading and the greatest triceps contraction.
The V-handle is a fairly popular modification, but it also reduces the reach of the exercise. The technique is used to work with a weight of up to 60 kg.
The knot requires maximum control of hand movement and is also contraindicated for those who have not yet mastered the correct movement technique.
The one-armed option is rarely recommended for beginner athletes. This technique is an order of magnitude more difficult than the classical one. A large amplitude of movement changes the angle of development, using all three beams of the extensor, as well as the posterior delta, during loading. The disadvantages of the modification include the impossibility of even working out both hands, and insufficient targeting.
Extension of the triceps on the block with a cord noticeably expands the amplitude of the exercise, makes it more natural and reduces the risk of injury. However, the technique is one third more difficult than the fixed handle exercises.

Frequent mistakes

Flexion of the brushes. Keep your elbows and bones at the same level. Flexing the wrists will increase the stress on the wrist and additionally engage the latissimus dorsi to perform the exercise. The level of load on the triceps will decrease, the exercise will lose its effectiveness.

Straight body. Fixation of the trunk in the starting position due to the muscles of the press and the broadest back or slouching contribute to the development of spinal problems.

Close distance to the block. The weight will pull upward and the exercise will require the elbows to be pulled back. The load is redistributed to other muscles, and posture is also impaired.

The block is too far away. Leaning too much forward will load the lower back.

Head down or looking to the side. Keep your head straight to promote good posture and body alignment.


To maximize your triceps load on the vertical block, follow these guidelines:

squeeze the bar only with the triceps;
at the lowest point, the forearms should be straightened;
do not throw the weight back up quickly;
press the elbow joints to the body and do not start back;
use adequate working weight;
do not exercise if you experience pain in your shoulders or elbows.
for greater isolation of the lateral head, the exercise can be performed with one hand.


Lifting the block while standing is not performed after damage to the elbow joints.
It is not recommended to press the block after operations.
If you have recently received a wrist injury, it is recommended to reduce the burdening weight by 40% of normal.

Extension of arms on the upper block while standing video exercise


Extending the arms on the block while standing is a relatively simple exercise that has a large number of variations. Technique advantages:

effective study of the lateral head of the triceps;
complete isolation of a muscle group;
low risk of injury;
high efficiency.

The triceps pull on the block is recommended as a completion of the triceps workout when the heavy weights are already done. The most effective combination of deadlift on the block with triceps bench presses, push-ups from the bench, and various modifications of the arm extension.

It is not recommended to start isolation blocking exercises in the first year of training. Isolation and isolation of individual triceps heads is impossible without impressive relief and large arm volume.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

There are a huge number of exercises for training triceps. One of the favorites for many exercisers is the extension of the arms on the block.

This isolated exercise targets the lateral (outer) and medial (middle) heads of the triceps.

Extension of the arms on the block while standing: features of the exercise

Extension of the arms on the block is performed in the block frame, which is most comfortable for distributing the load on the triceps.

Thanks to the work of only one joint (elbow), the extension of the arms on the block while standing focuses the load on only one muscle - the triceps. In this exercise, the load is completely removed from the lower back, making it absolutely safe.

An important point is the position of the body before starting execution. You should be in a position that will completely immobilize your shoulders and arms to the elbows. The movement is performed only by the forearms in the elbow joint.

Experimentally find the most comfortable position in which the body will be fixed in the above position. Try to stand a little closer to the machine, or vice versa a little further, tilting your body slightly forward. However, do not allow the shoulders to take part in the movement (then it will be like bringing the arms to the body, and this is already training the lats).

Extension of the arms on the block can be done with various grips. The direct grip from above loads the outer and middle heads of the triceps, the reverse shifts the load to the inner (long). It is also possible to use a parallel grip by hanging a rope instead of a handle. Moreover, the more you spread the rope at the lowest point (penetrate the hand), the more load the long triceps head will receive.

Technique for performing arm extension on the block while standing

The exercise of extending the arms on the block is not very difficult. However, many, and especially, manage to complicate it to a critical degree. In particular, they do not follow the body, wave their hands chaotically, set wild working weights. The load with this performance leaves the triceps and is sprayed throughout the body.

The main task is to take such a position of the body in which the whole body will be rigidly fixed, except for the elbows. Some professional athletes are located very close to the simulator for this.

The load vector must be directed strictly vertically downward. Exhale with effort as you pull the projectile down. At the lowest point, be sure to reach a lockout (full extension of the arms at the elbow), only in this way the triceps contraction will be most complete.

Breathe in on the rise. Because lifting is due to the force of gravity of the dies - resist inertia. Move downward forcefully and quickly, move upward slowly and smoothly. Try to work at the maximum possible amplitude, constantly making sure that your shoulders are not involved in the movement. In general, the nature of the exercise is slow.


Extension of the arms on the block should not be the only exercise for the triceps. Perform at the beginning, or, and after extension, when the triceps will be previously tired. Because the exercise is isolating. You will be able to target to finish off those muscle fibers that have not been finalized in other exercises.

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Extension of the arms on the block is truly a royal exercise for triceps on the machine. Even if it is isolated, which means that it is inferior in mass gain and constellation, but it is difficult to pump up the triceps muscle without his help. Why? But because it is just the triceps extensions that give it the right look. Thanks to them, in place of the shapeless ham, a powerful, relief triceps of the correct horseshoe shape appears. About how to do triceps extensions, and about 5 percussion options for their execution, read on. The most interesting about training and sports nutrition on my telegram channel https://t.me/bestbodyblog

When it comes to gaining triceps mass, basic multi-joint exercises are second to none. But these exercises are called so because during their execution, in addition to the target muscle, others will certainly be included in the work. Of course, the triceps will get the load, but its main mass will go to other, larger muscles. But if you swing triceps on the simulator, (with the correct execution technique) this does not happen, therefore, the amount of work he gets is more.

Pumping the triceps on the block gives it the correct shape

It turns out that simulators are better than basic exercises, since the level of load in them is higher? Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, no. To pump up triceps, you need to do exercises with a barbell and on blocks. The former provide the strongest muscle stress due to the amount of working weight, and the latter polish the effect obtained, turning just a large triceps into a well-developed and relief one.

Note: here it would be correct to mention the results of my dearly respected Bret Contreras, PhD in exercise biomechanics, writer, expensive trainer, etc., etc. In 2010, he did research to determine the best exercises for each muscle group, the results of which I described as a whole.

So, as Dr. Contreras says, during triceps exercises on the simulator, the largest number of muscle fibers is included in the work. And the rating of the best exercises for the triceps shoulder muscle looks like this:

  • 1st place... Rope Grip Triceps Extension
  • 2nd place. Extension of the arms downwards on the upper block with a straight handle
  • 3rd place. Dips on the uneven bars
  • 4th place. Standing triceps extensions with a rope handle from behind the head
  • 5th place. French bench press

So it turns out that according to science, 3 of the 5 best triceps exercises are the extension of the arms on the block. Whether or not Contreras' experiments are to be accepted is up to everyone to decide. But the fact that muscles respond to isolated exercises more actively than with a barbell is a proven fact.

Output: barbell exercises provide the muscles with the strongest weight load, and simulators "finish off" them, bringing them to failure. To build triceps, basic exercises are needed, but exercise machines are needed no less.

What are the benefits of crossover arm extension?

In addition to the fact that crossover extensions allow you to pump the triceps muscles in isolation, this exercise has five more serious advantages:

  1. Minimally, in comparison with basic exercises, loads on the elbow joints
  2. Has a huge number of execution options
  3. Great for warming up the triceps at the beginning of the session
  4. Gives the muscles of the arms the correct shape, which makes them visually larger
  5. Allows you to achieve peak contraction of the triceps muscle

Block extensions have many benefits

There are lucky people who train triceps only with basic exercises, and it grows well, acquiring the perfect look without any simulators. But if you are not one of them, then the number of triceps extensions on the blocks in your training complex should be increased.

Output: Extension of the arms in the crossover allows you to pump the triceps strongly and safely. And improving its shape is at the same time a pleasant bonus.

Extension on the block which muscles work?

In extensions on the block, mainly triceps work, in addition to it, the load is distributed to other muscles:

  • Anterior deltoid
  • Large chest
  • Forearm extensors
  • Subspinal
  • Round muscle of the back
  • Widest
  • Mid-body muscles

Note: among the muscles involved in the work, the dorsal muscles are the strongest. As soon as it becomes difficult to work with triceps, they immediately turn into work. Therefore, the return on the extension of the arms on the block largely depends on the ability to do them exclusively by the strength of the arms, not allowing the muscles of the back to "steal" the load.

A book for those who do not want to grow old

Output: in all extensions, the triceps works actively until the back comes to the rescue. Then a good triceps exercise turns into "no" exercise for the lat.

Technique for performing extensions on the block while standing

The technique for performing triceps extension of the arms is simple and straightforward, since the exercise is isolated, and only one joint has to be extended - the elbow. Step by step it looks like this:

Step 1. We grab the handle of the block with a grip from above, width 20-25 cm. The thumb lies on top (the so-called "monkey grip"). We press the elbows to the body. We make a slight deflection in the lower back, bend slightly forward, look straight. For balance, put one leg forward. With our body weight, we lean a little on the handle to relieve the load on the back muscles. This is the starting position.

Step 2. We take a breath, tighten the triceps muscles. Powerfully and at the same time under control we straighten our arms at the elbows, preventing them from moving apart. Having reached the bottom point, we make a delay for one or two, additionally strain the triceps and slowly return the handle to its original position.

Output: standing block extension is one of the simplest triceps exercises on the machine. Moreover, it is one of the most effective.

Extension of arms for triceps, how to do it right?

Keeping the elbows close to the body and pause at the bottom are the two main conditions for the correct execution of the arm extension in the crossover. But, in addition to them, there are several more nuances of the exercises performed that increase its effectiveness:

Grip width... The narrower the grip during the exercise, the higher the load, not on the triceps, but on the wrist joints. The function of the triceps muscle of the shoulder is to extend the arm at the elbow, the width of the grip does not matter for this. But for brushes it does. In order not to injure them, the grip should be as comfortable as possible. In addition, the comfortable position of the arms will allow you to pump triceps with a lot of weight. An overly narrow grip is one of the most common.

Comfortable grip width - the basic rule of training triceps for weight

Stabilize brushes... "Walking" hands are usually a sign of beginners, but sometimes experienced gym goers forget about hand control. In this case, the load on the forearms increases, and the load on the triceps falls. In principle, it is impossible to cope with a normal weight in exercise with weak hands. If it is difficult to hold the handle still, the operating weight should be reduced.

Body tilt. With a strictly vertical position of the body, in addition to the muscles of the back, the press is also included in the work. By tilting the body forward by 10-15 °, it can be excluded, and the triceps, on the contrary, can be made to work more actively.

Distance to block... Having become too close to the block, you will have to lean on the handle with your body and at the same time pull your elbows back. And having become far away from the block, you will have to lean forward strongly, while overextending the lumbar spine. The distance to the block should be such that the elbows pressed against the body have a bend angle of exactly 90 °.

Note: triceps, unlike biceps, responds well to power loading. This means that it is necessary to swing triceps on simulators in a power manner and with a small (7-9) number of repetitions.

Output: doing triceps extensions correctly is not at all difficult, but there are nuances in performing the exercise that should be taken into account.

Extension options for triceps on the block

The entire previous part of the article was devoted to the most common standing block extensions. He has a huge plus over the other options - while standing, you can handle the greatest weight. But besides the classic one, there are other variations in triceps exercises on the block, and they all have their own advantages:

It is the reverse extension that develops the lateral head of the triceps brachii muscle, forming its horseshoe shape. Of course, training triceps in this way is not very convenient. In addition, the exercises that can be done in this way the cat cried:

  • Reverse grip French press
  • Narrow Reverse Grip Barbell Press
  • Reverse extension on the block

Extension of the arms on the block with a reverse grip

But doing barbell exercises in this way is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. But doing reverse grip extensions on the block is much easier and safer. Therefore, this exercise must be present in the triceps training program. Like any other exercise on the block, it can be done with both hands and one. In the latter case, the trajectory of movement will be larger, which will become an additional stress factor for the triceps muscle of the shoulder.

Note: hold a straight handle (like Kai Green), unbending the arms with a reverse grip, not everyone can do it. Therefore, you need to do this triceps exercise with a curved handle, do not hesitate to use wrist straps when working with serious weight.

Extension with a rope

Rope extensions, if you remember, are scientifically the best triceps exercise according to Bret Contreras's research. It is very popular in the audience, it is done often, but almost always wrong. In order for extensions with a rope to give results and justify their title, the arms must not only be bent downwards, but also spread to the side.

This rotation of the hand is called pronation and, as is the case with supination in biceps exercises, it allows for a peak contraction of the triceps brachii. No other exercise for the triceps allows you to shorten it so much. Extension with a rope handle is unmatched in this regard.

French bench press

The prone triceps extension is a complete replica of the French barbell press. Only as isolated as possible. The trajectory of movement in this exercise is the greatest, the muscles of the triceps (especially its long bundle) are stretched as strongly as with the barbell. If he lags behind, the French bench press is better than the rest of the options for solving the problem.

Note: the prone triceps extension has one drawback. It is quite difficult to do them yourself, since not everyone will be able to get the handle from the floor. Therefore, it is better to do this exercise in tandem with a sensible partner.

French press on the block while standing

The triceps extension from behind the head is a perfect analogue of the previous exercise. The only difference is that you can do it yourself and use more weight of the weights. It is for this reason that standing extensions have taken the second line of the charts for the best exercises for the triceps muscle of the shoulder.

Extension of arms on the block from behind the head

Note: the return from the extension can be increased even more if instead of the usual handle, you take a rope handle. So it will be more difficult to perform the exercise, the weight will have to be reduced, but the direct load on the triceps muscles will become simply prohibitive.

Extension in an incline on the block

The bent-over triceps extension will completely repeat the biomechanics of the exercise performed with a dumbbell. But at the same time it differs favorably from him. First, the muscles are constantly in tension, there are no "dead" points, it is impossible to relax them. Secondly, the load vector is not directed downward, but downward and forward, which additionally loads the triceps. Thirdly, the obligatory pause at the top point is much easier to do this than with a dumbbell.

Nobody says that the bent-over triceps extension is a mass exercise. No, this is purely a sander designed to pump your triceps at the end of your workout. And yet, one of the best exercises for increasing its relief.

Note: it seems that no matter how you unbend your arms, there is no difference. But in fact, there is, and a huge one. In each exercise, the triceps are loaded in a different way, and one of the three beams works more actively than the others. This means that with the crossover extensions, you can really improve the shape of the arms and increase their relief.

Block Triceps Workout

Output: exercises for triceps on the block are both mass-gaining and frankly formative. Depending on the goal set, each of them can be successfully used.


I hope that my story about how to swing triceps on the simulator will be useful and will help to increase not only its volume, but also improve its shape. May the strength be with you. And the mass!

Today, athletes are increasingly using sophisticated hand-strengthening machines, and blocking triceps has become a very popular activity. Triceps is the triceps muscle of the back of the arm, which connects the shoulder joint to the elbow joint, as well as to the shoulder blade. This muscle contains three bundles (or heads): lateral, medial and long. Triceps function in the body to extend the arms in the elbow joints.

The main and basic exercises for the development of this muscle, in fact, are all kinds of extension of the arms - with a straight or curved barbell, with dumbbells. However, it is possible and necessary to add to them also triceps extension on the block - exercises of this nature will help to multiply the effect of the basic ones. After all, they allow you to achieve an even higher degree of load isolation.

Pumping the triceps muscle on a block simulator, in any of its variations, is precisely an isolating exercise. This makes the lateral and medial triceps bundle work. The inner (long) beam is practically not loaded during training on the block. Unless you grab the handle with a reverse grip. But the classic technique of doing exercises on the block involves just the usual grip, from above.

After fixing one of the handles on the block and setting the desired weight, you need to take the handle with a straight grip, choosing the most comfortable hand position. The main thing is that the grip should not be wide, but at a level slightly narrower than shoulder width.

When you perform the triceps extension itself, you need to make sure that the elbows are pressed to the sides and motionless during each movement. The back should be straight. It is allowed to tilt the body forward a little, but without rounding the back and slouching the shoulders.

When performing extensions, you can keep the legs straight, or better - slightly bent at the knee joints. It is also allowed to put one leg slightly forward (i.e., so that your feet are not on the same level). Here you just need to experiment and choose the position of the legs that will be the most stable and comfortable for you.

When the arms with the handle are in the highest position, we take a breath. And by unbending our arms, on effort, we exhale. At the final lower point of extension, it makes sense to take a short (second) pause in order to feel the peak muscle contraction. Hands should be fully straightened. So that the handle touches the upper thighs.

But at the top point of the hand with the handle should not be brought to the end a little, to the very top of their state. Since the muscles there are already relaxing, and the load is removed from them. We need, for a high-quality study, to ensure a constant load throughout the exercise. All movements should be slow, rhythmic and controlled.

If you follow all these subtleties of the correct technique, you will feel that it is your triceps that are clogged, and that other muscle groups are absolutely not included in the work. With the exception of the muscles of the forearm, which play an auxiliary and supportive role in the extension on the block.

When performing triceps extensions on the upper block, you can and should use all the handles for the block trainer that are only available in your fitness room. The small changes in grip that different grip types provide will help to work the triceps from different angles.

For example, the V-shaped handle is aimed at working out the outer part of the triceps, and the straight bar puts pressure on their long heads. According to many athletes, the deepest triceps pumping is provided by the rope handle. It allows you to "reach" the deepest muscle fibers of the triceps muscle.

Whichever type of handle you choose, in any case, the classic triceps extension of the arms involves the execution of the deadlift only from the upper block. This exercise is done while standing. The legs, slightly bent at the knees, are located shoulder-width apart (or one leg is slightly extended, as if taking a half step forward, for greater stability).

Extend your arms on the block in such a way that only the elbow joint works. To do this, the elbows must be motionless, fixed in a position pressed close to the body. In no case should you turn the extensions into presses!

The classical and absolutely correct performance of this exercise does not imply any forward bending of the torso. Because the more the athlete leans forward, the more he will (willingly or not) help his triceps with the weight of his own body. And this already removes a significant part of the load from the muscle being worked out. You only need to use the strength of the triceps, and nothing else.

To change the nature of the load and just for a change, performing exercises for triceps for extension in the block, it is worth paying special attention to the rope handle. That is, in addition to extensions using metal handles, you also need to include exercises with ropes or special straps with training.

This equipment allows you to stretch your triceps more strongly. The amplitude of movements will become close to the maximum if you extend your arms not just down, but down / to the sides (spreading them to the sides at the bottom point). So it will be more difficult to perform the exercise in compliance with the technique, therefore, the weight should be chosen less.

It is important to allow the cable with a rope handle, when performing biceps extensions in the upper block, to do the greatest range of motion, remembering to “catch” a second pause in the lower position of the arms, to ensure peak muscle contraction.

It is not without reason that the variety of hand extensions with a rope handle of the upper block is considered the most effective by many experienced athletes. After all, the rope handle provides a very high-quality isolated work and an exceptionally strong contraction of the triceps, with a predominance of the load on their lateral beams.

Another highly effective tool for working the triceps in a standing block is to do a curved grip extension. The curved metal handle facilitates a partial turn of the hands: the right hand - clockwise, and the left hand - counterclockwise. In this situation, the bulk of the load falls on the outer heads of the triceps.

This exercise is also done while standing. The trunk is not necessarily held in a strictly upright position for a given triceps movement in the block. To balance the stance, you can slightly tilt the body forward. Also, to maintain the correct position of the body, you need not to change the direction of gaze: always look straight ahead.

With the correct technique for performing this exercise, the arms from shoulder to elbow are strictly perpendicular to the floor. This position does not need to be changed even when the arms are extended. This way you can achieve the best development of all the muscle fibers of the long head of the triceps. When lowering the palms turned to the sides down, a powerful contraction of the medial bundles of the triceps occurs (with an ordinary direct grip, the extension of the arms is performed by contraction of the long bundles).

Don't overdo it with weight bearing. If you overdo it with weight, then part of the load will inevitably go to other muscle groups, which will also be included in the work. And this completely deprives this triceps exercise of meaning.

Other options for extending the arms

It makes sense to try doing triceps block lifting in other ways. And not just try, but include the following exercises in your regular training program:

One-Arm Reverse Grip Triceps Extension

This exercise is more technically challenging. However, if performed correctly, it provides an opportunity to focus the load specifically on the lateral bundle of the triceps muscle. In all other exercises, this part of the triceps is completely unused. Perform reverse grip extensions immediately after classic arm extensions, ensuring maximum range of motion. Then the triceps will be worked out most harmoniously. This exercise is recommended for experienced athletes, beginners should not waste time on it yet.

This is a kind of analogue of a single arm extension with a dumbbell - a press from behind the head - while sitting. Here, too, work is being done on the bottom, not on the top block. You need to put a bench next to the block simulator-"frame", sit down to the simulator with your back, raise your hand and take it behind your head. Taking a single handle, you need to bend and unbend the arm at the elbow joint. To prevent the cable from touching your back, you will be forced to move your arm further behind your head, thereby increasing the range of motion, compared to the usual extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head.

It must be borne in mind that any pull of the upper block on the triceps is an additional exercise, not the main one; insulating, not basic. Therefore, extensions alone will clearly not be enough to properly work out the triceps muscles. The basis for the growth of strength and volume of your triceps is the French press, bench press with a narrow grip, etc. basic exercises. And, if the triceps extension in the block can be replaced with exercises with dumbbells, then nothing can replace the basic ones. They must be performed in any case.

Therefore, it makes sense to do triceps extensions in a block treasure, as in any simulator in general, as warm-ups and (or) as final-finishing in triceps training. When we set a goal to do a harder workout, then we need to better warm up and stretch the muscles, and only then do a couple of basic exercises with significant weights. And after them - give the muscles a control finishing move, for which the block "frame" is just perfect. This approach is rightly considered the most effective in modern bodybuilding, and since the days of Arnold and Franco Colombo.

A specific example of a similar triceps training program:

  • Extension of arms on the upper block with a straight or ^ -shaped handle;
  • Bench press with a narrow grip with a straight bar;
  • French Curved Bar Press;
  • Extension of the arms to the upper block with a rope handle.

All exercises are performed in three sets. The first approach is with a relatively light weight, allowing you to do 12-15 reps. The 2nd and 3rd approach - already with an impressive weight, allowing you to do cleanly (meaning, without breaking the technique) no more than 8-10 repetitions. And you can also use the block trainer-"frame" and in the case when, for example, I wanted to do an exercise with dumbbells, and in the gym all the dumbbells are busy (it happens, especially in the evening "rush hours").

A common practice is to engage in a split program, when neighboring muscle groups are worked out in one lesson. Or the opposite are antagonistic muscles. Therefore, it makes sense to train triceps together with pumping biceps or pectoral muscles.

In general, the barbell row is a relatively simple exercise that does not require any serious preparation. However, it is worth at the beginning of its implementation (in the very first approach) to listen to the reaction of your body. The fact is that the elbow joint is very susceptible to all sorts of minor, but painful injuries and sprains. In particular: never (!) Do armwrestling, especially somewhere at a party while intoxicated, without thoroughly warming up! Never jump onto the uneven bars or horizontal bar without a light warm-up.

Otherwise, you will simply not be able to do neither extension on the upper block, nor flexion on the lower block for triceps for several months. Pain in the elbow joint will interfere. So, if there are such sensations, then you do not need to overpower yourself: you should exclude the extension on the block from your program until recovery.

Pain in the wrists may also occur. Then you need to use a hand retainer, or also postpone this exercise "until better times." In any case, warm-up sessions are necessary before starting to load such a problem area as the elbow joints.

Extension of the arms on the block is very popular among women. It is used to part with the "jellied meat" - sagging under the arms. Girls do not like to work with dumbbells and a barbell, but they do it with pleasure in simulators. Therefore, among the female audience, the extension of the arms on the block is very popular.

But, the delightful exercise, each representative of the fair half performs in her own way, trying to bring her own charm, without thinking that this worsens the result.

In the isolation exercise, "arm extension on the block," one joint works. The load is directed to the triceps, which accounts for 2/3 of the total volume of the arms.

He is responsible for the appearance, and the atlas is:

  • the triceps acts as the target muscle;
  • the stabilizers are: large pectoral and broadest backs, thoracic small and round large, bottom of the trapezium, flexors of the wrists and oblique / straight abdomen;
  • stabilizers - antagonists - extensors of the spinal column.

What attracts the extension of the arms

Extension of the arms on the block helps:

  • develop the strength of the triceps;
  • target to work out (isolating) the triceps muscle;
  • to tone the arms (reduce the "jellied meat") and get relief muscles;
  • make your arms larger;
  • increase in training basic bench press characteristics.

How to do arm extension correctly

The exercise is not distinguished by a complex technique of execution, but it is not devoid of subtleties, so we will get acquainted with the technique.

Preparatory step.

  • Install the handle (inclined or straight) in the upper block.
  • Equip the simulator with weights.
  • After that, put your hands with a grip wider than your shoulders (from top to bottom on the handle).
  • Bend your knees, tilt your body forward slightly.
  • Lower the handle until the angle between the forearm and shoulder is 90 degrees.
  • The elbows are close to the body.

You have taken your starting position.


  • Bring the bar only with the force of the triceps until it touches the front of the thigh (arms in this position are fully extended).
  • Exhale and in this shortened position linger for a couple of counts, squeezing the triceps tightly.
  • Then slowly return the bar to the PI while inhaling.
  • The number of repetitions given must be mastered.

The picture version will help to conduct the training correctly:

In dynamics, the extension of the arms on the block looks like in the link:

Options for the execution of arm extension on the block

Variations along with the classics will help to work out your hands:

  • reverse grip;
  • with straight handle, V, EZ, rope.

Nuances and subtleties

  • squeeze the projectile down only with the help of the isolated work of the triceps;
  • having reached the bottom position, straighten your arms and hold the contraction for 2 seconds;
  • accompany the weight along the entire trajectory of movement slowly, without throwing;
  • the elbows are tightly pressed to the body;
  • on straightened legs, do not do the training: bend the knee joint and tilt the body forward;
  • Do the extension of the arms on the block as a finishing exercise, i.e. after basic hand training;
  • at the beginning of your sports career, work with light weights;
  • for pain in the shoulders, do not do the training;
  • the recommended number of approaches is from 3 to 5, and the repetitions are 10-15.

Productivity of arm extension on the block

Among the 8 most popular triceps exercises among athletes, the 5th place is occupied by the extension with the rope handle and the 6th - with the straight. This was confirmed by the results of an experiment conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin, led by Dr. Porcari. The first place was taken by push-ups in the triangle position with a narrow grip.

This means that we can confidently talk about the productivity of the extension of the arms on the block, which is performed at the end of the workout.

Which one to prefer: a rope or a handle

The choice depends on the final goal, since they affect the triceps in different ways. The rope helps to "break through" to the depths of the triceps, since with it there is more range of motion.

Three-headed different handles are being worked out at different angles:

  • the outer part of the triceps is worked out by the V-handle;
  • long head - straight neck.

That is, the choice depends on the lagging zone, which it was decided to tighten.

Video: Extension of arms on the block