Steam is an excellent fuel for vehicles and boilers. Combustion of hydrocarbons with water Combustion of water

Where to get free radicals? There are several sources of free radical generation: water-aerosol phase, radical ions in the form of microimpurities, electron flow from ignition systems, etc. However, their concentration in air and fuel is low. To increase the concentration of radical ions in our time, a special treatment of fuels called activation is used. Upon activation, not only the content of radical ions increases, but the properties of the liquid also change (viscosity, fluidity, surface tension, etc.). In water and hydrocarbons, new phases of matter arise, stabilized by electrostatic forces from bound charges. In this case, the concentration of free radicals can increase up to 105 times, which allows for low-temperature combustion, more complete use of fuel, a sharp decrease in the concentration of products of incomplete combustion, and an increase in the service life and efficiency of the engine. When developing technologies for producing combined activated fuel (composite fuel) based on high-molecular oil fractions (diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, etc.) and water, vortex hydrocavitation and rotary-pulsation installations were used.

The principle of operation of these activators is based on intensive mixing various kinds hydrocarbons and water molecular level due to vortex motion and cavitation. It is known that when exposed to solids in a liquid medium with powerful impulses, they not only undergo grinding, but also acquire physicochemical and technological properties that differ from those that they acquire when dispersed to the same fineness on other grinders.

One of the phenomena in which such an effect can be achieved is hydrodynamic cavitation.

Until recently, it was considered an extremely negative phenomenon, as it was accompanied by a disruption in work. hydraulic systems and erosion destruction of hydraulic equipment. However, research recent years showed that under certain conditions it is possible to cause hydrodynamic cavitation of the "stall type", in which cavitation bubbles collapse in the liquid, and not on the walls of the channels, which makes it possible to use the destructive effect of cavitation for intensive processing of liquid compositions without destroying the working parts of the equipment. Compared to cavitation created in ultrasonic devices, hydrodynamic cavitation has a number of advantages: lower unit costs, lower cost of devices, simplicity of their design and operation, and the possibility of combining with other effects.

Composite fuel (CT) - hydrocarbon fuel + water combined at the molecular level - in principle the new kind liquid fuel, which differs from hydrocarbon fuel in terms of burnup and heat transfer. In the process of combining water and hydrocarbon fuel, water becomes a kind of catalyst that improves the process of fuel combustion.

Some examples of the use of structured water.

  1. 1. in technology building materials- in production:

- emulsions and suspensions (allows you to reduce the cost by 3-4 times,

increase heat resistance up to +200ºС, increase frost resistance up to

- 20ºС, increase strength by 1.5-2 times).Economic effect per ton

concrete is ~ 35%;

- suspensions of cement and clay;

- cellular concrete;

- high-strength concrete water pipes, temperature pipes of various


  1. 2. In the oil and gas industry - upon receipt:

- oil-water and oil-water composite fuels for use in thermal power engineering;

- gasoline, diesel and kerosene composite fuels for use in internal combustion engines in air, water, automobile and other transport, which will make it possible to create multi-fuel, fundamentally new engines;

3. In the food industry - in the production of:

- new environmentally friendly milk-protein products;

- fodder yeast;

- production of juices, pastes, jellies, etc. with incompatible in nature


- bakery products;

4. In medicine and pharmacology:

- in the production of various medicines and cosmetics


  1. Environment scope:

- in the production of mini-plants and devices for the collection and processing of waste

water and liquid waste in various areas of the national economy;

NEW GENERATION "Miracle of Membranes"!!!

Infrared radiation heats up the oven faster and more completely,
even those bricks that were previously cold are heated !!!


A self-regulating amount of water is supplied to the hydrogen generator through a tube,
which, passing through a converter made of natural material, is saturated with molecular hydrogen
and together with hot air (impulses) is fed into the furnace of the furnace under smoldering coals.
The coals begin to burn brightly and give off heat, while they do not turn into ashes for a long time.

In fact, "MIRACLE MEMBRANE No. 01" is an analogue of a wax candle,
where the role of wax is played by water, and the coals of burning wood are the wick.

"MIRACLE MEMBRANE No. 01" is completely safe, since the water in the tubes is a water seal,
prevents the penetration of oxygen from the air and the formation of explosive gas.

"MIRACLE MEMBRANE No. 01" can be used in gas furnaces,
hydrogen water must be fed to an iron plate heated by a gas burner.

The power of "MIRACLE MEMBRANE No. 01" can be calculated for use in industrial furnaces.

Check out the new invention "MIRACLES MEMBRANE #02"
The principle of operation is based on the newly discovered phenomenon of water properties:
- ignition of supercooled moist air when it passes through hot coals.

In ancient Arkaim, our ancestors used moist air to melt metal.
In the furnace furnace, the temperature rose to 1500 degrees C.
To achieve such temperatures, they passed moist air from the well through the reactor and fed into the furnace furnace.

In Miracle Membrane No. 02, moist air, having passed through the reactor, is converted into "water gas" and, having passed through hot coals, ignites. This explains the saving of firewood.
It burns and gives heat "water gas", and the coals of firewood are a wick (similar to a candle).

Using our technology, you can make "Miracle Membrane No. 02" yourself and get real fuel savings of 50%
due to an increase in the combustion temperature of coals!

How to get technologies for manufacturing "MIRACLE MEMBRANE No. 01 and No. 02"?!

Send a donation through payment systems

In the amount of 1,000 rubles.

Within a day after the notification letter by E-mail: [email protected]
You will receive detailed technical documentation in manufacturing photos
at home from available materials "MIRACLE OF THE MEMBRANE No. 01 and No. 02"

The influence of adding water to the combustion zone was studied in connection with the problem of burning water-fuel suspensions - watered fuel oil and water-coal suspensions (WCS), as well as in connection with the problem of reducing the emission of nitrogen oxides. At the October 1982 at the Tokyo meeting, a number of reports presented data on the effect of fuel replacement with suspensions on the formation of NO x . When using liquid fuels in the form of water-fuel emulsions, the content of NO x in flue gases is usually reduced by 20 - 30%, and the soot content is also significantly reduced. However, when 10% water is added to fuel oil, the boiler efficiency decreases by 0.7%.

The conclusions about the effect of water or water vapor input obtained in several conducted studies can be divided into two groups. Some researchers claim that even a significant amount of water vapor does not have a significant effect on the yield of nitrogen oxides, while others, on the contrary, indicate the effectiveness of this method. So, according to some data, when water is injected into the furnace devices of boilers when coal, fuel oil and gas are burned, the decrease in the output of nitrogen oxides does not exceed 10%. When water was injected in an amount of 110% of the fuel consumption (or about 14% of the air consumption) into the peripheral part of the flame into the furnace equipped with an oil burner with a capacity of 29 Gcal/h, the content of nitrogen oxides in the combustion products decreased by only 22%.

Obviously, when steam or water is introduced behind the nitrogen oxide formation zone, it should not affect NO formation at all. If they are introduced into the air-fuel mixture, they should affect the combustion process and the formation of NO to no lesser extent than the amount of recirculating gases of the same volume and heat content.

It is known that water vapor affects the speed of flame propagation in hydrocarbon flames, therefore, they can affect the kinetics of the formation of nitrogen oxide and even when supplied to the core of the combustion zone in a small amount, they can noticeably affect the yield of oxides.

Research by P. Singh, performed on an experimental combustion chamber of a gas turbine, showed that the injection of water into the core of the liquid fuel combustion zone reduces the formation of nitrogen oxide and soot, and the addition of steam to the blast air reduces the formation of nitrogen oxide, but increases the emission of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons . With the injection of water in an amount of 50% by weight of liquid fuel (6.5% of the air consumption), it is possible to reduce the output of nitrogen oxides by 2 times, with the injection of 160% of water - by about 6 times. Injection into the furnace 80 kg. water per 1 Gcal (9% of the mass of air) burned natural gas reduces the emission of nitrogen oxides from 0.66 to 0.22 g/m³, i.е. 3 times. Thus, the introduction of steam and water, from the point of view of reducing the yield of nitrogen oxides, is promising. However, it should be borne in mind that the introduction of water or steam in an amount of more than 5 - 6% of the mass of air supplied to the burners can have negative influence on the completeness of fuel combustion and the performance of the boiler. For example, when 12% of steam (relative to air) was introduced into the gas turbine combustion chamber, the yield of carbon monoxide increased from 0.015 to 0.030%, and hydrocarbons from 0.001 to 0.0022%. It should be noted that the supply of 9–10% of steam to the boiler leads to a decrease in its efficiency by 4–5%.

The introduction of water vapor intensifies the combustion reactions and, above all, the afterburning of CO due to the additional amount of hydroxyl radical (OH):

Apparently, a slight decrease in the formation of NO when steam or water is supplied to the combustion zone can be explained by:

a) a decrease in the maximum temperature in the combustion zone;

b) a decrease in the residence time in the combustion zone due to the intensification of CO combustion according to reaction (1.9);

c) consumption of the hydroxyl radical in reaction (1.8);

The supply of steam or water to the combustion zone in order to reduce the formation of nitrogen oxides is of considerable interest to researchers, mainly due to the following circumstances:

– relatively low consumption of the medium and the absence of the need to build pipelines of large diameter;

– a positive effect not only on the reduction of nitrogen oxides, but also on the afterburning of carbon monoxide and 3,4-benzpyrene in the torch;

– the possibility of use in the combustion of solid fuels.

The injection of moisture or steam into the furnace as a means of reducing NO x emissions is simple, easy to control and low capital cost. On gas-oil boilers, it allows to reduce NO x emissions by 20-30%, but requires heat for steam generation and causes an increase in losses with exhaust gases. When burning solid fuels, the results are very insignificant. It should be noted that the effectiveness of nitrogen oxide suppression depends very much on the method of water supply to the combustion zone.

Practical implementation of NO x reduction due to steam injection

The Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy, together with the Zhabinka sugar factory, has developed and implemented an effective technical solution that provides, by supplying steam of end seals and leaks from the rods of the automatic shut-off and control valves of the TR-6-35/4 turbine to GM-50 boilers, reducing the specific consumption of standard fuel for electricity generation by 0.9% (60 tons of standard fuel per year), improvement of carbon monoxide afterburning (according to test results) by at least 40%, decrease in the concentration of nitrogen oxide emissions by 31.6%, and when distributing the entire amount of steam seals for two operating boilers at their rated load - an average of 20-21%.

In condensing type turbine plants (with controlled steam extractions and without waste), end seal steam is usually vented to seal coolers. It is possible to connect the steam suction pipeline from the stuffing box seals of the turbine to a low-potential network water heater or make-up water heater. The disadvantage of such installations is the decrease in thermal efficiency due to the displacement of the extraction steam following the seal coolers (along the condensate line) of the low-pressure regenerative heater.

In cogeneration turbine plants during their operation in normal mode and the condenser recirculation line is switched on, the heat of the seal steam is lost with the condenser cooling water.

In the thermal schemes of powerful turbine plants, a large amount of air enters the first stage of the end seal (OS) vapor cooler, which is under a small vacuum, with steam from the last chambers of the labyrinth seals. So, at a power unit with a capacity of 300 MW, more than 50% of air is sucked into it by mass, and in the second stage of the OS it already contains more than 70%. Meanwhile, it is known that when the content of air in the steam is 5% or more, the condensation of steam on the pipe surface is extremely unsatisfactory. When the steam suction pipelines from the turbine seals are connected to the boiler furnace, in addition to steam, a significant amount of air released into the atmosphere under traditional thermal schemes will be supplied to it. Such a reconstruction contributes to an increase in the efficiency of the boiler.

On turbine units with backpressure, there is no condensate heating path; accordingly, there is no OS, in which the main turbine condensate can be heated. In the absence of an additional heat consumer, such turbines operate with the release of seal steam into the atmosphere. This leads to a complete loss of both the coolant removed from the seals and the heat contained in it. Taking into account the high-potential steam from the valve stem seals, the temperature of the air mixture steam released into the atmosphere, according to experimental data, exceeds the temperature of the flue gases of the boilers by 50–150 ºС. The inclusion of such installations seems to be the most effective.

Thus, the use of a developed and tested technical solution that practically does not require additional capital costs increases the efficiency of boilers, has a positive effect on the afterburning of a mixture of carbon and benzo-a-pyrene in the flare, and reduces emissions of harmful impurities into the atmosphere.

The reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions with the flue gases of boilers at thermal power plants can also be achieved by supplying the boiler furnace (hot air box or fan suction manifold) with exhaust from deaerators (depending on the type of deaerator and the pressure in it) without reducing the efficiency of the installation.

Details Published: 04.11.2015 07:48

Stove heating in Ukraine, as they say, is experiencing a rebirth. The reasons for this phenomenon are clear without any explanation. That is why Kharkiv innovator Oleg Petrik suggested using the technologies of pulverized coal-fired thermal power plants to increase the efficiency of home stoves, and for this it is not at all necessary to have the skills of an experienced locksmith.

How can you increase the efficiency of a coal (wood) stove or solid fuel boiler without the use of additional energy resources.

The principle of operation of the technology is quite simple: water from a reservoir (steam generator) turns into steam at a high temperature (400 - 500 C) and is fed directly into the flame, acting as a kind of combustion catalyst that increases the productivity of the heating installation.

To create an rationalization system, you will need: a steam generator, which is made from improvised means (a canister or pan is suitable, preferably from of stainless steel, even an old moonshine can be used). A nipple from a car tire crashes into the container. You will also need about half a meter of oxygen hose and about one and a half meters of tube, preferably from thin-walled stainless steel with an internal diameter of 8 mm, from which the superheater is made.

Through the superheater, steam in a heated state enters through a hole in the stove onto the grate. A steam divider is mounted at the end of the tube to neutralize noise: the tube is cut by a grinder a little less than half, in increments of approximately 10 mm, 7-10 cuts are made, then the holes are wrapped with a mesh with a window of 20-30 microns made of stainless steel in two or three layers, and it is attached to the tube with a wire with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm.

The rubber tube above the stove must be raised by 20-30 centimeters (it is not raised in the presented photo). Although some cooling of the oxygen hose is provided by water vapor, this must be done for fire safety reasons.

In order to, in turn, accelerate the production of steam by the steam generator, it is necessary, when kindling firewood, to pour no more than 200 ml of water into the container, it will boil in 5-8 minutes and the device will start working at full capacity. After that, the steam generator can be completely filled with water for long-term operation of the furnace.

The performance increase is approximately 50% compared to conventional devices. Tests of the device showed that the output of the furnace to the operating mode was halved, that is, from 2 to 4 hours. This means that you will need half as much firewood for heating the stove. The completeness of fuel combustion has improved, the smoke coming out of the chimney is practically invisible, and the amount of ash has significantly decreased. In connection with the rise in the price of energy carriers, in particular natural gas, such modernization will become relevant for many homeowners.

Of course, the proposed solution requires significant improvements: it is necessary to automate the process of water supply, optimize the design itself, and so on. However, the option of an inexpensive and quick “pumping” of the furnace with elementary tools that can be found in every home will help many people save a lot, and may also become an impetus for the development of new technologies and the birth of new ideas.

In the arsenal of a craftsman from Kharkov, there is also an experimental installation with a window for burning coal or firewood in a steam atmosphere, or, as he calls it, a “hydrogen potbelly stove”

Reference. Superheated steam is widely used to improve the efficiency of turbines in thermal power plants, and has been used on steam locomotives of all types since the beginning of the last century. Moreover, projects have been developed nuclear reactors, where part of the technological channels should be used to superheat the steam before it is fed into the turbines. It is known that the use of a superheater can significantly increase the efficiency of a steam plant and reduce the wear of its components.

More recently, scientists in many countries of the world considered water as a fuel source of the future. This, of course, was about hydrogen, which was tried to be obtained from water in various ways. Experimental cars were even created, but the matter has not yet reached mass application. The prospect of switching to hydrogen fuel is, of course, very tempting. Just a dream! But in the near future it does not seem destined to come true.

But water found itself on the other, very positive side. She literally "cleans" the flame of the burner! More precisely, not water itself, but water vapor formed during its evaporation during high temperatures. From a simple layman's point of view, this seems incredible.

In our minds, water and fire are irreconcilable antagonists. And to imagine that water can support combustion, contribute to the purity of the flame and, on top of all that, increase the combustion temperature of fuel, is very difficult for many. However, there is nothing fantastic here. Everything is simply explained by the laws of physics and chemistry.

Naturally, in order to “force” water into, so to speak, union with fire, it must be included in the combustion process in a special way, with the help of special devices. And then we see the following picture: a dull, smoky flame suddenly transforms into a bright, clean torch. The soot disappears somewhere. The fire really "transforms", becomes some kind of noisy-peppy, sparkling, almost like fireworks. What are miracles, really? Was it really the water that did it?

By the way, on the Internet you can find a lot of pictures and videos demonstrating such wonders. The attitude of many of us towards such things is rather skeptical. “Well, again, some amateur magicians are fooling us,” the strict spectator grumbles incredulously. To be honest, I didn't believe it myself. Usually such an attitude to what they see is due to the fact that people demonstrating such “miracles” do not always give clear explanations for these processes. Therefore, an inexperienced user begins to suspect them of quackery. Very often, these suspicions are amplified precisely because the layman immediately begins, roughly speaking, to “sell” some kind of service, accompanying it with fantastic comments. This is where the skepticism comes from.

However, not so long ago, a similar “trick” was demonstrated to me in the laboratory of radiative heat transfer of the Institute of Thermal Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As it turned out, for many years the Institute has been conducting research in the field of combustion of liquid hydrocarbons. With the help of special burners, scientists are investigating methods of so-called sootless combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. It is clear what “gasless” means - this is when the fuel burns without soot. That is, it burns down with the sparkling torch mentioned above. This torch was just clearly demonstrated to me on a special test stand.

Focus looks like this. Imagine a small cylindrical metal burner igniting diesel fuel. You see at first the usual yellow flame with soot. Nothing remarkable - fire like fire. And then a “wonderful” transformation takes place: another cylindrical stainless steel object is inserted into the cylindrical body through which the flame exits - a steam generator filled with water and having a special nozzle for the release of superheated steam. And as soon as the torch begins to come into contact with this vapor, it instantly “transforms”: the soot is gone, the flame begins to sparkle and make noise. We take out the steam generator - and again the usual fire with soot. We insert the steam generator - the soot is gone, the flame rustled and sparkled. This is repeated several times.

What is the secret of such a "wonderful" transformation? In fact, there is no miracle. Solid laws of nature.

The bottom line lies precisely in the fact that the combustion of hydrocarbon fuel occurs here at a high concentration of superheated water vapor. When the escaping steam comes into contact with the flame, the so-called steam gasification reaction takes place. At the exit, the torch practically does not contain any soot.

On top of that, as scientists assure, the temperature rises. The water contained in the steam generator is heated by an ordinary flame, and then “flows” through the nozzle in the form of superheated steam with an outlet temperature of 400 degrees C. The measured temperature of the “clean” torch here reaches 1500 degrees! And this despite the fact that conventional diesel fuel burns in air at a temperature of 1200 degrees C. Where the extra "degrees" come from, scientists have yet to find out. The Institute of Thermal Physics is trying to find an explanation for this effect.

The question is, how does superheated steam have such a beneficial effect on the combustion process? It turns out that this is simply explained by the laws of chemistry. Have you ever wondered why the fire regulations forbid extinguishing burning oil products with water? The fact is that water, falling into a powerful flame, evaporates, overheats and, in such a “warmed up” state, reacts with carbon. At such high temperatures, the bonds in the water molecule are weakened, and carbon simply “pulls off” the oxygen element from it, entering into an oxidation reaction with it. Just the same soot is oxidized, which under normal conditions should have settled in the form of soot on the walls of the combustion chambers and chimneys. Syngas is on fire. That's the whole secret.

At the Institute of Thermal Physics, experiments are now being carried out with various designs of such burners for sootless combustion. One contains 25% water vapor, the other 30%.

Mikhail Vigriyanov, Leading Designer of the Radiation Heat Transfer Laboratory, states: “We absolutely guarantee that we have achieved complete, one might say, ideal combustion of the fuel.” Moreover, this method of burning has already been patented.

It is important that with this method of combustion, any hydrocarbon feedstock burns perfectly. Even poor quality. For example, used engine oil. From it, too, you can get a "clean" sparkling torch. Such experiments have already been carried out. The most interesting thing is that the results obtained can be applied not only to energy. Much more interesting is that this method of combustion promises a revolution in engine building. Imagine a car or a tractor with ordinary water in one tank and crude oil in the other tank. And nothing - the engine runs great, and almost does not smoke. There is something truly fantastic about this. However, scientists have no doubt that they are quite capable of doing this.

Oleg Noskov

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