26 birthday wishes. What to wish on your birthday. We wish you a birthday from the heart

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Do you know how to beautifully and meaningfully congratulate your loved ones and friends?

For many, this is a big problem! So it was with me, until I found simple rules for compiling.

Yes, yes, in order to prepare a good congratulatory text, you need to prepare.

After all, as Mark Twain said, it takes about two weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.
So, let's find out how to write a birthday greeting in your own words.

Remember that sincere wishes will bring joy to every birthday person.

So, let's look at how to make beautiful and sincere wishes.

Here are the steps to help you:

  1. First, come up with an appeal. It can be a name or touching epithets - dear, dear, respected.
  2. Now imagine this person and write on a piece of paper all the emotions and associations that he evokes. Select a group with inanimate objects, such as a flower, a painting, the sun. And in another with animated ones: a bird, a butterfly, a cat.
  3. Choose diminutive - affectionate suffixes for the selected associations.
  4. Think of different beautiful adjectives. You can use cool or youth.
  5. Select one characteristic feature of the congratulation object. Congratulations to the girl should contain compliments on her appearance.

Here's what you can say to your mom:

The dearest person in the world is my dear and always young and beautiful mother! Congratulations, my dear, happy birthday!

I wish you always feel how much I love you! I wish Siberian health for a hundred years ahead.

Let lilacs bloom in the heart all year round and spring fragrant. Stay as young and beautiful as you are now!

And here are the words for dad:

Dear daddy, on your birthday, I sincerely wish you long years, success in business and family happiness!

May joy not leave you, and on your way there will be many joyful moments. You are the best and our support and support.

I wish that health does not let you down, but every day becomes stronger and stronger.

May life bring new victories and conquered peaks.

Wishes for children

There are special wishes that can be said to a girl or boy 1 year old or more precisely to their parents.
Here are some examples:

Happy parents! This is how you should address people who have a small child in the family. Congratulations on your baby's first year! Let him grow up as a healthy, happy and inquisitive baby!

Here's another option:

I want to congratulate your beautiful and small miracle on the first year of life. I wish the baby a happy childhood, strong character, good health and wonderful friendship!

Or here:

Happy first birthday to your adorable baby! I want to wish him always a good guardian angel behind his back, a happy fate and prosperity! May God lead him only along smooth paths, may there be many wonderful and interesting things in life, and may the love of relatives and friends always accompany him!

If you want to add something - write in the comments. Subscribe to my blog updates and share useful information with your friends!

Until we meet again dear guests!

The best gift is pleasant emotions and attention. On the Internet, you can find a lot of ideas for hand made gifts for your loved ones. A jar with wishes will be a wonderful present. It is quite easy to make it with your own hands. This is a beautiful container with notes of any content. For example, they may indicate the reasons for love for a particular person, wishes, compliments, memories, or even common dreams.

Such a gift will appeal not only to the second half, but also to mother, sister, brother. It is also a wonderful surprise for the teacher. It will be important for the class teacher to know that from a pure soul a jar with wishes was made with her own hands. Write the text as a whole class. The teacher will be delighted with such attention.

Materials for manufacturing

For work you will need:

  • Beautiful glass or plastic transparent jar.
  • colored with an unusual texture.
  • Decor: rhinestones, ribbons, twine, feathers and everything that is enough for imagination.
  • Scissors.
  • Hot glue gun.

You can look for a container for a gift at home. For example, for this purpose, you can use a transparent plastic box for granulated tea or lollipops. If there is no such thing in the house, go to a hardware store or a china shop. Pretty paper and other decor can be purchased at a craft store. Now turn on your imagination. The container can be painted with acrylic paints or special contours for glass. Stick on rhinestones, feathers. As an option: wrap part of the jar and the lid with twine.

Next, cut paper strips. Their length and width will depend on what size text you want to write. There can be wishes, words of love, compliments, dreams, memories - whatever your heart desires. Roll up the paper strips. Glue a ribbon or thick thread to each scroll. The multi-colored laces look beautiful.

Wish text

Not enough imagination to come up with wishes? Perhaps these tips will help you. We offer you the most popular options:

  1. Happiness no matter what!
  2. Good health!
  3. Favorable wind!
  4. Luck.
  5. Tenderness and kindness.
  6. May all dreams and hopes come true!
  7. May your glass always be half full!
  8. Optimism!
  9. Understanding from others!
  10. Happy news.
  11. Smiles from ear to ear.
  12. Sunny mood.
  13. Discoveries!
  14. Faith in yourself!
  15. Reliable friends.
  16. Eternal youth in the soul.
  17. To turn a hobby into a job.
  18. Believe in the best, and it will surely come true.
  19. Let the house be a full bowl.
  20. Great news always!
  21. May every day bring an occasion for laughter.
  22. May there always be stability in life.
  23. Inspiration!
  24. Lots of time for creativity.
  25. Love life in all its manifestations!
  26. May love never leave your home!
  27. Will to win!
  28. Fairy tale feeling.
  29. Rainbows after the rain!
  30. Let good luck smile in the whole mouth!
  31. Many summers!
  32. Books you can't put down!
  33. Let lilacs always bloom outside the window!
  34. Birdsong!
  35. May you always have interesting dreams!
  36. Travel!
  37. Sweet sunshine!
  38. As much money as you want!
  39. Peaceful sky above.
  40. Don't lose your taste for life!
  41. Wisdom!
  42. Let the dream come true.
  43. Strength to accomplish everything.
  44. Let gardens bloom and birds sing around.
  45. Let the sea surf sing songs to you every summer.
  46. Interesting people around.
  47. Desire to study, study and study again!
  48. Learn to get up at dawn! You will gain a lot!
  49. Clear smile!
  50. Warm attitude to your person!
  51. Creativity!
  52. Drive!
  53. Never stop there!
  54. Pray!
  55. Plant flowers!
  56. Enjoy delicious food!
  57. Drink green tea!
  58. Give up bad habits!
  59. Play with animals. They absorb stress!
  60. Learn to ride a horse!
  61. Listen to the rain!
  62. Play musical instruments!
  63. Listen to the classics.
  64. Just believe!
  65. Be honest with yourself!
  66. Tell your loved ones that you love!
  67. Share with those in need!
  68. Make new friends!
  69. Swim!
  70. Sunbathe!
  71. Ride your bike!
  72. Plant a tree!
  73. Launch a kite.
  74. Climb to the top of the mountain.
  75. Learn foreign languages.
  76. Read every day, no matter how busy you are.
  77. Read books to children!
  78. Dream as much as you can!
  79. Play board games with your friends.
  80. Make your home more comfortable!
  81. Catch the fish!
  82. Skate.
  83. Be in nature often.
  84. Grill a barbecue.
  85. Learn to cook.
  86. Learn to understand wine.
  87. Go to the theatre.
  88. Play with children.
  89. Do yoga.
  90. Jump rope.
  91. Eat chocolate.
  92. Go for a walk in the forest.
  93. Collect mushrooms and strawberries!
  94. Drink hedgehog milk.
  95. Do something crazy!
  96. Love yourself!
  97. Follow your dream.
  98. Look at the stars!
  99. Walk in the rain!
  100. Smile at the world and it will love you back!

Put all the notes in a container. Tie a beautiful ribbon to the lid and hang a postcard on it. Everyone dreams of such a surprise in their hearts, because a jar with wishes was made with their own hands. 100 wishes that the hero of the occasion will find inside will touch the strings of his soul.

Freehand or template

Notes can be written by hand. There is another option: download beautiful backgrounds from the Internet and print all the pleasant things that you want to convey to your loved one or friend. You can make up your own words. Or you can use ready-made templates and just print them, and then cut them. This, of course, is worse than inventing it yourself. But if there is no imagination at all, then it is better than nothing.

Gift for newlyweds

Newlyweds can arrange two such containers. They will be pleasantly surprised that the gift was not bought in a store, but jars with wishes were made with their own hands. Photos of decor for the bride and groom can be peeped on the Internet. For example, draw two pigeons, horses, swans on the container. All of them are a symbol of marital fidelity. Inside put notes with wishes from you and your family. The second option: guests throw notes with wishes into a festively decorated container during the celebration itself.

And, of course, such a gift can be presented by the bride to the groom. Subsequently, it will become a family treasure, as a jar with wishes is made with your own hands. 100 Reasons Why I Love You is a heartfelt gift that a newly-made husband will reread in moments of joy or small quarrels.

Memories of the sea

Let's dwell on the marine style in more detail. After all, it can be used as a decoration. In addition, in such a jar you can attach a lot of shells and other gifts of Neptune that you brought from your vacation.

For decoration you will need:

  • Jar.
  • White paint (water-based paint is suitable).
  • Acrylic putty.
  • Alcohol.
  • Two types of glue: PVA and "Crystal".
  • Napkin with a pattern in a marine style.
  • Varnish for decorative works: transparent.
  • Printer paper (preferably colored).
  • Brush (synthetic).
  • Marine decor.
  • Scissors.

Manipulations are performed in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, the bank needs to be degreased. For this, alcohol or acetone is suitable. You can also use an alcohol pad.
  2. We take a napkin. Separate the upper ball with a pattern. We smear part of the container with PVA glue. We put the top layer of the napkin with the pattern inside.
  3. Let's move on to creating the effect of the seabed. To do this, we select small pebbles, shells, sand. To create a shimmery effect, you can mix it with white sparkles. Everything that is on our seabed needs to be fixed. To do this, fill all the objects with transparent varnish.
  4. In the place where the napkin is located, you need to prime the jar with white paint. Half of the container will remain transparent, the second part - white. Wait until it dries.
  5. When the paint has dried, apply a thick layer of putty on it. Until it dries, put decor on it: pebbles, shells, rhinestones.
  6. Rough large decor should be combined with the transparent part of the jar. To create a smooth transition, we use sand, small and broken shells.

A boy who dreams of sea adventures will like such a gift - a jar with wishes. With her own hands, her mother, sister, girlfriend can do it. Have each member of your family write and throw notes at her with memories of the past vacation. This container can be used as a piggy bank. It will be easier to part with money looking at seascapes, because this is a kind of visualization of a dream.

For a beloved friend

Have you been in touch for many years and know everything about each other? Do you want to surprise your beloved girlfriend with an unusual present? Now handmade is in fashion. Such a present is priceless, as a jar with wishes is made with your own hands. Your friend will love this gift. If you have been friends since childhood, you can describe joint pranks in small scrolls. Perhaps she no longer remembers them. Therefore, the present will cause her tears of tenderness.

A jar with wishes: we make a surprise for mom with our own hands!

There are no people in the world more dear and dearer than parents. On the eve of a birthday or March 8, you can prepare a unique present for your mother. In no one, even the best boutique in the world, you will find such an amazing gift, because a jar with wishes is made by hand. "100 Reasons Why I Love Mom" ​​with dad's help a kid can write. But the mother of adult children will also be moved if she receives such a present. An adult daughter can present her childhood memories associated with him in a decorative jar to her father. Such a gift is priceless. And they will keep it like a treasure.

Idea for Valentine's Day

A month before the holiday, put notes with compliments, your dreams, spicy questions into two beautiful jars. On Valentine's Day, spend a chic romantic evening reading sweet words. The sea of ​​laughter and positive is provided to you. Fold the notes back and put the jars in a prominent place. They will be the decor in the room. When you get sad or you quarrel with your soul mate, remember these cute notes. They will certainly cheer you up and help build relationships.

Graduates from teachers

Your teaching staff does not know how to congratulate your beloved students on graduation? A teacher in labor education or fine arts can easily arrange such a jar with wishes for children. Schoolchildren will be delighted with such a gift. You can keep it at home. And at the meetings of graduates, you can open the brought container, reading notes and remembering childhood.

Letter to the future

And would you be interested in receiving a letter from yourself after 10-20, or maybe thirty years? The class teacher at graduation may recommend that students write such a message. Invite yesterday's schoolchildren to give advice to themselves 25-30 years old. The honorable mission to store the container is taken on by the “cool mom”. The lid of the jar can be symbolically filled with wax and placed. It will be possible to uncork the container after 20 years at the meeting of graduates. Former classmates will have a choice: read their messages aloud or keep them as something very personal. Naturally, for letters you will have to pick up a large capacity. The best decor would be a pre-ordered sticker with a group photo of the class.

What can you wish on your birthday, except for the standard "happiness, health, long life, well-being", etc.?

    It depends on who has a birthday and who this person is to you. If nothing comes to mind, the birthday boy is probably not very dear to you. Words should come from the heart, and if this is a congratulation on duty, it’s so full of poems now, Google will tell you

    Mutual understanding, true friends, support, tears only from happiness and joy, achievement of the intended goals and fulfillment of all desires)

    Type in the search engine "Birthday Wishes". Among the poems, jokes and toasts, you can choose based on the age and degree of proximity of the addressee. I wish you a happy birthday!

    Fulfillment of cherished and secret desires!

    from the question above: "1. I wish you not to get drunk, Don't communicate with your face with a salad, Don't kiss with bartenders, And return like a cucumber, But not home, but to work, Take care of your neighbors - Feed and drink us, And receive congratulations! 2. Let you have decent cash, And life is so personal, As in the best years, You will collect tribute from all over the world, You will drink it in an instant - After all, it's us, friends came! Well, hello, happy birthday! )))."

    Yes, anything, depending on the person. If you know his innermost dream, then you can wish it to happen. This will touch, because it will show how much you know the person and how close you are with him.

    what is important to a person.

    I wish you a birthday
    selective feeding,
    courageous aspiration
    Without fear and doubt
    Let the case be full of money
    And an updated interface!
    filigree life program,
    Love and happiness under protection!

    Every person lacks quite a bit to be happy. One must desire to receive that smallest piece that is missing. someone lacks warm family relationships. Someone bright impressions, new meetings, fresh emotions. Someone longs for peace, and someone worthy of remuneration for their labors. As a result, harmony is achieved due to the many components that you may desire. Think about what you lack for complete happiness. And yet, not even for a birthday, it is important for people that you notice their human qualities and appreciate them. Don't forget to talk about it. For example, a person like you, who is able to think soberly in any situation and behave nobly... or, You, who can make a holiday out of nothing and will always support any undertaking... Worthy of a fairy tale. I wish your fairy tale came true. And you did it... and so on.

    a pipe dream to have something to strive for

You see the question that one of the users of the site asked the Universe, and the answers to it.

Either people who are very similar to you, or your complete opposites, answer.
Our project was conceived as a way of psychological development and growth, where you can ask for advice from "similar" and learn from "very different" what you do not know or have not tried.

Do you want to ask the Universe about something important to you?

However, we will not wish the birthday man happiness, happiness, and then happiness again, this is at least boring and tantamount to a situation where there will be only one dish on the festive table, no matter how tasty it is, we still want variety, we want frills!

Let's start with the fact that happiness, in the traditional sense, can be broken down into five components. In this case, your congratulations will look like this: "I wish you health, love, joy, wealth and success" . In this wish, in fact, it is laid down that everything that one person can wish another person. Agree, it is also too traditional and boring, the obligatory part of the series has been completed.

Then everything is simple and the solution suggests itself. All it takes is a little imagination to replace each of these words with more capacious phrases. It is advisable to conclude the individuality of the birthday man in these words and phrases, then it will be much more pleasant.

Here are a few examples for each of the above wishes.

Wish for health. Instead of one noun "health" you can use a number of verbs: do not get sick, do not get sick, do not cough, do not know doctors, live without pain. You can attach adjectives to a noun and wish not just health, but good health, Siberian, bearish, heroic, steel.
You can replace "health" with strength, fitness, cheerfulness, "blooming appearance", "virus resistance".
You can list all the organs and parts of the body that should be healthy. And in the end, wish what is the result of a healthy lifestyle - longevity.

Love wish. Love can be wished to the birthday man in the sense that is closest to him. Indeed, for some, love is healthy sex, for others it is, above all, a romantic relationship, for others it is a fiery passion, for someone it is family comfort. And for someone to feel love, you need a "sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfans." And the fifth, not seeing the difference between love and friendship, offer to drink "for your friends who love you so much." For someone, a good wish may be love for life, for children, or for their work. There can be any number of examples here.

Wish for joy. The common phrase "joy" can be clarified by indicating its source: "Let children, relatives, friends, neighbors please you ... TV and weather." You can jokingly clarify the size of joy: the sea, a train car, a full house, or just a huge, huge, great, immeasurable and endless.
You can simply replace the word joy with a cheerful mood, indescribable delight, heavenly pleasure and "so that angels sing in your soul." And since we strongly associate joy not with work, but with rest, we can wish for all conceivable and inconceivable ways to joyfully spend hours of leisure: “so that you finally get enough sleep” to “so that you make a round-the-world trip”, from “so that you always have, what to drink" to "so you can find time to read all the books in your own library".

Wish for wealth. The too frank word “wealth” can be replaced with a more streamlined phrase - “wealth”, “material well-being”, “cashless happiness”. At the same time, you can explain where it comes from: “so that you find a treasure!”, “so that you win the lottery! "," so that you receive a fee! "," so that they leave you an inheritance! "," so that your salary is increased! ". At the same time, you can specify what this "wealth" is embodied in: you, carpets around you, pilaf inside you and another 1000 money in the passbook!

Wish for success. Instead of "success" in general, one can wish success in something specific: in studies, in a career, in business, in sports, in creativity. Or even more concrete: at the end of a repair, at an appraisal, at a deal, at a harvest, at a quarterly report. Or you can make a toast to substitutes for the concept of "success": "for the implementation of plans", "for recognition of merit", "for inevitable victories", "for the fulfillment of desires", "so that dreams come true". Sometimes, instead of success, they wish his more playful companions: good luck and luck. But to wish for what success is usually built on - diligence, responsibility, perseverance, accuracy, diligence - is somehow not accepted.

In general, there are only five wishes, and they can only be deciphered. Or, conversely, reduce. The way rude men sometimes do it, offering a toast that incorporates all the key wishes: "To ... stand and have money." Or, as sometimes not rude, but not blessed with either fantasy or eloquence girls do: "I wish you all the very best." Or like this: "I wish you everything that you wish for yourself."

We do not want anything new, the main thing is to give the same content a different form.

As potatoes can be boiled and stewed, fries and mashed potatoes, in the form of pancakes and in the form of a casserole, and not stuffed, so wishes can be given a different shape. For example, the most common parting word "Be healthy!" can be presented in the form of a speech or a toast, it can be dressed up in the form of a legend or a riddle, you can pre-read a fable or an ode, you can sing a romance or a ditty, you can deduce it as a summary from an aphorism or anecdote. In general, there are many ways to overcome the banality of traditional congratulations and wishes.

Congratulations to family and loved ones.
An original gift idea. Chamomile with good wishes + templates for creating chamomile.

Templates for creating paper daisies:


Words for congratulations:

1. Cloudless happiness!
2. Good health!
3. Understanding and warmth!
4. Clear smile!
5. Good luck!
6. Fresh wind!
7. Glory and recognition!
8. Fantastic luck!
9. Kindness and tenderness!
10. Crystal hopes!
11. Self-confidence!
12. Great mood!
13. Warm attitude of others!
14. Great success!
15. Optimism!
16. Attention and care!
17. Fascinating life!
18. Pleasant discoveries!
19. Wonderful friends!
20. Fulfillment of desires!
21. Eternal youth!
22. Sensitivity!
23. More free time!
24. Magic dawns!
25. Great meetings!
26. Faith in good!
27. Comfort and coziness!
28. Shining sun!
29. Maximum positive!
30. Boring everyday life!
31. Interesting ideas!
32. Feelings of flight!
33. Fascinating memories!
34. Rainbow dreams!
35. Gifts+ and more!
36. Beautiful feelings!
37. Bright sensations!
38. Interesting conversations!
39. Nice people nearby!
40. Understanding and support!
41. Good luck in all your endeavors!
42. Easy attitude to life!
43. Amazing surprises!
44. Delightful sunsets!
45. Excellent news!
46. ​​Travel around the world!
47. Prosperity!
48. Homes where they love and wait!
49. Sense of humor!
50. Beautiful minutes!
51. Kind words!
52. Prosperity!
53. Disinterested friendship!
54. Inspiration!
55. Cheers!
56. Stability!
57. Creativity and creation!
58. Many reasons to have great fun!
59. Important and desired events!
60. Love of life!
61. Love!
62. Good health!
63. Fulfillment of all desires!
64. Good mood!
65. Peace of mind!
66. Prosperity in everything!
67. Prosperity!
68. Success in work!
69. The joys of life!
70. Real friends!
71. Fabulous moments!
72. Accomplishments!
73. Opportunities to relax more often!
74. Understanding your uniqueness!
75. Daring plans!
76. Great shape!
77. Active and eventful days!
78. Blooming gardens and singing birds!
79. Only happy occasions!
80. Wisdom and experience!
81. Soul beauty!
82. As much money as you want!
83. Clear skies!
84. Smiles of Fortune!
85. Light and enthusiasm!
86. Fascinating communication!
87. Good films and books!
88. Excellent health!
89. Perseverance and perseverance!
90. Desire to go forward!
91. Tender song of the surf!
92. Respect!
93. All the best - and the highest class!
94. Fireworks of emotions!
95. Cheerful and tasty feasts!
96. Priceless taste of life!
97. Caresses and cares!
98. Wide opportunities!
99. Longevity!
100. Have a wonderful holiday!