First trimester of pregnancy: what happens and how to behave. First trimester of pregnancy: everything you need to know First trimester what to do

No matter how well you prepare for pregnancy, changes in the body that begin as early as the first trimester cannot be avoided. Arm yourself with knowledge to understand what lies ahead.

What happens in the body in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Let's start with the fact that each woman's pregnancy proceeds differently. Some glow with health and vitality in the first three months, others suffer literally from everything. There are certain signs that definitely require the attention of a doctor. Below we look at the most common early pregnancy problems that most women face.


About 25% of pregnant women experience light bleeding in the first trimester. In the early stages, small "leaks" mean that the fertilized embryo has successfully established itself in the uterus and began to develop.

However, if you develop cramps or severe abdominal pain and the bleeding does not stop, seek immediate medical attention. These may be the first signs of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Breast tenderness

Hypersensitivity and swelling of the nipples is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. The body is undergoing hormonal changes, it begins to prepare the mammary glands for feeding the child. You will probably experience soreness throughout the first trimester. Buy a bra one size larger or with support. Perhaps you will have to return to lace underwear only when the baby stops breastfeeding.

Constipation and bowel problems

During pregnancy, intestinal peristalsis (muscle contractions) slows down due to an increase in the level of progesterone (a hormone responsible for the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy). Add to that the high iron content of your prenatal and vitamin supplements. This cannot be completely avoided, but it can be alleviated.

Increase your fiber intake, drink plenty of fluids, so that the intestines process food more consistently. Moderate physical activity will also help. However, if constipation is persistent, consult your doctor. Have him recommend a safe laxative to take during pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy (leukorrhea)

In the early stages, all women are haunted by leucorrhea (belly) - that is, mucous discharge from the genitals. As a rule, they are white or slightly yellowish in color. They do not pose any danger, and ordinary pads help prevent marks on underwear.

In no case do not use tampons, so as not to bring an infection into the vagina! If there is an unpleasant odor, or if the discharge changes color (yellow, greenish, black), consult a gynecologist

Severe fatigue during pregnancy

This is not surprising - your body already in the first trimester begins to work hard to support the growing fetus. . Also make sure you get enough iron so you don't become anemic.

Severe hunger or aversion to food

The old stereotype says that a pregnant woman devours everything in incredible quantities: chips with mint ice cream, pickles with cheesecake, mayonnaise in spoons, and after that a bar of chocolate ...

This is partly true - many women experience changes in taste habits. And this is one of the signals that the body gives when it reports pregnancy. But it is not pronounced for everyone.

But very often in the first trimester you can feel a complete aversion to any food - according to statistics, this is more than 50% of cases. Try to overpower yourself or eat in those moments when the attacks of disgust are not so strong. You and your baby need food!

You need to eat wholesome and healthy food while carrying a child, but sometimes you can succumb to weaknesses. The exception is cicero - an eating disorder in which a person has. If you are drawn to something like this, be sure to tell your doctor!

Frequent urination during early pregnancy

In the first trimester, the fetus is still quite small, but the uterus still expands and, as a result, begins to put pressure on the bladder, provoking constant urge to go to the toilet. Get used to it - in the second trimester you will have to run as needed even more often.

This is absolutely normal, so do not stop drinking plenty of fluids - your body needs it. However, reduce your intake of coffee and other drinks that have a diuretic effect.

Heartburn during pregnancy and its causes

In the first trimester, a woman's body begins to actively produce progesterone, which is extremely important for the normal bearing of a child. However, this same hormone relaxes smooth muscles, including the ring of muscles at the bottom of the esophagus, which keeps food and acid in the stomach. The result is frequent reflux, better known as heartburn.

To avoid it, eat small meals throughout the day and do not go to bed on an empty stomach. Avoid spicy, fatty, and acidic foods whenever possible (such as lemons, although we understand that they are hard to resist for pregnant women). For frequent heartburn attacks, use pillows and sleep in a slightly elevated position

In addition to heartburn. This can be caused by both iron preparations and certain diseases. Just in case, consult your gynecologist.

mood swings

Fatigue, hormonal changes in the first trimester provoke a real emotional rollercoaster. You will alternately be incredibly cheerful and cheerful, then depressed, then irritable, then anxious and scared. Crying in this state is absolutely normal. However, if you often experience a breakdown, depression and other negative emotions, do not withdraw into yourself and try to get support from loved ones. If not with your partner, then with friends or family members.

Nausea in the morning

Nausea is the most common symptom in the first trimester of pregnancy. According to statistics, up to 85% of women experience it, especially in the morning before breakfast.

This is again the result of hormonal changes in the body and a sign of toxicosis. The woman's body perceives the child as something alien, so it rebels. There are a number of hypotheses why pregnant women feel sick in the morning.

Every pregnant woman experiences nausea differently. Some feel just mild nausea, others don't start the day without throwing up. To soothe symptoms, try eating something non-solid but high in protein for breakfast (such as soft cheese or boiled chicken), drink water, fruit juice, ginger tea. Any food that can provoke indigestion should be avoided whenever possible.

Nausea in and of itself is not a cause for concern. But if it continues continuously, constantly increasing, it can cause dehydration and have an extremely negative impact on the nutrition of the unborn child. Seek medical attention if you cannot control vomiting or have difficulty eating

Weight gain

Pregnancy is one of the few cases in a woman's life when it is more useful to get better than to lose weight. Weight loss during pregnancy is a pathology, which means that something is going wrong. Either you are not eating well enough, or your body is under excessive stress. There may be some hidden diseases that you did not suspect before pregnancy.

But with weight gain, it is also better not to be zealous. During the first trimester, you should gain between 1.3 and 2.7 kilograms. During a routine examination, your doctor may recommend that you adjust your diet in favor of weight gain or, on the contrary, weight loss, if before that you had a lack or excess of it.

The most important rule. The fact that you feed one more person besides yourself does not mean at all that you need to eat for two. During the first trimester, you need no more than 150 additional calories per day. Try to get them from healthy foods. Your diet should always include fruits and vegetables, milk, fiber foods, lean meats and fish.

Dangers of the first trimester

The most important thing to be wary of in the first trimester is the threat of miscarriage. According to statistics, most abortions occur in the early stages.

Any of these symptoms may indicate that your pregnancy is not going according to plan and you need to see a doctor urgently so as not to lose your baby:

    Stomach ache;

    Severe and frequent bleeding;

    Dizziness, fainting and frequent headaches;

    Too fast weight gain or vice versa weight loss.

The first trimester of pregnancy carries a lot of educational and interesting things for expectant mothers, and is also very important in the development of your unborn child. It is the first trimester that gives you the realization that another life lives in you, for which you are already responsible, you listen to new sensations, notice changes in yourself and often look for information about what you need to know about this wonderful period in your life. .

In order not to burden you with medical terms, we will note the most important and useful aspects that you need to remember.


Fatigue, apathy, a constant desire to sleep are frequent companions of the first trimester. Also, many women are characterized by changes in the intestinal microflora, namely stool disorders (diarrhea or), frequent urination, swelling of the mammary glands, and frequent mood swings. During this period, try to be outdoors more often, take breaks from work, perform simple physical exercises, and set yourself up for good health. It all works, trust me.


It is in the first trimester that changes in your diet and taste preferences are characteristic. Often favorite foods become disgusting in taste, the smells of food haunt everywhere, a terrible appetite appears, and all kinds of pickles replace (or supplement) all meals. To minimize the consequences of improper or abundant nutrition - exclude heavy, fatty foods from the diet, drink plenty of fluids, lean on vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy

Ideally, it is advisable to start taking vitamins even at the stage of pregnancy planning. But, since the fact of pregnancy often becomes a surprise for a woman, the issue of taking vitamins in this case should be resolved as soon as possible. The choice of one or another vitamin-mineral complex should be entrusted to a specialist: the doctor will help determine the most suitable drug.

Vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy are essential, because they ensure the normal process of laying all the vital organs and systems of the fetus, and also determine its normal development.

Very often, expectant mothers experience a lack of B vitamins, primarily vitamin B9 (folic acid). But folic acid is actually the key to the normal formation of the fetus, it is not in vain that it is prescribed to be taken additionally both at the stage of preparation for pregnancy and at its very beginning. In addition, vitamin B9, and with it vitamins B6, the antioxidant complex of vitamins A, C, E become an element of protection against pregnancy failure. Vitamin D is needed in sufficient quantities during pregnancy, along with calcium: a deficiency of these elements in the future may manifest itself in the form of rickets in a baby or affect the loss of teeth in a mother.

Toxicosis will be discussed a little lower, but now I would like to say that one of the reasons for the development of this unpleasant condition may be a deficiency in the body of B vitamins. And therefore, it is also better to replenish their reserves even in preparation for conception, well, or already in the first trimester of pregnancy.


Another companion of the first trimester of pregnancy is. For each woman, it can manifest itself in different ways: someone suffers from it for almost all three trimesters, and for someone it goes almost unnoticed. You should not be afraid - it all depends on the hormonal background of the pregnant woman, which during this period begins to rebuild and carries new "surprises". But such changes can be experienced with the least damage to yourself and your unborn child, following simple rules: sleep should last at least 8 hours, frequent walks, doing what you love and a positive attitude - that's all the secrets.

Also, do not forget that the doctor is the best friend and adviser during the entire pregnancy, so do not neglect extra advice or just moral support!

Tests in the first trimester of pregnancy

From the moment pregnancy is determined and up to its successful completion, a woman will need constant supervision of specialists with regular studies. In order to monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus, certain tests and examinations are necessary. What tests will be needed in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Of course, blood tests: for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C. In addition, a blood test will make it possible to determine the Rh factor: if mom has a negative Rh factor, and daddy is positive, the woman will have to donate blood for antibodies every third week.

Blood will also be taken for general and biochemical tests, a general urine test will be performed (urine will need to be taken monthly to assess kidney function).

Without fail, in the early stages of pregnancy, a swab is taken from the vagina, perhaps tests for rubella, herpes and cytomegalovirus infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydial infection will be prescribed.


For the first time, a pregnant woman is sent for an ultrasound just in the first trimester of pregnancy, the optimal time for its implementation is a pregnancy of 10-12 weeks. Ultrasound can be performed both transabdominally and transvaginally (through the vagina, this method is used when it is not possible to achieve a clear image with the transabdominal method).

With the help of ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy, the number of fetuses, the exact gestational age are determined, the risk of an ectopic or missed pregnancy is excluded. Ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy is a very valuable method of examination in terms of assessing the condition of the embryo and its normal development. So, ultrasound examination allows to exclude serious malformations of the fetus, to determine the risk of chromosomal pathologies.

At the same time, by means of ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy, the functional activity of the uterus, cervix, ovaries is evaluated; the causes of vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain (if any) are determined.

Discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy

Allocations accompany a woman throughout her adult life, including during pregnancy. Moreover: during pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the discharge may increase slightly and acquire a whitish hue. But they can also be transparent, of course. The main thing is that the discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy is not accompanied by discomfort (itching or burning), does not have an unpleasant odor and has a normal consistency.

It is urgent to consult a doctor if the nature of the discharge during pregnancy changes as follows:

  • the discharge has a curdled consistency, acquires an unpleasant odor, is accompanied by itching or burning. Most likely, in such a situation, candidiasis will be diagnosed, which is also thrush. It is imperative to treat this disease, otherwise there is a high risk of transmission of the infection to the fetus and the development of pathologies in the child. In some cases, thrush is even capable of provoking a miscarriage, and therefore it is not worth “joking” with her;
  • the discharge changes "color" to greenish or thick yellow, which indicates a probable sexual infection. If the discharge "repaints" in brown, you can suspect a frozen pregnancy and the onset of rejection of the fetal egg;
  • bleeding occurs. This is probably one of the most dangerous signs indicating a high risk of miscarriage. In addition, spotting can be a sign of cervical erosion.


With the onset of pregnancy, the previously habitual lifestyle for a couple, of course, changes. The attitude and approach to such ordinary and familiar things is changing. For example, to sex. It is not at all surprising that the question of whether sex is possible in the first trimester of pregnancy and whether it will harm the fetus is of concern to the expectant mother. In the new status, a woman worries about the life growing in her, and does everything in her power to protect the baby from any dangers.

The expectant mother should immediately be reassured: sex in the first trimester of pregnancy is very much allowed, if the doctor has not voiced contraindications that exclude intimate relationships. These may be habitual miscarriage, the threat of termination of pregnancy, bloody discharge from the vagina, as well as the presence of a sexual infection in one of the parents. It is also worth being careful if a multiple pregnancy has been diagnosed, but, again, the final “verdict” regarding the possibility of making love is made by the doctor.

But, even if the doctor nevertheless “given the go-ahead” for sex in the first trimester, another problem may arise before the couple. Usually, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman feels, to put it mildly, unimportant: a sleepy and lethargic state, increased capriciousness and irritability, mood swings - all these consequences of hormonal changes somewhat “beat off” the desire for sex. Daddy should not be afraid or despair: this state will pass in the very near future. You just have to be patient a little, learn to “feel” a woman and help her cope with new sensations.

Pain in the first trimester of pregnancy

Moreover, these newest sensations are distinguished even by a certain soreness - pain in the first trimester of pregnancy, according to women who have given birth, is not at all uncommon. And the nature of the pain can be very different.

Thus, the most frequent complaints of pregnant women are abdominal pain. As a rule, small and short-term pain in the abdomen is the norm, provided that the pain occurs periodically and quickly passes. But if a woman constantly feels pulling pains in the lower abdomen, while they are accompanied by irregular (even worse - regular) spotting, a visit to the doctor should take place as soon as possible: most likely, in this case, we are talking about the threat of miscarriage. In addition, abdominal pain in early pregnancy with brown discharge may indicate an ectopic pregnancy - a pathological condition that can lead to serious consequences and which requires mandatory surgical intervention.

Pain in the first trimester of pregnancy in the mammary glands is another discomfort that a woman cannot avoid. Pain in the chest in early pregnancy is a normal situation, which is explained by the preparation of the mammary glands of women for the subsequent feeding of the child. In connection with pregnancy, the breast increases in size and becomes sore, especially in the nipples. Usually, pain disappears by the second trimester of pregnancy. But, an important point: if, during self-examination, mom notes any seals or formations in the breast, you should contact a mammologist.

Headaches may also occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. As doctors suggest, this is due to a surge of hormones and an increase in the volume of circulating blood. Headaches in the first trimester of pregnancy can intensify due to stress, poor posture, and changes in the daily routine. And also - with a decrease in sugar levels, dehydration, excessive doses of caffeine, lack of sleep. And therefore, too, the correct lifestyle, nutrition, compliance with the regime of work and rest is so important during pregnancy.

Don't worry, enjoy the magical period of your life and be happy!

Specially for- Ira Romaniy

It is widely believed that it is imperative to take vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester, because a growing child needs a lot of useful substances for full formation and development. This information has long been perceived as an unconditional truth. However, are vitamins so harmless?

A pregnant woman needs an increased intake of nutrients into the body, since the baby takes most of the trace elements and minerals. To make up for the deficiency, you need to take vitamins. It is desirable to ensure their intake from food. But it is not always possible to establish good nutrition. In this article, we will tell you which vitamins are necessary and how to choose the “right” vitamin complexes.

If we take into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the question of whether vitamins are needed for the first trimester of pregnancy can have two radically different answers. The question of the need to take multivitamin complexes is decided individually in each case, based on data on the state of health, the results of laboratory tests, as well as on the usefulness of the diet of a pregnant woman.

With insufficient intake of nutrients from the food of the expectant mother, you should enrich your daily diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products, or start using vitamin preparations.

There are such minerals and vitamins for pregnant women that absolutely everyone needs in the 1st trimester:

The rest of the vitamins should be taken only as directed by a doctor.

What is the body's need for additional vitamins during this period?

During the bearing of a child, serious changes occur in the body of a woman. The formation and growth of the fetus requires significant costs from the mother's body. To replenish resources, it is necessary to ensure the intake of nutrients from food. In the absence of adequate nutrition, it is recommended to take vitamins and mineral complexes for pregnant women in the first trimester, which will maintain the condition of the woman and take part in laying the baby's organs.

In order to understand what is the need for vitamins during the period of bearing a child, you need to remember some facts:

  1. Regardless of whether there is an intake of nutrients into the female body from the outside, the fetus will still take the amount of vitamins that it needs, using maternal reserves.
  2. The child receives trace elements not from food, but from the organs and tissues of the mother.
  3. With a lack of vitamins, it is the woman who begins to have health problems - teeth are destroyed due to a lack of calcium, fragility of blood vessels occurs with hypovitaminosis C, skin elasticity decreases if there is not enough vitamin E.

Therefore, the use of vitamins is necessary first of all for a pregnant woman, and it is desirable that they come from food.

What can't be done without

Any expectant mother who cares not only about her health, but also about the normal development of the baby, is interested in what vitamins they drink in the first trimester of pregnancy and whether they should be taken at such an early stage. Consider the best vitamins for pregnant women, which doctors advise to use after the onset of conception.


Since iodine is heavily excreted from the body during pregnancy, it should be supplied from outside. Its deficiency causes pathologies of intrauterine development of the baby. Iodine is required for the formation of the thyroid gland, and also serves as a means of preventing cretinism that occurs when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones.

Vitamin E

Thanks to the action of vitamin E, the metabolism in the body of a pregnant woman is normalized. This substance allows you to save pregnancy and reduces the likelihood, in addition, it takes part in the formation.

Doctors recommend drinking vitamin E, along with folic acid, as it is involved in the normal development of the child. At the planning stage, tocopherol allows you to regulate menstruation, and also improves the functioning of the entire reproductive system.

Vitamin A

Taking vitamin A in the first trimester of pregnancy should be strictly prescribed by a doctor, since exceeding the permissible dosage can do more harm than good. In a normal and controlled amount, vitamin A takes part in the formation of the visual analyzer, and also provides skin elasticity.

It is best to get this substance from food than from drugs, however, when using it, it is important to remember that the presence of fats is required for its absorption, since the vitamin belongs to the fat-soluble group.

Folic acid

Perhaps this is the most important vitamin that you should definitely take in the first trimester of pregnancy. B9 plays an important role in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, participates in hematopoiesis and allows for the full laying of the internal organs of the unborn baby.

Obstetrician-gynecologists advise drinking folic acid not only from the first days after conception, but also at the family stage. Moreover, vitamin B9 will be useful not only for the female body, but also for.

A lack of folic acid can lead to the following consequences:

  • difficulties with maintaining pregnancy;
  • congenital disorders;
  • mental retardation;
  • developmental pathology of the brain and spinal cord.

Vitamin C

The lack of this vitamin in the early period of bearing a child leads to a decrease in the immunity of the mother, which poses a threat to the development of the fetus. It also increases the elasticity of the vascular wall and protects it from fragility.

Vitamin D

Other vitamins

In some situations, in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to drink a course of B vitamins, as well as minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and chromium. However, such a decision should be made only by a doctor if it is necessary to strengthen the mother's body and create favorable conditions for the formation of the organ systems of the unborn baby.

Overview of the most popular vitamins

There is a list of the best vitamins for pregnant women. The choice is based on the correctness of the composition specifically for expectant mothers, as well as on the positive feedback from patients.

Popular multivitamins for pregnant women:

  1. Elevit Pronatal. The complex contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. It contains folic acid and iron in the required concentration, so you do not need to take them additionally. However, iodine is absent in the composition. Multivitamins are recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers. More about the drug
  2. Alphabet for pregnant women. The drug is presented in the form of colored tablets, the color of which depends on the content of a particular element. The complex contains vitamins, as well as iodine, iron and calcium compounds.
  3. Materna. Contains 10 vitamins. In addition to them, the drug contains folic acid and iodine in a concentration that covers the daily requirement of the body of a pregnant woman in these trace elements.
  4. Pregnacare. The complex includes 11 vitamins and 5 trace elements, including folic acid and iron. However, the iron content is not enough, so it should be taken separately, like iodine, which is not included in the composition.

It is difficult to decide on the best vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester, because the choice depends not only on the composition, the price also plays an important role. Listen to your doctor's advice and choose the remedies that he recommends to you.

What foods contain vitamins necessary for the first trimester of pregnancy

With good nutrition, you can replenish the daily intake of vitamins without the use of additional drugs.

What vitamins do foods contain:

  • vitamin A - butter, liver, egg yolk, carrots, spinach, green onions;
  • vitamin C - rose hips, cranberries, currants, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn;
  • vitamin D - chicken eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, seafood, butter;
  • vitamin E - nuts, cereals, legumes, sunflower seeds, broccoli, spinach;
  • vitamin B 1 - liver, wheat bran, oatmeal;
  • vitamin B 2 - white cabbage, peas, almonds, tomatoes, beans, veal, liver, egg yolk;
  • vitamin B 6 - bananas, pork, carrots, wheat bran, beans, cabbage;
  • vitamin B 12 - dairy products, liver, chicken eggs, greens.

Dosage and instructions

A woman should receive the following amount of vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • vitamin A - 800 mcg;
  • vitamin C - 70 mg;
  • vitamin E - 10 mg;
  • vitamin D - 10 mg;
  • vitamin K - 65 mcg;
  • vitamin B 1 - 1.5 mg;
  • riboflavin (B 2) - 1.6 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) - 2.2 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin (B 12) - 2.2 mcg;
  • folic acid - 400 mcg.

Vitamins needed in the first trimester of pregnancy should be taken according to the instructions in compliance with the recommended dose once or twice a day throughout the course.

Is there a danger in taking vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Very well , if useful substances enter the body of the expectant mother from food, since the use of multivitamin complexes at an early stage of pregnancy is not always justified, and in some cases may pose some danger. If there is a need to drink vitamins, then carefully read the composition before buying and give preference to products of well-known pharmaceutical companies, so you will reduce the likelihood of impurities of various substances in preparations.

With the onset of pregnancy, a lot of different emotions and experiences fall upon a woman. For some, this is a long-awaited event, for others - unexpected. In any case, the origin of life is a real miracle. Let's figure out how the beginning of gestation proceeds. Important moments of embryo development from conception to 13 weeks. Changes in the body, well-being, behavior of a woman. Possible risks and complications.

Specifics of the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered from the beginning of the fertilization of the egg and the formation of the zygote until the 13th week. Doctors start counting from the date of the first day of the last menstruation. The new cell is provided with a set of chromosomes that stores the genetic information of the parents. At the same moment, the gender of the unborn child is laid: the male is identified by the Y chromosome, in its absence, the female sex develops.

Then the zygote divides, while moving towards the uterus, where it joins its wall. At the site of attachment, the placenta will begin to form - an important organ that provides protective functions for the fetus. After that, the foundations of the organs are laid in the embryo. First formed:

  • neural tube;
  • heart;
  • reproductive system.

After that, the brain, face, limbs develop, fingers and toes separate. Internal organs, circulatory system, skeleton, joints are formed. From the 8th week of development, the embryo is called a fetus. By the end of the first trimester, the baby begins to move, but the mother does not feel it yet, because the baby is too small. Its weight is 7-15 grams, length - 50-60 mm.

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most important stage in the development of a new life, since the main organs and systems are laid. The life and full health of the unborn child will depend on how the fetal body is formed in this period.

Conception and the beginning of fetal development

Conception consists of the following stages:

  1. Fertilization. The moment of the fusion of the male sperm and the female egg. Lasts 1-2 days.
  2. The formation of a zygote takes 26-30 hours.
  3. Crushing takes about 3 days.
  4. Implantation of the zygote to the wall of the uterus.
  5. Embryo development.

The second and third stages are characterized by the continuous movement of the egg through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. A corpus luteum is formed in the ovary, which performs protective functions until the placenta has matured.

During ejaculation, most of the spermatozoa die in the acidic environment of the vagina, others are not able to pass the cervical mucus and only the most mobile and strong reach the goal - the egg.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus makes a huge leap in development: from a small cell it turns into a formed little man.

Changes in the body, well-being, mood of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy

Many women do not even notice that they are pregnant for the first 2-3 weeks. Meanwhile, the corpus luteum is already actively producing the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the development and preservation of the fetus. The hormone affects not only the reproductive function of a woman, but also the entire body. Namely:

  • slightly suppresses the immune system so that fetal rejection does not occur;
  • contributes to the increase and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • affects the metabolism;
  • relaxes the muscles of the intestinal tract.

The body of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy adapts to a new state. The volume of blood increases, all internal organs work in an enhanced mode. Hormonal changes also affect the well-being of the expectant mother. Most likely, you will have to experience increased fatigue, irritability, apathy, drowsiness, mood swings. A frequent companion of the onset of gestation is toxicosis. Every woman goes through it differently. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite - can be manifested both in a mild form and in a severe one, requiring hospitalization.

The first trimester is characterized by changes in food preferences: increased appetite, thirst, desire to eat dishes that have not been eaten before, combine incompatible foods, etc. The gastrointestinal tract will begin to work more slowly and malfunctioning. Diarrhea or constipation may occur.
To weaken the signs of toxicosis, you need to review the diet, walk in the fresh air, positively tune in to pregnancy

The psycho-emotional state is characterized by instability. A woman becomes more emotional, vulnerable, touchy, tearful.

Registration in the antenatal clinic: tests, examinations, specialists

Ideally, you need to register with the antenatal clinic after establishing the fact of pregnancy. If a mother appears at the appointment before 12 weeks, then she is entitled to a one-time allowance in the amount of 628.47 rubles. (since 02/01/2018). The advantages of early registration include the possibility of timely diagnosis of pregnancy, the detection of pathologies and the adoption of measures to preserve the child.

As a rule, only registration takes place in the first trimester of pregnancy. Up to 28 weeks, a woman is invited to visit a gynecologist once a month. If there were no preparatory measures for conception, then at the first appearance, the doctor prescribes examinations and visits to narrow specialists. Of the mandatory tests, you must pass:

  • general blood, urine;
  • smear from the vagina;
  • biochemistry;
  • coagulogram (for clotting);
  • blood for HIV, hepatitis B and C, PW, group, TORCH infection.

At a period of 11–14 weeks, the first ultrasound and a blood test for biochemical markers are performed. It is very important to carry out all studies on time, since a certain scheme for identifying pathologies in a particular period has been laid down. If performed earlier or later, the results of screenings will be uninformative. If necessary, a consultation with a geneticist and additional examinations. Of the required specialists you need to pass:

  • therapist;
  • dentist
  • Laura;
  • oculist.

Therapist and dentist pass the first time when registering, then in the II and III trimesters. Laura and the optometrist visit once if there are no abnormalities. In the presence of diseases, the appropriate doctor prescribes treatment. Desirable are visits to the endocrinologist, geneticist, as well as other specialized specialists for whom there are violations or complaints.

What drugs are prescribed before conception and in the first trimester

The diet of the average woman in Russia is extremely poor. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, the body needs a large supply of vitamins and nutrients. Even at the planning stage, doctors recommend taking folic acid (B9), vitamin E, A, and iodine.

Vitamin B9 protects the fetus from possible neural tube defects, E is needed for the placenta, A is needed for bone tissues and visual organs, iodine is important for the development of the thyroid gland. B vitamins help relieve the symptoms of toxicosis. If necessary, preparations of calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, etc. can be prescribed.

Best of all, useful substances are absorbed from natural products, so it is important to enrich the diet with appropriate dishes. But if the doctor considers it necessary to prescribe synthetic drugs, then you should not neglect the advice. Some foods contain too small a dose of vitamins, and it is not possible to eat the right amount.

The main dangers and risks of the first trimester

The entire first trimester of gestation is a critical period, as connections are established between the mother, placenta and fetus. Early term is a difficult, responsible and dangerous phase in development. Unhealthy diet, alcohol and tobacco abuse, medication, stress and other points can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. The main risks of the first trimester are:

  • early toxicosis;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • ectopic development of pregnancy;
  • freezing of the fetus;
  • bubble drift.

The manifestations of toxicosis in each woman occur differently, but it is observed in 50% of pregnant women. From mild nausea in the morning to vomiting about 20 times a day. If the well-being of the future mother does not suffer much, vomiting up to 3-5 times a day, then this condition is treated on an outpatient basis. In this case, a woman is recommended to have proper fractional nutrition every 2–3 hours, adjusting the daily routine (enough sleep, eliminating cases of working at night, etc.), avoiding nervous tension, and positive emotions.
Toxicosis of moderate and severe degree is fraught with dehydration of the body and requires therapy in a hospital setting.

Spontaneous termination ends 15-20% of established cases of pregnancy. If we take into account that a miscarriage often occurs at a period of 2-3 weeks, when a woman may not know about the fact of conception, then the percentage will be much higher. The main symptoms of interruption are brown or bloody discharge from the vagina of varying intensity and cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Medicine has identified the following main causes of pathology:

  • chromosomal disorders;
  • anomalies in the development of the fetus;
  • hormonal changes;
  • infections;
  • unfavorable environment and others.

An ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the development of the fetus not in the uterus, but in the tube. Pathology occurs in 2% of cases and is extremely dangerous for the health and life of the mother. An ectopic is characterized by bleeding from the genital tract of varying intensity, acute unilateral pain on the right or left of the lower abdomen. The most severe complication - rupture of the tube leads to death if surgical care is not provided in time.

Frozen pregnancy is a small percentage, because in some cases it is the cause of miscarriage. Sometimes a woman is asymptomatic for some time. The fact of fetal death is diagnosed by ultrasound, with the help of a blood test for hCG and other tests.

Cystic drift - a pathology that occurs in about 1% of women, is characterized by the fertilization of a defective egg without the presence of chromosomes. The development of the fetus does not occur, and the chorionic villi grow in the form of bubbles. It is more common in adolescence and in women after 35, 40 years. Pathology is diagnosed by ultrasound. Treatment - surgical.

Drugs to reduce the chance of early pregnancy termination

Often miscarriage is characterized by a lack of the hormone - progesterone. In modern medical practice, there are two drugs for the treatment of threatened interruption:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan.

Only a gynecologist is able to prescribe the optimal treatment regimen for abortion. Based on the individual clinical picture of gestation, the doctor may recommend the drug up to 16-22 weeks. After the IVF procedure, a medication is also prescribed until the 20th week of pregnancy. Both drugs must be taken continuously. If missed pills are allowed, spotting and miscarriage may begin. Cancellation of the drug occurs gradually. If a decrease in dosage is accompanied by spotting, then the doctor returns the previous treatment regimen.
In each case, only a gynecologist is able to determine which of the drugs Dufaston or Utrozhestan will be effective.

Between my second and third births, I miscarried at 8-9 weeks. This pregnancy was initially accompanied by a risk of miscarriage. The gynecologist prescribed Duphaston on a tablet in the morning and in the evening. I did not discuss the details of taking the drug with the doctor, so when the pills ran out, and at the same time the money, I did not take the medication for several days. The result was severe bleeding with the inability to save the child. As it turned out later, taking such drugs should not be missed a day. After that, the gynecologist forbade pregnancy for at least a year and prescribed hormonal drugs for therapeutic purposes. Unfortunately, sometimes experience comes at a high price. A year and a half later, I became pregnant again and again the threat. History repeated itself, with the exception that the appointed Duphaston was taken clearly on schedule without gaps until the 22nd week. The pregnancy ended with the birth of a healthy baby girl.

To reduce the risk of complications in early pregnancy, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Adjust your daily routine. Night sleep should be at least 8 hours. If possible, it is useful to organize a daytime rest of 1-2 hours. Introduce daily outdoor walks for at least an hour.
  2. Optimal physical activity. It is better to eliminate strength exercises, running, jumping, lifting weights, rocking the press.
  3. Remove heavy fatty, fried foods, spices, alcohol, soda and other harmful foods from the menu. Meals should be organized on the principles of balance, correctness, usefulness. Take vitamin complexes as directed by your doctor.
  4. Be especially careful during the season of colds and infections. Do not visit crowded places. Banal SARS or acute respiratory infections can unpredictably affect the course of pregnancy, up to the death of the fetus.
  5. Adhere to a stable psycho-emotional state, avoid stress. Try to experience more positive feelings, do what you love.
  6. In the sexual sphere, adhere to a reasonable approach. If the threat of interruption is diagnosed, then sexual intercourse is prohibited. In cases of a healthy pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the female genital organs during this period are very sensitive to infections and damage. When abstinence is not possible, then the nature of lovemaking should be changed to calmer ones with careful observance of the rules of hygiene.

Video: I trimester of pregnancy

The health and full life of the child depends on how a woman prepares for pregnancy and spends it at the beginning. The early period is characterized by the formation of important organs and systems. Any adverse factors can harm the unborn baby and complicate the period of pregnancy and childbirth. Timely registration in the antenatal clinic, the implementation of medical recommendations, a healthy lifestyle are the basis for joyful motherhood.

first trimester

Fetal development at 1 week of pregnancy

Of course, it is still too early to talk about the development of the fetus - there has not been a conception yet, and, most likely, the next menstruation is still going on. If conception occurs in this cycle, it will be known about it no earlier than in 3-4 weeks (and then it will already be possible to listen to the body: the first signs of pregnancy will gradually appear).
And today, one of the thousands of eggs - the one that will be fertilized - has not even left the ovary yet. In the first days of the menstrual cycle, the growth of one of the primary follicles began: at this time, on the 7th-8th day of the cycle, it is possible, if necessary, to conduct an ultrasound examination to determine whether a dominant follicle has been identified, which will burst in a few days and ovulation will occur.

Mom's condition at 1 week of pregnancy

You also need to prepare for pregnancy - and if the expectant mother has not done this yet, it's time to start. First of all, it is important to reconsider the way of life: give up bad habits - smoking, including passive, drinking alcohol. It is better to discuss the intake of any medications with your doctor - many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy. But you can start taking folic acid right now - it contributes to the proper growth and development of the embryo.

2 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 2 weeks of gestation

It will soon be clear whether conception has occurred - at the time of ovulation, the release of a mature egg from the ovary, the most active sperm cell will win its first race in life and fertilize it. The gender of the baby will be determined by the future dad - the XY sex chromosome is included in his genetic set, when combined with the chromosomes of the future mother XX, a girl will be born, XY - a boy. Of course, there is an opinion that the sex of the child can be planned in different ways, but none of them, unfortunately, has scientific confirmation. But it makes sense to visit a geneticist even before conception - at the consultation, he will analyze your family history and give recommendations about possible risks.

Mom's condition at 2 weeks pregnant

Most likely, ovulation will occur next week or at the end of this. To determine the days favorable for conception, you can measure the basal temperature - immediately after menstruation, it stays within 36.6-36.8, that is, below 37 degrees, and before ovulation it decreases by several degrees, and then rises sharply to 37-37, 2. Another way is to count according to the calendar: ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of the next menstruation.

3 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 3 weeks pregnant

At the beginning of its development, the embryo does not yet look like a person at all - it is rather a cluster of cells that can only be seen with the most powerful microscope. As a result of the fusion of the egg and sperm (it is he who determines the sex of the child), a zygote is formed - a cell from which all 100 thousand billion cells of the child's body will develop in the future. The zygote begins to split and at the same time move along the fallopian tube towards the uterus. On the third day from conception, a fertilized egg consists of 16 cells, and two days later - already from 250. On day 6-7, the fetal egg will begin to “sprout” blood vessels into the uterine mucosa to provide nutrition for the unborn child. Starting next week, all the substances necessary for growth and development, the fetus will receive from the mother.

Mom's condition at 3 weeks pregnant

The first signs of pregnancy appear: increased sensitivity or soreness of the breast, fatigue. However, it is worth remembering that the same changes in well-being often precede the onset of menstruation. In the first days after conception, the mother's body begins to produce the so-called "early pregnancy factor" (in English - EPF). This substance avoids the attack of the mother's immune system on fetal cells that have a different gene structure.

Pay attention at 3 weeks pregnant

If pregnancy is planned, at the 3rd week of the cycle, you can start taking folic acid, vitamin E and iodomarin, but it is better to make a nutrition plan with foods containing folic acid, vitamin E and iodine in the required quantities. In the event of pregnancy, the basal temperature graph by the end of the 3rd week will show a subfebrile temperature (about 37 degrees) - as in the period of ovulation. If the temperature returned to normal - most likely, conception did not occur. However, a slightly elevated basal temperature can signal not only pregnancy, but also a mild cold.

Risk factors at 3 weeks pregnant

After ovulation, especially if there is a possibility of pregnancy, you should not take an x-ray, take potent drugs (for example, antiviral, psychotropic, etc.). It is advisable to write down the names of all the medicines that the expectant mother takes - if pregnancy occurs, it makes sense to show this list to the antenatal clinic doctor at the first appointment.

4 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 4 weeks of gestation

This week, the so-called extra-embryonic organs develop: the chorion, amnion and yolk sac. They are needed in order to provide nutrition, respiration and protection of the unborn child from external influences. The embryo itself has a length of 0.36 mm (at the beginning of the week) to 1 mm (at the end), and is similar in shape to a disk consisting of three germ layers. The inner leaf (endoderm) is responsible for the formation of the lungs, liver, digestive system, pancreas. The middle layer (mesoderm) works on the development of the skeleton, muscular system, kidneys, blood vessels and heart. From the outer sheet (ectoderm) in the future, skin, hair, eyes, tooth enamel and the nervous system of the child will be created. By the end of this week, the baby's head is forming.

Mom's condition at 4 weeks pregnant

Many women at the very beginning of pregnancy have inexplicable irritability, increased fatigue, mammary glands swell, nipples become unusually sensitive. For these manifestations, the corpus luteum is responsible, which was formed in the ovary after the release of the egg from it. The yellow body actively produces progesterone, which changes the hormonal background of the expectant mother. In addition, the mother's body begins to produce a new hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is detected in the body after the implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus - first in the blood, and a little later in the woman's urine.

Pay attention to the 4th week of pregnancy

With the help of a blood test, the presence of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the mother's body can be determined already on the 10th day of pregnancy, but it is still too early to consult a doctor to confirm pregnancy. Pharmacy tests are able to determine the presence of hCG in the urine only 2-2.5 weeks after conception. Therefore, if a pharmacy test at the end of 4 weeks did not show two strips, this does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Tests may give incorrect results due to improper storage conditions or too low sensitivity of the control layer. It is worth remembering that pharmacy tests show the most accurate result in the morning, when the concentration of hCG in the urine is highest.

Risk factors at 4 weeks pregnant

Drinking alcohol and smoking are not the most useful habits of the expectant mother, but at the 3-4th week they do not affect the fetus, as it feeds and develops at the expense of its own resources. However, already now, if there is a possibility of pregnancy, it is worth giving up alcoholic beverages. You should also exclude radiographic studies and taking drugs, in the annotation of which there is a contraindication "pregnancy".

5 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Baby development at 5 weeks pregnant

The formation of the internal organs of the embryo begins: the liver, pancreas, upper respiratory tract (larynx and trachea) and heart. Highly sensitive ultrasound machines with a transvaginal sensor this week can show the dorsal string and the so-called neural tube, which will become, respectively, the spine and spinal cord of the baby. Along the neural tube, somites develop - tissue segments from which muscle tissue will subsequently arise. The yolk sac begins to produce gonoblasts - the primary germ cells, which in the future will become sperm if a boy is born, or eggs if it is a girl. The fetal egg occupies a quarter of the volume of the uterus, while the embryo itself resembles a cylinder about 2 mm long.

Mom's condition at 5 weeks pregnant

The mother's body begins to react more and more actively to pregnancy. Headaches may become more frequent, drowsiness, nausea and even vomiting may appear, and appetite may decrease. These are signs of early toxicosis of pregnancy. And their cause is hormonal changes caused by an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone. In addition, the placenta produces a special hormone - placental lactogen, it actively affects the woman's metabolism. Thus, the placenta and the fetus take over the management of the metabolism of the mother's body, and he, in turn, resists such interference, provoking toxicosis. Women with diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract experience early toxicosis more often than others.

Complications of pregnancy at 5 weeks pregnant

Normally, nausea and vomiting can be felt 2-3 times a day in the morning, most often on an empty stomach. Therefore, in order to avoid morning vomiting, it is recommended to have a snack before getting out of bed - this will reduce the urge to nausea. There are several ways to alleviate the manifestations of early toxicosis. For example, you can use physiotherapy, herbal medicine and aromatherapy. In particular, inhalation of ginger essential oil vapors (whether crushed in the palms or dissolved in boiling water during inhalation) can reduce nausea. Sometimes the therapist can offer immunocytotherapy: during this procedure, the woman is injected subcutaneously with the child's father's lymphocytes (the condition is relieved in about a day), or drug treatment. However, most often toxicosis is advised to simply “endure”. It usually goes away with the start of the second trimester, after the 12th week of pregnancy.

Diagnostic tests at 5 weeks of gestation

Many women worry about whether their pregnancy will be ectopic or not developing (“frozen”). At this time, it is still almost impossible to find out whether this is so, so it is too early to consult a doctor. It is recommended to do this at 6-7 weeks, when the diagnosis becomes more revealing, unless there are signs of any disorders - pain, spotting.

Family relationships at 5 weeks pregnant

The lifestyle of the family will now change - the future father and mother will need time to get used to their new roles. You should not attach particular importance to conflicts that may occur in the first days after receiving news of pregnancy. Often the reaction of the father of the child is not quite the one that the expectant mother dreams of. It makes sense to be patient - when the first shock passes, the man will regain the ability to constructive dialogue. Do not be upset if the father of the child behaves as if there is no pregnancy - he does not feel the changes in the body that the expectant mother feels, so one can hardly expect full empathy from him. Soon he will see how his stomach grows, feel the movements of the baby - and everything will change. It is better to give the husband time to fully realize his pending fatherhood. And to help him with this, you can calculate the approximate date of birth with him: for example, subtracting 3 months from the day the last menstruation began and adding 7 days.

6 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 6 weeks gestation

The size of the baby (from the crown to the sacrum) reaches 4-6 mm. The child is freely placed in the fetal bladder and is connected to the uterus with the help of the umbilical cord that has formed these days. During this week, the unborn child resembles a fish embryo - it has gills and a tail, which then, in the process of development, will disappear. At the 6th week of pregnancy, the heart of the embryo begins to beat. The heart rate is from 100 to 160 beats per minute, which is almost 2 times higher than in an adult. The mouth, nose and ears are already forming in the child, the rudiments of the brain, liver, pancreas, lungs and stomach are developing. The liver begins to produce blood cells, and the brain begins to control the work of the muscles and the heart.

Mom's condition at 6 weeks pregnant

Early toxicosis is gaining momentum: intolerance to certain odors appears, increased salivation. A slight tingling sensation may be felt in the chest as the mammary glands are preparing to start producing milk in 8 months. The areolas around the nipples will most likely start to darken. To improve well-being, doctors recommend changing the diet: eat more often, up to 7 times a day, but in small portions. To avoid morning sickness, the first breakfast can be arranged right in bed. Taking vitamins for pregnant women is best done at a time of day when the manifestations of toxicosis are minimal. In order to make up for the loss of fluid and salts in case of vomiting, it makes sense to eat juicy fruits and vegetables: watermelon, melon, persimmon, pears, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Doctor visit at 6 weeks pregnant

6-7 weeks is the ideal time for the first visit to the doctor. Most likely, the doctor will perform the first ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy, non-developing pregnancy, and the so-called "hydatidiform mole" (an anomaly in which there is no pregnancy, and the level of hCG is very high). Also, the doctor will determine the size of the pelvis of the future mother, make a family and obstetric history. You can prepare for a visit to the antenatal clinic. It makes sense to make a list of diseases suffered in childhood, to find out how the mother's birth went. It is also worth finding out whether there are genetic diseases or abnormalities in the family of the pregnant woman or the husband's family (hemophilia, color blindness), whether there were twins in the family. All this will help the doctor in filling out the card. Also, at 6-7 weeks, it is already possible to determine a multiple pregnancy.

Diagnostic tests at 6 weeks of gestation

During the first visit to the doctor, a blood test from a vein is prescribed. The so-called TORCH-complex will allow you to determine whether there are antibodies to toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes in the mother's blood. Rubella is most dangerous to the fetus if the infection occurred during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), so if antibodies are not found in the mother's blood, then she and all her relatives should avoid interaction with potential carriers of the infection. Carriers of the herpes virus are, according to statistics, up to 90 percent of people - the analysis will show whether herpes is currently in a latent or acute phase, or the primary infection occurred already during pregnancy. The attending physician will tell you what consequences these infections can have for the development of the child.

Risk factors at 6 weeks pregnant

An alarming signal may be a sharp cessation of the onset of toxicosis: this may indicate that the pregnancy has ceased to develop. If you have noted the development of a herpes infection (“cold” on the lips or wings of the nose), in no case should you use antiviral drugs without a doctor's prescription.

Family relationships at 6 weeks pregnant

The husband can be so “imbued” with the new state of his wife that he begins to feel the manifestations of toxicosis with her. The future father may experience headaches, weakness, fatigue and even nausea. It makes sense to switch the husband to more constructive experiences: for example, entrust him with taking care of healthy products for the expectant mother. If a cat lives in the house, the husband also needs to take care of cleaning the cat tray: until the results of the analysis for toxoplasmosis are received, it is better not to contact a potential source of infection.

Pay attention at 6 weeks pregnant

During pregnancy, you should review the diet, reduce the consumption of fried foods, as well as spicy and smoked foods. In the morning it is useful to drink non-carbonated water (to ease the manifestations of toxicosis, you can add lemon juice to it), and during the day - water, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices. The morning menu should contain as many foods containing coarse fiber as possible (for example, cereals, grain bread). It is better to eat often, but in small portions. The daily diet of the expectant mother should include dried fruits and sour-milk products (to reduce intestinal problems), cottage cheese, fish (to compensate for calcium deficiency), eggs and lean meat, fruits, fresh vegetables. Light "night" meals are allowed shortly before going to bed.

7 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 7 weeks gestation

Within 7 weeks, the child almost doubles in size - from 6 to 11-12 mm. By the end of the week, he weighs about 0.8 g. Hands and feet appeared on his arms and legs - although outwardly they still resemble flippers. Both hemispheres of the brain continue to develop. The heart is divided into two chambers and protrudes from the body. Bronchial rudiments appeared in the lungs, the intestines are actively growing, kidneys are being formed.

Mom's condition at 7 weeks pregnant

There may be cramps and even pain in the lower abdomen, as the uterus is constantly growing. Compared to the state before pregnancy, it has almost doubled in size. Blood volume and total body fluid volume also increase. This, together with increased uterine pressure on the bladder, leads to more frequent urination. Mucus in the cervix becomes thick, forming the so-called mucous plug. This cork creates a protective barrier between the external environment and the “microworld” of the embryo, and the discharge of the cork will become one of the harbingers of childbirth.

Diagnostic tests at 7 weeks of gestation

Week 7 is the optimal time for the first visit to the doctor. Most often, at the first appointment, a blood test from a vein is prescribed for infections and hormones. The so-called TORCH-complex will allow you to determine whether there are antibodies to toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes in the mother's blood. Usually, a blood test for HPV (human viral papillomatosis) is also prescribed. On ultrasound, it is already possible to determine whether the pregnancy is developing correctly. The opinions of doctors about the need for ultrasound differ: some consider it a completely safe diagnostic manipulation, others believe that the child experiences discomfort during the procedure. There is no exact answer yet, whether ultrasound causes discomfort to the unborn baby.

Doctor visit at 7 weeks pregnant

As a rule, at the first visit to a gynecologist, a pregnant woman receives referrals to a therapist (to study the general condition of the body), an otolaryngologist, a dentist (to detect and timely treat caries and foci of inflammation) and an ophthalmologist (he will give an opinion on the state of the fundus, and determine whether independent childbirth is possible or a caesarean section is indicated). It makes sense to visit these specialists at the beginning of pregnancy in order to solve possible health problems in time, or, in the case of chronic diseases, to choose an individual monitoring program from doctors.

Pay attention to the 7th week of pregnancy

There is also an alternative to the traditional female consultation: paid medical centers. They can observe the entire pregnancy from start to finish, undergo all tests and routine examinations and receive an exchange card - but only if the medical center is licensed to provide such services. The only thing that medical centers cannot provide is a birth certificate. But they are obliged to issue it in the antenatal clinic upon presentation of an exchange card. However, a birth certificate may not be needed if the birth is paid, under a VHI contract.

Risk factors at 7 weeks pregnant

The reason for an urgent visit to the doctor should be any, even light, bleeding or discharge of an unusual color or volume - they may indicate a threat of miscarriage or developmental disorders of the embryo. Drinking alcohol before 12 weeks is completely contraindicated: the state of alcoholic intoxication leads to mild hypoxia, which can disrupt the complex process of laying the most important organs of the child.

Legal issues at 7 weeks pregnant

Starting from the 7-8th week, you can inform your colleagues and superiors about your pregnancy - and thus “insure” yourself against layoffs. A pregnant woman (as well as a woman on maternity leave), according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot be fired. However, in the case of work under a contract, at the end of the contract, the employer has the right not to renew the contract, regardless of whether the employee is pregnant.

8 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 8 weeks gestation

The length of the baby from the crown to the buttocks is already 14-20 mm. The rudiments of fingers appeared on the hands and feet, the genitals are formed, bones and joints develop, salivary glands are laid. The formation of the heart is completed and its communication with large blood vessels improves. The stomach descends into the abdominal cavity and begins to "grow" with nerve elements, which will then be necessary for digestion.

Mom's condition at 8 weeks pregnant

The breast begins to grow - the same hormone progesterone is responsible for its preparation for lactation, which is becoming more and more in the mother's body every week. The glandular tissue of the breast begins to partially replace the fat. Weakness, dizziness, loss of strength are possible, some pregnant women may have problems with sleep in the 8th week. Walking in the fresh air will help improve your well-being: 10-15 minutes of a quiet walk after dinner will help you cope with insomnia.

Pay attention to the 8th week of pregnancy

Pain in the lower abdomen and in the pelvic region may increase. For pain in the buttocks, lower back or hips, the sciatic nerve responds to an increase in the size of the uterus. This pain can be relieved by lying on the opposite side, thereby reducing the pressure of the uterus on the nerve. Many women note increased salivation, nasal congestion ("rhinitis of pregnancy"), skin itching. By themselves, these manifestations of toxicosis are not dangerous, although they cause inconvenience. Better not to self-medicate. It makes sense to report these problems to the doctor, he will tell you ways to improve your well-being.

Risk factors at 8 weeks pregnant

The first trimester, and in particular up to 8 weeks, is the time when the threat of miscarriage is most likely. In case of cramping or pulling pain in the abdomen, severe back pain or bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely medical care can often prevent a miscarriage. However, it is worth remembering that often a miscarriage occurs due to serious genetic abnormalities of the fetus - a natural mechanism is triggered to prevent the birth of unviable babies.

Diagnostic tests at 8 weeks of gestation

For the first "acquaintance" with the unborn child, you can choose not only a simple, but also a three-dimensional ultrasound. In some medical centers, they not only do an ultrasound examination, but also give parents a photo of the unborn child and the first video recording with his participation. However, it is worth remembering that three-dimensional ultrasound is primarily a diagnostic procedure, you should not resort to it too often, just to look at the child. In addition, the result of such a study will not be a real photograph, but a picture created using a computer program from the control points specified by the doctor - so the reliability of the image of the child is rather arbitrary.

9 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 9 weeks gestation

The length of the baby from the crown to the buttocks is already about 22 - 30 mm, weight - about 1 gram. His heart already consists of 4 chambers (2 atria and 2 ventricles), the rudiments of milk teeth began to form, the embryonic “tail” disappeared. The brain develops intensively, the cerebellum (the part of the brain responsible for the coordination of movements) is formed. The eyes are already fully formed, but until the 27th week they will be closed for centuries. The fingers of the hands have become longer, in the near future pads form on them.

Mom's condition at 9 weeks pregnant

The uterus is constantly growing, the volume of blood and lymphatic fluid increases every day. A slight increase in weight is possible: the body begins to “store” the fats that it will need when it comes time to feed the baby with milk. Breasts can increase in size - it makes sense to buy a new support bra to reduce the load on the skin and muscles. The areolas are also enlarged, and the micro-glands on them, designed to secrete a moisturizing and antibacterial lubricant, have become more visible and prominent. The appearance of a more pronounced pattern of veins on the chest is also completely normal.

Risk factors at 9 weeks pregnant

For carrying a pregnancy, even a common gastrointestinal disorder can become dangerous. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea caused by listeriosis (poisoning caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes) can lead to fetal hypoxia or even miscarriage. Therefore, the menu of a pregnant woman should not contain unpasteurized milk, home-made cottage cheese and cheese (and other soft cheeses), uncooked meat and fish, and raw eggs. Vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed before eating.

Pay attention to the 9th week of pregnancy

Due to the fact that the baby requires more and more nutrients and fluids for its growth and comfortable existence in the uterus, the expectant mother may experience dry skin - she is now not nourished and moisturized enough. It is better to give up soap and aggressive detergents, use shower gel creams and moisturizing cleansing foams. For intimate hygiene, you can use special intimate gels with lactic acid - at the same time they will reduce the risk of thrush.

Doctor visit at 9 weeks pregnant

Until the 30th week (in the absence of complications), the doctor is visited once a month, from the 30th to the 36th week - twice a month, and then every week. Usually, a blood test and a urine test are done at each visit. According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, during pregnancy, the expectant mother will have three ultrasounds. However, even in the absence of pregnancy complications, there may be more of them: the first, for up to 12 weeks (in order to detect the presence of pregnancy and exclude ectopic pregnancy), then at 10-11 weeks, at 22 weeks, at 32 and 36 -38 weeks, closer to delivery.

first trimester

Fetal development at 10 weeks gestation

The child already weighs about 4 grams, its length is 31–42 mm. The main organs and systems of his body have already been formed, only their growth will continue. After 10 weeks, the likelihood that the baby will experience a developmental failure is very small. Now the child already looks like a man, and not like a tadpole: the tail and gill slits have finally disappeared. The baby has formed elbow joints, now he can bend and unbend his arms. Tiny nails have already appeared on the fingers and toes, the skin is covered with a light fluff. The kidneys, intestines, brain and liver begin to function, all layers of the cerebral cortex have formed, and sensitive devices can already register your baby's brain impulses. The testicles of boys at 10 weeks begin to produce the male hormone testosterone.

Mom's condition at 10 weeks pregnant

The high content of hormones continues to affect mood, periods of increased excitability or, conversely, apathy are possible. However, the first, most disturbing trimester, is coming to an end. If the doctor did not notice any abnormalities in the development of the child, it is likely that the subsequent weeks of pregnancy will bring more pleasure: after all, they will be less difficult for the expectant mother and less dangerous for the baby.

Pay attention at 10 weeks pregnant

Fitness during pregnancy is not only acceptable, but also useful. During physical exertion, even small ones, the blood is more actively saturated with oxygen, metabolism improves, and this has a positive effect on the well-being of not only the mother, but also the child. The ideal choice for a pregnant woman is walking, swimming, yoga or special sets of exercises for pregnant women.

Doctor visit at 10 weeks pregnant

Before the end of the first trimester, it makes sense to visit the doctor again. The fact is that up to 12 weeks, the size of the fetus, determined by ultrasound, allows you to determine the gestational age with high accuracy. After 12 weeks, the size of the baby is already determined by genetic predisposition and other factors - and it will be somewhat more difficult to determine the exact gestational age and the preliminary date of birth. In addition, expectant mothers who are registered with the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of age are paid a small lump sum.

first trimester

Fetal development at 11 weeks of gestation

The weight of the child is about 7 grams, he is already moving, but the mother is not yet able to feel these tremors. The neck is strengthened, the baby can already raise his head. The process of diaphragm formation may be accompanied by hiccups. The liver grows and develops, it is she who now performs all the hematopoietic functions. The blood of a child is not yet the same as the blood of an adult: it contains only red blood cells (erythrocytes). The child looks more and more proportional, although his arms are still longer than his legs.

Mom's condition at 11 weeks pregnant

By the end of the first trimester, the metabolism of the expectant mother becomes more intense by almost a quarter. Now her body needs even more nutrients than before the pregnancy, and more fluid - due to the fact that the volume of circulating blood has also increased significantly. Pregnancy hormones still affect digestion, slowing it down (causing constipation), so weight gain is still negligible. In addition, toxicosis and heartburn negatively affect appetite. Due to an excess of hormones, the gums can become more sensitive, start to bleed - the dentist will advise how to deal with this problem.

Doctor visit at 11 weeks pregnant

The first prenatal screening is usually scheduled this week. However, the mother has the right to refuse this procedure if she is sure that she will bear the child, regardless of the results of the study. However, if a woman has previously encountered problems during pregnancy (fetal malformations, non-developing pregnancy), if she is over 40 years old or if her family has had births of children with pathologies, screening should not be abandoned. But it should be remembered that it does not always give 100% accurate results: too many factors influence the condition of the mother and fetus at the time of the study. Often, despite poor screening results, perfectly healthy children are subsequently born.

Complications of pregnancy at 11 weeks pregnant

If a pregnant woman has a history of genetic abnormalities, or the birth of children with defects, if the mother's age is more than 35 years old (during the first pregnancy), and also if screening has shown an increased risk of having a child with developmental anomalies, the doctor may suggest doing a chorionic villus biopsy. The instrument is inserted into the uterus through its neck or through a micro-puncture in the abdominal region. The risk of miscarriage with such manipulations is small, about 1-2%. A biopsy of the chorionic villi, as well as a puncture of the fetal bladder (amniocentesis), allows the detection of chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome. If the analysis (it takes about a week to wait for its results) reveals serious anomalies, it is possible to have time to terminate the pregnancy before the end of the first trimester.

Diet at 11 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 12 weeks gestation

The length of the baby is 6 cm. The first trimester is ending, the most difficult and responsible for mother and child. The development of the fetus will now go a little differently. New organs are no longer formed in him, but those that have formed will grow and develop for the next 29 weeks. The baby has the first reflexes: he can close his eyes, open his mouth, move his fingers in response to external stimuli. The child's skeleton, which consists mainly of cartilage, is now actively forming bone substance. The small intestine is already able to contract.

Mom's condition at 12 weeks pregnant

The uterus has become too big to fit in the hip bones - so it protrudes slightly above the pubic joint. It can be felt by passing your hand 10-12 cm below the navel. Starting from this week, the uterus begins to actively grow upward, filling the hip area first, and then the abdominal area.

Complications of pregnancy at 12 weeks pregnant

Headaches may become more frequent. The simplest ways will help to improve well-being - for example, resting in a cool dark room, lying on your back (legs can be put on a raised platform). Hot and cold compresses applied alternately in the area of ​​pain localization also help. With a tendency to migraines for all 9 months, it is better to completely exclude cheese, coffee, chocolate and red wine from the diet. Often the cause of a headache is hunger - it is important to eat on time, without long breaks. During this period of pregnancy, heartburn often increases, this is the result of the work of progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on the partition between the esophagus and stomach. If you lie down during an attack of heartburn, placing a pillow under your head and back, the discomfort can be slightly weakened.

Risk factors at 12 weeks pregnant

In pregnant women, urinary tract infections are quite common. If urination is difficult or accompanied by pain and bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. Cystitis and pyelonephritis are diseases that need to be treated in a timely manner. You should keep the kidney area warm, as well as go to the toilet on time, immediately after the first urge to urinate - this will minimize the risk of disease.

Pregnancy Calendar

  • first trimester, weeks 1 to 12
  • , week 13 to 28
  • , week 29 to 42