Artek diamond squad 1989 March April. "Artek", camp. Children's camp "Artek". Crimea, children's camp "Artek". Additional services of the camp "Artek"

Near the coast of the Black Sea. Every year, tens of thousands of children from various cities not only in our country, but all over the world come to Artek.


The children's camp is located in the southern part of Crimea, near the village of Gurzuf. The nature in this place is truly wonderful and amazing. Almost 50% of the entire territory of the center is occupied by numerous green spaces. Artek has very beautiful squares and parks. The coastline stretches for eight kilometers from the center to the village of Gurzuf.

Situated children's camp in a great location. It is protected from strong sea storms by rock capes that form beautiful bays, and from piercing winds - mountain ranges. During the warm season of the year, the whole air is filled with the marvelous aroma of flowering plants and fragrant roses. The wonderful climate makes the rest in Artek amazing and memorable for a long time!


The idea of ​​arranging the pioneer camp "Artek" appeared in 1924. The initiator of the creation of an anti-tuberculosis health resort on the territory of the Crimean peninsula was Zinovy ​​Solovyov, chairman of the Russian branch of the Red Cross.

Already in June 1925, the first detachments of the pioneer camp appeared. Young vacationers were placed in four tents, which were made from a simple tarpaulin. Only a few years later, the first houses made of plywood boards were placed on the coast.

In the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War the children's center was moved to Stalingrad, and then - near Moscow. In the post-war period, its gradual reconstruction and restoration began. By the sixties, the infrastructure of Artek already included numerous sports grounds, swimming pools, and a real cinema. The medical service consisted of three huge buildings in which Soviet doctors provided qualified treatment to children.

A ticket to Artek was free in Soviet times, and getting it was considered a real success in those days. They were issued only to the children of party workers, as well as to children who studied very well or showed high achievements in sports events.

Children from more than 20 different countries came to the year-round camp to have a great rest and improve their health during the summer holidays.

In the years when Crimea belonged to Ukraine, insufficient money was allocated for the development of a children's camp. Only after the well-known events, in 2014, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, a whole program was developed to restore and develop the children's camp. During various conferences and meetings, it was decided to add educational standards to the activities of Artek.

Since 2015, free vouchers have been renewed. They, as in Soviet times, are usually issued only to children who show high achievements in education and sports. A whole strategy of the center until 2020 has also been developed. According to this document, it is planned to increase funding for Artek, as well as improve the infrastructure of the center and attract kids from other countries.


"Artek" consists of several separate camps. This structure has been preserved since 1930 without major changes. The complex includes several camps: "Mountain", "Marine", "Coastal", "Azure", "Cypress".

Each separate camp includes 2-3 detachments or squads. For example, in the "Coastal": 4 squads. These are "Forest", "River", "Field" and "Lake". This structure allows you to place all the kids in an orderly manner and in compliance with age criteria.

Each year, the organization of units in Artek may change, however basic principle is kept unchanged. This allows more than 30,000 children to have a rest every year. Toddlers are accommodated in rooms designed to accommodate 3-6 people. All rooms are equipped with bathrooms and well equipped with all necessary furniture.


Mount Ayu-Dag or "Bear Mountain" is visible from the residential buildings of the children's center. It is a real monument of nature not only for campers, but for all residents of the Crimea. Mount Ayu-dag reliably protects campers from possible strong winds. It is directly connected with the life of "Artek": the guys visit this mountain during hikes and excursions, night gatherings around the fire on the mountain slopes are arranged here.

Children who come to rest in the camp are initiated into "Artek" on Mount Ayu-Dag. This wonderful tradition has been preserved since Soviet times.

Another real monument of nature, which is located near the "Artek", are the rocks of Adalara. Sometimes they are even considered symbols of the Crimean peninsula. There are several traditions in the children's center. Usually children, together with teachers, make real sea voyages to Adalary. At the end of the shift, a joint photo is traditionally taken.

"Shalyapinskaya" mountain is another of the sights of the center. Its cape protrudes strongly into the sea, and the slopes stand out picturesquely against the background of the waves. This natural object was named after the famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin many years ago.

On the territory where the children's camp is located, there are many underground springs. Many years ago, numerous communal collectors were laid there, which help to collect water and divert it to the sea.

It is also very important to say how many beautiful parks there are on the territory of Artek. Every year, professional florists and craftsmen work on their creation. Various flowering plants are used to create the ensemble: various magnolias, roses, cedars, larches and many others, there is a real olive grove.

About what they did to Artek in a year.

I am providing the article as is.

Lots of photos.

You can talk a lot about how budgets are “sawed” in Russia, but I propose to look at the example of Artek as the best proof of how they really turn a fairy tale into reality in Russia. When viewing, remember that the reconstruction began at the end of last summer.

The previous photo shows a 3D project, and here is the completed project (for the anniversary of Artek on June 16, the scaffolding will be removed):

This giant screen has an area of ​​120 square meters. The design consists of 200,000 LED elements connected by a single control that allows you to display any image. The media facade can work as a full-fledged screen and you can display any image, video or full-fledged movie on it, including live broadcasts. The screen mounted in Artek has no analogues in Russia yet, since it will transmit a picture of increased brightness both at night and during the day. At the same time, the system includes an anti-vandal coating and a light sensor - at night, the brightness of the inscription will be reduced so as not to blind drivers.

Before us is a sports complex, a huge screen above the entrance

This is the dining room, we will go to it later

Children go to dinner

Each camp has its own logo.

Technology, or rather nanotechnology in Artek, has been changed everywhere

Let's go to the pool

This is a dressing room, everything is done on 5

And here is the pool, it's just mega cool

For small children there are inflatable bathing equipment

But older children swim for a while in a nearby pool

These are showers

You can see for yourself that everything is made of very quality materials, only there is still not enough gold, and everything is there

But the gym, the parquet is so shiny that the photos light up. The gym is just Olympic level.

The entire sports complex has an air conditioning system, in the gym alone there are 16 huge air conditioners.

This is the building of the Yantarny camp, we will go there later, and now we are going to the dining room, to be honest, the language does not turn to call it a dining room.

And here is the dining restaurant for children. I remember this building is completely different, we also went to eat in this dining room and it looked, to put it mildly, not very beautiful (remember Soviet double-glazed windows)

Here is a detachment from our brotherly Belarus, there were also guys from Kazakhstan, everything is correct, the camp is international.

Children from the Khrustalny camp eat here, each camp has its own canteen

But the dining room of the Yantarny camp, everyone has a different interior

Meals for children in the canteens of the children's camps of the FGBU "ICC "Artek" are carried out according to the "buffet" type. The children's menu consists of three complexes to choose from. The proposed complexes are developed taking into account the requirements of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of work of stationary organizations for recreation and recreation of children", SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, primary and secondary institutions vocational education» and other sanitary and hygienic norms and rules established by the current legislation. Meals in Artek are complex, five times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, 2nd dinner) with strict observance of the time between meals (no more than 4 hours). V school days lunch is delivered to the school.

Form in "Artek" from Bosco

The menu is displayed on LCD screens above the dispensing line

Regarding the quality of the repair, I think that you can see everything yourself, well, for example, this transfer table is completely made of artificial stone

The kids are all positive. By the way, they asked the children for what merits they got here and there really are no “thieves”, all for achievements either in sports or in some other disciplines. In general, the future of Russia is resting in Artek

The furniture is super, we tried it ourselves

Washstands, as you can see everything on highest level

Dryers, honestly the first time I saw such

These are the canteens at the Khrustalny and Yantarny camps

We go to the camp "Marine"

Each building has these air conditioning systems.

Came to the camp "Marine"

We go to the first residential building that comes across

6 people live in a room, each child has an individual locker

There is also a toilet in the room.

And shower

This is the bedroom

This is the view from the bedroom window

There is an olive grove in the Morskoy camp

The kids go to lunch

Toilet in the dining room "Marine"

People with disabilities have not been forgotten at Artek, which made me very happy

Freshly squeezed juices for children

Everyone's faces are happy, you can't hide it

Clean and tidy, nice to look at

Whoever says that this is a dining room, let him throw a stone at me. In fact, we don't have many restaurants like this. Of course it's cool, a dining room with such a view.

And this is what the dining room looks like from the outside

Each camp has service electric vehicles that can be used to move inside Artek

And here is the amphitheater

All kinds of events are held on this site, and it also serves for physical exercises.

Now we are going to the camp "Amber"

What pleasantly surprised me was that 6 people live in the rooms, and not, as before, the whole detachment

The furniture and the interior itself are simply at the highest level, and it’s clear from the faces of the guys that they like everything

The girls have the same room

And here is my "Crystal". It is simply unrecognizable, it is now like a 5 star hotel

Let's not go inside quiet time, there is also cool as in "Amber"

And here is the famous Artek school. Children jokingly call her "Hogwarts"


The Artek Central Stadium is probably the only thing that Ukraine, represented by Yanukovych, has repaired and the stadium is still very good. It was made as a reserve for matches in Euro 2012

"Azure" keeps, let's say, aloof from everyone else, it has an interesting history. The Adalara rocks - a natural monument and a visiting card of the Crimea - are located in the sea opposite the Lazurny camp. In the famous painting by Aivazovsky "Pushkin in the Crimea near the Gurzuf rocks" (1899), the poet is depicted on a rock (now Pushkinskaya) in "Azure". The painting is stored in the Odessa Art Museum. Pushkin's grotto "Azure" is depicted in a drawing by the Italian artist Carlo Bossoli, included in a unique album of lithographs about the Crimea, published in London in 1856. Until 1954, only girls rested in the Lazurny camp. One of the mysterious places of "Artek" is in "Azure". This is the crypt of the former owners of the Suuk-Su resort, the Berezins, built according to the project of N. Krasnov.

Glade of fairy tales - a well-known sightseeing object of Yalta - until the 60s was in the "Azure". In 1985, in Lazurny, students of the Ufa Institute began the construction of the fabulous town "Pushkin's Path" and completed it in 1988.

The first building "Red Dacha"

A new sports ground with modern exercise equipment was built in Lazurny

The platform is covered with a special coating

We go to the dining room of the palace of the camp "Azure"

"Palekh painting" is being restored on the first floor of the dining room. Made in 1984 based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, to the 185th anniversary of the poet's birth. The authors of the project and the painters are graduate students of the Palekh School. Palekh painting is a type of Russian folk miniature painting made with tempera paints.

Like an expensive restaurant

Again a distributing table made of artificial stone

Honestly, I am under the shocking impressions of everything I saw, it feels like I got into another world. I have never seen such a level anywhere in Crimea, and when you realize that this is all done by the state, you understand what a powerful country we live in.

The dream to get to Artek again, as in the union, returns and all children will dream of getting into such an "Artek". I hope my son gets a chance to become an Artek citizen.

I would also like to note that the employees sincerely praise the General Director of the ICC "Artek" Alexei Anatolyevich Kasprzhak and everything that is best now happening in "Artek" in the opinion of the employees, this is a direct merit of the General Director, this is not PR, this is what they say about him ordinary workers "Artek".

This is also a dining room.

Also in the camp "Lazurny" there is a creative "monument to sausage"

So the trip to the children's camp "Artek" ended. I showed you only the "tip of the iceberg" since it is impossible to go around the entire territory of "Artek" in a day and devote time to each object. I showed you only what Russia did in less than a year, it seemed impossible, but as you yourself saw, everything is possible. And yet, the program for the reconstruction of Artek has been laid down until 2020, but I can’t imagine what will happen by 2020.

I express my deep gratitude to the staff of "Artek", who helped me in my journey through the camp. I express special gratitude to our guide on "Artek" Aleksandrov Igor Vladimirovich. I used the technical and historical information from the official website of the Artek International Children's Center. Thank you for not wasting your time, I hope you enjoyed your trip to Artek.

P.S. For comparison

During the time of Ukraine, some buildings were brought to such a deplorable state:

Much had to be built literally from scratch:

22 July.We got up early as always. Went for exercise, breakfast. After breakfast we went swimming, and then we were free. Valentina Vasilievna told us about Artek.
Artek is the All-Union Pioneer Camp. V.I. Lenin. It consists of five camps and eight squads. Each squad has several squads. The buildings of the "Mountain" camp are located near the Bear Mountain. There are three squads in "Gorny": "Crystal", "Diamond" and "Amber". Corps "Mountain" large - one corps for the entire squad. Behind the "Mountain" in the direction of Adalar is the "Sea" camp. It has only one squad. It's called "Marine". Corps in "Marine" are small detachment corps. Behind the "Sea" camp is our "Coastal". There are four squads in the Coastal: Forest, Field, River and Lake. Corps in the "Coastal" medium: three detachments in the corps. Behind the "Coastal" is "Azure". It has one squad. Behind the "Azure" is the "Cypress", in which there is also one squad. They are named like this: "Azure" and "Cypress" squads. These two camps are located outside Adalars.

After an afternoon snack, we repeated a little the songs and dances that we had already learned. After all, today after dinner extras.
Here is the dinner. All at once, without entering the building, they rush to Kostrovaya.
It's already full of guys. The orchestra is playing. Little by little everything starts to move. And now there is not a single person who would stand. Everyone, literally everyone is dancing. If someone does not know something, look at the one who knows. Thus, in addition to what we knew, we learned: "Khali-gali Artek", "Romanian Shayk", "Hava-nagila", "Sirtaki", "Kolomeyka", "Duck". And, of course, those who already knew danced.
It was a lot of fun, the two hours allotted for extras flew by so quickly. At the end, they sang a few songs that everyone had already learned. And in parting, the counselors sang the song “Sleep, sleep, sleep, dear Artek” to us. Tomorrow we have to write down the words. This is how the day ended.

Khali-gali Artek is a bit similar in my opinion, as far as I remember

And this is Kolomeika

Somehow they danced Utushka

And this is Sirtaki

Today, at the morning detachment line, we were informed that a delegation from the GDR would arrive. And immediately, after breakfast, we began to prepare for this meeting.
Before breakfast everything was as usual. We got up, went to exercise, and then made our beds and washed. But after breakfast, everyone immediately went to the solarium. We set up a meeting there.
This delegation will be with us in just one and a half hours. And during this time we decided to show Artek, tell everything that we know ourselves, and then bring them to the solarium and arrange a small concert.
But for this, we decided that we would not lead the entire detachment of their entire group, but would break into small groups, and each group would introduce one foreigner to Artek. On this they decided.
Now we are getting ready for the concert. All songs and dances were repeated. So time passed quickly, and dinner came.
From the absolute we got up half an hour earlier, got dressed and went to meet them.
The bus came fifteen minutes later. We, as agreed, surrounded each foreigner with attention, and went to introduce them to Artek.
I went with Nina Shverova. She and I picked up an old German woman and took her to meet Artek. To our disappointment, she did not speak a word of Russian. True, Nina knows a little German, and we talked at least a little with her. She admired beauty.
Since almost all Germans did not know Russian, everyone very soon gathered at the solarium. There we sang and danced for them, but we did not have time to show everything, because they were in a hurry. Soon we went to see them off.
At the buses, we said goodbye for a long time. They said through the translator that they really liked Artek and their owners.
When we returned, we saw that a group of people was sitting near the dining room. It turned out that they were tourists from Hungary. They came to look at Artek, but no one knew about their arrival and therefore they were not prepared to meet.
We took them around Artek for a while, showed them the most beautiful places, told the legend of Bear Mountain.
Here's where you can turn around! They spoke excellent Russian. Even without an accent. True, not everyone, but those who did not know, joined those who knew, and they translated for them. So we carried them out. They were very pleased to be welcomed.
We returned to the camp when everyone had already had lunch, who met other delegations, we were the very last. And after dinner, which was almost immediately after lunch (after all, we were delayed), there was a fire dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the Leninist Komsomol.
The fire was very interesting. There they read stories, poems, told very interesting stories. After each story or poem, we sang war songs. It was very cool.
A fire is burning, and around such serious, thoughtful faces of the guys. All some quiet ones returned from this fire, under the impression of all the stories and poems told. It was even uncomfortable to break this silence. Only occasionally were voices heard. In the building we were warned that everyone immediately went to bed, since tomorrow we were going to Sevastopol.

They woke us up at five o'clock. We quickly packed up, had breakfast and went to the buses.
It takes more than three hours to go to Sevastopol, someone even said that it was 5 hours. On the bus we sang, admired the surrounding nature. The road was long. But here we are.
We walked to the monument on Sapun Mountain. There we had a solemn line, at which we honored the memory of the fallen heroes of the war. There we saw an eternal flame.
From there we went back to the bus and drove to Malakhov Kurgan. There we examined the outside of the fortress, on which the eternal flame burns. Then we examined the diorama.
A diorama is a picture that covers only some part of the battlefield. This diorama featured famous battle on Sapun Mountain during the Great Patriotic War. The impression of this diorama is amazing: everything is as if alive. Actually, and how it was created, is very interesting. Nearby objects are real, for example, a bunker. And distant - a picture. But what a transition! Not even noticeable.
Then we went to Malakhov Kurgan to inspect the panorama. Unlike a diorama, a panorama covers the entire battlefield. The same panorama was created in such a way that you look at it and it seems that you are not standing on the top of the Malakhov Kurgan.
But before entering the hall, we examined Malakhov Kurgan itself. There is even a real bunker. I saw him for the first time, before that I only had a vague idea of ​​​​bunkers.
When we entered the hall, we were amazed. Panorama made in a circle. Basically, of course, it is made as a diorama, but everyone liked it more.
I was surprised that it was two stories high. On the top floor, on the platform, we were told about the creation itself, about what is depicted in the panorama, and then we went down to the lower floor. There are made such windows that when you look, it seems that these are separate paintings.
The panorama depicts a battle during Crimean War. As I already said, it is made like a diorama: near objects, which is possible, are real, and distant ones are a picture. But about neighbors. Even the man there is made like a real one: he, apparently, is made of wax. This man was a dead warrior.
After the panorama, we examined several Sevastopol monuments. We examined the alley where trees were planted by famous people. They also saw a tree planted by Yu.A. Gagarin.
After that we went to the Museum of Naval Glory. There we saw a lot of interesting things. Uniforms of soldiers from different times, the flag with which Nakhimov was covered, various medals, models of ships and various vessels.
Most of all, everyone liked the layout of the legendary cruiser Aurora. Everything is so well done: every log, every thread. Beauty!
Then we went to the Volna restaurant, and after dinner we went to the aquarium.
Next to the "Wave" right in the sea is the Sevastopol monument to sunken ships.
When we entered the aquarium, a swimming pool with seals immediately caught our eye. There were two in total. They lay and at times lazily turned over. A very interesting sight!
Around this pool are aquariums with a wide variety of fish. There is another room in which there are two aquariums with huge turtles and large cabinets with dried and preserved sea animals.
After inspecting the aquarium, we looked at the picture "Legendary Sevastopol" and drove home. On the way, they arranged a competition: who will re-sing whom. Of course we won. We are girls, and we competed with the guys. We arrived for dinner.
And after dinner there was a movie "Confession". This is a religious film. Very interesting. But the end is tragic, so they returned sad. As soon as they lay down, they immediately fell asleep.

Today we have a shower. We did not go to the exercises, because we went to the shower early, and we had to prepare.
Bought in the soul wonderfully. Came out so clean and fresh. It was felt with the whole body, with the whole soul. As if the sun became brighter and the sky became wider. We all came back happy and happy.
For the most part, we didn't do anything special, but after dinner we had something interesting to do: we were preparing for the forum.
In fact, the forum promised to be interesting. We were preparing the part intended for our camp. I participated in the flag procession.
In general, it should look very nice. It means this: pioneers with the most diverse flags of the whole world are marching across our vast square, rebuilding, now stretching across the entire site, now grouping in the center. Then, after stretching out in two rows, we stood diagonally from the screen on the square to its edges, several detachments of our own camp ran into the center and stood up, taking the form of a festival daisy. It was supposed to be very beautiful, but it was necessary to rehearse a lot, because. it was difficult to immediately line up exactly diagonally or form an even circle in a daisy. So we rehearsed a lot.
In the end, everyone: both we and the leaders - were so exhausted that they could hardly move their legs. Finally, the rehearsal was over, and we were released to prepare for lights out. But still, despite the fact that we were very tired, we did not want to sleep.
We lay and talked for a long time. Finally, many began to fall asleep little by little. Me and Olya Pleshkunova, a cheerful and very witty girl, did not want to sleep. We lay down together and talked for a long time in complete silence. We lay and shared with her impressions, the most vivid, of course, of our short life.
Olga is a year older than me. But now our eyes are starting to droop. We decided to sleep. A jerk, two steps from Olga's bed to mine - and here I am in the arms of my cold bed. This means that I want to sleep, even if on such a dark southern night the bed may seem cold to me. And now - sleep.

I swam in the sea for the first time! Hooray!
Today we have a difficult, exhausting day. The thing is, it's almost a holiday.
We learned the staging of the song “Children of Vietnam, we are with you!” And also twice (after breakfast and after lunch) went swimming. Very good!

We bathe for 5 minutes 2 times. And when we swam after breakfast, we also went boating. We drove to Gurzuf and back. How I liked it. It's just sad that I didn't get tanned at all. All mood is ruined. Everything!We met a delegation from Sweden. I was paired with Brodskaya Mila, they took a man, he did not understand anything in Russian, and we tried to say something in English. He seemed to like everything, he took pictures of us.

Today is a staged song contest, and tomorrow is the final. We've been rehearsing all day. In the morning from 7 to 9 they marched, and then after breakfast they prepared a dramatization.
And before dinner there was a competition. There are 13 rooms in total. The songs “Grenada” (1st place), “Smolensk boy Ivan” (2nd place), “They call me a soldier for war” and “How my mother saw me off” had a very good staging. They went to bed late.Today we have the opening of the festival. There is no time to write, I rely on memory.I don't like today very much. Well, what did we do? Photographed in the morning. Cleaned up after lunch. And after dinner it was interesting: detachment extras. That's all. Tomorrow is girls day. Need to get some sleep. I wonder what the boys will prepare for us tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is Girls' Day.

July 30th.

Today is girls day. Finally! At the morning line, our boys gave us roses and postcards. And on this day we were on duty around the camp. But we did not wash the floors, did not sweep, did not clean the tables, only set them. Ate - as much as they can.
After dinner, our boys showed us their surprise - a small concert. This concert included several scenes. Very funny and interesting. I really liked it.
Then I went to the Miss Artek contest, but I didn’t pass, but it was interesting to participate. But because of this, I did not see a concert in which only boys took part.
But I made it to the crowd. Oh what fun it was!

today contest folk dance. We, girls of the 3rd detachment, danced the Ivushka dance. They got confused at the end and spoiled their mood with this.

July has flown by. Today is the beginning of August and Boys Day. But I didn't like him. We congratulated the boys with postcards and souvenirs. Then there was a competition for the "Knight of Artek". And in the evening they danced one dance, and went home.

Today is a ballroom dance competition. We danced "Limbo" and "Sambo"

This is how Sambo was danced

And from our group there was a solo couple. But we did not take any place. Tomorrow is a hike.Today we went on a one day hike. Everyone was very tired, but it was so much fun that they did not notice the fatigue. I hope to keep the whole trip in my memory for a long time.

Today is the closing of the Gorny camp. In the morning we went to the beach. And then after dinner we went to Kostrovaya. There we waited a bit until they came from the "Mountain". Together with them came A.G. Nikolaev with his daughter. First, representatives of the Gorny camp, and then we showed a concert. At the end they showed the finale. Nikolaev liked it very much. That's allThere was a shower this morning. And then the competition games. For a certain number of points scored, chocolate was given to the squad. Well, of course, everyone got it. It was a lot of fun. Today we went to the space exhibition.

Today is a very significant day. 23 years ago, it was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb. We went to the "Marine" camp for a rally dedicated to this date. There was a Japanese woman present who was in Hiroshima at the time. She is ill. She lost her voice, when she pinned the badge, she could not get the needle into the hook: her hands were shaking. Very touching, many cried! Peace to all the earth!!! Probably every child wants at least once in his life to visit a place where childhood reigns all his life. You probably guessed that this is Artek. This camp leaves an imprint in life forever. And now I will tell you a little more about Artek (m material prepared Krechman Artem , 7-A).

"Artek" is an international children's center in the Crimea. Located on the southern coast of Crimea near the village of Gurzuf. In the past - the most famous pioneer camp of the USSR and the hallmark of the pioneers of the whole country. For a long time it served as a place for receiving delegations from socialist countries, as well as heads of state from near and far abroad.

origin of name

The camp got its name from its location - in the tract Artek on the banks of the river of the same name (initially it was called simply - "Camp in Artek").

The origin of the word itself, like many other Crimean toponyms, does not have an unambiguous interpretation. The most substantiated versions associate it with the Greek words "bear" - according to the location at the "Bear Mountain", "quail", "bread" or the Tatar "artyk" (extra, special). In the writings of academician Grekov, the “Artania” inhabited by the Russians is mentioned, which, according to the scientist, was located in the Black Sea Rus. In the camp itself, the version associated with quails is now the most popular. There is a stable expression "Artek is a quail island" and a song with that name.


"Artek" was founded as a camp-sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis intoxication, on the initiative of the chairman of the Russian Red Cross Society Zinovy ​​Petrovich Solovyov. For the first time, the creation of a children's camp in Artek was announced on November 5, 1924, at the celebration of the Moscow Pioneers. The Russian Red Cross Society (ROKK), the Russian Communist Youth Union (future VLKSM) and the Central Bureau of Young Pioneers took an active part in preparing for the opening of the camp. Z. P. Solovyov personally supervised the preparation. Apparently, therefore, in some sources, he is indicated as the first director of Artek, although F.F. Shishmarev was entrusted with direct leadership of the camp immediately after its opening. Pioneers of "Artek" against the backdrop of the building of the camp "Upper" The camp was opened on June 16, 1925. 80 pioneers from Moscow, Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Crimea arrived for the first shift. The very next year, the camp was visited by the first foreign delegation - pioneers from Germany. The first Artek residents lived in canvas tents. Two years later, light plywood houses were placed on the shore. And in the 30s, thanks to the winter building built in the upper park, Artek was gradually transferred to year-round operation. In 1936, a change of order-bearing pioneers, awarded with government awards, took place in Artek, and in 1937 the camp accepted children from Spain engulfed in the Civil War. During the Great Patriotic War, Artek was evacuated through Moscow to Stalingrad, and then to the Altai village of Belokurikha. There, along with the guys who found themselves at the beginning of the war in the Crimea, Siberian schoolchildren also rested. Immediately after the liberation of Crimea from the invaders in April 1944, the restoration of Artek began. In August, the first post-war shift opened. A year later, the territory of the camp was enlarged to its current size. Since the beginning of the 60s, the camp has been reconstructed according to the project of A. T. Polyansky. By 1969, Artek already had 150 buildings, 3 medical centers, a school, the Artekfilm film studio, 3 swimming pools, a stadium with 7,000 seats and playgrounds for various needs. In Soviet times, a ticket to Artek was considered a prestigious award both for Soviet children and abroad. Within the same school, the best of the pioneers were awarded vouchers according to numerous indicators (participation in the affairs of the pioneer team, behavior, academic performance, etc.). In its heyday, the annual number of vouchers to Artek was 27,000. Between 1925-1969. Artek welcomed 300,000 children, including more than 13,000 children from seventeen foreign countries. Guests of honor at Artek over the years have been Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Gagarin, Indira Gandhi, Urho Kekkonen, Nikita Khrushchev, Jawaharlal Nehru, Otto Schmidt, Lidia Skoblikova, Palmiro Tolyatti, Ho Chi Minh City, Benjamin Spock, Mikhail Tal, Valentina Tereshkova, Leo Yashin. In July 1983 Samantha Smith visited Artek. Similar, although less famous pioneer camps were in other republics of the USSR. The second place in terms of prestige was occupied by the All-Russian Pioneer Camp "Eaglet" (Krasnodar Territory, RSFSR). This was followed by the republican recreation camps "Ocean" (Primorsky Krai, RSFSR), "Young Guard" (Odessa region, Ukrainian SSR) and "Zubryonok" (Minsk region, BSSR). In 1952, in the GDR, the pioneer organization named after Ernst Thalmann built a pioneer camp similar to Artek, called the Wilhelm Pieck Pioneer Republic.

Camps and squads

The structural division of Artek changed along with its development. Initially, the tent city on the seashore was simply called "Children's Camp in Artek". The name of the tract Artek was fixed as own name camps a little later, by 1930, when the first building for year-round reception of children was built in the upper park. He received the name "Upper Camp", and the tent by the sea - "Lower". The third Artek camp was in 1937 "Suuk-Su", created on the basis of the rest home of the same name transferred to "Artek". After the Great Patriotic War in 1944, Artek was given the Kolkhoznaya Youth rest house, it became another camp .. In the fifties, Artek was officially considered a complex of several camps. Its directorate was called the "Management of All-Union Pioneer Camps", and the camps themselves were called by the numbers "Camp No. 1" - "Camp No. 4". In 1959, work began on the implementation of the so-called project. "Big Artek". In 1961, the first name of the camp familiar to today's Artek residents appeared on the map of Artek - "Morskoy". It was built on the site of the "Lower". And soon the whole Artek took on its present form in general terms. The camp, built on the site of the "Upper", was called "Mountain". As conceived by the authors, it was supposed to consist of three pioneer squads, each of which was housed in a separate large building. On the previously empty territory in the center of Artek, a new camp, Coastal, was built. He became the largest camp and united 4 squads. The camps "Suuk-Su" and "Kolkhoznaya Youth" did not undergo serious external changes, but received new names: "Azure" and "Cypress", respectively. In each of them, as well as in the "Marine", one pioneer squad was located. The main work was completed by 1964. The authors of the project, a group of architects headed by Anatoly Polyansky, were awarded the USSR State Prize in Architecture in 1967. Thus, at the time of the collapse of the USSR, "Artek" consisted of 5 camps, uniting 10 squads: "Marine" (squad "Sea"), "Mountain" (squads "Diamond", "Crystal", "Amber"), "Coastal" (teams "Forest", "Lake", "Field", "River"), "Azure" (team "Azure") and "Cypress" (team "Cypress") This Artek structure has survived to this day, but by the end of 90 1990s, a new tradition has developed - all Artek squads are now called "Children's Camps", and "Mountain" and "Coastal" - camp complexes. Although the older generation of Artek continue to call the camps "Morskoy", "Cypress" and "Azure", and the rest - squads. A few years ago, due to the emergency state of the corps, the admission of children to the Almaznaya squad was stopped. In the 60s, it was assumed that the construction of Artek would continue. Polyansky’s group designed the Skalny and Vozdushny camps, a number of cultural and educational facilities, but these plans were not destined to come true. which trips of some Artek detachments are made. Today, after a few years ago overhaul"Sea" and "Mountain" (which radically changed the external and internal appearance of the buildings), living conditions and expenses for maintaining the material base of different Artek camps differ. Accordingly, the cost of vouchers and, as a result, the social composition of vacationing children differ markedly.



The oldest museum of the camp, local lore, was created already in 1936. The first exhibits for his collection were collected by the Artek residents themselves on the territory of the camp and in its environs. Today, its exposition introduces the history and nature of the Crimea, the flora and fauna of Artek and the Black Sea. The aerospace exhibition, opened at the suggestion and with the direct participation of Yu. A. Gagarin in 1967, is of constant interest not only among children, but also among adult guests of Artek. The basis of the exposition was the gifts of the cosmonauts who came to the camp. In particular: the training suit of Yuri Gagarin and the spacesuit of Alexei Leonov, in which the spacewalk was made, the parachute of the descent vehicle of the Vostok spacecraft and the active training equipment of the first cosmonauts. "Museum of the History of Artek" - the main museum of the camp. It was opened in 1975. Sections of its exposition are devoted to the history of the Artek area before the camp was founded and the main stages in the history of Artek - the foundation of the camp and its first years, the war period and evacuation to Altai, the work of Artek as an international camp. There is also a large collection of gifts presented to the camp by delegations and guests. The museum has an archive that stores rare documents related to the history of the USSR and Artek. Samples of civil and military marine equipment, documents, works of art dedicated to the fleet are presented in five halls. In 1970, in the Morskoy, in Solovyov's house, a museum of the founder of the camp was opened. But now no one can remember when it was available for visiting. The house has been closed for many years, what is inside is unknown.

historical objects

Several buildings of the pre-revolutionary period, which were part of the noble estates, which were located on the current territory of the camp, have been preserved in Artek. Perhaps the most famous among them is the Suuk-Su Palace, built in 1903 as the central building of the popular resort of the same name, founded on her estate by Olga Solovyova, the widow of engineer Vladimir Berezin. After the revolution, the nationalized resort was transferred to the rest house of the Society of Old Bolsheviks, and in 1937 it was attached to Artek. In the post-war years, it was called the Palace of Pioneers and was used as a leisure facility. Over time, the Camp History Museum and an aerospace exhibition were opened here. Today the palace continues to perform cultural and leisure functions. Festive and concert events are held in the assembly hall, exhibitions and meetings of Artek residents with camp guests are organized in the foyer. One of the Artek libraries is also located here. Not far from the Palace, also on the territory of the "Azure" camp, away from the central alleys, there is a family crypt of the family of the owners of the estate (sometimes called a chapel). The crypt is made in the form of a grotto in a steep hillside. In Soviet times, it was used as a garbage dump. Today, the entrance to the cave, framed by a stone portal, is closed by a grating through which a well-preserved fresco depicting the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir and Olga, the heavenly patrons of Vladimir Berezin and Olga Solovyova is visible. on the territory of "Azure": Pump-room, Greenhouse, Communication Center, Hotel "Eagle's Nest" and others. Historical buildings in the eastern part of Artek (the territory of Morskoy and Gorny) were built by several of the previously mentioned ones. They are connected with the names of the owners of the local lands: Olizar, Potemkins, Gartvis, Wiener, Metalnikovs. Currently, they continue to be used as premises for classes and household needs. In this part of the camp there are two objects that are directly related to the history of Artek itself. In Morskoy, a tiny house has been preserved, in which the founder of Artek, Z.P. Solovyov, lived during his visits to the camp. The legend connects the pre-revolutionary history of this building with the name of the French Countess De la Mothe, who became the prototype of Milady, the heroine of the novels by Alexandre Dumas. This house has been closed to the public for several decades. Many current Artek residents are not even aware of its existence. And in the park next to the "Mountain" camp is the building of the camp "Upper", built in the 30s and made "Artek" a year-round camp. In it, in 1958, some scenes of the film "Military Secret" were filmed. Today it is used as a residential building. On the western border of "Artek", in the "Cypress" camp there is a historical object even more ancient. The ruins of the Genoese fortress of the XI-XV centuries, built on the site of an even more ancient Byzantine (VI century), have been preserved here. In the Middle Ages, a tunnel was made in the rock of Dzhenevez-Kaya, on which the fortress was built, to observe the sea. It has also survived to this day.

natural attractions

Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) is a popular tourist attraction and a symbol not only of Artek, but of the entire southern coast of Crimea. The mountain is the natural border of the camp and has a significant impact on the climate in Artek, protecting the camp from east winds. From the first years of the existence of the camp, Ayu-Dag has firmly entered the life and culture of the Artek people. The first pioneers made trips with an overnight stay on the top of the mountain and left messages to the Artek people of the next shift in the hollow of an oak tree in the Ayu-Daga forest. This tree became known as the "Postman Oak", and was later burned down by a campfire. Many Artek poems and songs are dedicated to Ayu-Dag. The adventures of the Artek people during hikes to its summit are described in the books by Elena Ilyina "The Fourth Height" and "Bear Mountain". The symbolic image of Ayu-Dag - a bear cub is one of the Artek mascots and a traditional gift for honored guests. Today, almost during every shift, Artek people make short trips to the mountain with a comic rite of “Initiation to Artek people”. Rowing boat trips to Cape Ayu-Daga are also practiced. At the foot of the mountain are the oldest Artek camps - "Sea" and "Mountain". Adalary - two sea cliffs, located in close proximity to the coast of the camp "Azure", are also known far beyond the Crimea, as one of the symbols of the peninsula. .In the 1930s, Artek people made boat trips to Adalary. A similar voyage is shown in the film "New Gulliver". At the end of the shift, each Artek detachment is traditionally photographed against the backdrop of Adalar. In August 2008, on the day of the State Flag of Ukraine in Adalary, the Ukrainian flag was raised as part of the Artek national education program. On the territory of "Azure" there are two more notable objects: the "Chaliapin Rock" prominent in the sea, donated by the owner of the Suuk-Su estate to Fyodor Chaliapin for the construction of the "Castle of Arts" and the "Pushkin Grotto" (a cave partially filled with water) at the base of this rock. Several shallow mountain rivers flow through the territory of Artek, flowing into the sea: Artek (Kamaka-Dere) in the "Sea", Putanis (Putamish) in the "Coastal", Suuk-Su in the "Azure". Partially they are removed in pipes and underground collectors.

Artek in fiction

Artek is (in whole or in part) the setting for many works of art, among which are the following: “Military Secret” (A. Gaidar), “Girl and Deer” (E. Pashnev), “Little Spaniards” (E. Kononenko), “Bear Mountain” (E. Ilyina), “ Month in Artek "(V. Kiselev)," Innocent Secrets "(A. Likhanov)," Letter on the shell "(M. Efetov)," Almost incredible adventure in Artek (P. Amatuni), Samantha (Yu. Yakovlev), Youngest Son Street (L. Kassil, M. Polyanovsky), Fourth Height (E. Ilyina), Day Watch (S. Lukyanenko). Artek is also mentioned or is part of the plot in many poetic cycles and individual poems by A. Barto, V. Viktorov, A. Zatsarinna, L. Kondrashenko, S. Marshak, A. Milyavsky, B. Mirotvortsev, S. Mikhalkov, V. Orlov. In some cases, the authors of literary works mention that in the past the heroes of their books were Artek people, thereby expanding the characterization of the character or explaining the motivation for his actions. So, by the will of the authors, Artek became Soviet spy Alexander Belov (“Shield and Sword”, V. Kozhevnikov), teacher Oleg Moskovkin (“Boy with a Sword”, V. Krapivin) and others.

Artek in cinema

Literally from the first years of its existence, Artek began to be used for the creative needs of domestic cinema. This was facilitated by the coincidence of several factors. A large number of sunny days a year, the proximity of the Yalta branch of the Gorky film studio, a variety of exotic flora, mountainous terrain and the seashore, combined with unusual, futuristic architecture. And if necessary - and free children's extras. All this made the camp an ideal platform for the realization of the creative ideas of filmmakers. Accordingly, films shot in the camp can be divided into several groups. First of all, these are films set in Artek: "New Gulliver" (1935), "Happy Shift" (1936), "Military Secret" (1958), "Pushchik Goes to Prague" (1966) and films about " some", usually - an international, pioneer camp: "Three" (1927), "Passenger from the Equator" (1968), "Hello, children!" (1962). The second group - adventure films about sea voyages, distant exotic countries: "In Search of Captain Grant" (1985), "Odyssey of Captain Blood" (1991), "Hearts of Three" (1992), "Pirate Empire" (1995). And, finally, fantastic films about life in the distant future: A Dream to Meet (1963), Andromeda Nebula (1967), Through Hardships to the Stars (1981). Also, episodes and scenes of films were filmed in Artek: “White Poodle” (1956), “Hooray, we are on vacation!” (1972), "The New Adventures of Captain Vrungel" (1978), "Ten Little Indians" (1987), "Dunechka" (2004) and other feature, journalistic and documentary films.