Ranking of countries in the world by level of education. The most educated countries in the world Japan is the most educated country in the world

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, formal education and advances in technology did not matter to the general population. However, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress made it necessary to reconsider the attitude of society towards knowledge and education. Adapting to the modern world, where new developments and technologies appear every year, has become possible only with the help of education and intelligence. That is why it is very important to have an idea about the ranking of countries by the level of education in order to know in which states the training of specialists is carried out at the highest level.

What is the education level index in the countries of the world?

More than a hundred years ago, the world began to think seriously about universal access to schooling. It should be noted that significant progress has been made in this direction over the past few decades. However, in an era when technological innovations are rapidly outpacing the level of education, not only is it necessary to redouble efforts, but to restructure the entire educational process for a changing, unstable world.

Only educated people can manage the modern world

The United Nations periodically provides society with the so-called Human Development Index. The publication of this document contains three key indexes.

  1. Life Expectancy Index.
  2. Education Index.
  3. Income index.

How is EI calculated and what does it affect?

The education level index is calculated on the basis of two main indicators. The first is the expected duration of training. The second is the average duration of training.

Expected years of schooling is the amount of time it takes a person to complete a particular level of education. The average duration of education is taken from the average of the population with completed education. Usually this figure is 25 years and above.

The Education Index is a key indicator of the well-being of societies around the world. This is obvious, since the parameter determines at what level the development of a particular country is. First of all, we mean economic, technological, industrial development, which has a direct impact on the quality of life.

The literacy rate of the adult population, as well as the cumulative share of citizens' students, is displayed by the education index. The literacy rate calculates the overall percentage of people who are proficient in reading and writing. The cumulative share of students allows you to determine the percentage of people receiving care or education at all levels.

The World Education Level Index is a combined value of the United Nations Development Programme. It is one of the most significant coefficients of human social development in various countries of the world, it is considered one of the key values ​​for determining the Human Development Index.

  1. Index of the cumulative proportion of students receiving primary, secondary and higher education (1/3 of the weight).
  2. Adult literacy index (2/3 of the weight).

Ranking of countries by level of education for 2019

The education level index is standardized as numerical values ​​from 0 (minimum) to 1 (maximum). It is believed that developed countries should have a minimum score of 0.8, although many of them have a score of 0.9 or higher.

The ranking of the countries of the world is compiled precisely on the basis of the index of the level of education. The last such rating was completed at the end of 2018. According to official data, the TOP-35 countries in the world according to the education level index are as follows:

1 Germany0.940
2 Australia0.929
3 Denmark0.920
4 Ireland0.918
5 New Zealand0.917
6 Norway0.915
7 UK0.914
8 Iceland0.912
9 Netherlands0.906
10 Finland0.905
11 Sweden0.904
12 United States of America0.903
13 Canada0.899
14 Switzerland0.897
15 Belgium0.893
16 Czech0.893
17 Slovenia0.886
18 Lithuania0.879
19 Israel0.874
20 Estonia0.869
21 Latvia0.866
22 Poland0.866
23 South Korea0.862
24 Hong Kong0.855
25 Austria0.852
26 Japan0.848
27 Georgia0.845
28 Palau0.844
29 France0.840
30 Belarus0.838
31 Greece0.838
32 Russia0.832
33 Singapore0.832
34 Slovakia0.831
35 Liechtenstein0.827

If we talk about the leaders of the “anti-rating”, then these are mainly the underdeveloped countries of Africa and Asia. Due to the poor economic situation, the lack of access of the population to high-quality educational services, the indicator of the level of education here is quite low:

165 Haiti0.433
166 Papua New Guinea0.430
167 Burundi0.424
168 Ivory Coast0.424
169 Afghanistan0.415
170 Syria0.412
171 Pakistan0.411
172 Guinea-Bissau0.392
173 Sierra Leone0.390
174 Mauritania0.389
175 Mozambique0.385
176 Gambia0.372
177 Senegal0.368
178 Yemen0.349
179 Central African Republic0.341
180 Guinea0.339
181 Sudan0.328
182 Ethiopia0.327
183 Djibouti0.309
184 Chad0.298
185 South Sudan0.297
186 Mali0.293
187 Burkina Faso0.286
188 Eritrea0.281
189 Niger0.214
  • USA,
  • Switzerland
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Sweden
  • Canada
  • Netherlands,
  • Great Britain
  • Singapore,
  • Australia.

The main criteria of the Universitas21 university ranking, covering 50 countries in general, are the effectiveness and efficiency of education. If we compare these indicators with those that were noted 2 years ago, Ukraine and Serbia, Spain and Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey showed a slight drop in the level of education.

There is a ranking of the education index of countries, which takes into account 4 parameters - resources, ecology, communications, GDP per capita. The calculations, however, are indicative. So, according to this rating from Universitas21, the TOP-10 countries are built as follows:

  • Serbia,
  • Great Britain,
  • Denmark,
  • Sweden,
  • Finland,
  • Portugal,
  • Canada,
  • Switzerland,
  • New Zealand,
  • South Africa.

As can be seen from this ranking, several countries with low economic development have noticeably pulled themselves up in the population education index. For example, South Africa, which occupies the 10th position, China is in the 16th position, India is in the 18th position, and Serbia is in the 1st place.

Rating in individual areas

Secondary education

If we consider only the field of secondary education, here the leading positions are occupied by:

  • Great Britain,
  • Finland,
  • Switzerland,
  • Canada,
  • Netherlands.

The British receive a high-level secondary education

UK secondary education is really of high quality. Graduates of British schools have unlimited opportunities to continue their studies at any university in the world.

Finland is the silver medalist. Secondary education in this country, the educational system as a whole, is built on the principles of the USSR school. The skillful combination of theory and practice, the high qualification of the teaching staff gave their result - the secondary education of Finland is in the second position in the world ranking.

Swiss secondary education is a win-win preparation for higher achievement. Holders of a Swiss certificate of secondary education need not worry. The road to prestigious educational institutions around the world is open.

Schools in Canada are distinguished by a peculiar feature: here the quality of education is almost uniform for any institution. There are no such sharp dispersions as, for example, it is observed in the US secondary education system. Therefore, graduates of any Canadian high school have a high chance of entering universities.

Dutch secondary education in terms of quality is in no way inferior to British. At the same time, the cost of studying in Dutch schools is two times less than in British ones. The Dutch-style certificate of secondary education is quoted all over the world.

Higher education (bachelor's degree)

The rating of the higher education system is headed by the 5 most prosperous countries in the world. Where there are resources for education, where there is a real need for high-class specialists, they do not spare money for education. Therefore, again the first line remains with the UK. Further descending - Germany, USA, Australia, Sweden.

British universities do not need extra advertising. Educational institutions with a long history, high rates of education always claim the first roles. The value of a British diploma is beyond doubt.

Germany is ready to provide citizens with free higher education, and this is perhaps one of the important points that brings the country to the second position in the ranking. A variety of educational programs and internationally recognized diplomas.

US universities offer a flexible approach to the education system. Students are offered a wide range of educational programs. There are many universities where distance education is practiced.

US universities have a very flexible approach to learning

Australian institutions are a whole network of institutions of higher education, where there are all opportunities to get a bachelor's degree. Australia attracts international students with a high quality of study and the prospect of a good career.

The Swedish Baccalaureate System offers a variety of study programs. Teaching is conducted in English. Sweden is famous for its well-equipped university classrooms. There are many research centers in the country.

Master's degree

Germany consistently holds the first position in the ranking of countries where future masters are provided with the best learning conditions. There are many reasons for this, ranging from the possibility of free education to worthy scholarships.

Students of the first Russian-German magistracy after a lecture by Guntram Kaiser

Austria is not far behind neighboring Germany. It also offers a decent education for reasonable money. The possibility of free education is not excluded. Conditions of study allow you to combine study and work.

The Master's degree in the USA is a good base for getting an education in a variety of fields. The range of educational programs is impressive. At the same time, the American version is attractive with interesting job prospects after training.

According to the rating of the master's degree, the UK is slightly inferior to other countries. However, the position in the fourth position does not reduce the importance of the British diploma. On the contrary, together with the British internship, the master's degree acquires an even higher status.

France occupies the fifth place in the world ranking of magistracy. Higher education here can be obtained on condition of small expenses. In addition, the option of providing a scholarship is not excluded for students. Good conditions for research activities and a wide range of specializations.

MBA (Master of Business Administration)

Actually, the birthplace of the MBA is the United States, and therefore it is quite natural that it is the States that occupy the first place. There are many business schools in the United States, where students are provided with a quality education in the field of business administration.

Chinese MBA school is already competing with the US

Following the Americans, the UK is in a hurry to take over the student market. The second position in the ranking confirms the ability of the British higher business school to compete on an equal footing in this area. Good schools, professional training, experienced teachers.

Third place in the field of MBA education confidently holds Australia. The country is also ready to offer a large number of business schools of various levels. Education here is perfectly combined with an accessible practical base. Employment opportunities are open.

The basics of European business are taught by higher schools in France. It is not for nothing that the French higher education in the field of MBA is ranked fourth in the ranking. There is a good selection of prestigious business schools, each of which teaches in full accordance with European standards.

Finally, Canada is the fifth position in the ranking and all the necessary business administration skills after graduation from any of the universities. Canadian education is cheaper than in the US and even in Europe. In Canada, after studying, it is easier to gain a foothold - to stay to work in your specialty.


The United States was the first in the educational field for graduate students. America provides many universities, a lot of research programs, well-equipped laboratories. For graduate students in the United States, there is an important factor - support from large businesses in the form of grants and scholarships.

Germany attracts with its fundamental approach and contacts with prominent scientists. Third place in the ranking due to the expressed financial support for projects in the field of technical and natural sciences.

Fifth place went to the UK. This is quite enough to once again confirm the high level of the scientific base, the degree of qualification of the teaching staff.

Direction of study

It is rather difficult to single out a specific country in order to place it in the ranking, taking into account the direction of study. Most countries from the TOP list provide a choice in almost all areas. There is no official ranking for areas of study. There are some recommendations from the university beau monde. Based on these recommendations, ratings are created.

Country ranking table for selected areas of higher education

Ranking by cost of education

Some European countries are ready to train foreigners and their citizens, if not for free, then for a purely symbolic price. For example, studying in Germany will cost the average student about €500 per year. However, if the student is a foreigner, in addition to living in the country of study, you will have to spend a more impressive amount. But even in this scenario, German education promises students to spend 10 times less than in Australia.

Ranking of countries in the world by tuition fees (table)

Only two countries remain really free for education today: Finland and Argentina.

Table: comparison of education in Russia and abroad

Russian education

Foreign education

The main emphasis is on the study of the theoretical part

Emphasis is placed on gaining skills in a practical area

A voluminous approach to learning, when many “extra” subjects are studied

Profile approach to learning with the addition of related subjects

Accessibility of higher education

Higher education is expensive in most countries

Low level of infrastructure and student comfort

Good conditions for studying, infrastructure at a high level

Enrollment of applicants based on the results of the exam

Enrollment of applicants based on the results of a test / exam or on the basis of the average score of the certificate

Table: comparison of education systems in different countries

Countries Positive sides Negative sides
Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand
  1. Designed for a significant percentage of the population.
  2. Associated with bank lending for education.
  3. Employment opportunities for students are provided.
  • individual, liberal, free approach to university activities;
  • mass attraction of foreign students. High percentage of service exports;
  • education taking into account local characteristics and needs;
  • attention to research and applied knowledge is the same;
  • special training combined with practice is welcome;
  • scientific research at a high level;
  • distance education is widely developed;
  • the number of scientific and technical specialists, masters, doctors of sciences is impressive;
  • Most of the education is financed by the state.
High cost of education in most foreign countries.
  • there is no nationwide planning for enrollment of students;
  • the education system is disintegrated. There are no strict federal standards for educational institutions. General purpose funding sources;
  • functional literacy of schoolchildren at a low level;
  • private universities are much larger than public ones;
  • state support is observed only in universities with a research bias;
  • there is a shortage of scientific, engineering, pedagogical workers.
Japan, China, South Korea
  • entrance exams and tests are characterized by a high level of complexity. High level of literacy of schoolchildren;
  • foreigners are offered short-term educational courses;
  • good job prospects.
the autonomy of universities is limited;

multifunctionality of educational institutions at a low level;

many private universities. The share of state funding is very small;

few technical specialists are trained. Most of them are humanists;

the percentage of graduate students is small. The level of scientific research is low;

general education disciplines in priority. Lack of teachers-practitioners;

there is a hierarchy of universities. The presence of bureaucracy is noted;

there are no motivations for students during periods of study.

European countries
  • The education system is flexible and has a variety of educational programs. There are a lot of evening universities. There are adult education centers. There is a system of distance learning. Master's programs offer a wide range of directions;
  • many universities of state subordination;
  • teaching staff - civil servants. The education system is regulated by the state;
  • the principle of "academic freedom" is supported;
  • in some countries education is free. Many funding programs for students;
  • training is focused on the needs of the market. Practice internships. Technical and applied specialties prevail;
  • scientific research is carried out at a high level.
  • lack of entrance examinations in some countries;
  • no or few work placements during training in some selected countries;
  • students of humanitarian specialties have difficulties with studying loans;
  • there are no uniform requirements for the quality indicators of education;
  • The learning process can take years. In some countries, universities are overloaded with students;
  • in most countries the education system is decentralized;
  • complex definition of correspondences of diplomas. The division of the academic year into cycles is often not agreed upon.

List of countries by population literacy rate for 2019

Information for reflection - most countries with an advanced education system have not provided information to the UNESCO organization regarding the level of literacy of their own population for the last 10 years.

Countries of the world

Men, %

Women, %




Australia (2009)



Bosnia and Herzegovina




Burkina Faso

Cape Verde


Canada (2009)

Central African Republic



Costa Rica

Ivory Coast


Czech Republic (2009)

Denmark (2009)

Djibouti (2009)

Dominica (2009)

Dominican Republic


Equatorial Guinea

Fiji (2009)


Germany (2009)

Grenada (2009)




Iceland (2009)



(no data)

(no data)

Israel (2011)

Japan (2009)


Korea (DPRK)

Republic of Korea (2009)


Luxembourg (2009)










Netherlands (2009)

New Zealand (2009)


Norway (2009)


Papua New Guinea




Sao Tome and Principe

Saudi Arabia


Sierra Leone




Solomon islands

South Africa

South Sudan

Sri Lanka


Sweden (2009)

Switzerland (2009)



Timor Leste

Trinidad and Tobago


United Arab Emirates

UK (2009)




The best countries for educational emigration

According to the results of numerous surveys conducted over the past 5 years, the list of the best countries for educational emigration has not changed much. North America, Europe, Southeast Asia are waiting for future bachelors and masters, graduate students and doctors.

  1. Great Britain.
  2. Canada.
  3. Germany.
  4. France.
  5. Australia.
  6. Sweden.
  7. Japan.

What does acquaintance with ratings give to a potential student? Of course, information that will help you make the right choice of the country of study and the specific place where you will receive knowledge. Ratings information will help to more accurately determine in terms of personal capabilities and choose the appropriate education system. Finally, even the question of the cost of education is solved more easily thanks to ratings.

The Netherlands is a wonderful country with many outstanding sights, a high standard of living, respect for human rights and medicine. Not surprisingly, it is included in the list of the ten most educated countries in the world with a literacy rate of 72%. Some of the most famous universities in the world are located in the Netherlands. Higher education is available to every citizen of the country, and from the age of five, education for children is mandatory. There are 579 public libraries and approximately 1,700 colleges in the Netherlands.

New Zealand is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The country is not only one of the richest economies in the world, but it is considered one of the most literate countries in the world. The New Zealand education system is classified into three different levels, including basic school, high school and tertiary education. At each of these levels of education, the New Zealand school system relies primarily on functional research rather than mere memorization of materials. The New Zealand government pays maximum attention to educational institutions. That is why the literacy rate in New Zealand is 93 percent.

The Central European German-speaking country of Austria is one of the strongest economies in the world. 98 percent of Austrians can read and write, which is a very high figure. Not surprisingly, Austria is included in the list of the most developed countries in the world with a high standard of living, first-class educational institutions and medical services. The first nine years of free and compulsory education are paid for by the government, and further education must be paid for by yourself. Austria has 23 renowned public universities and 11 private universities, eight of which are ranked among the best in the world.

France is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe and the 43rd largest country in the world. The education index is 99%, which indicates one of the highest levels of education among 200 countries worldwide. A few decades ago, the French education system was considered the best in the world, having lost its leading position in the past few years. The educational system of France is divided into three stages, including basic, secondary and higher. Among the many universities in the country, 83 are funded by state and public funds.

The North American country of Canada is not only the second largest country in the world, but also one of the richest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita. It is also one of the most educated countries in the world. Living in one of the safest countries in the world, Canadians enjoy a luxurious and healthier lifestyle, along with high-quality educational institutions and advanced medicine. The literacy rate in Canada is approximately 99%, and the three-tier Canadian education system is very similar to the Dutch school system. 310,000 teachers teach at the basic and senior levels, and approximately 40,000 teachers are employed at universities and colleges. There are 98 universities and 637 libraries in the country.

The Scandinavian country is one of the five most educated countries in the world. Free education on a regular basis for children aged 7 to 16 is compulsory. Sweden's education index is 99%. The government is trying very hard to provide an equal free education to every Swedish child. There are 53 public universities and 290 libraries in the country. Sweden is one of the wealthiest as well as highly skilled countries in the world.

Denmark boasts not only the strongest economic system in the world. It is also the happiest country on the planet with a 99% literacy rate, making it one of the most literate in the world. The Danish government spends a huge amount of their GDP on education, which is free for every child. The school system in Denmark offers a high quality education to all children without exception.

The Republic of Iceland is a beautiful island country located in the North Atlantic Ocean. With a literacy rate of 99.9%, Iceland is one of the three most literate countries in the world. The Icelandic education system is divided into four levels, including pre-school, primary, high school and higher education. Education from six to sixteen is compulsory for all without exception. Most schools are funded by the government, which provides children with free education. 82.23% of the country's citizens have higher education. The Icelandic government spends a significant portion of its budget on education, maintaining a high literacy rate.

Norwegians can be called the healthiest, wealthiest and most educated people in the world. With a literacy rate of 100%, Norway has some of the most highly trained professionals in the world. A significant part of tax revenues to the budget is spent on the education system of the country. Here people like to read books very much, which is confirmed by the number of public libraries - there are 841 of them in Norway. The school system in Norway is divided into three levels: basic, intermediate and higher. Education from six to sixteen years of age for children is compulsory.

Finland is a beautiful European country. It rightfully occupies a leading place in the lists of the richest, as well as the most literate countries in the world. Finland has been improving its own, unique education system for many years. Nine years of schooling are compulsory for children between the ages of seven and sixteen and are completely free of charge, including government-subsidized nutritious meals. Finns can be called the best readers in the world, judging by the number of libraries in the country. The literacy rate in Finland is 100%.

If we take the ranking of education around the world, Russia does not take first place in it, it turns out to be in the 20th-40th positions. What is it - the incompetence of domestic teachers or the biased attitude of Western rating agencies in assessing the level of Russian education? This issue was dealt with by the experts of the portal.

Why are they compiled?

Compilers, customers of ratings pursue business goals. They need to sell the services of higher education institutions, increase traffic to their own web resources. In addition, high positions in published indicators are the prestige not only of the universities themselves, but also of the countries in which they are located, which makes it possible to attract both human capital and investments.

Following this, the share of educational services in the export line of such a country increases. This is an important factor, the better developed the export of services in the country, the stronger the economy. For example, in the United States, services account for 78% of GDP, industry for 21%, and only 1% for agriculture. That is, out of $18.5 trillion of GDP, $14.5 trillion is accounted for by services. The UK GDP is the fifth in the world ranking. The country has captured 10% of the global service market, which makes it economically strong and sustainable. Leading positions in the global service market are the key to strong economic growth.

Some data

Part of this market is education. Every year over 4 million students study abroad.

They choose universities based on the rankings, in which the first places are occupied by the United States and European countries. Therefore, the United States accounts for about 20% of all foreign students - this is about 800 thousand people. In the UK - a little more than 11% or about 450 thousand people.

Russian universities manage to attract 5% of foreign students, behind Australia (7.5-8%), France (7.5-8%) and Germany (6-7%). Here, domestic universities are ahead of China (less than 2%), South Korea (about 1.5%), Malaysia and Singapore (each attracting 1.2%).

Of the total number of students, a third are in the following countries:

  1. China - just over 15%;
  2. India - about 6%;
  3. South Korea - 3.5-3.7%;
  4. Germany - 2.6-2.8%.

The greatest demand among students, based on the distribution of the total number of students, are directions:

  1. Business - 22-23%;
  2. Engineering - 14-15%;
  3. Humanities - 14-15%;
  4. Law, sociology - 12-13%.

The struggle of universities for the first places in the world rankings is a method of increasing the country's economic growth.

What ratings?

There are different metrics based on different scoring systems. Some of them are presented in the table below:

TOP-5 according to different grading systems


Place of Russia

The level of education

Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Germany

The best universities in the world according to TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION

Oxford, Cambridge, Caltech, Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

194 (Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov)

The effectiveness of national education systems

USA, Switzerland, Denmark, UK, Sweden

International study of the quality of reading and understanding of the text (according to the results of 4th grade students)

Hong Kong, Russia, Finland, Singapore, Northern Ireland

International study of the quality of mathematics education (based on the results of 11th grade students)

Russia (deep study), Lebanon, USA, Russia, Portugal,

International study of the quality of science education (according to the results of 11th grade students)

Slovenia, Russia, Norway, Portugal, Sweden

If Russian schools adequately cope with the functions entrusted to them, questions arise for the higher education system. Why, while receiving well-prepared students, do domestic universities not compete with American, English, German universities?

The problem lies in the assessment approaches and directions that are taken as a basis, namely:

  1. Education;
  2. The science;
  3. Internationalization;
  4. Commercialization.

Domestic experts explain the unfavorable data for Russia in foreign rating agencies by an imperfect rating system. The objects of study - universities - are presented to them as research institutions.

A simple example. One of the evaluation parameters is the ratio of the number of teaching staff and students of the institution. There are 8 students per one Russian teacher. In foreign universities, this ratio is 2.5 times higher - 1 to 17. Different approaches have an effect, the domestic way puts forward work in classrooms in the first place, in the West, self-study has an advantage.

By the way, due to this indicator, Russia managed to rise in the ranking, but it is planned to change the ratio, after which there will be 12 students per one domestic teacher. This will lower the country in the lists, worsen the attractiveness of studying at Russian universities for foreigners.

Universities are forced to change under the pressure of the requirements dictated by the new time. Their activities must be taken into account from the standpoint of implemented innovations, innovations in the economy, as well as their role in the development of the country's regions. Expanding the areas of assessment will help to avoid contradictions and make an objective rating.

The United Nations Social Research Program is a global study of human development. The main direction is the level of knowledge.

The development of the country largely depends on the literacy of the population and the quality of education. Similar conclusions were made back in the 19th century, today nothing has changed. However, there are areas in the world where residents do not have the opportunity to finish school. There is no question of obtaining a university degree. Here is a list of countries by level of education for 2019.

The concept of the education index

There are several indicators of the social development of the population, one of which is the level of education in the country. The UN is studying the issue in accordance with the program created in 1980 - UNDP. The goal is to calculate the Human Development Index (HDI), which consists of several indicators:

  • the level of GDP;
  • life expectancy;
  • education index.

The last parameter reflects the percentage of the literate population and is calculated according to a complex scheme. The issue is being studied by international experts, UN representatives, employees of the UNESCO Institute of Statistics. When conducting a population census, the questionnaire contains a question about the level of knowledge of a person, the collected information enters the database.

HDI world map for 2018. The more intense the blue, the higher the index.

Personal development is a complex concept that implies the right to a long decent life, education, political freedoms and the guarantee of human rights. The concept of HDI was developed by an economist from Pakistan in 1990. In the same year, a detailed report of the organization on the topic of human development was published, in which the view on this topic changed for the first time. Since this year, social development has been assessed not only by the level of national income, but also by the quality of the development of medicine and education.

The Education Index is not made up of subjective assessments of experts, but according to real indicators.

How is EI calculated and what does it affect?

For the calculation, two types of statistical reports on topics are used:

  1. the proportion of students in schools, kindergartens, colleges, universities;
  2. proportion of literate adult citizens of the country.

Assessment of the level of literacy on the planet by age

The information received from different sources is compared, the average scores for each of the items are calculated. Additionally, the average and expected duration of training of citizens is taken into account.

The indicators are summarized, with the first being taken in the ratio of 1/3, the second - 2/3. As a result, the index of the country by the level of education is formed, expressed as a figure from 0 to 1. Note that the life expectancy of citizens and the standard of living according to GDP per capita are standardized in the same way.

As a result, the geometric mean of the three indicators is the Human Development Index (HDI). The leader of the list for the last 10 years is Norway.

Important! A number of countries that have achieved development do not collect statistics on the level of education of the population. For them, the default literacy rate is 99%. In practice, this means that every citizen gets access to all stages of education. There are kindergartens and schools in every locality, and there are no restrictions on obtaining a bachelor's or specialist's degree.

Rating of institutions by specialties of education

Obtaining a specialty and a diploma of higher education does not guarantee a person a high salary. This is often forgotten by residents of developing countries. The choice of a profession should be approached consciously. A good education received today is an investment in the future.

A number of specialties require improving the quality of knowledge throughout life, since the technological process does not stand still. Doctors, lawyers, managers, engineers should regularly improve themselves.

Let's talk about the most common areas of study today. Let's compare foreign and Russian programs.

legal education

Profile study of legal activity which implies a body of knowledge about the state, its laws, administration.

In Russia it is subdivided into:

  • specialized secondary;
  • higher.

Assessment of the quality of world universities in the field of jurisprudence from Pravo.ru

In Western countries, the stages of preparation are similar, there are courses for retraining and pre-university education. According to the Pravo.ru rating, based on a study of diplomas of lawyers from leading foreign companies, the top 5 countries look like this:

  1. USA (Columbia Low School, Harvard Low School, Georgetown University);
  2. UK (King's College, Oxford University, BPP Low School);
  3. Germany (Hamburg University);
  4. Netherlands (Leiden University);
  5. France (Universite de Paris).

In Russia, Moscow State University, Moscow State Law Academy, MGIMO are recognized as the leading universities in terms of the quality of legal education.

Economic Education

Applicants for professions with an economic bias are increasingly found in the world. The training is based on data on the current state of the economy and an analysis of the efforts that could improve the course.

In developed countries, the system of specialized economic education is supported by the state and promoted with the help of public organizations. For this reason, universities are recognized as the most promising:

  • Harvard University (USA);
  • University of Chicago (USA);
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA);
  • Princeton University (USA).

Harvard University produces the world's best economists

The economic diplomas provided by Singapore, Great Britain, South Korea are valued in the world.

Technical education

Technological progress does not stand still. The ranking of the most promising technical education includes universities from the following countries:

  • Great Britain;
  • Japan;
  • Singapore;
  • China.

Educational institutions are taken into account, on the basis of which industrial engineering, the aerospace industry, and engineering are studied. According to the My Education portal, the best technical universities in Russia are:

  1. MEPhI;
  2. MSTU named after Bauman;
  3. ITMO;
  4. GUAP;

MEPhI is the best platform for studying in Russia in a technical specialty

Natural Sciences

The study of nature is relevant today more than ever. Support is given to programs for the protection of flora and fauna, the search for a safe ecological model for various territories and zones. Young people are interested in environmental issues and try to choose the best universities for this. The world ranking of countries includes:

  1. Great Britain;
  2. Germany;
  3. China;
  4. Australia.

The best university in 2018 is Harvard.

Medical education

The development of medicine in the country is one of the types of support for the population, ensuring a decent quality of life. A number of developing countries have programs to study students abroad in the best educational institutions in the world in order to obtain a generation of qualified specialists. The most rated educational institutions are located in:

  • Great Britain;
  • Sweden;
  • Australia;
  • Germany.

According to the My Education portal, the best medical universities in Russia are:

  • Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov;
  • Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov;
  • Siberian State Medical University;
  • PSPbGMU;
  • SZGMU named after Mechnikov.

The best Russian university for future workers in the medical field is Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov

Humanities education

The humanities include philology, linguistics, psychology, the study of religions, anthropology, and so on. Universities of the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Australia and Hong Kong are actively moving in this direction.

Main levels of education in Russia

The process of teaching specialties in Russia has not developed for a long time. Cardinal changes took place after the October Revolution of 1917, when access to education and culture became free, without estates. The Soviet government set itself the problem of eliminating illiteracy.

Since then, the system has gone through several reforms. In its modern form, as in the Soviet years, it is divided into the following levels:

  • general (including preschool and three levels of general);
  • professional.

General education

This level is mandatory for everyone, available. Each child consistently overcomes the stages, gaining knowledge. The goal is the formation of personality, moral convictions, the development of specific abilities.

School "President" in the village of Zhukovka near Moscow

General schooling is divided into three stages:

  • elementary (grade 4);
  • basic (5 classes);
  • middle (2 classes).

The transition from one stage to another is possible only after certification.

Professional education

Obtaining a profession in Russia is a voluntary choice of a person. Vocational training is divided into:

  • average;
  • higher.

To meet the needs of citizens, there are public and private colleges, institutes, academies, universities. Diplomas of the highest degree are classified according to the period of study:

  • bachelor (4 years);
  • specialist (5 years);
  • master's degree (2 years additionally).

The third level of vocational training involves the defense of postgraduate and internship degrees.

Rating by individual stages of education

The level of education in the countries of the world can differ significantly. Public organizations conduct research, trying to identify the quality of education at different stages. Let's take a look at the ratings.

Secondary education

According to OECD PISA, an organization that studies the quality of school education in the world, the ranking of countries in 2015 is as follows:

  1. Singapore;
  2. Japan;
  3. Estonia;
  4. Taiwan;
  5. Finland;
  6. Macau;
  7. Canada;
  8. Vietnam;
  9. Hong Kong;

The studies for 2018 have been completed, the results will be published in December 2019. Thousands of children took part in the literacy assessment program.

Latest research results from OECD PISA

Higher education (undergraduate and graduate)

Residents of developed countries have the highest level of higher education. The list below is based on the U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems and is updated annually.

  • Switzerland;
  • Great Britain;
  • Denmark;
  • Sweden;
  • Singapore;
  • Canada;
  • Netherlands;
  • Finland;
  • Australia.

The results of the training are scientific research, publications, further employment of graduates, the demand for the profession in the labor market. Students with a bachelor's degree sometimes strive to complete a master's degree.

MBA (Business Administration)

Obtaining an MBA degree in business schools is an opportunity to increase the degree of knowledge. A number of institutions offer a 1-year program that was popular but eventually lost first place to the standard 2-year programs.

In the US alone, 12,000 students receive an MBA degree. Schools in America and Great Britain are considered the most promising in this direction.


  • Oxford;
  • Cambridge.

List of the best countries for educational emigration

Those who are considering moving abroad in order to start or continue their studies should pay attention to universities in the UK and the USA. The requirements for students are high.

The USA is the best country for educational emigration

In Europe, it is also worth considering the educational institutions of France, Germany, the Netherlands. In Asia, the educational systems of Hong Kong and Singapore are popular.

TOP 13 countries by level of education

Let's return to the topic of accessibility and quality of education in the world. It is recognized that this factor is capable of uniting the nation, forcing citizens to work for the good of the state. Top 13 countries by level of education in 2018 are presented in the table.

Place Country Index
1 Australia 0,939
2 Denmark 0,923
3 New Zealand 0,917
4 0,916
5 Germany 0,914
6 Ireland 0,910
7 Iceland 0,906
8 USA 0,900
9 Netherlands 0,897
10 Great Britain 0,896
11 Switzerland 0,891
12 Canada 0,890
13 Slovenia 0,886

Russia received a combined index of 0.816 and ranked 34th.


  1. The Education Index (EI) is not a criterion for assessing the quality of education in schools and institutes. It shows the percentage of availability of educational institutions, the proportion of literate citizens, the average coefficient of duration of education for each adult citizen. The resulting score affects how the UN will evaluate the HDI (human development index).
  2. Analyzing individual areas of study, the conclusion suggests itself: the first lines of world rankings among universities are occupied by educational institutions in the USA and Great Britain.
  3. In Russia, general education is compulsory, while vocational education is optional.
  4. If you need to obtain an international diploma, you should pay attention to the universities of the USA, Western Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore.
  5. The first lines of the education index in 2018 are occupied by Australia, Denmark and New Zealand.

When choosing a country to study, I want to have some guidelines, so future students often look at the results of various ratings in their search. If you can somehow figure out the ranking of universities, then with the ranking of countries by level of education, everything is much more complicated.

However, such ratings also exist. One of the most famous is the Education Index, which is calculated within the framework of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This is an index of adult literacy and an index of cumulative share of students in education, so these data speak more about the accessibility of education than about its quality. So, the highest lines in the ranking are occupied by New Zealand, Norway, Australia, Ireland and the USA.

More useful for future students will be ratings that reflect the effectiveness of the educational system. For example, there is the Universitas 21 ranking, compiled by the world's leading academic universities. This ranking takes into account the educational environment, available educational resources in the country, educational cooperation and performance. The last indicator is the most important - its share in the ranking is 40%. The top of the ranking is occupied by the USA, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada and Denmark. Interestingly, New Zealand, the winner of the United Nations Education Index, only ranks 14th in the university rankings.

Interesting data was obtained by the British company Pearson as a result of a study of the best education systems. The leaders were South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Finland and the UK. The top ten also includes Canada, the Netherlands, Ireland, Poland and Denmark. The United States took 14th place and was one line below Russia. Such data were obtained, among other things, on the basis of the results of graduation points of schoolchildren, the level of literacy and the number of students enrolled in universities.

However, these data are still not enough when choosing a country for training. These ratings are focused on the inhabitants of the country and describe the education system as one of the indicators of the level of development of the state. For a foreigner planning to study abroad, not only the economic situation in the country and the quality of education are important, but also factors such as the cost of education, the opportunity to work and undergo an internship, employment, scholarships, etc. In addition, you need to take into account both the specialty and the type of education.

Ranking of countries by level of education (for international students)

Secondary education

  1. : prestige (especially for boarding schools), the opportunity to enter any university in the world after school, high quality education and character development.
  2. : small classes, attention to each student, orientation to practical classes, teachers with a master's degree.
  3. : high-quality European education, preparation for entering the leading universities of the world, excellent ecology, rich culture, a curriculum that includes sports, music and art, an international environment.
  4. : unlike the United States, where the range of schools in terms of the quality of education is very large, Canadian secondary schools are more homogeneous and are an order of magnitude superior to American ones. Graduates of Canadian schools can enter almost any university in the world without additional preparation.
  5. : the opportunity to study in English according to the international program or the curriculum of British secondary schools, but much cheaper than in the UK, a diploma of secondary education, with which you can enter any university in the world.

Higher education (bachelor's degree)

  1. : British universities are famous for their traditions, high quality education and a prestigious diploma. Even if we are not talking about the famous Oxford and Cambridge, a British university diploma will look great on a resume. In addition, getting a higher education in the UK provides a good opportunity to start a career there.
  2. : free education in state universities, a huge selection of programs, fundamental education and a European diploma - the reasons to go to get higher education in Germany.
  3. : although not all American universities can be called strong, the country has enough educational institutions with an impeccable reputation (for example, universities that are members of the prestigious Ivy League), a large selection of programs, including distance learning, a flexible approach to learning and the possibility
  4. : a very comfortable country to live in, a developed economy, good career opportunities and high quality high education, but one and a half to two times cheaper than in the US and many European countries.
  5. : a large selection of programs in English, well-equipped universities and research centers, a European diploma, a high standard of living in the country, the right to work while studying for foreign students.

Master's degree

  1. : a large selection of programs, both applied and research, the opportunity to study for free (at state universities) or receive a scholarship, many English-language programs, a prestigious diploma.
  2. : the opportunity to study for free or for a nominal fee, the right to combine work and study and practice in local companies, English-language programs, a European diploma that is recognized all over the world.
  3. : a huge selection of programs in a variety of specializations, a flexible system of education, a good opportunity to establish useful contacts, as well as find a job after graduation.
  4. : prestigious diploma, international orientation of programs, fundamental knowledge, internships in British companies.
  5. : low cost with high quality education, scholarships for students, including for foreigners, a large selection of areas and specializations, the opportunity to study in a research or professional (more applied) program.


  1. : America is the birthplace of business education. Most of the well-known and prestigious business schools are concentrated here (Harvard Business School, Columbia, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Haas Business School - University of California Berkeley, Wharton - University of Pennsylvania, Kellogg School of Management), whose diploma is quoted all over the world.
  2. : London remains one of the world's economic centers and is very attractive for both careerists and entrepreneurs, and British schools are famous for their internationality and excellent preparation, especially in the field of finance. The most famous educational institutions are London Business School, London School of Economics and Political Science, Said Business School (Oxford), Judge Business School (Cambridge) and Warwick Business School.
  3. : A high standard of living by Western standards and geographic proximity to the emerging markets of Asia, combined with quality and less expensive education in local business schools (for example, the Australian Graduate School of Management and Melbourne Business School) make Australia an attractive place to study and jobs for visionary careerists.
  4. : The country is famous for the high quality of education in accordance with European standards. Here are some of the best business schools in Europe and the world - INSEAD, HEC Paris and EMLYON.
  5. . A country with a good economy, great opportunities, an unsaturated job market and a high standard of living, Canada is attractive to business students who want to pursue a career in North America and at the same time spend less on education than in the United States. Of the business schools, the most popular are Schulich’s Business School (York University), Rotman School (University of Toronto), Sauder Business School (University of British Columbia’s Sauder Business School, Desautels School (Mcgill University).


  1. : a large number of universities, a huge selection of programs, well-equipped laboratories and research centers, many organizations that support science with scholarships and grants.
  2. : excellent research base, good opportunities for those who are engaged in research in the field of natural sciences.
  3. : fundamental approach, location in the center of Europe and the opportunity to communicate with other scientists, good financial support for projects, especially in the field of natural and technical sciences.
  4. New Zealand: postgraduate study in New Zealand is a good step towards an international career in science.
  5. : rich traditions, a serious scientific base, "star" teachers and good prospects after the defense.

Directions of study

You can find a program in a particular specialty in almost any country. However, there is an unspoken specialization of countries: for example, it is better to study design and art in Italy, and high technologies in Sweden.

  • Legal education: USA, UK, Australia, Germany
  • Economic Education: UK, USA, Switzerland, Germany
  • Technical education: Germany, Sweden, Hong Kong, Singapore, China
  • Natural Sciences: Sweden, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Australia
  • Medical education: Switzerland, Sweden, Israel, Czech Republic, Germany, USA
  • Humanities education: France, UK, Italy, Spain

The cost of higher education

The high cost of education abroad is one of the main obstacles. However, many European countries allow foreigners to study at universities for free, and even in the US, prestigious universities such as Princeton, Harvard and Yale provide scholarships for students from families with low incomes and do not require student loans.

List of European countries where you can get a quality education for free (at state universities):

  1. Austria
  2. Belgium
  3. Germany
  4. Spain
  5. Italy
  6. Norway
  7. Poland
  8. Finland
  9. Sweden
  10. Czech

Useful links:

  • www.hdr.undp.org/en United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  • www.universitas21.com Community of Academic Universities of the World
  • www.sq.com Ratings of universities according to the British company QS
  • www.colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges American University Rankings
  • World University Ranking