Scary story in English story. Scary Halloween story. The legend of the pumpkin-lantern. The story in English about the living forest

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A Scary StoryThis story happened to me when I was 9 years old. It was a Halloween night and we had some guests over. There were my uncle with his wife and my cousins: Arthur and Ian. Some of my school friends were also around, so we decided to play hide-and-seek. Arthur suggested playing in the basement, as it's more intriguing. He secretly told me that he wanted to scare his little brother. Everybody agreed, so we went downstairs. Our basement was rather spacious and full of old junk. It was easy to find the place for hiding. The game had started and I was supposed to count to twenty. While I was counting, I suddenly heard a scream. I knew it was Ian, so I didn't pay any attention. Surely, I thought it was Arthur's plan. However, he wouldn't stop screaming and one of my schoolmates joined him. I asked them what's wrong and Ian, who was hiding behind the old bureau, said that he saw a ghost. My schoolmate Tim confirmed. Everybody left their hiding spots and ran to me. We were now afraid to move. Ian said there was something white moving towards the door. Tim also saw it. I asked Arthur whether it was his trick, but he persistently denied it. He said he wouldn't play such scary tricks. In a minute we heard a strange noise at the basement door. Tim agreed to check who or what was it. When he approached the door, he started screaming again. There was something or someone small hiding there. It was wearing white garments. We decided that it was a ghost of a child. As nobody wanted to go alone, we decided to go there all together. Imagine how surprised we were to find out that it was my 6-year old sister Helen under a white sheet. She just wanted to scare us to death. Well, in case with Ian and Tim she had definitely succeeded.
Scary tale.
It happened when I was 9 years old. We had several guests on Halloween night. There was my uncle and his wife and my cousins: Arthur and Jan. Some of my school friends were hanging out nearby, so we decided to play hide-and-seek together. Arthur suggested playing in the basement as it's more fun. He secretly told me that he wanted to scare his little brother. Everyone agreed and we went downstairs. Our basement is quite spacious and full of old junk. It was easy to find a place to hide. The game started and I had to count to twenty. While I was counting, I suddenly heard a scream. I knew it was Yang, so I didn't pay attention. I was sure it was Arthur's plan. However, he didn't stop screaming and one of my classmates joined him. I asked them what happened and Jan, who was hiding behind an old chest of drawers, said he saw a ghost. My classmate Tim confirmed. Everyone came out of their hiding places and ran up to me. Now we were all afraid to move. Yang said he saw something white moving towards the door. Tim also saw it. I asked Arthur if this was his bad joke, but he stubbornly denied everything. He said he wouldn't play a joke on us like that. A minute later we heard a strange noise near the basement door. Tim agreed to check who or what it was. As he approached the door, he started screaming again. There was something small in the hideout, or someone. It was completely white. We decided it was the ghost of a child. Since no one wanted to go alone, we decided to go there together. Imagine how surprised we were to find out that this is my 6-year-old sister Elena under a white sheet. She just wanted to scare us to death. Well, in the case of Ian and Tim, she definitely succeeded.

Many children love to talk and listen before going to bed. scary and mysterious stories (horror stories) and the holiday is just the time to remember and tell such stories.

Today we publish a small selection of short scary stories in English.

I warn you in advance that in this collection there are really very horror stories, when reading which my heart sank and contracted, therefore, when recommending them to your children or students, be picky. I would categorize this material 12+ , but that's up to you. Reading stories requires a level of English proficiency ““.

Now the most daring, after all the warnings we have made, can start reading this damn dozen scary stories, for this, click on the picture button below.

Read short scary stories in English.

These scary stories can be downloaded and printed, it is very convenient that almost every story fits on one page:.

Listen to short scary stories in English.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Stories include: 0:00 – The Big Toe 2:58 – What Do You Come For? 4:25 – Me Tie Doughty Walker 7:48 – A Man Who Lived in Leeds 8:55 – Old Woman All Skin and Bones 10:44 – Cold as Clay 13:18 – The Hearse Song 14:35 – A New Horse 17 :15 – Alligators 19:44 – Room For One More 21:52 – The Dead Man's Brains 24:10 – The Hook 26:07 – High Beams 29:01 – The Babysitter 31:37 – The Viper 32:57 – The Slithery-Dee 33:35 – Aaron Kelly's Bones 38:03 – Wait 'til Martin Comes

More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Stories include:
0:0:00 - Something was Wrong, 0:1:30 - The Wreck, 0:3:36 - One Sunday Morning, 0:6:56 - Sounds, 0:9:25 - A Weird Blue Light, 0: 11:12 - Somebody Fell From Aloft, 0:17:20 - The Little Black Dog, 0:20:54 - Clinkity-Clink, 0:27:22 - The Bride, 0:28:57 - Rings on Her Fingers, 0:31:13 The Drum, 0:36:45 – The Window, 0:41:18 – Wonderful Sausage, 0:44:04 – The Cat's Paw, 0:46:06 – The Voice, 0:47:30 – “Oh, Susannah!”, 0:49:07 – The Man in the Middle, 0:50:49 – Cat in a Shopping Bag, 0:52:33 – The Bed by the Window, 0:55:00 – The Dead Man's Hand, 0:57:02 – A Ghost in the Mirror, 0:59:38 – The Curse, 1:04:19 - The Church, 1:06:28 - The Bad News, 1:08:06 - Cemetery Soup, 1:10:20 - The Brown Suit, 1:11:39 - BA-ROOOM! and 1:12:17 – Thumpity-Thump
Short Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones

Stories include:
1. The Appointment, 2. The Bus Stop, 3. Faster and Faster, 4. Just Delicious, 5. Hello, Kate!, 6. The Black Dog, 7. Footsteps, 8. Like Cat's Eyes, 9. Bess, 10 Harold, 11. The Dead Hand, 12. Such Things Happen, 13. The Wolf Girl, 14. The Dream, 15. Sam's New Pet, 16. Maybe You Will Remember, 17. The Red Spot, 18. No, Thanks , 19. The Trouble, 20. Strangers, 21. The Hog, 22. Is Something Wrong?, 23. It's Him!, 24. THUPPPPPPP! and 25. You May Be Next…

If you and your children do not like scary stories, I want to remind you that on our pages we have already published completely non-scary stories for continuing to study English related to Halloween:

And for very young and beginners to celebrate Halloween, we have published cute children's songs:

Level B. Other.

I would like to tell you about

I would like to tell you about the story, happened to me 5 years ago. I am not crazy. I hope you will believe me.

It was cold winter and I was really happy about leaving the school, because Christmas holidays has already begun. My name is Edgar, I "m 16 years old, studying in common russian school. I do not have a lot of friends, because I do not like having fun and talking to somebody, if you are interested in my biography.

I had a best friend, called Mark. He was the same age as me and did not have friends, except me. All night long we were spending time, talking and reading horror books. It was awesome and very creepy. I had the same interests as my friend, so we liked the same stories. But one of them was my favorite, because there was an interesting and mysterious thing that i spot. It was the shortest book I have ever read, which contained only 5 pages but sixth was torn away. We had found this book in the old small library and had stolen it away. Me and my friend are not the thiefs, by way, but we really needed it to Study and find out what riddle was hidden in that strange book, written by the unknown author. So, our story began.

Having read that book incompletely, we realized that all events happened in our town! It describes about the old abandoned clinic that settled in the woods. We needed more information.

2 weeks ago, after studying it attentively and searching huge amount of information on the internet, we puzzled out where is that old building situated. My friend has written down the coordinates quickly and we went into the forest.

Unluckily, our small "group" has reached the hospital when it began to dusk. I saw many broken windows and dirty things. Allin all it was very horribly. We went down the stairs in the catacombs and decided to split.

I really regret that decision. After 15 minutes I have spent in the dark I began to call my friend. no one answered. One more 10 minutes passed that I spent, walking and turning in a different direction. Suddenly I stunned. I do not know what exactly I saw till nowadays. There was a creature straight ahead from me, which has been sitting, shaking hands and eating something. I decided to silently go away but after he spot me, I ran away at once. I had been running till I reached my house.

At the conclusion, I want to say that of course, nobody believed me, even my parents. I have not seen my friend 3 years already and I did not go to the forest and will not go there anyway.

I would like to tell you about a story that happened to me 5 years ago. I am not crazy. I hope you believe me.

It was cold in winter and I was very happy to finish school because the Christmas holidays had already begun. My name is Edgar, 16 years old, I study in a regular Russian school. I don't have many friends because I don't like to have fun and talk to anyone if you are interested in my biography.

I had a best friend named Mark. He was the same age as me and had no friends but me. We spent the whole night talking and reading scary books. It was amazing and very creepy. I had the same interests as my friend, so we liked the same stories. But one of them was my favorite because it had an interesting and mysterious thing that I discovered. It was the shortest book I have ever read, containing only 5 pages, but the sixth was torn off. We found this book in an old small library and stole it. We are not thieves, if anything, but we really needed to study and understand what kind of mystery was hidden in this strange book written by an unknown author. And so our story begins.

After reading this book completely, we realized that all the events took place in our city! She describes an old abandoned clinic that was located in the forest. We needed more information.

2 weeks ago, after carefully studying and searching for a huge amount of information on the Internet, we realized where this old building is located. My friend quickly wrote down the coordinates and we went into the woods.

Unfortunately, our little "group" reached the hospital as it began to get dark. I saw a lot of broken windows and dirty things. In general, it all looked very terrible. We went down the stairs to the catacombs and decided to split up.

I really regret this decision. After 15 minutes in the dark, I started calling my friend. No one answered. Another 10 minutes passed, which I spent walking and turning in different directions. Suddenly I froze. I still don't know what I saw there. There was a creature right in front of me that was sitting, moving its arms and eating something. I decided to silently leave, but after he noticed me, I immediately ran away. I ran until I reached my house.

In conclusion, I want to say that, of course, no one believed me, not even my parents. I haven't seen my friend for 3 years and I didn't go to the forest anymore and I won't go there anyway.

Another interesting text in English with translation and audio dubbing by a native speaker. You will also be interested and useful in other stories in English in the section or a real mystical story written by me (in Russian).

If you want to practice more in English, and not only online, but also via skype, then. I will help you.


I was a writer. I wrote books. I write now, but nobody knows. Nobody can see me now. Something strange has happened to me. I will tell you about it.

In January I wanted to write a very long book. So I left my home and I found a little room.

‘This is a good room for a writer,’ I thought. ‘I’ll write my book here.’

It was a little room, but I liked it. It was very quiet. I began to work on my book and I was happy.

Then things began to happen - strange things.

One day I was at my desk with my pen in my hand. Suddenly I thought, ‘I want a coffee and I haven’t got any. I'll have to go to the shop.'

I put my pen on the table and went out.

When I came back, I looked for the pen. It wasn't on the table. I looked on the floor, on my chair and then on the table again. It wasn't there!

‘I don’t understand it,’ I thought.

That night another strange thing happened. I was in bed and the room was very quiet. Suddenly, I opened my eyes

‘What was that?’ I wondered.

Then I heard a voice - a man's voice.

‘Who’s there?’ I cried.

There was no answer and there was nobody in the room! I couldn't understand it, and I was afraid.

‘What can I do?’ I thought. ‘What was that?’

After that, strange things happened every day. But I had to finish my book, so I stayed there.

The room was very small. There were not many things in it; only a bed, a table and a chair. And there was a mirror on the wall. It was a very old mirror and I liked it. And then, one day, I looked in the mirror and – I saw him! The other man! It wasn't me. This man had a beard, but I didn't!

I shut my eyes and looked again. This time, I saw my face in the mirror.

‘That didn’t happen,’ I thought, ‘I was wrong. There wasn't another man.'

I went for a walk that day, and I didn't work on my book. I didn't want to be in the room. I didn't want to see or hear strange things.

At night, I went home again. The room was very quiet. I looked in the mirror and saw my face. But I wasn't happy. I went to bed, but I couldn't sleep.

‘I’ll leave here tomorrow,’ I thought. And after that, I slept.

But then another strange thing happened. The other man stood by my bed and spoke to me.

‘You will never leave here,’ he said. ‘You will stay with me.’

And then I opened my eyes. I was very cold and afraid. ‘I’ll leave now,’ I thought. ‘I can’t stay here for one more minute.’

Quickly, I put my things in a case. I wanted to go - now. I couldn't forget the man, so I was afraid. But afraid of what? I didn't know.

When my clothes were in the case, I thought, ‘I’ll leave the room now.’

I looked round the room, and I also looked in the mirror again. And then I suddenly felt colder and more afraid. I couldn't see the other man in the mirror. Why? Because he wasn't there. But I couldn't see my face in the mirror! There was no face. Why not?

I tried to shout, but no sound came. I had no voice.

And then I saw him. I saw the other man - the man with the beard. But he wasn't in the mirror. He was at the table, with my pen in his hand. He wrote my book with my pen! I was angry and I tried to speak. But I couldn't, because I had no voice.

The other man didn't speak. He smiled and wrote.

Suddenly, there was a sound at the door, and I heard a friend's voice.

Are you there?’ my friend called. ‘I want to see you.’

I was very happy then. ‘My friend will help me,’ I thought. But I couldn't move. The other man went to the door and opened it.

‘Come in,’ he said to my friend. ‘Come and see my room. I'm writing my book.'

My friend came into the room, but he didn't see me. He smiled at the other man.

My friend said, ‘Oh, you have a beard now!’

Again and again, I tried to speak but I couldn't. My friend couldn't see me; he couldn't hear me. He only saw the other man.

That is my story. The other man has my room. And he also has my face and my voice. He will finish my book, too.

But the other man doesn't know one thing. I can write - I can tell my story. And I'm telling it to you!


I was a writer. Wrote books. I am still writing, but no one knows about it and does not see me. Something strange happened to me once, listen.

In January, I decided to write an impressive book, so I left the house and settled in a small room.

"Good place for a writer" - I thought. "Here I will write a book."

The room was tiny but nice, very quiet. I got to work and was very happy.

Then something strange began to happen. One day I was sitting at the table with a pen in my palm and decided to drink coffee. "There is no coffee, I'll have to go to the store ..." - a thought flashed by.

Leaving the pen on the table, I went out, and when I returned, I had to look for it - there was no pen on the table. I examined the floor, the chair, looked again at the table - empty.

"I don't understand anything!" - the thought flashed again.

Something strange happened again during the night. I lay in bed, listening to the silence. Suddenly, something made me open my eyes.

"What's happened?" - surprise knew no bounds. Then a male voice sounded.

Who's there? I shouted.

There was no answer, the room seemed empty. Understanding nothing, I trembled with fear.

"What to do? What is it?" - Thoughts ran through my head.

After that, strange things began to happen daily, but the book needed to be completed, so I stayed in the closet.

There were few things in the small room: a bed, a table and an armchair. There was also a mirror on the wall. It was very ancient. Once, when I looked into it, I saw a silhouette. There was another person there, not me. The reflection had a beard.

I closed my eyes and opened them again - this time my usual face appeared before me.

"It wasn't, no. It's a mistake. There was no other person in the mirror!" All that was left was to console himself.

That day I went for a walk and did not work on the book. I did not want to sit in the room - the fear was too great to see or hear oddities again.

I returned only at night. The room met with silence. I looked in the mirror - there was a reflection of my face, but the anxiety remained. When I got into bed, I couldn't sleep.

"I'm leaving here tomorrow!" - came the thought. After that, sleep fell.

But the inexplicable happened again. The other person was standing by the bed, addressing me.

You won't go anywhere from here. You will stay here. Forever.

I opened my eyes, feeling fear and cold. "Enough. I'm leaving now!" - came the decision. "I won't stay here for a minute."

Things were packed quickly - I really wanted to leave. The image of a man did not go out of my head, but fear fettered me. What exactly was I afraid of? Do not know.

When things were collected, I gave myself the command - I'm leaving.

I looked around the closet and again looked in the mirror. Again, fear and cold penetrated into the soul. No, there was no other person there. But my reflection was also not visible!

I tried to scream, but to no avail - my voice seemed to evaporate. And then I saw him, another man with a beard. Only he was not in the mirror, but at the table, holding my pen in his palm. He wrote my book with it! I was terribly angry and again tried to speak, but could not.

The man didn't speak either, he just wrote and smiled. Suddenly there was a noise outside the door, and I heard the voice of my friend.

Are you there? Need to see you!

There was a ray of hope in my soul. "Of course, a friend will help!" But I couldn't even move! The other man walked up to the door and flung it open.

Come in," he said to his friend. - Come in, look at the room where I'm working on a book.

A friend stepped inside, but did not see me. He smiled.

Oh, you have a beard now!

Again and again I tried to speak, but in vain: my friend did not see or hear, there was only another man in front of him.

That is my story. The other one now lives in my closet. He has my face and my voice. And now he is writing my book.

But the stranger does not know something. I can write my own story. And here it is, in front of you!

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The First Kiss

It was a beautiful starry night. They were walking down the silent street. The city was sleeping. They could only hear their own steps and voices. They were young. They were beautiful. They were in love. They seemed to be happy and they really were.

They were dating for about a week. She met him six days ago. He was handsome, strong and very smart. She fell in love from the first glance at his face. He looked like a man of her dream. She was happy and a little afraid of him. She was afraid of losing him. He seemed to be so perfect and so strong. He was self-confident and there was nothing in the whole world he could be afraid of. But she was an ordinary girl, nice but not very beautiful, slim but not very attractive. "Why has he chosen me?" - she asked herself.

He liked her. She was a pretty girl, a little naive, a little clumsy, sometimes - funny, sometimes - silly. But she loved him. He knew this. He was older and more experienced. He was a good pretender. He told her that he loved her, but his feelings were not strong. She was just a new sweet toy for him.

This night he had a special plan. It was a night of their first kiss. He wasn "t in a hurry - he had planned everything. And now he was ready He looked at her. She was telling about her favorite book. Her eyes were shining, her voice was trembling. He stopped. He turned to her. He took her both hands. He looked in her eyes. He whispered - "Come closer". She did. She closed her eyes. She felt his breathing. His lips were somewhere near here. They touched hers...

It was a sweet kiss. It was a long kiss. It was their first kiss.

It was the last kiss for him.

Five minutes later he was lying on the ground breathless.

Good bye, my sweet handsome boy, I loved you so much - said she, wiping off his tasty warm blood from her lips.

Black Vodka

(story for adults)

One man liked to drink vodka. He drank vodka every evening. His wife didn't like it. She didn't know how to make him quit it. She tried a lot of things, but he drank again and again. Nothing could stop it. But she didn't want him to drink and was ready to do everything for this.

After a lot of failures, she went to a famous woman for help. This woman was some kind of sorcerer. The sorcerer asked what exactly this woman wanted from her husband.

I want him to stop drinking vodka. I want him to love me every night. And I want to have a baby.

I see. You should do three things, they can seem strange, but don "t mix anything. Your husband will change. Will you admit it? Do you really want him to change?

Yes, I do! I will love him if he is changed.

He can be VERY changed.

I "m sure he" ll be better without vodka, and he "ll be happy to love me and to have children.

All right. Let "s get started. To stop him to continue drinking you must make the evening vodka black - put black ink into it, you must put a fat cockroach into the bottle. And if you want him to love you much - add one drop of your blood inside.

The woman rushed home, she did everything as she had been told.

When the husband was back home, he was surprised to get vodka from his own wife. Without asking he drank it and didn't feel anything strange.

After 10 minutes he was sleeping deeply. She went to sleep too, expecting a happy life ahead.

She was awakened at night. Somebody was above her breathing hard.

She switched on a night lamp to see her husband.

Then there was a loud scream and she fainted.

Her husband was really changed.

He was...

A huge cockroach.


A hamster

Once we bought a hamster.

When we bought him, the seller said: "This hamster has a wonderful habit. He knows where he lives. While you are alive he will find you anywhere. You are his new master. And never change his sleeping box - he won"t like it."

He was so nice creature. He was small and funny. I liked to play with him very much. I liked him. He liked me. He could find his cage from any part of our big house. It was amazing. And he liked to sleep in the little dark sleeping box. It looked like a little coffin.

I often took him in my arms. He was so cute and fragile.

Once he bit me a little. It was nothing. I was bleeding for a second, it was one tiny drop of blood.

I didn't pay any attention to this.

Next day he beat me again. harder. Then - again. It happened every day. He was beating everyone. We decided to go to a vet with him, with our ex-nice hamster.

The vet told us: "Don't worry. I "ll watch him and give him medicine. Come tomorrow. Everything will be all right."

We came next day.

The veterinary station seemed to be empty. We went to the room where we left our pet yesterday.

There was a piece of paper with a note: "It"s strange. The hamster must be a vampire. Need to be careful."

Then we heard a noise ahead. We looked into the folding screen and we saw ... the vet. Dead. In the pool of blood.

In shock we rushed home. We closed all doors and windows. We were scared and didn't know what to do.

We needed to be in a safe peaceful place.

Then I remembered: "While you are alive he will find you anywhere."

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