5 sentences with adverbs in Tatar. Adverb. bara thorgan let's go

Topic 4. Pronoun.

The student must know:

Morphological features of pronouns,

ranks of pronouns,

Declension of pronouns.

Pronouns in the Tatar language are used instead of independent words, but they do not name them and do not determine their content.

The following categories of pronouns are distinguished:

The name of the categories of pronouns

Personal (zat almashliklari)

min - I; sin - you; st - he (she, it);

without - we; sez - you; alar - they.

Indicative (kүrsәtu almashlyklary)

bu - this (this, these); shul - this one; st

it; tege – that one; shundy, andy, mondy - like that.

Interrogative (sorau almashlyklary)

by whom? - who? nərsə? - what? nichek? - how? kaida? - where? Kaichan? - when? Nick? - why? nindi? - which? kaisa? - which the?

Collective (җyyu almashlyklary)

uz - own, barcha, barlyk, һәmә - everything,

һәr, һәrber - each, etc.

Indefinite (bilgesezlek almashlyklary)

nindider - some, kemder - someone,

әllа kaychan - once, аllа nichek - somehow, ber - someone, etc.

Negative (yuklyk almashlyklary)

berkem - nobody, hichkem - nobody, berkade - nowhere, hichkaida - nowhere, bernarsә - nothing, etc.

Many pronouns take the possessive affix and decline in cases:

Declension of pronouns min, st, uz (I, he, myself)



st - he, she, it

үzem - (I) myself (a)


minem - at me, mine

anyң - from him, him, her, her

үzemneң - at the self, at the very


mina - me

ana - to him, to her

үzemә - most, most


mine - me

ana - his, her

uzemne - most, herself


minnan - from me, from me

annan - from him, from him, from her, from her

үzemnәn - from oneself, from oneself


minda - at me, on me

anda - on him, on her, on him, on her

үzemdә - at the very, on the very, at (on) the very

1. Decline pronouns without , sez , st by cases

2. Choose pronouns for the verbs ashym, yazasyn, barabyz, kitte, aytmäs, birersen.

3. Translate Russian phrases into Tatar in one word, putting the appropriate possessive affixes after the nouns. Put them in the directive case.

His friend, my father, their house, our team, your song, your sister, my business, her hair, your finger.

4. Decline pronouns hichkem , Bernards , by cases and compositionmake suggestions with them.

5. Rewrite the text, inserting the demonstrative pronouns given in brackets, in the correct case.

Bu ... (without) fatirybyz. Menә ... (bu) torus cabinet, ... (tege) sofa ... (bu) uryndyklar, ... (tege) өstәl. Karavat yoky bүlmаsendә. Cue cabinets yes ... (shul). Stenaga rәsem elengәn... (st) enem yasada.

Topic 5. Adjective and its ranks.

The student must know:

Morphological features of adjectives,

Degrees of adjectives.

In the Tatar language, adjectives denote signs of objects, do not have formal indicators, always precede the word being defined, and do not agree with the noun: zaңgәr chachәk- blue flower zәңgәr chәchәklәrҙ- blue flowers.

The quality differs asyl) and relative ( nisby) adjectives, and qualitative ones have four degrees:

Degree name




(Gadi dәrәҗә)

matur - beautiful

sary - yellow

tүgәrәk - round


(Chagyshtyru dәrәҗәse)

matur-rak - more beautiful

sary-rak - yellower.

tүgәrәg-rәk - rounder


(Artiklyk dәrәҗәse)

a) partial repetition of the basis;

b) amplifying particles: iң - the most, bik - very, үtә - over

sap-sary - very yellow

tүp-tүgәrәk - the most round

bik matur - very handsome

inzur - the largest

үtә sizger - hypersensitive

Diminutive - from adjectives expressing color

(Kimlek dәrәҗәse)



Syl / - sat, - su

sar-gylt - yellowish

al-su - pinkish

ak-syl - whitish

zәңgәr-su - bluish

Relative adjectives express the external, inorganic properties of objects in relation to other objects, material, composition, place, time, etc.: machines - having a car urmanly- having a forest җimeshle - having berries, tongues- spring, өydege - home, tesses - toothless, ellyk - yearly, yearly, etc.

The Tatar language borrowed many relative adjectives from Russian (sometimes in a truncated form): realist, active, musical, politician, physicist, revolutionary, agrarian etc.; from Arabic: Adabi- literary, iҗtimagy - public, gyilmi - scientific, dini- religious, etc.

Assignments for independent work.

1.To the names of birdsAdd adjectives, then make sentences.

2. Form all possible degrees of adjectives, make sentences.

Koran, shayan, zәңgәr, tөche, kin, taza, әybәt, ak, kyzyl, nәzek, oly, bәlәkәy, yalangach, sory, tours, salkyn, kainar, sary, ozyn, kakre, tүgәrәk.

3 .Form the comparative degree of adjectives.

Kyzyl, ak, tämle, zur, kechkenә, biek, tәbәnәk, kochle.

4. Form a superlative degree of adjectives:

Guzal, bark, nachar, җiңel, sary, tamsez, zur, kyibat , ak, әche, ere, yomshak, fidals.

5. Imagine you are on a tour of your city. How will you tell about it?Specify adjectives

Topic 6. Adverb.

The student must know:

Morphological features of adverbs,

Classes of adverbs.

An adverb expresses a sign of an action or a sign of a sign and is an invariable part of speech. The semantic classification of adverbs is reflected in the following scheme:

Ranks of adverbs


1. Mode of action (saf raveshlar)

tyn - quietly, әkren - slowly, shәp - good, җәyaү - on foot, kinәt - suddenly, annan-monnan - somehow, etc.

2. Measures and degrees (kulәm-chama rәveshlәre)

az - little, kүp - a lot, botenlәy - at all, beraz - a little, bik - very much, tāmam - completely, baitak - quite a lot, etc.

3. Comparisons (ohshatu-chagyshtyru rәveshlәre)

keshelәrchә - like a human being, tolkedәy - like a fox, timerdәy - like iron, kaһarmannarcha - heroically, etc.

4. Places (uryn raveshlare)

5. Time (vakyt rәveshlәre)

bersekҩngә - the day after tomorrow, bugen - today. irtәgә - tomorrow, byel - today, kichә - yesterday, kyshyn - in winter, etc.

6. Reasons and goals

yuri - out of spite, zerәgә - in vain, yucca - in vain, bush - useless, tick - so-so, etc.

The adverb constantly characterizes the verb and more often refers to it, acts as various circumstances. Adverbs, as in Russian, do not decline, usually precede the verb.

Assignments for independent work.

1. Specify adverbs. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Ochrashyrga vakyt az kaldy. Sin aldan bar! Beraz kotep tor ale. Biredә rәkhәt. Min sezne bөtenlәy hәterlәmim. Kochka sezne ezlәp taptym. Sez ruscha bik yakhshy sөylәshәsez. Street bezgә sirak kilә. Min tiz kaityrmyn. Tizdan җәy җitә. Khazer son inde. Talinkә chelpәrәmә kilep vatyldy. Sin bu shigyrne yattan belesenme? Tram bik akren bar. Aide, җәyaү kaitabyz!

2. Read the story of G. Tukay "Yaz". Find adverbs you know.

Yaz mart aennan bashlana.

Inde kon urtalarynda koyash shakty җylyta heady.

Koyash inde kүktә, kyshtagy kebi kүrenep kenә kitmichә, ozak tora heady. Shunlyktan könnär ozaya, tonnär kyskar.

Karlar, bozlar erilar. Su өstendә koymәlәr, steamer, ak faruslar payda bula.

3. Form adverbs from numerals.

4. Compose or select 6 sentences from fiction in which adverbs of all categories would be used. Specify the categories of adverbs.

5. Write down 10 adverbs from the dictionary, make sentences with them.

Topic 7. Verb. Verb conjugations. The present tense of the verb.

The student must know:

Morphological features of the verb,

Present tense verb endings

Conjugation for persons and numbers.

The verb denotes the action or state of a person, object, phenomenon and is characterized in the Tatar language by the category of affirmation and negation, moods, categories of person, number, time, pledge and the degree of action.

The negative form is formed by adding affixes to the stem of the verb -ma/-ma, and the stress falls on the syllable before this affix: kuy - kuyma(put it - don't put it) at - atma(drop - don't drop) сөй – сөймә(love - do not love).

The verb has conjugated personal ( soothing) and non-conjugated impersonal ( zatlanyshsyz) forms. Conjugates include the indicative ( hikaya figul), imperative ( boeryk bullshit), desired ( telak figyl) and conditional ( shart bullshit) mood of the verb, to non-conjugated - participle ( syyfat bullshit), gerund ( Khal figyl), action name ( isem bullshit), infinitive.

The conjugated stem of the present tense ( Khazerge Zaman) is formed from the stem of the verb by means of an affix -а/-ә(if the stem ends in a consonant): cal - cal-a(remains); through the affix th/-s(if the stem ends in a vowel): sail - sail-th(chooses) eshl - eshl-i(working)

Conjugation table of present tense verbs for persons and numbers in positive and negative aspects

positive form

negative form

single number

multiple number

single number

multiple number



bel-ә-without (we know)




(do not choose)


(don't know)


(do not choose)

bel-ә-sen (you know)

sail-th - son (you choose)





(you do not know)


(do not choose)


(do not know)


(do not choose)

sail-th (chooses)




(does not know)


(does not choose)


(do not know)


(do not choose)

Assignments for independent work.

1. Find the stems of the verbs and put them into temporary forms:
Sample: kilu (come) - kil (come); kīlė (comes); kilde (came); kilgan (came, it turns out); Keeler (will come); kilachek (will definitely come).
sanau (count); yazu (to write); kalu (to stay); betu (end); bashlanu (begin); chigu (go out).
2. Conjugate the following verbs for persons and numbers.

Yasama, uinama, eshlәmә, bir, kil, asha, yaza , өyrәnә , white , soyli.

3. Verbs : uylarga , sөylәrҙ , ezlargә , kararga will conjugatebin otrynominalinfusiontime.

4. Make up a short story on the topic “Tabyn yanynda pokhta bul”. Use the verbs yu, sөrt, utyr, al, that, asha, аyt.

5. Form a negative form of the verb.

Yozә, җyydy, uylagan, bulyshyr, kitty, yazdy, belgan.

Topic 8. Past tense of the verb.

The student must know:

Past tense verb endings

Conjugation for persons and numbers.

past indefinite(bilgesez yaks natiҗәle үtkәn zaman) expresses an action that the speaker himself did not see; it is formed by adding affixes to the stem of the verb -gan/-gan(after voiced consonants and vowels), - kan/-kan(after voiceless consonants):



yaz-gan-myn (I wrote, it turns out)

sip-kan-men (I watered, it turns out)

yaz-gan-byz (we wrote, it turns out)

sip-kan-without (we watered, it turns out)

yaz-gan-syn (you wrote, it turns out)

sip-kan-sen (you watered, it turns out)

yaz-gan-syz (you wrote, it turns out)

sip-kan-sez (you watered, it turns out)

yaz-gan (he wrote, it turns out)

sip-kan (he poured, it turns out)

yaz-gan-nar (they wrote, it turns out)

sip-kan-nar (they watered, it turns out)

Unlike Russian, the Tatar language has several more complex past tenses:

1) past continuous ( tamamlanmagan utkәn zaman): bar ide - walked; soyli ide - told (a);

2) long past ( kүptәn үtkәn zaman): bargan ide - walked sөylәgәn ide- told (a);

3) past multiple tense ( kabatlauly utkan zaman): bara thorgan ide- walked (a); soyli torgan ide- used to tell (a).

These compound past tense forms are formed by adding an auxiliary verb idea to verb forms -a, -gan, -a thorgan. It is also characteristic that only the auxiliary verb is conjugated according to persons idea.


past continuous

long gone



let's go bar

I went

bargan go

I walked (then)

bar thorgan let's go

I used to go

bar ideas

did you go

bargan idea

you walked (then)

bar torgan ideas

you used to go

bar ide

He went

bargan ide

he walked (then)

bara thorgan ide

he used to go


past continuous

long gone



bar idek

we went

bargan idek

we walked (then)

bara thorgan idek

we used to go

bara ideas

did you go

bargan idegez

you walked (then)

bara thorgan ideas

you used to go

baralar ide

they walked

bargannar ide

they walked (then)

bara torgannar ide

they used to go

Assignments for independent work.

1. Conjugate verbsin the past time:

kiendeme, tyңladymy, аytteme, bardymy, eshlәdem, ukydymy.

2. Make sentences using the wordchonks and verbs in –gan ide/ - gan ide.

3. Form certain past tenses of verbs and compositionbthose suggestions.

Kil, al, ashla, siz, bashla.

4. Put these verbs in negative form.

Uky, аyt, al, sөylә, asha, yaz, atla, yuyn

5. Tell us about your visit to the concert, indicate the past tense of the verb.

Topic 9. The future tense of the verb.

The student must know:

Future tense verb endings

Conjugation for persons and numbers.

Future(kilachek zaman) has 3 forms: future indefinite ( bilgesez kilachek zaman), categorical future ( bilgele kilachek zaman) and the future in the past ( kilаchәk-үtkәn zaman).

The future indefinite tense expresses an action that will take place after the moment of speech, but of which the speaker is not entirely sure. This time is formed by adding affixes -R(after vowels) and -ar/әr, -yr/-er(after consonants). negative form -mass/-mass in the 2nd and 3rd persons.




I will write apparently


I won't write apparently


we will probably write


we will not write


you will probably write


you probably won't write


you write apparently


you do not write, apparently


he will probably write


he won't write


they will probably write


they won't write


positive form

negative form

Min kite-achak-myn


I'll be back (required)

I will not be back

Sin kite-achak-syn


You will be back (required)

you won't come back

Ul kite-achak

st kite-ma-yachak

He'll be back (required)

he will not return


Without kite-achak-byz


We will be back (required)

we won't be back

Sez kite-achak-syz


You will be back (required)

you won't come back

Alar kite-achak-lar


They'll be back (required)

they won't come back

Future in the past expresses a process that was to be carried out in the future, but which is transferred to the past. Formed by adding an affix to the stem of the verb -achak + ide, -әchәk + ide, - yachak + ide, yachҙk + ide: baracak ide(he had to go) sөylәyachәk ide(he should have said):

Assignments for independent work.

Yat, uky, asha, bir, white.

2. Say which form of past or future tenses would you use in the following sentences in Tatar: We went to the cinema yesterday. Next year, maybe he will go to university. He will probably go to the countryside next week. Tomorrow will be Friday. Maybe it will snow tomorrow. A cold wind blew in the morning. Pushkin was born in 1799.
3. Translate the verb forms (use additional words to convey certainty-uncertainty): bara (to go); uylada (think); sin eshlәgәnsen (to do); without kitәchәkbez (leave); alar sanar (count); sez kilersez (come); Chykkan st. (get out).
4. Form negative forms of the verb. Read the resulting pairs aloud several times.:
ashli - ashlami; bards; bar; kilgan; chyga; Chinese; sanar; yazam; yazachakmyn; ashlәgan; eshlәgәnsen; chyga; chygabyz.

5. Conjugate the verbs yatla, uky, elama, soyla in all three forms of the future tense.


The control work is carried out either in a separate notebook in a cage, or on A4 sheets, made on a computer.

Adverb. The word adverb (Greek 【πί〴〳ημα, Latin adverbium) actually means a verb (from 〳〟μα, verbum verb). But even Barsov in his grammar (XVIII century) noted that the etymological meaning of the term adverb does not correspond to later ... ... History of words

adverb- 1. ADVERB, I; cf. Lingu. The totality of local dialects or dialects of some l. languages ​​that have dialectal features common to them. South Great Russian N. North Great Russian n. Celtic n. 2. ADVERB, I; cf. Lingu. Invariable part of speech... encyclopedic Dictionary

ADVERB- (tracing paper, Latin adverbium, Greek epirrhema), part of speech, a class of full-valued words, unchanged or changed only by degrees of comparison. Denotes a sign of an action or state (sings well, sleeps soundly) and a sign of quality (very ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

ADVERB- a group of dialects interconnected by a number of common phenomena ...

ADVERB- part of speech, a class of full-meaning words, unchanged or changed only by degrees of comparison. Designates a sign of action (state) or quality. In a sentence, it usually acts as a circumstance ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ADVERB Dictionary Ushakov

ADVERB- 1. ADVERB1, adverbs, cf. (ling.). The totality of local dialects, dialects that have common features, the dialect is larger than the dialect. Okachee and akaya adverbs of the Russian language. 2. ADVERB2, adverbs, cf. (gram.). Invariable part of speech, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

ADVERB 1- ADVERSE 1, I, cf. The totality of the territorial dialects of what n. language. North Great Russian n. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

ADVERB 2- ADVERSE 2, I, cf. In grammar: a part of speech denoting a sign of an action, another sign (quality, property), less often H of an object, for example. clear, loud, here, always, home, at night, soft-boiled. Pronominal adverbs (here, there, where, where, from where, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

adverb- ADVERB, I, cf. The totality of the territorial dialects of what n. language. North Great Russian n. II. ADVERB, I, cf. In grammar: a part of speech denoting a sign of an action, another sign (quality, property), less often an object, for example. clear loud... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • A set of tables. English language. Noun. Pronoun. Adverb (9 tables), . Educational album of 9 sheets. Art. 5-8658-009. Plural of nouns. Pronouns 1. Pronouns 2. Some/any. Adverbs. Nouns that are used only in the singular ... Buy for 2297 rubles
  • A set of tables. Russian language. Adverb. 6 tables + methodology, . Educational album of 6 sheets. The concept of adverb. Degrees of comparison of adverbs. NOT with adverbs ending in O, E. A hyphen between parts of words in adverbs. b after hissing at the end of the adverb. Morphological analysis ... Buy for 1532 rubles
  • Notes that guide to a thorough understanding of the Book of Genesis, including the translation of this book into the Russian dialect,. Notes that guide to a thorough understanding of the Book of Genesis, including the translation of this book into the Russian dialect / Spirits. acad. rector, archim. Filaret E 63/106: Moscow: Synod. a type.,…


UDC 372.8:811.512


© Ch.M. Kharisova, G.R. Shakirova

The article discusses the features of the adverb Tatar language in the linguo-historical aspect: its relatively late design as a part of speech. For the first time, the history of the formation of an adverb as a part of speech is described. This creates the basis for its systematic characterization in the modern Tatar literary language. The authors point out the need for a comparative analysis of adverbs, adjectives and adverbs in order to improve the quality of assimilation. The difficulties associated with making statements using adverbs are described.

Keywords Keywords: adverbs, semantics, word forms, linguists, grammarians, attributive, adverbial, part of speech.

The relevance of the problem under study.

Mother tongue as an academic discipline decides common task learning - develops in students a system of knowledge about mother tongue, introduces the younger generation to the functional potential of each language unit, as well as to the achievements of modern linguistic science.

The formation of a grammatical concept of parts of speech, which ensures the development of logical and grammatical thinking of schoolchildren (the ability to abstract, generalize, compare linguistic phenomena), is one of the most important tasks in the study of morphology, creates the necessary conditions for the conscious perception of one's own speech and the speech of others, which is the basis for improving the speech of students.

The existing system of teaching the dialect in the process of teaching the Tatar language at school involves its study after the topic "Verb", which is explained by its syntactic feature: the adverb is adjacent to the verbs. In existing programs, the adverb is presented after the names of numerals, which have a relatively closed volume of lexical units and do not have features in common with the adverb. Practice shows that teachers experience significant difficulties in teaching students dialects.

The study of the dialect and its scientific description was carried out gradually and much later than the other independent parts of speech. The adverb in the Tatar language has features similar to qualitative adjectives and gerunds both in lexico-grammatical and morphological-syntactic terms, which causes significant difficulties in mastering these parts of speech. This requires special attention to the creation of educational and methodological complexes and dictates

the need to develop theoretical and practical foundations for teaching the dialect in the process of teaching the Tatar language at school.

Material and methods of research. The article was written using the method of comparative study of linguistic and linguo-methodological literature on the Tatar and Russian languages.

Research results and discussion. The peculiarity of the adverb as a part of speech has attracted the attention of linguists throughout the history of the development of the science of language.

In ancient grammar, the adverb was called the term epomesha. It was understood exclusively as a verb determiner. The term epotesha was borrowed by Roman grammarians: a^erbshsh ^ - “at”, verbish - “verb”) and subsequently passed into the grammars of European languages, where the adverb is also considered one of the parts of speech.

Particular attention is paid to adverbs in Russian grammar. M.V. Lomonosov classifies interrogative pronouns and interjections as adverbs. In their works, A.Kh. Vostokov and F.I. Buslaev classify the adverb as a service part of speech.

F. F. Fortunatov based his classification on a morphological criterion and singled out two classes of words: complete words, which include both adverbs and partial words; adverbs divided into grammatical (with forms of inflection) and non-grammatical adverbs.

VV Vinogradov points to a very problematic semantic definition of the adverb; in his book, the adverb is the only part of speech whose definition does not refer to semantics.

The absence of morphological, grammatical categories in the adverb was the reason for the denial of its belonging to parts of speech in general.

Certain attention was paid to the study of adverbs in Tatar linguistics. Its study begins in early XIX century. In the work of I. Giganov "Grammar of the Tatar language" for the first time the adverb is mentioned as a part of speech and its 17 semantic groups are indicated. The interpretation of adverbs was also close in the works of A. Troyansky.

The study of special literature showed that the authors often could not determine the characteristic features of adverbs, so even words that did not have an independent meaning found themselves in the sphere of adverbs.

In the Tatar grammars of the 19th - early 20th centuries, intended for Russian-speaking students, the description of adverbs is presented according to the model of Russian grammars. Tatar grammarians singled out adverbs as an independent part of speech, defined them as words that appear before verbs and names and perform the functions of various circumstances. In the grammar of the Tatar language "Enmyuzyadzh" K. Nasyri singles out a group of words - "zaryf", which in Arabic means "adverb". He writes that this term "... is used to refer to an action or event." G. Nugaybek in his grammar calls adverbs leaders (^itekcheler) and defines them as words denoting place, time, manner of action that appear before verbs and do not change.

In the grammar of "Tatar saryfy" by G. Ibragimov, much attention is paid to the study of parts of speech, while the adverb is considered in the field of adjectives. The author notes that the adjective and the adverb are one part of speech.

In the comparative grammar of M. Kurbangaliev and R. Gazizov, adverbs are considered as part of function words. . G. Alparov singles out adverbs as a special part of speech. The scientist uses the modern term revesh for the first time.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the boundaries of adverbs were not always precisely defined: some gerunds, infinitives, pronouns, adjectives and function words belong to this part of speech. At the same time, the immutability of the adverb as a part of speech is indicated. At the same time, no attention is paid to such a property of individual adverbs as the degree of comparison, the mention of which

found only in grammar

M.Kh. Kurbangaliev and R.S. Gazizov.

Since the 1940s, most researchers have divided adverbs into two large groups: attributive (bilge) and adverbial (khel). A prominent Tatar scientist V.N.Khangildin in his grammar distinguishes two lexical and grammatical categories of adverbs: definitive and adverbial.

The scientist refers to definitive adverbs adverbs of the mode of action (saf, syyfatlau reveshlere): tiz - quickly, shep - good;

adverbs of assimilation and comparison (ohshatu-chagyshtyru reveshlere): yazylgancha - as it is written, ayuday - like a bear;

adverbs of quantity and measure: bik - very, ga-yat - very.

Turning to the history of the study of dialects, it should be noted that not only in Tatar linguistics, but also in Turkic studies in general, many issues in the study of this part of speech remain unclear and debatable.

The Turkologist N.K. Dmitriev defines an adverb as a grammatical category, “which indicates a sign of an action (verb) or a sign of a sign (adjective)”, thereby indicating the compatibility of this part of speech with the verb. At the same time, N.K. Dmitriev recognizes the compatibility of adverbs with nouns, as well as the compatibility of adjectives with verbs: tatarsa ​​yaza - tatarsa ​​kitap; bala yakshas - ukyy yakshas.

In modern Tatar grammar, an adverb is defined as an independent part of speech, expressing non-procedural signs of action, state, quality, less often - persons and objects. In terms of lexical and grammatical meaning, they are close to adjectives, have common and specific features.

Morphological features of adverbs are their immutability and the presence of forms of degrees of comparison. The possibilities of substantiation of adverbs in comparison with adjectives are limited.

The syntactic properties of adverbs are determined by the fact that they explain verbs, adjectives, adverbs and most often perform the function of a circumstance. For example: Tvn beraz salkyn. - The night was a bit chilly. With nouns, they are definitions: Balalar ruscha performance karadilar. -Children watched the play in Russian. Sometimes adverbs can also perform the function of a predicate: Uramda mashinalar kYp. - There are a lot of cars on the street.

The totality of the features considered, namely the lexical and grammatical meaning, morphological structure and syntactic functions, the presence of special word-forming affixes, gives good reasons for separating the adverb into an independent part of speech.

In the modern Tatar literary language, adverbs are divided into attributive (adverbs of mode of action: yalanayak - barefoot; adverbs of imitation and comparison: Tatarcha - in Tatar; measures and degrees: bik - very) and adverbial groups (adverbs of place: erak - far; time: byel - today; reasons and goals: yucca - in vain).

According to the method of formation, adverbs are divided into the following groups:

1) root adverbs: kup - a lot, az - few and

2) adverbs formed with the help of derivational affixes: ut-tai - like fire, kysh-yn - in winter, etc.;

3) compound adverbs: kvnnerden berkvnne - one day, bu yuly - this time, etc.;

4) adverbs formed by the method of conversion: berge - together, bashta - first, etc. .

Summary. Adverbs occupy a certain place among the independent parts of speech and are distinguished by a variety of syntactic functions in the modern Tatar literary language. Until now, they have remained a poorly studied group of words, which was due to the lack of clear boundaries between them and other parts of the speech of the Tatar language, in particular, adjectives.

The relatively late formation of adverbs as a part of speech, not only in Tatar, but also in other languages, leaves its mark on them. It is quite natural that when describing the dialect not only in Tatar, but also in Russian grammars, which served as a model for the authors, there are many debatable issues. In the 19th - early 20th centuries, adverbs were studied as part of adjectives, sometimes gerunds and auxiliary parts of speech. Some scientists found it difficult to define the boundaries between adverbs and adjectives, adverbs and participles, adverbs and auxiliary parts of speech until the 30s of the XX century. Since the 1930s, relative constancy has been established in grammars in the description of adverbs, which is based on lexico-grammatical, morphological and syntactic principles.

The history of the study of dialect in linguistics, from the first grammars published at the beginning of the 19th century, to modern Tatar grammars

The study of the language provides an opportunity to consider in dynamics the attitude of grammarians to the dialect in order to select the necessary linguodidactic conditions for teaching dialects at school.

In the process of teaching morphology at school, adverbs are studied later than other parts of speech. Practice shows that students get acquainted with individual adverbs for the first time only in the fourth grade when studying other parts of speech, while in general they study adverbs as a part of speech only in the sixth grade. It should be emphasized that the presence of common, similar features of adverbs and adjectives, the absence in school curricula and textbooks comparative characteristics names of adjectives and adverbs of the Tatar language, a somewhat belated study of the dialect at school makes it much more difficult, in our opinion, to master the knowledge of the dialect as an independent part of speech.

At present, methodologists pay great attention to the study of the features of adverbs, the specifics of which are revealed in the process of comparative research with adjectives, in higher and secondary schools, which makes it possible to qualitatively revise the methodology of teaching adverbs.

Thus, adverbs in the Tatar language have not only specific features, but also common features with adjectives, gerunds, which greatly complicates the assimilation of this topic of morphology, as well as the use of adverbs in coherent speech by students.

The main source of motivation for mastering the native language is the need for communication. Therefore, the use of adverbs in coherent speech is carried out when students compose their own statements. However, the existing difficulties associated with the system of teaching the dialect give rise to shortcomings in using it as a figurative and expressive means of the language when compiling texts not only in middle school, but also in high school.

The study was financially supported by the RFH Grant No. 15-16-16004 "Patterns of the development and functioning of the Tatar language in the multilingual space of the Russian Federation."

1. Perelmuter I.A. Aristotle // History of linguistic teachings. Ancient world. - L.: Nauka, 1980. - 541 p.

2. Lomonosov M.V. Russian grammar. - St. Petersburg: Dependent on the Imp. Academy of Sciences, 1755. - 449 p.

3. Vostokov A.Kh. Russian grammar. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow. un-ta, 1981. - 408 p.

4. Buslaev F.I. Experience of the historical grammar of the Russian language. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow University, 1978. - 428 p.

5. Fortunatov F.F. Selected works. - T.2. - M.: State educational and pedagogical publishing house, 1957. - 472 p.

6. Vinogradov VV Russian language (Grammatical doctrine of the word). - M.: Publishing house: Russian language, 2001. - 718 p.

7. Aksakov K.S. Historical works // Complete works in 3 volumes. - M.: Printing house P. Bakhmetiev, 1875. - V.2, part 1. - 78 p.

8. Giganov I. Grammar of the Tatar language, Op. in the Tobolsk main school by the teacher of the Tatar language of the St. Sophia Cathedral, priest Joseph Giganov. - St. Petersburg: Academy of Sciences, 1801. - 188 p.

9. Troyansky A. Brief Tatar grammar of the priest A. Troyansky. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional -Kazan: Type. Kokovina, 1860. - 234 p.

10. Nasyri K. EnmYZEzh. - Kazan: Tatars. kitap neshr., 1975. - 213 b.

11. Nugaibzh G. Terlek. - Kazan: Litho-type. I.N. Kharitonova, 1911. - 80 b.

12. Ibrahimov G. Tatar saryfy / G. Ibrahimov; F.S. Safiullina, B.E. Khakimov (abs.) - Kazan: KDU, 2003. - 118 b.

13. Kurbangaliev M.Kh., Gazizov, R.S. Experience of a brief practical systematic grammar of the Tatar language: Part I. Phonetics and morphology. - Kazan: State Publishing House of the TSSR, 1925. - 104 p.

14. Alparov G.Kh. Shekli nigezende tatar grammatikas (Telebezne gyilmi tiksherY yulynda ber tezhribe). - Kazan: Tatars. deYl. neshr., 1926. - 164 b.

15. Khangildin V.N. Tatar body grammar: morphology hem syntax. - Kazan: Tat. whale. neshr., 1959. - 642 b.

16. Dmitriev N.K. Grammar of the Bashkir language. -M.-L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1948. - 276 p.

17. Tumasheva D.G. Khezerge Tatar Tele. Morphology: Yugary uku yorty studentlary echen dereslek kullanma. - Kazan: KDU, 1978. - 221 b.

18. Kharisov F.F. Fundamentals of teaching methods for the Tatar language as a non-native language / Ed. prof. L.Z. Shakirova. - St. Petersburg: branch of the publishing house "Enlightenment", 2001. - 431 p.

19. Kharisova Ch.M. Tatar body. Morphology: Yugars uku yorty students lary echen dereslek. - Kazan: Megarif, 2010. - 128 b.

20. Kharisova Ch.M., Kharisov F.F. Features of the morphemic structure of words in the Tatar language: linguodidactic aspect // Philology and Culture. Philology and Culture. - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 310 - 313.


Ch.M.Kharisova, G.R.Shakirova

This article discusses the features of Tatar adverbs in linguistic and historical aspects. Adverbs were relatively late to emerge as a part of speech in the Russian and Tatar languages. The history of Tatar adverb formation, as compared to the Russian language, is described in this paper for the first time. It provides the basis for systemic specifications of this part of speech in the modern Tatar literary language. The authors emphasize the need for studies comparative of adverbs, adjectives and gerunds, with the aim to improve their acquisition and describe the difficulties that learners experience in producing utterances containing adverbs.

Key words: adverbs, semantics, word forms, linguists, grammarians, attributive, adverbial, part of speech.

1. Perel "muter I.A. Aristotel" // Istoriya lingvisticheskix uchenij. Drevnij Mir. - L.: Nauka, 1980. - 541 s. (in English)

2. Lomonosov M.V. Russian grammar. - SPb.: Izhdiveniem Imp. Akademii nauk, 1755. - 449 s. (in English)

3. Vostokov A.X. Russian grammar. - M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1981. - 408 s. (in English)

4. Buslaev F.I. Opyt istoricheskoj grammatiki russkogo yazyka. - M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1978. - 428 s. (in English)

5. Fortunatov F.F. Favorite trudy. - T.2. - M.: Gosu-darstvennoe uchebno-pedagogicheskoe izd-vo, 1957. - 472 s. (in English)

6. Vinogradov V.V. Russkij yazyk (Grammaticheskoe uchenie o slove) - M.: Izd-vo: Russkij yazyk, 2001. -718 s. (in English)

7. Aksakov K.S. Sochineniya istoricheskie // Full sobranie sochinenij v 3-x tomax. - M.: Tipografiya P. Baxmet "eva, 1875. - T.2, ch.1. - 78 s. (in Russian)

8. Giganov I. Grammatika tatarskogo yazyka, soch. v Tobol "skoj glavnoj shkole uchitelem tatarskogo yazyka Sofijskogo sobora svyashhennikom Iosifom Giga-novym. - SPb .: Akademiya nauk, 1801. - 188 s. (in Russian)

9. Troyanskij A. Kratkaya tatarskaya grammatika svy-ashhennika A. Troyanskogo. - 3rd ed., ispr. i dop. -Kazan": Tip. Kokovinoj, 1860. - 234 s. (in Russian)

10. Nasyjri K. Onmyza^. Kazan: Tatar. kitap nashr., 1975. - 213 b. (in Tatar)

11. Nugajbak G. Terlek. - Kazan": Lito-tip. I.N. Xarito-nova, 1911. - 80 b. (in Tatar)

12. Ibrahimov G. Tatar saryfy / G.Ibrahimov; F.S.Safiullina, B.E".Xakimov (tez.) - Kazan: KDU, 2003. - 118 b. (in Tatar)

13. Kurbangaliev M.X., Gazizov, R.S. Opyt kratkoj prak-ticheskoj sistematicheskoj grammatiki tatarskogo ya-zyka: Chast "I. Fonetika i morfologiya. - Kazan": Go-sudarstvennoe izdatel "stvo TSSR, 1925. - 104 s. (in Russian)

14. Alparov G.X. Shakli nigezenda tatar grammatikasy (Telebezne gyjl "mi tiksherY yulynda ber ta ^ riba). - Kazan: Tatar. dayl. nashr., 1926. - 164 b. (in Tatar)

15. Xangildin V.N. Tatar tele grammatikasy: morfologiya ham sintaksis. Kazan: Tat. kit. nashr., 1959. - 642 b. (in Tatar)

16. Dmitriev N.K. Grammatika bashkirskogo yazyka. -M.-L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1948. - 276 s. (in English)

17. Tumasheva D.G. Xazerge tatar tele. Morfologiya: Yugary uku jorty studentlary echen dareslek kullan-ma. - Kazan: KDU, 1978. - 221 b. (in Tatar)

18. Kharisov F.F. Osnovy metodiki obucheniya tatarsko-mu yazyku kak nerodnomu / Pod red. prof. L.Z. Shakirovoj. - SPb.: filial izd-va "Prosveshhenie", 2001. - 431 s. (in English)

19. Kharisova Ch.M. Tatar tele. Morfologiya: Yugary uku jorty studentlary echen dareslek. - Kazan: Magarif, 2010. - 128 b. (in Tatar)

20. Xarisova Ch.M., Xarisov F.F. Osobennosti morfem-nogo stroya slov v tatarskom yazyke: lingvodidak-ticheskij aspekt // Filologiya i kul "tura. Philology and Culture. - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 310 - 313. (in Russian)

Kharisova Chulpan Muharramovna - doctor pedagogical sciences, Professor of the Department of Tatar Linguistics of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication. Leo Tolstoy Kazan Federal University.

420008, Russia, Kazan, st. Kremlin, 18. E-mail: [email protected]

Kharisova Chulpan Mukharramovna - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Department of Tatar Linguistics, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication named after Leo Tolstoy, Kazan Federal University.

18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia [email protected]

Shakirova Gulnara Rasikhovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Tatar Linguistics of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication named after. Leo Tolstoy Kazan Federal University.

420008, Russia, Kazan, st. Kremlin, 18. E-mail: [email protected]

Shakirova Gulnara Rasikhovna - PhD in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Department of Tatar Linguistics, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication named after Leo Tolstoy, Kazan Federal University.

§ 5. Adjectives. Adverbs

5.1. Adjectives in the Tatar language are grammatically similar to adverbs in Russian, i.e. they do not change either in numbers or in cases, and have only degrees of comparison.

To form degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives in the Tatar language, the following are used:

a) affix -rak/-рәк in the formation of a comparative degree;

b) particles bik, yn in the formation of superlatives;

c) paired forms also serve to form superlatives;

d) affixes -gylt / -gelt / -kylt / -kelt, -su, -syl and others when forming a diminutive form.

Paired superlatives of adjectives are used very often. They can be translated in different ways depending on the context: yam-yashel can be translated: very green, green-very green, etc. In the table, we tried to convey only the general stylistic coloring of the paired forms. The first components of paired forms, as a rule, contain the first sound or the beginning of the first syllable of the meaning-bearing component and usually end in the sound [p]. There are some exceptions - yam-yashel.

The diminutive degree in each case is formed in its own way, so you will be forced to memorize each form separately as needed. Not all qualitative adjectives form this form. It is peculiar in the main "color" adjective:

The specific properties of the Tatar language, and in particular, the Tatar adjective, include conversion - the transition of a word from one part of speech to another without a formal change. This is also in Russian: worker (adjective) and worker (noun); canteen (adjective) and canteen (noun). But in the Tatar language, this process is of a large-scale nature. You need to pay special attention to the transition of nouns into relative adjectives:

5.2. Adverbs and adjectives of the Tatar language are formally similar to each other. They easily pass into each other without changes (more often adjectives into adverbs). Only the adverb reveals the meaning of the verb, and the adjective reveals the meaning of the noun or pronoun.

Yakhshi machine. - Good car.

Yakhshi Ashley. - Works well.

We have noticed that students without much effort catch this difference in the course of the text.

In the Tatar language, most adjectives and adverbs are derivatives. You will get acquainted with the basic word-formation means in the course of work on the Basic Course.


Put the adjectives in the forms of degrees of comparison and translate:

Sample: zur - zurrak (more); bik zur (very large); inzur (the biggest).

Kyzyl (red); kara (black); kechkenә (small); ak (white); yakhshi (good); nachar (bad).

§ Seventh, verb constructions
§ Eighth, other parts of speech
§ Ninth, compound verbs
§ Tenth, how words are formed in the Tatar language
§ Reference materials on Tatar grammar

Eighth, other parts of speech

Adjectives in the Tatar language are grammatically similar to adverbs in Russian, i.e. they do not change either in numbers or in cases, and have only degrees of comparison.

To form degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives in the Tatar language, the following are used:
a) affix -rak/-рәк in the formation of a comparative degree;
b) particles bik, yn in the formation of superlatives;
c) paired forms also serve to form superlatives;
d) affixes -gylt / -gelt / -kylt / -kelt, -su, -syl and others when forming a diminutive form.

zur zurrak bik zur
big more very big
ak agrak bik ak
white whiter very white
Kara Kararak Bik Kara
black blacker very black
yashel yashel-rak bik yashel
green greener very green

in zur zup-zur
the biggest big-very big
in ak ap-ak
whitest white-white
in kara cap-kara
blackest black-black
yashel yam-yashel
the greenest green-green

Paired superlatives of adjectives are used very often. They can be translated in different ways depending on the context: yam-yashel can be translated: very green, green-very green, etc. In the table, we tried to convey only the general stylistic coloring of the paired forms. The first components of paired forms, as a rule, contain the first sound or the beginning of the first syllable of the meaning-bearing component and usually end in the sound [p]. There are some exceptions - yam-yashel.
The diminutive degree in each case is formed in its own way, so you will be forced to memorize each form separately as needed. Not all qualitative adjectives form this form. It is peculiar in the main "color" adjective:

ak axyl whitish
kara karasu blackish
sary sargylt yellowish
kyzyl kyzgylt reddish
zәңgәr zәңgәrsu bluish

The specific properties of the Tatar language, and in particular, the Tatar adjective, include conversion - the transition of a word from one part of speech to another without a formal change. This is also in Russian: worker (adjective) and worker (noun); canteen (adjective) and canteen (noun). But in the Tatar language, this process has a large-scale character: zurlar, olylar, kechkenәlәr (large, adult, small).
Kyzyllar sәyasәttә, ә yashellar - tabigattә. - Reds in politics, and greens in nature.
You need to pay attention to the transition of nouns into relative adjectives:

timer 1) iron machine
the machine is made of iron.
2) iron timer yul.
agach 1) tree agach үсә.
the tree grows.
agach 2) wooden agach kashyk.
wooden spoon.

Adverbs and adjectives of the Tatar language are formally similar to each other. They easily pass into each other without changes (more often adjectives into adverbs). Only the adverb reveals the meaning of the verb, and the adjective reveals the meaning of the noun or pronoun.

Yakhshi machine. - Good car.
Yakhshi Ashley. - Works well.
Uylap karasan, nachar keshe tugel st. If you think about it, he's a good person.
Uen nachar bashlandy. - The game started badly.

We have noticed that students without much effort catch this difference in the course of the text.
In the Tatar language, most adjectives and adverbs are derivatives.

Adjectives are determiners, they are the quality of language. In Tatar, syyfat is quality; adjective. For a full and pleasant communication, they are needed, like air. You need to know them, and I advise you to memorize them directly (after all, they do not change) either in antonymous pairs, or in phrases.

By the way, many people think that the first words in the language were nouns. But it is quite possible that the first words just denoted the quality of the conditions of existence, life, etc.: cold, warm, dangerous, safe, dry, wet, alive, dead.
Let's start with them in this form:
Yakhshy (әybat) "nachar
Zur "kechkenә - big" small
Ozyn "kiska - long" short
gyly "salkyn - warm" cold
Ak "kara - white" black
Yakyn "herak - close" distant
Kalyn "nazek - thick" thin
Kalyn "nechkә - hard" thin (soft)
Yakty "karangy - light" dark
Kory җir "yuesh su - dry land" wet water
By the way, adjectives are easy to remember, and it is important that they always know their place in a sentence ...
Sometimes you should not pay attention to some tautology. Moreover, in the Russian and Tatar languages, this concept itself has its own characteristics. The Russian "butter oil" in certain Tatar expressions may have a place.

There are five voices in the Tatar language: main (tөp yunәlesh); returnable (kaytym yunaleshe); passive (toshem yunaleshe); joint (urtaklyk yunaleshe); compelling (yoklәtu yunәleshe). Each pledge has its own characteristic affixes.

Tөp kaytym Toshem urtaklyk Yoklәtu
S -- O S O -- S SJO SAO --

The reflexive voice denotes an action in which the subject and object coincide. The action of the subject is directed at himself. It is formed by adding -yn / -en / -n to the stem of the main voice:
bizәү (to decorate) - bizәnu (to decorate)
yuu (wash) - yuynu (wash).
Yana elga balalar chyrshyny bizilar. The children decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.
Bәyrәmgә barganda kyzlar ozak bizәnәlәr. - Going to the holiday, girls spend a lot of time putting on make-up.
Kayber keshelәr ozak yuynalar: kullaryn yualar, bitlaren yualar, а kolaklaryn yumyylar. - Some people take a long time to wash: they wash their hands, wash their face, but do not wash their ears.

The passive voice is a special syntactic construction when a logical object becomes a grammatical subject. It is formed by the affixes -yl/-el/-l or -yn/-en/-n. The affix -yn / -en / -n is attached only to those stems that end in -l, -la, -lә. In other cases, the affix -yl/-el/-l is used:
Yort tozүchelәr tarafynnan tozelę. The house is being built by builders.
Yort tozүchelәr tarafynnan salyn. - The house is being laid by builders.

The passive voice is often used by politicians and officials. Especially at reporting reports, when they do not want to talk about the true performers and shine with abstract figures.
Utkan elda ike men yort salyngan. “Last year, two thousand houses were mortgaged.
Byel tagyn öch meң yort salynyr. Әmma alar kaychan tөzelep betәchәgәn turynda әitelmi. “Three thousand more houses will be filled this year. However, when they will be fully built, it is not said.

Please note that the translation is quite free. It is in such sentences that the very knowledge of the essence of the language being studied is manifested, when you begin to understand the stylistic coloring, correctly translate syntactic constructions. Often verbs are translated into other parts of speech. There is nothing to worry about: it's time to remember that the verb in Tatar grammar occupies more space than in Russian.

Joint pledge means joint action of two or more entities, assistance or assistance to someone in the performance of work. It is formed by adding the affix -ysh/-esh/-sh:
Soyli st. - He says.
Alar soylәshә. They are talking (to each other).
Yiya st. - He collects.
Marat ana җyesha. Marat helps him collect.

The Tatar, like many other Turkic peoples, has a common comic character Khoja Nasretdin. Let's take a look at one of them:
Smart man
Once Khoja walks and talks to himself. Surprised by this, someone asks Hodja:
- Mr. Hoxha, why are you talking to yourself?
Hodja was not at all embarrassed:
- All my life I liked to talk only with smart people. I consider myself one of those.

Let's see how it sounds in Tatar:
Akylly keshe
Khuҗa bervakyt үz-үze belәn soylәshep yөri ikәn. Mona gaҗәplәnep, ber keshe Khuҗadan:
– Huҗa әfәnde, nigė sin gel үzaldyңa soylәnep yөriseң? - soragan.
Huҗanyң isse kitmi gene:
– Gomer buena akylly keshelär belän genә sөylәshergә yaratam, shularnyn berse үzem bulam inde, – digan.

Soyli - says
Sөylәshә - talking
There is no joint voice in Russian, so in Russian it is necessary to clarify: talk to yourself with yourself. In Tatar, uzaldyna soyli means the same thing: he speaks in front of himself. In other words, he speaks in such a way that he does not have an interlocutor.
As a conclusion: mutual pledge involves an action in which two people participate.

The coercive pledge denotes an incitement to action by command, coercion, assistance. There are many ways to form this pledge. These forms are usually given in dictionaries as separate entries:
Ul tiz yori. - He walks fast.
Machinery street әybat yөrtә. - He drives well.
Min ana soylim. - I'm telling him.
Min ana soyletam. I encourage him to speak.

The imperative voice is often used for stylistic purposes. For example, threats. If you have not been repaid the debt, and you cannot tolerate it, you threaten:
Min ana sinnan kaitartam. - I'll make you give it back

Enough talking about the intricacies of the voices of verbs, let's talk about something easy and simple. For example, about a fairy tale. magical Tatar fairy tales are distinguished by their mystery, hyperbolicity, but there are also many instructive legends that are based on allegory. By the way, it also talks about the origin of language (this time the language of animals). Here is one of them:

Earlier in the world өch torle living beings yashҙgan.
Linguistic, Non-linguistic һәm Croaking. Bolar bөtenese suda yashҙgәn. A life bit of judgment emerged.
Tellelär berkönne Sudan bashlaryn chygargannar. Turning around Karagannar yes:
- Telebez bulgach, nige court yashibez? Sөylәshkәndә fills the mouth with su. Әydәgez, bark җirgә chygabyz, digәnnәr dә, bark has crossed the earth.
- Without court and yakhshi. Bezgә sөylәshergә kirakmi. Ә court wide, asharga kүp. Without court gyna kalabyz, - digannar.
Ә Croaking Sudan chykkannar yes, voice of chygargannar:
- Karagyz any! Linguistic, halyk bulyp, bark earth kittelär, ә Non-linguistic, balyk bulyp, kaldylar courts. Ә without nishlibez? Bezneң da telebez bar, without bark to the earth da yashi alabyz, court and bezga yakhshy. Shulay itep, bezgә kaida yashәrgә son?
Of the nonlingual ones:
- Without halyktan nacharrak tugel, without bark җirgә yashәrҙ we will leave, - digannәr.
а second:
- Vessels yakhshyrak. Aidagez court gyna kalabyz. Narse bar of the earth's crust. Anda bit without jumping kenә yөri alabyz, - digannәr.
Khazer һәr kөnne lake өstendә shul noise. Tönnär bue The croakers cannot reconcile, they make noise. Kondez suga kerep yashilәr dә, ә kichen yaңadan chygyp spor bashlylar.
To the lake kilsәgez, үzegez da monks can hear.

Elek donyada өch torle җan iyase yashҙgan.
Tellelär, Telsezlär һәm Bakyldyklar. Bolar bөtenese suda yashҙgәn. Homer bit court barlykka kilgan.
Tellelär berkönne Sudan bashlaryn chygargannar. Aylanep Karagannar yes:
- Telebez bulgach, nige court yashibez? Sөylәshkәndә avyzybyzga su tula. Әydәgez, kora җirgә chygabyz, digannәr dә, kora җirgә kүchkәnnәr.
- Without court and yakhshi. Bezgә sөylәshergә kirakmi. Ә suda kin, asharga kүp. Without court gyna kalabyz, - digannar.
Ә Bakyldyklar Sudan chykkannar yes, tavysh chygargannar:
- Karagyz any! Tellelare, halyk bulyp, kori җirgә kittelәr, ә Telsezlәre, balyk bulyp, kaldylar courts. Ә without nishlibez? Bezneң da telebez bar, biz bark җirda da yashi alabyz, court and bezgә yakhshy. Shulay itep, bezgә kaida yashәrgә son?
Bakyldyklarnyn berlәre:
– Without khalyktan nacharrak tugel, without bark җirgә yashәrҙ kitik, – digannәr.
Ә ikenchelare:
- Vessels yakhshyrak. Aidagez court gyna kalabyz. Narsә bar of the bark җirdә. Anda bit without sikerep kenә yori alabyz, - digannәr.
Khazer һәr kөnne kүl өstendә shul tavysh. Tönnär bue Bakyldyklar kileshä almyylar, tavyshlanalar. Kondez suga kerep yashilәr dә, ә kichen yaңadan chygyp bakhәslәren bashlylar.
Kul buena kilsәgez, үzegez da mona ishetә alyrsyz.

Missing words again:
1) Elek dөnyada өch tөrle... ... yashәgәn.
2) ... bit court barlykka kilgan.
3) adigez, ... җirgә chygabyz, digannәr dә, bark җirgә ....
4) ... ..., bezgә kaida yashәrgә son?
5) Ә Bakyldyklar Sudan chykkannar yes, ... ...
6) Anda bit without sikerep kenә yori alabyz, - digannәr.
7) Khazer һәr kөnne kүl өstendә shul....
8) Tөnnar bue Bakyldyklar... ..., tavyshlanalar.
9) Kondez suga kerep yashilәr dә, ә kichen yanadan chygyp... ....
10) Kul... kilsәgez, үzegez da mona... alyrsyz.

Find antonyms:
Tiz “…, sirak”…; nachar “…; zur “…; pussy "...; җyly «…; Kara "...; tone “...; yuk "...; yakty “…; kichi “…; utkan "...; Nechka “...; yuesh "....

According to the sample:
Sample: Machine әybat yöri.
Machinery street әybat yөrtә.
1) Chaynekta chay tiz kayny.
2) Min mәzәklәr soylim.
3) Bakalar kich belan bakyldiylar.
4) Harmon matur is smart.
5) Sasha Tatar, insha yaza.
6) Pasha hikәya uky.
7) Et tiz yoger.
8) Malay yakhshi chaba.
9) Әni daru echә.
10) Mәche bik kүp ashhy.
11) Min Uylym.
12) Matur kyz uzena kary.