Ozhegov dictionary online sensible full PDF. Illustrated Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Dal V.I.). Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

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Dictionary Russian language Ozhegova

Genre: Literature
S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Swedie
Publisher: Unknown
Year of release: 1999
Number of pages: 4000
ISBN: option
Description: Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language
S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Swedie

* The dictionary contains about 40,000 words.

* The dictionary has all possible search functions.

* There is an opportunity to solve crossword:
Click the "Crossword" button, knowing the number
letters in the word and famous letters enter the word
To search, instead of unknown letters, write +.
Example: Enter ++ Pro +, click Search.
You get the word question
These are all the words corresponding ++ about +. Click
2 times on the word found you get it
Extra. Information: -
Quality: eBook (initially computer)
Format: DOC.


Rinat Asgatovich, Kazan


16-04-2017 12:59:44


Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Genre: Dictionary
Author: Ozhegov S.I., Swedov N.Yu.
Publisher: ITI Technologies
Country Russia
Year of release: 2005
Number of pages: 944
Format: EXE -File
Description: An alone explanatory dictionary of the Russian language contains 80,000 words and phraseological expressions (counting header words, derivative words placed in a word-forming nest, and phraseological expressions and idioms following the sign). Words and phraseological units concluded in the dictionary are related to the general practitioner Russian vocabulary, as well as to those interacting with it special areas of the tongue; The dictionary is also widely represented by space ...


Illustrated Dictionary of Russian Language (Dal V.I.)

ISBN: 978-5-914-17017-9
Format: PDF / DJVU Scanned Pages
Author: Dal V.I.
Year of release: 2007
Genre: Dictionaries, reference
Publisher: Eksmo. Forum. Eye. Moscow
Russian language
Number of pages: 289
Description: "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language" Vladimir Ivanovich Dalya - the national pride of Russia, the authentic masterpiece of Russian literature. There are about 200 thousand words and at least 30 thousand proverbs and sayings. Before you is a unique, fully illustrated modern edition of this one in its own kind of monument of national vocabulary. Numerous ...


Year of release: 2004
Genre: Software products / Dictionaries and translators
Publisher: IDDK
Publication Type: License
Interface language: Russian only
Medicine: present
System Requirements: Pentium 166 MHz, 32 MB RAM, 4X CD-ROM, Sound Map, SVGA, Windows 98 / ME / XP / 2000. For normal operation, IE is required version 5.5 4522 DirectX 7.0 (located on the disk) or higher.
Description: This disk is a systematized meeting of the largest ethnographer and lexicograph V.I. Dalya. The famous work remaining until today the best, the most detailed and informative publication, despite ...


School Lizaic Dictionary of the Russian Language (Tikhonov A.N.)

ISBN: 5-86444-047-7

Year of release: 1996
Genre: Dictionaries
Publisher: Culture and Traditions
Russian language
Number of pages: 576
Description: The dictionary was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education for 1996 Content Content How to use a dictionary. . 3 adopted conventional abbreviations 22 Russian alphabet indicating the names of letters ........... - dictionaries and reference books used in the preparation of a "school word formation dictionary of the Russian language" ............. ....... 23 A ..................... 24 b .................. ... ...


Industrial Accounting Dictionary (Bakaev A.S.)

Explanatory accounting dictionary ISBN: 5-85428-165-1

Author: Bakaev A.S.
Year of release: 2006
Genre: Economic Literature
Publisher: Accounting
Russian language
Number of pages: 164
Description: These work included concepts and terms, forming the conceptual basis for accounting, the definition of most of which are contained in the documents of the accounting regulatory system of accounting. These documents include the concept of accounting in the Russian market economy, the federal law "On Accounting", provisions on bo ...


Russian-speaking jargon. Etymological, explanatory dictionary of the criminal world (Z.M. Zugumov)

ISBN: 978-5-8041-0690-5, library of professional dictionaries
Format: DJVU, scanned pages
Author: Z.M. Zigumov
Year of release: 2015
Genre: Explanatory Dictionary
Publisher: Book World
Russian language
Number of pages: 728
Description: This publication contains more than six thousand words and concepts that existed earlier and exist in the criminal world today. The dictionary introduces the reader with the origin of argotic words and expressions. The thieves "suit" in the criminal palette of Russia are so diverse that, none in the reference book on criminology of the complete description of these specializations and, correspond ...


Explanatory dictionary of youth slang. Words incomprehensible to adults. About 2000 words (Tatyana Nikitina)

ISBN: 5-17-015420-8, 5-271-05053
Format: PDF Scanned Pages
Posted by: Tatyana Nikitina
Year of release: 2003
Genre: Cognitive and Reference Literature
Publisher: AST, Astrel
Russian language
Number of pages: 736
Description: The dictionary describes school and student jargon, slang youth groups and associations - hippies, breaks, bikers, punks, etc. built on materials of art and journalistic texts, the media and records of the lively speech of young people. It is of interest for the widest range of readers. It will help the young and older generation better understand each other.


Brief dictionary of Internet language (V. Hydarova)

ISBN: 978-5-9765-1187-3, 978-5-02-037695-3
Format: PDF Scanned Pages
Posted by: Violetta Hydarova
Year of release: 2013
Genre: Computer Literature
Publisher: Flint, Science
Russian language
Number of pages: 328
Description: The dictionary contains about 350 words that characterize the technical base of the Internet, its information and communicative essence, participate in the birth and design of network myths, legends and jokes, describe the life and hobbies of "permanent residents" network. The dictionary includes the most popular and necessary wordsaccompanied by instructions on their meaning, and where it is necessary ...


Dictionary of synonyms of the French language (M.K. Morane, N.A. Shigarevskaya)

Format: PDF, OCR with errors
Posted by: m.K. MORN, N.A. Shigarevskaya
Year of release: 1964
Genre: Study of Foreign Languages
Publisher: Moscow -
Leningrad: Enlightenment
Russian language
Number of pages: 353
Description: This "Dictionary of Synonyms of the French language" is intended for students of the Faculties of French Pedagogical Institutions and serves purely educational purposes. Therefore, when selecting words included in this dictionary, compilers took into account not only the frequency of the word use, but also the difficulties that present for students distinguishing the semantic shades of some words. Extra. ...

but I

Full etymological dictionary of English / A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language (Ernest Klein / Ernest Klein)

Format: PDF, scanned pages + layer of recognized text (with errors)
Posted by: Ernest Klein / Ernest Klein
Year of release: 1966-67
Genre: Dictionary
Publisher: Elsevier Publishing Company
English language
Number of pages: 1800 (in the book version 1176)
Description: Classic work on etymology words of English language Ernest Klein (07/26/1889 - 04.02.1983) - Canadian Rabbi, writer and linguist.
Extra. INFORMATION: Facilitating on pages, cleaning images, bookmarks are added to the file, roughing OCR processing (to search for content more or less enough).


Entertaining stories from the history of the Russian language (Vladimir Wheel)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 128-192 Kbps
Author: Vladimir Wheels
Year of release: 2009
Genre: Scientific and Cognitive Literature
Publisher: "Ardis"

Duration: 07:22:40
Description: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg University, author scientific Labors And popular books on linguistics Vladimir Viktorovich Wheels in a fascinating form talks about the history and development of the Russian language, the origin of individual words, figurative expressions and grammatical structures. You will learn about Lazy Scholars and about sleepy monks, about the divine and about the paradise ...


Entertaining stories from the history of the Russian language (Vladimir Wheel)

Format: Audiobook, Ogg Vorbis, 64Kbps
Author: Vladimir Wheels
Year of release: 2009
Genre: Scientific and Popular Literature
Publisher: Ardis
Artist: Stanislav Fedosov
Duration: 07:22:00
Description: Dr. Philological Sciences, Professor at St. Petersburg University, Author of Scientific Labor and Popular Books on Linguistics Vladimir Viktorovich Wheels in a fascinating form talks about the history and development of the Russian language, on the origin of individual words, figurative expressions and grammatical structures.


Russian grammar language in tables 5-9 class (Vasilenko M.V., Lagutina E.V., Denisova M.A.))