World record for longest kiss. Ranking of the longest kisses in the world. Traditions and records

0 When we are interested in the longest kiss, we expect from the interlocutor some facts, dates, records from the book Guinness and other relevant information. And yet they can be found, and in large numbers, but the point is that these answers are not able to give you a complete and reliable answer. After all, the longest kiss today, tomorrow can get lost among the same mediocre caresses. In this article, we would like to take a broader look at this problem and walk this rabbit hole to the very end. Probably, not everyone wondered why set any records at all in this rather intimate sphere. When people think about kissing, many varieties immediately come to mind, such as French, Japanese, or airy. Some young people share with friends, boasting that they kissed for so long that it was breathtaking. Strange, but some citizens are quite worried duration of kisses... Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that each of us subconsciously connects the duration of this affection, and the strength of the partner's reciprocal love. Add our useful, and in some places even informative, Internet dictionary site to your bookmarks to occasionally drop by to visit us.
However, before continuing, I would like to point you to a couple of interesting news on intimate topics. For example, what to do if I can't kiss; learn How to kiss for the first time; what about Unusual Kisses; what is he First kiss, etc.
So let's continue Longest kiss?

Longest kiss- to date, the record belongs to security guard Ekkahai Tiranarat (44 years old) and housewife Laksana (33 years old), who was 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. The competition took place in Thailand on February 12, 2013.

Many couples try to come up with all sorts of tricks to prolong this affection. Some, for example, try to slow down their movements as much as possible, trying to feel the elasticity of the lips, the moisture of the tongue and hot, intermittent breathing. This action is very enjoyable, and it is probably for this reason that some poets and writers extol them to heaven. And well-known British scientists ( this is a meme, if anyone does not know), founded in all seriousness the science of kissing, which was given a tricky name - philematology. And yet, for your information at the UN, about twenty years ago, the so-called Day of the Kiss was established ( in 2019 it is celebrated on April 13).

Since so much attention is paid to this type of human activity, it is not surprising that the competition for the longest kiss turned out to be so popular. And the records, which began to be set with noticeable frequency, finally came to the attention of the venerable public.
Today, in many countries, a variety of kissing contests are held, people actively participate in them and receive prizes. However, if you think that the record for duration means anything in a relationship, then you are greatly mistaken. Take, for example, the first record holders, young people from the United States, Chicago. They were the first to set a world record, lasting 17 days 10 hours and 30 minutes, after which they were sent to the hospital. As it turned out, they were severely depleted. People were very tired, because according to the rules, they could only be interrupted for 2 hours a day. However, they decided to rest every hour for five minutes, since it was easier to satisfy all the needs of the body. After they were discharged from the hospital, they immediately parted, probably being in close contact, even with the best and most attractive person, leaves negative traces in the psyche. After them, no one else dared to repeat or surpass their result. This record was titled: " longest kiss on land".

There is another type of competition that is consonant with the above-mentioned record, it is called: " longest continuous kiss on land". The rules clearly state that in order to become a winner, you must kiss without opening your lips. Moreover, during this pleasant process, you are allowed to go to the toilet (together) and drink water through a straw. Today, as mentioned above, the record is kept for an ordinary couple from Thailand ( 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds).

However, kissing in the air is not particularly difficult if you compare this process with caressing under water. Therefore, I present to you one more nomination - " underwater kisses". To do this, you need to find two people who are able to hold their breath for a long time under water. To date, the record belongs to the Italian couple Michele Fucarino ( Michel Fukarino) and Elisa Lazzarini ( Eliza Lazzarini). They were able to hold out under water for whole 3 minutes and 24 seconds.

Do not forget that you also have a great opportunity to declare yourself to the whole world. The main thing is perseverance and desire, and also an understanding partner who will not be embarrassed by temporary difficulties.

The first, casual, French, business - the popular classification of kissing suggests that this is a process loved by mankind, for which we do not skimp on epithets. For those who are closer to a sensual approach, a kiss is a symbol of love or passion, which does not require unnecessary words and explanations. For others, we have collected 20 amazing facts about scientific discoveries and the evolution of the main manifestation of closeness.

1. The first kiss is an experience that is unlikely to be forgotten, even if you want to. When we kiss for the first time, the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine (dopamine) gives the body an impressive hormonal jolt, accompanied by a desire for more intimacy. John Boannon of the American University of Butler surveyed 500 people about their first love experience, in particular, kissing and loss of virginity. Most of them remembered the debut kiss, not sex, emotionally describing the event in bright colors.

2. And more about the chemistry of love. Among other things, the release of dopamine affects appetite and sleep - susceptible individuals will not be in time. In addition, when we kiss someone, the heart begins to beat faster, increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain - thanks to adrenaline and norepinephrine, which stimulate the response. Plus endorphins that plunge us into waves of euphoria - let's say thanks to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus for this natural supplement. Here is such an exciting cocktail - there is something to celebrate Kissing Day 2018!

3. Further - more. As a relationship develops, kissing lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, triggering the release of oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone" because it is involved in developing feelings of attachment and security. According to biologists, this is exactly what the feelings hold on after a period of passionate impulses.

4. During a kiss, our pupils dilate. Perhaps that's why we are drawn to close our eyes, enjoying the process.

5. German scientist Onur Günturkün, after observing 224 couples in the United States, Germany and Turkey, discovered that two-thirds of humanity tilt their head to the right when kissing. The point here, obviously, is not the influence of right-handedness (there are 6 times more right-handers in the world than left-handers), but most likely, in the separation of the functions of the cerebral hemispheres. According to another theory, 80% of mothers attach newborns to the left breast, respectively, the baby gets used to turning his head to the right over time to satisfy hunger - and therefore most of us automatically turn his head to the right, wanting to catch the translation of warmth and love.

6. Kissing helps us choose the right partner. According to anthropologist Helen Fisher, we not only prefer people with specific biological profiles, but we also know how to recognize this very profile. Yes, firstly, by the composition of saliva, and each of us is his own laboratory. Second, when our lips meet, five of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves are activated: the brain tries to collect as much information as possible about the other person. Thirdly, there is an assumption that the pheromones and hormones that we exchange during lip contact give information about the immunity, heredity and health of the partner, as well as whether he is ready for a serious relationship.

7. Fact that will not reveal America to us: women consider kissing more important in relationships than men. The study, which involved about 1000 students, confirmed that women tend to use kissing to evaluate potential partners, and men - as a necessary step to increase the chances of sex.

8. The muscle that we strain in order to banally kiss someone on the cheek is called orbicularis oris in Latin. It helps to fold the lips with a tube, which we knew how to instinctively do from birth, when we sucked on the mother's breast, and we continue to do it now, taking a selfie or gluing a sheet mask with slits for the eyes and mouth to our face.

9. If only 2 muscles work for a simple kiss-greeting, for the sake of passionate French you will have to strain more seriously, because (depending on how much you give yourself to what is happening), 23-34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles that hold the bodies come into play upright. At least as long as it makes sense.

10. Lips are 100 times more sensitive than fingertips. And in general, even the genitals do not have the same sensitivity as the lips.

11. Kiss, by the way, is an energy-consuming process. Depending on the passion applied, you can burn 6.4 to 26 calories per minute. In total, a person kisses for two weeks throughout his life, and this is already more than 30,000 calories!

12. The fact that turns each of us into a superhero: the brain has special neurons that help to find the partner's lips in the dark.

13. The more often a couple kisses, the more the partners are satisfied with their relationship. In fairness, the scientists add that this does not mean that such couples have more sex than other, less happy people.

14. Science confirms that some women have been able to achieve orgasm from kissing - just enough practice.

15. The world record for the longest kiss that has entered the Guinness Book of Records is more than two days, or rather, 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. The answer for this madness is the spouses from Thailand Laksana and Ekkachai Tiranarat, who celebrated Valentine's Day in 2013 in this way (the question does not go out of my head how they solved the problem with the toilet).

16. Philematology (from the Greek word "philema" - kiss) - the science of kissing, established by British scientists in 2009 at the congress of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Philemaphobia is the fear of kissing. Philemomania is an obsession with kissing. As well as basorexia - it is clearly time for scientists to narrow down the terminology.

17. "X" at the end of letters and messages does not symbolize the consonance of the word kiss, but the contact of the lips during a kiss.

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18. According to statistics, 90% of the world's population kiss, and 10% ignore this activity. Of the abstaining - fans of traditional foundations in Sudan (who believe that the mouth is a window into the soul, and there is a possibility that it can be stolen with a kiss) plus Eskimos, Polynesians and Malaysians, who prefer to rub their noses instead of kissing.

19. Yes scientific evidence the fact that men live on average five years longer if they kiss their wife every time before going to work. Oh yes, they also earn more than those who do not have such a habit.

20.In German there is a wonderful word Nachküssen ("nahküssen"), translated as "a kiss to make up for everything that did not take place." Sounds tempting, doesn't it, especially on Kissing Day?

Thais are rarely seen kissing. Not on the street, not in the cinema. Even at a wedding, a kiss on the cheek elicits an outcry among shocked guests. Indeed, in their tradition, a kiss is an intimate affair, inaccessible to prying eyes. A Thai kiss or "hom gam" is more of a gentle sniffing of the cheeks. However, the "Ripleys Believe It or Not" amusement park in Pattaya organized a kissing marathon, dedicated to the Day Valentine's Day and held on February 12-14, 2013

The drinks offered in the competition were water, coffee, milk and juice. You could drink them through a straw without stopping kissing.

How it was

The competition kicked off at 6am on Sunday and the winners were announced late Tuesday night. Either married couples or couples with serious intentions were allowed to participate. The jury checked the presence of marriage certificates and letters from parents certifying the fact that the guy and the girl have been dating for a long time. The contestants were allowed to eat, drink and use the toilet, provided that they did not stop hugging each other and their lips didn’t part. This was followed by the marathon staff. It was forbidden to sit and sleep. Although for many such an event may bring a smile, it is not an easy ordeal. One of the participants even lost consciousness half an hour after the start of the competition. The marathon was attended by 14 couples, including one married couple aged about 70 years. The organizers of the event announced that the goal of the marathon is to demonstrate the power and true meaning of love, because it is very difficult to stand for such a long time: couples must support each other and help overcome physical difficulties.

The kissing marathon was accompanied by lyrical compositions. Many couples danced (some of them barefoot). Poses from yoga helped to maintain balance.


Husband and wife Ekkashay and Laksana Tiranarat from Bangkok became the winners of the longest kiss marathon. Their kiss lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. Tired and exhausted, they could hardly smile when they were presented with a prize of diamond rings worth 50,000 baht and a cash prize of 100,000 baht. The couple admitted that the organizers' gift means more to them than the title of "the most kissing person in the world." Moreover, their record will not immediately appear on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records, as it requires preliminary verification by representatives of the publication. Ekkashi and Laksana broke the previous record for the longest kiss, set in 2012 by a gay Thai couple, although their accomplishments have not been officially recorded. In the Guinness Book, the previous record belongs to lovers from Germany, who in 2009 kissed for 32 hours, 7 minutes and 14 seconds.

How long can you kiss? Take your partner and try to find out how long you can last. For an hour? Two? You will probably be incredibly surprised when you find out that the longest kiss lasted for 17 days, 10 hours and 30 minutes!

Is this really possible? Yes. However, after that the record holders were hospitalized with severe depletion of the body. Are they kissing now? We cannot say this, although we believe that after the record they no longer saw each other - in more than 17 days you can get very tired of your partner ...

You will probably ask us - how did the couple eat or visit the restroom, if the partners' mouths were constantly busy? The fact is that this record has some subtleties. So, the children were allowed to take a five-minute respite every hour, and were also given two hours a day to eat and such needs as going to the toilet or taking a shower.

The longest continuous kiss

Therefore, we will tell you about another record, which is much shorter than the one we described above, and it is called "the longest uninterrupted kiss." It was staged back in 2004 on Valentine's Day, that is, February 14. A couple from Thailand kissed non-stop for 46 hours. The most interesting thing is that the rules of the competition forbade taking any respite, including even going to the restroom (although the couple could do this together - the main thing is that the partners do not break away from each other). As a result, the guys not only received a valuable prize of several thousand dollars and a ring with a large diamond, but also got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Unregistered Guinness World Record

However, this record was broken last year, however, until it was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. On the same day, February 14, the competition for the longest kiss in the world began again. It kicked off on a public beach in Pattaya on Sunday. The rules are simple - couples cannot move, since their movements are limited by an extremely meager space, they have the right to take food and food only through a straw, and a trip to the toilet is possible only after the first three hours from the beginning of the competition, while the couple must visit the toilet together, which the lips of the partners would not come off each other. All this must be supervised by the judge.

As a result, two homosexuals set a new record - they kissed for 50 hours and 25 minutes without interruption! For this, the couple received a diamond ring, worth about 3.5 thousand dollars, as well as a gift voucher to a hotel for $ 7 thousand.

It should not be surprising that it was an unconventional couple that became the winner - Thailand is known throughout the world for the fact that it is home to a huge number of homosexuals and transvestites.


Whether you're in a relationship or not, it's pretty easy to catch the general atmosphere of Valentine's Day. Many couples on this day decide to celebrate Valentine's Day in a big way, setting the most romantic world records.

1. The longest kiss

Husband and wife Ekkachai(Ekkachai) and Lakshana Tiranarat(Laksana Tiranarat) joined their lips in the longest kiss that lasted 46 hours and 24 minutes to celebrate Valentine's Day, breaking a new Guinness World Record. The couple entered the 2011 competition in Thailand, where as many as seven couples broke the previous world record of 2009, which was 32 hours and 7 minutes.

2. The longest kiss underwater

In order to set this record, you need two people who are hardy enough to hold their breath for a long time. Italians Michelle Fukarino(Michele Fucarino) and Eliza Lazzarini(Elisa Lazzarini) turned out to be just such daredevils who were able to kiss underwater for 3 minutes 24 seconds.

3. The most expensive kiss

Are you a Sharon Stone fan? Probably not as zealous as Johnny Rimm(Joni Rimm), who shelled out a big chunk of $ 50,000 for one kiss with the actress. The kiss was part of a charity auction that was organized to help people with AIDS and HIV.

4. The largest number of simultaneously contracted marriages under water

On Valentine's Day, February 14, 2001, 34 couples from 22 countries exchanged wedding vows at the same time 10 meters underwater, near Kradan Island in southern Thailand. The underwater wedding ceremony now attracts many tourists who gather for Valentine's Day every year to seal their underwater union.

5. Longest hug

It seems quite strange, but the longest hug in the world was a whole day shorter than the a long kiss... World record set Ron O "Neal(Ron O "Neil) and Teresa Kerr(Teresa Kerr) from Canada who hugged continuously for 24 hours and 33 minutes.

6.Longest Hug Marathon

Did you know that January 21st is National Hug Day? Six couples from the UK knew exactly this when they broke the record for the longest hug marathon, which lasted 24 hours and 44 minutes, although two couples dropped out of the marathon as they released their hugs.

How is a hug marathon different from a regular hug record, you ask? The only difference is that marathon runners are allowed a 5-minute break every hour to eat and go to the bathroom.

7. Biggest group hug

If you don't want to hug one person for a long time, you can always take part in a big hug. The current record is held by 10,554 couples who hugged on May 7, 2010 in the Canadian capital Ottawa.

8. The largest number of hugs per day

Those who are most loving can try to hug as many people as possible in a 24 hour period. It will be very difficult to break such a record, since the current record belongs to Jeff Ondash(Jeff Ondash), who managed to make 7777 hugs per day on Valentine's Day.

Do not think that in order to break the record you need to be young and tough. Thus, the oldest couple (based on cumulative age) to marry became Francois Frenandez(Francois Frenandez) and Madeleine Francino(Madeleine Francineau), married in 2002 at the age of 96 and 94, respectively.

10. Longest marriage

Herbert(Herbert) and Zelmira Fischer(Zelmyra Fisher) have tested their vows "until death do us part" after being married for over 86 years. They married in May 1924 in North Carolina in the United States.

11. The largest number of repeated matrimonial vows

Although this record is far from the longest marriage, Lauren(Lauren) and David Blair(David Blair) have celebrated the largest number of marriage strengthening ceremonies, exchanging vows over 100 times, having been married for 27 years.

12. The largest chocolate in the world

One of the invariable attributes of Valentine's Day is chocolate. If you want to really impress your lover, then think of a giant chocolate called Kiss, created by the company Hershey in 2007, which weighs 13 852 kg.

13. The most expensive diamond

If diamonds are a girl's best friend, then the 100-carat diamond that sold for $ 16,561,171 in 1995 is the most best friend you can only dream of.