A tablet that can connect a keyboard. Instructions for connecting the keyboard to the tablet. Three main types of keyboards

Hello, dear habrazhitel!

A month ago, succumbing to the persuasion of the built-in Wishlist, I unexpectedly for myself went flat. Bearing in mind that typing on tablets, as a rule, is not very convenient, I decided to order a Chinese overseas curiosity on Tinidil: a case-stand with a built-in USB keyboard.
It is about this curiosity that I want to tell you in this, if I may say so, review.

As it turned out, there are a great many such covers and they differ, in fact, in their size and type of USB connector. As part of this review, we will consider a case for seven-inch devices, with micro USB

The gadget itself with an already connected tablet looks like this:

dimensions: 22.5 x 14 x 2.8 cm (of which 20 x 7.5 cm - pure keyboard)
weight: 300 g (together with the tablet - 640 g)
material: magic Chinese leatherette
price: $12
When folded, the case looks like a book with a hidden magnetic clasp:

The entire skin is slightly corrugated, so all sorts of small dust particles are clogged there, which are subsequently not so easy to dig out. In addition, there is some smell - a kind of magical mixture of Chinese leatherette + glue + fig knows what else. But if you do not specifically sniff, then almost imperceptibly. Didn't taste it, sorry.
With an elegant movement of the hand, the cover opens and turns into a stand with a keyboard (a la “laptop”). The magnetic fastener strives to return to its original state and therefore it will have to be cunningly hidden so as not to interfere.

By the way, using the cover as a book will not work, because, firstly, the tablet begins to slip under its own weight, and secondly, there is nowhere to put the keyboard.

Tablet mounts are located on the inside of the stand.

The two lower mounts are rigidly fixed, and the upper one, spring-loaded, can move to the very edge, thereby providing the ability to hold devices from 11 to 13 cm in width. The height (or depth?) of these mounts is 11 mm.

On the reverse side, the stand has a leg that provides some stability to the structure at an angle of 120 °. The angle of inclination is fixed, but this is not a problem: I did not feel any discomfort in this situation.

The leg is almost perpendicular to the surface of the table, which is why the whole structure can collapse if you suddenly decide to move it away from you. When folded, the leg is held by a magnetic latch.

There are two small through "pockets" between the stand and the keyboard. One is for fixing the USB cable, and the second is for the stylus. The stylus is included, but it is only suitable for devices with a resistive screen, so in my case it can only be used to dig into the ear.

Well, now let's move on to the main part, for which all this was started - to the keyboard:

As you can see from the photo, the keyboard is compact, with laptop manners. I would even say very compact: its width is only 20cm. Of course, after a full-size keyboard, it seems quite small and typing at first is inconvenient, but, having got the hang of it, you can type quite tolerably, and sometimes even blindly. For "groping" the keys, there are special buttons on F and J, respectively.
(The photo shows that these keys even differ in color, but in real life it is almost not noticeable).

The key travel is small, but still noticeable.

Along the perimeter of the keyboard there is such a convex border, the purpose of which is not very clear to me, but it prevents me from pressing the spacebar normally, which is why it is often “swallowed”. Although, maybe this is a matter of habit, we'll see.

If you really get to the bottom of it, you will notice that the buttons are a little crooked, which, however, does not affect the typing at all. In my version, there are no Russian letters on the keyboard, so those who care about this should take care of buying special stickers, since there are now in bulk.

Tablet interaction
In order for the tablet to “see” the keyboard, it must support USB Host Mode (as far as I know, these are devices with Android 3.1 and higher). My tablet immediately became friends with the keyboard, but when I wanted to have two layouts (Russian and English), some difficulties began. It turned out that it was impossible to switch layouts on the fly (except for climbing deep through the settings each time). Having carefully googled this question, I downloaded the Russian Keyboard softinka from the market, having set it up, I began to switch layouts by alt + shift and rejoiced.

And there really was something to rejoice about: now, when the cursor fell into the input field, I did not have a virtual keyboard pop up, covering most of the screen, and it was an incomparable feeling!

I was also pleased with some keyboard shortcuts. For example, Alt + Tab shows a list of 8 recently launched applications, between which you can switch (Alt + Shift + Tab also works!). The Esc button works like Back. Some standard applications have shortcuts with a Win button (for example, Win+C = contacts, and Win+L = calendar) and are called from anywhere.

On a tip from the comments, it became known that Fn + and Fn + ↓ work like Page Up and Page Down, respectively.

If the tablet is "asleep", then pressing any button will "wake it up", but you still have to unlock it through the touchscreen.

In general, for the money ($12), the accessory turned out to be quite good, even despite some of its shortcomings.
Perhaps I missed some nuances that you would be curious to know? Ask and I'll try to answer as best I can.

How to turn a tablet into a laptop?

Very simple! All you need to do is connect the keyboard case! I ordered this miracle of technology for myself on the Aliexpress website at a very attractive price from this seller. The keyboard arrived pretty quickly, and, I must say, did not disappoint: the cover is neatly stitched, the threads do not stick out, the keys do not sink.

I specifically asked the seller to send me a blue keyboard with Russian letters: blue is my favorite color, and without Russian letters it would not be so functional.

When I received the shipment, of course, the first thing I decided to try out was the keyboard.

It connects to the tablet quite easily, using a mini-USB cable.

Started to print - everything is fine! But I couldn’t change the language with the notorious Alt + Shift combination! Tried all combinations - nothing has changed. In general, I became sad and I climbed to look for an application to support the Russian keyboard for the Android system. It turned out not in vain! There is also such an application.

It is called - Russian keyboard, downloaded for free in the PlayMarket. I downloaded it for joy, a shortcut to the program appeared on the tablet, but the keyboard did not even think to “speak” in Russian. This application also requires additional configuration. For this you need:

Go to the "Settings" menu;

Find the item "Language and input";

Check the box next to the inscription "Russian keyboard";

To the right of the inscription, click on the settings icon;

Enter the submenu "Hardware keyboard";

Select "Switch layout";

Specify a more convenient way to switch to Russian (I indicated "Alt + Shift");

In the "Select layout" submenu, specify "External Keyboard RU";

Activate the keyboard (type something in Russian).

An icon indicating the language will appear on the tablet desktop in the lower right corner.

If it doesn't work right away, try restarting your tablet.

This cover is very easy to use. On its back there is a special "leg" that steadily holds the tablet. The kit includes two styluses (thin and thick).

In general, I recommend!

Today, all kinds of mobile gadgets are wildly popular, both among young people and among the older generation. Year by year they are being improved, becoming more technologically savvy, more functional and more productive. Due to the popularity and widespread use of such devices, interest in peripheral equipment that can work with them has simultaneously grown. We are talking about manipulators such as "mouse", keyboard and joysticks.

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to connect the keyboard to the tablet, how to do it and what we need for this. And at the same time we will find out what kind of arsenal of knowledge you need to arm yourself with in this, albeit easy, but at the same time confusing enterprise.

Connection methods

  1. Wi-Fi wireless protocol.
  2. Connection via infrared or Bluetooth.
  3. Connect the mouse, keyboard to the tablet with a cable.

Each of the above methods has a number of both advantages and disadvantages, so which type of connection to choose depends entirely on you and the capabilities of your device.

Connection via cable or adapter

Most often, a tablet (you can connect a keyboard, mouse or joystick) is connected to the peripherals using a special cable or USB port, if one is provided in the gadget. For the correct operation of both devices connected via a cable, the following requirements must be met.

Connection conditions:

  • the device must support a pluggable manipulator, and vice versa;
  • the mobile device must support OTG and USB-host technologies to interact with third-party manipulators at the hardware level;
  • the latest drivers must be installed on the mobile device for correct interaction with the peripherals at the software level.

Be sure to take into account the above nuances before connecting a keyboard and mouse to the tablet.

Benefits of a physical connection

The main advantage of this kind of synergy is the fact that you clearly know what exactly you have connected. It should also be noted that the speed of interaction of both devices is limited solely by the speed of the slowest device. In general, physically connected peripherals have the highest bandwidth, which is why experts advise synchronizing flash drives and 3G modems via cable in order to ensure maximum efficiency in data exchange between devices. Keep this in mind before connecting your keyboard to your tablet.

and "Bluetooth"

This method is slightly inferior in popularity to the first, but, despite certain disadvantages, it continues to be in enviable demand. Before you connect the "bluetooth" keyboard to the tablet, you must first establish a connection at the hardware level, if it was not performed automatically.

To connect two devices via the Bluetooth protocol or via the infrared port, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Activate the infrared port or "bluetooth" adapter on the peripheral device.
  2. Enable wireless protocols on the mobile gadget.
  3. Synchronize with an external device.

If your peripheral device is equipped only with an infrared port, then before connecting the keyboard to the tablet, keep in mind that this technology has long been outdated and many modern mobile gadgets no longer support infrared protocols. As for the Bluetooth radio module, it continues to improve and is updated with new samples and versions.

Advantages and disadvantages of wireless protocols

Connecting external devices via Bluetooth wireless protocols and infrared ports has a number of undeniable advantages that physical synchronization of devices lacks.

The main advantages of connecting peripherals via a radio module and an infrared port:

  • independence and mobility of both devices - both peripheral and tablet/smartphone;
  • convenience and compactness;
  • ease of synchronization;
  • the ability to connect several peripheral devices (if the capabilities of the adapter and the operating system of the mobile gadget allow).

As for the shortcomings, there are not so many of them, although some of them may become critical for a certain circle of users. Communication, although considered wireless, has its own "leash", which is limited or peripheral. You can also note a small, but still delay in the response of the keyboard or mouse, which is unacceptable for most gamers. Consider this before engaging in a practical solution to the question: "How to connect a keyboard to a tablet?".

Nevertheless, this method of connecting peripherals is considered a compact and versatile solution with maximum possibilities.

Connecting with a Wi-Fi adapter

Before you can connect your keyboard to your tablet via Wi-Fi protocols, you must ensure that a number of conditions are met. Otherwise, successful synchronization is unlikely to succeed or even impossible.

Connection conditions:

  1. The connected external device must be equipped with a wireless Wi-Fi module (best of all, the same standard as that of the mobile gadget).
  2. The keyboard or mouse should work without involving any additional network adapter (like a router), otherwise this function should be taken over by the mobile device.
  3. At the software level, “masks” and IP addresses must match, which will allow you to combine devices into one network.
  4. Both devices must be able to independently and correctly process and send data both in one direction and in the other.

Due to the specific and rather complicated synchronization procedure, it is very difficult to find a mobile gadget with the ability to connect peripherals via Wi-Fi protocols, and therefore printers or MFPs “use” this method more often, that is, devices for which the speed of the return response is not so important, in different from the same mouse or keyboard.

Configuration of mobile gadget and peripherals

In order for external devices to interact correctly with the tablet, you need to take care of the latest drivers for the peripherals. This will help to correctly and quickly broadcast commands from one device to another and vice versa. The software can be installed both automatically and with the help of the user. For example, after installing the drivers correctly and connecting the mouse to a mobile gadget, a familiar cursor will appear on the screen.


To physically connect any peripheral keyboard via a USB port, it is better to use the popular and well-established ruKeyboard utility. This software is able to work with almost any type of keyboard, and therefore is in enviable demand throughout the Russian Federation.

To properly configure the utility, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Install the downloaded software (it is better to use the official developer resources).
  2. Go to the settings of your mobile gadget.
  3. Select the "Language and settings" menu item.
  4. Put the radio beacon opposite the position "ruKeyboard".
  5. Then, in the settings of the utility itself, select the "Hardware keyboard" item.
  6. In the "Select layout" menu branch, find the item "External keyboard" and make it active.
  7. Open any text editor or browser, and in the settings, specify the input method "ruKeyboard".
  8. Connect the keyboard to your mobile device.
  9. Test the operation of all characters.

After completing these steps, both devices should work correctly. If something went wrong, it is better to start from the very beginning of the list and do all the steps again without missing anything.

Any tablet has a virtual keyboard. It makes it easy to write a message to in social networks, send SMS or email. But when you need to type long texts, this function is not enough. Therefore, it is not surprising that soon after the appearance of tablets on sale, virtual keyboards also entered stores.

These accessories enhance the tablet's capabilities and turn it into a small laptop. Most of them are compact in size. This makes it possible to carry this accessory always with you.

Criterias of choice

Gadget accessory manufacturers are thinking well appearance and device functionality. Therefore, the choice should be based on your preferences. An external keyboard is a must-have. She should be comfortable to use. But you should not choose a case only by its appearance.

It is important that the accessory fits the tablet so that it does not lose its performance and appearance after a few months. You can determine this by its technical characteristics.

It is important to pay attention to the following:

  • connection type;
  • material of manufacture;
  • number of clicks.

The type of connection is the most important characteristic. If you buy a device and not be able to connect it to a tablet, then such an acquisition will be meaningless.

There are five connection types:

If the device is of the "book" type, it is important that it be made of genuine leather. Since this accessory is constantly moving with the owner, it wears out quickly. Artificial materials will lose their appearance very quickly.

Pay attention to the characteristic "number of clicks" is necessary if you have to print a lot. A typical device is designed for 5 million clicks. This is enough for about a year of active work.

Video: Wireless keyboard for iOS and Android tablets from Microsoft

External keyboard from Logitech

Logitech keyboards have long been known to all gamers and ordinary computer users. This company produces devices in different price categories. Among its products you can find both budget options and expensive fancy cases. And of course, she could not help but please her fans with functional devices for modern gadgets.

Photo: functional device for modern gadgets

One of the company's latest innovations is a wireless keyboard. Logitech K480, which is able to connect to three devices at once. And to switch between them, just turn the round switch.

Photo: Logitech K480 Wireless Keyboard

Logitech K480 went on sale quite recently, so few people managed to try it out in practice. more popular in currently is the Logitech K810 model.

It works with Android tablets via bluetooth, supports various OS and has an interesting design. The backlit keyboard makes it possible to use it in the dark. Logitech K810 can connect to 3 different devices at the same time.

Three main types of keyboards

All external keyboards for Android tablet can be divided into three types:

  • dock station;
  • case;
  • remote controller.

Each of these types has its own characteristics and advantages.

Dock station

This is a plastic or metal device that has significant dimensions. A docking station is not bought in order to carry it with you. It is quite heavy and resembles a regular keyboard.

Docking stations are easy to use. Many models have different functions, not just buttons for typing. There is also a touchpad. Often, manufacturers provide special buttons to control Android.


It looks like a book cover. A thin keyboard is integrated on one side, and a tablet is attached to the other. It is convenient to carry this case with you, as it is light and compact. It can be put in a small bag like a book. The only drawback is the flexibility, so it is impossible to print on uneven surfaces, on weight or on your knees.

Remote controller

It connects to the device via bluetooth only. Batteries are built into the remote control. Most models are equipped with a manipulator that replaces the mouse.

Keyboard for Android tablet and its price

The price of a keyboard depends, first of all, on its characteristics. A simple option that is suitable for home use can be bought for modest money. Such devices are universal, and they can be used with many tablets. For example, logitech k480 in different stores costs from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Many manufacturers of well-known tablets produce original keyboards that fit one or more models. They are much more expensive, but with them you can fully control Android. For example, Keyboard cover for Samsung GALAXY Tab S 8.4 SM costs more than 5,000 rubles. And the original keyboard for the Sony Xperia Tablet Z2 BKB10 can be bought for less than 4,000 rubles.

Photo: stylish keyboard design

An external keyboard for a tablet will become an indispensable assistant when you need to type huge texts. But the choice of this accessory should be approached responsibly. It must be compatible with the tablet and please the eye. And its quality must correspond to the operating conditions.

Few users of Android gadgets realize that you can connect a keyboard or mouse to their devices, just like to a regular computer. Connecting these peripherals allows you to turn your smartphone or tablet into a real workstation. The keyboard will greatly increase the comfort while typing, and the mouse can greatly simplify the work in the browser.

Now you will learn how to connect a keyboard to a tablet. There are two ways to connect the keyboard to an Android tablet: using the USB OTG cable, which we have already discussed in the article about, and also using the Bluetooth wireless interface.

How to connect a keyboard to an Android tablet using a USB OTG cable

The first way is to use a USB OTG cable. this is an addition to the USB 2.0 standard. This add-on allows you to connect various USB devices to each other without using a computer. A small adapter cable is used for this connection.

The USB OTG cable can be used in a variety of ways. For example, it can be used to connect a digital camera to a printer and print the pictures taken, or connect a flash drive to a mobile device.

In our case, we will connect the keyboard to the Android tablet. It is very easy to do this. First, you need the USB OTG cable itself. Such a cable can be purchased at any store with mobile phones. When buying, pay attention to the cable. On one side of such a cable there should be a regular USB connector, and on the other Micro USB. If the cable looks different, then it will not work for you.

After you get the adapter you need, simply plug its Micro USB connector into your tablet (or smartphone if you are connecting a keyboard to a smartphone) and then plug the USB cable from the keyboard into the other connector of the adapter. As a result, the tablet should detect the keyboard, and it should work. No more action is needed, this should be enough to connect the keyboard to the Android tablet. Naturally, in order for you to succeed, the keyboard must be with a USB cable. Keyboards with a PS/2 connector will not work.

By the way, there are special covers for tablets that are equipped with a built-in keyboard (see the screenshot above). When using such a case, your tablet is not just connected to the keyboard, it turns into a small laptop. After all, the keyboard and tablet are rigidly connected by a cover, and it is much more convenient to use them in this format.

Connecting a keyboard to an Android tablet via Bluetooth

The second option for connecting a keyboard to an Android tablet is to use the Bluetooth wireless interface. Everyone knows that using Bluetooth you can transfer files and connect a headset, but not everyone knows that Bluetooth keyboards also connect perfectly to tablets and smartphones. At the same time, connecting a keyboard using Bluetooth is much easier than using a USB OTG cable.

In order to connect the keyboard, just turn it on and then go to the Android settings on your tablet. Here you need to find the Bluetooth section and enable the Bluetooth module. After that, your tablet should find the Bluetooth keyboard and display it in the Bluetooth settings. Then you just have to select your keyboard in the tablet settings and it will automatically connect to it.

It should be noted that there are wireless keyboards with Bluetooth interface and radio interface. They are two completely different interfaces. Therefore, if you have a keyboard with a radio interface, you will not be able to connect it using Bluetooth. In this case, you need to connect the USB receiver from the keyboard to the tablet using a USB OTG cable.