The guy goes missing for a few days. Why does a man leave a woman without explanation. He is not your match

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If a man disappeared, stopped calling and texting

Probably, every woman is familiar with the situation when a man in a relationship with her began to keep a distance, suddenly disappear somewhere without explanation and make contact. Nothing happened to him, he did not have another, everything was fine, but for some reason he decided to distance himself from you. The women's portal Women's Time offers to analyze the situation and find out what to do if a man disappeared, stopped calling and writing messages.

What is absolutely impossible to do?

Before we understand what to do and how to deal with it, let's find out which is absolutely impossible to do. This includes women's initiative and imposing yourself on your beloved when you want to call, set up a meeting, dot all the “i”, find out how this man treats you, where your relationship is heading and so on. If a man distanced himself, then there is some reason. It is possible that he began to doubt that he wants to be with you. If at this moment you begin to pour claims into him, impose yourself and try to prove something to him, you will get the corresponding result. A man will think that you are hysterical, crazy and his doubts will be confirmed.

How to behave if a man disappeared, stopped calling and writing messages?

Take care of yourself! Meet friends, visit your parents (if they live in another city, for example), go on a trip, go to the premiere of a new movie, clean up the house, do anything that will bring real pleasure and allow you to forget for a while about your loved one. What happens to the man at this moment? He understands that he is losing contact with you, that you are so interesting that you can be taken away, that you are not sitting with your phone in your hands and waiting for him 24/7. He starts to worry and get nervous, especially if mutual acquaintances talk about you in a positive way or he watches your active life v in social networks.

When he starts calling you and inviting you to a meeting, no need to be surprised at this and immediately run away, rushing into his arms. Show that you are still interested in him, but not as much as before. That you have a lot to do and he needs to seek your attention and location. Otherwise, the situation will repeat itself and you will again sit with nothing and not understand what went wrong, why he ran away again.

It works if you really immerse yourself in a bright, eventful life, and don’t think about how it’s profitable to present yourself and make him sit and bite his elbows. You need to sincerely do this and understand that life does not stand still, that being in the waiting mode, you are simply wasting time. Read an article by women's magazine psychologist Santosha Tumadin to understand how to act in this seemingly impasse.

Do not waste time and your youth on those men who are not serious about you, who do not see you as a future wife and mother of their children. Believe me, you really deserve a man who will constantly prove to you that you are a desirable and beloved woman, and not with words, but with real actions.

If you met a man on the Internet, through friends or in any public place, then went on a date and had a good time. A day passes, a second, a third. And the guy does not call or write. What to do if the man disappeared without explanation after the meeting? Our top right SMS will help to stir him up and get news from him.

Why do men disappear?

There can be many reasons why a man disappears:

  1. He is very busy at work (starts new project, writes an annual report or a scientific dissertation, saves aliens from a flood, flew to the moon for silver water).
  2. Flight, trip and other adventures on a business trip. Usually in such places the Internet is bad.
  3. An ex-girlfriend showed up, who kindled feelings for him again.
  4. In you, he saw a hysterical, vixen, a materialistic person or a girl who reminds him of his ex.
  5. Just not "him".
  6. He wanted only physical contact from you, but he realized that you are not like that. Wasted no time and ran away.

This is a personal matter for each girl, but if you want, if this man hooked you, you must try to get in touch with him. Yes, many girls will say that this man should take the first steps: write or call. When you think so, it is better to just wait 3-5 days. If during the planned days the guy did not show up, then you should cross him out of your contacts.

And for those girls who want to immediately sort things out, move on, we will have some advice. So you can immediately decide for yourself: what to do next with this man.

There is nothing shameful in being the first to write to a man. But this must be done competently: subtly, unobtrusively and in a feminine way.

Urgent meeting‼

Girls, please screenshot these rules for yourself:

  1. If a guy or a man disappeared without explanation, then he needs to write only 1 time. If you texted him, and he does not get in touch for several days, feel free to cross him out of your life.
  2. Don't knock on closed doors. Even if he answered you for the first time, and in the following days is silent again, erase this person from your memory! You should not constantly write to him if he does not show any interest in you.

What to write to a man if he is gone

6th place: Message-provocation

The message is suitable for those girls who are familiar with someone from the company the right man. There is a high probability that the guy will “bite” on this particular hook. Send him a message like this:

There are 2 options here: either the man does not react to this or gets in touch with the thoughts: “Who? What? Where? When?". The second SMS should be with an apology something like this:

5th place: Message-provocation

Another provocation could be:

A man, when he sees this, will definitely react somehow. If it worked, then the next message should be an apology. But if he did not answer, then you can safely delete his number from the phone book.

On average, a busy man needs 2-3 hours to respond. Perhaps he will answer you in the evening after work. In any case, you need to wait for SMS no more than a day.

4th place: And again a provocation

In this option, you can immediately kill two birds with one stone and test it for sympathy for you. You need to write a message like this:

If the man doesn't respond, then goodbye.

In any case, you should easily part with a man. If he doesn't get in touch, don't tease him. One message is enough.

3rd place: Question

The man disappeared without explanation? Try this simple and unobtrusive option. You can interest a man with such SMS:

A great way to push the guy to the answer. After all, you saw him (no) and are interested: he was it or not. The option is quite unobtrusive and easy. A good reason to start a dialogue.

If you communicate with a man in instant messengers or social networks, then you can send him some nice photo or audio and provide the message with a small comment.

A great opportunity to demonstrate your good taste or find common ground in your tastes.

1st place: Best choice

Excitement and sympathy always speak of good breeding and high level person. A man will see that what is happening to him is important to you. What if something happened or you need moral help and support? SMS should be something like this:

Materials taken from the channel of the instructor on the charisma of relationships and a true man Lev Vozhevatov.

If a man disappeared without explanation, try, take a chance and write to him. Perhaps he really was busy and could not write you a couple of lines. Other secrets can be found in our other article.

Thanks for your time

My greetings to you dear!

Why do men disappear from relationships without explanation? This most often happens at the very beginning of a relationship, but sometimes especially “responsible” ones manage to evaporate even from the family. A special case is when a man disappears on the eve of the holidays, or after you ask him for a gift or help in something.
Who is to blame and what to do?

The man took the phone number and disappeared immediately after meeting

History option.
He saw you on a bus passing by, ran after you for a whole block, got on the bus at the bus stop and, very embarrassed, asked for your phone number, because he really liked you and, in general, the girl of his dreams. At the same time, he was sober and adequate.

You agreed that he would call in the evening, and ... 2 weeks have passed since then, and not a call from him, not a tiny text message.
What the hell number did you take, you ask? Infuriates!

Why couldn't he call?

    he just got bored. It happens that the romantic mood passes, the man switches to his life and forgets about this little adventure. Perhaps he was just bored while waiting for something, whiled away his free evening and had a little fun getting to know you, initially not planning to call. Or maybe even he is too lazy to get involved in a new relationship, especially if there is at least some alternative;

    he made a mistake in writing the phone number, or the number was not preserved. Or maybe the phone killed itself immediately after meeting or it was stolen. Oops, no luck this time. Pretty unlikely situation. And if he really liked you a lot, most likely he will find a way to meet you;

    He is married or in a permanent relationship. He could not resist the impulse and met you, but then he thought it over and decided not to get involved in a relationship on the side. Or hid your number away to call you when the opportunity comes up and the wife leaves somewhere. While waiting, I forgot how you look and called the one I could remember (and this is for the best);

    he met you on a bet, as evidence he had to show your phone number, or your number is in itself a trophy that you can show off to friends;

    he learns to achieve goals, or he set a task for himself - to get acquainted with ten women he likes, while not being shy and not screwing up. Well, or he was simply interested in the process itself and flirting, he checked his “maleness” and whether he had lost his fighting grip, but it would be strange not to take the number, and therefore he took it. Or maybe he is a pick-up artist with their usual quirks;

    after meeting you, I met another “girl of my dreams”, but I forgot to think about you, because fresh emotions killed a little forgotten ones;

    during the conversation, he realized that he was mistaken with the conclusions about the “dream”, but it was simply inconvenient not to ask for a phone number, or he took it just in case. Such an understanding may come to him some time after the conversation;

    he needed urgent sex, and you refused to go with him where he invited (at least in a cafe for a start), or he realized during communication that it wouldn’t work out so easily with you. He took your number for the sake of decency, maybe even walked you home, and then ran away to look for a more affordable option, and completely forgot about you;

    he was disappointed that you so easily gave him the phone, without forcing him to go through some kind of quest like “on Saturday at 6 pm I will come to dance at the fitness club on Sovetskaya 64, if you want, you can see me there.” Some men do not look for easy ways, they want to overcome obstacles and they are only interested in hard-to-reach and even inaccessible girls, they immediately lose interest in others. They have a peculiar understanding of easy accessibility: she gave the number right away - it means that the girl is so-so, probably nobody needs it;

    he died or force majeure happened to him (this sometimes happens, although rarely).

In general, anything can be the cause, from a simple change of mood to a personal Armageddon. Anyway, if he doesn't call, then he just doesn't want to do it. Unless he died, of course.

What to do?

Nothing. Leave him the right to be what he wants, and to do with his life as he sees fit. Very often a man gets acquainted, knowing full well that all this will not continue, and you have absolutely nothing to do with it. You should not get carried away by self-digging and look for the reason in yourself, because in the vast majority of cases, as you noticed, the point is in the man himself and his intentions, and not in you.

In the end, this is just another acquaintance, which a free girl in search of can have (and should have!) a dozen a day. Why give it too much great importance? Mind your own business, communicate and enjoy life. You shouldn't be driven. It will be necessary - will find and call. The less you remember about it, the faster you will forget. In a week, a month, a year, you definitely won’t remember it.

The man suddenly disappeared at the beginning of the relationship

You started a relationship, everything seemed to be fine, maybe you even managed to make friends not only with hearts, but also with organisms. And then bam - you realize that for a whole week it has been washed away like water. Or he merged gradually, called less and less, and the time between meetings lasted more and more, and eventually stopped showing signs of life. You feel crushed, and thoughts swirl in your head in a circle: “Why? What did I do wrong? How to fix everything?

Alas, not all men have the courage to even write a text message that everything is over between you. Not to mention a personal meeting. Is this meeting really necessary? There is no more relationship, and what difference does it make how he told you about it. And if he didn’t say anything and just disappeared without explanation?

In this case, women most often begin to blame themselves. And in vain.

When disappearing at the beginning of a relationship, the reasons may be different:

1. He died or something tragic happened to him. Again, it's not out of the question. This is a very unlikely case, so I highly recommend not calling him, asking if he is all right, and if he has breathed his last. Moreover, you should not watch under the door of his apartment in order to “just talk and dot the e”.

If you have been in a relationship for some time and are very worried about his life, ask a mutual friend about him once.
If there are none and there is no one to know about its existence, then you can still easily check it yourself. Wait for him near work or at home. The main thing - do it from afar and do not catch the eye of either him or your mutual friends! And then he will think too much about himself, or even worse - he will feel like a victim of an abnormal huntress and is unlikely to ever show up.

In a pinch, you can also text him a message: “Hi, how are you?” Delivered, but there is no answer, and at the same time it regularly glows online? So point number 2.

2. He just doesn't like you. Maybe they liked it initially, but they didn’t like it, he saw that you and him have different interests, views on life and goals, and you are not on your way. Or he started dating you out of boredom, without thinking if he likes you. Does it really not happen to women that, out of boredom, they indulge a little in relationships with someone who is not very interesting and with whom nothing lasting is initially planned? The boredom has passed, and the need for a relationship with you has disappeared. How can he explain this? Therefore, he prefers to evaporate silently.

3. He realized that he conquered you, got what he wanted, and is looking after the next prey, or is already running after it with might and main. Often this happens after sex, for which men most often hunt. This means that sex was the goal, either it was accidental, or not at all the way a man would like. And here, in fact, this is the same point number two, in which he simply does not like you.

4. He was afraid of responsibility, your serious conversations and intentions, or even realized that he did not want to spend his life with you. Also point number 2.

5. He has a period of doubt when he himself wants to decide whether to continue with you. Very similar to point number 2, but with unimportant nuances.

6. He reconciled with his ex. Trite, because it happens often. Especially if he started a relationship with you in order to forget her, or to spite her, or to be jealous. The effect has been achieved, your services are no longer needed ...

7. He is tired of your tantrums, demands and brainwashing, especially in public. Due to the lack of gratitude and criticism, he feels used. And his patience snapped.

8. He has problems or blockage at work. That is, the fear of losing you fades into the background, because it is not so great in comparison with his problem.

9. The holidays are on the nose: your birthday, New Year, February 14, March 8. It's a waste of money for a gift for you. Will be announced after the holidays. Or you yourself asked him for a gift or help in something, and he disappeared. This is exactly point number 2.

It would seem that the reason should be obvious to the woman herself. But when falling in love literally climbs out of your ears, all this no longer seems so logical. I would like to hope for the best. Especially if mentally she already married him and gave birth to three children. And he takes it and brazenly merges ... I don’t want to believe that this is the end. But nothing else remains.

What to do?

If he disappeared after the first sex - nothing. He is not interested in the development of relations, he will have to go through it. Any sms and calls are a humiliation of your dignity.

If he disappeared before the first sex - all the more nothing. It is easy to forget a man with whom a woman has not slept. Sooner or later it will disappear from the head, leaving no trace. It is unlikely to take more than a few months, and in a couple of years you will not be able to remember about it, even if you want to.

If he disappeared after a couple of months of relationship - surprisingly, but again nothing. It is pointless to terrorize him with calls, "accidentally" catch his eye, ask for forgiveness, offer help in solving problems, eternal friendship or meetings for sex. He may agree, but in his eyes you will lose the last value. And if you do not agree, what will it be like for you?

Even if your tantrums were to blame, draw conclusions about changing your behavior in life, wait a couple of weeks, write to him “Hi, how are you?” and wait for a response. If he wants to communicate with you and meet - try not to repeat your destructive behavior. If his reaction is sluggish or not, continue searching for the man of your dreams. Give yourself the right to make mistakes! After all, no one is perfect, and there is nothing to make excessive demands on yourself. After all, you are not a gold bar to be liked by everyone, and everyone who comes across your path does not have to love you. Leave it up to others to choose whether they like you or not. And it's not your problem. You don't like everything either.

And this "faggot" will show up on his own if he wants to. And he will most likely do this not before you really decide to let him go inside of you.

In any case, even if you want to return him, first you need a pause in communication for 2-3 weeks so that he forgets the bad things from your relationship, resentment subsides, and he misses all the good things that happened between you. Problems are not eternal, if you get bored, you will call. And do not get bored - draw your own conclusions. By the way, I plan to write an article on how to competently return a man. So subscribe to updates as you like: on VKontakte, or in Telegram , or so as not to miss it.

Why no explanation?

It would seem, well, say you humanly that you do not want to continue, and that's it. A woman will not suffer in the unknown. But no. And why so?

The main reason for this is fear. Suddenly you start to make a fuss, sort things out, accuse him of all sins, cut off his phone, guard under the door, threaten, or even smash his car or face. And so it seems that he hid his head in the sand, you look - everything will settle down by itself, she will survive and calm down.

Although his hopes look foolish, it is still pointless to blame him for them. Indeed, often women act even worse than he can imagine in his worst nightmare. If all women calmly reacted to the proposal to leave, would not reproach him and would not cry, would not try to get a reason from him, would not persuade him to change his mind and stay where he does not want to stay, then it is quite possible that he would not disappear English.

That is, if women knew their worth and behaved with dignity. If he doesn’t want, then he doesn’t want, this is his decision and choice, it’s impossible to be suitable for everyone, and you are good enough to arrange your personal life happily without him. If all women had this much self-respect and self-confidence, the world would be a completely different place, full of responsible men. I wrote in detail about the benefits of female dignity in family happiness.

Also, the reason may be the feeling of being the navel of the Earth. He is sure that everyone around him thinks and feels the same as he does. In his head, he built logical arguments why your relationship has no future, and he is absolutely sure that everything is clear and understandable to you in the same way, this is more than logical!

He does not take into account that this is only logical for him, and you have your own feelings about relations with him, and for all other reasons too. Needless to say, women sin no less than this. For example, when you are sure that this is logical - after six months of a relationship, buy the most expensive ring that you have enough money for, invite you to a restaurant, get down on one knee and, shedding tears of love and admiration, propose to a woman.

And he may have his own logic, when, to whom and how to make an offer. The woman is offended and leaves him, and he does not even understand why he was abandoned.

Or a woman finds it logical and natural to help her when she is puffing and tearing, dragging bags from the store, or washing dishes late at night, when everyone is already asleep. And this is not logical for a man - well, since she copes and does not ask for help, then she does not need it. If a man does not need help, he will not ask her, and offer to help him - humiliate him, show him that he is a weakling and is not able to cope with this.

Therefore, he judges by himself, and a woman by herself. Everyone is sure that in the head of the other the same thoughts as his. That the other understands perfectly well what they want from him, but does not do it out of spite, on purpose, to hurt him harder. This is how two adult young children break relationships and life to each other, who still have not realized where one person ends and another begins.

Another option could be a period of doubt. Many male trainers argue that a man must have a period when he decides for himself whether he wants to be with this woman. They got too close and he needs to start moving away in order to see her at some distance and feel the attraction. And it would be better if this period came at the beginning of a relationship, and not in a deep marriage.

A woman, as a rule, does not have such a period. Therefore, he will not even be able to explain to her what's what, no matter how hard he tries. Often he cannot even explain to himself why he wants to push off from her. If she does not hysteria and just goes about her business, then most likely he will get bored and be attracted again.

The man disappeared and appeared, how to behave

For whatever reason, the man disappeared, if he appeared, it means that he has some desire to be with you. Strong or not - while he himself does not know. Therefore, the competent behavior of a woman is important here.

First you need to put aside the desire for revenge and send him away, fall in love and leave him, get him at all costs and come what may. Better analyze his qualities, past attitude towards you, listen to yourself - would you like to spend your life with this person? Are you interested in talking to him? Are you inspired by his goals? Don't you feel deep down that anyway sooner or later you will part with him, because he does not suit you? Are you just fooled by his good looks? To help you decide, I specifically wrote.

Usually inside a woman there are answers to these questions, but emotions drown out everything. And then she either understands that he is what she needs, but pushes him away from resentment, or vice versa, she realizes that he is not very interesting to her and does not suit her, but hunting excitement and offended pride make her fight for him, losing her time in vain.

If you do not need it - do not start this relationship again. It's better to finish everything now, before you get too attached. Then it will be more painful to tear it off, but you still have to, since it is not a match for you.

If you do not know him well and have not yet managed to understand whether he is needed or not, or are sure that he is needed, you will need all your self-control, pride and patience. React calmly to his appearance.

You should not joyfully rush into his arms - for him it will be a sign that you have been waiting for him and he can disappear and appear when he pleases, and you are quite happy to be an alternate airfield and will always gladly accept him.

At the same time, you should not roll out grievances to him, paint your sufferings that you endured without him, how bad it was for you without him. From the feeling of guilt, he can run away again. Perhaps he had that same period of doubt, and he survived it.

You shouldn’t scold him for this, it’s best to just explain your feelings: “I didn’t know what to think, it was like you didn’t want our relationship anymore, and I tuned in for the worst and tried to come to terms with the idea that between we are all finished. So now I need to think things over to see if I want to continue.”

And let him try to earn your favor. Only accept his courtship, gifts and attention not with a sense of offended pride and arrogance, but as for the first time. It’s as if he didn’t make a mistake, but nevertheless he took a step back and is now trying to win you over again. Old new fan. And it's up to you to decide whether he is worthy of a second attempt or not.

If you did everything right, he conquered you and you had a great relationship, but then he suddenly or smoothly disappeared for the second time - your relationship is over. He has very big doubts about you. Too big to create a reliable family with him. This means that he is not suitable for you, because he does not love enough. Or he is very afraid of responsibility, and this also means that he is not a match for you.

The man disappears, then reappears

I won’t say anything new - he doesn’t like you enough to stop at you and stay. He may or may not have another woman - the conclusion is the same.

Yes, sometimes it happens that a man is very passionate and involved in his activities. Like Rearden in Atlas Shrugged. This one will sometimes appear and disappear again in his fantastically interesting work. Such are they, enthusiastic people who can change the world. But there are very few of them.

Much more often this happens when a man likes you in something and likes you, but not in something. So he rushes about in the hope of finding more suitable option. Sometimes he misses some of your qualities suitable for him, at such moments he calls and writes. If he does not show signs of life, then at these moments he is most likely thinking about your unsuitable qualities, or about the suitable qualities of some other woman. Therefore, it is pointless to torture him with calls - at this moment he is focused on the bad, and you push him away even more.

That is, in fact, he does not really need you. I specifically call qualities "suitable for him" and "unsuitable", and I do not call these your "good" and "bad" qualities. So that you do not suddenly rush to blame yourself and reshape these qualities to please him. If you try to adapt to him, fall in love with what he loves, fall out of love with what he does not like, you will lose yourself, and then you will not like yourself or him, because he will become bored. Your self-esteem will drop to zero, you will constantly look for something else in yourself to change such a “curve” in order to please him more. And without consistently high self-esteem, healthy relationships are impossible.

It is much more interesting to find someone who needs exactly your kit. My consulting experience shows that for every product there is a merchant who can appreciate it. One considers the mind of a woman a disadvantage, the other - a virtue. One needs a soft and submissive, the other - able to firmly defend their opinions and desires. One wants a woman who knows how to calmly negotiate, the other wants a brawler who, with her cries, causes a surge of emotions in him and makes him experience the whole rainbow of feelings. It is impossible to please everyone at once, it is better to look longer and find your own ideal.

It turns out that such a relationship, when a man "figaro here - figaro there" - is unpromising. You can’t adapt to him, but if you don’t adapt, he will run away again. In extreme cases, you can correct your frank shortcomings, which you yourself consider as such. For example, quarrelsomeness, rudeness, inadequate jealousy, neglect and others like them - in any case, it will not hurt to work on these qualities, at least just for yourself, and not for him. But only if you want to. After all, in any case, you can find your connoisseur if you look well.

In such a “neither here nor there” relationship, a woman becomes attached to a man to death. No wonder - he suits her with such an emotional swing that you just sway! A woman finds such a man amazing, because he shakes ten points out of nine. Sometimes from love and happiness, sometimes from resentment and hatred. She feels "finally truly alive." And it is so sweet and pleasant waiting for his call, and then he will crawl in front of her on his knees, ask for forgiveness and say that she is the best in the world and he realized that he cannot live without her. They will have a sweet time of love, seasoned with the bitterness of waiting for a new separation, and then everything will repeat itself.

The rest of the things go to the tenth plan, because nothing can compare with these feelings. It's just him in his head and the anticipation of his next antics, the burning desire to get him with giblets, and it doesn't matter how suitable he is. You can fall into this addiction for many years.

Moreover, dependence is not so much on a man, he may not be needed in and of himself, in the depths of his soul, many women understand this. That they will part with him sooner or later, when their relationship more or less settles down, because they have very different outlooks on life, and by and large they are bored with each other.

Dependence here is more on these emotions and an irresistible gambling desire to achieve his love. Many of them say: "I'm not used to losing, I've invested too much in him, I can't afford to lose, and I'll get him at any cost." Especially if he's handsome. They invest more and more, and therefore become more attached. There's too much at stake to just take it and give it up. And the further, the worse. Just like in a casino.

The secret to getting rid of addiction is to still accept, take and refuse. If a man has disappeared more than once, then he simply does not suit you. After all, the main criterion for a suitable man is that he loves you and wants to be with you. And this one loves, then does not love, then again twenty-five. Is it possible to build a family with this? If you hope that the stamp in the passport and the presence of children will stop him, then you are mistaken.

Accept that you have invested too much in this relationship, and understand that you still have a lot left. You will not invest anything else in these relationships, and henceforth you will invest only where you are truly welcome.

Find other sources of pleasure and emotion. During your relationship with him, you abandoned everything, because nothing could compare in terms of thrill with your unpromising romance. Old hobbies and hobbies no longer bring joy - look for new ones that bring. Replace this dependency with another, only more useful and accessible one - for example, from healthy lifestyle life or their own chic appearance. Only this time, remember that everything is good in moderation, do not be obsessed and leave room for other things and hobbies in life.

Man disappeared from family or long-term cohabitation

Everything was fine, the family was created (or in the very near future), perhaps there are already children. And then, for no apparent reason, the man slammed the door and disappeared without explanation. Is this possible?

Fortunately, rarely. This can only happen if, in fact, everything was not so good. But the wife chose the position of the ostrich. I hid my head in the sand and did not want to notice the problems. Because I didn’t know how to solve them, and I was afraid that everything would collapse. “A bad peace is better than a good quarrel, maybe it will resolve itself somehow,” she hoped. Didn't dissolve...

The reason for this may be scandals, insults and resentments that accumulated and accumulated, and one fine day he realized that he was either in a noose or free. Because otherwise it will explode so that its pieces will be collected within a radius of one hundred kilometers. The instinct of self-preservation makes him run. He can be understood, because he was not taught the ability to negotiate, hear another and competently convey his thought. And who did you teach?

The reason may also be his love for another woman who delivered an ultimatum, he could not withstand the stress, and he did not have the courage to look you in the eyes. Just like long-term grievances with claims, a woman cannot help but notice that her husband has fallen in love with another. Therefore, here, too, it cannot be said that he disappeared for no reason. The woman understood what was happening, but was afraid to ask questions. And if you really didn’t notice, then is it really possible to say about such relationships “we are fine”? In the family there is no closeness and understanding of what is happening with the other person. Not spouses, but cohabitants in a common area. When there is spiritual intimacy, a change in the mood of another is felt almost instantly.

Abandoning a family once and for all is not easy. Parents and friends will force him to change his mind and return (if you created with them a good relationship, certainly). Most likely, he will miss the children. Yes, and getting a divorce would also not hurt to create other relationships. Therefore, few people succeed in disappearing from the family without a trace.


If men often disappear from your life, then it is likely that the reason is you. Maybe you want to marry everyone from the first minute next man, and behave too importunately? Or is your nature very hysterical and it would be worth working with yourself? There can be many reasons, each situation is individual.

Do not get attached to a man too quickly, let everything take its course. Leave him the right to change his life when he wants. And don't forget to empower yourself. Stop thinking about whether you are right for him and what he wants from you. Better check if it suits you (according to the very one that I already mentioned).

And most importantly, stop blaming yourself! Self-esteem is like a 100-kilogram weight - easy to drop and hard to pick up. If he has not forgotten the former, this does not mean that you are worse, just that his heart is closed to others. If he doesn’t like something in you, it doesn’t mean that you are bad, it’s just that you don’t suit HIM. After all, if it is important for you that a man, for example, loves to travel and does not smoke, then smoking male couch potatoes are not at all bad, they just do not suit YOU. And there is no tragedy in this, because it is impossible to be good and suitable for everyone. Look for your man who will be delighted with your qualities.

Yesterday it seemed that in all respects it was clear and smooth, it was easy and comfortable with a man, but today he disappeared without explanation? Do not draw premature conclusions. We will try to figure out why the guy abruptly stopped communicating, depending on the situation. You will find out what the reasons for this may be if you have been together for a long time, if you kept in touch exclusively by correspondence, or if you only had the first and last date.

To answer the question, you need to consider how long you have been talking on the Internet.

There may be the following reasons for terminating virtual communication:

  • Loss of interest. If the meeting did not take place in real life after 3-6 months from the beginning of the correspondence, then it most likely will not happen anymore.
  • Lack of time for correspondence. Perhaps he works a lot or is overwhelmed with problems to which the males react very painfully.
  • Understanding that your dating goals are different. For example, you want a serious relationship, and he is looking for a girl for joint leisure or sex, or vice versa.
  • intervention of another. It may well be that a more interesting interlocutor has appeared on the site.

This article will help you understand in more detail. You will learn about the main causes and ways to eradicate them, you will be able to write a competent text to send a message first.

Reasons why a man does not appear after the first meeting

Perhaps he realized that he was not ready for serious relationship but admit it to a girl's face? No, the guy is not capable of such courage. Therefore, your potential fiancé chose to tactfully retreat with minimal losses.

Another option - having met with you and remembering his past painful experience, he was most likely afraid to repeat it again and burn himself again. In this case, he may still appear in your life when he is emotionally more mature.

And the last thought, why communication began to cease to be active - he just didn’t like you. It is difficult to determine their emotions by the faces of some men, but usually a woman intuitively understands whether her interlocutor liked her. Appearance, character, demeanor, some bad habits could repel.

It's also likely that you didn't know. Here it says how to start a conversation, how to maintain it and what phrases to end with, so that the man suggests meeting again.

What could happen if a loved one does not get in touch

Yes, it is unpleasant and insulting when a person with whom everything was fine in the past suddenly disappeared. Here are the TOP 6 reasons to explain why active communication may have come to naught:
  1. fell out of love. Alas, this happens. Your partner simply felt that the relationship had outlived itself and decided to end it. and what to do in such a situation? We answered these questions in another article.
  2. He doesn't like your character. Many men do not accept causticity, tantrums, “sawing” in women.
  3. frivolous intentions. Perhaps he regarded you as an easy entertainment, a girl for one evening, for flirting and having a good time. Such a man has no place in your life.
  4. Difficulties in life. He has a difficult period, which he wants to endure alone, perhaps there are problems at work, in the family, with health.
  5. Meeting another. He met a more beautiful, smart and interesting girl.
  6. Lack of desire to develop relationships. He does not want to take them to a new level (coexistence, marriage, children), so he preferred to stop communicating altogether in order to avoid accusations.

Other reasons why a guy can actively communicate at first, and then suddenly end the relationship are disputes, misunderstandings, understatement, which only indicate that this is not your person. This article will help you understand. You will also learn what you can and cannot do in this situation.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You'll get step by step plan of 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

What to do in such a situation

Remember that in life there are different situations. Before you do something, you need to calm down and stop panicking, come up with the most unpleasant reasons. Just let go of the situation and try not to wait every second for his call or message. Call - fine, no - no problem. Such a simple attitude to the situation will help you save your nerves and draw cold-blooded conclusions about a person.

If your relationship is serious, step over your pride and write or call him yourself.

Unobtrusively ask about his loss, without "arrivals" and claims. He will have to answer you. Perhaps he had serious problems with which he did not want to burden his soul mate and therefore preferred to disappear for a while. If he did not answer, he probably already put an end to your relationship. In this case, ask your mutual friends if nothing happened to him. If they say that everything is in order, text him. Say that you are worried about him, and that you feel that something is going wrong, offer to meet yourself and dot the “and”.

This is a science that we comprehend all our lives. But the main advice voiced by psychologists boils down to the fact that we should not depend on a partner and not allow him to be dependent on us. Leave for yourself and your beloved personal space.

Do not be rude or sarcastic to your partner. Be soft and feminine, but remember to be just as gentle on your own sometimes. A man should not feel that you command him, but do not let him command you either. Remember that you are a weak woman and give him the opportunity to help himself even in small things and support you in difficult times.

You should not feel sorry for a man with any problems. Just believe in him and treat him as if he has already achieved success and has a bright future ahead of him. He will certainly appreciate your unobtrusive support.

And also be careful in communication, because the wrong words can put an end to the relationship. Here are the ones that should never be spoken aloud.

Very helpful tips can be found in this video, it is clear that the man has a wealth of experience:

Before you sound the alarm and pounce on the guy with accusations and demands to explain your behavior, remember that you are a beautiful, smart, talented girl! You have to run...

Sometimes men prefer to disappear without explanation. And no matter how long your relationship lasted - two weeks or two years, this act seems mean, cowardly and irresponsible. Once in such a situation, any woman will begin to guess, analyze her actions and look for explanations for the man's act.

Here are the most common motives that will answer the difficult question - why do men disappear without explanation?

1. He doesn't want to take responsibility.

When a romance hits a dead end, someone has to say a final goodbye, thus taking responsibility for the end of the relationship. Unfortunately, many men are simply afraid of responsibility. At first, they delay the decisive conversation, and then, without gaining strength, they simply disappear.

2. He is afraid of explanations

If one phrase was enough to end a relationship - "it's all over between us", men would stop disappearing without explanation. But since after this phrase the woman will probably want to know the reason for this decision, try to talk and, perhaps, start to reproach or even cry, men prefer to leave in English. Thus, they save their nerves.

3. He feels like a victim

You may feel that your relationship is full of love and understanding. But it is possible that the man thinks differently. By nature, the stronger sex is quite straightforward, but there are exceptions when a man, feeling like a victim, expects explanations and apologies from you. And, considering himself offended, the man goes underground, sincerely believing that you will be the first to start a decisive conversation.

4. He is afraid of accusations

If the initiator of the breakup is a man, he a priori takes the position of the culprit. And when a man does not have enough courage to admit his mistake or explain the reason for his decision, he will prefer to leave quietly and without saying goodbye.

5. He thinks that you yourself understand everything.

Crises are inevitable for long-term relationships. But if the crisis drags on, and people continue to be together by inertia, sooner or later someone will prefer to leave. A woman in this situation, of course, will carefully consider her farewell speech and try to do everything so as not to hurt her partner's feelings. But men think differently. They just don’t understand why we need extra talk and showdown when everything is clear anyway?

6. He can't make decisions

Men who leave without explanation are most often characterized by moral weakness. If he is not used to taking responsibility and making independent decisions, you should not expect noble deeds from him even at the time of parting. Saying a simple goodbye is not as easy as it seems. To do this, you need to have a share of determination and prudence, which not everyone has.

7. He is afraid of scandals

For men, a breakup is associated with screaming, tears, breaking dishes, and other elements of scandal. It's no secret that men don't like it terribly. Sometimes the fear of explanations is so strong that because of it a man is ready to give up moral principles and rules of decency.

8. He has another woman

If the motive for parting is the presence of another woman, who, moreover, insists that the man break off relations with you as soon as possible, it will be difficult for him to explain his act. Firstly, in this case, the man feels guilty, and secondly, he simply does not know what to tell you.

9. Your relationship isn't going the way he planned.

Sometimes, starting a relationship, men do not plan anything serious. If initially a man needed only a light, non-binding romance, but at some point he felt that you were hoping for something more, it is possible that he will simply rush to retreat from the “dangerous” zone.

10. You were his "fallback" option

Alas, sometimes men act cruelly. It is not uncommon for men to start a relationship, but at the same time keep another, more inaccessible object within sight. The reason for such an act is banal to the point of nausea: if you fail to catch the "pire in the sky", he will be left with a "titmouse in his hands." If the crane descends from heaven to earth, he, without hesitation, will leave the titmouse. And the explanations in this scheme are clearly superfluous.

11. He tries to come out of a relationship as a winner.

The selfishness of some men does not allow them to stoop to explaining, admitting their mistakes and apologizing. It seems to them that leaving quietly and without saying goodbye is an act of a real man, while a banal showdown is the lot of weaklings.

12. He doesn't know how to deal with difficult situations.

For the most part, men simply do not know how it is to leave beautifully. They are afraid of our reaction, do not want to hurt us and simply do not know how to explain their act. And if the real reason for the breakup is unpleasant for you, for example, you don’t suit him in an intimate life, you demand a lot from him, or you don’t take care of yourself enough, the man will think that it’s better to leave without explanation than to hurt you even more.

Alien soul - darkness. Indeed, in most cases men leave without explanation because of their weakness, lack of education and unwillingness to take responsibility. But do not exclude also the presence of force majeure circumstances. Maybe something serious happened in a man’s life, something that you can’t even imagine. If you have made sure that the man is in order, do not wind yourself up with unnecessary emotions. If a man left in this way, be glad that you did not become his wife or the mother of his children. When a man cannot muster up the courage to end a relationship beautifully, you can hardly expect any noble deeds from him in the future.