Vyacheslav in Orthodoxy. Saint Vyacheslav, prince of the Czech land…. Troparion to the Blessed Prince Viacheslav of Bohemia

March 17 (March 4, O.S. style) is not only the day of remembrance of the holy blessed prince Daniel of Moscow. On the same day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the transfer of the relics of another prince - Vyacheslav of Czech, the patron saint of Prague and the whole Czech Republic. These Slavic princes have in common an amazing humility and desire to serve their peoples, which they did all the days of their short earthly journey. And the life feat of the faithful Vyacheslav recalls the images of other Russian princes - Boris and Gleb, who, like him, accepted a martyr's death at the hands of their own brother.

From his grandmother, the martyr Lyudmila, the faithful prince Vyacheslav of Chesh inherited the best Christian qualities. The eldest son of the Czech prince Vratislav, he was the crown prince from birth. At that time, there was a pious custom in Bohemia: the father of the growing heir asked the bishop to call upon him a special blessing from God. So it happened with Vyacheslav. After the Liturgy in the church Holy Mother of God The bishop put the youth on the steps of the temple and blessed him with these words: "Lord God, Jesus Christ, bless this youth, as you blessed your righteous Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and crown him, as if you crowned the orthodox kings Equal to the Apostles Constantine and Helen."

Father and grandmother also took care of the youth's education. First, Saint Ludmila gave her grandson to a priest of one of the Prague churches to teach the Slavic language, and then Vratislav sent her son to the city of Budech to study Latin and Greek, as well as other sciences. According to some information, one of the teachers of the young prince was Presbyter Paul, a disciple of St. Methodius. Vyacheslav impressed his mentors with his abilities and mastered science very quickly.

Unfortunately, Vratislav died in 920 in a battle with the Ugrians (Hungarians), and Vyacheslav ascended the princely throne when he was barely eighteen. Little is known about the time of his reign, but it can be said with certainty that special talents, combined with piety and deep education, made Prince Vyacheslav one of the best Czech rulers. The young prince paid special attention to the Christian enlightenment of his people. By ransoming the children of pagans who were sold into slavery, he educated them in the Christian spirit. The prince did not forget his brothers and sisters, who were left without parental care.

The life of the prince tells about his God-fearing dispensation: “He diligently tried to please God, took care of the poor, fed them, received the strange according to the word of the Gospel:“ For I was hungry, and you gave Me food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you accepted Me "(Matthew 25, 35), honored the clergy, built and decorated churches, treated everyone with love, both rich and poor, and in his entire short-lived life he thought only about the good." But, as often happens, the pious life of the saint began to arouse envy and irritation among his entourage.

After some time, the prince's younger brother Boleslav, educated by the nobles, began to nurture fratricidal plans. Vyacheslav was warned of insidious plans, but did not want to believe it. Striving to seize the princely power, Boleslav invited his older brother to the consecration of the church, and at the moment when Vyacheslav was walking towards Matins, he attacked him with the conspirators and struck him with a sword. The blood of the prince, spilled on the threshold of the temple, could not be washed off by anything, and after three days it disappeared by itself. The body of the martyr was dismembered, and Boleslav did not allow anyone to remove him from the churchyard. Only the mother managed to ensure that the prince was inveted and buried. After some time, the repentant fratricide transferred the relics of St. Vyacheslav to Prague, where they were laid in the Cathedral of St. Vitus, which was created by the martyr prince himself. They still rest there.

Blah-lo-ver-ny Vya-che-slav (aka Vin-che-slav or Vats-lav), the prince of Czech, was the grandson of the holy prince-gi-no People-mi-ly, who -to-paradise vos-pi-ta-la him in the chris-sti-an-sky-re. Having received a wonderful red education from pre-sv-te-ra Pav-la, a disciple of saint-te-la Me-fodiya, saint -toy Vya-che-glav vl-del Slavian, latino and greek language and was all-round ob-ra-zo-van. His father, prince Ro-sti-slav (Vra-ti-slav), was killed in 920 in a battle with the Ugrians (ven-gra-mi), and 18-year-old Vya-che-glory stood -drank on the prince's pre-table.

He ruled wisely and righteously, worrying about the christi-an-skom-lightening of his-th-th-ro-da. You-ku-paya children of pagans-niks, sold-out into slavery, he gave them to vos-pi-ta-ni in chris-sti-an-skim ... Prince Vya-che-glav was mi-ro-lyu-biv, po-chi-tal du-ho-ven-stvo, stole the temples. He worked a lot to strengthen the Christianity in Czechoslovakia. He carried the power of the mu-che-ni-ka Vi-ta to the hundred-li-tsu of Che-chii, Pra-gu, in-build-silt for them a ve-li-ko-molded temple in the name of saint-that-go-wee.

German do-ho-ven-iststvo, pre-next-to-vav-shee earlier-she-ti-te-la Me-fo-diy, pro-ty-in-dey-stvo-va-lo and saintly Vya-che-sla-vu and rest-a-hundred-nav-li-wa-lo against him for-whist-li-we can. These vel-mo-zhi began to in-three-go against Vya-che-sla-va and ugo-vo-ri-if his younger brother Bo-le-sla-va take a pre-table. In order to get out of Vya-che-sl-va, Bo-le-glav invited him to the consecration of the temple. Vya-che-glory from-ka-zal-sya to believe the servants, who-rye pre-do-pre-wait for him about for-go-in-re. He went to the temple for matins, and on the road to the temple he was killed by his brother and his friends. This was done in 935. Because of the ruined body of the holy Vya-che-sla-va for several days, it is without a g-be-ny, from-what-kind of him- to-shaft and wave-but-shaft-Xia. Mother, having learned about the murder of Vya-che-sla-va, po-ho-ro-ni-la his body in the church at the prince's house. The blood spilled in the church doors could not have been washed for a long time. Bo-le-slav, having become a great-vi-te-lem, got-to-re-not-with-no-right-in-glory in Che-khiya and na-sozh-de-ni - we have something. He sta-and-val in the service of li-tur-gii only in the latino language. Under the give-le-ni-n-ro-da, in-chi-tav-she-go Vya-che-sl-va as mu-che-no-ka, brother-killer, po-vi -di-mo-moo, ras-ka-yal-sya and carried his power to Prague, in-ho-ro-nil them in the church of saint Vi-ta. Stra-hundred-ter-pec Vy-che-slav together with the princess Lud-mi-loa in-chi-ta-yut-sya in blood-te-la-mi Che-chii.

See also: "" in the book of St. Di-mit-rya Rostov-go.


Troparion to the Blessed Prince Viacheslav of Bohemia

This day, the Angels from humans rejoice together with the common joy, / Heaven and the earth rejoice in your memory, holy. / And we, sinners, are appropriate to the following cry: / pray to the Lord for us, / those who are not to be recovered / who honor thy holy memory.

Translation: Today Angels with people rejoice together with common joy, Heaven and earth sing loudly in your memory, saint. And we, sinners, persistently appeal to you: pray to the Vladyka for us for deliverance from the attack of visible and invisible enemies, since we honor your blessed memory.

In troparion to the blessed prince Viacheslav of Bohemia

Pious indigenous industry is most honorable, / Saint Blessed Grand prince Vyacheslav, / advocate of the former Vostochnyya v Čechách Churches / refuge warm the poor and orphaned, / Thou second Abel gentleness undergone hast death, / at the top truncated by the hand of his brother before vrata church. / Wherefore and the wholeness of Christ / as a confessor of the right faith in the abode of the Heavenly, / glorify your all-honorable memory in the Slovene language / and the gift of the confessor of the rightful faith to all who worship their love. our souls.

Translation: A pious root is a revered sprout, a saintly faithful Grand Duke Vyacheslav, you were the defender of the Eastern Church in Bohemia and a warm refuge for the poor and orphans, like the second Abel, you innocently endured death, killed by the hand of your brother in front of the church gates. Therefore, Christ instilled in you, as a confessor of true faith in the heavenly mansions, glorified your revered memory among Slavic peoples and gave you, a quick helper to all who honor you. Pray for your people to the Lord, may he turn them into the bosom Orthodox Church and will save our souls.

Kontakion to the Blessed Prince Viacheslav of Bohemia

From the angels' faces, / is more blessed to Prince Vyacheslav, / enjoying the Divine and indescribable goodness, / and from there the beneficent gifts have been miraculous, / to all who flow in the source of your saints.

Translation: Staying with the angelic choirs, blessed prince Vyacheslav, you enjoy the Divine and unspeakable beauty, and from there, having received the gifts of miracles, all who come with faith to your shrine, you exude a talent of healing.

Exaltation to the faithful prince Vyacheslav of Czech

We magnify you, blessed prince Vyacheslav, and we honor your holy memory, you are dear for us Christ our God.

Prayer to the Blessed Prince Viacheslav of Czech

Oh, holy blessed prince martyr Vyacheslav, elected commander of the land of Czechoslovakia and all Slovene Christians warm to the representative of God! This day, in your memory, we unanimously converged in this honorable temple, and before your icon praying with tenderness, we cry out to you from the depths of our heart: You are in your life a jealous adherent and defender. ... Thou hast steadfastly passed the great ministry entrusted to thee, and by your help us to abide whoever is called to be, insist. Thou hast drove away the enemies of the regiment from your fatherland with the strength of battle and the wisdom of the governing body, and against us all the enemies visible and invisible have taken down against us. You, within the borders of the country, have pledged your righteousness and peace and mercy, and we have asked for prosperity from the merciful God in these good deeds. Thou hast shed thy innocent blood aki Abel from the hand of his brother before the gates of the church, and we, as the children of one mother Church, taught brotherly love and gentleness. Oh, the great and glorious prince Vyacheslav, for the sake of the fading glory, the Heavenly crown of the earthly principality left and rightly crowned with a martyr's crown! Now with the wise superintendent, your pramtery Lyudmila, and all the saints at the Throne of God are coming, do not forget us, the saints and the poor, as in your belly there is no one else from such remain. And by your representation of your life, quiet and sinless, and to the eternal Kingdom, make us a procession, that we glorify God, the divine in His saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Holy Martyr Prince Viacheslav of Bohemia

Kontakion 1

God-chosen prince and meek warrior of Christ, in the lineage of the Christian prince of Bohemia Borivoi and blessed princess Lyudmila, born by his parents to Prince Vratislav and princess Dragomira with the name Vyacheslav baptized, gloriously glorified the Lord, we sing praiseworthy. You, from infancy, taught Christian piety from all our troubles of freedom:

Ikos 1

The Creator of Angels is the messenger of thee, holy of God, to the Orthodox Church for strengthening, thirsting for the knowledge of the truth for good understanding, your pious life for edifying nourishment. We, marveling at the Almighty's Providence for you, cry out with joy:
Rejoice, showing you the path of spiritual ascent with humility and meekness.
Rejoice, prince, beloved nourishment more blessed than Lyudmila;
Rejoice, faithful teaching of Christian truths.
Rejoice, containing the Holy Spirit in your heart;
Rejoice, you have inflamed your soul with the fire of divine love.
Rejoice, filled with the mind of the Gospel;
Rejoice, having established the Czech land in your good life in faith.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 2

The Lord sees the purity of the thoughts of your heart, our holy father Vyacheslava, choosing his weapon in the Czech lands for Christian enlightenment, but confirmed by your prayers and instructions with hope crying to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Under the canopy of blessed Lyudmila, the Lord strengthened your God-knowledge, holy of God, and in your affirmation on the ancestral throne, Prince Vratislav, on the steps of the altar in front of the saint's face, you erected you, saying: Teach, sir, blessing to my son, my heir. We, seeing God's favor to you, cry out to you with joy:
Rejoice, like the righteous forefathers Abraham, Blessed Isaac and Jacob;
Rejoice, in the wedding of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar to Constantine and Helena, likened.
Rejoice, chosen by God from youth to the zealous of piety;
Rejoice, the affirmation of the Orthodox faith is a source of joy.
Rejoice, wondrous enlightener of paganism;
Rejoice, jealous of the ascetic life.
Rejoice, Czech care for the verbal flock of Christ's land;
Rejoice, ceaseless thoughts of the salvation of your people.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Vyshnyago's princely service has truly determined you, you have clearly shown faith in our Lord Jesus Christ to the people, you visit the temples of God day and night for prayers, who have lost the grace of the saint to repentance. We, seeing this care of God, cry out to God with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

The Lord was pleased to show His lamp to the world, to you, holy father Vyacheslav, you have given knowledge of truth, an abundance of love and meekness, you have confirmed you in the multiplication of Christian virtues; all were equal before you. For this reason, we sing to God about you:
Rejoice, faithful ruler of the Czech land;
Rejoice, victorious bearer of the spirit of meekness.
Rejoice, rich and we will kill the faithful servant;
Rejoice, filled with heavenly light.
Rejoice, hope for orphans and widows;
Rejoice, Christian souls healing.
Rejoice, guardian of the peace of the spirit;
Rejoice, meek denouncer of paganism.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 4

Thou art not afraid of the storm of madness and slander of powerful nobles, overcome the intrigues of the pagans and observe the Czech land in Orthodoxy. We, spiritually victorious in vain, cry out to God with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Seeing the environment of paganism, holier than God, you diligently studied the church books, filled with the spirit of knowing the truth, gaining the wisdom and firmness of the prince. For this, for the sake of crying out:
Rejoice, pure source of inspiration;
Rejoice, those who are persecuted for righteousness and unchanging nourishment
Rejoice, denunciation of the murderers of your beloved mentor, Blessed Lyudmila;
Rejoice, your parent Dragomira, stagnant in paganism, removal.
Rejoice, in the confirmation of the commandment of God with the mother, reconciliation;
Rejoice, the sin of short alienation, tearful washing.
Rejoice, in the age of spiritual maturity, a constant ascent;
Rejoice, the original region is your dispensation.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 5

The divine star to all Christians of your country appeared you, holy martyr Vyacheslav, with a pious life of repentance, humbly instructing on the path of bearing the cross. But we, having seen the salvation of humility and meekness on the path of Christ by faith, cry out with joy to you: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the nobles of the Czech country, the great piety of the defender, holy father, your brother Boleslav entered into temptation into temptation, your piety was distorted. We are all, marveling at your love of God, cry out to you:
Rejoice, glorified and wondrous ascetic;
Rejoice, enemy of the human race, the devil, reviled.
Rejoice, calling for spiritual purity, for faith in Truth;
Rejoice, for the love of Christ through your life of prophecy.
Rejoice, having gladly given your four sisters as wives for the princes of the surrounding countries;
Rejoice, having washed your country by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, Christian lover of brother Boleslav;
Rejoice, because he accused him of slandering thee.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 6

The Holy Church preaches your labors and your labors, a God-bearing servant of Christ, you proclaimed the glory of God and salvation to all, preach the gospel of the grace-filled flame of your soul with your life, teach that your people gratefully petition the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone with the light of truth in a long-suffering country, holy prince Vyacheslav, with your love you show the image of Christ, the grave of pride, vanity and self-love affirming yourself before everyone. For this sake, we chant this:
Rejoice, the princely country is your nourishment;
Rejoice, to all who yearn for salvation and to this day a good consolation.
Rejoice, you guide the faithful to salvation by decorating churches and cleansing the souls of the faithful;
Rejoice, for your principality and the faith of Orthodox Christians make you wise.
Rejoice, teach the flock of Christ with holy prayers;
Rejoice, to this day you denounce wolves in sheep's clothing.
Rejoice, Czech countries adornment;
Rejoice, Saint Ludmila of the Czech Republic, a worthy follow-up.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 7

Although you must affirm the Orthodox faith in the Czech lands in purity, holier than God, against the pagan prince Kurimskago with an army, you denounced him in the desire to take possession of the country of Bohemia and openly challenge the attacking prince to a duel. We, seeing the courage of your faith, gratefully cry out to God with tears: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Leading thee of the chosen one of God, our holy father Vyacheslava, the army devoted to you stood silently, await the Lord's judgment, and suddenly the pagan prince before your face saw the light cross; prostrate yourself, gain your good-natured forgiveness. We, all your labors, incessantly commemorate this sitsevaya:
Rejoice, guardian of Christian piety;
Rejoice, victor of the bloodless battle.
Rejoice, our quick and blessed doctor;
Rejoice, glorious defender of the faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Rejoice, Czech castle and shield;
Rejoice, affirmation in the Orthodox faith.
Rejoice, teach us to trust in God in need;
Rejoice, you call to collect wealth only in heaven.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 8

We see God's mercy on you, holy martyr Vyacheslav, doing piety deeds for the imperial council, you are late, accept the accusations of the assembled princes with humility. The angels around thee and the shining cross on your forehead God opened you to Caesar suddenly and before you threw down his face for all, unexpectedly. We, in vain, are these treasures, crying out to God with emotion: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the intercessor appeared to you, blessed Father Vyacheslav, part of the relics of St. Vitus from Caesar, who fell before you, you asked for and in the city of Prague you consecrated a church in honor of the saint, to the praise of everyone, podding to God:
Rejoice, you are jealous of the throne and the spiritual leader in the land of Cheste;
Rejoice, you founded the archbishop's see by God's watch.
Rejoice, Czech intercessor of salvation by exploits and prayer to the people;
Rejoice, lead all who are thirsty to the source of purification.
Rejoice, opening the warming grace to your servant with the milk;
Rejoice, teach to follow Christ "on a trail of a trail" in a winter field.
Rejoice, glorifying God with the nightly baking of the holy prosphora;
Rejoice, dedicating the children of the Gentiles to the true God.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was astonished at the Providence of Thy mercy, our God, as if you gave us only a wise and warm prayer book and about the salvation of our souls before Thy Throne, Lord, guardian. Whoever considers, holier than God, all your labors, Thou hast also done, the Lord singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Thou hast surrendered everything to the Lord, affirm the peace of Christ among people and conquer the intrigues of Satan with the love of Christ. We, your pious life in vain, cry out to you with love:
Rejoice, you have acquired the gift of clairvoyance;
Rejoice, having received the revelation from Above about the transfer of the body of Saint Ludmila to the maiden monastery of Saint George.
Rejoice, you who desire to take monasticism;
Rejoice, knowing your future with the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, Angelic and our incessant surprise;
Rejoice, bearer of God's glorification.
Rejoice, for you have not betrayed voluntary poverty;
Rejoice, O spirit of self-denial and love.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 10

To be saved, even though a whole person, like on the roof of His martyrs, the Church, the founding, heart-beating Christ, put thee, our Father Vyacheslav, in the host of holy martyrs in the foundation of the temple of the Czech country, but all beings in it cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a mentor to all who come running to you with faith, holy God, to the Czech land a shield and a fence, and glorious care for the purity of the Orthodox faith. We, on the other hand, invoke the spiritual uprising of the God-protected Slavic countries, promised by the saints, in our prayers and in repentance crying to the face:
Rejoice, you received the cross of suffering for the ramen for the confirmation of Orthodoxy;
Rejoice, gaining tenderness of the heart.
Rejoice, for you have chosen the Lord to be your avenger;
Rejoice, in the image of the tax collector of humility.
Rejoice, meek face of heavenly insight;
Rejoice, strangers and nourished beggar.
Rejoice, knowing the goodness of Christ's love;
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 11

Singing fragrant incessantly Holy Trinity and exalting the Virgin theotokos, with all your thoughts, your life, you abide in your country in the image of piety; like the brothers to the princes Boris and Gleb in Holy Russia, you accepted the betrayal from your brother Boleslav. But we, having loved God for such mercy, will take out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

God-chosen warrior of Christ, holy martyr Prince Vyacheslav, as if you shone like a radiant luminary, exude meekness and humility, affirm the meaning of the life and death of Christians, love on the path of salvation, call on the path of bearing the cross for the salvation of the soul. We sing the same ti:
Rejoice, you have built the holy temples of God to this day;
Rejoice, lovingly collect the priesthood in them.
Rejoice, you dedicated your last temple to the holy forefather Abraham;
Rejoice, inviting your brother with reverence to sanctification.
Rejoice, glorious creator of Christian souls;
Rejoice, you who have acquired the love of the people of God.
Rejoice, soldier of Christ, manifested in imitation;
Rejoice, child-loving father, glorified by God for our consolation.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 12

To you, lead the love of the Most Pure Theotokos, holy of God, on the feast of the saints Bezsrebrenikov to brother Boleslav you dwelt like a sheep, led to slaughter, you have received your sight and you wished to shed your blood for Christ God, with these words preceding: Tomorrow at the morning vigil of the heavenly paradise Saint Michael I will drink the cup, Vladyka, for you have already promised my soul to the Vladyka to the Archangel; But you, who are now drinking wine joyfully with me, know that from this hour I will no longer drink it with you. For this, cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Church of God earthly glory of heaven affirm, singing your sufferings, like the Christ-seller Judas, your brother Boleslav carried you away to the feast of the impious congregation of traitors, the magnanimous saint Martyr Vyacheslav, in the morning in the gates of the prince's house he killed his brother's sword and slandered him with meekness Thou hast surrendered the soul to the Lord on the threshold of the church. We are all in vain, crying out with tears:
Rejoice, holy prince, sent to us to strengthen;
Rejoice, in the image of Christ, called to repentant cleansing.
Rejoice, loving advocate of salvation;
Rejoice, who magnifies thee and imitates the shield and the fence.
Rejoice, for the weak, for good consolation;
Rejoice, victorious blessing to all the faithful.
Rejoice, having called all those who are present in the Heavenly abode with you;
Rejoice, knowing your mother Dragomira's tears of late repentance.
Rejoice, holy martyr Vyacheslav, wonderful country of Bohemia.

Kontakion 13

Oh, pious servitor of Christ, accept this little prayer of ours in praise from the Orthodox brethren, which we offer you, look upon us who are weak, to sin, the inferior, little enlightened, burdened with cares and, standing in heavenly glory before the Throne of the King of reigns, pray for us, Grand Duke: ask, holy of God, that we find His mercy on the day of judgment, in joy singing to the Most Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion.

Prayer to the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Bohemia

Oh, great warrior of Christ, holy martyr Prince Vyacheslav! Look upon us sinners from the Horn of Glory, the poison of the lukewarmness of those who have tasted. Pray for us, holy holiness of God! May the Lord vouch for us in the days of apostasy to acquire grace for repentance, with compassion on a brother and with love at enemies, without malice, the holy faith in justification before God in purity. Let us be honored with your prayers of the last Tsar in Holy Russia from the Lord to accept, with you, the heirs of the Kingdom of Heavenly article: the eternal knowledge of the creations of God and the blessed praise of the Most Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer is different

Oh, holy prince Vyacheslav! We earnestly ask you to pray for us (names) may the Lord God forgive our sins, voluntary and involuntary, and cleanse us of all defilement of the flesh and spirit, may he deliver us from the wiles of the devil and keep us from human slander, may he confirm us in true faith and piety, may he keep us from super-wise and strangled teachings, may our hearts keep from the temptations of this world and may teach us how to get rid of carnal passions and lusts, yes, this is the heavenly philosophizing, and not earthly, glorifying the Consubstantial Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Canon to the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Bohemia

Song 1.

Irmos:As on dry land, Israel has walked through the footsteps, seeing the persecutor of Pharaoh being drowned, we will sing the victory song to God, crying out.

We rejoice in the day, faith, joyfully, with bright souls singing Spas in memory of Christ's most wonderful servant Vyacheslav.

Thou hast become gloriously likened to the Sovereign Passions, for we are incorruptible, we kill without righteousness, so on the face of a martyr, God-blessed, now rejoicing.

We accept the death of the Hodtai of life, the Lord of all sorts is now in the glory of the one who is coming, so pray for us to improve, holy, who create your wonderful memory.

Who is to confess your miracles, gloriously, who have worked in the world without number? I will take out for all the faithful, abundantly giving healing.

Bogorodich: I have fallen into the robbers of the soul-guilty deeds and the death of the drowned, raise me up, I pray Thi sia, Mistress: I prayed to His Son and God for me.

Song 3.

Irmos:Not holy, as Thou art, O Lord, my God, lift up the horn of Thy faithful, O God, and establishing us on the stone of Thy confession.

To the love of Christ, let us live for the church of saints, tamo, most beloved, as the lamb is not loving, the unjust endured death.

With the blood of the prestigious Thy church you are adorned, the rays of light give off a miracle, sing the memory of you, glorious.

By the Trinity dawn I shall be enlightened, Christ's heir, holy, be, He prayed to send peace to our souls.

Bogorodich: The miracle of the Nativity of God Ty, Pure, all nature passes in chin: God is the Most Blessed conceived in the womb and, having been born, abide in the Ever-Virgin.

Kondak, voice 3:

Prince, a warrior of the country of Bohemia predivnyya, humble prince ministry salvation styazhavy have tsarskago throne, the Holy Vyacheslav, the crown of glory of a martyr for Christ's sake hast taken hast, and now hard Molisch of the faithful, the Spirit of God to eternal bliss which are prepared, to the Czech hraniti in Orthodoxy with love calling , our souls will be saved even more.

Song 4.

Irmos:Christ is my strength, God and the Lord, the honest Church sings God in God, crying out, from the meaning of pure, celebrating the Lord.

I was blessedly rewarded in the faith, purely brought up, by my pure labors I have given love to the Lord, I have made the hope of Nan of the flattering enemy disgraced.

Shining light, holy Vyacheslav, sins are darkened by your prayers, enlighten the martyr with boldness to pray for us.

Swords are cut down, holy, invincible, the enemy of the evil sword of patience is ssekl you, Tem and the crown will be received from the hand of the Almighty.

Bogorodich: Unspoken and incomprehensible, God-like in truth are Thy essence, Mother of God, the Nativity of the earthly and heavenly, Ever-dear, mysteries.

Song 5.

Irmos:By Thy God’s light, Blessed, those who quench the soul with love illumine, I pray, Ty · vedeti, the Word of God, true God, calling out from the darkness of sinful.

With your passions, praisingly, perceiving not painful life, holy Vyacheslav, who are suffering for all there is an intercession, for the help of those who are truly calling.

More than the sun, more blessed, has enlightened the north, and the south, and the west ends with glorious blasts of your miracles. Tem us illumined, holy, your memory of those celebrating.

To those who are in trouble, you are the helper, to the beggars, feeding, sad joy, teh and in death, holy, you deliver all who are surely calling for help.

Bogorodich: The Mother of God, who professes from the soul, the Lord of the Good world, save the Mother of God, the Immaculate, the Imam, who is the truth of the Mother of God.

Song 6.

Irmos:The sea of ​​life, erected in vain by the tempest of the storm, to Thy quiet abode, a stream, cry Ti: build up from aphids my living, Many merciful.

Living purely by the reward of the acquired, Vyacheslav beforehand, and an angel appeared as an angel, with the least prayers for the salvation of our souls.

The reign of the earth has left the temporary and royal adornment received from the right hand of the Lord, eternal, perishable, as wise, having acquired.

Accept the praise of the accursed lips, holy, unable to boast of thy is worthy to bend, and pray to the God of Mercy to grant us the grace of mercy.

Bogorodich: Most Blessed Lady, who gave birth to the earthly food and the Lord, let the little evil create confusion and silence give my heart.

Kondak, voice 1.

With the faces of the angels coming, blessed Prince Vyacheslav, enjoying the Divine and indescribable goodness, and, henceforth, beneficent gifts, miracles came to all who flow in the wind under your holy sanctuary.

Song 7.

Irmos:To the dewdrops the sand made the angel a reverend youth, but the Chaldeans the scorching command of God, exhort the tormentor to cry out: blessed is thou, God is our father.

The old villain is jealous of your holy life and teaches you to kill your insane fellow. But you are not dull of pure message to your Creator crying out: blessed is God our father.

Prague rejoices in full day, glorious tide city, honoring your memory, and, illuminating the light with your miracles, the whole country calls out to cry: blessed is God our father.

The legacy of the pre-cynical tree is outlined by your earth with a fratricidal hand; Now, having sprinkled thy blood, he offers the fragrance of Christ's sacrifice, crying out: Blessed is God our father.

Bogorodich: Thee, Maiden, the Light of the exaltation, dark, Thou didst give birth to the Creator of all and God, from Him I asked, Most Pure, I must send us, faithful, great mercy.

Song 8.

Irmos:From the flames of the monastic ros he poured out thou, and the righteous sacrifice of water did he burn up with water: all that work, Christ, then he wants to. Thee are exalted for all ages.

Rejoicing with goodness illumines us, most gloriously, more than the sun in the land of the Gods of God with gracious charges from above, sanctified, exalting Christ forever.

Thy body is holy, blessed, I accept, Prague is the day, the most glorious type of city, proclaiming the miracles of the world, exalting Christ forever.

He was adorned with smallness, beforehand, and by the intelligence of gospel he was enlightened, of the Trinity of the Most Holy, a preacher appeared to be truly a preacher, exalting Christ forever.

Bogorodich: From the Light of the Light-giver of the Word, she conceived and unrepeatably gave birth to the Most Blessed One: the Spirit of God, the Virgin, dwelt in Thee, we sing thee, Pure, for ever.

Song 9.

Irmos:It is impossible to see God as a man; the people of angels dare not look at Him; To you, O All-Blessed One, I am a man The Word is incarnate, His majesty, with heavenly howls, We please.

The power of grace, having been able to, gloriously, enlightened thou the whole universe, abundantly giving healings to all.

Receive, holy, the joy of the angels and, standing before your Builder, pray for us, who magnify you.

Let us now accept the blessed rest, do not stop praying, most glorious, the holy blessing, I will partake of the throne to those who magnify.

Bogorodich: The Mother of God, who gave birth to the Word more than the word, to His Creator, Virgin, to Him, pray that our souls be saved.


From the earth, he has transgressed to the Lord, most blessed by Vyacheslav, who have come now spiritually and in the presence of mercy singing the day of this honest celebration.

The period of the rulers of the Přemyslid clan: Borjivo (880-894) - the first Christian ruler of the Czech Republic; had a residence at the Prague Castle, where he ordered the construction of the Church of the Virgin Mary Spitignev (894-915) - liberated his territories from the rule of Great Moravia Vratislav I (915-921) - founded the church of St. George at Prague Castle (after about 910) St. Wenceslas (921-935) - founded the rotunda of St. Vita [...]

Period rulers kind Přemyslids:

  • Borzhivoy (880-894)- the first Christian ruler of the Czech Republic; had a residence at the Prague Castle, where he ordered to build the Church of the Virgin Mary
  • Spitignev (894-915)- freed his territories from the domination of Great Moravia
  • Vratislav I (915-921)- founded the church of St. George at Prague Castle (after about 910)
  • St. Vaclav (921-935)- founded the rotunda of St. Vitus at Prague Castle (about 926); declared a saint
  • Boleslav I (935-967)- the creation of an early state and the expansion of its territory; helped Ota I defeat the Hungarians at Lech (955)
  • Boleslav II (967-999)- the Prague bishopric and the Benedictine monastery at St. George, the unification and expansion of the empire, the destruction of the Slavnikovichi (995)
  • Boleslav III (999-1002,1003)
  • Vladivoy (1002-1003)- a representative of the Piastowiches (related to the Přemyslids)
  • Boleslav the Brave (1003-1004)- Polish prince from the Piastowicz family (grandson of Boleslav I)
  • Jaromir (1003 / 4-1012,1034),
  • Oldrich (1012-1034)
  • Břetislav (1034-1055)- brought from Poland the relics of St. Voitekha; issued rules of inheritance
  • Spitignev II (1055-1061)- construction of the church of St. Vita (Basilica of Spitignev)
  • Vratislav II (1061-1092)- was the first to receive the title of Czech king in 1085 (for himself)
  • Conrad I of Brno (1092),
  • Břetislav II (1092-1100),
  • Oldrich Brno (1100)
  • Borzhivoi II (1101-1107, 1117-1120),
  • Svyatopolk (1107-1109),
  • Vladislav I (1109-1125)
  • Sobeslav I (1125-1140)- the beginning of the reconstruction of the Prague Castle
  • Vladislav II (1140-1173)- 1158 - received the royal title for helping in the campaign against Milan
  • Sobeslav II (1173-1178)- completed the reconstruction of Prague Castle
  • Oldrich (1173),
  • Bedrich (1172-1173, 1178-1189)
  • Conrad III, Ota (1189-1191)- the oldest Czech written code of laws (Statute of Konrad Ota)
  • Wenceslas II (1191),
  • Jindrich Břetislav (1193-1197),
  • Vladislav Jindrich (1197)Period kings Przezuyuvich and great power flourishing
  • Přemysl Otakar I (1192-1193, 1197-1230)- 1198 received a hereditary royal title; 1212 - the rights of the Czech kingdom are confirmed
  • Wenceslas I (1230-1253)- political, economic and cultural development of the state
  • Přemysl Otakar P (1253-1278)- the king "iron and gold"; economic prosperity, the founding of cities in the Czech Republic and Austria; founded the zemstvo court
  • Vaclav P (1283-1305)- the king of Czech and Polish; the title of Kurfürt was confirmed to the Czech kings; the minting of the Prague penny began (1300)
  • Wenceslas III (1305-1306)- King of Czech, Polish and Hungarian (Ladislav V), his death ended the male line of the Přemyslid clan
  • Period Luxembourgish and Start Czech reformation
  • Jindrich Korutansky (1306,1307-1311),
  • Rudolph of Habsburg (1306)
  • Jan of Luxembourg (1310-1346)- the king of Bohemia and Poland, focused on
  • foreign policy; died at the Battle of Crecy.
  • Charles IV (1346-1378)- King of Bohemia and Germany, since 1355 Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire; one of the largest European rulers of the late Middle Ages, founder, flourishing of Prague and Prague Castle; Golden bull (Laws of the Holy Roman Empire) and coronation regulations
  • Wenceslas IV (1379-1419)- the king of Czech and Roman; disputes with the higher nobility and the church; supported the reform movement in the church
  • Sigmund of Luxembourg (1419-1437)- King of Hungary from 1397, Roman from 1410, Czech from 1419, from 1433 - Roman emperor; striving to reform the church, organizing the crusades
  • Albrecht II of Habsburg (1437-1439),
  • Ladislav Pogrobek (1453-1457)
  • Jiří from Podebrady (1458-1471)- strove to create a union of European rulers and
  • peaceful settlement of disputes; the beginning of the wars with the Hungarian king Matthias Corvin
  • Jagiellonian period
  • Vladislav II of Jagiellonian (1471-1516)- King of Bohemia and Hungarian since 1490 (after that he had a residence in Budin - Budapest); time of the so-called Vladislav gothic
  • Ludwik Jagiellonian (1516-1526)- King of Bohemia and Hungarian, died in the Battle of Mohacs
  • Habsburg period
  • Ferdinand I of Habsburg (1526-1562)- King of Czech and Hungarian, from 1531 - Roman, from 1556 - Roman-German emperor; the desire for centralization, the return of Catholicism
  • Maximilian P (1562-1575)- King of Bohemia and Germany, since 1563 - Hungarian, since 1564 - Emperor of Rome; the beginning of tolerance
  • Rudolph II (1575-1611)- Prague becomes the imperial residence and the center of the culture of late Mannerism
  • Matthias (1611-1617)- the residence of the rulers is permanently moved to Vienna
  • Ferdinand II (Shtirsky) (1617-1619, 1620-1627)- after the suppression of the uprising of the estates
  • received absolute power, and the Czech lands fell into the hereditary possession of the Habsburgs
  • Frederick Faltsky (1619-1620)- selected by the rebellious Czech estates („winter
  • King")
  • Ferdinand III (1627-1646, 1654-1656)- forcible return of Catholicism
  • Ferdinand IV (1646-1654),
  • Leopold I (1656-1705),
  • Joseph I (1705-1711)
  • Charles VI (1711-1740)- pragmatic sanction (inheritance for the Habsburg-Lorraine
  • dynasty)
  • Maria Theresa (1740-1780)- Theresia's reforms (including compulsory school attendance); magnificent reconstruction of Prague Castle
  • Joseph II (1780-1790)- a representative of enlightened absolutism; Joseph's reforms (including the decree on religious tolerance and the abolition of forced labor) Leopold II (1791-1792)
  • Franz I (1792-1835)- the end of the existence of the Holy Roman Empire; after that the Austrian emperor
  • Ferdinand V (Kind-hearted) (1835-1848)- the last crowned Czech king Franz Joseph I (1848-1916)- the ruler who was in power for the longest time Charles I (1916-1918)
  • Presidents from the rise of Czechoslovakia (1918)

It is unlikely that there will be at least one guest of the Czech capital who, while examining Prague, bypassed the central square - Wenceslas namnesti, or, as the people of Prague call it, Vaclavak. Starting from Na Prsikope Street, the square gradually goes uphill, and at its highest point, near the National Museum, there is a sculptor J. Myslbek in late XIX in. equestrian statue of St. Wenceslas - the patron saint of the Czech lands.

The prince seems to be looking around his possessions: is everything all right, is his help needed.

Saint Wenceslas

On September 28, 2000, the Czech Republic celebrated the Day of State Independence for the first time, although not a single event, one way or another connected with the formation of Czech statehood, falls on this date. Why is this particular day chosen for a national holiday? According to the Catholic church calendar September 28 - St. Wenceslas. Almost eleven centuries ago, “the good prince Wenceslas” was treacherously killed by the order of his own brother Boleslav at the gates of the church. This may seem strange. Is there another country in the world whose main public holiday is associated with a similar event? To understand how important a figure for the inhabitants of the Czech Republic is their patron saint, let us turn to history.

“Saint Wenceslas, prince of the Czech land” - these words begin the famous old Czech hymn, “Svatovatslav Chorale”, written at the end of the 12th century. During the time of the Hussites, this hymn was supplemented with the following stanza: “Heir to the Czech land, remember your people, do not let us and our descendants perish” ... Since the Middle Ages, the Czech people in difficult periods of their history expected the legend of the Knights of Blanice to be fulfilled, according to which in grief Blahnik is always ready for battle the knights of St. Wenceslas. When the Czechs have the worst, they will go to the rescue, and at the head of them will be Václav himself riding on a white horse.

Most of the information about Prince Wenceslas is taken from church texts and the so-called "Old Wenceslas legends" recorded in the Middle Ages in both Latin and Slavic languages. There are few reliable historical information about him, and they are quite contradictory. On this basis, some historians have even tried to assert that St. Wenceslas is a mythical figure, and in fact he never existed.

Descended from the Přemyslid dynasty, Prince Václav was born presumably in 907. The grandfather of Václav Borjivo, who ruled the country in the second half of the 9th century, was the first Czech prince to convert to Christianity. This happened under rather curious circumstances. At that time, the Czech lands bordered on Great Moravia and, according to some sources, were subordinate to it. The Moravian ruler Svatopluk, already a Christian, invited Borjivoi to visit. However, the treat for the Czech prince and his squad was served not on the table, but on the floor - like dogs. Borzhivoi's surprise outweighed his anger, and he inquired about the reason for this insult. Svatopluk replied that a Christian prince cannot sit at the same table with a pagan. Borzhivoi pondered and wanted to learn more about Christianity. And as a result, together with his wife Lyudmila, he was baptized by the Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius, the enlightener of the Slavs, who was at that time in Moravia.

Borzhivoi and Lyudmila did a lot to spread Christianity. They built churches, invited priests from the Slavic countries, who conducted services in the Slavic language, and were engaged in charity work. Borzhivoi died quite young, at the age of about 35 years. The princely throne went first to the eldest son Spytignev, and after his death to the youngest, Vratislav (Bratislava), the father of St. Wenceslas. Vratislav married Princess Dragomira, who came from a noble family of Stodoran. It is believed that she was a pagan, but it is unlikely that a Christian prince could enter into such a marriage. Rather, Dragomira adopted Christianity formally. Historians disagree on whether her disagreements with her mother-in-law Lyudmila were religious in nature, or whether it was a banal power struggle. Even after the death of her husband, Lyudmila enjoyed great influence and love of her subjects. In fact, she remained the ruler under her son Vratislava, which greatly annoyed the power-hungry Dragomira. Especially when you consider that the upbringing of her sons - Vaclav and Boleslav - was again Lyudmila.

Vratislav, like his father, died early (according to some sources, he died in 920 in a battle with the Ugrians), and Wenceslas was still too young to rule the country on his own. Dragomira claimed the role of regent. According to some reports, Lyudmila left the reins of power for herself, according to others, on the contrary, she voluntarily ceded their daughter-in-law and retired to the fortress Tetin belonging to her. One way or another, Dragomira sent hired killers to Lyudmila. Lyudmila was strangled by her own veil. Subsequently, she was also canonized as a holy martyr and is considered another heavenly patroness of Bohemia. Historians say that Wenceslas could not forgive his mother for her atrocities and even exiled to the Budech fortress. However, there is a legend that soon after the crime she committed, Princess Dragomira, along with her crew, fell through the ground near the Prague Castle. This place is still shown to sightseers.

The young prince Wenceslas grew up in the Budech fortress, located west of Prague, where he was brought up in the spirit of Christianity and prepared to rule the country. His mentor was Presbyter Paul, a disciple of Saint Methodius. In addition to his native Slavic, Vaclav spoke Latin, Greek and German and was generally a very educated person for his time. At the time of his accession to the throne in 925, he was only 18 years old. According to one of the legends, when accepting power, Vaclav said that he wanted to rule so that there would be peace in his country, so that the judges would judge fairly and that the people would live according to the laws of God. The period of the reign of Prince Wenceslas was a time of significant prosperity for the Czech state. He was distinguished by extraordinary piety, at the same time he ruled the state rationally, justly and with all responsibility. He was considered a zealous Christian who freed prisoners, gave alms to the poor, and consoled the sick. The prince, like his pious grandfather and grandmother, took care of the Christian enlightenment of the people, built new churches, decorated those already built. It is known that he ransomed the children of pagans who were sold into slavery and raised them in a Christian spirit.

Wenceslas was spoken of as a kind and gracious ruler, and his kindness remained in legends and legends for many centuries. It is still very popular written by John Neal in the middle of the 19th century. based on the Acts of the Saints, a Catholic Christmas carol (carol) about the miracle of St. Wenceslas (under this name the saint is known in the West). This hymn tells the story of how the “good king Wenceslas” on St. Stephen's Day (celebrated on December 27, immediately after Christmas) saw a peasant gathering brushwood in a terrible blizzard. He found out where the peasant lived, and together with the servant went to him through the snow-covered forests, taking firewood, and also wine and meat from the prince's meal. And when the frozen servant prayed that he could not go further, St. Wenceslas ordered him to follow exactly in his footsteps - the kind heart of the prince exuded such warmth that it melted the snow and warmed the earth.

One very important historical event for the Czech people is associated with the personality of Prince Wenceslas, which still has no reliable explanation. From the only surviving and partially distorted record, it follows that, for unknown reasons, the Czech prince fought with the German king Henry I, nicknamed the "Birdman". Vaclav solemnly transported the relics of the holy Martyr Vitus to Prague, but at the same time ... he became dependent on the German king, to whom he had to pay tribute annually - 120 oxen and 500 hryvnias of silver. What happened? If the battle was lost, how did the prince get the holy relics? If, on the contrary, Wenceslas won a victory, then how did he become a tributary of Heinrich the Bird-catcher? The following assumption looks most likely: the prince understood that his small state could easily become the prey of hostile neighbors, so he chose to voluntarily become the overlord of the German king, thereby preserving his country. Henry, as a sign of good intentions, handed over to the prince the relics of St. Vita.

However, the younger brother of the prince Boleslav considered the position of the vassal of the German kingdom shameful. As often happens in history, his indignation was taken advantage of by conspirators - those who were not satisfied with the rule of Wenceslas. To understand the balance of political forces at that time, you will have to make a small excursion into the history of the church.

In the IX-X centuries. the Catholic Church had not yet officially separated from Orthodoxy, but the contradictions between Rome and Byzantium multiplied and deepened. Countries that adopted Christianity from Byzantium used their native language, and not Latin, during divine services. Therefore, the Moravian prince Rostislav in the middle of the IX century. turned to Byzantium with a request to send enlighteners who would organize worship in the Slavic language in his domain. As you know, these enlighteners were the Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. However, ecclesiastically, Moravia and the adjacent lands were subject to Rome and were part of the Archbishopric of Salzburg. At the request of Cyril and Methodius, Pope Adrian II allocated the Moravian and Czech lands into a separate administrative-church unit, made St. Methodius in her archbishop and blessed the translation of liturgical books into slavic language... However, the German clergy strongly opposed the activities of the “Solunski brothers”, and after the death of Methodius in 885, they gradually began to regain both ecclesiastical and secular influence. During the time of Prince Wenceslas, divine services in the country were held in two languages, he wanted these two liturgical traditions to coexist in mutual respect, which made him many enemies. German priests set up against the prince envious nobles, among whom were many pagans. The nobles, in turn, skillfully took advantage of Boleslav's discontent and persuaded him to take the throne, killing his brother.

Boleslav invited Wenceslas to his castle in Stara Boleslav. The occasion was the christening of his newborn son. According to another version, it was a temple holiday in honor of Saints Cosmas and Damian, celebrated on September 27. After the feast, Boleslav attacked Wenceslas with a sword. Prince Wenceslas proved to be stronger, and easily gained the upper hand. Not wanting to kill his own brother, he only pushed him away and wanted to hide in the church. However, at the very gate, two assassins overtook him. One of them pierced the prince with a spear at the moment when he grabbed the door ring (this moment is depicted on one of the variants of the coat of arms of the city of Stara Boleslav). There is no single point of view on when this happened. In 1929 the millennium of the death of St. Wenceslas, since at that time historians were of the opinion that the prince was killed on September 28, 929.However, today the most likely year of his death is 935 or even 936, since it follows from the records of the German chronicler Vidukind that in 929 the Czech prince Wenceslas just became a vassal of Henry the Bird-catcher.

The body of Wenceslas lay for several days in the churchyard without burial, which caused popular indignation. His blood, which splashed on the door of the temple, could not be washed for a long time. Finally, the prince was buried next to the very church where he met his. Three years later, Boleslav decided to publicly repent of his brother's murder. It is difficult to say what prompted him to take this step - whether remorse or something else. Be that as it may, the body of Wenceslas - according to some information, secretly, at night, according to others, on the contrary, magnificently and solemnly - was transported to Prague and placed in the Cathedral of St. Vitus, in the rotunda, which was built by order of Wenceslas himself.

Almost immediately after his death, Prince Wenceslas was proclaimed "martyr" - a martyr, a passion-bearer. This Greek word was used to describe a man who, by his own shed blood, swore allegiance to Christ. However, the prince was officially canonized almost half a century later, after the Prague bishopric was founded.

We have mentioned above the still very popular “Old Wenceslas Legends”. Here is one of them.

This story took place in 1126 in the Chlumetskaya Valley. Prince Sobeslav I, getting ready for the battle against the Olomouc prince Otik the Black and the German emperor Lothar, ordered to get the spear of St. Wenceslas from the church of St. Vitus and take him to the battlefield. The prince told the priest about how he saw St. Voitekha. The saint showed him where the banner of Wenceslas was kept, which was supposed to bring victory to the Czechs. The priest went on the instructions of the prince into the possession of the Slavnik family, found a cache behind the altar of the church, and in it - an ancient banner: a silk cloth with an embroidered star bifurcated at the end. The banner was brought to the battlefield, put on a spear. When the Czechs went into battle, St. Wenceslas on a white horse and with a banner. The Germans could not resist the onslaught of the Czechs. Seeing the defeat of his army, Lothair wanted to flee, but was surrounded and surrendered with the remnants of the army. The classic of Czech literature Alois Irasek, who wrote the famous "Old Czech Legends", addressed this legend, as well as the legend of the Knights of Blanice.

The veneration of St. Wenceslas acquired in the XIV century. under the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and at the same time the Czech king Charles IV, who tried to emphasize the continuity of his power in relation to the local dynasty. He wrote (or edited) the life of St. Wenceslas, in which much attention was paid to his state and political activities. It was during this era that many cultural monuments associated with the veneration of the saint were created. On the icons, Wenceslas was depicted as a young man in knightly vestments, with a sword and a banner in his hands, his figure was placed in the immediate vicinity of Christ.

Wenceslas was even considered a permanent Czech monarch, his throne on earth was only temporarily occupied by another prince or king, who thereby became the governor of the saint in this world. This is how scientists interpret the image on the seal of the Prague University, which depicts Charles IV, kneeling before the sitting on the Czech throne of St. Vaclav. In the central temple of the Czech Republic - St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle - the chapel of St. Wenceslas, where he is buried. The walls of the chapel and the tomb of the saint are decorated with semi-precious stones, and the compositional center of the chapel - the statue of Wenceslas by Peter Parler - belongs to the masterpieces of Czech sculpture. Comparison of the surviving skull of the prince with the head of the statue, which was recently carried out by archaeologists, showed that anatomically Parler depicted the prince surprisingly accurately.

Prince Wenceslas is revered as a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church, where he is known as Vyacheslav of Chesh. His memory is celebrated in the new style on October 11, as well as on March 17 (the day of the transfer of the relics to Prague). Already at the end of the XI century. there was a close connection between the Sazavsky monastery near Prague and the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. It was then that handwritten legends about “the good prince Vincheslav” and his pious ancestors (the so-called “Prazhske zlomki”) appeared in Russia, and legends about him were passed from mouth to mouth before.

Today you can perceive St. Wenceslas as a symbol of Czech patriotism and national identity. Historians claim that the traditional interpretation of the mysterious battle of 929 is not entirely true. According to one of the legends, the German king, who before the battle saw Wenceslas at the head of the Czech army, dismounted and submitted to him. When Wenceslas wondered why he surrendered without a fight, the German king replied: "How can I fight with you if there are two angels in such magnificent armor behind your back?"

Descended from the Přemyslid dynasty, Prince Václav (Vyacheslav) was born presumably in 907. The grandfather of Václav Borjivo, who ruled the country in the second half of the 9th century, was the first Czech prince to adopt Christianity. This happened under rather unusual circumstances. At that time, the Czech lands bordered on Great Moravia and, according to some sources, were subordinate to it. The Moravian ruler Svatopluk, already a Christian, invited Borjivoi to visit. However, the treat for the Czech prince and his squad was served not on the table, but on the floor - like dogs. Borzhivoi's surprise outweighed his anger, and he inquired about the reason for this insult. Svatopluk replied that a Christian prince cannot sit at the same table with a pagan. Borzhivoi pondered and wanted to learn more about Christianity. And as a result, together with his wife Lyudmila, he was baptized by the Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius, the enlightener of the Slavs, who was at that time in Moravia.

Borzhivoi and Lyudmila did a lot to spread Christianity. They built churches, invited priests from the Slavic countries, who conducted services in the Slavic language, and were engaged in charity work. Borzhivoi died quite young, at the age of about 35 years. The princely throne went first to the eldest son Spytignev, and after his death to the youngest, Vratislav (Bratislava), the father of St. Wenceslas. Vratislav married Princess Dragomira, who came from a noble family of Stodoran. It is believed that she was a pagan, but it is unlikely that a Christian prince could enter into such a marriage. Rather, Dragomira adopted Christianity formally. Even after the death of her husband, Lyudmila enjoyed great influence and love of her subjects. In fact, she remained the ruler under her son Vratislava, which greatly annoyed the power-hungry Dragomira. Especially when you consider that the upbringing of her sons - Vaclav and Boleslav - was again Lyudmila.

Vratislav, like his father, died early (according to some sources, he died in 920 in a battle with the Ugrians), and Wenceslas was still too young to rule the country on his own. Dragomira claimed the role of regent. According to some reports, Lyudmila left the reins of power for herself, according to others, on the contrary, she voluntarily surrendered their daughter-in-law and retired to the fortress Tetin belonging to her. One way or another, Dragomira sent hired killers to Lyudmila. Lyudmila was strangled by her own veil. Subsequently, she was canonized as a holy martyr and is the heavenly patroness of Bohemia.

The young prince Wenceslas grew up in the Budech fortress, located west of Prague, where he was brought up in the spirit of Christianity and prepared to rule the country. His mentor was Presbyter Paul, a disciple of Saint Methodius. In addition to his native Slavic, Vaclav spoke Latin, Greek and German and was generally a very educated person for his time. At the time of his accession to the throne in 925, he was only 18 years old. Accepting power, Vaclav said that he wanted to rule so that there would be peace in his country, so that the judges would judge fairly and that the people would live according to the laws of God. The period of the reign of Prince Wenceslas was a time of significant prosperity for the Czech state. He was distinguished by extraordinary piety, at the same time he ruled the state rationally, justly and with all responsibility. He was considered a zealous Christian who freed prisoners, gave alms to the poor, and consoled the sick. The prince, like his pious grandfather and grandmother, took care of the Christian enlightenment of the people, built new churches, decorated those already built. It is known that he ransomed the children of pagans who were sold into slavery and raised them in a Christian spirit.

During the time of Prince Wenceslas, divine services in the country were held in two languages, he wanted these two liturgical traditions to coexist in mutual respect, which made him many enemies. German priests raised envious nobles against the prince, among whom were many pagans. The nobles, in turn, skillfully took advantage of the dissatisfaction of their brother Boleslav and persuaded him to take the throne, killing Wenceslas.

Boleslav invited Vaclav to his fortress Stara Boleslav. The occasion was the christening of his newborn son. According to another version, it was a temple holiday in honor of Saints Cosmas and Damian, celebrated on September 27. After the feast, Boleslav attacked Wenceslas with a sword. Prince Wenceslas proved to be stronger, and easily gained the upper hand. Not wanting to kill his own brother, he only pushed him away and wanted to hide in the church. However, at the very gate, two assassins overtook him. One of them pierced the prince with a spear at the moment when he grabbed the door ring (this moment is depicted on one of the variants of the coat of arms of the city of Stara Boleslav).

The body of Wenceslas lay for several days in the churchyard without burial, which caused popular indignation. His blood, which splashed on the door of the temple, could not be washed for a long time. Finally, the prince was buried next to the very church where he met his death. Three years later, Boleslav decided to publicly repent of his brother's murder. Wenceslas's body was transported to Prague and placed in the Cathedral of St. Vitus, in the rotunda, which was built by order of Wenceslas himself.

Almost immediately after his death, Prince Wenceslas was proclaimed "martyr" - a martyr, a passion-bearer. This Greek word was used to describe a man who, by his own shed blood, swore allegiance to Christ.

Prince Wenceslas is revered as a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church, where he is known as Vyacheslav of Chesh. His memory is celebrated in the new style on October 11, as well as on March 17 (the day of the transfer of the relics to Prague).