Ukrainians parade on Red Square. The parade was secured from uninvited veterans. Governor Ilyukhin: the TOP regime gave a serious impetus to the development of Kamchatka

The center of Moscow has turned into a special regime zone, as I could see for myself, and this is confirmed by numerous indignations on social networks.

The other day I wrote an enthusiastic review about my visit to Red Square, where I felt the New Year approaching. So, the New Year came and on its first day I felt the chaos and stupidity of the Moscow authorities (perhaps not only them), when on the evening of January 1 I decided to walk from the Metro Library to them. Lenin along the embankment to Red Square.

Already at the exit you are greeted with this picture. Instead of fences, there is special equipment, a bunch of police officers and people in civilian clothes.

I went to the monument to Vladimir. They are allowed here only in one direction, it is no longer possible to go back, whoever needs it, go around.

There was a very interesting company at the entrance to the Kremlin)))

People in civilian clothes and with flashlights walked along the Kremlin wall and its towers. A huge number of cars stopped along the embankment under a sign with a tow truck, of which there were many.

On the approaches to the bridge, Nemtsov was again met by a patrol with fences, search and special equipment.

Walked across the bridge, beautifully.

I went to the place of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, talked to the guys who are on watch here. Cold, but staunch comrades on duty. I met one of my readers, Alexander, and recorded a short speech on video.

I moved towards Red Square, everything is blocked by a fence, behind which there are a lot of plastic toilets, but people were not allowed to them….

I had to go through the back streets to GUM, but even then everything was blocked.

I reached Nikolskaya. It's beautiful, there are a lot of people. Around not a single toilet and kilometer-long queues in the MF in unfortunate cafes.

The entrance to Red Square is also closed here. The employees who were standing said that they would close everything at 10 pm and go to bed.

People were indignant, as they were driven into a corral and driven in one direction, in the direction of the Lubyanka.

Lubyanka, the picture resembled Hell. Everything is blocked by special equipment and special services. The people simply did not understand what was happening. People like "rams" went to the subway and left extremely dissatisfied.

This time, I got an extremely disgusting impression of walking on the first day of 2018. It seems that such a life is being prepared for us in the new year after the re-election? Or is everything so bad with us with the terrorist threat and the safety of citizens that we now have to walk around the Kremlin in the paddocks until 22 o'clock, and then sleep in the cradle?

I consider it a shame for Sobyanin and his team. Well, what for so much money was thrown into the decoration, if everything is so terribly organized and walking in the center of Moscow is allowed only until 22 o'clock? The mood was badly spoiled. Broke off a holiday, and even forced people to keep their bladders under pressure. After such a decent officials resign, and we have United Russia he will smear everyone.

What do Russians think?

Why does the European state set itself a "Chinese firewall"


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On the evening of May 9, tension sparked in the offices of the presidential administration in Kiev. Zrada came from whence they did not expect. According to independent analysts, the most popular query in Internet search engines in Ukraine that day was "Victory Parade in Moscow". Those who did not acquire satellite dishes watched the ceremonial march on Red Square via social networks. And this is a real challenge to Ukrainian statehood and a threat to its security. For a week the best minds of the Poroshenko apparatus have been thinking about a worthy answer to the "foe". And on Tuesday, they showed their citizens a Presidential Decree, rigidly suppressing the pernicious influence of the eastern neighbor and cutting down the sprouts of separatism in the country. Without further ado, Poroshenko lowered the switch, disconnecting his citizens from popular social networks.

1. What was closed?

In total, there are 468 legal entities from Russia in the Ukrainian sanctions list. However, if earlier Kiev “hit” the Russian business and defense industry, then the victims of the new bans were rather the citizens of Nezalezhnaya than the companies from the Russian Federation. Taking into account the gaps in the country's defense capability, Petr Alekseevich approved the proposal of the National Security Council to ban access to the social networks Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, and all Yandex and services. Along the way, something was wrong with Kaspersky Lab and the Dr Web company.

With a stroke of the pen, the President of Ukraine left his citizens without popular antiviruses and without the ability to communicate on their favorite social networks. And we are talking here about millions of users. About 9.5 million Ukrainians are registered with classmates alone. That is, almost every fourth resident of the country. Moreover, the main part is young people aged 18 to 35 years. Up to 15 million people in Ukraine use the VKontakte network every month. At the same time, many people on social networks have a business. I'm not even talking about the fact that for most users, a personal page is a diary, a photo album, a music collection, and a library with educational notes ... And on May 16, 2017, they instantly lost their virtual baggage, which they were saving, maybe a few years.

Also closed postal services with working and dear correspondence. It is not clear where the users' funds from the Yandex-Money resource will now go. Advertising in Yandex Direct, in which Ukrainian users have invested a lot of money, is now also blocked. By the way, according to German Klimenko, Advisor to the President of Russia on the Internet, the Russian Federation will hardly feel these sanctions: “From the point of view of advertising revenues, this, to put it mildly, does not even correspond in percentage terms. On the Russian Internet, the total mass of Ukrainians is 12.5%. I think that it is no more than 3% of income ”.

By the way, the ban also included software produced in Russia. For example, "1C: Enterprise" - accounting, tax, warehouse management, transport, analysis of business processes ... 300 thousand Ukrainian companies will certainly thank the president for such concern for the security of the state.

2. Why is this done?

Over the past three years Kiev has been systematically and consistently cutting off any ties between the state and Russia, acting more and more radically. The Russian world, penetrating the country through satellite signals, fiber optic networks and mobile systems, threatens the serene existence of a regime built on hardened Russophobia. As a result, every year there are more and more people who take to the streets on the sacred Victory Day, opposing themselves to the political mainstream of Independent. And as long as there are channels for obtaining alternative information, no state propaganda will be able to erase from people what has been laid down at the gene level for decades.

3. What is already prohibited?

The current Ukrainian regime is really trying to do everything to break the family, cultural and economic ties between our countries. Over the past three years, the following have been banned:

Books in Russian by authors undesirable to Kiev;

Movies in which actors unsympathetic to the Ukrainian authorities play;

Russian TV channels broadcasting the truth, unpleasant for Poroshenko, companions;

Airlines that connected our cities;

Banks that allowed Ukrainian migrant workers to send their honestly earned money home;

Joint industrial projects, despite the fact that many Ukrainian enterprises simply "died" after that.

4. Did it help Kiev?

After the Russian television was banned in Ukraine, the companies selling satellite dishes probably got rich. It is no coincidence that under New Year in the Ukrainian segment of popular social networks, photos of celebrating the holiday with President Putin appear on the TV screen. For those who are used to watching TV in Russian, the ban was not an obstacle.

So it will be with the Internet. There are plenty of tools to bypass blocking sites today. These are both Tor browsers and anonymizers. different types, and private Internet tunnels ... Sounds tricky, but as a rule, this is a regular application launched with the click of a button. I quite successfully used such a service, for example, in Syria, where some resources do not work due to Western sanctions.

However, to begin with, this decree must be implemented. Many experts doubt that blocking the listed resources is generally possible.

We believe that blocking is ineffective, - believes the President of the Internet Association of Ukraine Alexander Fedienko. - But if such a mechanism is introduced in our country, then the blocking should take place exclusively by a court decision. Because the rest of the mechanisms simply cannot be called civilized. Ukraine does not yet have mechanisms for blocking information as such, and this should also be taken into account when speaking about a particular system for implementing a cybersecurity strategy.

And the ex-general director of Yandex.Ukraine Sergey Petrenko in his blog ridiculed the idea of ​​the authorities: “Everyone who had anything to do with this decree, and personally who signed it, are idiots. To the guys from Yandex (especially Yandex.Ukraine, whom the gray-eyed moron deprived of their jobs in one fell swoop), Mail and VKontakte, I would advise, as an illustration, to include a redirect from Ukrainian addresses to the text of this decree for an hour. Let them try to serve what they want to ban. "

With sanctions and decrees, the Ukrainian government is building a small cozy world around itself, in which there is neither "Russian propaganda" nor citizens dissatisfied with the regime. Kiev, which is positioning a European democratic course, is lowering the iron curtain in the best traditions of the "Chinese firewall". Does Poroshenko understand how stupid he looks with his anti-national sanctions initiatives? And they say that Lukashenka is the last dictator in Europe.


Ukraine has expanded the list individuals(about 1300 names), who are prohibited from entering the country. It included MEPs who visited Crimea and Donbass, as well as Russian politicians and journalists. Along with Ramzan Kadyrov, Alexander Bastrykin, Dmitry Rogozin and Sergei Shoigu, the list includes Oleg Dobrodeev, the general director of the VGTRK media holding, Dmitry Kiselev, the general director of Rossiya Segodnya, RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan, and the head of the Publishing House TVNZ»Vladimir Sungorkin.

Mail.Ru Group hinted that their services in Ukraine could be used bypassing bans

Mail.Ru Group regrets the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to block access to Russian social networks"Vkontakte" and "Odnoklassniki", as well as other services of the company.

Press service of "Vkontakte": every month the social network is visited by 16 million Ukrainians

Vkontakte will continue to protect the interests of all its users. This was reported in the press service of the company, commenting on the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to block access to the popular Russian social network.

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich, RIA Novosti

Not all veterans of the Great Patriotic War will be able to attend the anniversary Victory Day parade. Due to the "special security measures" introduced by the capital's authorities, only veterans who have received special invitations will get to Red Square - one war veteran from each region.

The Moscow authorities have warned that they will not allow all veterans of the Great Patriotic War to attend the Victory Parade on Red Square. Deputy Mayor of Moscow Leonid Pechatnikov, a member of the organizing committee preparing for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory, said that the experience of past years shows that some of the veterans expect to be able to attend the parade without an invitation, in a “confidential manner”. However, this year the authorities will take "special security measures" and will not allow veterans to enter Red Square without a special invitation, Kommersant reports.

Meanwhile, the publication found out that every Russian region, not counting Moscow, will be represented at the Victory Day parade by only one veteran, who is allowed to take an accompanying person with him. As for the capital, about 400 people from it will get to the parade. The invitations to Moscow on Victory Day are distributed among the veterans by the authorities of the subjects. It is reported that only those who are able to withstand the road are invited to the parade.

It should be noted that the city authorities will not only ensure that the veterans do not come to Red Square without an invitation. According to Pechatnikov, this year measures will be taken so that front-line soldiers and home front workers who come to Moscow do not find themselves in a situation where they "do not know where to stick to." For this, the headquarters will be responsible for the reception and resettlement of veterans. On buses they will be sent to the respiratory rehabilitation clinic in Zvenigorod. And those who do not have enough space there will be accommodated in hotels "at the lowest rates."

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the main thing

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