Mikhail chebonenko: “when dreams come true. The Cadastral Chamber of the Orenburg region will again be headed by Chabanenko

"we got to know the new chief federal inspector Mikhail Chabanenko better. During the meeting in the editorial office, a conversation took place about his vision of the problems of the region, about attention to the "little man", relationships with the regional executive power, about family, hobbies.
Unity of independent
- Mikhail Vladimirovich, you are one of the youngest in this position in our region. And it requires a certain state experience. What did you make it out of?
- Boast great experience public service I really don't have to. Nevertheless, for seven years I headed the federal state institution "Land Cadastral Chamber". It is known that today it is on the fast track - it organizes the provision of registration services, has accumulated certain experience in working with citizens, which is in great demand in a market economy. We can say that it is in this area that the key legal relations of the new time are formed, and with them the lifestyle.
In the cadastral chamber, I had to deal with difficult mass actions. One of them is a dacha amnesty that hurt big number Orenburgers. I had to work closely with each association of summer residents and eventually issue tens of thousands of cadastral certificates.
Prior to that, for several years I worked in a joint-stock company, had my own business, which allowed me to "cook" in the modern economy. This also helps now when we have to deal with the problems of commodity producers.
- And why is such an outpost of the federal center needed in the region? After all, the governor is also appointed by the president and is also his representative, his hand and eye.
- I think we can talk about two reasons for the preservation of the institute of chief federal inspectors and even the growth of its role. First, power in the country is formed at three relatively independent levels. There are municipalities, there are state bodies with their own governments and legislative assemblies, and there is a federal center. We are entrusted with the coordination of interaction between them. Secondly, the structures of power have not yet settled down, they are in development, sometimes unexpected collisions arise. Both the representative offices of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts and the chief federal inspectors in the constituent entities can more quickly participate in their resolution on behalf of federal leadership.
- And what, in fact, is the fundamental difference between the functions of your apparatus and the functions of the regional government?
- There are more than 50 federal departments that are not directly subordinate to local authorities. They do not exclude inconsistencies with the interests of the territories, between the center and the regions, by the way, as in the case of the disposal of obsolete ammunition. We are trying to prevent these inconsistencies and coordinate the actions of authorities at all levels. And what is no less important - we act as conductors of district, all-Russian actions in the interests of the entire state. First of all, in the fight against terrorism, the spread of drugs, extremism. At the same time, in no case do we replace the local executive power. It bears all the responsibility for the specifics - for the well-being of the population, the development of the economy and the social sphere. And we are where bottlenecks arise, where it is necessary to unite the efforts of federal structures and regional bodies. Regarding the same explosions of obsolete ammunition, we recently gathered representatives of interested departments and discussed the results of disposal, taking into account ensuring the safety of the population.
Three million petitions
Despite the name of the post - inspector, which means "examiner" in Latin, our participation in control is more of a political nature. That is, we make sure that simple current problems do not turn into antagonistic ones. There are advantages here: we are not distant observers, but active participants in state building in the regions.
This does not mean that we deal only with systemic problems. On the contrary, in my work I pay considerable attention to the specific concerns of people, including as the head of the Reception Office of the President of the Russian Federation in the Orenburg Region. It must be seen that our complicity in the needs of a particular person is a key problem, one of the ways to overcome the alienation of power from the population. Therefore, I try to deal with each appeal without delay.
- Indeed, you can drown in a mass of complaints and requests ...
- You can drown, or you can emerge with some kind of systemic solution. After all, it often comes to mind after encountering a mass of the same questions. My predecessors, for example, having come into contact with queues in state institutions, came to the opening of interdepartmental centers for the provision of state and municipal services. Now we're moving on.
While still working at the cadastral chamber, I felt it was very important to expand access to specialized services. After all, a simple failure of specialists to manage the flow of visitors is perceived by people as a manifestation of bureaucracy. Therefore, in the Orenburg region, on the territory of which there are especially many summer cottages, we began to receive residents six times a week instead of once. As they say, they met people and delved into their questions from morning to evening.
The following fact speaks of the enormity of the problem of dialogue with citizens. Only on questions the authorities receive up to three million appeals a year.
Now, in my new role, I continue to work to facilitate this dialogue. It is possible to bring closer the departments to which people turn. Starting next year, visitors will no longer be postmen among officials who demand to bring them certificates from their colleagues. They themselves will have to take care of the exchange of these certificates.
- Actually, the governor often goes from the particular to the general. He deals a lot with specific appeals from Orenburg residents, and from this many details of the plan for the modernization of medical institutions, programs for the increment of kindergartens, and support for large families were born.
True, the journalists of "Southern Ural" thought that you would call the fight against corruption one of the main areas of your work. After all, with complaints about her, you, too, probably knock almost every day?
- I have been working as the chief federal inspector for only a month and a half and I cannot boast that I have already fully decided on my role in the fight against this evil. Yes, and directly this task lies with law enforcement agencies. I will only say that I do not like the oiling of an official who already has to fulfill his state duties. Generally speaking, it is necessary to ensure that the solution of issues that provoke bribes depends less on the will of the official. He boasts when the procedure for resolving the issue is not clearly spelled out in the documents and options are possible. This means that it is necessary to more actively identify corruption components in our legislation and eliminate them. At the same time, promptly respond to signals of extortion.
But here I would like to emphasize something else: for many, many people, corruption is not an obvious problem. When a person has a roof leaking over his head or it is cold in his house and the child is forced to wrap himself in warm clothes, he requires attention, first of all, to this everyday disorder. That is why both the SFI apparatus and the president's office, which I manage, are trying to respond to such "simple" appeals from citizens.
- How are your relations with the governor, other leaders of the region? Are friendships between you acceptable? Or is the main thing that should determine them - adherence to principles?
- They are constructive, working. Our apparatus receives timely information from the ministers in response to its requests. We carry out many actions together, pursuing the same goals. Therefore, business coherence is required. At the same time, it is probably no coincidence that in a democratic society the independence of branches and offshoots of power is proclaimed. for mutual control. So far, I can only say that our office prepares information on requests from the district on its own, thereby enabling the leadership of the Volga Federal District to get an idea of ​​the state of affairs in a particular area. different sources. There are also discrepancies that give reason to critically look at the solution of the problem. Recently, for example, we disagreed on the assessment of work with troubled teenagers. A report from one of the ministries stated that 35 percent of the number of registered disadvantaged children were involved in classes in various sections. And we have not been so optimistic data. This is an occasion to work together on introducing the guys to useful things. The main thing is how we manage to achieve concrete results together. This, in my opinion, is what people expect from us.
- Did you personally manage to do something for ordinary people?
- Even during the previous work, my colleagues and I undertook to patronize a boarding school for children with severe speech disorders. He even created a charitable foundation for this. But he didn't have enough money. And I saw how difficult it is to ask for help when no one owes you. The school needed to repair the gym, and we went to construction organizations. They could not help with money, but Construction Materials for the school they willingly gave. So the gym has been upgraded. Of course, this also gave me experience in dealing with people's requests.
- Elections to the State Duma are approaching. Did it give you more work?
- I wouldn't say. After all, they are carried out by special structures, party organizations. We are monitoring the situation as a whole. With regard to any unauthorized, illegal actions of political forces that may interfere with normal preparations for the voting day. We do not interfere in any disputes of parties and candidates for deputies.

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As it became known from reliable sources, the branch of the Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr in the Orenburg region will be headed by Mikhail Chabanenko. So far, there are no official statements on this matter. It is worth noting that Mikhail Chabanenko has already served as director of this department for seven years, from 2004 to 2011, and has shown himself to be an experienced leader and professional. Subsequently, he was appointed to the position of Chief Federal Inspector for the Orenburg Region.

As it became known from reliable sources, the branch of the Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr in the Orenburg region will be headed by Mikhail Chabanenko. So far, there are no official statements on this matter.

It is worth noting that Mikhail Chabanenko has already served as director of this department for seven years, from 2004 to 2011, and has shown himself to be an experienced leader and professional. Subsequently, he was appointed to the position of Chief Federal Inspector for the Orenburg Region.

For two years, the duties of the director of the Land Cadastral Chamber were temporarily performed by Nikolai Prikhozhai. A worthy replacement for Mikhail Vladimirovich was never found and was asked to return to a leadership position.


  • Mikhail Chabanenko was born on July 2, 1972 in Orenburg.
  • In 1994 he graduated from the Orenburg College of Informatics and Computer Engineering with a degree in Computer Programming and automated systems»; In 2001, he graduated from the Faculty of Accounting and Audit of the Orenburg State University with a degree in economics and auditor.
  • In 2006 he defended his dissertation on the topic "Foreign Economic Activity as a Factor of Economic Security", receiving a PhD in Economics.
  • In 2009, he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence; from 2010 to the present, he has been studying at the Orenburg state university specializing in " Software computer technology and automated systems”, is a postgraduate student at the Orenburg State Agrarian University.
  • He began his career in 1994 at the Magistral Association as a programmer. From 1995 to 1999 - Chief Accountant, from 1999 to 2002 - director of economics and finance of this organization.
  • From 2003 to 2004, he was the founder and director of Orenburg Production Distribution Center Medved LLC.
  • Since 2011 - First Deputy Secretary of the Regional Political Council of the United Russia Party.
  • From September 2004 to September 28, 2011 - Director of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber of the Orenburg Region".
  • From September 28, 2011 to June 7, 2012 - Chief Federal Inspector for the Orenburg Region.

Mikhail Chabonenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, a graduate of the Moscow State Academy of Law with a degree in jurisprudence, a postgraduate student at the Orenburg State Agrarian University, since 2010 has been studying at the Orenburg State University with a degree in Software for Computers and Automated Systems.

My professional activity he started in 1994 in the Magistral association as a "programmer"

Viewers of the NTV channel are well aware of this representative and intelligent young man from the plots of the program "Emergency". But few people realize that Mikhail Chebonenko began his career as a TV correspondent on the Vladimir channel, graduated from the Vladimir State Pedagogical (now the Humanities) University. Our story is about how a person with abilities and great desire was able to make his dreams come true.

On an awakened conscience

- Michael, where do you need to start moving towards the realization of your dreams?

From education. I have it higher. And oddly enough, I feel like a person with higher education. It’s just that many were afraid that I started working too early, I wouldn’t finish the institute ... With the schedule that was originally (however, as now), there was barely enough time for personal life. I'm not talking about education. As a result - finished ped, philology. I had to pull myself together at the last moment before the sessions, even sacrifice something and prepare for the exams. Sometimes, I got acquainted with the teacher only at the session. Some of them noticed that their eyes were glassy from lack of sleep, they immediately remembered some of my good stories on television - and did not torment me. But there were also those who believed that I should be ashamed in front of conscientious classmates, and forced me to come to the exam several times. However, there were never any conflicts with anyone. He listened, learned the material - and came.

For some reason, study never came first. After all, there is an interesting work in which there is still no soul to tea. In addition, there were 5 out of 70 guys on our course. There was no time to think about studying. For the first 2 years of the institute, I also sang in a rock band - it was terribly interesting and addictive. Yes, and I always loved my friends so much (and now I love them) that I tried not to deprive anyone of attention. But conscience always woke up by the beginning of the exams. It’s very good that I managed to graduate from a prestigious university, where, in my opinion, there is a very strong preparation (I feel very comfortable in life after the Vladimir philological faculty), and at the same time I managed to maintain a profession with which I plan to associate for more than a dozen years ... Probably, even all life. The only institute subject that, I think, I attended in vain is computer science. Computer basics learned only in practice.

The knowledge gained at the university helps me to be universal: to appear on an equal footing (or almost on an equal footing) with a scientist, athlete or schoolchild; overcome the barrier that stands between you and the interlocutor. I repeat, the philological faculty of our Pedagogical University is a strong school: from the formation of a journalistic text to simple communication with people.

Now I feel, as they say, in my place. All my life I dreamed about the stage and about working on television. The scene (albeit at an amateur level) was. In Volginsky (this is the village where I grew up, not far from Pokrov) I played the violin, periodically gave concerts, then I joined rock music, they also "starred" at the local level ... The passion for television turned out to be stronger.

- Why did you choose the philological faculty of VGGU?

Actually, after school, I coveted the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. Passed creative competition, passed on 4 English (the examiner said: “I put “four”. “Five” is in my mind”), but the essay let me down a little - one point was not enough. I went to Vladimir - I entered the philological faculty. Then only the specialization "Journalism" was opened at its base. He promised himself to return to Moscow in a year, but he remained to study in Vladimir. I really didn't want to part with my new friends. By the way, in Vladimir I scored 14 points out of 15 at the entrance exams.

"Are you weak?"

- Mikhail, did you start working on Vladimir television?

Yes. As I said, I dreamed of getting on TV with early childhood. This dream came true already in the 6th grade. My debut is on the RTR TV channel. In the program "Your own director" under the heading "Weak?" sent a video in which I, sitting on a twine, played something from Vivaldi on the violin. They called, they said that they had won, and they invited me to the studio. There, Aleksey Lysenkov handed me a TV, a cake and something else... They showed it all over the country, and the TV that they gave me is still working.

In Vladimir, already in student years, by chance one of his friends mentioned that he had some acquaintances at the Vladimir State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. I took note of this and asked to know how to get there. To be honest, at first I didn’t even know who exactly I wanted to be there. At least I had a hard time imagining it. For the company called his friend Max. He was then in search of himself and agreed. We were brought to Pioneer, a legendary studio based on the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where schoolchildren were made into high-profile television professionals. Now, I don't think it exists anymore. Igor Borisovich, the head of the studio, interviewed us. In short, he made it clear that this is not all Kindergarten and that television is a disease. And if you don't get sick with it during your work, you're a loser. Something like that. Max didn't want to go back there. And I began to ride with the guys on the set and study the specifics of the work. The first trip was with Andryukha Tsyganov and Yurka Petrov. They are now in Moscow on the "Rossiya".

But he did not stay at Pioneer. A couple of weeks later, by chance, in the corridor of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, I met with the editor-in-chief Andrei Nikolayevich Filinov. Then it was time for holidays in the news, and no one canceled the broadcasts. He offered to try me as a correspondent at Vesti-Vladimir. I agreed. I worked very hard - I really wanted to stay. He even sacrificed his summer holidays. Then he tried to get into the specifics of news texts. People are coming back from holidays. I chose the most professional ones and learned from them how to make stories. We must pay tribute to the school of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Vladimir". She is strong. Now I turn on the TV - and on almost every channel I see my former colleagues. In general, I then joined the news pace and the team pretty quickly.

I only had a speech impediment. I have not pronounced the letter "r" since childhood. And I understood that with this feature you can’t go far in television. At the age of 21, I decided to turn to a speech therapist. They advised a professional person who agreed to deal with me. It only took a few lessons and round-the-clock practice. My wife Diana (then still future) constantly asked me again when I told her something without pronouncing the letter “r”. This irritated me, and through the “I can’t” I pulled out this complex sound from myself. And then - got used to it. Immediately they offered to conduct the final program. For a year and a half, he combined the role of a presenter with a correspondent. All in all, it was an unforgettable time. We were all there at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company like a big family. We are still in touch, we meet ...

About love

- Mikhail, tell us how you ended up on NTV?

I just wanted to go to Moscow. At one point, I realized that television is something more than the Vladimir region; and that I still learn and learn. During my work in Vladimir, I looked after several people among TV stars of the federal scale (they are both showmen and analysts) and realized that work is no end. And besides, I love Moscow since childhood. I grew up nearby, often rode here with friends and parents. And my best friends all live here. In general, I took a vacation from the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company - I went to Moscow. First I came to the editorial office of Ren-TV. There now our Vladimir Ilya Doronov is working as a leader in the news. He introduced me to everyone. I traveled to the shooting for about a month, and then they told me that I had to wait a month or two - supposedly the rate should be released. I decided not to wait and called NTV. Then in the "state of emergency" correspondents were needed. I talked with the boss, he gave me a couple of weeks to test, and then offered to stay in the program. I, of course, rejoiced. I think every TV journalist wants to work at least a little on the legendary NTV. It's just great here. Those great TV presenters, whom you considered inaccessible until now, now pass by you every day. You greet them, and, it seems, the way it should be. In general, the level is different in everything. Much higher.

- Why did you choose this particular program on NTV?

At first, the theme of the program was a little embarrassing. It didn't take me long to call here. Still, crime is a very specific matter, and not everyone can handle it. We still have some interns who can't stand it. And it's not that "it's scary to live." You just need to be able to present all this to viewers so as not to hurt their psyche, leave it at the TV screen. But I weighed everything. It's still a bit of a new feeling. In addition, the list of "state of emergency" includes not only murders, robberies and explosions, but also, say, unusual animal rescues ... Moreover, the ratings of this program are among the highest on NTV. And when, on the third day of work, I was sent to Rublyovka to Valeria and Prigogine's house (their jewelry was then stolen), I no longer doubted that even criminal journalism could drag on for a long time.

Plus, there are a lot of positives here. A grandmother who watched a story on TV about how her peers were deceived by scammers herself will not make such a mistake. At least, I wholeheartedly want to believe it.

About knowledge, patience and reporting

- What knowledge is necessary for a criminal TV journalist?

- I will not say that each of us knows 100 percent of the Criminal Code. There are simply certain rules that any journalist has no right not to know. For example, confidentiality (if the story is about a minor) or a ban on expressing one's personal opinion in the story... True, we still had to learn some points of the Criminal Code: it is important to know them when communicating with a law enforcement representative. It is equally important to exercise restraint and generally monitor your behavior. If an arrested person who killed 10 people yesterday was brought to you, you don’t need to try to ask him the planned questions as soon as possible and leave. If he realizes that he is embarrassing you, he will simply remain silent. And, of course, patience. When we filmed a woman in St. Petersburg who has 50 dogs in her apartment, we wanted to get outside as soon as possible. For obvious reasons, it was impossible to stay in the apartment. This is where the professional principle comes into play. Let's run away to the street - there will be no good plot.

- What is the difference between working on a federal TV channel and working on a regional one?

First, the audience. It's one thing, several thousand people are watching you, and quite another - millions in all cities of Russia. Here you feel more responsibility. The work of a sapper: you have no right to make the slightest mistake. At best, they will be punished with a ruble. Secondly, the difference in the level of presentation of the material. At the federal level, the text goes through a very strict check before being aired. But we must pay tribute, the specifics of the news text on all TV channels, both regional and federal, are the same.

- Can you remember your first reportage?

I shot the first reportage when I was an intern at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Vladimir”. The plot is about how a gas boiler house was built in the city of Kosterevo, but, as it turned out, there was no gas in the city at that time. As a result, it was again broken and converted into fuel oil. With the theme, of course, lucky. Such things cannot be, as they say, “screwed up”. However, he still did not experience positive emotions after the release of the story. Due to problems with slander, another correspondent read it. Naturally, it all looked as if he had filmed this story.

- Then what plot is the most memorable at the moment?

Without hesitation, I recall going live on NTV from the crash site near Domodedovo Airport. Then I had to work spontaneously. No one was allowed anywhere, but something had to be told. Behind a short time managed to get information and safely “turn on”. And I still remember the last trip to the Astrakhan region. For 2 days in the open Caspian, we caught poachers with the policemen. We spent the night at sea. Then I had to work hard. For a long time they did not agree to take us to the main detention. The poachers were armed with machine guns. Thank God no one shot at anyone. However, just in case, they tried to keep us away from the scene of events.

About stars and travel

- You mentioned that you were visiting Valeria and Prigogine. Can I get details?

Valeria and Prigozhin are very friendly, benevolent and hospitable people. They talked for a long time about the value of the necklace that was stolen from them. But in the end they admitted that they were not angry at the robber.

I spoke with Kirkorov. He told how his bodyguard robbed him for several years. We filmed Philip in a Moscow cafe. After his speech, he gave us an interview. I casually asked: “What is the event here?” And he replied: "Some kind of wedding." These people always want to be talked about and it's a win-win for us. TV viewers always willingly look at the stars. By the way, I never took a single photo with a celebrity. You need to control yourself.

- Do you have to travel a lot?

Yes, there are many business trips, to different parts of Russia. I have already told about the trip to the Caspian Sea. I also remember hunting for wolves in the Perm Territory. There, in the winter, wolves began to come to the villages and attack domestic animals. Because of this, even in schools, classes were canceled so that children would not suffer. We then drove around the Permian forests for two days. This is the case when painstaking work passes for rest.

I have dreams related to work again. But I won't name them. And I also dream of a big, friendly family. I love children very much ... I think I can be a worthy father. My wife also thinks so.

- What has changed in your life since you started working for NTV?

My attitude towards work has changed. I began to appreciate her even more. I was finally seen by my countrymen from the village of Volginsky. The regional channel does not catch there. And no one saw me on TV. Parents specially came 100 km away to watch my program.

- What is the most difficult thing for you in your work?

- The most difficult thing is when you feel a creative crisis. It is very unpleasant if in the new text you recognize the intonations of the old plot on a similar topic. Only after a long thought process you restore your strength again and give out something new, original, your own ... I try to never stand still. I think: happy is the person who always has a bar higher than the one he has already reached. I hope I have many more of these. I consider a successful journalist who is recognized by his personal intonations. There are many such people in NTV news. I haven't achieved this myself yet. There is a field for work. There are a lot of ideas. It takes time to implement them. I hope it works.

Faina Shatrova

Published in the weekly "Tomix-Fat Man-Vladimirskaya Gazeta", July 18, 2008
reprinted from the Vladimirskaya Gazeta blog - http://tomiks.livejournal.com/