Stew lamb in a cast iron. Stewed lamb: recipes for cooking. Iranian lamb stew

Lamb serves as the basis for the first and second courses. With proper preparation, the meat will turn out soft, juicy and very tasty. When deciding how much to stew lamb, consider the age of the animal. A young lamb will cook quickly, and the meat of an adult will be ready in 1.5-2 hours.

Before stewing lamb, remove excess fat


Mutton 700 grams Carrot 1 piece(s)

  • Servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 1 minute

How to stew lamb: preparation

Lamb has a strong specific smell. To get rid of it, before cooking, soak the meat in salted water and leave for half an hour. If the procedure does not help, cook more garlic for the dish than indicated in the recipe. It will hide the unpleasant aroma and make the treat spicy. Prepare the ingredients:

  • 700 gr. lamb;
  • 50 gr. lamb fat;
  • 3-4 small onions;
  • 5-7 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 large carrot.

Salt, pepper, bay leaf, coriander and other spices are added to taste.

How much to stew lamb: the cooking process

Before stewing, remove excess fat, and divide the meat into portions or finely chop. You can cook:

  1. Heat a dry frying pan without adding oil, put pieces of meat on it, cover with a lid and simmer until the juice stands out. The liquid should completely cover the lamb.
  2. Transfer the meat to a deep bowl and fill with liquid. If juice is low, add water. Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes.
  3. Prepare the vegetables: grate the carrots on a coarse grater and finely chop the onion. Cut each clove of garlic into 3-4 pieces.
  4. Melt the mutton fat in a frying pan, add carrots and onions, cover and simmer for about 30 seconds over low heat. Add garlic and spices, then continue to simmer the mixture for two minutes.
  5. Transfer the vegetables to a container with the meat, salt and continue to simmer until fully cooked (about 40-60 minutes).

Serve the finished dish to the table in portions or in a common deep bowl.

Other options for stewing lamb

The above is an example of a simple recipe, for cooks of any level.

  • If you want to please the family with a more complex dish, you can stew lamb with potatoes, green beans, prunes, dill sauce, wine, or using other ingredients.
  • Do not forget to soak the meat before cooking, otherwise the specific smell will spoil the impression of the dish.
  • Also remove fat, food without it will be very satisfying.
  • Stewed lamb can be served with a side dish or as a separate dish.

It is stewed with vegetables and spices, keeping the juice or completely evaporating it. You can find many ready-made recipes or come up with your own.

Lamb is a meat with a special taste and smell, which can be emphasized in the best possible way only by preparing a delicious dish baked in the oven from it. There are a lot of recipes for cooking meat in the oven, but the following are some of the best.

Recipe number 1. Lamb in the oven

For this recipe, you will need products such as: lamb - about 1 kilogram, 100 grams of tail fat, you can lard, tomato paste, onion, garlic, a few fresh tomatoes, spices, adjika, herbs and salt.

Lamb meat and lard are cleaned and carefully washed, after which they should be cut into cubes and thrown into the pan, it is necessary to fry over low heat, stirring constantly. Oil should not be added to the pan, it is much more important to remember to cover the meat during frying with a lid.

While the meat is being cooked in one pan, in the other it is necessary to fry the onion and tomato paste, bring to readiness, a sign of which is the darkening of the tomato paste. As soon as the sauce is ready, it is necessary to transfer the stew, mashed garlic with salt, spices and spices into it from the first pan, mix and continue to simmer for some time over low heat. The same can be done in the oven by placing the meat, the necessary seasonings and sauce in a cauldron. The oven temperature should be at least 180 degrees.

Before serving, the stew is sprinkled with chopped parsley, cilantro and basil and laid out in shallow plates.

Recipe number 2. Lamb stew with vegetables

In order to cook a lamb stew with vegetables, you need a good piece of lamb shoulder, brisket, or neck. The meat must be washed, cut together with the bones into pieces weighing 40-50 grams, sprinkled with salt, pepper and fried in lard, or in butter. Fried pieces of meat should be put in a saucepan, add tomato paste, browned flour, which must be diluted with broth and simmer for about 45-60 minutes. after the set time has elapsed, you need to put sliced ​​\u200b\u200band fried potatoes, carrots, onions and parsley in a saucepan, mix the ingredients and put in the oven.

Lamb with vegetables should be cooked in the oven for 30 minutes under a tightly closed lid until the vegetables are fully cooked.

For 600 grams of lamb meat, you need 2 tablespoons of lard or butter, 5 potatoes, carrot and parsley roots, 2 onions, 1 tablespoon of wheat flour, 3-4 tablespoons of tomato paste, 1.5 cups chicken broth, can be replaced with water, salt and pepper.

Recipe number 3. Lamb stew with mushrooms

To cook lamb stew with mushrooms, you need the fatty part of the brisket or shoulder blades. The meat is cleaned and washed, chopped into pieces along with the bones, the pieces should turn out to be small, regular in shape, they need to be salted and fried in sufficiently heated lard or butter, adding tomato paste at the end of cooking. Also, it is necessary to add passivated onions, pre-cooked and cut into small pieces of mushrooms into the dish, pour over everything with water and simmer in the oven. Approximately 10-15 minutes before the final readiness of the dish, you need to add passivated flour diluted with cold broth, pepper and a few bay leaves to it. Ready lamb is removed from the oven and seasoned with crushed garlic.

Lamb can be served with mashed potatoes and gravy, in which lamb meat was stewed.

For 500-600 grams of lamb, you need 2-3 tablespoons of lard or butter, 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, 2-3 onions, 20 grams of dried mushrooms, 1 tablespoon wheat flour, 1.5 cups of broth, salt, pepper and bay leaf.

Recipe number 4. Lamb dushenina in the oven

Lamb flesh is cut into wide strips with a thickness of at least 1.5 centimeters, salted, peppered, rolled in flour and fried in boiling lard or butter in a pan. A layer of peeled, sliced ​​potatoes is placed in a cauldron, interspersed with onions, bay leaves, allspice and salt. The second layer of lamb meat is laid on the first layer, a layer of potatoes is again laid on top. The cauldron is poured with broth made from roasted lamb bones, and put in the oven until cooked under a tightly closed lid. The finished dish is seasoned with grated or crushed garlic and laid out on deep plates.

For 400-500 grams of lamb meat, you need 1 tablespoon of wheat flour, 2-3 tablespoons of lard or ghee, 2-3 onions, half a parsley root, 1 kilogram of potatoes, salt, pepper and bay leaf - all this to taste.

Recipe number 5. Lamb stew in the oven with eggplant and tomatoes

Lamb meat is fried with fat in a deep frying pan. Eggplants and tomatoes are washed, cut into cubes, also served with onions.

Put the vegetables together with the jar in a cauldron, or a deep baking sheet, add finely crushed garlic, parsley, cilantro and basil, pour the cauldron with water so that it does not reach 2 centimeters to the edge, but at the same time covers the meat and vegetables for at least by 1 centimeter. The cauldron must be tightly covered with a lid and simmer in the oven until fully cooked.

To prepare the dish, you need 500-600 grams of lamb, about 50-60 grams of butter, 3-4 fresh eggplants, 5 tomatoes, onions, a few cloves of garlic, herbs, salt and spices.

Recipe number 6. Irish Braised Lamb

Lamb is cut into pieces, carrots, onions and potatoes are peeled, cut into small slices, while onions are cut into rings. Part of the vegetables should be laid out in layers in a cauldron, salt, pepper and sprinkle with herbs. On top of the layer of vegetables, you need to lay out the meat, also pepper and salt it and cover with the rest of the vegetables, salt and pepper again.

The cauldron is poured with broth and placed in the oven for about 2 hours, at a temperature of 190-200 degrees. After the first tasting and the recognition of meat and vegetables as stewed, you can serve it on the table. It is important to remember that Irish lamb stew is served exclusively hot, after some time after cooking it will need to be heated in a pan or in a cauldron.

For 4 servings of lamb stew, you need about 500-600 grams of meat, 8-10 medium-sized potatoes, 4-5 carrots, 3 large onions, salt, pepper, dry parsley, thyme and meat broth.

Meat prepared according to this recipe will simply melt in your mouth and will please everyone without exception.

Recipe number 7. Caucasian lamb stew

Lamb is a favorite type of meat among the peoples of the Caucasus, it is there, among the impregnable mountains, they know how to cook lamb better than anywhere else in the world. But in order to try a real delicious mutton ham to the Caucasus, it’s not at all necessary to go, it’s enough to open it and follow a very good and even wonderful recipe for cooking mutton stew in a Caucasian style in an oven.

For the dish, you will need ingredients such as: 1-2 kilograms of fresh lamb, 3 small heads of garlic, allspice, peas, cloves, bay leaf, lemon, salt and pepper.

Cooking lamb stew is necessary in the following sequence:

  1. The first thing you need to do is prepare the meat. Lamb is cleaned of veins and excess fat, washed under cold running water and dried with paper towels.
  2. Garlic is crushed, mixed with salt and pepper.
  3. The meat must be stuffed with cooked garlic, the meat must also be rubbed with garlic, salt and pepper on top.
  4. For the dish, you will need to purchase food foil, which is necessary so that the meat does not burn on the baking sheet. On a large sheet of foil it is necessary to lay out a bay leaf, cloves and peppercorns, put a large piece of lamb on top, processed as described above.
  5. The meat should be sprinkled with freshly squeezed lemon juice and wrapped in foil, leaving it in this form for several hours to soak in the marinade.
  6. After the required time has passed, the meat is placed on a baking sheet; one should not forget about the need to put foil under it. From above, the meat is poured with a small amount of water and placed in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the freshness and quality of the meat. Periodically, you will need to add fresh water, so a mug of water should always be kept ready, if this is not done, the meat will become tough and lose the taste and smell inherent in lamb stew.
  7. As soon as the time is up, the meat must be removed from the oven, freed from the foil, pouring the excess juice into a separate container and put the lamb back in the oven for 30 minutes, pouring the collected meat juice over it. The result is juicy and soft lamb under a crispy crust.

You can serve lamb with separately baked potatoes, vegetables and herbs, do not forget to sprinkle with coriander and basil.

Recipe number 8. Moroccan lamb stew

Lamb cooked in the Moroccan oven is, first of all, very tasty and fragrant, the dish is saturated with a variety of spices that form a unique bouquet that gives it originality and exoticism.

For mutton stew, you will need the following list of products - several pieces of young lamb, preferably a loin, canned tomatoes, onions, garlic, tomato paste, 1 tablespoon cumin, ground cinnamon, coriander seeds, ground red chili, a few fresh cilantro and mint stalks, plus vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

The dish is prepared in this way:

  1. The first step is to prepare all the necessary ingredients, from meat to vegetables. After everything is cleaned and washed, you can proceed to direct cooking.
  2. Garlic and onions must be peeled and finely chopped, greens should be removed from long branches, leaving only the leaves themselves and also finely chopped, like onions.
  3. The oven before laying dishes in it must be warmed up strongly, setting the temperature to 180-190 degrees.
  4. The meat is placed in a deep bowl and mixed with prepared seasonings and spices.
  5. The bottom of the cauldron is heated, a piece of butter is put in it, the boiling process is expected to begin, and the lamb rolled in spices is laid on top. The meat is fried on the stove for 10 minutes, it requires constant turning for a golden crust to appear on each side.
  6. As soon as a golden brown hue appears, the meat should be removed from the stove, finely chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, salt and pepper should be added to it and put in the oven for 1 hour, pouring a glass of water on top. It is important not to forget to put a lid on the meat so that the water does not evaporate so quickly.
  7. At the last minute of cooking, steamed green beans are added to the lamb stew.
When serving, lamb stew can be garnished with leftover greens and tomatoes, even the most strict tasters will not refrain from praising the very first pieces of meat melting on the tongue.

Some general rules for cooking lamb stew in the oven

  1. When starting to cook lamb, you should always remember that the meat does not always have a pleasant smell and taste, only the meat of young lambs under the age of one year is good for stewing and serving, the meat of old sheep is tough and completely tasteless, it is more suitable for cooking cutlets and sausages
  2. Not all guests love lamb, this is largely due to the smell that, as already mentioned, comes from it, which is why it is extremely important to be able to pick up such herbs and roots that would muffle or even nullify the entire aroma, leaving only a gentle taste.
  3. The more onions and carrots in a lamb dish, the better. Onions, regardless of the method of its preparation, neutralize the unpleasant specific aroma inherent in lamb better than other vegetables. And if other types of meat can be served with any side dish, then for lamb there is no better side dish than vegetables in large quantities.
  4. Stewed lamb is always cooked under the lid, which makes the meat more juicy and tasty. The lid is removed only as a last resort, if desired, lightly fry the already cooked meat.
So, among the various types and varieties of meat, lamb is considered the most capricious, since what happens as a result depends entirely on the skill of the cook, and of course on the chosen recipe.

Braised lamb with onions is a dish that allows for a huge number of variations. I want to show you how to cook lamb that will melt in your mouth (and literally fall apart at the touch of a spoon!). It is optimal to cook this dish from a rather cheap piece: shoulder blades with a neck. It is fatty and intense in taste, but it has a lot of films, so in order to become soft, it is subjected to a very long heat treatment. Expect a total of somewhere around 3.5-4 hours. Do not be afraid, you will not spend all this time at the stove, and the result is definitely worth it.

Stewed lamb with onions goes well, in fact, with any side dish: even with rice, even with potatoes, even with vegetables. Yes, even with pasta, it will be great if it comes to your mind to eat lamb with pasta. Although this dish looks like a simple gravy, palatability it is worthy of a festive table!

We separate the meat from the bones, cut into large pieces and weigh. How much pulp - so much you need to take onions.

We fire up the cauldron. No oil, because this cut already has enough fat.

We spread the pieces of lamb in a dense mosaic in one layer, with fat to the bottom of the boiler. We fry on a strong fire.

Turn the pieces over, fry them over high heat on all sides until browned. It is most convenient to do this with tongs. We still try to ensure that the lamb is distributed over the boiler in one layer. Fire is strong.

While frying the lamb, we begin to cut the onion. Do not cut it in advance - you will simply waste your time in vain, because in any case it is impossible to introduce onions en masse, there is as much of it as lamb. This will bring down the temperature of the meat, making it dry and tough. And slicing onions in the course of frying lamb allows you to save on cooking time and ensure the optimum temperature for this dish.

When the lamb is fried on all sides, we begin to enter the onion. If you already have a lot of it cut, then do not enter more than one-fifth of the total. Well approximately! And the rest: we mix one portion while it is fried - we cut the next one, we mix it - and so on. Fire is strong.

If you fry the onion at this stage until transparent, then the finished dish will be golden brownish. If it is already brought to brownish, the result will be darker and sweeter, as with caramelized onions, although there is not a single gram of sugar here. As soon as the onion has reached the desired shade, reduce the heat to low, add the peeled and roughly chopped garlic, close the lid and simmer the lamb with onions for about 1.5 hours.

After that, open the lid, increase the heat to medium and evaporate the excess liquid for about another hour. And when the meat becomes so soft that when stirred with a spoon, layers begin to separate from it - then the lamb stew with onions is ready!

You can eat this dish only very hot, but not necessarily freshly cooked! In a few hours or the next day, it will also be just wonderful, and perhaps even richer in taste! But it will need to be reheated.

In our country, pork or beef is most often used for meat dishes, but lamb is somehow bypassed, considering it tough and not very fragrant. But in the Middle East, such meat is held in high esteem; barbecue is fried from it, pilaf and other dishes are cooked. If you still decide to try lamb, then start by cooking in a cauldron. Lamb stewed in it is very tender, soft and tasty.

Mutton dishes are traditionally prepared in the East. Such meat has its own special taste and at the same time it contains many substances useful for our body. How to properly and tasty cook lamb in a cauldron, you will learn right now.


  • half a kilo of lamb;
  • two bulbs;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • fresh herbs and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the lamb into pieces, rub them with salt and pepper, put them in a cauldron and leave aside.
  2. We cut the onion into strips, put it to the meat and overcook over high heat until softened.
  3. Then pour in water so that the meat is completely immersed in it. As soon as the broth boils, reduce the heat and simmer the dish for one and a half to two hours.
  4. Serve lamb stew with fresh herbs.

With vegetables in a multicooker

In this kitchen "helper" you can cook any meat dish and even lamb. True, most housewives reject such meat because of its specific smell.

You can cook tender lamb with a delicious taste. You just need to choose young meat, which does not yet have a bright aroma. Young lamb has fat without yellowness, and the flesh itself is pale pink or light red.

Write down the recipe for cooking in a slow cooker, which will come in handy for those who are not at all familiar with the principles of cooking lamb.


  • 750 g of meat;
  • two onions, bell peppers and carrots;
  • five cloves of garlic and tomatoes;
  • 40 g melted butter;
  • ten peas of pepper;
  • two leaves of lavrushka;
  • 0.5 tsp. "meat" seasoning, granulated sugar and salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Marinate the lamb pieces in dry seasonings mixed with salt.
  2. Then, in the "Frying" program, cook them until crispy.
  3. Add chopped onion half rings, grated carrots and sweet pepper cubes. After three minutes, put the chopped tomatoes.
  4. As soon as the vegetables give juice, pour in another half a glass of water, select the “Extinguishing” option for an hour.
  5. As soon as the device emits sound signal, add chopped garlic along with peppercorns and bay leaves, simmer the dish for another 20 minutes.

How to put out meat in the oven

Lamb has its own special taste and aroma, but to appreciate it, you need to cook something really tasty from it. For example, put out the meat in the oven.


  • a kilo of lamb;
  • 100 g lamb (pork) fat;
  • two bulbs;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • three tomatoes;
  • two tablespoons of tomato puree;
  • spices, adjika, herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. Before sending the meat to the oven, it must be cut into cubes and fried in a pan together with pieces of lard. There is no need to add oil - fat will be enough.
  2. Separately, we pass the chopped onion, then add the chopped tomato pulp and vegetable paste to it.
  3. We shift the frying to the meat, adding chopped garlic, spices and adjika. We send the products to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  4. Serve fragrant meat with sprigs of cilantro or basil.

Lamb stew with potatoes

Such meat is easy to stew with any vegetables, including potatoes. It comes out very juicy and tasty, although it will take a long time to stew it, but the result is worth it.


  • 650 g lamb;
  • 550 g potatoes;
  • two heads of onions;
  • bell pepper;
  • 70 g olives;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • a glass of tomato puree;
  • 30 ml of balsamic vinegar;
  • by th tsp dried sage and dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Meat cut into cubes and fry without oil. Then add onion cloves, chopped garlic to it and fry together for five minutes.
  2. We add vegetable paste, herbs, vinegar, as well as salt and pepper to the ingredients, pour in 350 ml of water, if any, then meat broth.
  3. We cut the sweet pepper into cubes, put it to the meat and simmer for 50 minutes.
  4. We cut the potatoes in the same way, put it to the stewed ingredients and cook the dish for another half hour. At the very end of the process, pour in the olives cut into small pieces.

Recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

Stalik Khankishiyev understands the intricacies of oriental cuisine like no one else and knows how to cook lamb deliciously. For this purpose, he takes ingredients that have already passed the test of time: carrots and garlic. And a sudden component is quince.


  • 680 g shanks;
  • two carrots;
  • a liter of broth on meat;
  • quince;
  • five garlic heads;
  • lemon;
  • thyme, zira.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the carrots into cubes so that the vegetable can better give off its taste.
  2. Pour the oil into a small saucepan and fry the carrot cubes over low heat so that the vegetable just becomes soft. We season it with sugar and zira.
  3. Now we spread the lamb to the carrots and salt, and also put whole heads of garlic and dried thyme.
  4. Pour in the broth and simmer over low heat.
  5. As soon as the broth partially boils away, remove it from the stove, lay the quince slices, and distribute lemon slices on top. We bring the dish to readiness in the oven for half an hour.

Cooking in Armenian

In the East, lamb stewed with vegetables in a cauldron is called khashlamana. Many nations consider it theirs national dish, but anyway classic recipe cooking refers specifically to Armenian cuisine.


  • 1.5 kg lamb;
  • a kilo of fresh tomatoes;
  • two bell peppers;
  • a bunch of dill, parsley and celery;
  • 850 ml of beer.

Cooking method:

  1. For the preparation of the Armenian khashlama use back leg ram. From it you need to cut the meat and clean it from the films.
  2. The bone will come in handy, so we chop it into three parts and put it on the bottom of the cauldron.
  3. Cut the meat into pieces and spread over the bones. Salt, pepper and add other seasonings of your choice.
  4. We simply wash the greens and lay them directly on top of the meat in bunches.
  5. Now add the pepper cubes.
  6. We peel the skin from the tomatoes, cut the pulp into cubes and send it to the cauldron.
  7. Now pour in the beer, light a medium fire and simmer the dish for two hours.

With onions and herbs in wine

Lamb with aromatic herbs and wine is especially tasty and juicy.

For stewing, it is better to take meat of the first grade - this is the shoulder blade or the outer side of the hind leg.


  • a kilo of lamb pulp;
  • 120 g lamb fat;
  • bulb;
  • a glass of white wine (dry);
  • herbs: parsley, cilantro, thyme, rosemary, basil, tarragon.

Cooking method:

  1. Lightly salt the portioned pieces of meat.
  2. We send the chopped bacon to the cauldron and melt it, then spread the lamb and overcook the meat until golden brown.
  3. After that, pour half-rings of onion into the cauldron, after ten minutes pour in water so that it slightly covers the meat, and simmer everything together for half an hour.
  4. After this time, add chopped greens, pour wine and do not remove the dish from the fire for another 25 minutes.

With bell pepper

Today there are many lamb dishes, but we want to offer a simple recipe for cooking meat with bell peppers.


  • half a kilo of lamb;
  • two bell peppers;
  • bulb;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • a spoonful of starch and soy seasoning;
  • two tsp. ketchup and sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the meat into cubes, pepper into large slices, onion into half rings, and garlic into circles.
  2. Fry the onion in heated oil, then put the garlic and sweet pepper to it, fry the vegetables for five minutes.
  3. Separately, fry the lamb until a pleasant crust.
  4. We make a sauce from starch, soy seasoning, ketchup and sugar.
  5. We spread the vegetables to the meat, pour everything with the sauce and simmer for half an hour.

The most important thing in cooking lamb dishes is, of course, the meat itself. Choose it in trusted places, give preference to the product from a young lamb and do not forget about the spices that are used in the countries of the East without stint.