What is the fruit of the coconut tree called? The coconut palm is the Asian tree of life. Coconut fruit

Many people call spruce a symbol of the evergreen taiga. The symbol of the sunny, hot tropics is the coconut palm. Everyone has a classic paradise in their mind - a tropical landscape with snow-white sandy shores, blue skies, bright sun, amazingly clean, transparent, sometimes turquoise water and, of course, a palm tree.

Where does coconut grow? The history of its appearance is not entirely known. You can learn about this and much more by reading this article.

It should be noted that the structure of its fruits contributes to the rather wide distribution of this exotic culture, which, due to their water resistance and ease, can swim on the waves and travel long distances in this way, while maintaining their freshness.

History of origin

Where does coconut grow? History says that, according to some sources, the coconut palm originated in the Malaysian archipelago. Fossil fruits have been found in New Zealand. It is also known that palm trees have been growing in India for 4000 years. Therefore, many scientists believe that this species palm trees originated on the coasts of the Indian Ocean.

So, perhaps the birthplace of coconut is Southeast Asia, Polynesia, India, the islands Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, South Florida, Caribbean and Southern California.

In fact, the tree is the most common and necessary in the tropics, and is practically the "tree of life". And this is true, because all parts of it are used in people's lives.

The coconut palm is one of the most ancient trees on the entire globe, growing even in the era of dinosaurs.

Places of growth

In which country? This exotic fruit today exists both in the wild and in culture in the Philippines, Africa, Sri Lanka, South America, India, Brazil, Thailand and the Antilles. All these countries have a rather hot tropical climate.

They are cultivated mainly in developing countries. The annual production of coconuts is astounding. Approximately 17 billion nuts are harvested annually where coconuts grow. The country of the Philippines is the world's leading producer. In addition to her - Indonesia, Malaysia and India.

This fruit is the most famous of the huge Palm family (about 1500). There are more than 360 ways to use it, and half of them are related to the use in cooking.

This plant is exclusively equatorial. Wide distribution is associated with the attitude of a person to this plant (the use of nuts, artificial planting).

growing conditions

Where does coconut grow? Photos with views of the sea coasts often have this beautiful exotic tree as the main element. This plant in nature can be found along the coasts of the ocean and seas, and on the plains, but mainly with sandy soil.

This growth is due to the fact that the only possible natural way to move coconuts is on the surface of the water. Moving to distant shores, coconuts, which have excellent waterproof properties, began to successfully conquer new territories. Palm trees that grow far from the coast are the result of human activity.

Coconut palm in natural conditions

Where the coconut grows, as it is commonly associated, there are clean beaches. This is where you can have a good rest, swimming in the warm gentle sea.

What is a coconut tree? A single trunk in the form of a pillar in a mature state can reach a height of 30 meters. It bizarrely bends under the influence of the weight of numerous fruits and various natural phenomena. The crown of the palm tree is crowned with large leaves up to 6 meters long.

At about 5 years of age, flowering begins, after which fruits soon appear in the form of drupe nuts. It takes 6 months for them to reach their mature size, but they become completely ripe only after a year. Typically, palm trees produce about 25 fruits per year, and ideally, the number of nuts can reach up to 70 pieces.

The palm tree has a total lifespan of about 90 years, so most often it represents a source of food and an object of property for many generations of aborigines.

Coconut cultivated

Where do coconuts grow in culture? in many hot countries. A practically artificially grown palm tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 7-9, and this continues for about 50 years. Fruits are arranged in groups of up to 20 pieces together. They fully mature within 9-10 months. The yield of one tree per year is 60-120 fruits.

The unique tree is the only representative of the Coconut genus, one of the most useful palms in the world.

Description of coconut

Where the coconut grows, the fruit looks a little different than what people see it on the shelves of the trading floors. Under natural conditions, the nut is much larger.

The outer fibrous shell (exocarp) of the nut protects it when it falls. The inner shell (endocarp) is a shell with 3 pores that look like eyes. They lead to three ovules, one of which develops into a seed, consisting of a white surface fleshy layer (12 mm thick) and endosperm (transparent and liquid - coconut water). The oil that appears in it, secreted by copra, slowly turns into a milky emulsion, and then, thickening, hardens.


Wood is widely used for construction and fruits are used for food. However, it should be noted that for many people this palm tree may turn out to be a tree of death, since a hit by a coconut that has fallen on the head can even lead to death. According to existing statistics, about 150 people die every year from the fall of these fruits. On average, the weight of a coconut is about 1 kilogram (3 kilograms are also found), and it beats on the ground with a force of 1 ton. To a greater extent, residents of those countries where coconut grows have excellent natural material.


Coconut is propagated by nuts. To grow it at home, the fruit should be half placed in the prepared soil in a pot. Usually a young plant is a bunch of flexible broad leaves. Then, more mature palms develop a trunk. However, the chances of getting fruits at home can be said to be zero (even in greenhouses).

Be sure to remember the following: in order to grow a coconut at home, you must use a mature fruit. This is an important condition.

It should be placed in soil containing a lot of sand, so that the eyes located at its base end up on the side (almost horizontal position).

To speed up the germination process, you need to constantly keep the substrate moist. You can spray a planted nut with a solution with a small amount of sea salt. You can also place the pot of nuts in a plastic bag, as this will help maintain the appropriate atmosphere (high humidity and temperature).

Coconut is a photophilous plant that needs at least 12 light hours for normal growth. Starting from May and throughout the summer, abundant watering is necessary 2 times a week, and usually one moderate watering is sufficient for this period. You can fertilize with special means for palm and mullein infusion.

For germination of sprouts, the optimum temperature is 24 ° C, and for an adult plant - about 22 ° C.

The following varieties of coconut palms are commonly used for growing at home: Weddel coconut and miniature.

Represents inner part endosperm, and its outer part is copra. The second is the source of coconut oil, which is a rather valuable product due to the content of various fatty acids. It is mainly used for health and cosmetic purposes.

It is the oily dried secondary endosperm of nuts. Copra consists of white or yellowish pieces covered with skin. Their thickness is 6-12 mm. One nut yields up to 500 grams of copra, which is an edible product containing 9% protein, 6% water, 16% carbohydrates and 67% fat.

Where coconut grows, harvesting copra at one time was almost the main occupation of the inhabitants of the islands in the tropics. Atolls (where there were few palms) were specially planted with coconut palms. Copra is a valuable commercial product that has long been traded on the South Seas. And today they are preparing it.

Filipinos are considered the biggest copra miners. It is harvested by both large companies and farmers.

It is worth noting that if the copra is not properly dried, mold fungi can form on it, producing a deadly poison (Aflatoxin). This most powerful carcinogen can cause liver disease. Copra should not be eaten, but it is sold. Oil is obtained from it, and it, obtained industrially, is harmless.

Coconut tree in Archeage

Where does coconut grow? Archeage (a Korean fantasy multiplayer online game) uses a coconut as one of its game elements. The action in the game takes place in the universe (fantasy world) ArcheAge. From coconuts here, as well as from any other fruits, you can make juice. Their most important purpose in ArcheAge is the production of the lacquer compound needed to create leather armor. Moreover, this varnish can either be sold or used to create your own equipment.

Where does coconut grow in this fictional country?

  1. In swampy lowlands.
  2. In the land of talking stones.
  3. On the peninsula of dawn.

In ArcheAge, the coconut tree is one of those trees whose seedlings cannot be bought from the consortium merchants. And the fruits in the game are necessary for the production of some useful potions and the best armor.

In conclusion about the amazing properties of the product

In the period 1941-1945 (Pacific War), the conflicting parties used coconut water as an "alternative" to plasma in the treatment of the wounded. This is a fairly universal remedy, identical to human blood plasma.

In addition, coconut water is more nutritious than whole milk. It has no cholesterol and less fat. The inhabitants of the tropics have a surprisingly useful natural plant in all respects.

Palm trees and at the present time, many people are fed, watered and clothed. And the most useful of them is the coconut palm. Today it is on the first positions in the list of the most important. The coconut palm grows in the hot tropics and is their symbol. Its homeland is the Malaysian archipelago.

This palm tree is found on various islands, shores of the seas and oceans. It is distinguished by a high trunk (about 30 meters), which, as a rule, is inclined towards the sea. Groves of coconut palms occupy almost all the islands located in

These plants are not afraid of salt water. On the contrary, for normal growth, this palm requires almost 1.5 kg of salt per year. The coconut palm begins to bloom at the age of 7 to 12 years. The appearance of its inflorescences resembles a panicle, and their height sometimes reaches two meters. The fruits of this palm - coconuts - ripen for quite a long time, throughout the whole year.

From above, such a nut is covered with a hard peel, and from the inside it is lined with a layer of fibers. An unripe nut contains about 0.5 liters of sweet and sour, transparent liquid, which is rich in vitamins and sugar. This is an excellent drink in hot weather. As the fruit ripens, this liquid turns from clear to white, hence the name "coconut milk". Then it gradually becomes pulp. This process is called coconut endosperm change.

The seed is contained in a stone with three holes, which is very hard. Only one of these holes is intended for the germination of the embryo, the rest are simply overgrown. The weight of a mature nut is from one to two kilograms. After maturation, they fall into the water and are carried downstream. Having sailed in the sea for more than 100 days, they can even germinate in water.

Around the world, the coconut palm has settled without human help. It is quite deserved and justified in the tropics, it is called the "tree of life". So, oil is squeezed out of the pre-dried endosperm (copra), and the cake is given to livestock feed. Strong and elastic fiber is used for weaving ropes, making brushes and mats.

Excellent jewelry, buttons and dishes are obtained from hard bones. Sweet juice is extracted from the inflorescences, which is subsequently processed into sugar, alcohol, and wine. wood serves durable material for the construction of housing, the roofs of which are covered with the leaves of the same palm tree. For these houses, the coconut tree provides fuel and furniture.

Palm trees today are also considered the best representatives of ornamental plants grown at home. They are very popular in home interior design. These guests from the tropical zone bring a piece of exotic countries into the house.

But it is precisely this belonging to the exotic tropics that must be taken into account when decorating a particular room. So, home palms love high humidity and a lot of sun. Therefore, they should be located exclusively in spacious rooms with large windows in which there is a lot of sunlight.

Subject to this rule, the foliage of these plants will be able to please their good growth and decorative. But it is very important to remember that these palm trees absolutely cannot stand drafts. Yes, and on cold windowsills or on they will not take root: their roots are very sensitive to cold, so they must always be warm.

It is worth noting that not all decorative palm trees like direct sunlight. For many, diffused light falling through translucent curtains is enough. Watering should be, as a rule, plentiful, and in winter - moderate. In any case, the ground should not be too wet, but only damp. And in order for palm trees to respond with rich, bright foliage, do not forget about frequent and regular spraying.

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The fruits grow in groups of 15-20 pieces, fully ripening within eight to ten months. In culture, the tree begins to bear fruit from seven to nine years and continues for about 50 years. One tree produces 60 to 200 nuts annually. "Nuts" are harvested fully ripe (for copra and other products) or a month before ripening (for coir). Coir is used in the furniture industry (the fibers are connected by latex - hence the persistent smell of "rubber") in products such as mattresses.

coco substrate

Coconut substrate is a product of industrial processing of crushed coconut peel and fiber. Used in gardening.


Top 20 Coconut Producing Countries - 2007
The country thousand tons of coconut fruit
Indonesia 19 625
Philippines 14 852
India 11 769
Papua New Guinea 6770
Malaysia 5800
Myanmar 3700
Tanzania 3700
Ghana 3160
Jamaica 3110
Vanuatu 3077
China 2843
Brazil 2831
Solomon islands 2760
Mozambique 2650
Nigeria 2250
Sri Lanka 2180
Venezuela 1936
Thailand 1721
Mexico 1157
Vietnam 1046
a source:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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  • Zhukovsky P. M. Cultivated plants and their relatives. - 3rd ed. - L.: Kolos, 1971. - 752 p.
  • Sinyagin I.I. Tropical farming. - M .: Kolos, 1968. - 447 p.
  • Menon K. P. V. and Pandalai K. M. The Coconut Palm, a monograph. - Ernakulam (S. India), 1958.


  • Coconut palm / Morshchikhina S. S. // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978. (Retrieved July 14, 2009)
  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Natasha, Sonya, m me Schoss and two girls sat in Nikolai's sleigh. In the old count's sleigh sat Dimmler with his wife and Petya; dressed up courtyards sat in the rest.
- Go ahead, Zakhar! - Nikolai shouted to his father's coachman in order to have an opportunity to overtake him on the road.
The trio of the old count, in which Dimmler and other mummers sat, screeching with skids, as if freezing to the snow, and rattling with a thick bell, moved forward. The trailers clung to the shafts and bogged down, turning the strong and shiny snow like sugar.
Nikolai set off for the first three; the others rustled and squealed from behind. At first they rode at a small trot along a narrow road. While we were driving past the garden, the shadows from the bare trees often lay across the road and hid the bright light of the moon, but as soon as we drove beyond the fence, a diamond-shiny, with a bluish sheen, a snowy plain, all doused with moonlight and motionless, opened up on all sides. Once, once, pushed a bump in the front sleigh; the next sleigh and the following jogged in the same way, and, boldly breaking the chained silence, the sleigh began to stretch out one after the other.
- A hare's footprint, a lot of footprints! - Natasha's voice sounded in the frosty constrained air.
– As you can see, Nicolas! Sonya's voice said. - Nikolai looked back at Sonya and bent down to get a closer look at her face. Some kind of completely new, sweet face, with black eyebrows and mustaches, in the moonlight, close and far, peeped out of the sables.
"It used to be Sonya," Nikolai thought. He looked closer at her and smiled.
What are you, Nicholas?
“Nothing,” he said, and turned back to the horses.
Having ridden out onto the main road, greased with runners and all riddled with traces of thorns, visible in the light of the moon, the horses themselves began to tighten the reins and add speed. The left harness, bending its head, twitched its traces with jumps. Root swayed, moving his ears, as if asking: “Is it too early to start?” - Ahead, already far separated and ringing a receding thick bell, Zakhar's black troika was clearly visible on the white snow. Shouting and laughter and the voices of the dressed up were heard from his sleigh.
“Well, you, dear ones,” shouted Nikolai, tugging on the reins on one side and withdrawing his hand with a whip. And only by the wind, which seemed to intensify against them, and by the twitching of the tie-downs, which were tightening and increasing their speed, it was noticeable how fast the troika flew. Nicholas looked back. With a shout and a squeal, waving their whips and forcing the natives to gallop, other troikas kept up. Root steadfastly swayed under the arc, not thinking of knocking down and promising to give more and more when needed.
Nikolai caught up with the top three. They drove off some mountain, drove onto a widely rutted road through a meadow near a river.
"Where are we going?" thought Nicholas. - “It should be on a slanting meadow. But no, it's something new that I've never seen before. This is not a slanting meadow and not Demkina Gora, but God knows what it is! This is something new and magical. Well, whatever it is!” And he, shouting at the horses, began to go around the first three.
Zakhar restrained his horses and turned his already frosted face up to the eyebrows.
Nicholas let his horses go; Zakhar, stretching his hands forward, smacked his lips and let his people go.
“Well, hold on, sir,” he said. - The troikas flew even faster nearby, and the legs of the galloping horses quickly changed. Nicholas began to take forward. Zakhar, without changing the position of his outstretched arms, raised one hand with the reins.
“You’re lying, master,” he shouted to Nikolai. Nikolai put all the horses into a gallop and overtook Zakhar. The horses covered the faces of the riders with fine, dry snow, next to them there was a sound of frequent enumerations and the fast-moving legs were confused, and the shadows of the overtaken troika. The whistle of skids in the snow and women's screams were heard from different directions.
Stopping the horses again, Nikolai looked around him. All around was the same magical plain soaked through with moonlight with stars scattered over it.
“Zakhar shouts for me to take the left; why to the left? Nikolay thought. Are we going to the Melyukovs, is this Melyukovka? We God knows where we are going, and God knows what is happening to us – and what is happening to us is very strange and good.” He looked back at the sleigh.
“Look, he has both a mustache and eyelashes, everything is white,” said one of the sitting strange, pretty and strange people with thin mustaches and eyebrows.
“This one, it seems, was Natasha,” Nikolai thought, and this one is m me Schoss; or maybe not, but this is a Circassian with a mustache, I don’t know who, but I love her.
- Aren't you cold? - he asked. They didn't answer and laughed. Dimmler was shouting something from the rear sleigh, probably funny, but it was impossible to hear what he was shouting.
“Yes, yes,” answered the voices, laughing.
- However, here is some kind of magical forest with iridescent black shadows and sparkles of diamonds and with some kind of enfilade of marble steps, and some kind of silver roofs of magical buildings, and the piercing squeal of some kind of animals. “And if this is indeed Melyukovka, then it is even stranger that we drove God knows where, and arrived at Melyukovka,” thought Nikolai.
Indeed, it was Melyukovka, and girls and lackeys with candles and joyful faces ran out to the entrance.
- Who it? - they asked from the entrance.
“The counts are dressed up, I can see by the horses,” the voices answered.

Pelageya Danilovna Melyukova, a broad, energetic woman, in glasses and a swinging bonnet, was sitting in the living room, surrounded by her daughters, whom she tried not to let get bored. They quietly poured wax and looked at the shadows of the coming out figures, when steps and voices of visitors rustled in the front.
Hussars, ladies, witches, payas, bears, clearing their throats and wiping their frost-covered faces in the hall, entered the hall, where candles were hurriedly lit. Clown - Dimmler with the mistress - Nikolai opened the dance. Surrounded by screaming children, mummers, covering their faces and changing their voices, bowed to the hostess and moved around the room.

A coconut tree growing in a large tub looks very exotic. Complements any interior, representing a bright accent. But in order to grow it at home, you need to know the features of caring for this plant. Consider how to plant a coconut palm in a flowerpot, the nuances of its reproduction. In the article you will find detailed descriptions stages of cultivation and photography of the plant.

Forms, varieties and varieties

The coconut palm is the only member of the Coconut genus. In the natural environment (tropics and subtropics), many varieties of this plant grow. For example, subspecies of nut-bearing coconut:

  • viridis, which has green fruits;
  • tall - typica;
  • dwarf forms - nana.

Coconut tree in natural conditions

Ornamental undersized palm trees have also been bred, giving inedible yellow fruits. Varietal forms have nuts of various shades, the most common are:

  1. Brown.
  2. Greens.
  3. Orange.
  4. Yellow etc.

Types of coconuts

The variety of appearance of coconuts can be found in the photo. Fruits differ not only in color, but also in shape, they can be oval, teardrop-shaped, round, pear-shaped, elongated, etc. The size of the nut and the kernel inside it also directly depends on the variety.

Important. In nature, the coconut palm reaches 30 m in height. But at home, it will grow no more than 6 m. For growing in a tub, you must try to find a specially bred undersized form that can please the eye for many years. Whereas the tall variety will live at home for no more than 7 years.

Coconut palm propagation, germination and planting

Reproduction occurs by seeds, i.e. the fruit of the coconut palm itself sprouts. For planting, only a nut covered with a shell is suitable. Stores sell already peeled coconuts. The top layers, exocarp and coir, are always removed before the product hits the counter. This valuable raw material is used in industry.

Planting a coconut

To get a coconut palm sprout, you must have a ripe fruit that has not been processed. The photo clearly shows what a viable nut looks like. Coconuts with a large supply of juice inside germinate best. If you shake it, you can hear a gurgle. Before planting, the fruit must be soaked in water for at least 2-3 days. This creates conditions that are as close as possible to the natural environment when it swims in the ocean.

Important. Coconuts are able to travel across the ocean for more than a year. At the same time, their ability to germinate is not lost. And as soon as the wave beats the fruit on the sandy shore, a sprout will appear.

Coconut can only hatch at a temperature of about 30 ° C. Humidity should also be high. This is a very long process, it may take up to six months. Suitable conditions for germination can be created in a greenhouse or greenhouse. After the appearance of the sprout, the fruit is placed in a tub with soil. Only the lower part is covered with a substrate, and the top of the nut should be above ground level. Mimicking natural conditions. In their natural environment, coconut palms grow well on sand, but are able to develop on other soils.

coconut tree sprout

For growing at home, the substrate must be soft and loose. It is good to use a universal flower primer, diluted 1:1 with coarse sand. You can add peat and humus. The optimal diameter of the planting container is approximately twice the size of the fruit itself. Be sure to install a drainage layer and holes for excess moisture to escape.

Coconut germination requires patience and creation special conditions. If there is no desire to do this, then you can always purchase a young plant of an ornamental variety in the garden center.

Features of care

Keep this tropical plant in a well-lit place. But it is advisable to protect it from exposure to direct sunlight, because with their constant exposure, the leaves curl and dry out. A spacious bright hall or a balcony, slightly shaded, if it faces south, will do. In rooms where there is not enough light, you will have to additionally artificially illuminate the young palm tree. The temperature should not fall below 15 ° C, colder conditions threaten the palm with death.

A constant level of humidity is very important for the plant.

The plant needs moist air, ideally 75%. The heating system dries it out a lot. Therefore, in winter time provide additional humidification of the air in the room. When spraying, you need to try so that the water does not fall on the nut, but only irrigate the leaves.

Constant watering is vital for the coconut palm. After all, at home, it grows on the coasts of the seas and oceans. Complete drying of the earthen coma should not be allowed. A young plant, especially if it is in a clay pot, is watered every day. The first 3-4 years require annual transplants. When placing a palm tree in a new, more spacious container, you need to save an earthen lump. At the age of 5 years or more, instead of transplanting, high-quality humus is added dropwise on the soil surface.

Important. An integral part of the care of a coconut tree growing in a tub is pruning. Remove broken, dried leaves. But those that have changed their color, darkened or somewhat yellowed leaf plates are left. Because the plant draws the necessary nutrient compounds from them.

Fertilizers, dressings, typical diseases and pests

The coconut tree grows very slowly, consuming a lot of nutrients. And although with biological point the view of the plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil; due to the lack of space at home, it must be fertilized. For this, it is recommended to use organic substances. For getting best result, it is better to feed every month.

It is advisable to start fertilizing in the spring. Continue to do this regularly throughout the summer. And in the fall, gradually reduce top dressing so that they are stopped in winter. During this period, it is better to leave an adult plant alone, reducing not only nutrition, but also irrigation.

For the development of a palm tree in an apartment, the plant needs regular top dressing.

Insufficiently careful and thoughtful care of the plant provokes the occurrence of diseases. Excessive watering contributes to the development of fungal infections, under the influence of which the root system can rot. In pot culture, the coconut palm is affected by a number of pests, the most common of which are:

  1. Shchitovki;
  2. Spider mites;
  3. Mealybugs;
  4. thrips;
  5. False shields.

To combat these insects, insecticides are used, the use of which is allowed indoors.

Growing and caring for a coconut palm at home is quite laborious and time consuming. But having received a healthy beautiful specimen, you can rightly be proud of it. Such an exotic plant is extremely attractive, decorative and unusual. It is sure to wow guests and delight hosts.

How to grow a palm tree in your home: video

Cultivation of coconut palm: photo

Botanical name: Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the genus Coconut, family Palm. It is the only representative of its kind.

Homeland of the coconut palm: Malaysia.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: sandy, drained.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 30 m

Average life expectancy: 100 years.

Landing: seeds.

Description of the coconut palm plant and its photo

The coconut palm is one of the most widespread plants on the planet. In the tropics it reaches up to 30 m in height. At home, it grows up to 6 m. The trunk is straight, smooth, about 50 cm in diameter at the base, slightly inclined, covered with annular scars left over from fallen leaf sheaths. The crown is formed on the upper part of the trunk, consists of 15 - 30 pinnately dissected dense leaves 4-6 m long. There are no side branches. Inflorescences are complex panicles 1-2 m long. They develop in the leaf axils at 5-7 years of vegetation. Each inflorescence is surrounded by a woody sheath that opens during flowering. Flowers yellowish, variegated.

The fruits are large, oval or spherical drupes (coconuts), 15-30 cm long, weighing up to 2.5 kg. The shell of the fetus consists of a thin, dense outer shell, permeated with fibers and an inner hard shell with three pores leading to 3 ovules, of which one develops and the other two are reduced.

The seed consists of a fleshy surface layer about 1.5 mm thick, inside it contains a white liquid - coconut water, which is an immature endosperm. The endosperm is at first liquid, transparent, but with the appearance of oil drops in it, it turns into an emulsion - coconut milk, after which it thickens and hardens.

The fruits grow in groups of 15-20 pieces. The fruits ripen throughout the year and different time, this is due to the fact that individual inflorescences do not open simultaneously. The most abundant crops are obtained from May to July. The second harvest is taken from November to January. The rest of the time, small gatherings of fruits are held.

The fruiting of a tree in culture occurs at the age of 8-10 years. It bears fruit and gives good yields up to 50 years. In a year, 50-150 nuts are obtained from one coconut palm.

The nuts are harvested fully ripe or a month before ripening.

Another photo of a coconut palm is presented below:

Where does the coconut tree grow?

Malaysia is considered to be the birthplace of the coconut palm plant. Today it grows wild and is cultivated in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Africa, South America, Brazil, India and the Antilles. The countries where the coconut palm grows have a hot tropical climate.

The wide distribution of this crop is facilitated by the structure of the fruit, which, due to the lightness and water resistance of the shell, can float on the waves, overcoming long distances, while maintaining its viability.

This plant is often found along the sea coasts and on the plains, settles mainly on sandy soils.

The use of fruits and seeds of the coconut palm

In the tropics, the coconut palm is called the "tree of life", because the inhabitants of the countries where this crop is grown use all its parts.

The coconut is of great value. The largest specimens are used in the production of palm oil, and are also used fresh for food. Soft drinks are made from dwarf fruits. Fruits of medium size are used in dried form. Coconuts are also used in cooking in the preparation of various dishes.

The pulp of the fruit is very high in calories, so it helps to quickly satisfy hunger. 100 g of fresh pulp contains 352 kcal. It has been proven that even the smell of coconut can satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Coconut oil is obtained by pressing. It has White color, pleasant taste and aroma. The oil hardens at a temperature of 23-25°C. It becomes a little softer in texture. butter. Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetology, medicine, food industry, and soap production. Soap containing this component in its composition lathers even in salt water. Cosmetics with coconut oil have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, tone, nourish, heal damage, moisturize.

The hard shell of the nut is used by the local population as tableware. Buttons are made from it in factories. A carpet is made from the fibrous part of the fruit. The wood is used to make furniture, boats, beams, fences and more.

coconut tree leaves

Coconut palm leaves are used as weaving material. Ropes, hats, baskets, brushes, brooms are made of them, in addition, in tropical countries, coconut palm leaves are used as roofing material.

This plant is used in the production of sugar, syrups, wine drinks. To do this, young inflorescences are cut before they bloom, after which juice flows out of them drop by drop. The extracted juice is evaporated and crystallized sugar is obtained.

The unripe green fruits of the coconut palm are the easiest to open. They contain a large amount of liquid, but little white pulp. It is cut at the place where the nut is attached to the tree or split on a stone.

Splitting a mature coconut is more difficult because its shell is very dense and hard.

To do this, the nut is placed in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and kept for 5-7 minutes. Under influence high temperature the shell will start to crack. Cracking a cracked coconut can be done with a knife or hammer.

You can open a coconut in another way. Find 3 round holes on the top of the nut, then insert a corkscrew into the softest of them. After that, screw the corkscrew 3-4 cm deep into the coconut and remove it. Turn the coconut upside down and place in a container where the juice will flow. When the juice has completely drained out, tap the nut in short strokes with a kitchen hammer. When the coconut breaks, you will need to remove the shell from the pulp. Sometimes she leaves immediately, in some cases she sits close. If the shell does not come off, insert a spoon between it and the pulp and press well, separating the shell.

When choosing a palm nut in a store, you should pay attention to its shell. It should be even, smooth, dry, free of cracks, mold and drips. It is recommended to shake the fetus. In a good coconut, a sonorous splash of the liquid contained inside is heard. In a poor-quality fruit, the splash of liquid will be deaf. An untidy person will tell about the inadequate quality of the product appearance and the presence of three soft depressions.

Smell coconut milk should be pleasant, and the taste is sweetish. A repulsive odor and a sour taste are signs of a spoiled nut.

Store palm nuts in the refrigerator. The shelf life of opened coconut is 1-2 days.

Coconut water is a dense, translucent sweetish liquid. It is very nutritious, able to satisfy hunger and thirst, restores water balance organism. It contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the human body.

It is used as a natural soft drink that is consumed directly from the coconut. It is safe and hypoallergenic, so it can be consumed in large quantities. It is a rich source of vitamins during pregnancy and lactation.

When exposed to air, coconut water loses a large amount of valuable substances, so it should be drunk immediately after opening.

How does the coconut tree reproduce?

Gardeners who want to grow this exotic plant at home need to know how the coconut palm reproduces. This individual is propagated using seeds (nuts). For planting, mature, intact coconuts of such species as walnut or Weddel coconut are suitable. Coconut palm seeds (nuts) are 1/3 immersed in a container with soil mixture so that its holes are on the side. It is from these holes that the sprout will come out. Shoots will appear in 4-5 months. First, the leaves will develop from the nut. As the tree matures, the lower leaves die off, and new ones appear on top of the main stem, so, after a while, a trunk will form.

The soil mixture is prepared in advance. It should consist of a clay substrate (2 parts), peat (1 part), sand (1 part), vermiculite (2 tablespoons). Drainage is made at the bottom of the pot to prevent stagnation of water.

How to grow an indoor coconut palm tree at home?

The coconut palm tree can be grown at home as an ornamental crop. It is recommended to grow this plant in greenhouses or spacious winter gardens, due to the fact that the room is small for it.

How to grow a coconut palm at home and get a well-developed, strong, attractive plant? Since coconut is a heat and light-loving crop, the pot with the plant is placed in a place lit by the sun. In winter, artificial lighting is provided. The optimum air temperature for its growth is 18-23°C. It should be noted that the palm tree is thermophilic, but does not tolerate strong heat well. It is also necessary to monitor the level of humidity in the room. It should be 80-90%, so in the heat and in winter, when the heaters are turned on, it is important to take care of creating optimal humidity in the room. To do this, carry out daily spraying of the tree or put it on a pallet with wet pebbles. From May to September, watering is carried out 2 times a week. The rest of the time it is enough to water once a week. In winter, it is enough to moisten the earthen ball and make sure that the soil does not dry out.

How to care for coconut palm at home?

How to care for a coconut tree? Knowing the answer to this question when growing this whimsical tropical crop is very important, because from proper care depends on the development of the plant.

When caring for a coconut palm in spring and summer, top dressing is applied with universal fertilizer or complex fertilizer for palm trees. The fertilizer is dissolved in water, which is then watered over the plant.

Coconut palm at home needs periodic transplantation. The best time for this is spring. Young individuals are transplanted annually, adults every 2-3 years. It is necessary to transplant a grown tree when the roots no longer fit in a pot. The new container should be slightly larger and taller than the previous one, as the tree's root system develops fairly quickly.

Transplantation is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the roots. Rotten and damaged roots are cut off, the place of the cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal. The ground should be slightly damp, but not waterlogged. Watering before the transplant itself can not be carried out. When transplanting make 10 g