Jeanne Epple in nude style. Zhanna Epple Nude. a. tsekalo. v. galygin. i.urgant. group "dissenting opinion". © d.panaret. Meanness does not forgive

A popular actress was abandoned by a cohabitant, and she lost all court cases to her ex-husband

Popular actress Zhanna EPPLE is going through hard times. Recently, a long legal battle has been put to an end: her ex-civil husband, Ilya FREZ, has ensured that their common son Potap was discharged from his father's apartment. In addition, surrounded by stars, they say that the actress finally broke up with her boyfriend Dmitry, with whom she was close in recent years.

Charming personal life Jeanne Epple has always been key. The first time she got married as a student of GITIS for a handsome choreographer and dancer Alexey Bakai. But the marriage did not work out. Both were young, ambitious and dreamed of fame. A divorce followed five years later. Soon Alexey emigrated to the USA.
The next big love happened to Jeanne with the operator Ilya Frez. The couple did not register in the registry office, and for a very interesting reason.

At the very beginning of the novel, both had a desire to quickly formalize the relationship, but when the lovers came to apply, it turned out that the building was closed for overhaul. No luck, they sighed and ... and lived unpainted for 17 years. Zhanna and Ilya had two wonderful sons - Potap and Fima.
Five years ago, a rumor spread around the Moscow theatrical get-together that the common-law husband allegedly broke the actress's collarbone! Zhanna refused to be questioned, but it was impossible to hide the bruises. The couple broke up. To be more precise, the former lover simply kicked her out with two children into the cold outside. Jeanne had to huddle with friends, since she did not have her own housing. Meanwhile, the eldest son Potap was still registered with his father. First, Ilya stopped giving money for raising children, and then he began a lawsuit to evict his son. After many meetings, the court sided with the father and discharged the young man from the apartment.

Give me cunnilingus

After the break with Frez, Zhanna completely went to work.
- Only for some reason the roles are all strange in Lately offer, - the actress is perplexed. - They recently called from one channel, they say, we want to offer you the role of a woman who orders a prostitute boy to her house. Everything would be fine, but when I got acquainted with my words for the role ... Here, for example, is just one pearl. In one of the scenes, I have to tell him, they say, do me ... cunnilingus! Sorry, I say, but I say this only for an additional fee. And very big!
In addition to cinema, Zhanna enjoys playing with her favorite partner. Stas Sadalsky in theatrical entreprises.

During this time she had, like any beautiful woman, and novels. The longest - with businessman Dmitry. But this love also came to naught, and Zhanna is currently absolutely free. Epple changed her image - she became a blonde and is again ready for a new serious relationship!
- More and more often now I remember shooting in the series “Balzac Age, or All Men Are Their Own ...”, where I played the romantic and feminine Yulia. And I understand more and more that it was my finest hour as a woman. Never again have I heard so many compliments addressed to me from men, never have I talked so much about sex, never have I had so many handsome boyfriends. I understand that all this was written in the script, but how you want to be desired and loved in real life!

EPPLE is proud of his sons - 20-year-old Potap and 11-year-old Fima

Zhanna, your film is rare without nudity. Are the body parts on the screen yours or are they stunt doubles?

In erotic scenes, I always shoot myself and do it easily. Directors have always exploited me mercilessly in this regard. So I'm used to it. I think it's better to be a woman who is filmed naked than one who will never be offered such plans. Since erotic photography is trusted, it means that I am still interesting.

Look really chic. Are there any secrets?

I don't eat enough, I don't smoke, I go to gym And most importantly, I try to sleep a lot. Sleep is some other, secret life. I love my dreams and cherish them.

You have been playing in entreprises for several years. Do you go to the hard work associated with traveling for the sake of earning money?

The entreprise is done with the expectation of pleasing the public. A viewer who enjoys striptease or "Laughing Panorama". Complex, risky things are not put there, because entrepreneurs need a guaranteed cash desk. But it is difficult to play in such performances, because they are molded according to the budget scheme. You have to work for two, or even for three. But it's really good money.

Why did you leave the Pokrovka Theater?

I was offered a job in the cinema for a year. After this, they do not return to the theater, not a single director will wait so long. Then I gave birth to a son, sat at home for a long time. I'm not waiting for invitations to the stationary theater anymore. Although I regularly play in the play "Khlestakov" at the Stanislavsky Theater.

Best of the day

afraid of the supernatural

You have been married to cameraman Ilya Frez for 17 years and have two sons. What caused the divorce?

You know, I don't seem to remember. Apparently, the “factory” ran out, some kind of battery ran out. And it became impossible to live together. We didn’t have to get divorced, because we never got to the registry office. Ilya all

For 17 years he called me "girlfriend", it was especially funny after the birth of his second child. Ilya also has a daughter, Dasha, she lived with us for quite a long time. A lovely young woman, a lawyer. We call her on holidays.

I heard Ilya got married recently?

Yes, his new (official) wife is rumored to be a psychic, and a good one at that. They are probably interested in each other.

Your former father-in-law is director Ilya Frez, who made the cult film “You never dreamed of”. With such influential relatives, you could have made a career earlier...

Yes, Ilya's father was a good director. At the same time, you know, he did not like children very much. He made only films for children. Life is so strange: I, for example, hate comedies, but I only act in comedies. My husband and then-mother-in-law were against me working. They preferred to see me in the kitchen. I quickly wash the dishes, deftly sculpt cutlets, do not cry when I cut onions. Such a person in a large family is irreplaceable, you know? I literally begged my mother-in-law on my knees to sit in the evening with my son when I had to go to work in the theater.

Communicate with ex-husband and his wife?

No. That's the way it is, you know. Each family has its own charter. In addition, I am afraid of everything supernatural, and Ilya's new wife, as I said, is a psychic.

What are your sons doing?

Potap will be 18, he is studying to be a designer, going to the second year of Stroganov. Schoolboy Fima is eight.

Do they see their dad often? After all, the presence of a man is important for boys ...

Millions of men grew up without fathers and somehow nothing, they live. My sons will too. Dad used to meet with them often, but apparently he got bored. Or something else. Now they communicate less often.

Meanness does not forgive

You have been meeting with book publisher Dmitry Bochenkov for several years. Are you not going to get married? Or is this relationship “for health”?

I'm tired of clichés, of formats in relationships. She lived both married and in a civil marriage, everything ended equally “successfully”. Now I'm trying this.

As long as I like it. Dmitry is a wonderful person, it is not boring with him, he knows a lot of different stories. He works in a small publishing house, publishes books about death and love. For health? Great interpretation. Now I will tell everyone that Dmitry is a man for health.

Well, OK. Then what does love mean to you?

Meaning of life. Not that I wither without love, like a gladiolus flower on the second of September, but to live without loving is insipid and boring. Therefore, I am always in one or another stage of falling in love. It invigorates, tones.

Do not strive for official marriage at all?

Now I don't care anymore. The advantage of being a grown woman is that I have seen a lot. How official marriages break up, which were married in the most famous temples of the country. And how people live happily all their lives unscheduled. The stamp in the passport, of course, has an effect, it makes common property.

I heard you have a housing problem...

Alas, it is. But Ilya is a noble person. An intellectual in the second generation. He allows me and the children to live in his apartment. Until Potap turns 18. So I have less than six months left to solve the housing problem.

Are you able to forgive physical infidelity?

It can be experienced when there is a reason for it. But betrayal spoils everything, it becomes disgusting. Sometimes this feeling goes away. But not forgotten. I faced it. My first husband is a ballet dancer. He once served at the Mariinsky Theater, danced beautifully. He was a favorite of aging ballerinas and enjoyed it. At first I didn't care, but then I just got bored. There are things that need to be forgiven. For example meanness.

Now it is fashionable to date men much younger than themselves. Your friend Vera Sotnikova told about a similar affair. Has this happened in your life?

Vera Mikhailovna knows a lot about life. I respect her for that. But I'm not interested in a man who is much younger. There is absolutely nothing to talk about, there are no generational communities. True, young people look better and their character is simpler, here Vera is absolutely right.

Mows under Seryoga

How do you feel about plastic surgery?

One very expensive clinic besieged me for half a year with an offer to do a free operation to correct the skin around the eyes - on the condition that I would publicly recommend their services. And so they did. Now I have new skin around my eyes. But, you know, it really, really hurts.

You recently celebrated your 45th birthday. What made your loved one happy?

Celebrated in a good Georgian restaurant. Stanislav Sadalsky came and made me laugh. A friend gave me a luxurious set of cosmetics. Didn't even know these existed. Stas presented a luxurious watch from Chanel, Dima presented a strange ring from some fashion designer. In general, without a special occasion, I do not accept gifts, it is too obliging. And I want to be independent. But my friend, about whom so much has been said today, gave me a New Year rare car. I am now recognized by him in Moscow.

You recently sang at a performance. Have you decided to take vocals seriously?

Me and singing?! It's like teaching a horse to ride a bike. The idea with a vocal number was the idea of ​​the producers, I resisted, but when the question arose rigidly, in the “either-or” format, I had to sing. In fact, I have a non-closure of the ligaments, so I don’t sing, but I rap, like some kind of Seryoga.

What new films with your participation will we see?

The film business existed on loans, now it’s not very good with this. Therefore, I don’t even think about films. All Russian artists cannot act with Fyodor Bondarchuk, no matter how large-scale projects he is involved in. Now I am busy in two TV projects. On the STS channel there is a show “Everything is grown-up”, a kind of clowning, I play almost all female characters there. There is another project, but until the name is approved, I can't talk about it. In this sense, I am incredibly superstitious.


* Zhanna EPPLE starred in the films and TV series "Mom", "White Clothes", "Turkish March", "Shield of Minevra", "Balzac Age, or All Men Are Their Own...", "Crazy", "Guardian Angel", “Bullet-fool-2”, “Bullet-fool-3”, “Reporters”, “Love classified as “secret”, etc.

I continue the presentation of my erotic literary and artistic super-project "The NUDE TRUTH ABOUT THE NAKED STARS" and today, in order to remind you of the project's video format, I will re-upload one of the first clips of the project (Clip 7), fully preserving the explanatory inscription that was on the post when the first publication on the post of October 21, 2008 - p.8)

“Everyone is probably familiar with the sensational project of Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya “TWELVE MONTHS”, where famous, public, I would even say, women pose naked in the images of the heroines of paintings by also famous and great artists of the past.
An exhibition of photographs by Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya was held quite recently (in late August - early September) in the burnt-out Manege. Not porn, but provocatively, - Ivan URGANT spoke about her like that.
But, if you look at the photos of naked stars, of which there are not one or two, but twelve in the Rozhdestvenskaya project, then, frankly, you can sympathize with them a lot.
Either the light, or the angle, or the poses of famous models only emphasize the imperfections of their figures.
According to Tatyana ARNO, a participant in the project, the host of the Raffle TV program, most of the models, like her, are very upset with how they turned out in the photographs.
And Yulia MENSHOVA refused to tell anything at all about her participation in the project.
- All talk about my pleasant experience from filming are not at all true, - said the star. Her voice was far from happy.
These are the flaws in the project of Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya and were the motivating motive, a POWERFUL creative impetus for me to create my own project, which I called "The NUDE TRUTH ABOUT THE NARADE STARS".
Well, my bright little stars, did you want to attract a new wave of attention to yourself? You wanted a scandal?! Get it!
Only now do not be offended - the poet-vulture flew out to hunt!
I continue to upload my artistic, erotic and poetic project in video clips, and in the future, a separate clip will be dedicated to each naked star.
The first clip was dedicated to the image of Masha MALINOVSKAYA, the second - to the image of Lena LENSKA, the third - to the image of Tatyana LAZAREVA, the fourth - to the image of Elena SPAROBEY, the fifth - to the image of Tatiana ARNO, the sixth - to the image of Yulia MENSHOVA.
There are, however, those who were pleased with the results of the shooting. For example, Zhanna EPPLE, a colleague of Yulia MENSHOVA working in the TV series "BALZACOV'S AGE", has no claims against RODZhESTVENSKAYA.
- This is the fourth or fifth project of Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya, in which I participate, - Zhanna said. – Even my youngest son starred in EROTIC POSTCARDS. The atmosphere during filming was great. Everything turned out to be very beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, as in any work by Katya.
Jeanne said that when the famous models posed, they could see their image on the monitor screen.
- The participants of the project should not have any complaints about the CHRISTMAS, - the actress is sure, - because they themselves agreed to shoot, which means they were ready to show all the charms and flaws of their figures to the whole country.
Jeanne EPPLE herself, posing for the RODZhESTVENSKAYA, reclines, freely lounging on oriental bedspreads, barely covered with transparent fabric, in the entourage of the painting "NUDE" by the artist Delfan ANGHOLRA and, accordingly, in the image of a naked woman. What she liked about this photo portrait is not clear to me personally.
Therefore, I, a bastard poet, tried to slightly overshadow the joy of an actress named Jeanne from filming in the CHRISTMAS project with my tinny satirical poetic commentary.
So, clip 7: "Zhanna EPPLE".


© Dmitry PANARET

To see all the clips, click on the "Feed" and scroll down:
The first clip was dedicated to the image of Masha MALINOVSKAYA (post dated September 16, 2008, p. 8),
the second - to the image of Lena LENSKA (post dated September 16, 2008, p. 8),
the third - the image of Tatyana LAZAREVA (post dated September 18, 2008, p. 8),
the fourth - the image of Elena SPARROW (post dated September 18, 2008, p. 8),
fifth - the image of Tatiana ARNO (post dated September 23, 2008, p. 8),
sixth - the image of Yulia MENSHOVA (post dated September 23, 2008, p. 8),
seventh - to the image of Zhanna EPPLE (post of October 21, 2008, p. 8), eighth - to the image of Oleg GAZMANOV (post of March 9, p. 11),
ninth - to the image of Volodymyr TURCHINSKY (post dated March 10, p. 11),
tenth - to the image of the Lyceum group (post dated March 10, p. 11), eleventh - to the image of Natalia KOROLEVA (post dated March 11, p. 11),
the twelfth - to the image of Irina ALFEROVA (post of March 13, p. 11), the thirteenth - to the image of Irina ALLEGROVA (post of March 14, p. 11), the fourteenth - to the image of Lada DENS (post of March 14, p. 11), the fifteenth - the image of Yulia NACHALOVA (post of March 18, p. 11), the sixteenth - to the image of Oksana PUSHKINA (post of March 23, p. 11), the seventeenth - to the image of Anastasia STOTSKAYA (post of March 24, p. 11), the eighteenth - to the image of Alena SVIRIDOVA (post dated March 25, p. 11),
the nineteenth - to the image of Yana CHURIKOVA (post of March 26, p. 11), the twentieth - to the image of Anna KOVALCHUK (post of March 27, p. 12),
twenty-first - to the image of Ruslana PISANKA (post dated March 28, p. 12)
twenty-second - to the image of Alla DOVLATOVA (post dated April 17, 2009, p. 12)

- Now I play more refined, "expensive" women. I am offered the role of a businesswoman, the wives of oligarchs. Red is the color of lovebirds. I have been asked more than once about the new hair color this year. Well ... I can advise all women, regardless of age: do not be afraid to change! Suddenly, for you, a different hair color or style of clothing is new opportunities and undiscovered facets? And you don't have to be an actress to do it!

- Now I am being offered the roles of sophisticated, "expensive" women - businesswomen, wives of oligarchs. Photo: Arsen Memetov

But since my profession is public, changes in my appearance and style are also related to work. Last year, I received an offer from the Domashny TV channel to become the host of the No Forbidden Topics program. I dared to agree to the request

producers to play with the appearance and turn into a blonde. Still, the program is medical, and with the white coat of my co-host, this image was combined as well as possible. As colleagues joked, I became so “all white and clean”, as if I myself were a doctor. "And what? There is something in this, ”I thought and was very inspired by the new image. Now I am one hundred percent blonde, only smart. (Laughs.)

And as a smart blonde, and even an actress, I have to keep the mark. Public people unwittingly become, if not a standard, then an example of how it should be, or rather, how you can look at any age, regardless of profession. The main secret The beauty of any woman is to live in harmony with herself, love herself and at the same time treat herself and others with humor. Everything together is converted into confidence and self-sufficiency.

- I can advise all women, regardless of age: do not be afraid to change! Photo: Arsen Memetov

For example, I used to love red, gold, turquoise, green colors in clothes. I thought others just didn't suit me. But now I am self-sufficient as a blonde, and fuchsia, lilac, lilac, pink have appeared in my wardrobe. I'm not afraid to look frivolous in pink. After all, if everything is combined correctly and not overdone, then in pink you can be aristocratic, not vulgar.

“I'm not afraid to look frivolous in pink. If you combine colors correctly, you can be aristocratic in pink. Photo: Arsen Memetov

But what I do not change, despite the new image, is black. I am convinced that it suits absolutely everyone. I can only argue about the little black dress - everyone has a different figure, and each girl and woman has her own characteristics. How about a black dress or

a trouser suit and pumps are a win-win option: as they say, both to a feast, and to the world, and to good people. I could go to the audition, and to the theater, and on a date.

Well, if I find it difficult to choose things, I turn to my designer friends. Last year, at a children's fashion show, I met fashion designer Anastasia Barsukova. Nastya came up to me, said that she really liked me, and gave me a jacket made of astrakhan and mink. Imagine, quite unexpectedly to receive such a luxurious thing! But this is not the main thing: I trusted Nastya's taste and relaxed. She, like no one else, feels my mood, my image. I traded mini-skirts for elegant trouser suits, which I have always loved on a subconscious or conscious level. For me, the sexiest image is Marlene Dietrich in a men's jacket and trousers. By the way, with trouser suits I wanted to wear ... fur. Elegance is a must.

- The main secret of beauty is to live in harmony with yourself and at the same time treat yourself and others with humor. Photo: Arsen Memetov

True, my heroine Larisa from the new STS series "", despite the status of the wife of an oligarch, cannot boast of elegance. It seems that sometimes she puts on all the best at once: sequins, catchy outfits, heels, bright fur coats, jewelry ... Probably, this is in harmony with her inner world, because she lives, or rather lived, in another dimension, where there were only beauty salons and rampant shopping. If such a lady as Larisa became my good friend, I would not hesitate to give her a couple of style tips. After all, she is a woman without complexes and, it seems to me, still not without a sense of humor. I think we would find a common language with her.

We thank the salon of Italian furniture "Flat-interiors"

for help with filming

...with the role of the loving Yulenka, Zhanna EPPLE ascended to the rank of first-line stars. Now we see Zhanna in the new sketch show of the STS channel “Everything is grown-up”, as well as in the repetitions of the “Club of Ex-Wives” program on TNT. Our correspondent talked to the beautiful actress “for life”.

The 45-year-old star considers love to be the main meaning of life

- Jeanne, your film is rare without nudity. Are the body parts on the screen yours or are they stunt doubles?

In erotic scenes, I always shoot myself and do it easily. Directors have always exploited me mercilessly in this regard. So I'm used to it. I think it's better to be a woman who is filmed naked than one who will never be offered such plans. Since erotic photography is trusted, it means that I am still interesting.

Look really chic. Are there any secrets?

I don’t eat enough, I don’t smoke, I go to the gym, and most importantly, I try to sleep a lot. Sleep is some other, secret life. I love my dreams and cherish them.

in "Good Jokes"

- You have been playing in entreprises for several years. Do you go to the hard work associated with traveling for the sake of earning money?

The entreprise is done with the expectation of pleasing the public. A viewer who enjoys striptease or "Laughing Panorama". Complex, risky things are not put there, because entrepreneurs need a guaranteed cash desk. But it is difficult to play in such performances, because they are molded according to the budget scheme. You have to work for two, or even for three. But it's really good money.

Why did you leave the Pokrovka Theater?

I was offered a job in the cinema for a year. After this, they do not return to the theater, not a single director will wait so long. Then I gave birth to a son, sat at home for a long time. I'm not waiting for invitations to the stationary theater anymore. Although I regularly play in the play "Khlestakov" at the Stanislavsky Theater.

afraid of the supernatural

- You have been married to cameraman Ilya Frez for 17 years and have two sons. What caused the divorce?

You know, I don't seem to remember. Apparently, the “factory” ran out, some kind of battery ran out. And it became impossible to live together. We didn’t have to get divorced, because we never got to the registry office. Ilya called me “girlfriend” for all 17 years, it was especially funny after the birth of her second child. Ilya also has a daughter, Dasha, she lived with us for quite a long time. A lovely young woman, a lawyer. We call her on holidays.

With common-law husband Ilya FREZ
did not reach the registry office

- I heard that Ilya recently got married?

Yes, his new (official) wife is rumored to be a psychic, and a good one at that. They are probably interested in each other.

- Your former father-in-law is director Ilya Frez, who made the cult film “You never dreamed of”. With such influential relatives, you could have made a career earlier...

Yes, Ilya's father was a good director. At the same time, you know, he did not like children very much. He made only films for children. Life is so strange: I, for example, hate comedies, but I only act in comedies. My husband and then-mother-in-law were against me working. They preferred to see me in the kitchen. I quickly wash the dishes, deftly sculpt cutlets, do not cry when I cut onions. Such a person in a large family is irreplaceable, you know? I literally begged my mother-in-law on my knees to sit in the evening with my son when I had to go to work in the theater.

Are you in touch with your ex-husband and his wife?

No. That's the way it is, you know. Each family has its own charter. In addition, I am afraid of everything supernatural, and Ilya's new wife, as I said, is a psychic.

in the "Club of ex-wives"

- What do your sons do?

Potap will be 18, he is studying to be a designer, going to the second year of Stroganov. Schoolboy Fima is eight.

Do they see their dad often? After all, the presence of a man is important for boys ...

Millions of men grew up without fathers and somehow nothing, they live. My sons will too. Dad used to meet with them often, but apparently he got bored. Or something else. Now they communicate less often.

Meanness does not forgive

- You have been meeting with book publisher Dmitry Bochenkov for several years. Are you not going to get married? Or is this relationship “for health”?

I'm tired of clichés, of formats in relationships. She lived both married and in a civil marriage, everything ended equally “successfully”. Now I'm trying this.

As long as I like it. Dmitry is a wonderful person, it is not boring with him, he knows a lot of different stories. He works in a small publishing house, publishes books about death and love. For health? Great interpretation. Now I will tell everyone that Dmitry is a man for health.

With heart friend Dmitry
at the film presentation

- Well, OK. Then what does love mean to you?

Meaning of life. Not that I wither without love, like a gladiolus flower on the second of September, but to live without loving is insipid and boring. Therefore, I am always in one or another stage of falling in love. It invigorates, tones.

Do not strive for official marriage at all?

Now I don't care anymore. The advantage of being a grown woman is that I have seen a lot. How official marriages break up, which were married in the most famous temples of the country. And how people live happily all their lives unscheduled. The stamp in the passport, of course, has an effect, it makes common property.

To the youngest son of the star Yefim

Invented the name older brother

- I heard that you have a housing problem...

Alas, it is. But Ilya is a noble person. An intellectual in the second generation. He allows me and the children to live in his apartment. Until Potap turns 18. So I have less than six months left to solve the housing problem.

- Are you able to forgive physical betrayal?

It can be experienced when there is a reason for it. But betrayal spoils everything, it becomes disgusting. Sometimes this feeling goes away. But not forgotten. I faced it. My first husband is a ballet dancer. He once served at the Mariinsky Theater, danced beautifully. He was a favorite of aging ballerinas and enjoyed it. At first I didn't care, but then I just got bored. There are things that need to be forgiven. For example meanness.

Son Potap for mom - hope and support

- Now it is fashionable to date men much younger than themselves. Your friend Vera Sotnikova told about a similar affair. Has this happened in your life?

Vera Mikhailovna knows a lot about life. I respect her for that. But I'm not interested in a man who is much younger. There is absolutely nothing to talk about, there are no generational communities. True, young people look better and their character is simpler, here Vera is absolutely right.

Mows under Seryoga

- How do you feel about plastic surgery?

One very expensive clinic besieged me for half a year with an offer to do a free operation to correct the skin around the eyes - on the condition that I would publicly recommend their services. And so they did. Now I have new skin around my eyes. But, you know, it really, really hurts.

- You recently celebrated your 45th birthday. What made your loved one happy?

Celebrated in a good Georgian restaurant. Stanislav Sadalsky came and made me laugh. A friend gave me a luxurious set of cosmetics. Didn't even know these existed. Stas presented a luxurious watch from Chanel, Dima presented a strange ring from some fashion designer. In general, without a special occasion, I do not accept gifts, it is too obliging. And I want to be independent. But my friend, about whom so much has been said today, gave me a rare car for the New Year. I am now recognized by him in Moscow.

- Recently at the performance you sang. Have you decided to take vocals seriously?

Me and singing?! It's like teaching a horse to ride a bike. The idea with a vocal number was the idea of ​​the producers, I resisted, but when the question arose rigidly, in the “either-or” format, I had to sing. In fact, I have a non-closure of the ligaments, so I don’t sing, but I rap, like some kind of Seryoga.

- What new films with your participation will we see?

The film business existed on loans, now it’s not very good with this. Therefore, I don’t even think about films. All Russian artists cannot act with Fyodor Bondarchuk, no matter how large-scale projects he is involved in. Now I am busy in two TV projects. On the STS channel there is a show “Everything is grown-up”, a kind of clowning, I play almost all female characters there. There is another project, but until the name is approved, I can't talk about it. In this sense, I am incredibly superstitious.


* Zhanna EPPLE starred in the films and TV series "Mom", "White Clothes", "Turkish March", "Shield of Minevra", "Balzac Age, or All Men Are Their Own...", "Crazy", "Guardian Angel", “Bullet-fool-2”, “Bullet-fool-3”, “Reporters”, “Love classified as “secret”, etc.