Retelling the first chapter in bad company. A very brief retelling in bad society chapter by chapter. V. Acquaintance continues

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In 1885, the famous Russian writer Vladimir Korolenko finished work on the work "In bad company". A few years later, this story was somewhat changed, and it was published under the title "Children of the Underground". On the pages of the story you will find many interesting characters, reasoning, descriptions, vivid events and much more that can please even the most demanding reader.

Read below summary story "In Bad Society".

The childhood of the hero took place in the small town of Knyazhye-Veno in the Southwestern Territory. Vasya - that was the name of the boy - was the son of a city judge. The child grew up “like a wild tree in a field”: the mother died when her son was only six years old, and the father, absorbed in his grief, paid little attention to the boy. Vasya wandered around the city for days on end, and the pictures of city life left a deep imprint in his soul.

The city was surrounded by ponds. In the middle of one of them on the island stood an ancient castle that once belonged to a count's family. There were legends that the island was filled with captured Turks, and the castle stands "on human bones." The owners left this gloomy dwelling a long time ago, and it gradually collapsed. Its inhabitants were urban beggars who had no other shelter. But there was a split among the poor. Old Janusz, one of the count's former servants, was given some sort of right to decide who could live in the castle and who could not. He left there only "aristocrats": Catholics and the former count's servants. The exiles found refuge in a dungeon under an old crypt near an abandoned Uniate chapel that stood on a mountain. However, no one knew their whereabouts.

Old Janusz, meeting Vasya, invites him to enter the castle, because there is now a “decent society”. But the boy prefers the "bad company" of the exiles from the castle: Vasya takes pity on them.

Many members of the "bad society" are well known in the city. This is a semi-mad elderly "professor" who always mutters something quietly and sadly; the ferocious and pugnacious bayonet Junker Zausailov; drunken retired official Lavrovsky, who tells everyone incredible tragic stories about his life. And the calling himself General Turkevich is famous for the fact that he “convicts” respectable citizens (the police officer, the secretary of the county court and others) right under their windows. He does this in order to get vodka, and achieves his goal: the "convicted" rush to pay him off.

The head of the entire community of "dark personalities" is Tyburtsy Drab. Its origin and past are unknown to anyone. Others suggest in him an aristocrat, but his appearance is of the common people. He is known for his extraordinary learning. At fairs, Tyburtius entertains the public with lengthy speeches from ancient authors. He is considered a sorcerer.

One day, Vasya and three friends come to the old chapel: he wants to look in there. Friends help Vasya get inside through a high window. But when they see that there is someone else in the chapel, the friends run away in horror, leaving Vasya to the mercy of fate. It turns out that the children of Tyburtsy are there: nine-year-old Valek and four-year-old Marusya. Vasya often comes to the mountain to his new friends, bringing them apples from his garden. But he walks only when Tyburtius cannot catch him. Vasya does not tell anyone about this acquaintance. He tells his cowardly friends that he saw devils.

Vasya has a sister, four-year-old Sonya. She, like her brother, is a cheerful and frisky child. Brother and sister love each other very much, but Sonya's nanny prevents their noisy games: she considers Vasya a bad, spoiled boy. The father is of the same opinion. He does not find in his soul a place for love for the boy. The father loves Sonya more because she looks like her late mother.

Once in a conversation, Valek and Marusya tell Vasya that Tyburtsy loves them very much. Vasya speaks of his father with resentment. But suddenly he learns from Valek that the judge is a very fair and honest person. Valek is a very serious and intelligent boy. Marusya, on the other hand, is not at all like the frisky Sonya, she is weak, thoughtful, “cheerless”. Valek says that "the gray stone sucked the life out of her."

Vasya learns that Valek is stealing food for his hungry sister. This discovery makes a heavy impression on Vasya, but still he does not condemn his friend.

Valek shows Vasya the dungeon where all the members of the "bad society" live. In the absence of adults, Vasya comes there, plays with his friends. During the game of hide and seek, Tyburtsy unexpectedly appears. The children are frightened - after all, they are friends without the knowledge of the formidable head of the "bad society". But Tyburtsiy allows Vasya to come, taking from him a promise not to tell anyone where they all live. Tyburtsy brings food, prepares dinner - according to him, Vasya understands that the food is stolen. This, of course, confuses the boy, but he sees that Marusya is so happy with the food ... Now Vasya comes to the mountain without hindrance, and the adult members of the "bad society" also get used to the boy, love him.

Autumn comes, and Marusya falls ill. In order to somehow entertain the sick girl, Vasya decides to ask Sonya for a while for a big beautiful doll, a gift from her late mother. Sonya agrees. Marusya is delighted with the doll, and she even gets better.

Old Janusz comes to the judge several times with denunciations of members of the "bad society". He says that Vasya communicates with them. The nanny notices the absence of the doll. Vasya is not allowed out of the house, and a few days later he runs away secretly.

Marcus is getting worse. The inhabitants of the dungeon decide that the doll needs to be returned, but the girl will not notice this. But seeing that they want to take the doll away, Marusya cries bitterly... Vasya leaves the doll to her.

And again Vasya is not allowed out of the house. The father is trying to get his son to confess where he went and where the doll went. Vasya admits that he took the doll, but says nothing more. The father is angry... And at the most critical moment, Tyburtsy appears. He is carrying a doll.

Tyburtsy tells the judge about Vasya's friendship with his children. That one is smitten. The father feels guilty before Vasya. It was as if a wall had collapsed that had separated father and son for a long time, and they felt like close people. Tyburtsy says that Marusya is dead. The father lets Vasya say goodbye to her, while he passes through Vasya money for Tyburtsy and a warning: it is better for the head of the "bad society" to hide from the city.

Soon, almost all the "dark personalities" disappear somewhere. Only the old "professor" and Turkevich remain, to whom the judge sometimes gives work. Marusya is buried in the old cemetery near the collapsed chapel. Vasya and his sister take care of her grave. Sometimes they come to the cemetery with their father. When does Vasya and Sonya come to leave native city over this grave they pronounce their vows.

We hope you enjoyed the summary of the story "In Bad Society". We would be glad if you read this book in its entirety.

In a bad society

The childhood of the hero took place in the small town of Knyazhye-Veno in the Southwestern Territory. Vasya - that was the name of the boy - was the son of a city judge. The child grew up "like a wild tree in the field": the mother died when the son was only six years old, and the father, absorbed in his grief, paid little attention to the boy. Vasya wandered around the city for days on end, and the pictures of city life left a deep imprint in his soul.

The city was surrounded by ponds. In the middle of one of them on the island stood an ancient castle that once belonged to a count's family. There were legends that the island was filled with captured Turks, and the castle stands "on human bones."

The owners left this gloomy dwelling a long time ago, and it gradually collapsed. Its inhabitants were urban beggars who had no other shelter. But there was a split among the poor. Old Janusz, one of the count's former servants, was given some sort of right to decide who could live in the castle and who could not. He left there only "aristocrats": Catholics and the former count's servants. The exiles found refuge in a dungeon under an old crypt near an abandoned Uniate chapel that stood on a mountain. However, no one knew their whereabouts.

Old Janusz, meeting Vasya, invites him to enter the castle, because there is now a "decent society". But the boy prefers the "bad society" of exiles from the castle: Vasya pities them.

Many members of the "bad society" are well known in the city. This is a semi-mad elderly "professor" who always mutters something quietly and sadly; the ferocious and pugnacious bayonet Junker Zausailov; drunk retired official Lavrovsky, telling everyone implausible tragic stories ....

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"In Bad Society" is a story by the Russian writer of Ukrainian origin Vladimir Korolenko, which was first published in 1885 in the tenth issue of the journal "Thought". Later, the work was included in the collection Essays and Stories. This work, small in volume, but significant in its semantic load, can undoubtedly be considered one of the best in the creative heritage of the famous writer and human rights activist.


The story is written on behalf of a six-year-old boy Vasya, the son of a judge in the city of Knyazhye-Veno. The child's mother died early, leaving them half orphans with their younger sister Sonya. The father, after the loss, moved away from his son, concentrating all his love and affection on his little daughter. Such circumstances could not pass without a trace in Vasya's soul: the boy is looking for understanding and warmth, and unexpectedly finds them in "bad company", making friends with the children of the tramp and thief Tyburtsy Drab Valik and Marusya.

Fate brought the children together quite unexpectedly, but Vasya's attachment to Valik and Marusa turned out to be so strong that neither the unexpected news that his new friends were vagabonds and thieves, nor the acquaintance with their formidable father at first glance, prevented her. Six-year-old Vasya does not miss the opportunity to see his friends, and love for his own sister Sonya, with whom the nanny does not allow him to play, transfers to little Marusya.

Another shock that excited the child is the news that little Marusya is seriously ill: some kind of “gray stone” takes away her strength. The reader understands what kind of gray stone it can be, and what a terrible disease often accompanies poverty, but for the mind of a six-year-old child who takes everything literally, the gray stone appears in the form of a cave where children live, so he tries to pull them out as often as possible to fresh air. Of course, it doesn't help much. The girl is weakening before her eyes, and Vasya and Valik are trying to somehow bring a smile to her pale face.

The culmination of the story is the story of the doll that Vasya asked his sister Sonya to please Marusya. A beautiful doll, which is a gift from a dead mother, is not able to cure the baby, but brings her short-term joy.

The disappearance of the doll is noticed in the house, the father does not let Vasya out of the house, demanding an explanation, but the boy does not break the word given to Valik and Tyburtsia, and does not tell anything about the vagrants. At the moment of the most tense conversation, Tyburtsy appears in the judge's house with a doll in his hands and the news that Marusya has died. This tragic news softens Vasya's father, and shows him from a completely different side: as a sensitive and sympathetic person. He releases his son to ask Marusya, and the nature of their communication after this story changes.

Even being the eldest, Vasya does not forget either about his little girlfriend, who lived only four years, or about Valik, who, after the death of Marusya, suddenly disappeared along with Tyburtsy. She and her sister Sonya regularly visit the grave of a little blond girl who loved to pick flowers.

Character Characteristics

Speaking about the heroes who appear before us on the pages of the story, first of all, it is worthwhile, of course, to dwell on the image of the narrator, because all events are presented through the prism of his perception. Vasya is a six-year-old child, on whose shoulders a burden that is too heavy for his age has fallen: the death of his mother.

Those few warm memories of the boy's dearest person make it clear that the boy loved his mother very much, and suffered the loss hard. Another test for him was the alienation of his father and the inability to play with his sister. The child gets lost, gets acquainted with vagrants, but even in this society he remains himself: every time he tries to bring Valik and Marusya something tasty, he perceives Marusya as his own sister, and Valik as a brother. This very young boy is not deprived of stamina and honor: he does not break under the pressure of his father and does not break his word. Another positive feature that complements the artistic portrait of our hero is that he did not secretly take the doll from Sonya, did not steal it, did not take it away by force: Vasya told his sister about the poor sick Marusa, and Sonya herself allowed him to take the doll.

Valik and Marusya in the story appear before us as real children of the dungeon (by the way, V. Korolenko himself did not like the shortened version of his story of the same name).

These children did not deserve the fate prepared for them by fate, and perceive everything with adult seriousness, and, at the same time, with childish simplicity. What, in Vasya's understanding, is designated as "bad" (the same theft), for Valik is an ordinary everyday affair, which he is forced to do so that his sister is not hungry.

The example of children shows us that for true sincere friendship, origin, material condition and other external factors are not important. It's important to be human.

The opposites in the story are the fathers of the children.

Tyburtium- a beggar thief, whose origin causes legends. A man who combines education and a peasant non-aristocratic appearance. Despite this, he loves Valik and Marusya very much and allows Vasya to come to his children.

Vasya's father- a respectable man in the city, known not only for his occupation, but also for his justice. At the same time, he closes himself from his son, and often the thought flashes through Vasya's head that his father does not love him at all. The relationship between father and son changes after Marusya's death.

It is also worth noting that the prototype of Vasya's father in the story was Vladimir Korolenko's father: Galaktion Afanasyevich Korolenko was a closed and stern man, but at the same time, incorruptible and fair. This is exactly what the hero of the story “In Bad Society” acts like.

A separate place in the story is given to vagabonds, led by Tyburtsy.

Professor, Lavrovsky, Turkevich - these characters are not the main ones, but they play an important role for the artistic design of the story: they give a picture of a vagrant society into which Vasya finds himself. By the way, these characters cause pity: the portrait of each of them shows that every person, broken life situation, can slide down to vagrancy and theft. These characters do not cause negative feelings: the author wants the reader to sympathize with them.

Two places are clearly described in the story: the city of Knyazhye-Veno, the prototype of which was Rovno, and the old castle, which became a haven for the poor. The prototype of the castle was the palace of the Lubomirsky princes in the city of Rivne, which in the time of Korolenko really served as a haven for the poor and vagabonds. The city with its inhabitants appears in the story as a gray and boring picture. The main architectural decoration of the city is the prison - and this small detail already gives a clear description of the place: there is nothing remarkable in the city.


“In Bad Society” is a short story that presents us with only a few episodes from the lives of heroes, just one tragedy of a broken life, but so vividly and vitally that it touches the invisible strings of the soul of every reader. Without a doubt, this story by Vladimir Korolenko is worth reading and experiencing.

The story "In Bad Society" Korolenko was written in 1884, during the writer's stay in Yakut exile. A summary of "In Bad Society" is useful for reader's diary. In his book, the author reveals the topic of social inequality through the prism of children's worldview. Later, the story was adapted into a more child-friendly version, which was published as the story "Children of the Underground".

The main characters of the story

Main characters:

  • Vasya is a nine-year-old boy with a kind and sensitive heart.
  • Valek is a poor, homeless boy, independent and responsible, the same age as Vasya.
  • Marusya is Valek's younger sister, a sickly, weak girl of four.

Other characters:

  • Tyburtsy is a homeless man with a pure, kind soul, the adoptive father of Marusya and Valek.
  • Vasya's father is a middle-aged man, city judge, widower, father of Vasya and Sonya.
  • Sonya is Vasya's younger sister.

"In bad company" very brief summary

When his mother died, Vaska was left homeless. The father, stricken with grief, does not devote time to his son and is immersed in work. Near the city there is a chapel and a dungeon in which the homeless live, the so-called "bad society". Vaska climbs into the chapel and meets Valek and Marusya there. Children are friendly.

One day Valek says that his father loves them very much. Vaska replies that he cannot say the same about his father, who, on the contrary, does not like him. Valek notes that his father is fair and honest. Mary is sick. Vasya brings her a Sonya doll. The girl is happy.

Rumors reach the judge about his son's dealings with bad company. Vaska is locked up, but he runs away. Tyburtsy comes to the judge with a doll and talks about the friendship of children. Judge and son grow closer. Marusya is dying. Children often visit her grave.

Vasya made friends with the children of Tyburtsy despite the labels hung on the inhabitants of the dungeon. He does not care about the attitude of the environment towards them. He is a very humane and kind boy, not spoiled by prejudices and cruelty. Thanks to his generosity, he causes shame in the callous heart of his father and draws closer to him. Marusya becomes a memory for everyone and a sad example and a victim of human inequality.

This is interesting: The story that captures the soul and squeezes the heart is set out in a reader's diary, which every child and adult should periodically read.

A short retelling of "In Bad Society" by Korolenko

The childhood of the hero took place in the small town of Knyazhye-Veno in the Southwestern Territory. Vasya - that was the name of the boy - was the son of a city judge. The child grew up “like a wild tree in a field”: the mother died when her son was only six years old, and the father, absorbed in his grief, paid little attention to the boy. Vasya wandered around the city for days on end, and the pictures of city life left a deep imprint in his soul.

The city was surrounded by ponds. In the middle of one of them on the island stood an ancient castle that once belonged to a count's family. There were legends that the island was filled with captured Turks, and the castle stands "on human bones." The owners left this gloomy dwelling a long time ago, and it gradually collapsed. Its inhabitants were urban beggars who had no other shelter. But there was a split among the poor. Old Janusz, one of the count's former servants, was given some sort of right to decide who could live in the castle and who could not. He left there only "aristocrats": Catholics and the former count's servants. The exiles found refuge in a dungeon under an old crypt near an abandoned Uniate chapel that stood on a mountain. However, no one knew their whereabouts.

Old Janusz, meeting Vasya, invites him to enter the castle, because there is now a “decent society”. But the boy prefers the "bad company" of the exiles from the castle: Vasya takes pity on them.

Many members of the "bad society" are well known in the city. This is a semi-mad elderly "professor" who always mutters something quietly and sadly; the ferocious and pugnacious bayonet Junker Zausailov; drunken retired official Lavrovsky, who tells everyone incredible tragic stories about his life. And the calling himself General Turkevich is famous for the fact that he “convicts” respectable citizens (the police officer, the secretary of the county court and others) right under their windows. He does this in order to get vodka, and achieves his goal: the "convicted" rush to pay him off.

The head of the entire community of "dark personalities" is Tyburtsy Drab. Its origin and past are unknown to anyone. Others suggest in him an aristocrat, but his appearance is of the common people. He is known for his extraordinary learning. At fairs, Tyburtius entertains the public with lengthy speeches from ancient authors. He is considered a sorcerer.

One day, Vasya and three friends come to the old chapel: he wants to look in there. Friends help Vasya get inside through a high window. But when they see that there is someone else in the chapel, the friends run away in horror, leaving Vasya to the mercy of fate. It turns out that the children of Tyburtsy are there: nine-year-old Valek and four-year-old Marusya. Vasya often comes to the mountain to his new friends, bringing them apples from his garden. But he walks only when Tyburtius cannot catch him. Vasya does not tell anyone about this acquaintance. He tells his cowardly friends that he saw devils.

Vasya has a sister, four-year-old Sonya. She, like her brother, is a cheerful and frisky child. Brother and sister love each other very much, but Sonya's nanny prevents their noisy games: she considers Vasya a bad, spoiled boy. The father is of the same opinion. He does not find in his soul a place for love for the boy. The father loves Sonya more because she looks like her late mother.

Once in a conversation, Valek and Marusya tell Vasya that Tyburtsy loves them very much. Vasya speaks of his father with resentment. But suddenly he learns from Valek that the judge is a very fair and honest person. Valek is a very serious and intelligent boy. Marusya, on the other hand, is not at all like the frisky Sonya, she is weak, thoughtful, “cheerless”. Valek says that "the gray stone sucked the life out of her."

Vasya learns that Valek is stealing food for his hungry sister. This discovery makes a heavy impression on Vasya, but still he does not condemn his friend.

Valek shows Vasya the dungeon where all the members of the "bad society" live. In the absence of adults, Vasya comes there, plays with his friends. During the game of hide and seek, Tyburtsy unexpectedly appears. The children are frightened - after all, they are friends without the knowledge of the formidable head of the "bad society". But Tyburtsiy allows Vasya to come, taking from him a promise not to tell anyone where they all live. Tyburtsy brings food, prepares dinner - according to him, Vasya understands that the food is stolen. This, of course, confuses the boy, but he sees that Marusya is so happy with the food ... Now Vasya comes to the mountain without hindrance, and the adult members of the "bad society" also get used to the boy, love him.

Autumn comes, and Marusya falls ill. In order to somehow entertain the sick girl, Vasya decides to ask Sonya for a while for a big beautiful doll, a gift from her late mother. Sonya agrees. Marusya is delighted with the doll, and she even gets better.

Old Janusz comes to the judge several times with denunciations of members of the "bad society". He says that Vasya communicates with them. The nanny notices the absence of the doll. Vasya is not allowed out of the house, and a few days later he runs away secretly.

Marcus is getting worse. The inhabitants of the dungeon decide that the doll needs to be returned, but the girl will not notice this. But seeing that they want to take the doll, Marusya cries bitterly ... Vasya leaves the doll to her.

And again Vasya is not allowed out of the house. The father is trying to get his son to confess where he went and where the doll went. Vasya admits that he took the doll, but says nothing more. The father is angry ... And at the most critical moment, Tyburtsy appears. He is carrying a doll.

Tyburtsy tells the judge about Vasya's friendship with his children. That one is smitten. The father feels guilty before Vasya. It was as if a wall had collapsed that had separated father and son for a long time, and they felt like close people. Tyburtsy says that Marusya is dead. The father lets Vasya say goodbye to her, while he passes through Vasya money for Tyburtsy and a warning: it is better for the head of the "bad society" to hide from the city.

Soon, almost all the "dark personalities" disappear somewhere. Only the old "professor" and Turkevich remain, to whom the judge sometimes gives work. Marusya is buried in the old cemetery near the collapsed chapel. Vasya and his sister take care of her grave. Sometimes they come to the cemetery with their father. When the time comes for Vasya and Sonya to leave their native city, they pronounce their vows over this grave.

See also: The story was written in 1957. This is a tragic and true story about a scout boy who decided to lay down his own life in the fight against the fascist invaders.

The content of the story "In bad society" by chapter

V. Korolenko In a bad society summary:

Chapter 1 Ruins

Vasya was only six years old when his mother died. After the death of his wife, the father almost forgot about his existence, and in his own way cared only for his daughter Sonya, "because she had the features of a mother."

In the small town of Knyazhye-Veno, where the Vanya family lived, the “old, dilapidated castle” served as a local landmark. Among the inhabitants, he enjoyed a bad reputation and about him "there were legends and stories one more terrible than the other."

At one time, the ruins of the castle served as a free “refuge for every poor man without the slightest restrictions,” but then the former count’s servant Janusz began to sort out the local society, leaving “only “good Christians,” that is, Catholics, in the castle.”

Chapter 2 Problematic Natures

The beggars expelled from the castle sought refuge for several days, and soon "found shelter somewhere on the mountain, near the Uniate chapel."

Among the outcasts of society there were truly extraordinary personalities. For example, a man nicknamed “Professor”, always muttering something under his breath, who “could not indifferently hear mentions of cutting and piercing tools.”

The beggars always stood up for each other like a mountain, especially Pan Turkevich and the retired bayonet Junker Zausailov. Under the special care of Pan Turkevich was the drunken official Lavrovsky, who sank to the very bottom because of unhappy love.

Another notable personality among the beggars was Tyburtsy Drab, who amazed everyone with his extraordinary learning and encyclopedic knowledge.

With the advent of Pan Tyburtsy, two children appeared in the society of local beggars: “a boy of about seven, but tall and developed beyond his years, and a little three-year-old girl” - Valek and his younger sister Marusya.

Chapter III. Me and my father

After the death of his mother, Vasya was “very rarely seen at home”: from morning until late in the evening he wandered around the neighborhood of the town, carefully studying them.

Vasya's endless adventures were associated with a strained relationship with his father, on whose face "there was a severe stamp of incurable grief." Vasya would be glad to share the bitterness of loss with him, but he was always constrained and cold in communicating with the boy.

Chapter 4 I make a new acquaintance

Having studied all the sights in the city, Vasya decided to explore the abandoned chapel from the inside, and for this purpose he invited friends with him. They helped him climb inside, but they themselves refused to follow him.

The gloomy atmosphere, barely lit by the setting sun, made a strong impression on Vasya - it seemed to him that he found himself in afterlife.

Suddenly, two children's figures came out of the twilight of the chapel towards Vasya. These were the adopted children of Pan Tyburtsy - Valek and Marusya. The guys quickly became friends and agreed to meet soon.

Chapter 5 The Acquaintance Continues

Since then, Vasya's life has changed. Every evening and every morning he "thought about the upcoming visit to the mountain." He sought to spend as much time as possible in "bad company", and invariably brought apples and goodies to his new friends.

Little Marusya was especially happy about Vasya's visits, resembling "a flower that grew without the rays of the sun." The boy often compared his sister Sonya with Marusya and was surprised at the striking contrast between them. Sonya was healthy, strong and very playful, while Marusya, due to weakness, "never ran and laughed very rarely."

Chapter 6 Among the Gray Stones

Valek completely trusted his new friend and revealed to him main secret local "bad society" - a dungeon. His cold gray stones struck Vasya - "it seemed that this dungeon was sensitively guarding its victim." He felt sick inside, and he asked Valek and Marusya to quickly go up to the sun.

Valek admitted that he ran to the city for a bun, which he was forced to steal - he has no money and never had, and his sister was very hungry.

Chapter VII. Pan Tyburtsy appears on the stage

A strong thunderstorm forced the children frolicking in the street to go down to the dungeon. During their frisky game of hide and seek, Pan Tyburtsy descended into the dungeon, who could in no way understand what the son of the city judge was doing in the company of beggars.

Having hastily prepared dinner, Pan Tyburtsy invited Vasya to the “feast”, having previously taken a promise from him that he would not tell anyone where he was going.

Vasya realized for the first time that he had contacted a caste of outcasts, but he could no longer “betray this society, betray Valeka and Marusya”.

Chapter VIII. autumn

With the onset of autumn colds, “Marusya began to get sick” - she did not complain about feeling unwell, but every day she grew thinner and paler. The cold and damp stones of the dungeon did their "terrible job of sucking the life out of the little calf."

Vasya and Valek tried to take Marusya out into the fresh air more often, where she felt a little better. But the girl's recovery quickly passed.

Chapter 9 Doll

Marusya's disease progressed rapidly, and the girl looked at the world "indifferently with her large darkened and motionless eyes." In order to distract her from her sad thoughts at least a little, Vasya brought her a doll, which he begged from Sonya for a while.

When looking at a large doll “with a brightly painted face and luxurious flaxen hair”, Marusya noticeably came to life - she had never seen such an amazing beauty in her tiny life.

A few days later, Vasya's father, having learned about the missing doll, decided to severely punish his son for stealing. But at that moment, Tyburtsy appeared in their house with a doll in his hands. He spoke privately with Vasya's father, and then approached the boy and asked him to come and say goodbye to Marusya, who had died.

After talking with the beggar, Vasya for the first time in a long time saw his father completely different - he looked at his son with loving kind eyes.


After the death of the girl, "members of the" bad society "scattered in different directions." Every spring, Marusya's small grave "turned green with fresh turf, full of flowers," and Vasya often came here with his father and Sonya.

This is interesting: The story was first published in 1886. In the story, the author reveals themes of meaning human life, art, love, education. Korolenko wrote to his friends that his task was “not only to reproduce the psychology of a blind man, but also to reflect the universal dream behind the ideal, longing for the fullness of human existence.

Video summary In a bad society Korolenko

In a bad society, a summary of the video:

In his work, Vladimir Korolenko demonstrated the tragedy of the division of society into upper and lower classes, from which children suffer the most.