You can cleanse your lungs at home. How to cleanse the lungs of a smoker at home. Other cleansing methods

Hello dear readers! In the article we discuss the cleansing of the lungs with folk remedies.

We are talking about various lung cleansers, inhalations, breathing exercises and medicines to remove mucus.

Lung cleaners

Cleansing the lungs at home can be done different ways... The most popular among them are cleansing procedures with the following ingredients:

  • oats;
  • milk infused with pine cones;
  • spruce shoots;
  • onions or garlic;

Before proceeding with the procedures, remember: cleansing the lungs may be accompanied by a prolonged cough, indicating that the respiratory organs are being cleared. If you have had pneumonia, the sputum is likely to be excreted in whole green clots.

Cleansing the lungs and bronchi with oats


  • 1 cup unmilled oats
  • ½ liter of milk

Pour oats with milk and boil over low heat in half. Wipe the resulting oatmeal through a sieve. This makes 0.5 cups of thick liquid, which is stored in the refrigerator.

Take this mixture for a week daily before main meals.

Milk cleansing on pine cones


  • 3 fresh pine cones;
  • a piece of pine resin;
  • ½ liter of boiled milk

Wash the buds under running water. Pour into a thermos with hot milk and leave to infuse. After a few hours, filter the infusion through a gauze filter.

Take the infusion on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed for 2 months.

Cones can be used to prepare the infusion 2-3 times, but do not forget to rinse them thoroughly after each use.

Cleansing spruce needles

Not only pine, but also other conifers have excellent disinfectant properties. Spruce needles are rich essential oils, thinning and removing phlegm.

Collect spruce shoots in late spring or early summer. Place the shoots in a quart jar, alternating with a layer of sugar, and tamp tightly.

By shoots, we mean the bright green, soft shoots at the tips of the branches.

Leave the jar in a cool place for 3 weeks, then filter the contents with a gauze filter. You should get a greenish syrup.

Store the spruce syrup in the cold and take a teaspoon three times a day.

Such cleansing of the lungs with folk remedies can be done once a year for several weeks until the syrup runs out. In this way, your lungs will be reliably protected from dirt and toxins.

Peeling with onions or garlic


  • 1 head of onion or garlic;
  • honey or granulated sugar.

Grate onion or garlic, mix with honey or sugar in equal proportions and leave for 2 hours warm. Take 1 tablespoon of onion or garlic syrup after your main meal once a week.

The effectiveness of onions and garlic is explained by the high content of phytoncides present in their essential oils and having antimicrobial action.

Cleansing with honey

There are 2 recipes for making honey:

In the first case, you will need:

  • 250 grams of honey;
  • 15 ml fresh aloe juice;
  • 300 ml of Cahors wine

Mix honey with aloe juice and wine, leave it warm for a week. Take a tablespoon three times daily before meals.

In the second case, you will need:

  • 100 grams of honey;
  • 100 grams of lard;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of beeswax;
  • 1 liter of aloe juice.

Melt honey, unsalted bacon and wax over low heat. After removing from heat, add aloe juice, stir and boil. Take the resulting mixture 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

With this method of cleansing beneficial features honey is combined with other natural remedies such as aloe or ghee.

How to clear mucus from your lungs

except folk recipes cleansing there are several traditional techniques that are easy to apply at home. They also effectively help cleanse the lungs:

  1. inhalation with oils;
  2. breathing exercises;
  3. medical preparations.

Inhalation with oils

Inhalation with essential oils of pine, eucalyptus and marjoram serves to cleanse the lungs.

For this procedure, boil water in a large enamel pot. Keeping the temperature on low heat, add a few drops of each oil to the saucepan and inhale deeply the emanating vapors, covering your head with a towel.

Duration of inhalation is 5-10 minutes. The course lasts 2 weeks.

Breathing exercises

Stand straight with one hand on your stomach. Exhale through your mouth, then inhale slowly through your nose, counting every second.

The hand on the abdomen should feel the protrusion of the abdomen during inhalation.

Hold your breath for a couple of seconds and exhale slowly as well. At the same time, the stomach should be drawn in, but rib cage should not move.

Repeat this exercise for 6-7 sets after sleep and before going to bed.

During such exercises, blood circulation increases, the body is saturated with oxygen, and overall well-being improves.

Keep in mind that coughing can get worse during this exercise. This is an indicator of the effectiveness of the actions being taken, so do not be intimidated and keep exercising. To soften the cough, it is recommended to drink tea with the addition of a lemon wedge.


A good effect is shown by such means for cleansing the lungs. vegetable origin like Gedelix, Lazolvan and Mukaltin.

Gedelix suitable for babies and heavy smokers. Its components dilute phlegm well, promote the activation of the bronchi. As a result, phlegm is quickly excreted from the lungs, and all disease-causing bacteria are killed.

Mucaltin used for very serious respiratory diseases to eliminate viscous and poorly excreted phlegm.

It contains such active substances as marshmallow polysaccharides, as well as tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate. Under their influence, the cilia epithelial tissue bronchi move more actively, thinning phlegm.

These are the most popular ways to cleanse the lungs with folk remedies. Their effectiveness has been tested by time and by a large number of people who have been cured of various pulmonary diseases.


Cleaning the lungs with folk remedies can cause allergic reactions to one or another component used in the cleaning process. For example, it is impossible to cleanse the lungs with milk for people with lactose deficiency, as well as diseased kidneys.

In order to avoid an allergic reaction, we recommend that you take a serious approach to the choice of the method by which you will purify the lungs with folk remedies. Try to choose one that would optimally take into account the characteristics of your body.

Do not postpone the procedures for cleansing the lungs - your health is in your hands.

The lungs are considered a system of natural cleaning of the human body from harmful substances. Passing a large amount of air through itself, the respiratory organs themselves can cleanse and restore their functions. However, working in conditions of clogged, dusty air, the presence of addictions, in particular smoking, a decrease in immunity due to the penetration of the pathogenic microflora into the respiratory system - all this leads to malfunctions in the functioning of the organ, its clogging and the accumulation of harmful substances in it.

Few people thought about what changes occur in the respiratory system, when the concentration of harmful substances is several times higher than the amount that can be excreted directly by the lungs. In this case, there is a development various diseases preventing the pulmonary system from performing its functions. To prevent the occurrence of various pathologies, it is necessary to cleanse the lungs. Today, there are many techniques for cleaning your lungs at home quickly and effectively.

Do the lungs need cleaning and why

Periodic cleaning will help in improving the functioning of the organ, improving the condition, as well as preventing the development of various ailments. Cleansing the lungs is the key to the proper functioning of the organ. You can ask a specialist about how to clean your lungs and why you need it. This procedure must be carried out by everyone, without exception.

But the lungs need to be cleaned more:

  • smokers, especially with many years of experience;
  • people working in dusty rooms and in hazardous work;
  • people living in large cities with polluted and gas-polluted air.

Often, a person cannot change life circumstances or conditions, but to protect yourself from harmful influence can. And the procedure for cleansing the respiratory system will help in this. A preventive lung cleanse should be done once a year. This is quite enough to maintain the functioning of the respiratory system.

It should be understood that all organs and systems are closely related to each other. If some system fails, it will affect the work of others. If a person smokes, breathes dirty dusty air, often encounters colds, this will affect the work of the respiratory system.

The lungs will not be able to fully perform their functions, which will cause metabolic disorders, a decrease in the protective properties of the body, as well as failures in the work of the hematopoietic, SS and other systems.

Cleansing your lungs will help you:

  • improving the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • cleansing from phlegm, nicotine and tar;
  • elimination of cough;
  • improving metabolism;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • improving condition and well-being.

Can everyone cleanse themselves

Cleaning methods, both with the help of medicines and with the help of folk remedies, are not suitable for everyone. Someone may suffer from an allergy to a certain component or substance, and someone from an exacerbation of a pulmonary disease.

That is why, before applying this or that technique, you need to consult a doctor, and also make sure that there are no contraindications.

  • depletion of the body;
  • convulsions;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological ailments;
  • chronic pathologies, in particular asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Preparing for cleaning

Lung cleansing cannot be done spontaneously. You need to prepare for this procedure.

So, before you start cleaning, you must:

  1. Consult a specialist and make sure there are no contraindications.
  2. Give up the most harmful habit for the respiratory system - smoking. It should be understood that there is no point in cleaning if the lungs are re-contaminated day after day.
  3. Experienced smokers should understand that not only the respiratory organs, but also the digestive tract, especially the intestines, suffer from nicotine and tar. Tobacco smoke, tar and other toxic substances provoke the appearance of mucus on the intestinal walls. Therefore, before cleaning the lungs, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary bowel cleansing.
  4. If possible, it is necessary to change the place of work and residence.

You should prepare yourself mentally, as cleansing the lungs is a serious procedure. It is important to take care of your diet - to exclude the use of harmful products - fat, fried, spicy foods, sweets, coffee, alcoholic beverages. The diet should be balanced and fortified.

In addition, it is important to observe the drinking regime during cleaning. It is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of purified water per day. This will contribute to the rapid elimination of harmful substances.

Part of the water diet is preferably replaced green tea which is a proven antioxidant to help maintain cell health and eliminate toxins from the body.

Since nicotine provokes a decrease in the absorption of ascorbic acid, the diet should be enriched with products with vitamin C: kiwi, citrus fruits, bell peppers, sauerkraut, rosehip decoction.

Cleansing the lungs with medicines, contraindications to the procedure

Today there are a large number of methods for cleansing the lungs. The most effective are: cleaning with medications, remedies from medicinal plants, in particular oat jelly, inhalations, gymnastics. However, it should be understood that lung cleansing can only be carried out after consulting a specialist.

Inappropriate use of this or that technique is fraught with aggravation of the situation. Complete cleansing of the lungs from all harmful substances accumulated in them is a long and laborious process. If the experience of a smoker is short, the process can take a couple of weeks, in a severe case (if the experience is many years) it can take months. It is worth preparing mentally for this.

Cleaning with medication

This method is suitable for adherents of traditional medicine. There are plenty of medicines to cleanse the lungs. As a rule, these are medicines with mucolytic and expectorant properties, agents that help in liquefying bronchial secretions, as well as in facilitating its removal from the lungs.

  • Ambroxol. The medicine has pronounced expectorant properties, and also helps to cleanse the respiratory system, even in heavy smokers, as well as to quickly relieve breathing. It is necessary to take the medicine according to the annotation.
  • Gedelixa is a highly effective herbal medicine that is well tolerated and lacks side effects... Helps in the rapid liquefaction of phlegm and its excretion from the respiratory system.
  • Mukaltina. An effective mucolytic agent. Promotes the rapid cleansing of the bronchi and lungs from mucus, as well as the elimination of phlegm and ease of breathing.
  • Ascorila. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and syrup. Helps in facilitating phlegm excretion, bronchial dilatation and bronchospasm elimination.


Before you start cleansing the lungs with medication, you need to study the annotation and make sure there are no contraindications. Each drug has its own contraindications. However, there are a few things in common. These include: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the period of gestation and breastfeeding... In addition, the technique should not be applied to people who have not given up their bad habit - smoking.

How to cleanse the bronchi with breathing exercises, folk remedies, herbal preparations and inhalation

Respiratory gymnastics helps to improve the functioning of the respiratory system, accelerate the process of air exchange, and also eliminate harmful substances. Fifteen minutes of exercise a day is enough to completely cleanse the bronchi and lungs.

In this case, you can use the yoga breathing system or other author's methods. You can just do exercises, jump rope or run. All this will make the lungs work to the fullest. If there is no time or opportunity to go in for sports, you can do otherwise - perform the following exercises.

You can ask a specialist how to clear the bronchi with exercise:

In order to achieve maximum results, this exercise should be done three times a day, in three approaches.

The use of alternative medicine

Someone who, but folk healers and sorcerers certainly know how to cleanse the bronchi. In the piggy bank of alternative medicine, there are many ways and recipes for drugs that help improve lung function and remove harmful substances from them.

  1. Cleaning with oatmeal jelly. It is necessary to take whole unrefined grains of oats - 200 grams, rinse them and mix with milk - 500 ml. The container must be placed on the oven. After the product boils, you need to reduce the heat and stir the composition for half an hour, while constantly stirring. Next, the composition must be cooled and filtered. Cooked jelly must be consumed in one step. It is necessary to take the remedy every day, once a day. The duration of the cleansing course is two weeks.
  2. The use of onion-garlic syrup. Both onions and garlic are rich in essential oils and phytoncides, which have antibacterial properties and promote quick and, importantly, effective lung cleansing. It is necessary to chop the washed onions and garlic, and then fill the resulting mass with sugar (the components are taken in equal proportions). The mass must be mixed and removed to heat for three hours. Further, the composition must be filtered and the juice taken in the amount of one tablespoon four times a day, once a week. The duration of the course is one to two months.
  3. Cleansing the lungs with balm. It is necessary to mix the crushed young leaves of aloe with cahors - 400 ml and natural honey - 350 grams. Next, you need to set aside a tightly closed container in a darkened place for two weeks. You need to use 10 ml of the product three times a day.

The use of herbal preparations

There are many fees for bronchial cleansing. Everyone can prepare medicines on their own.

Here are some of the most effective recipes:

  1. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions licorice rhizomes with marshmallow, anise seeds and coltsfoot. 30 grams of the mixture must be brewed in two hundred milliliters of boiled water. Next, the product must be set aside in the heat for 30 minutes. You need to consume ½ glass of the filtered drink three times a day.
  2. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions anise seeds with sage, marshmallow and licorice rhizomes. 15 grams of the mixture must be brewed in a glass of boiling water. The composition should be infused for half an hour. It is advised to drink half a glass of medicine three times a day.

Inhalation use

Particularly effective, moreover, easy to use, is a method involving cleansing the lungs with inhalation. As an inhalation substance, you can take aqueous solutions with essential oils of fir, mint, lavender, wormwood, eucalyptus, juniper. You can also use decoctions from these plants for the procedure.

They are prepared like this: 15 grams of raw materials are brewed in a glass of boiling water. You can use both steam inhalation and carry out the procedure using a nebulizer. It is not that difficult to clear the respiratory system. The main thing is to have a strong desire to be healthy. Cleaning is The best way to prevent the development of various ailments.

On the way to healthy way life, first you should get rid of bad habits. The first step may be to quit smoking, then clear the lungs of tar and carcinogens that accumulate in the body as a result of smoking. The body independently removes harmful substances from 1 year, but there are ways to cleanse the lungs of a smoker much faster.

Cleansing the lungs is a long process. After quitting smoking, self-cleaning of the bronchi will take from 1 to 3 years. On average, a course of cleansing the lungs after smoking with folk remedies and drugs takes from several months to a year, depending on the experience of the smoker.

What changes will be in the body after cleaning the lungs

At this time, some people may experience unpleasant phenomena:, bad breath. However, do not be afraid: these are just signs of cleansing. These processes indicate that the ciliated cilia located on the lung tissue have begun their work and cleaning of the lungs has begun. They remove harmful substances from the bronchi along with mucus and phlegm, which is coughing up by a former smoker.

Use of pharmacy products

To date, many have been invented. Their traditional area of ​​application is to help with wet coughs. These syrups, sprays, and tablets can be taken to cleanse nicotine-contaminated lungs. Also, they will help to quickly clear the bronchi:

  • ivy-based Gedelix syrup,
  • Ascoril,
  • Acetylcysteine,
  • Mukaltin,
  • Ambroxol and its analogues: Lazolvan, ACC, Ambroxan.

But for people who are afraid of taking medications and prefer traditional methods of treatment, there are many recipes.

Folk remedies for cleaning the lungs

  • To improve health and remove toxins, it is useful to drink decoctions and teas based on chamomile flowers, oak leaves, black currant, mint, fir, sage, eucalyptus, birch, lavender, linden, juniper. These herbs are also used to cleanse the lungs.
  • In late spring - early summer, you can prepare a very healthy drink. Collect young spruce shoots and fill a liter jar with them in layers, alternating with sugar and tamping with a wooden crush. Then you should put the jar in the cold for three weeks so that green juice will stand out from the needles. The resulting syrup will need to be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth and drink 10 ml three times a day. In the absence of spruce shoots, you can use coniferous branches, having previously doused them with boiling water.
  • Decoction of violets and oregano: pour one spoonful of each herb with two glasses of boiling water. Let the broth brew for an hour, then you can take it - 3 times a day, without adding sugar.
  • A decoction of pine buds will help to quickly remove phlegm. For cooking, you need to pour a tablespoon of the kidneys with a glass of water. Infuse the broth for 2 hours, and take 1/3 cup 2 times a day.
  • You can try to make such a medicinal collection: nettle, mint, valerian, chicory, black tea are mixed in equal parts. Filled with 0.5 liters. boiling water. The broth is ready for use in 10 minutes.
  • Pour 6 sheets of bay leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. You need to drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Onions and garlic can clear nicotine from the lungs. It is useful not only to eat them, but also to make infusions. 1 large onion grind and add knots teaspoon of sugar. Then put it in a warm place for three hours. Take the resulting "syrup" during the day. You can add aloe juice. For preparing infusion with garlic you need to grind 1 head, then add a glass of water. Take before meals 3 times a day, 50 ml. Such infusions contribute to the elimination of toxins.
  • Honey with lemon. This recipe successfully clears phlegm from smokers. For cooking, the lemon must be chopped with a blender or meat grinder. Add the same amount of honey to the resulting gruel and mix thoroughly. Take the resulting remedy before meals for a month. The effect will be noticeable within a week.
  • Viburnum decoction is not suitable for hypotonic patients (reduced arterial pressure). For the rest, this is a great cleaning method. Add 200 g of berries to 1 liter of boiling water, let it boil for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Add 30 ml of lime honey and leave for 5 hours. Drink the broth in 100 ml 4 times a day.

Proper nutrition

By adding certain foods to your diet, you can help eliminate harmful substances:

  • Pineapple contains bromelain, which activates the processes of cleansing the lungs and removing toxins.
  • Horseradish root and ginger help cleanse the body.
  • Onions and garlic contain phytoncides and natural antibiotics. Garlic also contains a useful substance - allicin, which makes phlegm more liquid, making it easier to excrete.
  • Chicken broth is considered an excellent remedy for all kinds of diseases. This broth contains an amino acid - cysteine, which contributes to the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body, including the elimination of nicotine.
  • To replenish vitamin C, it is important to include kiwi, citrus fruits, sauerkraut and other vegetables and fruits that are rich in this vitamin in the diet.
  • It is important to drink at least 1.5 liters of purified (preferably mineral) water per day. It is good to drink green tea because it has antioxidant properties.

Read also: How to get aversion to alcohol at home?

Benefits of milk for cleansing the lungs

Many people know that milk is a universal means for removing harmful substances, and it does a good job of cleansing the lungs of mucus:

  • Add a glass of oats to two glasses of milk. Cook until the volume is halved. Pass the resulting product through a sieve and take overnight. The remaining thick will be useful to eat before each meal.
  • Three green pine cones should be added to a 1.5 liter volume of milk, or a piece of pine resin can be added. Stir, heat and let it brew for 4 hours. The mixture should be taken once a day on an empty stomach.

It is also useful for cleansing to drink milk-containing and fermented milk products.


In advanced cases, it is worth inhaling. It is a good remedy to cleanse the lungs of an experienced smoker. The easiest way is familiar to many from childhood:

  1. you need to boil water in a saucepan and breathe the resulting steam for 5-10 minutes, covering yourself with a towel and taking deep breaths.
  2. To get more benefit from this procedure, add pine, marjoram or eucalyptus essential oil.

In many clinics, it is possible to take a free course of inhalations, and this procedure is also carried out in paid clinics. The duration of the course depends on the severity of lung damage: from 5 to 15 sessions.

For the convenience of the procedure, you can buy a home inhaler or nebulizer yourself. The cost is from one and a half thousand rubles. However, it should be noted that not all models allow the use of essential oils or herbal decoctions.

Respiration recovery after smoking

Exercise helps improve blood circulation in the bronchi. The simplest breathing exercises:

  • Take deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Putting your hand on your stomach, you can feel the diaphragm lowering.
  • Another way: take a full breath, and exhale in jerks, drawing in the stomach. Better to do these exercises in the open air, about 30 repetitions.

The benefits of massage for the lungs

Massage is indicated for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to strengthen human health. And certain techniques are good for draining phlegm. This massage is recommended for bronchitis, but it is also suitable for restoring the condition of a former smoker.

A classic massage with warming movements and tapping on the back will be useful. A self-massage option is possible: you need to find a certain point in yourself, which is called "Haba-ex". This is a small fossa in the central part of the neck, about 2 cm from the intersection of the collarbones. Pressing on this place brings some discomfort, but it means that the point is chosen correctly. You need to do the following: press gently with your finger and slowly release. Continue manipulation for 30 breaths.

Location of the Haba Ex point

Baths and medicinal baths

A bath is a great way to cleanse the body, spirit and the whole organism. Regular trips to the bathhouse will contribute to quick recovery and disposal of toxins. It will not be superfluous to use essential oils in the steam room and treat the body with a broom of birch or oak branches. It is recommended to drink herbal decoction in the bath.

If it is not possible to visit the bathhouse, then there is an alternative - medicinal baths. To do this, add coniferous or other medicinal decoction to the water. Have a good effect soda baths... For such a procedure, it is necessary to dissolve 100 g of soda in a bath. If desired, you can add 100 g of salt, preferably sea salt. The duration of such a bath is 1 hour.

Sport plays an important role in cleansing the lungs. Regular jogging, walking, swimming, or aerobics keep your lungs working. At the same time, blood circulation improves, and the body removes harmful substances and heavy metals faster.


Cleansing the lungs of a smoker, especially an experienced smoker, is a process that takes a long time. To do this, you need to use an integrated approach: take the decoctions and preparations recommended above regularly, make it a rule to go in for sports, do breathing exercises, massage and inhalation, eat right, and also go to the bathhouse. It is impossible to clear your lungs in 3 days, but the main thing is to start.

You can live a month without food, without water for several days, without air for five minutes. We breathe with bronchi and lungs. Their importance is invaluable. For such a necessary part of the body need to be looked after with dignity... Clean, heal on time.

Environmental problems are not only in big cities. So everyone needs to clean the bronchi and lungs: smokers, non-smokers, young, elderly, pregnant and lactating.

Lungs and bronchi urgently needs to be cleaned after quitting smoking.

  • cough,
  • dyspnea,
  • frequent yawning
  • swelling of the face
  • eczema on the elbows
  • mucus in the nose
  • diseases of the veins.

People usually ask how to clear the bronchi? You can clean the lungs and bronchi in various ways, then We will consider what options are there... Here :

  1. Natural cleansing- this is the same cough. It clears up phlegm, but is often painful, even intolerable.
  2. Breathing exercises of various techniques... The centuries-old system of yoga, gymnastics of Buteyko, Strelnikova will help cleanse the lungs. Their yoga health is considered the main indicator of life.
  3. Medication... Among the effective drugs is the well-known Mukaltin.
  4. Folk remedies such as lemon with honey.
  5. Steam bath with the scent of herbs and massage with a birch or nettle broom.
  6. Cardio workout- jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, swimming.

Cleansing the lungs and bronchi from nicotine

The longer a person smoked, the stronger he was respiratory system needs cleansing from tar, nicotine and other delights.

Cleansing rate lungs and bronchi - cough and expectoration of phlegm.

Help in cleansing the bronchi from phlegm the following medicines.

  • Lazolvan... The product improves metabolism, helps to cleanse mucus, reducing the level of its viscosity.
  • Acetylcysteine liquefies phlegm, kills toxins. Inhalation is used as a medicine.
  • Gedelix- drops and syrup. It will help to cleanse the lungs and bronchi of both a hard smoker and a baby.
  • Mucaltin removes phlegm well, but with a long smoking experience, it is of little use.

Folk remedies will provide significant support, with all the simplicity of their application.

  • Spread out throughout the apartment Bay leaf... Its smell is not audible, but the air is cleared of bacteria.
  • Lemon with peel but pitted grind in a meat grinder or puree with a blender. Add honey 1: 1. The remedy is taken in 1 tbsp. before eating at within a month.
  • 1 tbsp pine buds pour 200 mg of boiling water and insist 2 hours. Take a third of a glass of this drink before eating week.

Eat onions and garlic. They can be mixed with sugar to form an effective expectorant.

Don't forget about sauna, gymnastics and breathing exercises.

Important... No amount of bronchial clearing will help if you continue to smoke. Give up forever. Believe me, this is possible.

How to clear mucus from bronchi

Mucus from healthy bronchi withdrawn independently... Sick bronchi can you help.

  • Inhalation can be done in the clinic and at home. It is very convenient to use a home inhaler. Aromatic oils are added to it - fir, juniper; Medicines- Acetylcysteine ​​with Fluimucil, Ambroxol with Ambrobene; phytopreparations; Borjomi or other alkaline mineral water.
  • Breathing exercises in a ventilated room with humidified air. One of the yoga exercises is to take a deep breath and hold your breath by tapping your sternum. Simple, affordable and effective.
  • Postural drainage performed with the help of a professional. After inhalation, the patient is given a tapping massage, followed by the pronunciation of sounds in breathing exercises. The procedure ends with sputum coughing up after special exercises.
  • Herbal remedies such as an oat drink. Pour a handful of whole oats with half a liter of milk and cook over low heat. When only a glass of the mixture remains, puree the mixture with a blender. The resulting porridge is eaten three times a day.
  • Green pine cones milk... Finely chop three green pine cones, add a piece of pine resin to them, pour in half a liter of milk, boil. Leave the broth for 4 hours, strain. Drink a glass 2 times a day.
  • Pharmacy preparations- breast preparations, expectorant syrups, tablets with herbal extracts.
  • Aromatherapy... It is convenient to use aroma lamps with essential oils. But you can just spread the onions, garlic, cut into pieces, in rooms. You can use herbs or bay leaves.

What medicines help in clearing the bronchi

In pharmacies, breastfeeding medicinal fees... Traditional recipes, time-tested, which have already become patented medicines. Much easier and safer buy fee than to do it yourself.

Very good for the bronchi and lungs. licorice base... From dry chopped root to sweet syrup.

  • In addition to the previously described pharmaceutical preparations, it is often used Guaifenesin... It is prescribed to cleanse the bronchi before and after operations. The medicine not only removes phlegm, but also soothes.
  • Indian pills and syrup Askaril protect the alveoli, relieve spasms and dilate the bronchi, remove phlegm and kill bacteria.
  • Preparations with marshmallow in the composition, such as marshmallow syrup, potions for children, Mucaltin perfectly remove phlegm.

What folk remedies help

Folk remedies are slower and milder, but longer and more effective.

  • An effective way - in the morning eat a clove of garlic... You don't even need to chew until gruel. Wash down with water and apple cider vinegar.
  • Combine half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice with the same amount of hot milk. Add 1 tsp. honey, leave the mixture for half an hour. Divide in half and drink 5 hours in advance.
  • Mix 2 dessert spoons of licorice root with 1 tbsp. linden flowers. Pour in half a liter of boiling water. Insist half an hour, strain. Drink 150 ml of warm infusion before meals. The course lasts a month. At smoking collection is useless.
  • Cleans bronchi gently onion syrup... Chop the onion finely and cover with sugar. After 2 hours, the syrup is ready. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day after meals. This cleaning is done once a week.
  • Good tincture of black radish juices, carrots and beets... Juice medium vegetables. Take 1 pc of each. Pour half a liter of vodka. Put the tincture in a saucepan. Place the lid on and spread the dough over the lid for airtightness. Put the product in a preheated oven and hold for an hour and a half, reducing the heat to low. 50 g 3 times a day for a month. If necessary, repeat the course after 10 days.

What are the contraindications

Any medicines, both pharmacy and folk, from the "garden" can be useful, useless and harmful.

You need to be especially careful when treating pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly.

If the person has a serious illness kidneys, liver, heart, you also need to be very careful about the choice of medicines.

Allergy can manifest itself on almost any remedy.

  • Consider a very healthy broth of whole oats. But with gluten deficiency, stones in gallbladder , high acidity oats will only harm.
  • Or here's a stay in salt caves - halotherapy... It is indicated for bronchitis, allergies, coughs and asthma. BUT at kidney disease, hypertension, tuberculosis and flu- categorically no.

Important... The advice of a qualified doctor will help you understand the indications and contraindications for the treatment, cleansing, prevention of diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

How to clear a baby's lungs

The lungs and bronchi in infants and even preschoolers are not yet fully formed. Diseases with cough are difficult, can have dangerous complications.

Needed effective and safe funds cleansing the lungs and bronchi. the child needs to know in advance.

  • If you are not allergic to honey, then its use in a mixture with cranberry juice, onion juice or black radish- ideally. The juice is given in teaspoons.
  • Helps well Hot milk with grated figs. The composition is given twice a day for 1 tbsp.
  • No figs? Mash 5 cloves of garlic and mix with a liter of hot milk. It is not that tasty, but it helps to fight bacteria with helminths.
  • At night, you can dilute 2 drops of iodine in 1 cup of water. The child will sleep more calmly.
  • From two years old child inhalation can be done... Classic - to sit over a pot of boiled potatoes - pretty dangerous. Mom needs to hide with the child and watch him closely.

Worth buying inhaler, especially if there is more than one child in the family. useful for adults too.

Medicines for inhalation can be water with honey, alkaline mineral water, onion juice, herbal infusion.

What to do for people aged

Immunity in the elderly is reduced. Any infection threatens with complications. The bronchi are cleaned with bronchospasm and expectorant drugs for doctor's prescription.

  • Bronchospasmolytics- terbutamine, izadrin, salbutamol are often prescribed in old age.

Alternatively, you can try the following home remedies.

  • Mix in equal doses marshmallow root and thyme herb creeping (thyme).

A glass of boiling water will require 1 tbsp. mixtures. Heat all this in a water bath for 10-20 minutes. In an hour you can strain and drink 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.

  • Take 2 tablespoons each. coltsfoot and chamomile, mix with 1 tbsp. oregano. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the herbs and leave for 5 hours, wrapped warmly. Strain. Drink half a glass of warm infusion 3 times a day.

Needed breathing exercises and uncomplicated physical exercise.

What to do for pregnant

During pregnancy immunity is weakened and any infection becomes extremely dangerous... It is important to intercept the disease in time, avoiding complications.

At the same time, pregnant women with antibiotics are prescribed with caution and many other medicines.

  • Safe means cleansing the bronchi are decoctions and syrups of licorice roots, marshmallow, syrup on the leaves of Japanese medlar, licorice tea.
  • Inhalation helps well with herbs - eucalyptus, mint, calendula. Shilajit, propolis can be dissolved in alkaline mineral water and inhaled with them.

Important... Talk to your doctor about any bronchodilator. For example, what a good folk remedy- steam bath. But the steam room is contraindicated for cores.

Be healthy!

Smoking is a habit that causes significant harm to the human body. The smoke contains a large number of dangerous elements - carcinogens. These substances accumulate in the body and lead to serious negative health effects. If a person gives up this bad habit, then he has a logical question of how to cleanse the lungs after smoking at home.

Why is lung cleaning necessary?

Together with cigarette smoke carcinogenic substances enter the lungs... This is the cause of their swelling. The mucous membranes produce phlegm, through which toxic elements are removed. If a person smokes infrequently, his lungs cleanse themselves. In chronic smokers, the respiratory organs cannot cope with these loads, this provokes, over time, poisoning of the body.

The amount of mucus increases, which leads to the development of a chronic cough. If the sputum fills the bronchi completely, then serious diseases appear. These include lung damage, obstruction, bronchitis. After some time, this is the cause of the development of lung cancer.

Therefore, you need to know everything about how to clean the bronchi and lungs of a smoker after many years of smoking. Through systematic cleansing procedures, you can ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of oxygen to the tissues and internal organs, remove chemistry from this organ and cope with the accumulated mucus.

Medication methods

Answering the question, how to get rid of nicotine in your lungs Most doctors advise medication. The traditional method for removing unwanted substances is the use of sprays, syrups and tablets.

Today, many drugs are known that provide mucus excretion. If the resin begins to stick together the cilia and the sputum becomes viscous, secretory means must be taken to remove it.


This remedy is the most affordable drug, which ensures the removal of harmful elements accumulated in the lungs. It also prevents the alveoli from sticking together. If you carry out the full course of treatment, then the bronchi and lungs will be cleared of toxic substances much faster.

Instead of this drug, you can use Ambroxan, Lazolvan, ACC or other drugs with the same effect.

How to remove nicotine from the lungs can be told by a toxicologist, who will select the duration of treatment and dosage, taking into account the duration of smoking.


A large number of dangerous substances remain in the lungs from cigarettes. chemical elements... In order to speed up the cleansing, you can use special product - Gedelix... It is a herbal preparation based on ivy. Thanks to him, you can clean the respiratory organs even with a long smoking experience.


This drug is suitable for experienced smokers. Ascoril has bronchodilator, mucolytic and expectorant properties. With its help, it is possible to facilitate the release of mucous secretions. In order to achieve a good effect, it is necessary to completely drink the course of treatment. Desirable - under the supervision of a doctor.

Cleansing the lungs of a smoker with folk remedies

There are so many effective recipes , following which you can answer the question of how to cleanse the lungs of nicotine, for example:

Proper nutrition

Can the respiratory system be treated with food? In fact, adherence to a special diet allows you to speed up the process of excreting harmful substances from the body.

In order to solve the set tasks, you must drink at least 2 liters of water. It is also good to drink green tea... This drink has a pronounced antioxidant effect and helps cleanse the body of toxins.

Under the influence of nicotine, the absorption of vitamin C into the blood is disrupted. In addition, this substance makes the blood more viscous. Therefore, it is so important to include foods containing ascorbic acid... This category includes citrus fruits, kiwi, sauerkraut, bell peppers.

In addition, you need to include in the diet foods that have a cleansing effect. These include onions, garlic, ginger root and horseradish... Garlic contains an important substance - allicin. It is this component that liquefies phlegm and facilitates its release.

But the most effective product in helping to clear the lungs is milk. However, not all people can drink it in its pure form. In order to enhance the beneficial properties of this product and facilitate assimilation, it can be combined with other substances.

The simplest thing is to make milk jelly.... To do this, you need to mix the glass oatmeal with 0.5 liters of milk. The composition must be cooked over low heat for an hour so that the initial volume is halved. Grind the prepared product with a blender or pass through a sieve. You need to use the product daily for a week.

A couple of weeks after quitting nicotine, the lungs recover. After a few months, mucus and coughing gradually disappear. It should be borne in mind that the production of sputum and the development of cough indicates the beginning of the cleaning process.

What is useful to use to activate cleansing? To the most useful products include:

Breathing exercises

Execution of specially designed breathing exercises helps to release slags from respiratory organs and allows you to completely heal the body. Thanks to this gymnastics, the movement of mucus through the bronchi is enhanced, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, the volume of the lungs increases - all this makes it easier to cleanse the lungs at home.

Most simple exercises- releasing air through a straw, which is placed in a glass of water, and inflating balloons. If the lungs need more serious cleaning, then yoga complexes can help.

One of the most effective ways to strengthen your lungs is cleansing breath, which can be included in morning exercises:

Cleansing procedures

Quite useful massage to cleanse the lungs... For what it is possible to influence only one point, which is called "Haba-ex" in acupuncture. Find the small fossa with your index finger, which is located in the central part of the neck - approximately 3 cm from the intersection of the collarbones.

During pressure on this area, slight pain is bound to appear. This indicates the correct choice of the point. During 30 breathing cycles, it is necessary to press gently and also gently release this area. This massage must be performed three times a day.

Also an efficient way is classic massage... In order to make it at home, a person needs to lie on his stomach. The back is treated with a warming cream to open the pores. With warm palms, the masseur makes sliding movements from the spine to the sides, and then towards the neck and back to the sides.

The movements must be repeated until the skin turns red. Then the palms are folded in the shape of a boat and light blows are made on the back. After completing the procedure, wrap your chest and back with a warm towel.

It's pretty good to take healing baths and going to the bathhouse... With the help of bath procedures, you can warm up the body, due to this, the bronchi are cleansed, and the pores open.

In addition, it is useful to steam using oak or birch brooms. After the bath, it is recommended to drink herbal tea.

If it is not possible to go to the bathhouse, then you can take coniferous and herbal baths. For what it is necessary to fill the branches of needles or collections of medicinal plants with hot water and let it brew. This product must be added to the bath. The needles help release toxins and help unclog pores.

Also quite effective soda baths... To make them you need to take 100 gr. soda and dissolve in the bath. You can add 100 gr. salt. The duration of this procedure is one hour.