The wot test server is running. Test the new engine. And finally, about Ranked Battles

Not too long ago to game World of Tanks, a new update has been released, which they have dubbed the next nerf of the tank destroyer. New patch 0.9.2, in addition to the nerf of certain top cars, brought a significant number of changes to the game. On the test server, as always, there was a queue of people eager to test the new update. If you are a beginner, you probably wondered how to play on the World of Tanks test server. Anyway, what is test server and how does it differ from ordinary RU-servers?

Perhaps we should start with the fact that the Common Test 1/2 test servers only work while testing new patches. Thanks to open testing Wargaming collects patch data, errors, bugs and finalizes the update. Thus, while testing a new update, test servers may be restarted several times.

To play on the test server, you need a pre-registered account. In fact, if you have never played World of Tanks before starting the test, then you will not be able to play on the test server. A month before the test, a cut of the base is made. Thus, when you enter the game on the Common_Test servers, you will have tanks in the hangar at the time of the base cut. If you changed your password, you will have to use the pass that you had earlier.

But why is everyone so eager to get to the test server? Firstly, in addition to getting acquainted with the innovations, the player can play on any technique, since when entering the test server, in addition to his account funds (gold / silver), he is additionally allocated: 20 thousand gold, 100 million free experience and 100 millions of silver. Any player will envy such a reserve of currency. Alas, all achievements and "money" are not transferred to regular servers.

Thanks to gold, players can buy any premium tank and play on it. True, 20 thousand gold will not give you the opportunity to buy two Tier 8 premium tanks at once. But experienced players have already "caught" this situation. Many of them have a dedicated second account for testing. It is from him that they prefer to play on test servers. And if there is not enough gold for a pre-tank, then they switch to the main account. A huge amount of experience and credits allows you to open any branch of interest and buy any top tank. After playing several battles on a level 10 tank, the player can decide whether to download this branch or not.

However, the test attracts not only players who want to play on new combat vehicles, but also players who like to shoot gold. After all, the test gives out 20,000 gold, which is enough to buy gold shells for hundreds of battles.

As a rule, the company indicates the time of the database cut, so that the players who changed their passwords can get to the server, as well as the approximate time when the server was stopped. You can find out in advance about starting the test from the corresponding section of the official website -

To start testing, you should download a special installer called WoT_internet_install_ct.exe from the section and run it. The volume of the installer is small - 4.5 MB. But after the launch of the launcher, the download of the game will begin, and this is at least 8.5 gigabytes. In this regard, before downloading and running the installer, free up some space on the local disk.

After installing the test client, you just need to launch it, enter your data and play. Playing on the test is no different from playing on regular servers. Well, the answer to the question of how to play on the WoT test server has been received.

Read the news more often, watch the official KTTS program and get ready for a new test.

enCore is a program that will help you check if your PC is compliant with minimum requirements for using HD graphics in World of Tanks.

World of Tanks Core

In the spring of 2018, World of Tanks 1.0 or World of Tanks Core is released. This is a completely new version of your favorite game with an improved graphics engine, which will allow you to play World of Tanks on HD maps with realistic graphics. Installing WOT 1.0 will require a more powerful computer. Which one will help to find out the program enCore.

You can check whether your computer is suitable for installing World of Tanks 1.0 with the Core graphics engine right now using the enCore program. The program will demonstrate the capabilities of the new version of the game and measure the results of its processing on your PC.

Download and run the WoTEnCore_internet_install.exe file from the archive to install the PC performance evaluation program from World of Tanks. After the automatic installation of WOT enCore, select one of three options for graphics settings to test your PC for compliance with World of Tanks Core:

  1. Minimum;
  2. Average;
  3. Ultra.

Depending on the hardware used, the program will recommend certain preset graphics settings for running the test. You can independently choose the graphics settings that are convenient for you in World of Tanks Core. The enCore graphics test will only recommend the best option for your PC and tell you why WOT has a low FPS. You can independently tell the program which graphics settings to use to test your computer.

Before starting the graphics test, we recommend that you disable background processes and close the programs in use. This will increase the objectivity of the results of evaluating PC performance using enCore. After the end of the test "Ancor" will display the final score of your computer in points. The more points your computer scored in the test, the better it is suitable for

Instructions for downloading the test version of WoT

Download the World of Tanks test - this is exactly the problem faced by many players who do not really want to delve into the details, but want to try everything as soon as possible. To download a test World of Tanks, just go to the official website in the appropriate section, and after performing some simple operations, get a test client of the game on your computer. But sometimes it happens that when trying to download a test client, there was an error, or the server stopped responding. What to do in such a situation? Fortunately, there is a solution to the problem, and it has several ways, in this article we will try to disassemble all possible ways that will help you enjoy the test client.

To download the World of Tanks test from other resources, you must remember a simple rule that says that all files that you want to download and install on your computer must be posted on reliable sources, which in turn are confirmed by the developers themselves. Such sources include large fan resources for the game, as well as groups and sites of top clans that have been in the project for a very long time and have a positive reputation.

Various torrents, left-hand sites and other other sources can be dangerous both for your computer and for your account. In most cases, everything laid out there software and the game client may contain malware that can damage the system or transfer your account information to third parties. Therefore, you can download from such resources only at your own peril and risk.

Testing on third-party resources

So what is the advantage of third-party resources that legally and honestly distribute the test client of the game? To be honest, there is a lot of positive in them. When downloading, they never interrupt connections, they rarely fail, they immediately upload full version test client without the need to update it and, accordingly, they have a much higher data transfer rate than on the official website. You can find out a detailed list of fan resources that you can trust on the official website in the Fan Zone section.

Thus, you got acquainted with the ability to download a test game even if the connection with the main server is broken. It is also worth noting that sometimes the required file is uploaded on the fan resources of the game much earlier than the developers officially upload it. So now the priorities of the sources are visible to the naked eye, now you can determine exactly where you will receive the necessary content from.

Updated (11-07-2019, 22:59): third test 1.6

The test server in World of Tanks 1.6 is a regular server where new maps, features, tanks and other game innovations are tested. It is impossible to get to the WOT test server when the player wants it - it opens only at a certain time, when the game developers need it.

The test is open!

What is a test server and why is it needed?

Test server- this is the repository where the copy is stored and reproduced, but with some changes. Of course, before you make any changes to the game, you first need to test them.
The first ones see the changes in the WOT development staff, after which they give access to super-testers. If there are flaws, then they are corrected and the version of the new client is tested already under load. They "upload" a test version of the client to the backup server and open access to everyone. Again, the development staff is looking for bugs and shortcomings. After - fix and "roll out" new version client.

How to get to the WOT test server

To get to the test server, you need to download a special installer 1.6 or install Wargaming Game Center. Then launch it. He will offer to download a test client - download it and install it. Next, a folder will be created World_of_Tanks_CT(in the directory where the player specified during installation).

Everything is ready to go! We click on the shortcut of the test client and go to the login and login page. We go under our nickname and password, and choose one of the two test servers.

Features test. Server

  • Each player is credited with 20,000 gold, 100,000,000 free experience, 100,000,000 silver at a time.
  • Everything that you earn and buy on the test server will never go to the main one.

What's new in 1.6?

  • High-tier British light tanks
  • Changing the conditions of personal combat missions;
  • Change in appearance;
  • Disable damage to allies.

New British light tanks

General test 1.6 video review

Our game Worls of Tanks 1.2 has a test server. Is it worth downloading the WOT test server and what is interesting there that is not on the main servers of the game? Let's consider in more detail.

World of Tanks 1.2 server for testing updates

The World of Tanks 1.2 test server is not open all the time, unlike the main game servers. Basically, this server served to ensure that players test the upcoming updates and slowly get used to the improvements that are about to be released on the main servers. Before any changes in the game, be it the introduction of new maps, or the transfer of maps to HD mode, or even the introduction of a new branch of technology, the test server opens.

That is, having learned what the developers have prepared for the players in an interesting way, we can not only in words, but also in deeds make sure of this. The game client is no different and itself game process not changed.

How to install Test Server World of Tank 1.2?

In order to install the WOT 1.2 test server, you need to download a separate game client, because there are no test servers on the main client. Just like the regular client is updated from time to time, the same thing happens in the test client.

What to do on the World of Tanks 1.2 test server?

Also, if you are tired of “leaking” your statistics all the time, which you have been raising for a long time, there are times in the game when there are no victories, you can move to the test server and play calmly. That is, we have been provided with a huge amount of resources in the form of "gold", free experience and silver, which allows us to purchase any tank without wasting time on pumping it. We choose any branch of tanks, and in a matter of minutes we can already buy ourselves a dozen for the hangar.

You can also buy premium tanks, if, for example, we have a choice between two tanks, and we don’t know which one is better for us to take, then you can go to the World of Tank test server and conduct several battles on each vehicle between which there is a choice ... In the same way, you can upgrade a branch of tanks in order to understand whether we need a certain technique and whether it is worth spending time and money on upgrading the branch.

Download test server World of Tanks 1.2

As a result, if you need to try the game mechanics on any tank that you don't have in your hangar, or quickly check the new changes that await us in the patches before updating the game, you just need to download the World of Tanks 1.2 test server. Also, on the test server, you can just play with the crew, which has the maximum perks, or shoot with pure "gold bullets", so as not to lose the percentage of victories on the account and game statistics to get maximum pleasure.