Sleeping in a car and organizing a bed in a car, how to comfortably spend the night in a car. Designs of sleeping bags Do-it-yourself car sleeping bag

We figured this out, but what if outside the window of the all-weaver is not just a thicket, but a fairly swampy area and there is no longer enough strength and opportunity to get to the “ground”? And if there is an invigorating frost on the street under -35 Celsius?

There is only one way out - to spend the night in the car, but if you have not thought about it in advance, you will have to get along with the design solutions of the automaker who made such a curved seat with chic lateral support. This is such a thing that always unsuccessfully rests somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe liver.

Personally, I don't want to get up in the morning feeling like I saved the world all day yesterday. nuclear disaster, and spent the night in the cage of a police UAZ. So, I sit down to study the possibilities of organizing pleasant night dreams in comfort and warmth.

Well, take a seat...

In this brand new Patriot, not just a sleeping bag was built, but a whole warehouse complex for tourist purposes.

Chistyulya: warehouse tourist complex

May the owner of this brand new Patriot not be offended by me, in which not just a sleeping bag was built, but a whole warehouse complex for tourist purposes. A clean interior does not evoke any associations, except for those that climbing into the "bed" rubber boots will have to be left to the delight of the bears. In order not to stain the carpet ...

The design is quite standard for sleeping bags, since the trunk of the UAZ Patriot has chic dimensions for any fantasies. But, for my taste, there was a place for an excellent solution in the form of a large compartment with access from anywhere in the cabin and the ability to extend it due to the folded rear sofa.

The design is quite standard for sleeping bags, since the trunk of the UAZ Patriot has chic dimensions for any fantasies.

The hinged "door" of the large compartment should be hooked onto a cable and closed with a piece of aluminum. The result would be a nice little table for preparing breakfast.

Compared to the oversized cabinet, various shelves with access through the trunk and from the passenger compartment seem to be a mean addition to secondary values. For example, you can throw a dirty sling and shackles into an aluminum box, while they will not fly around the trunk, dirtying everything nearby.

Various shelves with access through the trunk and from the passenger compartment seem to be a mean addition.

The curvature of the walls of the luggage compartment is played with small compartments on the sides of the sleeping bag, which are accessible both from the side and from above. Such small compartments are well suited for storing various necessary junk, the prompt delivery of which is not included in the plans.

Now the most important thing - actually, a sleeping bag. The old salon of the Patriot was distinguished by the ability to spread the rear sofa into a bed. The new UAZ salon no longer provides such an opportunity, but it has become much more comfortable.

We fold the back of the sofa forward, thereby obtaining an almost flat surface with a sleeping bag shelf for an air mattress and bedding.

We fold the back of the sofa forward, thereby obtaining an almost flat surface with a sleeping bag shelf for an air mattress and bedding. At the same time, there is still room for bags and belongings at the feet of the rear passengers, niches, and some of them can be transferred to the front seats.

Chistyulya 2.0: sleeping tourist complex

The leather interior of the Patrol directly asks for the appropriate materials for the sleeping bag, so the fabric coating was replaced with leatherette, but the essence of the shelves remained at the level of the previous version in the UAZ Patriot.

In the leather interior of the Patrol, the fabric coating was replaced with leatherette, but the essence of the shelves remained at the level of the previous version in the UAZ Patriot.

All sleeping bags are made in accordance with the wishes of the customer, so the interests of the latter prevail over seeming convenience or suitability for certain purposes. There is nowhere to put the outboard motor here, but this is my stingy male tear about the inflatable boat and the motor lying in the garage. Otherwise, the boxes are quite relevant for a professional traveling hoarder.

Spreading principle bed similar to UAZ - the back of the rear sofa folds forward forming a kind of horizontal surface for reclining.

In fact, the Patrol and Patriot sleeping bags are similar in philosophy, but differ in individual performance.

In fact, the Patrol and Patriot sleeping bags are similar in philosophy, but differ in individual performance. I will not be surprised that some readers of this article will have a third similar option with their own solution.

Expeditionary: expeditionary complex

We got to the heavy artillery. This sleeping bag is organized in Toyota Land Cruiser 105 and has already experienced enough directions.

At first glance, it is clear that the shelf format is simplified to disgrace, but there is a logical explanation for this. The spacious central compartment is not left for the sake of saving money - its dimensions exactly match the aluminum boxes in which everything you need for the trip is transported: food, dishes, etc.

I would never have thought that it was convenient if I had not personally taken advantage of its charms while traveling around the Arkhangelsk regionwhen we carefully took the box by the handles and took it with us to the hotel. Thus, we not only saved food from freezing, but also organized a late dinner cooked in the room.

If the luggage space here is organized in a simplified version, then the folding of the sleeping bag has been improved. Special folding panels are stacked over the folded rear seat backrest and finally level the surface. Thus, folding panels eliminate the chances of pushing through the back and distribute the load more evenly.

The entire structure can be removed from the trunk with a few manipulations of the wrench.

The panels of the sleeping bag open, and if necessary, the entire structure can be removed from the trunk with a few manipulations with a wrench. The weight of the whole structure is only 7-8 kilograms. Not bad?

It remains only to lay the air mattress and lay the linen ...

Gryaznulya: trophy complex

Having called this option “dirty”, I frankly risk getting hit in the forehead, so I quickly turn out that I’m dirty - not because it’s dirty or for dirty, but because this Toyota Land Cruiser 73 is prepared for serious off-road and periodically goes to conquer it, plunging into adventures to the very tip of the antenna. Don't believe? Then I recommend reading: "Pinezhsky tract", "Three regions", "Unforgotten land".

This Toyota Land Cruiser 73 is prepared for serious off-road and periodically goes to conquer it, plunging into adventures to the very tip of the antenna.

An inquisitive eye will already notice that the organization of the luggage compartment is somewhat reminiscent of the previous version. Right! When the time comes to change the expedition version to the trophy one, it is here that boxes with tourist junk are reloaded and fall exactly into place. Conveniently?

The next one is tastier. It is very difficult to organize a full-fledged sleeping bag in which it is very difficult. Although the 73rd is not quite a short man, it did not partially escape this problem. Therefore, the folding shelf of the sleeping bag here consists of several parts that fit on special "rails" along the cabin. Without them, nothing worthwhile would have come of it, or a new Boeing would have had to be built.

We move the front seats forward, install a power cross member - so as not to fall into the dungeons of terrible dreams in a dream and lay out the panels along the structure. Then it's up to the little...

By the way, it was in this 73rd that I spied on a cool idea - a regular household outlet connected to a 220V inverter is installed on the dashboard, into which, as scheduled, an ordinary home electric fumigator is placed and mosquitoes die in kilograms. Take note while I'm kind.

In this 73rd, he spied on a cool idea - a household outlet connected to a 220V inverter is installed on the dashboard, into which an ordinary home electric fumigator is placed and mosquitoes die in kilograms.

We learn materiel: the possibilities of a sleeping layout

If you don’t have a sleeping bag, but really want to, then it’s worth exploring the capabilities of your car even before you go on a long voyage on it. For example, some models are able to lay the rear sofa in such a way that, together with the floor of the luggage compartment, a certain plane is formed.

So, for example, in Nizhny Novgorod At the BarabanOFF Trophy we managed to organize a sleeping bag in a Range Rover Evoque together. And in mid-size crossovers, this feature is present quite often.

The downside of this “layout” is that all the belongings folded in the trunk will have to be transferred to the front row of seats, and there may be problems with this (depending on the amount of shmurdyak taken on a hike).

Today I would like to talk about spending the night in nature.

There are several options here - you can sleep in a tent, sit in a car or pay a visit to a familiar or not necessarily familiar beekeeper or forester (they are always happy to have guests). By the way, most apiaries and gatehouses in the forest do not have constipation, since it makes no sense to hang a lock anyway - they will break it if necessary. So even if the owner is not at home, you can always spend the night in such a house, provided you do not spoil anything there and clean everything up after yourself. And if you also leave a present in the form of a hot liquid, then the happiness of the owner of the Foreast Hotel * will not be the limit. But the apiary is an exceptional option, so let's take a closer look at the first two.

On our trips, we spend the night both in a tent and in a car. Sleeping in a car is more convenient for several reasons.

Firstly, the tent must be set up and assembled, and if the trip involves a daily move to a new place, then this process can be a little tiring. Moreover, if the weather leaves much to be desired and gives you fogs or rains, then the tent most likely will not have time to dry out and you will have to assemble it wet, and go to bed damp.

Choosing a place for a tent is also not easy - sometimes pebbles, sometimes cones, sometimes marshland.

Another disadvantage is that at night all the rustles and sounds in it are heard very well. And if before that, all evening around the fire, stories about “inexplicable anomalies of this place”, about rassoms that attack peacefully sleeping tourists and about rod bears were poisoned around the fire, then especially impressionable persons (me, for example) can forget about sleep.

Another disadvantage is that if the tent is not placed in the shade, then the morning sun will drive you out of the tent very early. Although for many this is not a problem.

No matter what, I like to spend the night in a tent. In the near future I am going to write an article on and about how you can do it on your own.

And today I decided to pay attention to the equipment of a berth in the car.

Sleeping in a car has many benefits. Firstly, you don’t have to choose a place so carefully - where you got up, you lay down there, the main thing is that the car should be more or less even.

Secondly, you can always start it and turn on the stove if the temperature drops below comfortable or turn on the autonomous stove, which many travel cars are equipped with.

If your jeep has a long base, then the berth can not be turned off even on the road. This often helps us, the children are sleeping - and we go on.

And in the car there are light bulbs, shelves, pockets and other small amenities that make life much easier. Many even have TVs.

The meaning of organizing a bed in a car is about the same. If you want to sleep comfortably, then you need not just to lay out the seats, but to design a special bed.

To do this, the rear seats are either removed completely (as we had in the short Patrol) or folded forward and a metal frame is mounted at their level, sheathed with plywood and necessarily fixed to the body for safety reasons. The roads are different and there were cases when the cars lay on their side, while I would not want the frame, along with a bunch of different tourist utensils lying under it, to be on top of the driver or passenger. At the same time, this frame is located above the wheel arches, which significantly expands the bed, and there is enough space below where you can put things. Here's what it looks like for us:

And in this video you can see in more detail how we arranged everything:

This is the most common option for organizing a bed for avid autotourists. However, there are other options.

Someone settles for the night on the roof of the car in a special tent

The simplest recommendation is that a sleepy driver should not drive, just like a drunk one. It is a pity that the "snotester" has not yet been invented... But the tone of any person decreases several times during the day for objective reasons that do not depend on us. So, if you nod at your desk in the afternoon, then this is not at all a sign of promiscuity, but the natural state of the body. Although the fact that the boss finds you peacefully dozing on papers or the keyboard is also not good. But nothing fatal either.

What other options? Maybe three cups of coffee? Energy drink? Cigarette? God save you! One is worse than the other! It is better to go out into the fresh air (of course, not in a traffic jam and not on the highway at night) or at least open four windows (but not in the rain or snow).

Stop and sleep!

But master recipe one is to stop in a safe place and take a nap. You may be late somewhere, but you will remain safe and sound. True, not everyone is capable of falling asleep so easily, in a quick way, dropping their head on their chest or on a headrest - it is more difficult for a person with a finer “nervous organization” than for a “thick-skinned”. Yes, and a “half-hour” nap will help only when there is not much left to go. And on a long journey?

It’s good for truckers - they have comfortable sleeping places in their cabs. Another thing is an ordinary passenger car, where you don’t particularly fall apart. So all hope for the infrastructure: now along most of the roads there are many cozy, relatively inexpensive motels where the driver and his companions can spend the night quite comfortably. It turns out that spending the night in the cabin of your own car is no longer relevant? By no means!

Looking for a bedroom

Motels are not everywhere. The country is “immense”, and the farther from the capital, the less often “oases”.


It also happens like this: signs of civilization are found every twenty or thirty kilometers, and then suddenly - bam! And more than a hundred "keme" nobody, only gas stations flicker in the night. And sleep pulls unbearably ... At least insert matches between the eyelids so that they do not close.

True, roadside hotels, as a rule, are small - a dozen or two rooms. And they might just be busy. We should have stopped earlier... But who knew?

The plans were to go and go, and in the middle of the night my eyes began to stick together. This happens especially often in the autumn-winter period. In rain-snowfall and darkness, the average speed drops seriously, and travel time increases accordingly. The main troubles are on the eve of winter, when it is still damp during the day, and it freezes with the onset of darkness. Slippery so that not only to go - it is impossible to go! And then only to the parking lot - the nearest one. Away from sin.

In general, have you often had to stop at roadside motels (if there are any along the way and are not full)? Yes, for me.

If there was a pillow...

They are also quite good, more or less clean, decorated according to the taste of the owner, sometimes quite intricately, and the cuisine is often decent. Not the "Grand Hotel", of course, but for the countryside it will do. But in most cases, “long-range” hangs out here until late: smoke with a yoke, chanson with a mother at full volume. And girls who are by no means “heavy” behavior and not the most attractive appearance catch you in a cafe and knock on your room: “Man, quench the match for the lady.” In a word, not everyone will like this. And this is the third obvious reason.

There is one more "but" - finance! As the hero from the unforgettable "Mimino" said, "Listen, what normal person he will go to Moscow without money, well, we went to a restaurant, back and forth, the money ran out ... "

Therefore, the objections, “they say, you need to pack on the road with a margin, and any driver should always have an extra 800-1000 rubles for an overnight stay in his pocket,” we cannot accept as an argument. You never know what has already happened on the way - a wheel was pierced, broken, “shared with the inspector”, etc., etc.

We stay in the car


If you give this money today for a warm bed, there is no guarantee that tomorrow you may not have enough for unforeseen needs. And our people, after all, are not too rich to easily part with an extra “thing”.

I will find you more than one or two good reasons why you sometimes have to spend the night in a car: I had a fight with my wife, but I don’t want to disturb my friends; health seized and you need to take a break; you meet someone at the airport, and the flight is still delayed ... You can continue indefinitely.

Get comfortable

Almost all cars suggest the possibility of rest and sleep. To do this, the front seats are laid out to a horizontal or almost horizontal position.

Earlier, somewhere before the sixties of the last century, when there were no headrests yet, and the front sofas were solid and flat, the back of the first row fell flush with the plump pillow of the second, forming a great double bed. Happy baby boom times!

Now, the profiled front seats, famous for their complex shape and pronounced lateral support, lie only on top of the rear seats. In addition, the kink at the junction between the pillow and the back of the front row makes it difficult to stretch out and relax.

In terms of height, most models do not limit us - legs can be extended freely. So if you spend the night alone, it is better to move to the right chair - so that the steering wheel and pedals do not interfere. What if in a company? To do this, you can use both front seats, and another crew member can be sent to the trunk by folding the second row of seats - especially if the car is one-volume, which are now quite a few.

And in many sedans, the second row develops. But it would be nice for this “third-useful” passenger to find some kind of mattress - the floor is hard!

We decided to compare models of different classes according to the convenience of sleeping in a car and, having assembled five different cars, “sleep” in them. What came out of it, you can see in the photos. And - have a good rest!

He is Goga, he is Zhora, he is Gosh. Sorry, aka Peugeot 4007 and, more importantly and nicely, Mitsubishi Outlander XL. The quality of the materials here is quite decent - both leather and plastic are designed to please riders and "lezhuzhniki". And on a good "mattress" and sleep soundly.

The local chairs seem to be made for “precipitating” after a tiring journey - they perfectly wrap around the body and do not put pressure on either the lower back or the knees. True, they "impose" a pose "on the back." It’s almost impossible to turn on the side here - the pronounced profile of the lumbar support interferes. The trunk is spacious, but harsh on a flat plastic.

But in terms of the convenience of “crawling” onto the back bed, the “Frenchman” has no equal, because the lower flap of the lid leans back to a horizontal position, and you can sit on it, say, to put on shoes or drink some tea, look at the stars.

Driver and passenger airbags, front side airbags, front and rear side curtain airbags, ABS, stabilization system, cruise control, fog lights, headlight washers, xenon headlights, light and rain sensors, climate control, rear parking sensors, socket 12V in the trunk and in the front center armrest, leather trim, 18" alloy wheels

A minivan is always a minivan (from a sleeping point of view!). Even if it bears the proud name "Great Wall". The Chinese nevertheless learned to more or less diligently copy Japanese products of past generations. And Сowry is no exception.

Large internal volume, a lot of “air”, far-retractable front seats are obvious pluses for accommodation for the night. Yes, and there is plenty of space in the trunk - you can not even sit alone.

But there are also comments: a relatively high minivan seat prevents you from stretching your legs horizontally - it forces you to keep your knees half-bent. And when “putting the body” into the trunk, there is a risk that the “seats” of the third row, very unreliably tied with Chinese straps to the walls of the body, will collapse on you according to the principle of a blade invented by the glorious Dr. Guillotin. Yes, and you will have to constantly heat a large salon, and there is little trust in door seals.

Frontal airbags, ABS, anti-theft system, leather upholstery, climate control, power windows in the front and rear doors, central locking c remote control, height-adjustable steering column, power sunroof, fog lights, rear seat folding in parts, power and heated exterior mirrors, 12V socket, multimedia system (CD/MP3/MP4/DVD/U USB/Bluetooth)

Many probably don’t remember (the memory is a girl’s!), but about ten years ago, on the Russian market, the creatives of the representative office of this brand came up with such a slightly clumsy slogan for advertising: “This is not a dream, this is Nissan.” Direct dream in hand! After all, it is the passenger flagship Teana that has something that many more eminent manufacturers can envy - the right front seat with leg support. It is equipped with a servo and is able to raise your tired calves to almost knee level. For some reason, this device is funny called an ottoman - either in honor of the collapsed Turkish empire, or in honor of the creator of the internal combustion engine, Otto ...

Taking into account the status of the model, which implies the presence of a personal driver, it is possible to start “putting pressure on the mass” while driving. Luxurious lodge! But for one - the left armchair is not "ottoman". And only the crazy will get into the trunk here - the back of the second row is non-folding. Although if you tie your hands and feet ...

Front airbags for driver and passenger, side airbags for driver and passenger, curtain airbags for the front and rear row of seats, ABS, ESP, light sensor, power mirror adjustment and folding, climate control, Intelligent Key access system, engine start button, cruise -control, leather interior, color touch screen, rear view camera, xenon headlights, 17'' alloy wheels, navigation system, BOSE audio system

You say: "One in Polo is not a warrior"? That's right - a family car, involving not only city trips, but also long-distance travel in a large company.

Once upon a time, Polo was considered a B-class. Now it sounds like a mockery - how "everything is mixed up in the Oblonskys' house"! This “B-class” can easily accommodate four well-fed travelers. The front seats are surprisingly spacious and comfortable - we will settle ourselves and fall asleep quickly. We will put a representative of the younger generation on the sofa of the second row, who was also lucky enough to "join the beautiful" in the face of the "people's car". And in the trunk (provided that it is free from a pile of packages from your favorite hypermarket or from tomato seedlings), you can easily put your favorite mother-in-law. Although if the Polo was bought with her financial participation, instead of her, it’s not a sin to settle down for the head of the family himself, and for her grandmother to go to the salon. Not in vain, not in vain, semi-annual queues line up for this model. Or should I say "semi-annual"?

Frontal driver and passenger airbags, power windows front and rear, ABS, driver's seat height adjustment, steering column height and reach adjustment, central locking, immobilizer, electric front seat heating, electrically adjustable and heated exterior mirrors, 15" alloy wheels, tires 195/55, fog lights, air conditioning, radio / CD / MP3 radio, chrome trim interior elements

Domestic "berry" has ripened to the size of a station wagon. And, probably, taking into account the affordable price, this is the most democratic means of transport for long trips in the Russian outback - maintainable and passable, compact and roomy.

It is in Kalina that many compatriots will have to relocate on a long journey due to the lack of a motel or money for an overnight stay. I confess that before the "laying of the body" we expressed considerable skepticism about the "sleepy comfort". But! Test on itself has completely disproved any mistrust!

I especially liked it in the universal trunk - despite the winter night shooting, your obedient experimental servant instantly dozed off. The reason is that the floor here is uneven and rises at the level of the folded seats, forming a natural elevation in the headboard area, and the fleecy upholstery carpet is quite soft.

ABS, airbags for the driver and front passenger, audio preparation, velor upholstery, rear headrests, rear seat folding in parts, climate control, tilt steering column, power and heated exterior mirrors, heated front seats, power windows front and rear, on-board computer, fog lamps, light-alloy wheels 14'', immobilizer, anti-theft alarm remote control, central locking with remote control

Where do you sleep better?

The result of the test was unexpected for us. As it turned out, the size is not always decisive: all five applicants turned out to be quite suitable for a full-fledged overnight stay, the difference is only in the nuances.

Most comments to the largest of all - Great Wall Cowry. “Minivan-like” high-mounted chairs force the sleeper to bend their knees.

Lada Kalina did not bring any surprises. The trouble is that on a compact car in the rearmost position of the seats, their backs do not fold down, but lie on top of the second-row sofa. And to make the "bed" more gentle, you have to shorten its length.

The VW Polo turned out to be quite good for sleeping and spacious in length. Only a limited width dimension can prevent large people from lying in a "parallel course".

Nissan Teana would rightfully claim leadership. Its comfortable for both sitting and lying positions, and especially the right, "Ottoman", will allow two passengers to sleep smartly. But the back of the rear sofa does not add up.

And therefore, the French-Japanese crossover Citroen C-Crosser comes out on top in terms of the combination of advantages. Bravo-bravo! It's cozy and spacious here. Four adult riders will be able to spend the night here without crowding. But - with the presence of mattresses for sleeping in the back.

Watch your back!

When sleeping in a car, a couple of important aspects arise - warmth and safety.

In our cold climate, in most cases, even the outerwear that you have with you does not allow you to feel comfortable in a cold car. Indeed, in a dream, when the muscles relax, the pulse becomes less frequent, we need more heat. And the outside temperature naturally drops at night.

Well, if there is a warm blanket in stock, even better - a sleeping bag, which assumes a normal overnight stay without additional heating of the cabin, even at slight sub-zero temperatures.

What about significant ones? And without a bag? And here the question arises - whether to start the engine? In the past, all instructions discouraged this. And if you start, then turn the car with the exhaust pipe into the wind - so as not to burn out.

Now everything has changed markedly. Catalysts in exhaust systems absorb most of the carbon monoxide, door and trunk seals have become noticeably better, and the chance to sniff (albeit not fatally, but to the point of a headache) has become scanty.

But, again, this applies to modern cars. If your “hardware” is dying and was released in the last century, it’s better to make centimeter gaps in a pair of windows, so as not to harm your health.

But with regard to the safety of criminal advice is obvious: spend the night where you are not alone - at gas stations and at traffic police posts. The probability that “dashing people” will come there is almost zero. But because of this "almost" do not forget to block the central lock from the inside. And the keys, even if the engine is turned off, leave in the ignition - so, just in case of a fireman. To quickly jump into the saddle and get away from problems - you never know what negative characters decide to knock on your window. God saves man, who save himself!

And one more thing - do not take the coming one “on the chest, for warmth”, even if you plan to sleep all night. Firstly, you may not have time to ventilate before the morning, and under the current "dry law" you risk dismounting for a couple of years. Secondly, what if the dream passes and you feel the urge to go earlier?

Special test: it's time to sleep!

A logical question is, why do you need to spend the night in a car at all, or why specially equip (build) a sleeping place in it? After all, it seemed much easier, we take a tent, sleeping bags, rugs with us, calmly set up camp and spend the night in comfort. But not always everything is so simple.

If you purposefully go in the warm season for several days to relax in nature, then spending the night in, or even under an awning, is certainly the most optimal and preferred option. However, even if you constantly carry a tent and bedding with you in the car, there are often situations when the need to spend the night is inevitable. But spending the night in a tent for one reason or another will not be comfortable or difficult at all. For instance:

- The terrain or its top layer makes it difficult to set up a tent. Or it takes a lot of effort to clear the place. Rocky surface, dense shrubs, slightly waterlogged or flooded land after rains, deep snow cover, wasteland with rubbish lying around in the city, etc.

- For some reason, breaking up and equipping a bivouac is simply impractical. Short-term rest during long hauls, a suitable place for a bivouac will be removed from a standing car at a considerable distance, adverse weather conditions, you meet someone at the airport in the evening, and the flight is delayed by 5-6 hours, etc.

In such, above, and similar cases, the most acceptable option for solving the issue of spending the night may be a car tent installed on the roof of the car. When folded, it looks like a trunk, and some models can also simultaneously perform its functions. Such a car tent is quite quickly and easily put into working condition, spending the night in it is very comfortable.

But its shortcomings sometimes outweigh all its advantages. It does not make sense to constantly carry it with you, since it increases the windage of the car, thereby reducing the speed of movement and increasing fuel consumption. And most importantly - a rather high price.

If in your car the backrests of the front and rear seats are able to fold out to a horizontal or almost horizontal position into a flat bed, or the length of the car is enough to form a flat bed by folding only the rear seats without touching the front seats, then you are provided with a good rest and sleep.

Such an organization of a bed in a car is effective and does not require any cash costs. But only if you do not have luggage with you, or there is very little of it, or you are alone. Otherwise, the unpleasant process of shifting things from the trunk to the passenger compartment begins. And if there are a lot of them, then laying them out under the car or next to it. This takes some time and is not always convenient. For example, at night or in the rain. But in the morning the whole process will need to be repeated, but in the reverse order.

Unfortunately, such a transformation of the interior is not possible in all cars. In some cases, profiled front seats with pronounced lateral support can only lie on top of the rear seat cushions, and not flush with them. Relaxing and resting can also be prevented by a bend at the junction between the cushion and the back of the front row seat.

Special sleeping bunk or sleeping system from sections to the car.

For those who need to spend the night in a car quite often, we can advise you to arrange a comfortable bed in advance. Having made a removable collapsible, easy to install. To do this, it is necessary to make a special design that will be mounted on top of the folded seat backs and block the free space of the car.

First of all, for convenience, the car should be placed on a more or less horizontal section, in front in the direction of the exit. And if an early rise is not planned, then also take into account the direction of sunrise, so that in the morning it does not shine in the eyes. The car must be put on the parking brake.

If you have to spend the night in the front seat whose backrest does not fold out to a horizontal state, then try to find a small hillock and park the car so that the front is slightly higher than the back. Then the body will take a more horizontal position and it will be more comfortable to sleep.

You can protect yourself from insects with a mesh or gauze pressed against a closed door. To carry out full ventilation of the cabin, you need to leave two diagonal windows slightly ajar, otherwise in the morning everything inside will be condensed and very foggy.

If you already have a car kit already assembled and constantly in the car, then most likely it already has a compact fleece blanket or blanket, add an air pillow and an air mattress to this, and you will be provided with a good sleep.

In the cabin, diagonally, it will be useful to pull a pre-prepared rope or cord. Useful for hanging some small things, as well as drying towels and items of clothing. If it is cold outside, then you can “warm up” with a pair of 1.5-2 liter plastic bottles of hot water, after wrapping them in a towel or any other suitable piece of cloth. Or use catalytic.

If these funds are not enough to spend the night at a comfortable temperature, then we periodically start the car, turn on the stove and warm up the interior. On particularly cold nights, this will have to be done quite often. Sleeping in a car with a constantly running engine is strongly discouraged.

Because the planned trip by car assumed a certain amount of autonomous movement in places quite remote,
from the location of the person, besides, I didn’t really want to be dependent on hotels, in addition to fuel and food supplies, I still needed to sleep somewhere.

The natural solution would be to spend the night in a tent, but there is one "BUT", because. it was planned to go at the end of September, i.e. in a not quite warm season, it would be uncomfortable to spend the night in a tent.
Therefore, the idea arose about sleeping in a car that could not be jammed at all. I have previously come across a number of articles about organizing a bed in a car, but then I decided to take a closer look at them. Plus, the experience of previous trips has shown that the principle of “all-things-in-one-heap” in the trunk, to put it mildly, is not entirely successful. and the sleeping place is naturally combined with the layout of things in 2 floors, which is much more convenient.

I even came across people who make luggage systems to order. It looks very good, but the price, in fact, “bites” a lot - 36K

In addition, the system is non-removable, and we still have to “carry strollers”. I read the forum, looked at the pictures and decided to try to do everything myself.

The easiest option was to buy timber, plywood and carpet and do so (clumsily of course, but not much time)

No sooner said than done. I bought 3 bars 40x50x200, two (for some reason) sheets of plywood 9 mm 150x150, corners and self-tapping screws. And I ran into the first problem: after screwing long self-tapping screws into a beam, it simply cracked.

It turned out 2 such legs, but the plywood on them sagged a lot and there was a need for stiffeners, and 3 bars ran out.

I thought and thought and decided what to do with metal. Aluminum is a great thing, but how to fix it?
There are two options: bolted and riveted. Decided to learn for myself new tool: riveter.
Cost ~ 300 r + riveting ~ 100 r per package. I bought a tool in Leroy, aluminum pipes 25x25x2000, bolts.


Got such legs

For some reason, two stiffening ribs now turned out to be few again, and then the aluminum pipes ended. Crap!!!

Because I did all the work outside the city, went to the surrounding construction markets to look for a profile. There was no aluminum on the markets, it was necessary to take a metal profile 20x20x300 2 mm thick (for some reason it turned out to be the same thickness as aluminum, perhaps tolerances, but oh well). They sawed it in size with a grinder there, crooked, but oh well.

Now the stiffness is fine.

We try on plywood, cut out an additional piece.

The carpet turned out to be the most expensive in this design: unfortunately, there were no pieces of black color, so I had to take it without discounts. It came out to about 900 rubles.

Plus a stapler with staples for another 250 rubles in the same Leroy.
Total, consumables turned out ~ 3-3.5K
Work ~ 2-2.5 days, taking into account the first version.

The design is completely collapsible, the sleeping place turned out to be ~ 170x120, i.e. quite to himself. Assembly, disassembly takes 10 minutes (in the photo without a sidewall)

Canisters with additional fuel, tools, food, chairs, tiles, water fit perfectly down.
At the top rides clothes, a folding table. The berth unfolds in 5 minutes, things from above are either placed under the awning, or placed on the front seats.

The design was successfully tested on the trip and proved to be excellent. There are several nuances that need to be improved: for example, some of the plugs so as not to scratch the interior trim, holders for the folding part of the bed, but these are already trifles.

Z.Y. Still had to take a tent, because. three of them still can't fit in the car ....