Fixation of dentures. If the prosthesis dangles. Complaints and inconvenience when wearing removable dentures The gums are squeezed like a vice prosthesis

Anastasia Vorontsova

At the first installation of a clasp prosthesis, the patient has a feeling of a foreign body in the oral cavity, which becomes dull in the process of getting used to.

The causes of discomfort and pain are that the prosthesis not only rests on the teeth, but also presses on the oral mucosa.

After installing removable structures, the patient may experience the following inconveniences:

  • The clasp prosthesis rubs the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  • Having discomfort while eating.
  • Biting the tongue, cheeks or lips.
  • Violation of diction.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Decreased taste perception.
  • Feeling of nausea.
  • Activation of the gag reflex.
  • Change in perception of cold and hot.
  • Remnants of food getting under the prosthesis.

Usually all these sensations disappear within a month.

After a period of adaptation, getting used to clasp prostheses begins and the patient begins to feel more comfortable with prostheses than without them.

Stages of habituation

  • phase of irritation. Comes at the time of installation of the prosthesis. During this phase, the clasp construction is perceived by the patient as a foreign body. This period lasts approximately five days.
  • The period of the upcoming partial braking. At this stage, manifestations such as increased salivation disappear, diction and chewing function are restored, and the tension of the lips and cheeks is reduced.
  • Full braking.

The duration of each stage of getting used to the clasp prosthesis depends on the quality of the design, the correctness of its choice for restoring teeth.

How to get used to the clasp prosthesis

One of the main conditions for getting used to the design is the constant use of a clasp prosthesis.

  • It is necessary immediately after the installation of the structure to learn how to independently put on and remove the prosthesis. It is advisable to first do this in front of a mirror.
  • Before putting on the clasp structure, it must be moistened with water or a special fixation agent should be used.
  • During the first two weeks, the prosthesis must be worn constantly and even at night, taking it out only for cleaning and caring for the oral cavity.
  • To reduce the manifestation of the gag reflex, you can try to dissolve the candy by pressing it with your tongue to the sky.
  • During the day, drink hot drinks and rinse your mouth several times with warm water or herbal infusions (using chamomile or sage). Hot drink softens and loosens the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which allows the edges of the structure to sink deeper into it.
  • To quickly restore diction, you should talk more and read aloud for two or more hours. This must be done in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Before fully adapting to the prosthesis, it is necessary to eat soft food, chewing it thoroughly and slowly so as not to burden the structure.
  • Try not to bite off food with your front teeth. It is necessary to chew food with the help of lateral teeth, evenly distributing it to the left and right.
  • Food should be taken cut into small pieces. The diet should contain vegetables and fruits, which will allow you to quickly switch to eating familiar foods. You should not eat solid food (for example: crackers, nuts, sugar, etc.).
  • After eating, it is necessary to remove and rinse the structure, and rinse the mouth.

When using the prosthesis, you should not take long breaks in its use, since such actions can lead to the appearance of initial manifestations.

If the design is not used within a month, as a rule, it becomes unusable, which is an indication for the manufacture of a new prosthesis.

acclimatization period

The maximum allowable period is one to one and a half months.

If during this period there was no getting used to the prosthesis, then such a design is contraindicated for use, or poorly manufactured.

Once developed braking has a greater resistance, due to which the adaptation time to a new removable structure is shortened.

Photo: The compactness of the prosthesis contributes to rapid addiction
  • Construction size.
  • The degree of fixation of the prosthesis on the jaw.
  • The nature of pressure transmission during chewing.
  • The general reaction of the body to a foreign body.
  • A type nervous system and age of the patient.
  • The general health of the patient.

Carrying out the correction

After the installation of the clasp prosthesis, the appearance of painful sensations is due to the pressure of the structure on the mucous membrane due to its gradual subsidence.

This factor is inevitable and cannot be fully taken into account in the manufacture of the prosthesis.

Photo: Checkup at the dentist

As a result, the design needs to be corrected. This will require several visits to the doctor.

  • The next day, it is recommended to visit the dentist for an oral examination, even if there are no complaints.
  • If there is pain when using the structure, it must be removed, but before visiting the doctor 3-4 hours before the appointment, the prosthesis must be put on. This is necessary so that the dentist can determine the localization of the mucosal injury from the structure.
  • If diction does not improve when using a prosthesis, you should see a doctor.


  • Clasp dentures do not require special care.
  • The design does not need to be removed at night until habituation sets in.
  • Removing the prosthesis is recommended for cleaning with a toothbrush and paste and hygienic oral care.
  • After eating, it is necessary to rinse the mouth and structure with running water, and also clean it from food particles.

Video: "Bugel prostheses"

Dental prosthetics has a huge history - it is one of the most developed methods of restoring lost teeth. This treatment passes quite quickly, there are no consequences, so complications after dental prosthetics are a rather rare phenomenon. But it still occurs periodically and mainly boils down to the appearance of inflammatory processes on the gums due to the inconvenient design of the artificial jaw, or allergic reactions to the materials used.

Complications after prosthetics

Causes of complications after dental prosthetics

Stomatitis under dentures- a fairly common phenomenon, especially in cases where the prosthesis causes particular discomfort for the first time after installation. Inflammation of the gums and even the formation of small pustules appear due to an excessively strong fit of the prosthesis to the gums, as a result of which the blood vessels are squeezed and the cells of the soft tissues gradually die off - bedsores are formed.

The treatment is very simple - just contact your doctor to adjust the prosthesis, as well as use special ointments, antiseptic solutions and gels that relieve inflammation from the gums.

Diseases of the teeth under dentures- As a rule, abutment teeth are prone to caries or even pulpitis. Diseases can occur due to poor oral hygiene. There is usually a small space between the denture and the gum, which is necessary so that the denture does not put too much pressure on the soft gums. But, like artificial teeth, this small hole must be carefully monitored - rinse it with water, use dental floss to remove food debris, visit a doctor for professional oral hygiene. Otherwise, bacteria will accumulate between the gums and the prosthesis, which will lead to damage to the teeth and the appearance of bad smell from mouth.

Peeling off a permanent dental bridge or crown after installation- the causes of this complication, as a rule, are considered to be a change in the bite, or the removal of any teeth and the gradual displacement of the remaining ones towards the empty space. Also, damage to the supporting teeth, or excessive load, can lead to the detachment of the prosthesis. Depending on the degree of damage to the prosthesis, it is either returned to its place by re-gluing, or (if the abutment teeth cannot withstand new loads) it is replaced with an alternative type of prosthetics.

Discomfort after dentures -
the phenomenon is frequent, especially characteristic of removable structures. As a rule, in the first couple of weeks you will have to deal with unpleasant sensations in the mouth - new and unusual teeth, or hooks can rub the gums or inner part cheeks Speech will also change - there may be some problems with the pronunciation of sounds. There will be profuse salivation due to the presence of a foreign body in the mouth. Discomfort passes on its own, because gradually a habit to the prosthesis appears. If the discomfort is characterized by pain and is caused by fasteners, you should definitely inform your doctor about this in order to adjust the fasteners.

Weakening of the fixation of removable structures occurs gradually, as it approaches the end of the official life of the product. Daily wear, regular extraction from the oral cavity - all this affects the prosthesis attachment system. The problem is solved by using additional creams or dental adhesives, or by adjusting the fixtures.

Allergy to materials used to create prostheses - this is the most common complication after prosthetics. Modern scientists are trying to minimize the occurrence of the body's reaction to the materials used, however, the more various prostheses appear, the more often new allergic reactions occur.

Allergy occurs mainly when the prosthesis comes into contact with the gums and is characterized by symptoms such as a rash on the skin of the face or hands, swelling, rashes and redness of the oral mucosa, an asthma attack, inflammation of the salivary gland, burning and dry mouth. An allergic reaction can occur both immediately and several hours or even days after the installation of the prosthesis. If symptoms occur, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and choose another type of prosthesis.

galvanic syndrome occurs as a result of the presence in the oral cavity of various metals - for example, used as the base of a prosthesis or as part of dental crowns. When saliva enters (it acts as an electrolyte), the metals acquire different potentials, which leads to the formation of galvanic currents.

There are several symptoms of the disease: a metallic taste in the mouth, headaches, darkening of metal prostheses, allergic reactions, sleep disturbance and the general condition of the body. The problem is solved by replacing prostheses - it is important that only the same metals are present in the oral cavity.

The degree of fixation of the denture depends on the individual characteristics of the oral mucosa and the shape of the gums.

When does denture mobility appear?

A removable denture should fit snugly against the oral mucosa, hold well, not swing or balance. Under such conditions, the prosthesis perfectly performs its functions: chewing food, biting food, diction, communication and articulation, support for the soft tissues of the face: lips and cheeks.

The mobility of the prosthesis can occur for various reasons. Most often this is a long service life, more than 3-5 years. During this time, a natural change in the shape of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed occurs, that is, a change in the shape of the gum under the prosthesis. During this time, the plastic wears out, the gum decreases, it is difficult to chew food with such prostheses, the prostheses darken. This is a feature of removable dentures. In such a situation, we recommend that you turn to an examination to decide on the stabilization of the prosthesis.

If the denture is well preserved, the relief of the teeth is not changed, the denture is less than 5 years old and was made in our clinic, we offer to perform relining of the prosthesis. When relining, a layer of plastic is added to the thickness of the atrophied (reduced) gums. After that, the prosthesis is again well kept.

The consequences of the mobility of the denture:

As an example, we give the case of larger shoes. When the shoes fit well on the foot, it is convenient to walk in it, run - nothing presses, does not press, does not rub. Also with new dentures. However, after some time, part of the gum can atrophy (shrink) under the prosthesis, which leads to the fact that the prosthesis becomes, as it were, large. The prosthesis does not sit tightly on the gum. It is the movements of such a prosthesis that lead to the consequences:

  • gum chafing,
  • biting cheeks,
  • The danger of the prosthesis falling off during sleep,
  • diction violation,
  • food chewing disorder,
  • Decreased self-confidence, the prosthesis can fail,
  • Constant discomfort and correction of the prosthesis,
  • The prosthesis must be monitored throughout the day.

With repeated prosthetics and when severe atrophy of the alveolar ridge of the jaw has occurred (the gum has decreased), then it is necessary to make a new prosthesis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the future prosthetic bed.

New dentures that have just been correctly made do not hang out and should be fixed by themselves, without special creams. As they say, put on and go. There should be a feeling that the denture has become native, your own.

Cost of relining a removable denture

The cost of a new denture

When using a denture for more than 5 years or more, and unfortunately, if it is impossible to perform relining and eliminate mobility, it is more reliable to make a new denture. In this case, we recommend that you contact the reception for a consultation.

To maintain the health of the oral cavity and the body, WHO (World Health Organization) experts recommend visiting the dentist every 6 months:

"Qualified consultation for you!"

300 rub.

Removable dentures:

(All included in the price)

"The most affordable way to restore a lot of teeth"

18000 rub. -
22000 rub.

"Restoration of all teeth in any jaw"

25000 rub.

, partial

"It is used for allergies to a conventional removable denture"

25000 rub.

, full

"Replacing a conventional prosthesis with an allergy to plastic"

30000 rub.

with support-retaining clasps made of KHS

"Serves 10 years, unlike plastic"

40000 rub.

on locks
Completely invisible to others (no hooks)

"Internal lock for fixation - No one will know about a removable prosthesis"

120000 rub.

The cost includes related materials and services. Permanent 10% discount for students and pensioners.

Removable dentures have to be used in the absence of all teeth (complete adentia) or several units to restore chewing function and achieve an aesthetic effect. False teeth are the least traumatic method of prosthetics, but getting used to the prosthesis takes a lot of time and can cause a lot of inconvenience to the owner. To facilitate the process, you can use some techniques to help relieve acute symptoms. What is the difficulty of adaptation?

Problems when adapting to a removable denture

Replacing your own teeth with a removable prosthesis requires getting used to the new sensations. The adaptation process begins after the installation of the structure in a permanent place. Unusual filling of the oral cavity is accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • vomiting occurs because the new denture is alien to the patient, irritates the sky, touching the nerve endings;
  • increased salivation is explained by the fact that the body perceives the structure that has appeared in the mouth as food and seeks to digest it;
  • the new design changes the diction, especially if it is prosthetized upper jaw, affects the position of the tongue in the mouth - its movement occurs in a new way, making it difficult to speak;
  • discomfort when eating is caused by the fact that the prosthesis otherwise distributes the load on the gums when chewing;
  • there may be a violation of taste sensations, as well as reactions to food temperature - this is due to the fact that the prosthesis overlaps the mucous membrane, violating the completeness of perception.

Terms of addiction

The time it takes to get used to the denture depends on the design and condition of the gums. The minimum period is 10 days, adaptation to a full prosthesis can take up to 6 months.

The most important role in adaptation is played by a clear fit of the prosthesis. A freely inserted and weakly fixed design will shift and injure the gum mucosa. Addiction complicates the atrophy of the jaw, caused by a long-term refusal of prosthetics.

Some patients get used to insert structures for a long time, as they tend to remove them at the slightest discomfort. On average, it takes a month to fully adapt to a well-made prosthesis.

How to quickly get used to a denture?

Getting used to removable dentures can be somewhat facilitated and accelerated. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of discomfort when a large amount of foreign material appears in the mouth, but it is possible to reduce discomfort. To facilitate the adaptation process, special techniques are used. Small restrictions, performing simple exercises will help to cope with the situation.


A removable prosthesis puts pressure on the gums, interferes with normal blood circulation (we recommend reading: what to do if the prosthesis rubs the gums?). In order for the body to quickly adapt to the new load distribution, it is useful to massage the gums. Simple manipulations not only prevent the appearance of edema, but also reduce pain.

It is very easy to massage your gums on your own. The gum is clasped with the thumb and forefinger: the thumb should be on the inner surface, and the index finger on the outside. Gentle movements should rub the gums, make light pressure. By repeating the procedure for 15 minutes several times a day, you can restore elasticity and uniform color to the gums. However, the damaged gum, affected by the inflammatory process, should not be massaged. The procedure will have to be coordinated with the attending physician.

Diction exercises

After the installation of removable dentures, speech is impaired in many patients. This is due to the fact that the movements of the tongue change. If a person cannot speak as before, often he prefers to remain silent more, but this is wrong. Help restore normal pronunciation simple exercises not taking much time:

  • during the adaptation period, it is advisable to set aside time for reading aloud, this should be done slowly;
  • reading can be replaced or supplemented with tongue twisters, while not speed is important, but the accuracy of pronunciation of letters;
  • it is useful to say aloud long words, especially those containing many consonants.

You can noticeably speed up the restoration of speech clarity by devoting only one hour a day to the exercises. It is better to repeat them 4 times for 15 minutes during the day.

Elimination of pain

The first days after installing a removable bridge are the most difficult. Chewing causes pain, the patient refuses food. So that the unusual design does not injure the gums, it is advisable to take liquid food: pureed soups, broths, cereals. Gradually, the degree of grinding of products must be reduced. The diet should include solid food, cut into small pieces. Over time, the gums adapt to new loads, and the process of eating will no longer cause pain.

Fighting gag reflexes

The appearance of a large amount of a foreign substance in the mouth causes a gag reflex in many. For the prosthesis to become habitual, time must pass, but what to do while there is no habit?

First of all, do not endlessly remove the prosthesis to give yourself a rest. Instead, you should try to breathe through your nose, and relieve gagging by sucking on lollipops. Rinsing your mouth with salted water also helps. A large role in addiction is played by the ability of a person to be distracted from unpleasant sensations. Books, an interesting film, a favorite pastime - a hobby can help with this.

How to get rid of dry mouth?

The reaction of the salivary glands to a foreign object in the mouth often leads to the viscosity of saliva, a feeling of dryness. You can get rid of this in several ways:

  • it is useful to drink water in very small sips;
  • Not too sweet candies or chewing gum will also help get rid of dryness;
  • a great way to moisturize your mouth is juicy fruits or vegetables;
  • you can quickly remove dryness by rinsing with herbal decoction or a special rinse.

What to do with increased salivation?

The salivary glands may react differently to the prosthesis. Instead of dryness, increased salivation occurs. Also, as with dryness, you should drink the liquid in small sips. Fruit will also help if you cut them into small pieces and eat them in small pieces.

Rinsing with salt water will help here too. It will reduce the reaction of the glands, the effect after rinsing will last for almost an hour. An unpleasant phenomenon can last 2 weeks or even a month, but eventually the body will begin to perceive the prosthesis as a natural part of the oral cavity, and excess salivation will stop.

Restoration of taste sensations

Disturbance of taste sensations accompanies the installation of prostheses in every third patient. Especially often the effect occurs when using inexpensive structures made of metal. The food seems tasteless, the process of eating is not enjoyable.

The only way to deal with the problem is to train the taste buds. To return the usual sensations and enjoy food, you need to eat slowly, carefully chewing each bite. Gradually, the receptors will begin to distinguish shades of taste, the sensitivity may become even higher than before prosthetics.

Intolerance to removable dentures

The period of adaptation to removable dentures is conditionally divided into several phases. Almost everyone who is forced to use false teeth goes through these phases:

The next phase is full adaptation. Chewing function, swallowing, diction are restored in full. However, in some cases, such a favorable development of events does not occur. There is a phenomenon called intolerance. Its symptoms are:

The cause of intolerance to the prosthesis is often an allergic reaction to the material from which the design is made. Mechanical irritation caused by poor-quality manufacturing or inaccurate fitting also makes the patient refuse to wear the prosthesis. The cause of discomfort can be a microbial or fungal infection, as well as a malfunction of the immune system or the mental state of the patient.

signs of addiction

The end of the adaptation period is characterized for the wearer of the prosthesis by complete adaptation to new teeth. The most important indicator is the absence of irritation and microtrauma caused by the structure.

Gradually, a person begins to feel better with inserted teeth than without them. This is partly due to the fact that the face is changing for the better. The zones of sinking disappear, the oval of the face is leveled.

When a person ceases to be embarrassed by the prosthesis, is able to communicate normally, enjoys eating, adaptation is completed. To make this moment come sooner, you should not try to remove the prosthesis at the first opportunity. You have to allow yourself to get used to it.

What to do if the adaptation period is delayed?

A number of factors can delay the addiction process. This and individual characteristics prosthetic jaw, and atrophy bone tissue. It is more difficult to get used to new teeth for those whose artificial structure replaces all teeth. Attaching a removable denture to the gum can cause discomfort. Weak fixation, unreliable fastening also make it difficult to feel confident.

To get used to it quickly, you need to carefully consider the choice of design and material. A good dentist will help you make the right choice. You can increase the reliability of fixation with the help of special ointments and creams. You should not often remove the prosthesis, try to fix it yourself or improve it. This will only make the situation worse. If there are no objective indications for the rejection of the prosthesis, it is worth a little patience - and everything will work out.

What unusual sensations await you during the period of adaptation to the clasp prosthesis?

"Foreign body" effect

This is exactly what your clasp prosthesis is for the body. These feelings are especially acute in the first week after the delivery of the prosthesis. All your attention for a long time can focus on this feeling, it can interfere with your work and rest. In persons with unstable nervous activity, who can hardly tolerate the slightest irritation, this feeling gives rise to a desire to remove the prosthesis and abandon it.

Do not do this! Try to show a little patience and every day you will be a little easier.

The effect of "novelty" and the effect of "presence"

You may feel that the prosthesis takes up all the space in your mouth. There is little room for the tongue, and the lips and cheeks are full and retracted. You feel the volume and size of the prosthesis.

And this is all connected with the design feature of the clasp prosthesis and the presence in it of not only teeth, but also metal arc, artificial gums and fixation elements. Such sensations will be new to you, and this is the norm.

Pain in the teeth

It can be expressed in the form of clenching or unclenching of the teeth, pain when chewing and touching the teeth. This is due to the peculiarities of fixation of clasp prostheses. And this kind of sensation in the teeth is a normal reaction to the increased chewing load on them. This will go away on its own as your teeth adjust.

Pain in the gums

They will be especially noticeable during chewing and closing of the teeth. This distinguishing feature absolutely all removable structures, since they put pressure on the gums, which is not physiological.

In clasp prostheses, it is minimal, but still there. If these sensations occur throughout the prosthesis, this is normal at first, and you just have to get used to it.

If the pain is localized at some point, you will need to come to the correction of the prosthesis. But, before coming, the prosthesis must be worn for at least 3 hours without removing it. During the examination, the doctor will be able to quickly determine the place of rubbing and make a minimum number of corrections in the future (there may be 3-4).

Unusual sensations when closing teeth

The teeth in the clasp prosthesis may appear "higher" and be slightly felt when moving the jaw to the right and left and back and forth. This is due to the fact that they have a completely new chewing surface, and it is different from that of your previous teeth. It just takes time to get used to.

Nausea and urge to vomit

This is due to the gag reflex, and the prosthesis is an irritant for him. This is not a problem, just take any sucking lozenges and these symptoms will disappear very quickly.

Violation of taste and tactile sensations in the mouth

At first, you may not feel the taste and temperature of food so clearly. This is not surprising, since the prosthesis covers part of the mucous membrane. Feelings will recover, but it takes time.

Salivation disorders

This is expressed in its abundant discharge in the first 2 weeks, dry mouth in the next 2 weeks, and normalization a month after fixing the prosthesis. This is how the body reacts to a foreign body, and these phenomena are quite normal.

Speech disorder

After fixing the prosthesis, there may be a violation of the pronunciation of some words and sounds. This is a consequence of the limitations of tongue movements due to the presence of a prosthesis in the mouth. At the end of the adaptation period, everything will be restored. Try to speak more during this period, read aloud and practice pronunciation of complex sounds and words.

Prosthesis mobility

It is a consequence of the design features of the clasp prosthesis and the shock-absorbing properties of the gum itself. It is for this reason that these prostheses are referred to as removable structures. To enhance fixation, you can use special creams (President, Corega, Protefix).

To do this, the prosthesis is thoroughly cleaned, dried with swabs and the cream itself is applied in broken lines. After the prosthesis is fixed in the mouth. This cream will also prevent food from getting under the denture.

Chewing and eating

It is with this process that many problems are associated at first, since the clasp prosthesis is structurally very different from your natural teeth. And also the sensations during chewing will be different.

Removable dentures restore only 30-70% of chewing efficiency, for clasp dentures this figure is maximum, and is 70%, but they still cannot be chewed like with your own teeth.

In the early days, start with soft foods and gradually increase their firmness by 3-4 weeks. It is recommended to eat slowly, in small pieces and not to take a lot of food into your mouth at once. This will save you from pain in the gums.

Try not to bite with your front teeth at first, but chew food with your side teeth (simultaneously, left and right at once). This chewing is not very comfortable, but it will prevent the prosthesis from tipping over and falling off. In the future, you will be able to chew on one side, while one of them will be more convenient (it is your working side), and the second less (this is the auxiliary side). Feel the same comfort when chewing on both sides will not work.

Never eat: very hard, hot and viscous food.

Caring for clasp prostheses

For the longest and most convenient use of clasp prostheses, we recommend that you follow certain hygiene rules, and most importantly, the prosthesis must be clean.

This will keep your ego attractive for a long time, and you will get rid of an unpleasant smell, inflammation and atrophy of the gums. Cleaning should be done regularly - twice a day (morning and evening), remove and clean the prosthesis with toothpaste or soap and a toothbrush.

You can use cleansing tablets: dissolve 1 tablet (CoregaTabs) in 0.5 glass of water, put the clasp prosthesis in a glass for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly under running water.

After each meal, the prosthesis should be removed from the mouth and rinsed thoroughly with water. If this is not possible, then at least rinse your mouth with water. To prevent food from getting under the prosthesis, use fixing creams (President, Corega, Protefix).

At night, clasp prostheses do not need to be removed, it is also allowed not to remove them for up to 3 days, subject to the appropriate hygiene rules (cleaning and rinsing).

If, for some reason, you remove the prosthesis for a long time, then you need to store it in a special sealed case or bag, after adding a little water there.

A dry prosthesis should not be stored!

1. You need to visit an orthopedic dentist at least once a year - to inspect and check the integrity of the prosthesis design.

2. Once a year, the prosthesis needs to be relined and an artificial gum added.

3. Once a year, it is possible to replace the silicone fixing locking elements (if they are in the design).

If you experience any discomfort, we are waiting for you at the appointment with an orthopedic doctor