Tatyana Volkova: Palace coup without palaces. Tatyana Volkova: Palace coup without palaces Justice is not present tatyana

"Political propaganda". In the comments to one of the posts, there was talk about the site "Pravosudiya.Net" and the position of the author of this site, Tatyana Volkova. The author, which may be an editorial pseudonym or even a project of a particular group of organizations or services. In addition to the very ambiguous information disseminated by "Justice", in the section "About the Author" Volkova's biography is already very diverse and cheerful: she was born in Moscow, worked in a circus, then was engaged in protecting human rights. In between jobs, she worked as a ballet dancer and acted as an expert in Russian law and law enforcement practice. After all, as you know, lawyers in Russia are so severe that each of them, before starting their professional activities, must work for several years as a choreographer in a circus with bears, break three harmonicas and, having received category “C” rights, transport meat on trucks for feeding those bears. And finally create a website, Domain name which will act almost as a verdict: "there is no justice"! regularly "Vangard") and decided to place the opinion of a competent researcher, head of the Strategic Planning Service of the Association for Border Cooperation Alexander Sobyanin.
Alexander Sobyanin:
The site "Pravosudiya.net" and the project "Tatiana Volkova" do not play for Russia
March 03, 2015

For Russia, the main, and perhaps the most important imperative is to postpone the start of the War as far as possible.(with "Nazi" Germans)("PP" For more on this, see: "Alexander Sobyanin on the death of Nemtsov and the extension of the life of the United States by "eating" the economies of the EU and Japan - 2"part 1 and part 2) , and since War means big money, big terms, complex strategic planning, etc., finding separate but positive common languages both with Fintern, and with WASPs ("Vanguard" plays a huge role, but it would be absurd to think that they play a dominant role in the modern financial world), and with pro-American Germans. led by Angela Merkel, and with the Germans of the Fourth Reich, represented by the TheisenKrupp and other industrial monsters, and with various Chinese political groups, etc.
At the same time, it can be noted that the “Essence of Time” and the international brigades are playing a rather complicated game, clearly running in Novorossia for “more western” places than Ukraine.
It turns out that those who consistently and for a long time are trying to drag Putin into an active war (civil in Novorossia, financial with the EU, etc.) are pushing viruses into us.

The key external deterrence of Putin and our Russian state is that Russia is not yet allowed two things - purges of the "elite 1990-2000 years" and "small" purge of the government, federal agencies and state-owned companies from the liberals.
There is an objective reason for this: for now, we must become a WORLD HARBOR SAFE FOR BIG MONEY. Moreover, it is truly safe, in which the money that has fallen is saved, and not expropriated, saved and invested in growth under understandable economic projects. But the money will not go if now you suddenly remove pro-American agents in the government of the Russian Federation and purge the liberals in society, the media, and state-owned companies. The current world rules (Fed, Basel, WB, IMF, etc.) are liberal rules, current money does not know other rules, and this must be accepted with understanding and respect. When the money has already gone to Russia, and they find out that we have different rules here, which are much better than those existing "under the shadow of friendly dollars", then there will no longer be a need to restrain the cleansing of society from liberals and the main internal enemy - the quiet corrupt elite, interested in maintaining the status quo 1990-2000 years and completely unwilling to see big real changes. So the liberals loyal to Putinists - Nabiullina, Gref, Siluanov, Khristenko, Ulyukaev and others are really needed now as a reliable sign of the absence of real changes in Russia, understandable to everyone in the world.
Big money must save itself when the European economy is crushed and even when the US blunders, i.e. big money must be set in motion by very hard SHAKE-UPS. But you do understand. how much big money does not like to move and appear in the space accessible to oversight and government views.
By the way, China cannot replace Russia as such a "Harbor" - since China's military power is too insufficient.
So the goal of "Tatiana Volkova" is, through really meaningful stuffing, to support the desire of the parties to engage not in serious (long, quiet) affairs, but to include distrust and a desire to play with European, American specific groups, where Vanguard is simply one of the most powerful players, and perhaps the most powerful, if we talk about the territories of Russia and Ukraine.
But the big money does not belong to the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, but to hundreds of other families and clans in different countries peace. For example, we can recall the story of 20 billion Iranian cash euros at Sheremetyevo Airport, in which I was most amused by the slipped information that regular deliveries of Iranian money from Europe to Iran and from Iran to Europe through Russia suffered due to the "setup" of one group of Russian siloviki by another group of Russian siloviki: that is, it was not the only party that was transferred only from Iran to Europe!(See details: The mysterious owner of a "no one's" plane flew to Moscow with 20 billion euros. It is known about Parviz Najafabady Farahany that he is a very respected and wealthy resident of Iran, actively doing business in the UAE // topnews.ru. 12/19/2013).
And the goal of "Vanguard" and his comrades is to force the money to "move" in the direction they need, so that the national security forces of various countries can expropriate this money, or, at worst, cash in on intermediary interest.
"Oh, there is no Stalin on you!" (With)

the Essence of Time movement itself will best answer for the "Essence of Time" - it is very interesting that both Kurginyan and the sectarians of the movement talk about the role of international brigades
read on their blog: Friend LJ (Essence of Time) http://friend.livejournal.com/

In the West, no one hides that in the current confrontation, the US efforts are aimed at removing Vladimir Putin from power. His high ratings do not impress anyone, since the strategy of economic warfare is not aimed at a popular revolution, but at a palace coup.

During a big press conference in Moscow, Reuters correspondent Aleksey Anishchuk tried to check how Putin assesses this risk: Last year Russia has found itself involved in perhaps one of the deepest crises in its recent history. It all started with the events in Ukraine at the end of last year, continued to worsen relations with the West literally to the level of " cold war". Now, in recent days, we are seeing a deep currency crisis, which runs the risk of developing into financial and economic ones, there are such risks. … In this regard, the question, I will not take much time: how confident are you in your environment, that it unconditionally supports you? And how much do you see the risks of a state or even a palace coup? What you will do in the event of an “orange” or, God forbid, “red” revolution, you have said many times. Do you have a plan in case of betrayal of the environment and a palace coup?

Before recalling Putin’s answer, which still won’t tell anything, I’ll clarify specifically for Mr. Anischuk environment support question. In the current alignment of forces between the “elite” factions, Putin is the first among equals, but he is essentially alone. There is, of course, a group that remains loyal to him despite the losses. However, compared to those whom Mr. Anischuk had in mind, it is smaller, more amorphous and less organized.

It consists primarily of Putin's sparring partner Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg (SMP Bank, OJSC Rosspirtprom, gas pipeline, road companies, etc. - in the following listing I will omit "etc."), the rector Gorny University, where Putin defended his thesis and the three-time head of his St. Petersburg election headquarters, Vladimir Stefanovich Litvinenko (Phosagro), Mikhail Maratovich Fridman (Alfa Group, TNK-BP), Leonid Viktorovich Mikhelson (Novatek, SIBUR ”) and Yuri Borisovich Milner (Mail.ru Group, DST Global). I apologize if I forgot to mention anyone.

However, before asking, “How confident are you in your environment? How do you assess risks coup d'état? a Reuters correspondent famously said: “Some elites, despite public rhetoric, tend to blame you. Unfortunately, I can't name them by their last names.

I believe that the president wishful thinking. What people feel is a dark matter. In addition, no one is going to ask people. Roast rabbit without a rabbit is known to be cooked, so why not try a palace coup without palaces? Although in the palaces, it seems, there is also no shortage. At the same time, there are many possible coup d'état scenarios in which neither the Presidential Regiment of the Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, nor the rest of the army can do anything to help.

If the tycoons, dissatisfied with the current losses, do not own these technologies, they can easily import specialists. Those countries where they have prepared them, in this case, will not impose restrictions on such "export". At least.

The opposition group, actively dissatisfied with its losses, is larger than the one that has grouped around Putin, and today its chances look better. Unlike Reuters, I did not promise not to give names to anyone.

This - again I list in random order - Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska (Basic Element, Rusal, En + Group), Alisher Burkhanovich Usmanov (USM Holdings), Viktor Feliksovich Vekselberg (Renova), Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov (ONEXIM Group), German Borisovich Khan (L1 Energy, Alfa Group, AAR), Alexander G. Abramov (Evraz Group SA), Vagit Yusufovich Alekperov (Lukoil), Vitaly Borisovich Malkin, aka Avikhur Ben Bar (Impexbank), Pyotr Olegovich Aven (again divided Alfa Group), and last but not least, Vladimir Olegovich Potanin (Interros), who, in fact, is the informal leader of the angry men.

These lists in themselves are of interest to the researcher. You can, for example, try to analyze what is happening inside the Alfa Group, where Fridman leaned towards Putin, while Aven and Khan went over to the opposition to the bloody regime.

You can look at what is happening from the point of view of the right-left opposition: the dream come true in terms of "Putin must go" has never been so close: the second list looks clearly more presentable than the first. The only question is what will the palace coup bring to the people. Although this question is inappropriate: where do you see the people here?

February 26th, 2015 , 11:53 am

Not so long ago, I came across one very funny site “Justice.NET” Tatyana Volkova’s blog ”

The fact is that I used to love fantasy, especially the one that the author skillfully seasons with humor. It can be black - I'm not a racist. I really liked Terry Pratchet, but to my great regret, the topic of witches does not insert me anymore. Well, I'm not interested in the problems of the trolls of the non-chernozem strip. I'm getting old, the climate has changed. But the longing for creativity remained in this canvas. And here is the joy - Tatyana Volkova! The author writes not only in the style that I like, but also on topics that interest me: Russia, Ukraine, Europe, America, politics, conspiracies and global evil. Great style, good humor. The texts are replete with facts and terms that testify to the erudition and outlook of the author or authors. Recommend!

Although I was cunning in listing topics, T. Volkova insists that the world conspiracy, governments, etc. - no, here is the link: "Two circles over the nest of the Zionists" http://pravosudija.net/article/dva-kruga-nad-gnezdom-sionistov The article discusses two topics with the conclusion that both are fake. The second, about the fact that al Baghdadi, not only is the emir of ISIS, but also a Mossad agent, did not inspire me. In the history of the Middle East, there have been cases before when British intelligence agents became leaders of revolutionary movements. The Americans trained Islamists of various persuasions and ranks on an industrial scale. But for Israel to organize ISIS at its side, this is overkill in my opinion.

But the first topic about the analytical article by Benjamin Fulford is just a song. I can’t resist, I’ll give the name (well, not the name - a fairy tale): “The war in Ukraine is organized by the Zionists of the State Department and the Vanguard Group to create a new Khazaria and start III world war, forcing Russia to send troops to the Donbass" WOW. Didn't read the article, but the title is enchanting. I'll re-read (name) again. Volkova's verdict just finished me off: “The Zionists, although it remains a mystery how he found them in the openly anti-Israeli State Department, did not surprise me either. In all likelihood, this is a politically correct substitution of some other word that Mr. Fulford had on the tip of his tongue. Well, he doesn't like them. Bravissimo!

It is of course, Habbad and Kolomoisky are also Zionists (well, in good sense), and Fulford is not the first to write about newKhazaria, but wait, what is now in the Dnipropetrovsk region, not Khazaria? Yes, and before the Maidan was the same. But at the expense of the plans of the State Department for Khazaria, I strongly doubt it, otherwise Kolomoisky would not have become a governor, but a president.

"June 22 - continued. Ethnic cleansing

Washington realized that time is on the side of Russia. Therefore, an event is planned for the next two or three days, which can make a radical change in the development of the Ukrainian conflict. Washington is convinced that in this way they will be able to force Russia to intervene.

Starting from June 20, the greatest activity is observed in Miskolc. Armament and equipment are stacked in trucks, half of which are military, and the other is civilian. At any given time, you can still observe from 60 to 80 cars under loading.

Railway rolling stock is also being prepared. We are talking about the transfer of about ten thousand well-equipped militants to the South-East of Ukraine, not counting the staff of headquarters and support. They were given uniforms of Ukrainian (it is possible that also Russian) sample. My sources conveyed the content of the briefing received by the PMC personnel.

They were tasked with starting a full-scale ethnic cleansing of the Russian-speaking population. I'll give the details below. Please note that I do not tend to use terms such as "fascists", "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing" in a figurative sense, or as an invective.

With the beginning of ethnic cleansing, the American propaganda machine will begin a campaign to tarnish the brains of the European public. It will be announced that the massacres are being carried out by Russian-backed separatists. The goal is not to convince the Western public that this is indeed the case. Enough to sow doubt and cause confusion.

The operation is planned in such a way that Western media representatives who are poorly versed in the situation do not have time to really figure out who is opposing whom. At the same time, Russian correspondents should be given the impression that the atrocities are being committed by Ukrainians. In order to cover in Western Ukraine, recruits are being intensively recruited, whose families have already created a rush in Europe for used body armor, starting from the 4th protection class.

I repeat: the goal is to create a wave of indignation in Russia over the “Ukrainian atrocities” and force the government to bring in troops, after which it will be possible to declare that the events were provoked by Russia to justify the invasion.

The intensity and duration of the massacre should ensure such a degree of indignation among the people of Russia that any appeal to international instances demanding that an independent commission of inquiry be sent to the South-East of Ukraine will be perceived as a weakness of the Kremlin, if not a betrayal. It should also be taken into account that the vast majority of these specially selected and trained mercenaries speak Russian to one degree or another.

There is practically no time left. It is necessary to concentrate reposts in two directions:

1. Convince everyone who can be connected along the route from the Hungarian Debrecen and Miskolc towards Donetsk and Lugansk trucks and trains with mercenaries, to collect and distribute photo and video materials. This can and should be started immediately.

2. If, by collecting evidence, it is not possible to achieve the cancellation of the American operation to organize the genocide of Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians, it will be necessary to convince the self-defense forces of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics to leave their positions, which they still cannot hold, and start saving people. Subsequently, it will be possible to regroup in accordance with the new situation.

It is necessary to evacuate children's institutions, the elderly, those women who are unable to carry weapons, but what is especially important and especially difficult - hospitals and hospitals. Particular emphasis in the training of mercenaries was placed on the capture of hospitals and the killing of all patients.

If it is not possible to collect evidence for the international tribunal in time, it will be very difficult to prevent the tragedy. V currently The DPR and LPR do not have sufficient means to stop ten thousand heavily armed and well-trained thugs with combat experience. Especially when you consider that their primary goal is not checkpoints and other relatively protected objects, but the civilian population, especially its most helpless part.

I continue to keep in touch with sources in the camp of the enemy, and I will report everything that I can find out additionally.

According to political analyst Alexander Sobyanin.
There are several points of interest in this article.
1. Information viruses on the example of Volkova's blog.
Here I will ask the commentators to move away from particulars according to the criteria of "believe or not believe", and to see the essence of the phenomenon itself - how and why.
Personal feelings from the Justice.net blog are similar. Therefore, I read with interest, because much is similar to real information. But I treat this information as a disinformation wrapper. This is the case when a wrapper is more useful than candy.
It should be noted that a similar approach to the problem of information viruses is applicable when considering the ideas of worldwide Jewish Masonic conspiracies, the NWO, as a result of the confrontation between the Rockeffellers and the Rothschilds, etc. etc. The world of many-sided one-sided models.
2. The important issue of the presence and reasons for the preservation of liberal figures in the top of Russia is touched upon. 100% overlap with the theme "Piastres" (C)
In a word, I am pleased to post this material, because it is an excellent part of the mosaic of the current world processes.
3. The most interesting question of the creation of the mechanism of the 4th Reich, the reasons for Russia's support for the right-wing parties of Europe and possible war with the new Nazis. (http://sobiainnen.livejournal.com/96562.html) As well as the role and meaning in this process of the US_Europe transatlantic alliance. (Which, by the way, is forced by Merkel, the "peacemaker")

Original taken from sobiainnen c For Russia, the main imperative is to push back the start of the War as far as possible Alexander Sobyanin Original taken from k2_3300 in "For Russia, the most important imperative is to push back the start of the War as far as possible" - Alexander Sobyanin

"Political propaganda". In the comments to one of the posts, there was talk about the site "Pravosudiya.Net" and the position of the author of this site, Tatyana Volkova. The author, which may be an editorial pseudonym or even a project of a particular group of organizations or services. In addition to the very ambiguous information disseminated by "Justice", in the section "About the Author" Volkova's biography is already very diverse and cheerful: she was born in Moscow, worked in a circus, then was engaged in protecting human rights. In between cases, she worked as a ballet dancer and acted as an expert on Russian law and law enforcement practice. After all, as you know, lawyers in Russia are so severe that each of them, before starting their professional activities, must work for several years as a choreographer in a circus with bears, break three harmonicas and, having received category “C” rights, transport meat on trucks for feeding those bears. And in the end, create a website whose domain name will almost act as a sentence: “there is no justice”! by the way, on German servers and regularly scolding "Vanguard") and decided to place the opinion of a competent researcher, head of the Strategic Planning Service of the Association for Border Cooperation Alexander Sobyanin.

Alexander Sobyanin:
The site "Pravosudiya.net" and the project "Tatiana Volkova" do not play for Russia

March 03, 2015

For Russia, the main, and perhaps the most important imperative is to postpone the start of the War as far as possible.(with "Nazi" Germans) ("PP" For more on this, see: "Alexander Sobyanin on the death of Nemtsov and the extension of the life of the United States by "eating" the economies of the EU and Japan - 2"part 1 and part 2), and since the War means a lot of money, big terms, complex strategic planning, etc., finding separate but positive common languages ​​with both Fintern and WASPs becomes small imperatives ("Vanguard" plays a huge role, but it would be absurd to think that they play a dominant role in the modern financial world), and with the pro-American Germans. headed by Angela Merkel, and with the Germans of the Fourth Reich, represented by the TheisenKrupp and other industrial monsters, and with various Chinese political groups, etc.

At the same time, it can be noted that the “Essence of Time” and the international brigades are playing a rather complicated game, clearly running in Novorossia for “more western” places than Ukraine.

It turns out that those who consistently and for a long time are trying to drag Putin into an active war (civil in Novorossia, financial with the EU, etc.) are pushing viruses into us.

The key external containment of Putin and our Russian state is that Russia is not yet allowed two things - the purge of the "elite of the 1990-2000s" and the "small" purge of the government, federal agencies and state-owned companies from liberals.

There is an objective reason for this: for now, we must become a WORLD HARBOR SAFE FOR BIG MONEY. Moreover, it is truly safe, in which the money that has fallen is saved, and not expropriated, saved and invested in growth under understandable economic projects. But the money will not go if now you suddenly remove pro-American agents in the government of the Russian Federation and purge the liberals in society, the media, and state-owned companies. The current world rules (Fed, Basel, WB, IMF, etc.) are liberal rules, current money does not know other rules, and this must be accepted with understanding and respect. When the money has already gone to Russia, and they find out that we have different rules here, which are much better than those existing "under the shadow of friendly dollars", then there will no longer be a need to restrain the cleansing of society from liberals and the main internal enemy - the quiet corrupt elite, interested in maintaining the status quo of the 1990s-2000s and completely unwilling to see big real changes. So the liberals loyal to Putinists - Nabiullina, Gref, Siluanov, Khristenko, Ulyukaev and others are really needed now as a reliable sign of the absence of real changes in Russia, understandable to everyone in the world.

Big money must save itself when the European economy is crushed and even when the US blunders, i.e. big money must be set in motion by very hard SHAKE-UPS. But you do understand. how much big money does not like to move and appear in the space accessible to oversight and government views.

By the way, China cannot replace Russia as such a "Harbor" - since China's military power is too insufficient.

So the goal of "Tatiana Volkova" is to support, through really meaningful stuffing, the desire of the parties to engage not in serious (long, quiet) affairs, but to include distrust and a desire to play with European, American specific groups, where "Vanguard" is simply one of the most powerful players, and, perhaps, the most powerful, if we talk about the territories of Russia and Ukraine.

But the big money does not belong to the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, but to hundreds of other families and clans in different countries of the world. For example, we can recall the story of 20 billion cash Iranian euros at Sheremetyevo airport (The mysterious owner of a "no man's" plane flew to Moscow with 20 billion euros. It is known about Parviz Najafabady Farahany that he is a very respected and wealthy resident of Iran, actively does business in the UAE // topnews.ru, 12/19/2013