Banana pancakes like in Thailand. Recipe: Thai roti pancakes. For hearty Thai roti pancakes, you will need

Thailand is famous for its exotic food, and this is expressed in sweets. We somehow tried to appreciate the delicate taste of red beans soaked in coconut milk, but the Russian soul did not accept this dish at all (and the stomach too). Butthai pancakes- quite another matter.

In this short post, I want to talk about two types of sweets that we liked the most as a dessert in Thailand. This thai roti pancakes with banana and pancakes, codenamed "Vkusnyashki".

Another variation on sweet Thai pancakes is Kanom Buang Crispy Pancakes.

Thai roti pancakes with banana

Price: 30 baht for banana pancake, 40 baht for mango pancake.

Place: macarons in all corners of the city.

Compound: thin dough from wheat flour, condensed milk, egg, chocolate syrup (optional), banana.

These pancakes are Dima's favorite dessert in Thailand. He always asks to thoroughly drown them in chocolate. After this procedure, a pancake with a banana acquires, I quote: "divine taste."

Of course, margarine, which the cook throws on a hot frying pan, raises a question. In my opinion, roti pancakes- very greasy.

The filling is also prepared differently. Sometimes they just mix an egg with a banana, and sometimes they add condensed milk directly to them. Cooking Thai pancakes- a kind of show, you can eat and stare.

Cooking video thai pancake with banana:

Thai pancakes "Vkusnyashki"

V Lately roti pancakes began to seem too greasy to me. Now I prefer pancakes "Vkusnyashki". What exactly is this option called? Thai pancakes- We do not know. Three years ago, when we were in Pattaya, they had not yet been invented.

They became yummy because the first time we bought them in a pancake shop with the inscription “Yummy pancakes”.

This type of Thai pancake is very different from the popular roti pancake. According to the method of preparation, they are more like Russian pancakes. They are prepared with many different fillings and can be both sweet and not.

Price: from 30 before50 baht - depending on the filling.

Place: macaroni in crowded places of the city.

Compound: crispy pancake (dough composition unknown), many different toppings: bananas with chocolate or strawberry syrup, mango, condensed milk, egg, jelly, shrimp, crab sticks, etc.

The pancake is very crispy, like a waffle. I love that these Thai pancakes have so many toppings that you can mix and match endlessly.

Cooking video Thai pancakes "Vkusnyashki":

Roti Kluai banana pancakes are made famous by Thai street vendors, but this dish is not truly Thai. Roti is a flatbread that comes from India. In Thailand, their recipe was modified - this is how the famous banana pancakes were born, which are well-deservedly popular with foreigners.

Their preparation is an art. Asian culinary specialists stretch the dough into the thinnest cake with their hands, fry them in oil until crispy and pour over syrup or condensed milk.

There is also a variant of flourless banana pancakes. These are pancakes - a European dish that is customary to cook for breakfast in many Western countries.

How to make banana pancakes

Cooking method

    Pass flour through a sieve, add salt. Make indentations in the flour hill and pour the egg into it.

    Knead the dough by gradually adding water to it. It should be soft and elastic in texture.

    Cover the finished dough with a towel and leave at room temperature for 1 hour.

    Remove the dough from the bowl and divide into large balls Walnut. Each ball knead and put on a tray greased with sunflower oil.

    Lubricate each ball with oil and leave for half an hour, covering with cling film.

    After this time, you can start cooking pancakes. Each ball needs to be stretched or thinly rolled out with a rolling pin.

    Fry pancakes in a large amount of well-heated butter or vegetable oil within 1-2 minutes.

    In the middle of the pancake, put the stuffing from mashed bananas and roll up the “envelope”.

    When serving, drizzle with condensed milk or melted chocolate.

A very tasty dessert in Thailand are pancakes with banana, strawberries, pineapple and other toppings. They are usually prepared by Thai craftsmen in macaroons that say Pancakes. For a long time, I avoided macaroons because I did not trust street food. But one fine day, friends suggested that I try Thai pancakes, and I just fell in love with them. I have never tasted such delicious pancakes anywhere else. Since then, I have been buying Thai pancakes quite often. In this article, I will share a recipe for real pancakes from Thailand so that each of you can try them.


  • flour - 500 grams;
  • milk - 1/2 cup;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • green tea- 1/2 cup;
  • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • palm (olive) oil - 100 grams;
  • ripe bananas - 15 pieces;
  • butter for cooking;
  • condensed milk;
  • melted chocolate or nutela.

The recipe is for 20 servings. If you want less, then divide the number of all components in half.

Cooking instructions

1) In a deep bowl, add flour, salt, sugar, warm milk and green tea, palm or olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and knead a cool dough. Lubricate the resulting dough with palm (olive) oil. You can wrap it in cling film or put it in a bowl and cover with a towel. Leave the dough for 1 hour.

2) Next, you need to divide the dough into small parts and roll circles out of them. You should get 18-20 such circles. Each of these mugs is anointed with palm (olive) oil. Cover the dough with cling film and let it rest for another half an hour.

3) Then from each circle you should make a thin cake in the form of a pancake. The thinner the better. Cakes should be almost transparent.

4) Preheat the pan, add 1 tablespoon of butter to it and put the first pancake. While the pancake is frying, quickly place the sliced ​​bananas in the center of the pancake and wrap the edges in an envelope.

5) Then turn the pancake over and fry it for another half a minute.

6) Put the finished pancake on a napkin or paper towel. Cut it into 9 equal parts and pour condensed milk and melted chocolate (nutella) on top. Thai pancakes should be consumed warm. Bon Appetit!

My review

This recipe was shared with me by a friendly Thai who works in a macaroon. And indeed the pancakes turned out to be almost the same as in Thailand. Now you can safely enjoy a Thai dessert at home.

I recommend that you also try Thai banana pancakes, I am sure you will like them. Although the filling may not only be from a banana, Thais prepare such pancakes with mango, pineapple, strawberries, and sometimes the fillings are quite unusual, for example, with cucumber, tomato and onion, cheese and chocolate. You can also experiment. And if you have been to Thailand, then write in the comments if you liked Thai pancakes and what is your favorite filling.

Pancakes for a Russian person have always been a special dish. This is the personification of home comfort, gathering the whole family around the table, and the symbol of the spring sun for Shrovetide, and, oddly enough, a word expressing dissatisfaction when circumstances do not allow the use of stronger phrases. Pancakes have always been considered a primordially Russian dish, and therefore, when we see its variations among other peoples, we are always sincerely interested and compare.

Pancakes are also prepared in Thailand, however, they are not at all similar to ours, but no less tasty. Roti is one of the famous Asian dishes, which is a serious gastronomic crime not to try. The birthplace of this culinary invention is India (in Sanskrit, roti means bread) and besides Thailand, it is also prepared in many countries of Southeast Asia. However, the Thais, as always, brought their own, completely unique, changes, after which, it would seem, an ordinary dish became so tasty that sometimes you can’t even pull off the eaters from it by the ears.

What are pancakes - roti?

Surely, you have passed by this dish a hundred times in a row, but you didn’t realize that these were pancakes. Indeed, in our understanding, a pancake is something round. Ready-made roti are more like fried pies - envelopes made of very thin dough.

To try roti, look around and look for the nearest macaroon labeled Roti or Pancakes. It is usually hung with bunches of bananas, and there is always a queue of salivating tourists and locals, shifting from impatience from foot to foot. At a large round frying pan, sometimes you can meet real virtuosos and masters of their craft. They famously twist the dough in the air, stretching it in such thin pancake that you can read a book through it. Such wizards always cook at least three roti at the same time in a frying pan, and onlookers gather around who want to stare at the culinary juggler.

There are many variations of fillings for Thai pancakes - meat, fruit, vegetable and curry pastes. Sometimes there is an exotic for an amateur - meat with berry jam or condensed milk. The classic version that can be found in Thailand on almost every corner is roti with roti kluay bananas, poured with condensed milk and chocolate.

Where to eat and how much?

You can taste roti almost everywhere. This is such a popular dish that it is prepared both in street macaroons and in restaurants. It is believed that in Thailand the most delicious pancakes are prepared on the border with Malaysia. Prices will depend on the level of the institution and the filling. On the street, you can try a classic banana roti for 30 baht, with an egg for 25 baht, with an egg and a banana for 40 baht. Additional topping in the form of fruit jams, honey, condensed milk or Nutella will add another 10-20 baht to the cost of the dish.


Many tourists, returning from Thailand, begin to miss Thai cuisine and try to recreate their favorite dishes in their kitchen. And roti, of course, is no exception. The biggest difficulty in preparing this dish on your own is rolling the dough into a thin pancake. Not everyone succeeds the first time, and so “Moscow was not built right away.” The main thing is desire, and skill, it comes with experience.

There are many recipes for roti, and every housewife always has her own secret, because cooking is the same creativity as music, dance, photography or painting ... And although there are certain canons in it, without improvisation it is not able to develop. A real culinary specialist is always on the lookout and ready to experiment, this is the only way masterpieces are born.

We will give two recipes for classic Thai banana pancakes. The first one is more like a restaurant version of this dish, the second one is closer to the recipe from macaroons.

Roti "like in a restaurant"


Sift 500 grams of wheat flour and add salt and sugar (1 teaspoon each). Then add 1 beaten egg and 125 ml of milk there. Start kneading the dough with your hands, and in the process, carefully, little by little, add 125 ml of water. Knead the dough very carefully and for at least 10 minutes, until its consistency becomes homogeneous and elastic. The resulting mass is divided into two parts, wrapped in polyethylene and left in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

Then the dough is kneaded again, divided into 12-14 balls and smeared with palm oil. The blanks are again covered with polyethylene and allowed to stand in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.


While the dough is resting in the cold, it is necessary to cut 15-20 ripe bananas into rings.


From the ball form a thin, almost transparent, cake. Do not sprinkle the surface with flour for this as for dumplings. It is most convenient to use a silicone pad, liberally lubricated with oil. If you use a rolling pin, then it also needs to be oiled.

Heat some palm oil in a large skillet. Gently put the resulting cake in a pan and let it fry for 20 seconds. Then put chopped bananas in the middle of the pancake. Wrap the edges of the cake in an envelope and turn it over to the other side. Fry for another 30-40 seconds until the roti is golden brown.

Put the finished dish on a plate lined with paper, and allow excess oil to drain. Cut the pancake with a large knife into portioned pieces, pour over with condensed milk or chocolate topping. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar if you like.

Roti "as in a topper"


Melt the butter (100 g) in a water bath, adding sugar (2 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp) to it. Sift 400 g of flour into the oil and mix thoroughly. Kneading the resulting mass with your hands, slowly add warm water (about 250 ml) to it and continue kneading with your hands for at least 10 minutes.

Roll the dough into a ball, cover with polyethylene and leave to ripen in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes.


The chilled dough is divided into 10-12 balls and pancakes are rolled out of them. So that the dough does not stick to your hands, periodically moisten them in cold water.

The resulting cakes are laid out in a preheated pan, pre-lubricated with palm (can be olive) oil. Sliced ​​bananas are placed in the center. The pancake is wrapped in an envelope and turned over. After it turns golden, the roti is laid out on paper and the excess oil is allowed to drain. Then cut into pieces, pour over with condensed milk or chocolate syrup and enjoy the taste of Thailand.

Bon Appetit!

Thai pancakes with mango, pineapple or bananas are the best gastronomic dish that appeals to all those who have visited this exotic country and tried the local cuisine.

Such banana pancakes or pineapple, mango treats are sold in macaroni, cafes that sell roti. If you are planning a visit to Thailand, be sure to take note of my advice to try these unusual pancakes.

In the event that you do not have such an opportunity to spend a vacation outside your native country, do not be discouraged.

The recipe for a treat is not at all complicated, you can see for yourself if you read the article to the end.

Oh roti

In fact, roti is far from pancakes, but most likely a local bread in India, which is made from whole wheat flour.

Roti is translated into Russian as "bread". Fruit pancakes are also called here, considering that roti has a lot of varieties.

If you visit Thailand, you will find out that roti is a dessert with fruits, it is poured over with condensed milk, chocolate, there are even cheese, vegetable, onion pancakes, but they are much less common even in Malaysia.

There you can also eat pancakes with fish, meat and curry. And in Singapore they cook giant roti.

Today I decided to tell you about Thai pancakes filled with banana and strawberries. Being even in our country, you can make such pancakes at home. The banana roti recipe has been modified as many times as there are housewives in Thailand.

A similar situation is observed in our country with traditional Russian pancakes. In the article, I decided to present only 3 banana roti recipes, and you try each of them in practice to understand which one is the most delicious.

Hearty Thai pancakes

Components: 0.5 kg of flour; 1 tsp salt; 1 tbsp Sahara; 1 PC. chickens. egg; ½ st. milk and the same amount of water; 100 gr. olive oils; 15-20 pcs. bananas; condensed milk; chocolate syrup; sugar powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I sow flour. I mix it with sugar, salt, chicken. egg, milk. Pour water into the mixture, knead the dough by hand. I do kneading for 10 minutes so that the mass becomes elastic in its consistency.
  2. I divide the ball into 2 parts, fold each of them into a bag or into a wet cloth. It is necessary that the liquid does not dry out. I leave it in the cold for half an hour, or even 2, if there is time.
  3. I soak the dough and roll into balls. I rub the olive. oil and put on a plate, cover with a film of polyethylene and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. It will take time for the buns to infuse, but I don’t get bored, because I cut bananas into 3 parts across. In this design, pancakes will turn out even tastier.
  4. I make Thai cakes with banana and bake in a pan with hot rast. oil.
  5. I bend them from 4 sides, making a square, turn over to the other side. When the roti is cooked through, place it on a paper towel to absorb the moisture from the paper.

Ready roti should be cut into slices and beautifully laid out on a dish, watering the condensed water. milk or chocolate. You can decorate Thai pancakes at your discretion.

I always adhere to the fact that if you rely on your taste, then any dish will turn out perfect.

Vegetarian roti

The recipe is suitable not only for those people who adhere to the canons of a vegetarian diet, but also suffer from lactose intolerance. Thai recipes are very diverse, and not particularly difficult in practice.

Components: 400 gr. flour; 0.5 tsp salt; 2 tsp Sahara; 250 ml of warm water; 100 gr. sl. oils; chocolate; thickening milk.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. In melted sl. oil needs to dissolve sugar, salt. I add flour to the mixture. Knead and mix with water. I do the kneading for about 10 minutes. I put an elastic lump in a polyethylene film and put it in the cold for half an hour.
  2. I roll 10-12 balls, carefully roll them out with my hands so that the mass does not stick. I soak in cold water. Starting to bake Thai banana pancakes.

The recipe is convenient in that it is not difficult to cook pancakes from Thailand, follow what the step-by-step algorithm of actions indicates and the result will certainly not disappoint you.

lazy roti

This recipe will appeal to all those who do not like to cook, but want to eat delicious Thai pancakes.

In this case, you can buy ready-made Greek dough called filo, bananas, chocolate, condensed milk, as well as other products that can satisfy your ideas about what kind of roti should be perfect.

The dough is thin and crispy. Similar ready-made dough can be bought in modern supermarkets, just ask the sellers.

Ingredients: 20 sheets of filo dough; 10 pieces. bananas; 100 gr. sl. oils; chocolate; condensed milk; rast. butter.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Phyllo dough is very easy to use. You need to melt the oil, smear a sheet of dough on one side, put a second sheet on top, also smearing it with the next. oil.
  2. Only after that I put the dough in the pan, stuffing it with thin bananas. It turns out a quick version of cooking Thai pancakes.

Such sweet Thai desserts with banana will be the highlight of your holiday table, do not be afraid to experiment in the kitchen. Your guests will be delighted and will want to know what recipe you used to make the treat.

Even if you didn’t happen to visit Thailand at the same moment, every hostess can cook the cult dish of this exotic country.

But remember that you should start cooking in a great mood.

If you fail to bake portions of perfect roti the first time, this is not a reason to stop and get upset. Over time, your results will become even greater.

My video recipe