How to make the skin on your elbows soft. Elbow care. Simple homemade recipes

Beautiful white well-groomed hands have always been the privilege of women. Now the situation has changed little. Ladies make masks, use creams and scrubs for brushes. And they forget about the elbows. Yes, they rarely come across their eyes, so they deprive them of their attention.

Meanwhile, office work implies that the elbows are constantly in contact with the table surface. From this, the skin darkens and flakes. How to whiten elbows at home without resorting to expensive services of beauty salons?

To begin with, stop leaning on them. At work, away, at home. And in the evening? Remember. Before going to bed, read a book, climb in social networks, look through a magazine how? Lying on the bed with your stomach down and leaning on your elbows! Or on one side and still support is on the elbow. But before the governesses taught the girls under their care: do not put your elbows on the table, they will turn black!

Elbow skin care is not much different from brush care. It includes:

  • baths
  • compresses
  • scrubbing
  • use of masks
  • food

It is advisable not to use all procedures at the same time. Otherwise, you may end up with chapped, flaky skin. White, but ruined.


For each procedure, you will need two bowls or one wide, shallow basin.

It is necessary to dissolve all the components in warm water, lower the elbows into the mixture and sit for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, gently pat dry the skin with a towel and apply a nourishing cream.

There are a great variety of compositions for baths that whiten elbows. All of them soften and brighten the skin equally well.

  1. Potato broth. Unsalted water in which the tubers were boiled.
  2. Ammonia plus liquid soap. 1 tsp. for 1 liter of warm water.
  3. Baking soda. 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of liquid.
  4. Dairy products. Buttermilk, whey, kefir. You do not need to add water to this bath.
  5. Tomato juice or pickle from sauerkraut. Also without water.
  6. Decoction of fresh parsley. For 1 liter of boiling water, 3 tbsp. l. finely chopped greens.

You should not try to whiten your elbows at home in one procedure. Alternate between different methods and after 14 days you will be pleased with the result.


They are natural fabric (cotton, linen) moistened with a mixture. It needs to be attached to the elbows, wrap it on top with foil or polyethylene, wrap it up and leave it for a while. Below are the compositions of the compresses and the exposure time. At the end, rinse off the composition with warm water and blot with a dry napkin.

  • Mashed potatoes and milk. 30 minutes.
  • Oatmeal. 1 hour.
  • Olive or linseed oil. 30 minutes.
  • Apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil in equal proportions. 15 minutes.

All compresses help whiten the elbows and soften the skin well. Therefore, after the procedure, additional lubrication with a nourishing cream can be excluded.


This procedure is a light, gentle peeling. Elbow joints require careful handling. Therefore, the movements should be soft, without strong pressure. The greatest effect is obtained by a mixture of salt and sour cream in a ratio of 1 to 1. And the second bleaching mass includes ground natural coffee and honey. Gently massage dark spots for 3-5 minutes, then wash off. At the end, be sure to apply a thick layer of nourishing cream. After 10 minutes, blot the excess with a napkin or soft cloth.


A great variety of whitening ingredients will help you become the owner of beautiful elbows. Their composition is very diverse and you can always choose the most convenient one for yourself.

  1. Grate fresh cucumber or simply cut into slices. Apply to elbow joints for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the lemon in half, apply to dark spots for 10 minutes. The halves can not be thrown away, but wrapped in a bag or cling film, then put in the refrigerator. They will be enough for a few more procedures.
  3. Unleavened cottage cheese is mixed with fatty kefir, applied to the skin, and left for 20 minutes. Then they are washed off.
  4. Mix 1 tbsp each milk, glycerin and lemon juice. l. Lubricate your elbows, wash off after 15 minutes.
  5. Raw potato juice or fresh aloe leaf is gently rubbed into the darkened area for 20 minutes. Then they are washed off.

Just don't overdo it. White spots on the elbows look very unnatural and aesthetically ugly. Especially when the hostess herself has a dark skin or is thoroughly tanned in the sun.


Much has been written about nourishing the outside of the skin. But after all, it must be nourished from within. To do this, you will have to eat more foods containing vitamins A and E. These are beef and fish liver, butter, egg yolks, red and orange fruits, dark green vegetables.

You can buy vitamin microcomplexes at the pharmacy and drink them with periodic courses. Or buy separately. You just need to strictly observe the dosage, following the instructions. A decrease will not bring the desired result, and an increase is a waste of money. Vitamins simply won't be absorbed.

  1. If you have noticed a sharp darkening of the skin of the elbows, a change in condition for the worse, then we recommend that you contact a specialist for a complete examination. Very often this is a signal from the body, talking about serious endocrine disorders. These include diseases thyroid gland, diabetes, adrenal gland tumor.
  2. Several more reasons why elbows darken are psoriasis, menopause, vitamin deficiency. If these reasons are excluded, then the cosmetics of folk wisdom will be enough. Otherwise, scrubs and masks are indispensable. We'll have to undergo a full complex treatment.
  3. You can go to a beauty salon if you yourself do not have the opportunity or desire to whiten your elbows at home. Just remember: one procedure is not enough, so you have to spend a lot of money and time.
  4. It so happens that you are just lucky, and from your youth you are the owner of smooth white skin on the elbow joints. Do not flatter yourself. Age changes nobody canceled. During daily care Remember to pamper this area with moisturizers or nourishing creams. Then the elbows will delight their mistress with their condition and appearance for a long time.
  5. Try not to use commercial toners or lotions with whitening effects. No doubt, the result is noticeable almost immediately. But at what cost? Most of these cosmetics contain brightening ingredients that have a detrimental effect on the body. And if nothing happens at once, then with prolonged exposure these substances accumulate in the skin, which will lead to serious troubles in the future.
  6. Take such positions less often when you have to lean on your elbows. If you have to sit for a long time at a desk or at a desk in the classroom, just move your arms so that your elbows hang slightly from the lid. The support on the hands will still remain, and the skin of the elbows will be safe and will not darken.

Sometimes everything is in order with the body, and all efforts to whiten elbows at home are in vain. Then just look at the hands of your mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Perhaps your family has black elbow syndrome. This is not a disease, but a feature of skin pigmentation on the hands. And nothing can be done about it. Humble yourself and love yourself for who you are.

Video: how to care for your elbows and knees

Causes of the appearance of hardened skin on the elbows. Recipes for masks, a review of creams for her care.

Causes of hardened skin on the elbows

There are many reasons that cause skin coarsening. Moreover, most often the fault of the dry dermis on the elbows is the lack or lack of care. But in some cases, the epidermis in this area dries up and cracks due to diseases of the internal organs.

Causes of rough skin around the elbows:

  • Violation hormonal background ... This often happens during pregnancy, obesity and thyroid ailments. When the amount of hormones is normalized, the problem disappears.
  • Gynecological ailments... Usually, women with polycystic, endometritis, myoma and endometrial hyperplasia suffer from increased dryness in the elbow joint. This is due to a lack of luteinizing hormone and progestins.
  • Sudden changes in temperature... This usually happens in winter, when a person enters a warm room from frost. At the same time, the skin on the elbows dries up and cracks.
  • Lack of vitamins... The reason for the appearance of cracks and rough skin on the elbows is a lack of fat-soluble vitamins A and E. This usually happens in women who are on a low-carb diet and consume very little vegetable oil. It is this that is the main source of vitamin E.
  • Eczema and psoriasis... These are ailments of a complex nature, when there is a malfunction in the work of the intestines and liver. With these diseases, the skin in the elbow area becomes thick and can flake off in layers.
  • Mechanical damage... Often they accompany office workers who love to sit with their elbows on the table. At the same time, the skin stretches, rubs and coarsens. Cracks and dryness may appear.
  • Lack of care... Elbow skin should be taken care of. This area needs hydration and nutrition.
  • Love for hot baths... With daily bathing in hot water, due to the presence of chlorine in it, the skin dries out. Over time, it coarsens and cracks.

Features of skin care on the elbows

There are several basic products that are used to care for the skin around the elbow joint. The epidermis in these areas is often dry and flaky, so it is necessary to regularly remove its scales. This can be done with scrubs. But this is not enough to forget about dryness, moisturizing and nourishing products are needed.

Peeling the skin on the elbows

Exfoliation allows you to exfoliate dead skin particles and leave the area soft. Usually, peeling is enough to carry out 2 times a week. With just a month of regular treatments, your elbows will feel soft and tender.

Elbow Peeling Recipes:

  1. With salt... You need to pour 20 g of fine salt into a medium-sized bowl. Of course, it is best to take seafood, and without additives and flavors. Pour some bee nectar into the salt. It is advisable to use liquid and fresh. Do not use buckwheat honey, it is thick and expensive. For the preparation of the peeling, choose the cheaper option. Apply the mass after bathing and massage your elbows. Rinse off with warm water. After the procedure, it is advisable to soften the skin.
  2. With soda... This is an excellent exfoliation that simultaneously nourishes and exfoliates rough skin. For a scrub you need to mix 30 g baking soda and 50 ml of olive oil. Apply this paste to your elbows and massage thoroughly. Remove with tissue paper and wash skin with mild soap.
  3. With coffee... Take a ripe peach and remove the pit. Peel off the skin too. Grind the pulp on a grater or in a blender. Add a spoonful of black ground coffee. You can apply the thickening after enjoying the taste of the invigorating drink. Apply the mass to your elbows and massage for 2-5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
  4. With oatmeal... Take a handful of oatmeal and mix with liquid bee nectar. Thoroughly blend and apply onto hardened skin. Massage problem areas and rinse with warm water.

Greasy elbow creams

Now in stores there is a good range of elbow and knee care products. It is in these areas that the skin flakes, darkens and cracks. These products usually contain vitamins A and E, as well as herbal extracts and essential oils.

Elbow Care Creams Review:

  • Avon Planet Spa... This is a cream with shea butter, herbal extracts and white clay. The product is used to care for elbows, knees and feet. Is different pleasant aroma and light consistency. The cost of a jar of 150 ml is $ 2.
  • Phyto cosmetics... This cream is great for moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis in the elbows, knees and feet. It contains oils that are renowned for their regenerating properties. Can be used when cracked. The cost of a 57 ml tube is $ 1.5.
  • Boro plus from Himani... The cream contains oils and herbs. Its smell is not very pleasant due to the presence of birch bud extract. Perfectly moisturizes feet, elbows and knees. Differs in regenerating properties. The cost of a 50 ml tube is $ 3.
  • Ahava... This cream is a well-known Israeli company that produces cosmetics with Dead Sea minerals. For good result dry elbows need to be lubricated with them at night. Softens rough skin and brightens it. The cost of a 75 ml tube is $ 8.

Oil baths for elbows

Vegetable oil is a source of vitamins A and E. With the help of oils, you can significantly improve the condition of the elbows, making them softer. After a few procedures, the skin will stop flaking.

Elbow Oil Bath Recipes:

  1. With glycerin... Heat 100 ml of vegetable oil in a small bowl. Plain sunflower or olive oil will do. It is necessary that the temperature of the liquid is 45 ° C. Add 20 ml of glycerin to the oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly and dip your elbows in it for 20 minutes. You do not need to rinse off the product after the procedure. Blot your elbows with a tissue and apply a greasy cream.
  2. With almond oil... Pour 100 ml of vegetable oil into a bowl and immerse it in a container of hot water. Add 5 ml of almond oil. Lower your elbows and sit for 15 minutes. Wipe them off with a tissue and moisturize with cream. You can repeat the procedure 2 times a week after scrubbing.
  3. With castor oil... Warm up in a small 150 ml bowl sunflower oil... Take refined odorless. Add 20 ml castor oil. Immerse your elbows in the bath and soak your hands in the liquid for 15 minutes. Remove the remnants of the product with a napkin. Perform the procedure 2 times a week.

Elbow Compresses

Compresses help to make your elbows soft in just a few sessions. At the same time, the skin becomes noticeably softer, peeling disappears. For the preparation of compresses, oils, glycerin and fruit juices are usually used. Most often they are left on the elbows overnight.

Homemade elbow compresses recipes:

  • With honey... Mix equal amounts of almond oil with warm bee nectar. Apply the mixture to rough skin and wrap with plastic wrap. You can soak a piece of cloth in this liquid and also tie it with cellophane. The exposure time is 30 minutes. Rinse off the product using warm water.
  • With starch... Starch perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin. To make the compress, add a spoonful of potato flour and warm water to a bowl. It is necessary to make a gruel. Apply it to problem areas and wrap with foil. Walk with the compress for 25 minutes. Rinse off the rest of the product with cool water.
  • With tomatoes... Grind two tomatoes in a meat grinder. Choose meaty varieties with a small amount of juice and seeds. Apply the tomato gruel to a cloth and place it on the elbows. Wrap a cloth over the area and let sit for 30 minutes. The acid in the tomato softens rough skin.
  • With alcohol and vinegar... Pour 20 ml of alcohol and glycerin into a bowl. Take alcohol with the greatest strength. Add 10 ml of vinegar with a concentration of 9% and a teaspoon of any cream. Apply the paste to the fabric and apply to the hardened elbows. The exposure time is 25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Elbow skin nourishment masks

Elbow nourishment masks are applied after scrubbing. They help to saturate dry skin with vitamins and relieve flaking. Some products should not be applied to damaged areas with cracks or wounds. This applies to mixtures with lemon and sour fruits. They can burn.

Elbow Nutrition Mask Recipes:

  1. With propolis... Pour 25 ml of vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the onion in it. Remove the onion pieces and pour the oil into a metal container. Heat and add a little propolis to the mass. Stir until the bee product is dissolved. This liquid must be applied to the elbows for 1 hour.
  2. With cabbage... Grind two cabbage leaves in a blender. You should have a porridge. Add 20 ml of vegetable oil and 10 g of potato starch into it. Apply the doughy mass to the elbows and wrap with oilcloth. You can cover with a towel. Leave it on for 25-35 minutes. Remove residue with a paper towel and wash in warm water.
  3. With banana... Crush the pulp of one banana. It is necessary to make a gruel. Add 20 ml of glycerin to it and mix. Lubricate problem areas with a greasy paste and cover them with cellophane. Application time is 25 minutes. Remove the mask and wash your elbows, do not forget to apply a greasy cream.
  4. With yolk... Separate the white from the yolk and pour it into a bowl. Add 25 ml of olive oil and 5 ml of fresh lemon juice to the yolk. Apply the paste to your elbows and wrap with oilcloth. Keep the mixture on for 25 minutes. Remove residues with a dry cloth. Wash your elbows under running water.

Elbow Whitening Products

Due to the increased porosity and the presence of peeling, dirt often accumulates in the elbow area. In addition, the skin in this area may darken. It spoils significantly appearance and is a lot of hassle. To lighten the skin on the elbows, it is recommended to use brightening masks. They usually include parsley, dairy products and lemon.

Elbow Whitening Mask Recipes:

  • With cream... Pour 50 ml of liquid cream into a bowl. A product with a fat content of 10% is suitable. Put the bowl on fire and wait until the cream begins to curdle. At this time, add 5 g of saffron powder and a spoonful of starch. Thoroughly average the mixture. This paste should be rubbed into your elbows. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes and rinse under running water.
  • With parsley... Chop a bunch of parsley to make a gruel. For these purposes, you can use a blender. Add a spoonful of sour cream to the green gruel and stir. Apply the paste to the fabric and apply to problem areas. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse and grease with a special cream.
  • With lemon... Cut off a wedge of lemon and rub the juice into your elbow. Leave the juice on your hands for 15 minutes. Rinse off with water and be sure to apply a moisturizer or conditioner. Perform the procedure 2 times every 7 days.
  • With sour cream... In a small bowl, add 20 ml low-fat sour cream and puree made from one peach. Apply the mixture to the elbow area and wrap with plastic wrap or bag. Roll up with a towel and leave the mixture on your hands for 20 minutes. Wash off without soap and apply a nourishing agent.

How to get rid of cracked elbows

To get rid of cracks, nutrients with healing components are used. Do not use ingredients that can irritate the skin and cause itching.

Remedies for cracked elbows:

  1. Chamomile Healing Mask... Prepare a decoction of chamomile, pouring a handful of flowers with 500 ml of boiling water. Pour the broth, and chop the flowers in a meat grinder. Add a glass of fat sour cream and 100 ml of olive oil to the mass. Add half a cup of grated black radish. Mix all components and transfer to a jar with a lid. Store in the refrigerator. Use in the evening before bed. Leave the mixture on your elbow overnight.
  2. With salicylic acid... Heat 100 ml each honey and olive oil in a small saucepan. It is necessary for the mass to become homogeneous. Remember that honey cannot be heated above 50 ° C. Then add the powder obtained from 4 salicylic acid tablets. Pour the mixture into a bottle and store in the refrigerator. Apply the mass for 1 hour, wrapped in cellophane. You need to use the product 3 times in 8 days.
  3. With vitamins... Vitamin E perfectly heals cracks. Pour 20 ml of any vegetable oil into a bowl. Add the contents of 3 vitamin E capsules to the fatty liquid. Insert a tablespoon of Panthenol. Close the container and shake it. Lubricate problem areas. The mixture does not need to be washed off, it is perfectly absorbed. To avoid staining your clothes, you can tape your elbows.

Most often, dry and cracked elbows are caused by inadequate nutrition and lack of proper care. To keep the skin like a baby, follow simple rules.

Elbow skin care rules:

  • Stop using soap. It dries out the skin and can cause flaking. After showering, be sure to apply any hand cream. It is desirable that it contains vitamins A and E.
  • Try to take multivitamin complexes in the fall and spring. They help relieve dry skin.
  • It is very beneficial to take fish oil. It contains unsaturated fatty acid that prevent dry skin.
  • In order for the masks to bring results, conduct them in courses. Usually 2 months is enough to completely restore dry epidermis on the elbows and get rid of cracks.
  • Do not lean on hard surfaces. Get rid of the habit of propping your head up with your elbows.
How to care for the skin of the elbows - watch the video:

The skin on the elbows needs to be cared for, just like the face and other parts of the body. To do this, you can purchase special creams or use inexpensive homemade products.

Usually women pay little attention to their elbows. They are not conspicuous in front of the mirror and, as a rule, are not a hassle. In these areas, the skin is denser and drier than in others. If you do not take care of her, then she quickly loses her attractive appearance. Dry skin on the elbows looks especially ugly in summer, when the clothes do not cover the hands. Problematic places spoil the entire appearance, moreover, in a state of disrepair, they even crack.

Why do elbows crack and dry?

  1. Particular attention should be paid to health. Dry elbows often indicate a malfunction of the thyroid and adrenal glands. Hormonal changes in the body do not heal on their own, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist. Serious illnesses such as diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and eczema and psoriasis are best identified early. Only by excluding diseases, you can look for the reasons why elbows dry.
  2. The condition of the skin is strongly influenced by what a person eats. Lack of vitamins, especially A, E, D, can significantly affect it. A monotonous diet, when there are not enough important components of the diet, can also cause dry skin. Those foods that contain keratin are especially important. These are lean fish, meat, various dairy products and some others. In order for nutrients to be assimilated well, food should be varied. Often, dry elbows are uncomfortable in those seasons when there are not enough vitamins.
  3. Quite often, dry skin on the elbows results from too much bathing. They are especially often carried away by them in the cold season. Pleasant procedures with different aromatic additives loved by many. But do not forget that the skin dries a lot when frequent washing... In addition, it contains chlorine, which is irritating. Frequent use of the pool also contributes to dry skin. If you do not treat it, then the elbows seem to crack.
  4. Even mechanical stress can cause dry elbows. This is observed in those who sit at the table a lot and often. Office workers often do not think about this problem. They hold their hands over the table and at the same time rest against it with their elbows. This habit looks pretty ugly. In addition, it inevitably leads to the fact that the skin on the elbows becomes rough. If you ignore it, it starts to crack.

How to remove dryness

  1. When there is excessive dryness of the skin, elbows crack, what should I do? It is necessary to exclude the possibility of health problems. No matter how lazy it is to go to hospitals, it is necessary to visit an endocrinologist. Consultation with a dermatologist will not hurt. If the dry skin on the elbows is very irritated and even cracks, special ointments are prescribed. They soften and moisturize the skin, relieve itching and heal cracks.
  2. Taking vitamins has a good effect. The doctor may prescribe a specific complex or a general course of multivitamin preparations. It is necessary to establish proper nutrition, make it more diverse. When the skin is very dry, natural vegetables and fruits do not interfere.
  3. In the absence of medical contraindications, special attention should be paid to cosmetic care. When applying creams to the face and hands, do not forget about the elbows. If this procedure becomes a habit, then soon they will cease to be problem areas. Already after 10 days, with daily care, there will be noticeable improvement.

Skin softening techniques

Sometimes the skin on the elbows dries out from improper use of detergents. Many soaps dry out the skin. You should pay attention to their composition and use those that contain glycerin. The softest are baby soaps and shower gels. If the skin on the elbows has already become dry and rough, you need to use a product that can soften it. In this case, salicylic ointment is recommended. It must be applied to the elbows for about 10 days. Then you can use regular nourishing creams. Compresses made from any vegetable oil have a good effect on rough skin. The compress is done in the form of a bandage at night, perhaps just applying it to the elbows. To avoid general dehydration, you need to drink enough water. The norm is 2 liters per day; in case of heat, its amount increases. IN winter time in a room, when heated, the air is often dry. You can moisten it by placing a damp towel on top of the battery or by other means. Also, do not forget about regular ventilation. Often, dry skin on the elbows appears suddenly. To prevent this from happening, we must not forget to do caring procedures for this part of the body. Otherwise, peeling spots can ruin the entire appearance.


A compress for dry elbows with almond oil and honey is considered effective remedy to soften the skin of the elbows.

Take in equal proportions (for example, 1 tbsp. Spoon) vegetable oil and honey. Heat the oil a little to a comfortable temperature and then mix it with honey. Apply this mixture to your elbows and wrap your hands with cling film or plain plastic. After half an hour, you can remove the film and wash off the mixture from your hands. Be sure to lubricate your elbows with a nourishing cream.

The mask should be done every other day, 8 - 10 times. Then the question "why are the elbows dry?" - you will not arise.


Take 1-2 teaspoons of starch and dissolve it in a glass of warm water. Dip your elbows in this solution for 10 minutes, then rinse off the solution with cool water. Apply nourishing cream.

The human body requires constant care. To be irresistible, we do our best to improve the nature given to us. Face and body masks, manicure, pedicure - this is just the edge of the iceberg. But when we are conceived, we forget about this important place on our body like elbows. In winter, this is not a problem, as we try to wrap ourselves up warmer. But with the onset of spring days, we put on looser outfits and then ... then our elbows become visible to others. That is why today the women's magazine decided to tell you about simple recipes elbow care using fairly simple natural remedies that we almost always have at home.

Delicate and soft!

The skin on the elbow is prone to roughness... To keep it smooth and silky, you should use the following technique. We take cotton wool, moisten it with oil vegetable origin(sunflower, olive, palm), apply to the problem area and cover with a film. This procedure can be repeated weekly. This compress is best done 1-1.5 hours before the bath or shower.

Say "NO" to calluses on your elbows!

Sometimes callous formations form on the skin of the elbows... You can remove them - steam them and gently process them with a pumice stone, then lubricate them with a regenerating and softening cream. Pumice should be handled very carefully - the smallest wound, especially penetrating, is fraught with unpleasant consequences (example: bursitis).

Rough skin on the elbow will soften with grapefruit. We take this fruit, cut it in half, and insert the elbows into the resulting "cups". Oranges can also be used depending on individual tolerance. It is important to understand that after such use, the fruit must be disposed of.

Restoring the beautiful color of the elbows!

To keep the color of the elbow skin consistent with the generally accepted and not stand out from the rest of the body, the skin around the elbow should be daily wiped with a slice of lemon or half a cucumber.

The tough skin on the elbow is a lot of trouble as it often cracks. A bath consisting of orange juice and vegetable oil in a 1: 1 ratio will help soften the skin. If cracks are already visible on the skin, 1-2 drops of lemon juice should be added to this bath. In the absence of lemons, you can use apples (10-12 drops), cucumber, radish.

Date: 04/05/2014

The season of open clothes is not far off, so it is urgent to put in order the skin of the elbows: from dry, rough and reddened to turn it into beautiful, soft and moisturized.

The already thin skin on the elbows quickly becomes dry and rough, since there are very few sebaceous glands in it. And the habit of constantly resting her elbows on the table makes her rough. Wearing synthetic clothes also affects her condition not in the best way. The lack of vitamins A and E in the body is also reflected in the form of cracks on the skin of the elbows.

Correcting the situation is not difficult. How? Competent and regular care!


The first thing to do is to remove the dead epidermis from the elbows. Then young and healthy skin is formed in its place.

Best of all, formulations with natural particles (with crushed apricot pits, etc.) and moisturizing ingredients (vegetable and essential oils) will cope with this task.

You can also make an effective exfoliator yourself.

Home scrubs

Mix any vegetable oil with sugar in a 2: 1 ratio, apply on the elbows, massage the problem area for a few minutes and rinse. Finish the procedure with applying a nourishing cream.

Mix sugar (sea salt) with sour cream in a 1: 2 ratio. After a minute massage, leave the composition on the elbows for another couple of minutes and rinse.

Mix lemon juice olive oil and sea salt (1: 1: 2), apply on the elbows, massage a little, hold for another 5 minutes and rinse.


Deep moisturizing and nourishment is a must for dry elbow skin. Masks-compresses will help to solve this problem.

On the problem area, apply a thick layer of almond or olive oil (you can use ordinary petroleum jelly) and wrap it in cellophane. After 15 minutes, remove the film, if the oil is not absorbed, rub it thoroughly into the skin of the elbows.

Heat a tablespoon of coconut, butter, or cocoa butter in the microwave. Apply warm oil on the elbows and wrap them with plastic, and on top - also with a towel. Remove the compress after half an hour. Rub the rest of the oil into the skin.

For very dry and rough skin, such a compress can be left overnight.


Take 2 containers (such that you can immerse your elbows in them), pour 70 g of vegetable oil into each. Place them in a water bath so that the oil warms up, then immerse your elbows in warm oil for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash off the oil and apply the cream.

Make an infusion from a glass of boiling water and a handful of nettles (pour over and insist for half an hour). Dip your elbows in the infusion and wait 15 minutes. After the specified time, wipe them dry and grease with cream.

These simple home treatments will help you look beautiful to the tip of your elbows!