My college. Essay About education in English with translation English language topic my group in college

Essay in English College / College with translation into Russian

In English. College
All high school children face the problem of choosing their future profession. Before graduating from school they decide which college or university to enter. To pass entrance exams is a real challenge for young people. It requires hard intellectual work and lots of effort. At college students start studying a number of new subjects, which are more sophisticated that those at school. They should get accustomed to the new timetable and new rules. Very often the work load at colleges and universities is difficult to cope with. First year is the most challenging. However, once they catch up with the program, things get easier. Besides, college life is worth experiencing. It's a whole new world, where students learn new social and professional skills. Apart from daily studying, they meet lots of new people, find like-minded people, and establish lifelong relationships. Students also get to participate in different events and parties. One of the most important things, while studying at college, is to establish good relations with teachers and group mates. At first, it may seem that there are no common interests, no topics to discuss, but after certain time of studying together, students become good friends. Most people later say that university or college years were the best in their life. They also say that if they could go back in time, they would participate more in social events, such as concerts, sports competitions, quizzes, etc.

Translation into Russian. College
All high school students are faced with the problem of choosing a future profession. Before leaving school, they must decide which college or university they want to go to. Entrance exams are a big problem for young people. They require hard intellectual work and a lot of effort. In college, students begin to learn a number of new subjects that are much more difficult than school subjects. They have to get used to new schedules and new rules. Very often, the workload in colleges and universities is difficult to handle. The first year is the most difficult. However, once they get used to the program, things get easier. In addition, student life is worth going through. This is a completely new world where students learn new social and professional skills. In addition to daily learning, they meet new people, find like-minded people, and establish lifelong relationships. Students can also participate in various activities and parties. It is very important to establish good relationships with teachers and fellow students while in college. At first it may seem that there are no common interests or topics for discussion, but after a certain amount of time studying together, students become good friends. Most people later say that university or college were the best years of their lives. They also say that if they could go back in time, they would be more involved in social events, such as concerts, sports competitions, quizzes, etc.

For freshmen group 1261s specialty "Land and property relations" college has already become a second home, which every day awaits such different and such wonderful, talented students.

Under the program "Introduction to the specialty" the guys get acquainted with their specialty.

At the next lesson, they got acquainted with the history and traditions of the college, visited the library. Hospitable hostess - head of the library Lyubov Alekseevna Marsheva, who has been at the college for 40 years, gave out forms to new readers and talked about the rules for using the library. From the first lips of a college veteran, the guys heard an interesting story about the history of the college, got acquainted with the materials (photos of graduates, albums, interesting exhibits) collected by Lyubov Alekseevna.

It's one thing to read about college, and quite another to have a live conversation with an interesting, passionate person. Under the impressions of what they heard and saw in the library, at the lesson "Introduction to the specialty", the guys wrote an essay "My College". They wrote that they like college, like studying here. Every day they are confirmed in the correctness of their choice.

Teacher Vodneva G.G.

Student Written Essays "My College"

I am a 1st year student of "TEPK". Specialty "Land and property relations". This specialty is taught only in this college. That is why I chose TEPK. The college has a very rich and long history. It was opened in 1942 (July 6). Then it was "Tomsk Mechanical College", because specialists in this area were needed. In 1945. renamed into "Tomsk Machine-Building Technical School". Since 2004 Tomsk College of Economics and Industry. The college has large and cozy auditoriums, an excellent library with a reading room. There are many different books in it. There are many student clubs in the college. Students of our group took part in Teacher's Day, performed on stage. It's a pleasure to be in college. I am glad that I entered it here.

Shuklin Oleg.

I want to tell you about the educational institution in which I study. This is Tomsk College of Economics and Industry. First, I would like to note that our educational institution is not new and has its own history.
How do I envision college education? First, a college is a much more serious institution than a school. This is primarily due to the fact that a professional component in a person begins to form in college. I try to study more seriously in college than in school. I visit all couples and understand the seriousness of the future profession. My specialty is called "Land and property relations". I chose this specialty because my family is well versed in this field of activity and it is also interesting for me.
I like studying at TEIC. Teachers are experts in their field. They explain everything well, teach us a lot. Hopefully, my serious college education will pay off so that I can build a career.

Yakovleva Vladlena.

College is a place to gain knowledge and experience in your specialty. In college we are taught new things, they help us find ourselves. College and my group are still one family. Important life lessons take place here. Here we meet real friends. No matter how difficult it is, we will always be understood and helped. All teachers are masters of their craft, they teach us with honor. College helps us become a little more mature and responsible. You go here yourself and start building your little staircase in later life. I didn’t regret going to college. I have become more responsible and I think that during these 3 years I will have a lot of good memories of my college.

Life is what we make of it. Each decision we make chooses the path we head down, twisting and turning with the good and the bad. College is one of the biggest decisions to make in life, what to become, where to go. I know what life has become because I choose to at least start college. What I don’t know is how my life would have turned out had I not taken the time to explore.

When my senior year of high school came around so did the pressure. "What college are you going to?" "What are you going to major in?" "You need to make something of yourself!" For someone who had no clue as to what she wanted to major in or where she wanted to go, no one would ever have guessed. I made sure everyone believed that I had a plan. I was going to go to Ferris State University and major in pre-medicine. Considering I was an honors student in high school, my plan was feasible. After all, most of the women of my family are RN's or medical assistants. I wanted to be more than that, I wanted a better job. My family is difficult to reason with. What they wanted always overrode what I wanted. I chose to be a physician. In turn, I made them happy by staying in the medical field and it made me happy because it was going for something greater. Any job outside of the medical field would not have been acceptable to them. I convinced everyone, including myself, that this was exactly what I wanted. It is amazing how a person can convince themselves of anything if they are told it enough times.

In the fall, I registered for some general education classes and moved into my new home, the dorm room. Like any other freshman, I went to orientation, met my roommate and classes got off to a good start, including my Algebra and Chemistry classes. I naturally seemed to do well in those subjects; however, my English and Humanities classes needed some work.

Campus life was so different from being at home with the family. There was no pressure, no rules, no one breathing down my neck expecting me to always be the best. It was an unusual feeling to have the freedom to just be me, to let go and have fun the way that I wanted to. I was finally an adult, ready to make my own decisions whether they are bad or good. And that is just what I was going to do.

My roommate was a year ahead of me and according to her, I had not experienced life. She meant that because I had never really partied before and my alcohol consumption was nil, I needed to become familiar with that aspect of life. Apparently, everyone is supposed to party when they are in college. I drank more alcohol in that one night than how many a normal person is supposed to consume in a day and a half. Shots, fuzzy navels, whiskey, and more just didn’t sit well in a stomach used to nothing stronger than a Shirley Temple. She had me praying to the porcelain gods by early morning. According to what everyone was telling me the next day, I was so drunk not only did I act ridiculous in public, but I was also making the cops and firemen raise eyebrows when I almost fell into the college’s annual bonfire. That was the first time that I ended up missing a couple day's worth of classes. Heaving, headaches, and dizziness are just not symptoms I cared to inflict on myself regularly. It was an experience I swore would never happen again.

My English and Humanities classes were not going well, and missing the class due to a hangover did not seem to make matters any better. I was falling too far behind. It didn’t matter how long I stared at the computer screen, willing the words to come, I was not able to produce a paper for my English class. It seemed that I had forgotten everything I learned in high school about how to write a well-written paper in MLA format. Also, I could not seem to memorize all of the symbolism of various famous paintings throughout history for my Humanities class. After the fifth week of torturing myself and losing sleep, I finally realized that no one was telling me that I had to continue attending those classes after all the professors never seemed to care if I showed up or not. As an adult, I decided that it wasn’t necessary to continue going to class. I quit going and had the best night’s sleep I had in over 5 weeks. The only downside was the failing grade I ended up with, but even that didn’t really faze me. Unfortunately, I still had to pay for the classes I failed.

My other major rebellious act created some problems for my relationship with my fiance. I decided as part of my final experiences of life to start seeing another man. I wanted to make sure that I experienced everything I could, make sure that I really wanted to marry my fiance. The relationship between my fiance and I had been uneasy with difficulties on another front, but I had been sure of what I wanted until I started in college and really started evaluating what I wanted in life. I saw the other man, John, for a couple of weeks. I disappeared from my house for over a week; no one knew where I was if I was okay, or even if I was alive. I needed my space and John's place was the answer. It was an experience, but not what I wanted for the rest of my life. The man was several years older than me and just not quite what I expected. John liked to dictate and as a new adult, it was stifling. The time with John was nothing more than a fling and enough for me to realize that what was waiting at home was more than I could ever hope for in a relationship.

Becoming an adult is an important transition in life. It is something that every person should go through. Some people go through their trials young, sixteen to twenty. Some people wait until their thirties to finally grow up and some people never do. I think that because I sowed my wild oats that the first year out of high school, my life is much richer than what it would have been if I waited to explore the world.

Had I not gone to college my life would have been drastically different. I would have married my fiance, Bill, right out of high school. We would have been okay for a couple of years, but I would have started having doubts. Was I really ready to settle down? Is Bill the right man for me? What if there was someone better out there? I would probably start exploring other options, not knowing for sure if he was the right guy for me. Cheating on my husband would cause my marriage to end with divorce within a year. If I have kids, they would hate me for the way I consider people disposable. I would still be working at a minimum wage job without a better future, friends, or meaningful relationships. I think I would be jumping from guy to guy, eventually ending up alone. I know how I felt four years ago and the feelings would only have grown stronger as time passed on, continuously wondering "what if" and I would never be satisfied.

I can see myself slowly becoming an alcoholic. It would start out as one harmless drink and escalate until it grows to full-blown alcoholism. My kids would slowly watch their mother drink more and more until alcohol ruled both her life and their lives. Drinking would have been an escape from the life I had jumped into. It would be similar to what my brother has done with his life. It can start out as a cheap form of entertainment and grow into a beast that sucks up the rent money. Eventually, I would not be able to function without a drink and end up living with my parents. I would lose my job and have several car accidents which could possibly result in death. My life would continue to spiral downwards until I got to the point where I saw the error of my ways if I ever did. Once in an alcoholic lifestyle, it is very hard to get out of it.

I eventually would figure out that this is not where I wanted to be in life. However, I do not see myself going to college for fear of not being able to achieve a degree. I would have low self-esteem. I would not even try to further my education. I would remain stuck at meaningless jobs, making minimum wage. I would not have the confidence to start something new and possible turn my life around. My children would not look up to me.

My choices in life, since high school, have been my choices. Some have been good, some have been bad. There are some that I am not proud of. Even with the bad decisions made, I wouldn’t want things to be any different. I have a husband to be proud of, one who I am completely loyal to, a beautiful daughter and a new start in school with a profession I want to be. "What ifs" are just those, a tool of self-reflection.

Essay in English My College / My College with translation into Russian for free

In English. My college
My name is Elena. I'm sixteen years old. I live in Kazan city, Russia. I have recently graduated from my high school and entered the Kazan Medical College. It is one of the best colleges in the city. Besides, I have always wanted to study medicine after school. I really like this college and some of my close friends have also applied to study here. My parents have always wanted me to be a lawyer, but I have made up my mind to become a medical assistant or a nurse. The entrance exams included Biology and Russian and I passed both of them with excellent marks. I am delighted to study such subjects as Anatomy, Latin, English, Nursing, Genetics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Physical Education and else. Our college is rather well equipped. There is a large sports ground outside and one gym inside. There is also a huge library with a good choice of medical books. Actually, this college is one of the oldest educational institutions in the city and in Russia. It was founded in 1837. At first it was simply a paramedic school. After the revolution the first Soviet midwifery school was based here. In 1954 the school received the status of Kazan basic medical college. Today, the college provides basic and advanced training in such specialties as dentistry, midwifery, paramedics, pharmacy, laboratory diagnosis, and some other branches. In addition, each year the college provides postgraduate training for nurses. I'm very proud to be a student of this college. Today, Kazan Medical College is one of the most prestigious and reliable institutions in the city. Thousands of young people can get decent education in healthcare area at this college.

Translation into Russian. My college
My name is Yelena. I am sixteen. I live in Kazan, Russia. I recently graduated from high school and entered the Kazan Medical College. This is one of the best colleges in the city. Also, I have always wanted to study medicine after school. I really like this college and some of my close friends have also applied to study there. My parents always wanted me to become a lawyer, but I decided that I would become a paramedic or a nurse. The entrance exams included biology and Russian, and I passed both exams with honors. I am happy to study subjects such as Anatomy, Latin, English, Nursing, Genetics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Physical Education and more. Our college is pretty well equipped. There is a large sports ground outside and a gym inside. There is also a huge library with a good selection of medical books. In fact, this college is one of the oldest educational institutions in the city and in Russia. It was founded in 1837. At first it was just a paramedic school. After the revolution, the first Soviet school for midwives was based here. In 1954, the school received the status of the basic Kazan Medical College. Today, the college provides basic and advanced training in specialties such as dentistry, obstetrics, medical assistant, pharmacology, laboratory diagnostics, and several other areas. In addition, the college provides postgraduate nursing education every year. I am very proud to be a student of this college. Today Kazan Medical College is one of the most prestigious and reliable institutions in the city. Thousands of young people can get a decent health education at this college.

My college
I would like to tell you about my college.
It is a fine two-storeyed building in the center of the city. It is not very
new, but it is nice and comfortable. I study here for the first year.
On the first floor of the building there is a hall, a cloak-room, a canteen,
and gym, and some classes. On the second floor there is a director "s
office, computer classes and laboratories, a big concert hall, and library and
and reading-room. I like it.
When I come to college, I wipe my feet, take off mu coat and go to the
cloak-room. After that I go to the timetable which is also in the hall. It "s
good to come to the classroom before the bell rings.
After a few classes i go to the canteen and have breakfast. I don "t like
our canteen very much, that "s why i take some food with myself too.
My favorite subjects at college are physics, IT and English. During
the breaks i like to talk with those friends, read the college newspaper.
Our college is not only the place where we study, it "s also the place
where we stay after classes to take part in clubs. Our college is very green:
there are flowers on every window-sill. And it is very clean too. When that
friends, who study in other colleges, come to this place they are surprised
when they see that everything is in great order. But i "ll reveal the secret:
this is the merit of not only the board of the college but also of the students
- because it "s our second home and we must take care of it.
College life is difficult but I know it "s rewarding! That" s why I know
that tomorrow i "ll come here again!

My college I would like to tell you about my college. It is a fine two-storeyed building in the center of the city. It is not very new, but it is nice and comfortable. I study here for the first year. On the first floor of the building there is a hall, a cloak-room, a canteen, a gym, and some classes. On the second floor there is a director's office, computer classes and laboratories, a big concert hall, a library and a reading-room. I like it. When I come to college, I wipe my feet, take off mу coat and go to the cloak-room. After that I go to the timetable which is also in the hall. It "s good to come to the classroom before the bell rings. After a few classes i go to the canteen and have breakfast. I don "t like our canteen very much, that" s why i take some food with myself too. My favorite subjects at college are physics, IT and English. During the breaks i like to talk with those friends, read the college newspaper. Our college is not only the place where we study, it "s also the place where we stay after classes to take part in clubs. Our college is very green: there are flowers on every window-sill. And it is very clean too. When those friends, who study in other colleges, come to this place they are surprised when they see that everything is in great order. But i "ll reveal the secret: this is the merit of not only the board of the college but also of the students - because it "s our second home and we must take care of it. College life is difficult but I know it" s rewarding! That "s why I know that tomorrow i" ll come here again!

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Determine the language Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Kanda Yoruba Chinese Lappish Chinese Lappish Spanish Kanda Yoruba Chinese Korean Lahti Khan Korean Chinese Lahti Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Estonian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Sebuan Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Japanese Urduin Khimono Chilean Thai Tamil Telugu Urduin Khimon Hutonian French ) Azeri Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belor Us Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Maltese Latin Maqedonian Liider Malagolian Malagolian Latin Latvian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuan Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

My collegeI would like to tell you about my college.It is a fine two-storeyed building in the center of the city. It is not very new, but it is nice and comfortable. I study here for the first year. On the first floor of the building there is a hall, a cloak-room, a canteen, a gym, and some classes. On the second floor there is a director "soffice, computer classes and laboratories, a big concert hall, and a library and a reading-room. I like it. When I come to college, I wipe my feet, take off mу coat and go to thecloak-room. After that I go to the timetable which is also in the hall. It "s good to come to the classroom before the bell rings.After a few classes i go to the canteen and have breakfast. I don "t likeour canteen very much, that" s why i take some food with myself too. My favorite subjects at college are physics, IT and English. Duringthe breaks i like to talk with those friends, read the college newspaper.Our college is not only the place where we study, it "s also the place where we stay after classes to take part in clubs. Our college is very green: there are flowers on every window-sill. And it is very clean too. When tufriends, who study in other colleges, come to this place they are surprisedwhen they see that everything is in great order. merit of not only the board of the college but also of the students- because it "s our second home and we must take care of it. College life is difficult but I know it" s rewarding! That "s why I knowthat tomorrow i" ll come here again!

My college
I would like to tell you about my college.
This is a lovely A two storey building in the city center. This is not very
new, but it's nice and comfortable. I am studying here for the first year postage.
On the first floor of the building there is hall a, a dressing room, and a dining room,
a gym and some classes. There is a director's a on the second floor
office, computer classes and laboratories, and a large concert hall, and a library and
reading room a. I like it.
When I come to college, I wipe my feet, take off my coat and go to
dressing room. After that, I go with the schedule, which is also in the hall. This is
good to come to class before the call.
After a few classes A, I go to the dining room for breakfast. I do not like
our dining room is very large, so I take food with me too.
My favorite subjects in college are physics, IT and English. During
during the breaks I like to talk to TU friends, read the college newspaper.
Our college is not only a place where we study, it is also
the place where we stay after lessons to take part in the clubs. Our college is very green:
there are flowers on every windowsill. And it is very clean too. When Tu
friends who study in other educational institutions, come in this place they
surprised when they see that everything is in great order. But I will reveal a secret:
this is the merit not only of the college council, but also of the students
- because this is our second Home, and we have to take care of it.
Life College is difficult, but I know it's rewarding! This is why I know
that tomorrow I will come here again!

translating, please wait ..

my college. I would like to tell you about my college.
this is a nice two-storey building in the city center. it is not very
new, but it's good and comfortable. I'm studying here F, R first year.
on the ground floor there is a hall, a cloak of meetings, as well as a dining room,
and a gym, and several classes. on the second floor - and the director
Office, computer rooms and laboratories, and a large concert hall, and a library and
and I like the reading room.
when I get back to college, I wipe my feet, take off my coat and go to
raincoat. after that i will go to the schedule, which is also in the hall. is
it's good to come to class before the call.
after a few classes, and I'll go to the cafeteria and have breakfast. I don't like
our dining room is very, that's why I take some food with me too.
my favorite subjects in college are physics, i t and english. during
breaks, I wanted to talk to that friends, read the newspapers in college.
our college is not only a place where we study, it is a place where we stay after lessons, "take part in the clubs. our college is very green:
there are flowers on every windowsill. and it is very clean too. when that
friends who study at other universities, and me this place they are surprised: when they see that everything is in a big order. but I will reveal to you a secret:
this is the merit not only of the council, but also of the college students. - because this is our second hour before me, and we have to take care of it.
college life is hard, but I know it’s a reward! that’s why I know that tomorrow I’m coming. here!

translating, please wait ..