List of urban-type settlements in Russia by population. List of urban-type settlements in Russia by population Name of a village in Russia

And today we offer to visit several Moscow villages, which somehow miraculously survived inside the Moscow Ring Road and still retain their flavor.

Surprisingly, only a kilometer or two from each of them, sometimes even further from the center, there are densely populated and often very expensive areas. And in the village ... as in the village - everyone is friendly, the dogs sleep in the middle of the road, courtyards and houses, peace and grace.

Take a walk through several ancient villages, which turned out to be inside Moscow and remained untouched —>

To begin with, we will go to the area of ​​​​Nizhniye Mnevniki Street. Here, before the construction in 1984 of the Krylatsky bridge and the extension of the street. Lower Mnevniki was a complete dead end, and, despite being included in the borders of Moscow, the village of Terekhovo lived its own patriarchal life. There was a state farm, greenhouses and fields. True, according to the recollections of local villagers, they were not particularly eager to work at the state farm - they found work in the city, since the bus still runs here, or, in extreme cases, they traded flowers near the metro.

For the first time, the village of Terekhovo was back in 1646. The census book indicates that at that time there were 6 households and 11 people lived here. By the end of the 18th century the number of households increased to 25, and the number of residents to 156.

House of peasant Egorov, late 19th century

Approximately in 1865, Ivan Sergeevich Egorov, a peasant from Terekhov, decided to organize a paper-dye enterprise in the village. Things went well, and in 1874 he rented an additional half a dozen more land to expand production. The factory consisted of two log houses and one stone building, which housed the dye house itself, a dryer, a pack room (rooms where packs of goods intended for sale were stored) and the owner's apartment. 10 to 20 people worked here. The owner himself managed the production. The factory processed and dyed paper yarn (up to 20-30 pounds per day). All work was done by hand, and only for pumping 600 buckets of water into the tank was a horse-drawn drive. Workers worked here 17 hours a day with a short break for a pay of 6 to 10 rubles a month (for men).

Walking through the streets of the village, it is hard to imagine that the tires of the highway are rustling very close (not even the Moscow Ring Road, which is relatively far from here), and further beyond the village the towers of the Krylatsky district rise.

Life, as in the distant suburbs

Especially for publication, KIA provided us with an all-wheel drive car, but it never came in handy. The roads in the village, unlike many houses, are good and do not require repairs. Here, after all, Moscow, and the authorities are obliged to maintain roads and carry out repairs according to a citywide plan. This is a striking contrast with the elite settlements near Moscow, where palaces often stand in the middle of broken roads and dirt. Here it's the other way around.

Meanwhile, village life goes on in the countryside.

Here and there new districts rise in the background. Moscow is getting closer and closer. Why aren't they building here? The fact is that this territory of the Moskvoretskaya floodplain was classified as a nature protection zone, and any capital construction without complex permits and approvals is prohibited here.

This is how Terekhovo lives. In the early 1990s, Mayor Luzhkov, with the participation of Tsereteli, solemnly promised (to their considerable displeasure) to resettle the residents, and here to equip the "Park of Miracles", an analogue of Disneyland, but only on the basis of Russian fairy tales. But the matter did not go further than promises, and the inhabitants, as they lived, continue to live here. And they are not going to move.

Village farms

There is no hot water supply and sewerage, there are operating columns on every corner. The water is delicious.

Many old columns that have long been inactive

Somewhere in the back of the village

There are stables in the village, on weekends people come here to ride horses, but more often the horse keepers themselves go to ride children in nearby city parks.

A lot of Kyrgyz work at the stables, something, and horse breeding is a traditional occupation for many of them. Back in the mid-2000s, there were a lot of illegal workers in Terekhovo, but then the market on Nizhniye Mnevniki Street was closed, and everyone went to other places

Many houses are very run down

Others look pretty decent too.

Residents who can afford it build high fences.

A typical country road immersed in greenery

Bus stop. Transport runs on schedule, about once an hour.

People come to these quiet places to fish

Former state farm fields

Back in the 1970s, everything was sown here, and students came “from the city” according to the order

A water tower is still preserved here, with the help of which irrigation was carried out.

Inside the tower, however, completely burned out.

Local historians Dmitry Yakovsky and Denis Romodin.

The former greenhouses of the former state farm are still standing, but they strongly resemble the landscapes of Pripyat.

And we, meanwhile, will go to the village of Glavmosstroy, located very close by.

But there's nothing left here

Only if the remains of a Stalinist residential building, on which OMON officers train today.

At the entrance to the village of Glavmosstroy, an abandoned YUKOS gas station has been preserved, with the name and logo shamefully pasted over

The palace village of Troitskoye has been known since at least the 16th century, and it was located away from the high bank of the Moskva River. Then there was a wooden Trinity Church in it. At the beginning of the 17th century, Vasily Shuisky, becoming king, granted the village to Prince B.M. Lykov, from whom the second name of the area came.

There is no nature protection zone here, so life is in full swing

Lots of old signs

There are also new houses with new cars

Although there are also many abandoned and old artifacts

Inscriptions in an unknown language

Gypsies live en masse in one place

The genuine decoration of the village is the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, which is now being restored, built in 1698-1703. in the estate of the steward Martemyan Kirillovich Naryshkin and by his order

Almost a whole settlement with cows and birds has already formed at the church. It was allowed to shoot the church and on the territory only after long negotiations and assurances of good intentions.

And we will end our journey in the area of ​​metro Timiryazevskaya, where several yards of the former Straw Gatehouse are still preserved.
The area got its name from the thatched house of the watchman who guarded the lands of Russia's first higher agricultural educational institution- Petrovsky forest and agricultural academy. To cover the costs of building and equipping the Petrovsky Academy, its administration in the early 1860s widely practiced the sale and long-term lease of land plots for summer cottages and vegetable gardens. The dacha settlement created in the southern part of the academic estates was named Petrovsky-Razumovsky, but among the people it was called the Straw Gatehouse.

Here, among the greenery of Timiryazevsky Park, small residential houses are lost

In addition to village houses, there is a former house and workshop of the sculptor Vuchetich (as well as a street named after him)

Near Vuchetich Street at the entrance to Timiryazevsky Park, there is probably the largest statue of Lenin in Moscow. Lenin's head is located on the territory of the former workshop of the sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich.

Lenin blocks the metal shield. Just behind the trees you can see the building of the former district executive committee (now the prefecture). In the “stagnant” Soviet years, by decision of party functionaries, it was decided that it was not worthwhile for the bust of the holder of party card No. 1 to turn its back to power. “Shame” was covered with an iron “fig leaf”

Here you can also see a copy of the most famous sculpture of Vuchetich - the Motherland from Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd.

And also to evaluate the real scale of the statue by only one head, presented here in full size

This is only an incomplete list of villages on the territory of Moscow, there are many outside the Moscow Ring Road, and individual houses in dense residential areas have been preserved, but we will have another story about this.

We are grateful to the company KIA for provided by KIA Sportage.

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Once or twice a month we publish publications about different residential areas of Moscow. We will be glad to any help and sponsorship offers (see).

If you know the old-timers of these areas, you can take them to the roofs, indoors, it’s just interesting to talk about your area and show sights unknown and known only to you, then write to

    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 14, 2010, there were 1,287 urban-type settlements in Russia. Of these, 206 with a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. No. Urban-type settlement Region Population, thous. (2002) ... ... Wikipedia

    Urban planning of the USSR and Russia Documentation Town-planning code Rules for land use and development General plan Planning project Surveying project GPZU ... Wikipedia

    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 9, 2002, there were 181 rural settlements in Russia with a population of more than 10,000 inhabitants. Among the largest rural settlements are 95 villages, 56 villages, 29 villages and 1 ... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the 2010 census, among 1100 cities in Russia, 163 cities had a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants (as well as 2 more rounded), entering the categories of large, large, largest cities and cities of millionaires. At the same time, 1 more ... ... Wikipedia

    Urban-type settlement Chervonoe, Ukraine. Chervone Country UkraineUkraine ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 55°42′ s. sh. 36°58′ E  / 55.7° N sh. 36.966667° E etc. ... Wikipedia

There are settlements that are prosperous, dying, and there are dead ones. The latter always attract a large number of tourists and adventurers. The main topic of this article is the abandoned villages of the Moscow region. It is very difficult to say how many of them there are in the Moscow region, and indeed in Russia in general. After all, every year there are new abandoned villages. You can also see photos of these villages in this article.

- the problem of Russia

No wonder they say that it is the soul of the country and the people. And if the village dies, then the whole country dies. It is very difficult to disagree with this statement. After all, the village is indeed the cradle of Russian culture and traditions, the Russian spirit and Russian poetry.

Unfortunately, abandoned ones are not uncommon today. Modern Russians increasingly prefer the urban lifestyle, breaking away from their roots. Meanwhile, the village is degrading and more and more abandoned villages appear on the map of Russia, the photos of which amaze with their despondency and longing.

But, on the other hand, such objects attract a large number of tourists and the so-called stalkers - people who are eager to visit various kinds of abandoned places. Thus, the abandoned villages of Russia can become a good resource for the development of extreme tourism.

However, the state should not forget about the problems of the Russian village, which can be solved only by a complex of various measures - economic, social and propaganda.

Abandoned villages in Russia - the reasons for the degradation of villages

The word "village" comes from "tear" - that is, to cultivate the land. It is very difficult to imagine authentic Russia without villages - a symbol of the Russian spirit. However, the realities of our time are such that the village is dying, a huge number of once flourishing villages simply cease to exist. What's the matter? What are the reasons for these sad processes?

Perhaps the main reason is urbanization - the process of rapidly increasing the role of the city in society. Large cities attract more and more people, especially young people. Young people leave for cities to get an education and, as a rule, do not return to their native village. Over time, only the elderly remain in the villages, who live out their lives there, as a result of which the villages die out. For this reason, almost all the abandoned villages of the Moscow region appeared.

Another fairly common reason for the degradation of villages is the lack of jobs. Many villages in Russia suffer from this problem, as a result of which their inhabitants are also forced to go to the cities in search of work. Villages can disappear for other reasons as well. For example, it can be a man-made disaster. Villages can also degrade as a result of changes in their economic and geographical position. For example, if the direction of the road changes, thanks to which a particular village has been developing all this time.

Moscow region - the land of ancient temples and estates

Podmoskovye is an unofficial name. The historical predecessor of this region can be considered the Moscow province, which was formed back in 1708.

The Moscow region is one of the leading regions in terms of the number of objects cultural heritage Russia. This is a real paradise for tourists and travelers: more than a thousand ancient temples and monasteries, dozens of beautiful estates, as well as numerous places with long-term traditions of folk art crafts. It is in the Moscow region that such ancient and most interesting cities like Zvenigorod, Istra, Sergiev Posad, Dmitrov, Zaraysk and others.

At the same time, the abandoned villages of the Moscow region are also well known to many. There are a lot of them in this region. The most interesting abandoned villages of the Moscow region will be discussed further.

Such objects attract primarily extreme people, as well as local historians and various lovers of antiquity. there are many such places. First of all, it is worth mentioning the Fedorovka farm, the villages of Botovo, Grebnevo and Shatour. These abandoned villages near Moscow on the map:

Khutor Fedorovka

This farm is located 100 kilometers from Moscow. In fact, this is a former military town, so you will not find it on any of the maps. Around the beginning of the 90s, the village of 30 residential buildings completely fell into disrepair. At one time, it had its own boiler house, substation, and also a shop.

Botovo village

The old village of Botovo is located in the Moscow region, near the Volokolamsk station (Riga direction). Once in this area was the estate of Princess A. M. Dolgorukova. The center of this estate was a wooden church, which was built in the 16th century (the church has not been preserved). The last owner of the estate in Botovo, as you know, gave it to the peasants at the beginning of the 20th century.

Of the surviving objects in Botovo, you can see only the ruins of the Resurrection Church, built in the 1770s in the pseudo-Russian style, as well as the remains of an old twenty-hectare park. There are still old birch and linden alleys in this park.

Village Grebnevo

Grebnevo is a 16th-century estate with rich interesting history and pretty tragic fate. It is located forty kilometers from the capital, on the Shchelkovo highway.

The first owner of the estate was B. Ya. Belsky, the gunsmith of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, then the Vorontsovs and Trubetskoys owned the estate. In 1781, Gavril Ilyich Bibikov became the owner, it was under him that the estate acquired the form in which it has survived to this day.

Dramatic pages in the history of the estate in Grebnevo are connected with the beginning of the Soviet era. The nationalization of the complex led to the fact that the buildings gradually began to lose their historical appearance. First of all, all the internal interiors of buildings were affected. At first, a tuberculosis sanatorium was located within the walls of the estate complex, then a technical school. And only in 1960 the Grebnevo estate was declared an architectural monument of republican significance.

In the late 1980s, the estate seemed to have received a new impetus for its development and preservation. A cultural center was formed here, and various concerts, events and exhibitions began to be held regularly on the estate. Active restoration work began to restore the complex. But in 1991 there was a huge fire, after which only the frames of manor buildings and structures remained from it. In this state, the Grebnevo estate remains to this day, more and more turning into ordinary ruins.

Shatour village

The old village of Shatour has been known since the 17th century. It is located on poor soils, so the main occupation of the locals has always been hunting. Perhaps it was for this reason that the village fell into decay in the middle of the 20th century.

Today the village is completely deserted. Occasionally, the owners of individual houses visit here (several times a year). Among the abandoned village, the old brick bell tower looks great, towering over the deserted village.

Reminder for the extreme tourist

Despite their gloom and decrepitude, old uninhabited villages and other abandoned places are of great interest to many tourists. However, travel to such objects can be associated with certain dangers.

What should the so-called extreme tourists know?

  • firstly, before going on such a trip, you should notify your relatives or friends about your trip, its timing and the route of your movement;
  • secondly, you need to dress appropriately; remember that you are not going for an evening walk in the park: clothes should be closed, and shoes should be reliable, durable and comfortable;
  • thirdly, take with you the necessary supply of water and food, also in your backpack should be a flashlight, matches and a standard first aid kit.


The old villages of the Moscow region amaze travelers with their desolation and picturesqueness. I can't even believe that such objects can be located just a few tens of kilometers from the capital - the largest metropolis on the planet! Getting into one of these villages is like using a time machine. It seems like time has stopped here...

Alas, the number of abandoned is growing every year. Perhaps someday this problem can be solved. But for now, abandoned villages serve only as objects of interest for all kinds of extreme people, stalkers and lovers of gloomy antiquity.

The publication by Rosstat of the first volume of the results of the population census made it possible to compile list of the largest rural settlements in Russia. Over the last inter-census period, the trend of population concentration in large cities has become more and more pronounced, which also affected the villages. The largest villages, numbering 20-30 thousand inhabitants, are in fact small towns with corresponding potentials and restrictions.

The growth or decline of the population in them depends on:

1) on the position in the center-periphery system, and in fact the sign of the migration flow,

2) from the presence of natural growth.

TOP 40 largest rural settlements of the Russian Federation

  1. The largest rural settlement continues to be stanitsa Ordzhonikidzevskaya(61.6 thousand people) in Ingushetia. Despite the obvious natural increase, in 2010 there was a decrease in the population. This is due to a general downward adjustment in the population of Ingushetia, unjustifiably high according to the 2002 census. It is noteworthy that in Ordzhonikidzevskaya, the male population is only 41.9% - an irrationally low figure. I believe that this Ingush settlement should have changed its hard-to-pronounce name long ago.
  2. Historically, the TOP 10 largest villages in the country occupied Kuban villages. In the intercensal period, they generally retained their population, despite a pronounced natural decline. This means that they continue to be migratory attractive. At the same time, a number of large villages in the north of the Krasnodar Territory suffered a decline - Leningradskaya, Kushchevskaya. This may be due to their remoteness from regional centers. At the same time, the villages included in the Krasnodar agglomeration have grown significantly (the villages of Novotitarovskaya, Severskaya, Dinskaya and especially Elizavetinskaya - the largest rural settlement in Russia in the city). However, Krasnodar already looks like a mega village. The Kuban villages also include Art. Egorlykskaya in the Rostov region and Art. Zelenchukskaya in Karachay-Cherkessia - being on the periphery of their regions, they were in the 2000s. lost population.
  3. The largest of the Kuban villages and truly the largest rural settlement in Russia - stanitsa Kanevskaya (44.4 thousand people) retained its leadership in the Krasnodar Territory, although its population has not changed much.
  4. Population dynamics in super-large villages Stavropol largely repeats the situation in the Kuban. With the widespread natural decline, a significant increase was noted in Art. Gentle, Art. Essentuki, st. Suvorovskaya and s. Krasnokumsk. Growth is provided mainly due to the migration of Armenians and peoples of the North Caucasus. At the same time, large villages-district centers - Aleksandrovskoye, Divnoye, Donskoye and others were losing their population. It stands out only with. Kochubeevskoye, which, having a favorable geographical position at the junction of federal highways and being a satellite of the large city of Nevinnomyssk, was in decline.
  5. Chechen Republic became the third subject of the Russian Federation with a concentration of super-large villages. At a distance of 40 km from Agrun and Shali to the east to the village of Alleroy (Kurchaloevsky and Shali districts), a chain of 10 villages with a total population of approx. 140 thousand people, of which the largest are Kurchaloy and Tsotsin-Yurt. This group of villages is notable for its non-suburban position and significant natural growth. " Kurchaloy rural agglomeration”- the largest in Russia, truly rural, and, I believe, one of the most interesting objects for studying the geography and economics of the countryside.
  6. Several positions in TOP 40 are occupied former urban-type settlements, which in the 1990-2000s. returned the status of rural settlements. These are the district centers of Orlovsky (the country's largest village) and Zimovniki in the Rostov region, Saraktash in the Orenburg region, Raevsky in Bashkortostan.
  7. The remaining positions in the TOP 40 are occupied suburban villages and settlements(Stroitel village near Tambov, Trudovoye village near Vladivostok, Dygulybgei village near Baksan, Novaya Usman village near Voronezh).
  8. Village New Usman(29.3 thousand people) demonstrated largest population growth and became the largest village in Russia, ahead of the traditional leaders in the form of Stavropol villages. The growth of Novaya Usman is obviously connected with the influence of Voronezh and the passage of the M5 Don highway. In the village in last years multi-storey housing construction was actively developed.

Rural settlements of other historical types ( village, farm and aul) have a much smaller population, although among them there are giants located mainly in the suburbs of the largest cities. It is possible that at the current pace of construction, by the next census, individual suburban villages will number several tens of thousands of people and have 20-30-story houses.

The largest villages, farms and auls of the Russian Federation
(according to the results of the 2010 census, persons)

  1. The largest village in Russia- village Vatutinki(11.1 thousand people) will soon be in the territory Moscow around Trinity . Now to be the owner of one and a half dozen 14-16-storey buildings. Since the village of Vatutinki-1 does not have the status of a settlement, its population during the 2002 and 2010 censuses was counted in the village of Vatutinki, adjacent directly to the village from the south.
  2. Only a hundred people less in the village New Devyatkino, which is in the Vsevolozhsk district Leningrad region. It can be assumed that after the completion of the construction of the residential complex "New Devyatkino", consisting of nine 17-20-storey buildings, the population of the village will at least double.
  3. The largest farm- still x. Trudobelikovsky(9.4 thousand people), which stands on the banks of the Kuban opposite Slavyansk-on-Kuban.
  4. The largest village- aul Psyzh, is also a suburb, located in the Kuban opposite Cherkessk (8.2 thousand people). It should be recalled that only the villages of the Adyghe peoples are officially called auls. Whereas the villages of other peoples of the Caucasus are called villages.

There are seven villages with the name Khrenovo in Russia! This one is in the Ivanovo region. Photo: Andrey KARA

Stupid, Suchkino, Bukhalovo, Lokhovo, Khrenovo... Among the 170 thousand settlements of the country, we have chosen those that cannot be passed by without emotions

Of course, the Russian people have no problems with fantasy. But with the names of most settlements, apparently, they didn’t bother much. As a result, we have: approximately 44% of the names are repetitive. A third of them are named by name (Ivanovka, Mikhailovo, Aleksandrovka ...), and a quarter - by nature (Sosnovka, Berezovka, Kalinovka ...). It is understandable: before, without “brainstorming” and creative agencies somehow managed. But among the 165,000 rural settlements, 1,300 urban-type settlements and 1,100 cities of Russia, there are real "pearls" of extraordinary folk thought! Crashing into the memory of names - about a thousand. Together with the regional editions of KP, we selected two hundred of the most, in our opinion, the most strange and funny of them.

Let's start with the Perm region. There is a Tupiza village here. We don't know why it is so...

Photo: Alexey ZHURAVLEV

Or here is the village of Suchkino. I wonder how the locals feel about this name.

Photo: Alexey ZHURAVLEV

And the village of Putino. Also available.

And here is the village of Khomyaki. “Seems like someone is eating too much!?” - I remembered from the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh.

The village of Antibes is located in the Kemerovo region. And with her Drachenino and Uporovka.

The Tyumen region is also famous for its long list of funny names. There is Kokuy, Partizan, Expanse, Vagina, Half, Plump, Shortness of breath, Goldobino, Sour, Beautiful, Nevolino, Elbows, Bad, Kinder, Cotton wool, Politotdelsky, Shot.

The Chelyabinsk region, like Bashkiria, also has its own Paris. And Ferchanpenoise is available. And even the villages of Leipzig with Berlin.

There are such unusual villages in Udmurtia: Muki-Kaksi, Baldeyka, Podmoy, Kosolapovo, Karavai, Foals, Babino, Luke, Chur, Uzi. And the villages: Skates, Zabegalovo, Birch, Krasny Kustar, Bannoye, Roosters, Boar, Kozlovo, Sheep, Small Game and Big Game, Ubytdur, Grab, Vanya-Chumo, Adam.

But the most creative people, apparently, live in the Pskov region! The cities Dno, Opochka, Pytalovo are lit there ... And the villages: Ulcers, Torchilovo, Babki, Badgers, Bolshoy Khochozh, Sos, Grace, New Opel, Lobok ...

Kozyulki, Washcloths, Kissing, Teeth, Crooked Hats, Lamons, Undersized...

And also Zhizhitsa, Mokriks, Swellings, Buttocks, Redseat, Ale, Grandfather-Kabak, Bald-Flies, Zanogi, Quickly, Big Wands, New Life.

In the Sverdlovsk region, there are such cities: Nizhnie Sergi, Rezh, Novaya Lyalya (and the village of Staraya Lyalya - this is all Novolyalinsky urban district). And the villages - Upper Sinyachikha, Lower Sinyachikha, Laya, Red Adui.

In the Yaroslavl region - Gore-Mud, Pshenichishche, Zhupeevo, Bukhalovo.

In the Voronezh region there is Khrenishche.

In Kaluga - the village of Zhivotinki. The name is quite harmless and to the point: after all, a livestock farm is located here.

In the Lipetsk region there is a village Zasosnaya. In Vologda there are as many as two villages with the name End (and there are eight of them in Russia).

In Crimea, there is the city of Saki, from which the locals made the city of Psaki. Thus, they allegedly banned the entry of the famous American woman.

There are also quite a few unusual and funny names in the Trans-Baikal Territory. For example, in the Priargunsky district there is the village of Duroy. There is also the village of Klichka, which is named after a mining engineer. In the Sretensky district there is a village Bolshiye Boty. Not far from the regional capital there is a village Ulety. And in the Chernyshevsky district there is the village of Ukurei. In Khiloksky district - Khokhotuy.

And in the Murmansk region there is the village of Afrikanda. Under the snow, Afrikanda looks especially exotic.

In the Saratov region there is a village Lokh.

And in Omsk - Babezh, Big scourges, Big purrs, Lupus, Zagvazdino, Couch, Prishib. In Samara - the village of Koshki (this is the sister city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl Region). In Penza - Tatarskaya Pendelka, Chulpan, Bogdanikha, Bright Way, Frontier, GAI. In the Vladimir region, the following stand out: the village of Krasnaya Gorbatka, the village of Perebor, the village of Likhaya Pozhnya. In Bryansk - Mamai, Bibiki, Zaitsev Dvor, Crimea, Varna, Bald, New Scales, Ushcherpie, Gobiks, Badgers, Byakovo, Sluchok, Novy Svet, Merry, Hooks, Bobrik, Gnilyovo, Dried out, Lizogubovka, Spoons, Ugrevishche, Shiryaevka, Shapkino ... And in the Khabarovsk Territory there is the village of Kondon. In the Smolensk region - the village of Boduny. In Tambov - Bolshaya Rzhaksa.

In Mordovia, you can find settlements with the following names: Piksiasi, Chudinka, Red Warrior, Syryatino, Sialeevsky Maidan. In Chuvashia - the village of Bolshoe Murashkino, the village of Experienced, the village of Khachiki. In Mari El - the village of Surok.

In the Troitsky administrative district of Moscow there is the village of Babenki.

And in Ryazan region was once the village of Paradise Lost. Now no one lives there. This is a tract. It seems that a much more friendly atmosphere is in the local village of Good Bees.

In the Kostroma region there is a village Pyankovo.


5 interesting facts about settlements in Russia

1) The settlement "Central estate of the state farm named after the 40th anniversary of the Great October Revolution" - the longest name of the settlement in the country. I wonder if it annoys the locals to have to pronounce or write this ho-hoo-long name somewhere in the documents?

2) Verkhnenovokutlumbetyevo and Starokozmodemyanovskoe - the longest continuous names of settlements. It seems that they have been there since childhood, and everyone is ready to work as an announcer on TV. After all, until you say where you are from ...

3) Names of two letters in Russia are 46 settlements. Of these, 11 - Yar. And there is, for example, Yb - in Komi there are as many as three villages with the same name. Remember this to stun your opponents when playing "city-village".

4) There are only two settlements in the country with the name Y. These are Yoshkar-Ola and Yosefovka (a village in the Smolensk region).

5) And the names of 27 settlements in Russia begin with the letter Y. Almost all of them are in Yakutia. These are, for example, Ytyk-Kyuel and Ylymakh. In general, there are cities in our country with absolutely all letters, excluding the soft and hard signs, of course.

And what funny names of settlements in Russia do you know? We are waiting for your comments!