Why does water around the world turn blood red? Why does the pump room water turn red? Why is there red water on the river

Red pool water- a phenomenon from a number of unacceptable. The reason for this trouble is due to the increased iron content in the water that was used to fill the pool. Increased iron content is usually found in water from artesian wells and wells. So why does the water in a pool filled with such water turn red? Iron is found in artesian water in several forms in bivalent soluble, trivalent and colloidal states. When interacting with oxygen in the air, ferrous iron ions are oxidized and transform into a trivalent poorly soluble form, the smallest particles of which give the water a red or brown hue. Therefore, before filling the pool, it is best to analyze the water and, accordingly, choose equipment for water treatment for the pool water, so that it is crystal clear, transparent, and has the appropriate color, so that every swimmer is pleased to swim in it.

What to do in a situation when there is red water in the pool, but you don't want to drain it

In a situation where water is poured into the pool, and it turns red before our eyes, it is quite expensive to drain it or buy additional equipment for cleaning and costs were not provided, you can get rid of the excess iron content in the water directly in the pool. For this, in a certain sequence, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities. First, the pH is leveled and the water is shocked with a disinfectant (chlorine or its derivatives) using an increased double dose. As a result, the red water in the pool will begin to oxidize, and the excess iron will turn into tiny rust particles. However, the resulting particles are too small to purify the pool water using a water purification filter, so you need to use a special coagulant that dissolves in the water according to the instructions. After that, the iron particles will enlarge and precipitate in the form of flakes, which can be collected from the bottom of the pool with a special vacuum cleaner.

Why does the pool water still turn red?

To the question why does the pool water turn red another answer can be given - algal bloom. The cytoplasm of such microorganisms is filled with specific fatty inclusions, which, upon mechanical or chemical irritation, have the ability to bioluminescence. The presence of such photosynthetic organisms can make the pool water red or green color... These algae are not toxic, yet they are capable of releasing excessive amounts of ammonia, which causes skin irritation. The growth and reproduction of such microorganisms is facilitated by favorable warm weather conditions, a large amount of sunlight, and an abundance of nutrients. The most effective remedy from green, red and yellow algae - algicide, which, moreover, creates an environment that prevents their further development.

How to use algicide when the pool water turns red

IN normal situations a 10% solution is applied to the previously cleaned pool walls, seams, corners, sides and floor to completely destroy these microorganisms and only after that the pool is filled with water, the pH of which is adjusted to 7.4. Impact chlorination is mandatory and a certain amount of algicide is added as a starting treatment when filtration is on. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once a week.

In a situation of urgent need (the water is already red), to carry out an emergency fight against algae and other microflora, shock treatment should be carried out with an increased dosage, which is specified in the instructions.

To not appear red pool water, and the question did not arise - why the water in it turns red, it is necessary to carefully monitor its quality and use effective means to care for the pool. The main components of water treatment can be considered:

  • filtration and circulation of water;
  • -
  • processing with special chemicals.

Filtration and circulation of water in the pool alone is absolutely not enough for water treatment. To prevent the growth of microorganisms, algae, viruses, fungi and bacteria, disinfection is necessary with algicides and coagulants, which help to effectively eliminate the turbidity and color of the water, as well as filter out the smallest particles, which are a good breeding ground for microorganisms. That is, it is impossible to abandon the use of effective chemicals in swimming pools.

Water bodies around the globe are reported to be taking on the color of blood, causing widespread concern. People think the end times are near.

From the sea to the river, numerous bodies of water, all during the night, become the color of blood. Amazing images of incidents are popping up on social media. A number of different groups point to the biblical prophecy of Revelation 16: 4. Still, is there any other explanation for unusual phenomena other than the impending apocalypse?

IN Lately many reports indicate that seas are colored red across the globe. For example, The Washington Post reported one such incident in China. It happened on a river in Wenzhou city. Residents say they woke up and saw a strange sight of red water. There was no explanation for the phenomenon.

"Several people who were on the river at about 5 am said that everything was fine, but then suddenly within a few minutes the water started to darken and eventually turned completely red."

Wenzhou is the center of the Christian faith, and many call it the Chinese Jerusalem. Some residents after the event pointed to a prophecy from the Christian Bible to explain the strange bloody waters.
While many thought the red river was a sign from the heavens, the Chinese government says there is a simple explanation for the red waters. Local Department of Conservation environment says tests have shown the water has turned an eerie shade of red due to illegal dumping. Probably artificial colors from the garment industry.

The Telegraph reported another bizarre incident that led to the closure of Sydney's beaches in Australia. Tourists in the area initially feared that the blood was the result of a shark attack, but such an attack never happened. In fact, local officials noted that the blood red color was the result of algal blooms in the area. The beaches were closed and several photos of the strange waters began to circulate on the Internet.

According to the BBC, residents of the Pacific islands of Tonga were also surprised by the blood-red color of the seas. As in China, many in the region immediately began to fear that red tides were a sign of the end times. However, as with the beaches of Australia, red tides have been attributed to red algae blooms. In fact, the same red tides occur once a year on Florida's Gulf Coast.

Despite the fact that the strange phenomena have been attributed to illegal dumping of industrial waste and excessive blooming of red algae in the seas around the world, rumors continue to circulate on the Internet. And the believers say the end times are drawing near.

Something like this can be found all over the web:
"WATER has turned blood-red - Wake up! People we see before us omens from the Book of Revelations. The highest judgment on Earth is approaching! Waters around the world are becoming blood-red!"

What do you think? Does it bother you that bodies of water around the globe are turning blood red?

Referring to the data of the city authorities, "Rabochaya Gazeta" has already reported that this year the builders will make Kiev residents happy with another 22 pump rooms, and there will be 227 of them. case.

- THESE“Environmentally friendly drinking water”, - as Mikhail Shparik calls them, - are not cheap for the city. If we take into account that the average cost of a pump-room complex is 400 thousand hryvnias, then the previous government has hammered 82 million hryvnias into the ground in ten years. But this money could well have been directed to development centralized water supply, as is done throughout the civilized world.

Yes, for that kind of money, it would be possible to equip treatment plants near each house, - said the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration Ivan Saliy.

Isn't it a paradox: there are no funds for the modernization of city water pipelines, but they are for pump rooms, which, with all their architectural merits, still completely threw the people of Kiev into the dense farmer's life, when people, struggling, dragged water in buckets and pans to their 10th floors.

How much water does a person need per day? The doctor will say that about two liters - as well as to distant ancestors. But the deputy director of "Kievvodokanal" Volodymyr Brazhnik named a different figure - 374 liters.

With the increase in the comfort of life, the total water consumption for each of us is growing rapidly. Over the past century, it has increased tenfold in the city. A quarter of a century ago, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Igor Zektser warned: if you do not take care of new sources, then at the turn of the XXI century the lack of fresh water will become the biggest problem. This is the firm belief of scientists all over the world. Already, water is increasingly becoming an export item.

And our valiant business executives have drilled a couple of hundred artesian wells in Kiev, from which underground water gushes day and night. And runs straight down the drain. For example, on Nikolay Ushakov Street, residents of adjacent houses often wash their cars with pump-room water ...

Fortunately, if in all the wells the water was not only cold, but also of good quality. Where there: often from some columns it flows with a smell, from others - a dull blue, from the third - with some strange aftertaste. For example, in the pump room on Uborevicha Street, there is an excess of manganese content in the water. And it happens that filters deteriorate, as, say, in the pump room at the corner of Piterskaya and Petrovsky streets. Or, during severe frosts, pipes burst - like in a pump room on the Windy Mountains.

And few people know that they still cannot put into operation 19 wells built in previous years. Is it because the water quality is bad there?

“Rabochaya Gazeta” once already told what “cheerful” water flowed from the pump-room once pompously opened by the ex-mayor on Anna Akhmatova Street. The workers of the regional sanitary and epidemiological station then explained to us: the water, they say, turns red there not from shame, but because it contains a lot of ammonia and iron. And they added: “It’s not there, it’s clear where it was necessary, we were drilling. And they did it in a hurry. "

That's right, the quality of artesian water often depends on competent drilling, in the opinion of Ukrsevgeologia specialists. Organizations that determine the location of drilling often make gross technical mistakes. Because of this, for example, they could not, having swallowed up a lot of budget money, put the pump rooms on Putivlskaya and Chaadaev streets into operation on time. And for many months in a row a gray-brown-raspberry liquid gushed out of them.

The architectural and construction danger posed by these wells is alarming. Architect Viktor Sudorogin, who designs pump-room complexes, in a conversation with journalists literally made everyone fearful, claiming that artesian wells could destroy Kiev. And the horror story read: "Pump rooms - secret killers?"

By the way, let us remind you that pump rooms pump water from a depth of more than 150 meters, due to which pressure changes in the chalk strata and, over time, large voids and caves are formed. So, in these voids, over time, the whole Kiev will allegedly fall. And the more pump rooms are built, the more intensively water is taken, the faster the “time X” is approaching. A bleak prospect.

Although many people in Kiev, according to the architect, are outraged why, they say, pump rooms are not built near every house. It is even scary for Viktor Sudorgin to imagine what will happen in half a century to the houses near which pump rooms have been built. After all, underground rivers wash out the rock, forming caves, the soil subsides over time, which means that Kiev will be under the threat of destruction.

At the dawn of the capital's pump-room service, a famous Ukrainian scientist, director of the Institute of Colloidal Chemistry and Water Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician Vladislav Goncharuk argued that it is unpurified artesian water from great depths that is most useful for our body. But in order for people to drink water that is not contaminated with chemical impurities and other nasty things, each well must have a quality certificate after a thorough inspection.

Moreover, according to the academician, it is the specialists of his institute who could perform such an important work. Of course, this requires substantial budgetary infusions from the city treasury. By the way, the commentary of the scientist on the quality of the water we use was published by Rabochaya Gazeta on May 17, 2006 in the article “What kind of water do we drink?”

Deep waters are rich in minerals, their use without control “one heals, the other cripples”.

According to my observations, - says architect-pump-room maker Viktor Sudorogin, - people do not even understand what they are drinking, despite the signs about the composition of the water, posted at the pump-rooms. In my opinion, pump-room water cannot be called drinking water, since it only passes through mechanical cleaning filters, but there are no biological filters. In addition, our people break pump rooms at an enviable speed. This is understandable: they gave water for free.

Finally, the city fathers heard the sensible advice of Academician Honcharuk. After nine years of pumping, it was decided to make an inventory of all existing and suspended artesian wells. And at the same time to solve for each of them separately the issues of sanitary safety and expediency of operation. Deteriorated wells must be tamped. And it looks like there will also be a unified city pump-room service at the Kyivvodokanal.

The conclusion is clear as daylight: it is high time to put things in order in burying taxpayers' money. And stop the mockery of the ancient land of the capital city.

If you dare to drink artesian water, then let's create all the conditions for it to be beneficial to health in all respects.

Afterword. In many cities of Ukraine, there are indeed big problems with the quality of tap water. But the capital just does not belong to these cities. Moreover, experts say that water flows from Kiev taps, the quality of which is one of the best in the country. However, it is the people of Kiev who are most outraged by their water supply. Paradox? Not. These are just destructive moral and psychological consequences of the nine-year pump-room service in the capital.

It is a pity that the pump-room system somehow called into question the quality of our tap water, - complained the doctor of the Kiev City Sanitary and Epidemiological Station Nina Telenkova. - There is no such beautiful water in Ukraine as in Kiev. But we evaluate pump room water according to the same parameters as ordinary tap water. And we do it in accordance with the old Soviet GOST-2874-82.

In general, according to experts, pump rooms are not so simple. For example, in the pipes of deep wells, a high column of water stagnates for a long time. It contains organoleptic characteristics such as turbidity, ferrous taste, and flakes begin to fall out. And this despite the fact that the pump rooms are fed with water from the underground horizons of the Cenomanian and Jurassic, which are well studied, included in our menu from late XIX century.

So do what you want. And you always want the best. I would not be mistaken when choosing.

Red water is water containing dissolved iron.


  • After washing, white clothes take on a reddish or yellow tint.
  • Rust stains appear on the sink and toilet
  • After a long break in the use of water, the first portion that comes out of the tap is red.
  • On special occasions, the water tastes metallic.

Fig. 60 Consequences of using water with a high iron content

Reasons for the formation of red water:

  • Corrosion steel pipes and tanks
  • When water passes through the deposits of iron in the earth, it enters into a chemical reaction with it (dissolves it).
  • The content of ions of acid residues in water, even at normal pH.

The red color of water is due to the presence of iron ions in the water. The reason for the brown color of the water is the content of iron and a small amount of manganese in it. Usually oxygen in water is involved in biological and chemical processes when passing through soil layers. This is the main reason for the lack of oxygen in groundwater, and iron ions will not be visible until they are oxidized to iron oxide. In wells, where the air above the surface of the water enriches it with oxygen, iron ions combine with oxygen and turn into iron oxide.

Fig. 61 Diaphragm tank prevents air / water contact

The iron ions will also come into contact with the oxygen in the pressure tank, where there is an air cushion on top, which exerts pressure on the surface of the water.

With an insignificant iron content (0.3-1.5 ppm) in groundwater, its quality can be significantly improved in the following ways:

1. Top part the wells must be well sealed (air is prevented from entering it). In this case, the oxygen located above the water surface will be quickly absorbed by the water in the well. Only nitrogen and water vapor remain, which do not oxidize iron ions.

2. A diaphragm tank should be used instead of a pressure vessel. If there is a sealed membrane between water and air, iron will not oxidize either.

With this method, the iron ions will not be oxidized until the oxygen in the air mixes with the iron ions when the water comes out of the faucet. The oxidation process of iron takes a certain time, so most of the ions will not have time to oxidize before the water enters the sewer system.

For better water treatment, a phosphate dosing device can be installed between the pump and the header tank. A phosphate dispenser is a device in which a portion of the water passes through a porous layer of phosphate. It can also be a liquid dispenser similar to a water chlorination device.

Phosphate passivates iron ions so that they are not subject to oxidation.

Instead of the phosphate dispenser, you can use the ion exchange device described in the hard water section. An ion exchange device for extracting iron ions from water has a completely different type of ion exchange resin than the one used in water softening.

If the iron content in water exceeds 1.5 ppm, then it must undergo aeration and filtration processes to ensure the following processes:

  • iron ion oxidation
  • ensuring the precipitation of oxidized iron in the form of flakes

Fig. 62 Phosphate dosing device

There are many such systems on the market, but it can also be made in-house. First, the aeration device must be built-in. This can be done with a small compressor that turns on when the pump is started to pump water. The compressor enriches the pumped water with oxygen. After that, a reaction between iron ions and oxygen takes place in a special zone. Further, in the place where the flow rate is reduced, the oxidized iron ions will form flocs that precipitate. This sediment zone is best located at the top of the filter tank.

Fig. 63 Flushing the filter

An automatic valve should be installed at the top of the tank to remove unused air. Flaky rust can be easily removed with a filter.

You can make such a filter yourself. Porous expanded clay (or other similar inorganic material) is placed at the bottom of the tank. Next, small stones with a diameter of 10-20 mm are placed on this filtering base, forming a layer of 15-20 cm. Then a layer of filtering sand 60-80 cm (with a particle diameter of 0.9-1.4 mm) is placed.

Flake rust will be deposited on the filter surface, while unbound iron ions will settle 20-40 cm lower in the sand layer.

The sand filter must be regularly cleaned of rust particles by pumping water to the bottom of the tank while aerating the water (backwashing). When the top valve is open, the grains of sand in the filter will begin to vibrate, allowing loose rust particles and rust flakes to be flushed down the drain. After backwashing the filter, the water inlet to the bottom of the tank and the outlet from the top are closed, and the washed filter will start to work as usual.

Red water - the presence of iron bacteria


  • Red sludge formation in sewer siphons
  • Filter grids in faucets can be clogged with muddy rust

Fig. 64 Consequences of iron bacteria in water


  • In a well or well, there is an iron bacterium that spreads throughout the water supply system.

The iron bacteria can move from one place to another through the aquifer in which it is located, or through drilling equipment if the drill was previously in an infected well. The easiest way to check for iron bacteria in the water is to open the toilet lid. If the bottom and walls of the tank have a silty red coating, then it is possible that this system is contaminated with iron bacteria.

Iron bacteria is found in the iron contained in the water. If iron bacteria are found in the water, it is possible that the aqueous medium is acidic. If this is the case, then the piping system will corrode, resulting in rust stains in the sink, bathtub and other places.

The Bible says that the rivers will turn red like blood (Rev. 8,6-13), apparently this time has come. From 2010 to the present day, the water has deteriorated, in places it disappears, and sometimes it turns red like blood. This process has already begun in many countries of the world: the USA, Antarctica, Australia, Iraq, China, Iran, Russia, etc.

Glaciers are melting and red water is pouring out of them; a beautiful forest - and a river, terrible as blood, flows in it. In TV programs, they either do not say anything about it, or they mention it, by the way, in passing. Probably, so that people do not know anything and, therefore, do not understand that, apparently, the Apocalypse really began. And there is only time left for repentance to our Lord God, as well as for strengthening in faith before the terrible persecution of all Christians by the Antichrist, but not for various entertainments. If many knew the truth about what is happening now (the planned introduction of plastic passports (after the adoption of which, as the elders prophesied, there is no turning back, but only the road to destruction!) And the chipping of the population, with the upcoming electronic concentration camp; which appeared in different parts light red water and strange (see also); manifest deviations in faith, apostasy, and "fear" of some bishops and priests, who, instead of firmly standing in the truth, are more afraid of the rulers of "this world" and even reject the very idea of ​​restoration in Russia the power of the Tsar - the Anointed of God; the construction of a single antichrist religion; the emergence of the monstrous; the earthquake that happened on Mount Athos and the cataclysms growing throughout the Earth; psychotronic radiation HAARP; LHC and much more), and most importantly, we would be aware of the connection between all these events! Almost all of this is the work of not so much human hands as of the Prince of Darkness himself, realized through the servants of the coming Antichrist. Realizing this, perhaps many would finally come to fervent faith and deep repentance, which can only hinder the growing changes in the world. But, knowing nothing, they continue to live in stupid peace and idle complacency - to the endless "serials", TV concerts and clumsy or extremely cynical "humor" of "Crooked Mirrors" and "Comedy Clubs"!

As one person wrote on the website of the Pochaev Lavra, “it hurts to look at all this, your heart hurts, you worry in your soul, and you just want to shout:“ People wake up !!! Stop sitting in front of the TV and getting zombified. Do not laugh and say that all this is nonsense and fairy tales; there is very little time left, repent while it is still there! Repent! Go to churches, confess and receive communion while it is still possible !!! " You talk to many people and are surprised: after all, many even still do not know anything about plastic passports and laser tracing on the forehead, accompanying their receipt, or they think that this is still far away - it will not be soon; know nothing about juvenile justice; they do not know and do not suspect a lot. Here is such a sad state of affairs, I want to cry - how to bring people to their senses? It is necessary to tell as much as possible, maybe at least someone else will think, understand and be saved. God grant! " Here, such heartfelt words ... By the way, the adolescent Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov also spoke about the fact that the water will become thick and red like blood, and will exude a stench, and it will be possible to drink it with great difficulty only after repeated boiling.

Red water in Henan.

Red water in Henan.

Red water in Henan.

In the Black Sea near Sevastopol, the water near the coast has turned red. In addition, there is a dead fish swimming in the Cossack Bay.

The black sea turned red

Vacationers are scared and afraid to swim in strange water.

Even the old-timers don't remember anything like that. In the Cossack Bay, the water near the coast is red, and dead fish swim at the very edge.

I went to plunge, and there are some pink clots, - told "KP" Andrey, who came to relax on the beach with friends. - The color of the water did not scare me - on the contrary, I became curious what it was, so I climbed into the red waves. The water was cold, 18 degrees, although the other day the sea was + 23 ... 25 °. And at a depth of three meters in general, my legs cramped, there the temperature is still a couple of degrees lower. No itching, no skin irritation, weight is normal.

Other vacationers did not dare to swim in the "red" sea.

The townspeople are alarmed: what if oil has spilled somewhere nearby? However, scientists explain it differently. (well, they, as always, will find "explanations" - ed.)

Most likely, the sea turned red due to dinophytic algae, - the candidate told "KP" biological sciences Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas Lyudmila Kuzmenko. - They bloom due to a sharp change in water temperature. To find out if it's toxic seaweed, it is necessary to make a water sample. The most dangerous of all "red tides" for fish - they die, as there is a deficiency of oxygen in the water.

According to Lyudmila Viktorovna, toxins released into the water by algae can accumulate in the bodies of fish and shellfish. If you eat them later, you can get poisoned ...