How to teach a child to speak the sound l is solid. Tips on how to learn to pronounce the letter "L" at home. Learning to pronounce the letter R

We teach the child to pronounce the problematic sounds l, r, w, w, k without a speech therapist. Setting the sound "p" in 15 seconds. Free classes and rules for organizing them at home with mom. Logopedic gymnastics.

A clear, beautiful and diverse speech of a child is a natural desire of any mother. Do not panic if by the age of 3.5 the baby does not speak all the letters. But problems with the pronunciation of sounds in the age range of 4-5 years are a reason to think about the presence of defects.
Incorrect pronunciation of the letter "l" is the most common problem in children's speech. Very often, kids try to replace a hard sound with a soft one, or insert a “v” sound into a word. Less commonly, there is a replacement of the solid sound “l” with “th”, as well as its skipping.
This process can be caused by a number of reasons:
  • Imitation of incorrect speech of an adult environment
  • Problems with the speech apparatus
  • Congenital or acquired hearing impairments
  • Psychologically difficult atmosphere in the family
Before you panic and "drag" children to a speech therapist and psychologist, you should try to cope with this complexity on your own.
Remember! Each preschooler has an individual pace of development and assimilation of information. In most cases, boys are slightly behind girls.

Is it so difficult to teach a child to pronounce sounds on their own?

Organizing home speech therapy classes to set the correct pronunciation on your own is quite simple. The most important condition that must be followed is to conduct them in the form of a game. The kid should be interested. In no case should he be pressured, otherwise interest in the lessons will simply disappear.
Children need to be given information in a dosed manner. It is better to start with 4-5 sessions per week for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the frequency and amount of exercises.
How to teach a child to pronounce sounds in front of a mirror? The baby must see what is happening with his mouth, how his lips behave and at the same time follow his mother. It is recommended to arrange a fairly comfortable place and hang a mirror so that the son or daughter can see his reflection freely, in a sitting position.
Important! Praise the child for every, even minor success, it is necessary!
Any lesson in orthoepy (correct literary pronunciation) must begin with a warm-up of the speech apparatus, that is, articulatory gymnastics.
The simplest and most effective of them:
  • "smile". We ask the baby to smile as widely as possible, but you do not need to show your teeth. Hold the lips in this position at the expense of 5
  • "pipe". The kid stretches his lips forward with a tube and holds in this position at the expense of 5
  • "fence". The child smiles and shows the upper and lower row of teeth. Duration - on account 5
  • "behemoth". Open your mouth wide, as when yawning, and hold it for up to 5 seconds
  • "snake". Stick out and hide the sharp tongue between tightly compressed lips. Repeat 5-7 times
  • "shovel". A wide, maximally relaxed tongue, put on the lower lip and hold for up to 3 seconds. Two repetitions in a row
  • "hours". We stick out the tongue and move it left and right for 3 seconds
  • "swing". The mouth is wide open, the tongue moves up and down. The duration of the exercise is 3-5 seconds
  • "brushing teeth" The mouth is wide open and we draw the tongue along the inner surface of the upper, and then the lower teeth, from left to right and vice versa
The duration of the warm-up is usually 10 minutes and helps to train and at the same time relax the speaking muscles of the face. Sometimes, the methodical repetition of such classes for a month eliminates many of the child's problems with pronunciation and deprives the primary speech defects forever. After such a charge, it is worth starting to stage this or that sound.

K is a horse. We pronounce the letter "k" with the child

Cappacism - this name is a violation of the pronunciation of the sounds "k", "k´". This is a back language group of sounds. When played, it suggests a high rise of the root of the tongue. The “fun wrestler” exercise will help train him. The child opens his mouth and tries to push out the index finger of an adult with the tip of his tongue, while pronouncing ta-ta-ta. The more resistance the tongue experiences, the faster it will become a slide at the base. This will automatically result in the transformation of "t" into "k". Of course, the hands of an adult must first be washed and treated with alcohol. The exercise must be performed gradually, starting with low pressure, to avoid a gag reflex.

L - lama. Teaching a child to pronounce the letter "l"

The correct pronunciation of the sound "l" is one of the simplest speech therapy tasks. The place of registration of this sound is at the tip of the tongue in the position “behind the upper teeth”.
In order to put it, you need to place the tongue between the front teeth and lightly pinch. Then pronounce lingering “s-s-s” with a sharp pull of the tongue back. To consolidate the effect, you need to try to combine the resulting sound "l" with the vowels "a", "o", "e", etc. That's all!

Sh - scarf. We teach the child to pronounce the letter "sh"

The opening of the sound "sh" at home occurs through the strengthening of the muscles of the lips. Not every preschooler can do this at first. First you need to perform the “tube” and “smile” exercises from the warm-up complex with a crumb. You need to start with a pace on the count of three, gradually increasing the speed of alternately changing the position of the lips. You can connect other ways to train the labial muscles.
The next step is to establish the correct position of the tongue near the upper palate. To do this, you can invite the child to imitate the sound of a horse's hooves. Next - to show how the wind blows on a dandelion. All positions from the complex are recommended to be performed sequentially, for 3-5 seconds each.
The pronunciation is fixed through the fixation of a flat, relaxed tongue near the palate with its simultaneous reproduction.
Sometimes the method of physical influence, which experienced speech therapists like to use, helps. With a simple wooden stick, the child is helped to hold the tongue against the palate. At the same time, he is asked to forcefully blow the air out of his mouth. The sound "sh" is produced automatically.

J is a giraffe. We teach the child to pronounce the voiced letter "g"

The mechanism for opening the sound “zh” in a child occurs approximately according to the same principle as “sh”, but loudly. The correct position of the speech apparatus in this case: a relaxed tongue is at the top with a bucket, the teeth are in the fence position, the lips are forward, the larynx is tense. We're trying to get the right sound.

R - frame. Difficult mission, but real! Learning how to pronounce the letter "r"

As a rule, speech therapists put this sound last, because it is quite difficult to pronounce. The main task is to rid the child of the habit of reproducing the letter with his throat in order to avoid the "burry" effect.
IN game form the baby is invited to stick the tongue to the palate and ask to forcefully exhale air at its tip for 10 seconds. Children repeat this exercise with pleasure, because it tickles so funny in the mouth. To consolidate the skill of correctly pronouncing the letter p, the baby can be offered to roar like a lion. If you repeat this game often enough, after a while you can forget about the problem of burr forever.

The best exercises for children - pronounce letters together: video

Has it happened that the child does not pronounce the letters? The video will clearly help with this.

One of the latest sounds that a child begins to pronounce is "L". Sometimes it is possible to put his pronunciation only by the age of 6. There are a number of exercises that can help with this. It is important to know the correct technique for their implementation, so as not to worsen the situation with articulation. It can take a long time to produce the "L" sound, so it's important to take your time and work out consistently.

The incorrect pronunciation of "L" and "L" has its own name - lambdacism. This term describes not only the incorrect reproduction of sound, but also its complete skipping. Lambdacism is of several types:

  • bilabial: instead of the correct sound, “y” is heard (“uapata” instead of “shovel”);
  • nasal (the root part of the tongue falls on the soft palate, due to which the air flow rushes into the nose, the sound “l” changes to “ng” - instead of the word moon, “nguna” can be heard).
  • interdental (in the process of speech, the tip of the tongue is placed in the interdental space);
  • Sometimes the sound is not pronounced at all (instead of the word onion, the child says "uk").

Another speech therapy term describes the condition when a child replaces the correct sound "l" with others - paralambdacism. More often in practice, such substitutions "l" occur:

  • on G - "stack" instead of "table", instead of "floor" "pogy";
  • on B - instead of "ski" "survive";
  • on Yo - instead of the word "spoon" pronounced "hedgehog":
  • on D - the word "horse" is pronounced as "doshad";
  • to the soft sound L - “dividing instead of“ deeds ”.

With the right exercise, this can be corrected.

What are the reasons for the incorrect pronunciation of "L"

There are only 3 reasons why a child may not learn how to pronounce "L" correctly right away. Among them:

  1. in the course of a conversation, "L" is not perceived by the child phonemically;
  2. anatomically short hyoid ligament;
  3. weakness of the muscles of the tongue.

Sometimes the age of the baby is also attributed to the reasons - if the child is very small (2-3 years old), his mistakes in pronouncing "L" can be considered the norm, since the sound is formed later - by 4-6 years.

How to position the tongue and lips to correctly pronounce "L"

The pronunciation of "L", especially if the sound is not yet obtained, requires the correct location of the organs of articulation. You need to pay attention to the following rules:

  • teeth from the upper and lower rows should not close - it is better if they are at a small distance from each other;
  • in order not to disrupt breathing, it is important to monitor the lateral parts of the tongue - they should not adjoin the far teeth of the upper row;
  • the tip of the tongue should be strained, it should rest against the upper teeth or the gums above them;
  • it is important to lift the root part of the tongue;
  • in order for the passage to the nasal cavity to be closed, it is necessary to raise the upper palate;
  • vibration must be created in the area of ​​the vocal cords.

The position of the lips can be different when pronouncing "L" - it all depends on the letters that follow in the word after.

What can be mistakes when trying to pronounce "L"

There are several common mistakes that occur when trying to pronounce "L". In this case, all methods of staging sound become ineffective. Many of the errors are caused by misalignment of the lips and tongue and are therefore easy to fix.

The sound "L" may not work due to the fact that:

  • tongue is pulled into inner part mouth, which makes it possible to pronounce "Y" (instead of the word "scrap" it turns out "yom");
  • lips are not positioned correctly, which causes the wrong sounds to be heard - for example, the combination “uva” (instead of “shovel” “uvapata”);
  • a sharp breath is taken at the moment of pronunciation - L changes to F if the cheeks are involved, and to H if the air flow passes through the nose.

Sometimes children replace the sound “L” with “R” - this happens especially often if the last sound has already been worked out, but the first one has not. Then the child can say "ruk" instead of "bow".

Incorrect lip placement

If bilabial lambdacism is present, errors may be associated with incorrect positioning of the lips during pronunciation - for example, if the baby pulls them out strongly, instead of the desired sound, “y” or “v” is obtained.

The “Smile” exercise is especially useful here: you need to clench your teeth, and your lips should be strongly parted in a smile. This position should be maintained as long as possible, and it is better to perform the movement under the count. Sometimes adults even have to hold their lips in such a smile manually to avoid pulling them out.

So that the baby does not strain his lips when doing exercises on "L", you can do the following tasks:

  • "Fish": relax your lips, and then pat them together, like aquarium fish.
  • "Fatigue": take a deep breath through the nose, and exhale through the mouth: while the lips should be parted and relaxed.
  • "Horse": you need to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. At the same time, the lips should be relaxed so that their “prr” vibration begins from the air flow.

Preparation for the exercises for setting "L"

There is articulatory gymnastics that helps to put "L" and facilitates the process of setting the sound later. In general, exercises help increase the mobility of the lips and tongue:

  • "Hammock" - the tip of the tongue rests on the front incisors of the upper row. It should be bent down so that it resembles a hammock sagging down in shape. There is no need to perform any movements here - just hold the tongue in this position for a while. It is better to do the exercise on the account.
  • “Delicious” - the tongue must be made wide, and then lick the upper lip with it from top to bottom. It is important that the tongue works independently - the lower lip should not move up, thus moving the tongue. This makes it easier to do the exercise, but it's wrong.
  • "Turkey" - the position of the tongue, as well as the movements performed, coincide with the "Tasty" exercise. At the same time, it is necessary to significantly speed up the pace of movements and add to this the pronunciation of the sound “bl-bl-bl” or similar.
  • "Horse" (helps if it is difficult to hold the tongue on weight, resting it on the front teeth): the tongue should be made wide, and then clicked on the sky near the upper front teeth. The lower jaw should not move in any way, and the mouth should be slightly opened.
  • "Swing" - in a wide smile you need to open your mouth. The exercise is performed according to the account - for “one” you need to rest the tip of the tongue against the upper teeth from the inside, for “two” - in the lower ones. The exercise is performed alternately.
  • "Fungus" (helps to fix the tongue on the palate, that is, in the position on top): the surface of the tongue from above must be rested against the palate so that the tension of the tongue frenulum is felt. Movement is not required.

Such exercises are effective for any type of lambdacism. Prior to the start of training directly "L", these exercises must be performed for at least 14 days (sometimes such training is continued for a whole month). After that, you can start doing speech therapy exercises for the sound that is needed.

You can find more details on our website.

Training the sound "L" by imitation

If the child does not pronounce the sound in any way, it will be easier to put it on, because when the right sound is replaced with the wrong one, a habit is formed, and it can be much more difficult to correct it.

You can learn to speak hard and soft "L" by imitating the correct sound. At the same time, you need to show the child how to properly position the articulatory organs in order to be able to pronounce "L". They do this in front of a mirror - a speech therapist or a parent sits down to him with a child and, by his own example, shows the correct position of the lips and tongue when pronouncing "L".

In words, this can be explained as follows: the tongue should be expanded as much as possible, and the tip should be pressed to the base of the upper front teeth. The middle part of the tongue needs to be bent down, like a hammock, and the root, on the contrary, should be raised. It is important not to lift the side parts of the tongue up, because otherwise the air flow will not rush in the right direction - to the cheeks (they vibrate if you touch them while pronouncing the sound).

Such a setting of the sound “L” from demonstrating their example is effective, but children, due to their small age, cannot always understand and repeat it. Then you can pick up simpler tasks - for example, tell the child fairy tales that train the necessary sounds (you usually need to extend these sounds in them, for example, if the fairy tale is about steamboats, you can imitate the sounds “LLL” they make).

The child may not immediately learn how to pronounce “L” correctly, but after several trainings, the desired sound should turn out. For the sound “L”, articulatory gymnastics is carried out both through exercises for the language, and through the pronunciation of syllables and words.

When you manage to train "L", you can try to combine it with vowels and pronounce syllables already - Lo, La, Le and others. If the baby has difficulties with such combinations, you can start with the reverse ones - Ol, Al, Ul.

How to make correct pronunciation automatic

Staging at home can be very difficult. This is a long process, so it is better not to overload the child - it is enough to practice for a few minutes 2 times a day (no longer than half an hour). Better workout be carried out in a playful way.

Soft "L"

Even if the child has learned to speak the sound “L” itself, as well as the syllables with its participation, he can still miss it in words. Then it is better to start with training the soft sound "L". Here, too, you should start training with syllables - La, Liu, Li and other similar ones. When the syllables begin to turn out, you can try to go to the words:

  • Le: light;
  • La: fields;
  • Le: laziness;
  • Liu: buttercup;
  • Lee: fox.

The production of the sound "L" in individual words can be fixed with pure words:

  1. La-la-la - cold earth.
  2. Lu-lu-lu - I'll flood the stove.
  3. Li-li-li - we found mushrooms.

Tongue twisters are also useful. For example, to set the sound "L" you can use the following:

  • Lala ate halva under the covers.
  • At the warm stove, Tolya weaves bast shoes.
  • Lyuba loves buttercups, and Polya loves cartoons.
  • Barely Lena ate, she didn’t want to eat out of laziness.
  • Valenki felt boots are small for the giant.

If in syllables of the direct type the articulation of the sound "l" of the soft began to turn out, you can go to the reverse ones. The syllables are pronounced as follows: Al, Yel, Ol, Yal, Ul, etc. After setting them, you can also switch to the corresponding words - for example, tulle, poplar, moth, tulip, high chair.

Sound combinations can be complicated by adding additional consonants - K, P, F, G, S (Slyu, Slya, Sli, etc.). Words for staging such sounds are easy to pick up - plum, cranberry, slush, glucose, flux, mica, plus and others).

The following exercises for setting L will help to consolidate the skill:

  • FIR-EL-EL: in the yard drops.
  • OL-OL-OL: the moth flew.
  • YL-YL-YL: palm quickly lathered.
  • UL-UL-UL: we will hang the tulle.

You can play this game. Connect objects with squares depending on where the letter "l" occurs (at the beginning, at the end or in the middle). Say each item several times.

At this stage, you still need to control the correct position of the tongue in the mouth.

Solid "L"

It is more difficult to learn to pronounce "L" solid. The technique here is similar to that used when the articulation of the sound "L" is put, but much more repetitions may be required.

It is better to start with solid syllables - La, Lo, Lu, Ly, Le. When you manage to put them, you can go to the words:

  • Lo: boat, elbow, forehead;
  • La: lamp, bench, varnish;
  • Ly: skis, floors, tables;
  • Lou: moon, meadow, bow.

To consolidate the result, such tongue twisters and tongue twisters are suitable:

  • La-la-la - removed the garbage,
  • Lu-lu-lu - sweep the ashes,
  • Lo-lo-lo - the glass burst.
  1. In the boat Volodya.
  2. Put coal in the corner.
  3. Near London is the lair of the sorcerer.

When setting "L" hard and soft, it is better to avoid words or syllables with "R". The sounds "L" and "R" are especially difficult for a child, so it's best not to confuse them with each other. required later than "L".

The sound "L" is one of the most complex sounds, which in some cases can be formed only by 6 years. To put it as quickly and efficiently as possible, it is better to consult with a speech therapist. You can try to cope at home with the help of exercises.

Posted On 02/23/2018

Many of us in childhood did not pronounce certain letters. For some, it went away on its own, while others still suffer to this day. I suggest you teach your child to say the letter “l” yourself if he has such a problem.

What is the correct way to pronounce the letter "l"?

The teeth are open, the lips are slightly parted, the tip of the tongue rests against the base of the upper teeth, when pronouncing the air comes out along the edges of the tongue.

Speech therapy classes with the letter "l"

All our speech takes place on the exhale. Therefore, it is important to learn to control breathing. To help the child in this matter, you can try to blow bubbles with him, blow out candles, move feathers or boats from place to place on the water. The main thing is that during such games the child does not puff out his cheeks.

Do all of the following exercises together. Sit in a position where your child can see your mouth.

  1. "Horse". Smile with your mouth open and your teeth showing. Click your tongue like a horse, gradually increasing the speed, the lower jaw should be motionless.
  2. "The horse rides quietly." The previous exercise must be performed without sound.
  3. "Breeze". Smile with your mouth open. Bite the tip of your tongue with your front teeth and blow. Two jets of air will blow from the corners of the mouth. In order to control the correct execution of this exercise, bring a piece of cotton wool or a feather.
  4. "Jam". Lick the upper lip from top to bottom with the wide front edge of the tongue, without moving the lower jaw.
  5. "Steamboat hum". With your mouth slightly open, say a long "s". The tip of the tongue should be lowered, and the back, on the contrary, raised to the palate.

Correcting the pronunciation of the letter "l" at an older age

If there is no malocclusion and the frenulum is normal, neurological diseases are not bothered and there were no severe stresses, then you can try to correct the pronunciation of the letter “l” yourself. Don't forget that the older you get, the harder it gets. But the whole difficulty will lie only in weaning the habit. You will have to maintain constant control over the pronunciation, which has already been brought to automaticity.

While working on pronunciation, constantly train fine motor skills of your hands. It has been known since ancient times that all speech development depends on the development of the fingers.

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How to pronounce the letter l

Self improvement

How to learn to pronounce the letter "P" to an adult at any age?

How to learn to pronounce the letter "R" to an adult? And is it difficult? What is needed? First you need to understand what kind of problem this is. Is it in physiology or is it that once upon a time you were not taken to a speech therapist? Did you notice your speech problems?

If the reason lies in the first, then the problem, in principle, is solved simply. Indeed, often the matter turns out to be only in a shortened frenulum of the tongue. Such a defect can be easily corrected with a simple surgical procedure. If the reason is different, then you will probably either have to go to a speech therapist who will help you learn how to pronounce the words with the letter “P”, or start practicing it yourself.

For the first, you just need to overcome the often available psychological barrier, however, as, in fact, for the second. After all, how to learn to pronounce the letter "P" to an adult who is simply not ready for this? Yes, and for a person it is much more comfortable to do such exercises alone than with someone else, albeit a professional in their field.

How to learn to pronounce the letter "R" to an adult, if not start with simple exercises with phrases? This allows you to return the correct position of the speech apparatus quite quickly. In addition, there are all sorts of diverse and accessible methods for children, which, nevertheless, can be used by adults in solving such a problem. One such way to regain the ability to correctly pronounce the words with the letter "P" is the exercise "Cup", which must be performed daily.

The scheme for its implementation is simple:

  • first step: to give the tongue the shape of a "cup";
  • second step: pressing the tip of the tongue to the palate;
  • third step: push them off the palate and with an effort pronounce another letter - “D”;
  • during this, you need to ensure that the teeth are tightly clenched and the jaw does not move;
  • the tongue should remain only at the top, and the exercise itself should be performed in front of a mirror;
  • fourth step: move quickly from left to right with a clean finger, tugging at the hyoid frenulum;
  • you need to perform the "Cup" every day and several times for 10-15 minutes;
  • after repeated repetitions day after day, a vibration of the tip of the tongue should appear.

Now you know how to say the letter "R". This is just one of many ways. Another great method is to use the letters "D", "T" and "L", and "D", "T" and "D" frequently, in a faster and then slower tempo. The latter must be pronounced by placing the tongue between the teeth, just as the British and Americans do, pronouncing "Th". Only in this way will you understand how to say the letter "R".

Another easy, convenient and just good technique is the repetition of words that are difficult for you.


Disadvantages of the articulation of sound L (hard and soft) are called lambdacism.

There are two main groups of incorrect articulation of these sounds: lambdacism and paralambdacism.


    Semi-softened [L], the front part of the tongue is raised, the root is lowered.

    The complete absence of sound [L] solid (ampa - lamp, obaka - clouds).

    Interdental pronunciation - the tip of the tongue protrudes between the teeth.

    Labio-labial - the absence of a bow of the tongue with the teeth.

    Nasal - the soft palate is lowered, the root of the tongue rises.

    Labial-labial [L].

TO paralambdacism include all substitutions of hard and soft sound [L] with other sounds: v, y, p, d, s.

The sound [L "] is soft, as a rule, does not have an irregular articulatory pattern, but is often replaced by a sound (iot). In the ontogenesis of speech, soft [L"] is acquired by the child as one of the first consonants.


The soft sound [L "] is set easily if the child has the opportunity to raise the front edge of the tongue to the upper alveoli. It is enough to invite him to open his mouth wide in front of the mirror, raise his tongue up and dance with the tongue "on the tubercles" behind the upper teeth, singing the song la-la- We dance and sing (the tongue jumps and sings) la-la-la.

A solid sound [L] can be set using one of the following methods:

  1. Chew the tip of the tongue with your front teeth. The tongue lies freely between the teeth, its tip is clearly visible, but the lips do not touch it! Without removing the tongue by the teeth, “chew” its tip with the front teeth, opening the mouth wide and at the same time pronounce: in a low voice aaaaa (singing), la-la-la is heard.
  2. Easily holding the tip of the tongue between the teeth, invite the child to “get angry at the tongue” and “buzz” - S (for a long time), then “be able on command” to quickly remove (“pull out”) the tip of the tongue “back”.
  3. Exercise: say A; lightly bite the tip of your tongue and hoot, get angry: S (long); take it back quickly. Listen to what happened: AL, AL, AL.
  4. Then fix the resulting sound in reverse syllables: al, ol, st, yl.
  5. During the pronunciation of the sound (for a long time) U-U-U, offer to stick your tongue between your lips and get a two-lipped [L], which must be transferred to the tooth position in a timely manner, otherwise the defect will be fixed.

Normal setting of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [L].

  • The tip of the tongue is raised and in contact with the anterior part of the palate (alveoli), with the inclusion of the voice it remains motionless;
  • Lips open;
  • The teeth are open;
  • Air is exhaled in a moderate stream;
  • On the palm of the hand, raised to the mouth, a warm stream of air is felt.
  • The voice motor works.

Preparatory exercises for sound [L]:

Exercises for lips and jaws. Open your mouth wide, as when pronouncing the sound "A". The jaws and lips are tense and motionless. The teeth are open to the width of one and a half fingers. The tongue should lie at the bottom of the mouth. The child should hold this position for a while. Close your mouth. Repeat exercise.

An exercise for language.

1) Stick your tongue out. Bend the tip and edges of the tongue so that a "cup" ("ladle") is formed.

The middle part of the tongue lies on the lower lip and does not come into contact with upper teeth. Relax your tongue and pull it into your mouth. Repeat many times.

2) "Chatterbox". With a tense curved tip of the tongue with the inclusion of the voice, drive (scrape) across the palate back and forth, slowly, then quickly. Teeth open to the width of a finger. The lips are open and do not cover the teeth. The jaws must be motionless, only the tongue works.

Note. There may be the following inaccuracies: the tip of the tongue does not reach the palate, it scrapes in space, and the goal of the exercise is not achieved; lips and teeth are close together, so there is no clarity of sound; the exercise is carried out without turning on the voice, so a dull sound is heard, and it should be sonorous.

3) As in the "talker" exercise, make the tongue "cup". Round lips. Open your teeth at a distance of one and a half fingers. Without changing the position of the tongue, insert it into the mouth and reach the palate with a curved tip near the alveoli. The convex part of the tongue is located between the teeth and gives the tongue a comfortable position. The lips take on an oval shape. Repeat the exercise several times.

Note. The tip of the tongue may not rest against the alveoli, but in the middle of the palate, and therefore the convex part of the tongue will be too far from the teeth. This will interfere with the formation of the correct sound [L].

4) Pronouncing a long sound [L].

Make the tongue "cup" and raise it to the alveoli, as in the previous exercise. Enable voice. The tongue must be immobile. A long sound [L] is heard. The lips are oval in shape, the teeth are open and, together with the jaw, are motionless. Control with the palm of the hand: a warm air flow is felt.

The development of a child's speech is an important task facing parents. Many people want to teach the child to pronounce the letter L as soon as possible. More precisely, the sound [l] is one of the most problematic for many kids. Special exercises developed by speech therapists will help in this. This sound is not one of the complex ones, and you can usually correct errors in its pronunciation at home, but it is important to remember that work must be done regularly. A visit to a speech therapist will help parents decide on the basic exercises that the baby will need to perform.

Causes of errors

First of all, you should understand why a child can make a mistake in pronouncing the sound [l]. There may be several reasons.

  • Hearing impairment. The child hears the sound incorrectly and therefore begins to pronounce it incorrectly.
  • Often the baby copies the speech errors of the elders, so if one of the parents has a defect in pronunciation [l], then the child may encounter a similar problem.
  • Often a problem with articulation occurs in bilingual families: hearing speech in different languages, the child may get confused and not immediately figure out where which sound he should say.
  • The reason for the error can also be physiological - if the frenulum is shortened, then [l] cannot be pronounced correctly - the tongue does not reach the upper teeth.

Whatever the reason, it can be eliminated in any case - through special exercises or with the help of a specialist. Most often, a child should learn to pronounce all sounds correctly, including [l], by the age of 4-5, so if parents observe the opposite, you should immediately visit a speech therapist and begin to correct.

Error Options

The kid may make the following mistakes when pronouncing [l]:

  • skip this letter in words (instead of "elk" - say "axis");
  • replace a consonant with a vowel [y] (uos);
  • use instead of [l] [j] (“kolobok” will sound like “koyobok”).

There may also be a situation where the child confuses the hard and soft versions of L, using them in the wrong form, softens the sound, or, on the contrary, uses the hard version.

How to pronounce a letter?

It is important for parents to understand the correct location of the organs of speech, which allows you to receive the sound L.

  • The tip of the tongue is located at the roots of the upper teeth, resting against them. A possible position is an emphasis on the gap between the lower and upper teeth.
  • Air in a strong air current passes along the sides of the tongue.
  • The tongue should not rest against the teeth with its lateral edges.

Most often, this process will not cause any special difficulties for the child, and after a few lessons he will already be able to correctly pronounce the sound. But if you study the rules of pronunciation with the baby, the result will be better.

The right organization of learning

When working with a child, it is important to take into account the characteristics of age, so the best form of such training is play. Parents need to think over the program of classes, which should be constantly varied.

Children do not yet understand the importance of exercises for pronunciation, so the lesson should be structured in such a way as to arouse interest and enthusiasm. A new game every day is a key success factor.

What games can be used while doing exercises?

  • Into the ball.
  • With toys that will "learn" to speak words or phrases.
  • Drawing.
  • Modeling from plasticine.
  • A store whose products are words with the letter L.

Such an activity will become a fun and useful pastime, the baby will quietly learn to pronounce sounds correctly.

Work principles

If the child does not pronounce the letter L, it is necessary to work regularly so that he learns to speak correctly. However, it is important for parents to adhere to a number of rules.

  • Working in front of a mirror will help the baby control his facial expressions.
  • Training should not tire and bother, 1-2 exercises repeated several times will be enough for one day.
  • Praise is an important part of the process, giving rise to a desire to study carefully and meet the expectations of parents, so you need to rejoice with your child at his slightest success.

These simple rules will help make classes as productive as possible.

Basic exercises

To teach a child to pronounce the letter L, you should perform a series of exercises that will help your child correctly pronounce the pronunciation.

  • "Smile". The easiest exercise for children to perform, which will help to start classes and improve the mood of the baby. It is performed as follows: the child should smile as wide as possible, show the upper and lower teeth. Then freeze in this position for a few seconds. At first, 3-5 seconds are enough, gradually the time increases to 10. A smile is done once, but it is advisable to repeat it during the day (the optimal number is 8 times a day).
  • "Breeze". Open your mouth slightly, bite your tongue a little with your lips and blow as hard as possible. This exercise is also repeated several times a day, the total duration should be approximately 3 minutes.

Parents should work independently in front of the mirror, observing their own facial expressions, and only after that set an example for the child.

  • "Click". The child imitates the clatter of a horse. It is important to ensure that the lower jaw remains completely motionless. The pace of execution should be gradually accelerated, supposedly the horse starts to run faster. Further, another change is made, it is necessary to click more quietly, as if the horse is walking very quietly, stealthily.
  • "Goodies". The baby is given the installation to imagine that he is licking something sweet, tasty (for example, chocolate paste). To do this, you need to rotate your tongue in a circle, licking your lips. Performed 1 minute per day.
  • "Tube". A simple and fun exercise that the little ones will love. The lips are folded into a tube, for this you should stretch them as far forward as possible.
  • "Long tongue". The child sticks out his tongue to the maximum distance. You can suggest trying to reach the tongue to the nose, chin.
  • "Sound[s]". The tip of the tongue is in the depths of the mouth, the back is raised to the sky. In this position, you should extend the sound "s", trying to make it sound as clear as possible.

It is better to combine such a complex with the development of fine motor skills, this will be an excellent way to develop speech, as well as the intellectual potential of the child. Children like these exercises, they do not cause any particular difficulties and are performed with pleasure.

For best result training should be combined with articulatory gymnastics, which will strengthen the labial and lingual muscles.

Correct pronunciation

To learn how to speak solid [l] correctly, you should work on pronunciation every day. It is best to start the lesson with a warm-up.

  1. Smile broadly, showing your teeth, then press the front teeth with the tip of your tongue (you can tell the child that he seems to be pressing the call button), then start buzzing. At first, the sound will turn out to be soft, over time, the baby will learn to pronounce the hard L correctly.
  2. The next exercise is aimed at softening the sound. You need to smile, trying to show your teeth as much as possible. Then gently bite the tip of your tongue with your teeth. Now you should start breathing through your mouth (like a dog who is very hot). To avoid breathing through the nose, it can be pinched for a while. After buzzing with your tongue clamped between your teeth, like a steam locomotive, you need to take a short pause, placing your tongue on your lower lip and pronouncing the sound [a]. When the child learns this simple way, you can learn the song “la-la-la” with him.
  3. The next step is the repeated pronunciation of syllables: LA-LO-LU and so on. This will help the child to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound and not make mistakes in its further use.

After the baby has learned to pronounce all the syllables clearly, and the sound [l] in its reproduction sounds right, it is necessary to proceed to a more difficult task - pronouncing whole words. It is important to choose those that contain the letter L: fat, lamp, spoon, aloe, saw, horse.

If a child has difficulty speaking, it is necessary to start with interdental pronunciation, and then move on to sound reproduction, holding the tongue behind the teeth. We teach the child what will be useful to him in later life, so you can’t rush.

Professional help

If after a series of classes there is no improvement, it is imperative to visit a professional speech therapist who will identify the problem that caused the difficulty and offer recommendations for solving it.

Also, a visit to a specialist is required in the following cases:

  • if one of the family members has problems with diction and involuntarily sets a bad example for the child;
  • when the Russian language is not native to the family or at home they speak different languages ​​or with an accent.

By learning about the problem and starting to solve it in a timely manner, you can help the child acquire the correct clear speech and save him from many problems in later life.