Project graphics and its types. Project "computer graphics" What parameters to set

6.1. The graphic design of the graduation project depends on its theme and creative
the intention of the author. The composition and content of graphic materials may vary, In general
the volume of graphic materials should be 6-10 tablets sized 1.0x1.0 m or
15-16 tablets measuring 55 x 85 cm. By means of graphics, a graduate student must
fully disclose the content of the project and convince of the correctness and expediency
decisions taken for all sections of the project.

6.2. Placement of the main graphic materials and additions to them (panoramas,

perspectives, etc.) should be conceived as an integral compositional-artistic and complete exposition. In this exposition, the places of individual drawings and the sizes of inscriptions (main, secondary tables, etc.), fragments and sketches must be correctly determined. To determine the correctness of the compositional placement of the graphic elements of the project on stretchers, the author draws up sketches (options) of the exposition at 1.1-1:10 (Appendix 1) and submits it for approval to the main supervisor and head of the department.

6.3. It should be taken as a rule: the placement of images should be such that
in the general composition they were read from left to right and from top to bottom. Images
secondary value cannot be placed on the left side, as well as at the top of the general
compositions. The graduate student builds his message from the general to the specific and begins
it with the general situation, zoning of the territory to be placed in the left
part of the exposition, and then develops the message further, moving on to the next tablet
left to right and top to bottom. For example, three private placement of a composition is possible:
on the left - the rationale for the topic (extracts from the general plan, the historical part, the landscape
analysis, etc.); in the middle part - the main solution; on the right side - the development of objects

general plan and small architectural forms.

6.4. The scales of the drawings on the tablets are chosen in such a way that they
the images were clear and well perceived by the persons of the State
examination committee (EC) sitting at the table (distance approx. 3.0 m or more).

For large drawings (general plan, panorama), they can be placed on adjacent tablets (only justified).

6.5. The choice of methods of graphic design of the graduation project is reserved for
by the author in consultation with the supervisor.

6.6 For all drawings, a single graphic "style" of design (including inscriptions) should be selected. All on plans existing elements are drawn in thin lines, designed in bold (on the reference plan - possibly in bold dotted lines). The red building lines are in all cases in bold dotted lines.

6.7. All images and inscriptions must be done carefully and accurately. Taking into account the photographing of the exposition or a separate tablet, special attention should be paid to images and inscriptions (incl. conventions), so that they can be read on the photographs taken in size 24x24(24x30), 30x30. cm.

6.9. All drawings must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of ESKD. On each tablet in the upper right corner, the number of its position in the overall composition should be indicated (for example, in a circle with a diameter of 1.5-2.0 cm or in a square of the same size), in the lower right corner of the last tablet - the stamp of the department (drawn or stamped ) for an inscription that defines the ownership of the tablet and the composition of the drawings.

6.10 The panorama should reflect the best solutions for organizing the space of a landscape object against the background of buildings (more interesting - with difficult terrain), the alternation of landscapes inside the object (territory) at a great distance or in separate areas. A panorama is placed at the top or bottom of the exposure.

6.11. Perspective - recommended from a "bird's eye view" of the entire territory of the projected object or part of it (central, with relief features). To build perspective, it is recommended to use computer technology. Graphic design of perspective - in the methods of depicting all elements of the project.

6.13. Layout - can have two stages: working - is performed during the design process to better represent the spatial solutions of the object as a whole and its individual sections, and demonstration - is performed after the approval of the adopted design decisions. The layout reflects the relief, the main road and alley network, buildings and structures, the main groupings of green spaces (ordinary plantings, arrays, large groups), reservoirs, water devices, etc. M - corresponds to the scale of the general plan or others (1:2000, 1:1000, 1:500 - for fragments).

The choice of graphic design techniques is agreed with the head.

The calendar plan for the graduation project

7.1. Mode of work on the diploma project.

Work on diploma design is carried out under the constant supervision of the main supervisor from the Department of Architectural Design. For separate sections of the diploma project (TSP, economics, engineering networks, etc.), lecturers-consultants from the respective departments are allocated. Graduate students work in specially designated classrooms and are subject to a certain daily routine. 14.5 weeks are allotted for graduation design. These works are indicated in the special task and schedule issued to the graduate student by the Department of Architectural Design. Periodic step-by-step control is carried out by the commission of the department at a certain time. A graduate student lagging behind the schedule may be suspended from further work on the diploma, taking into account the transfer of defense to the next year.

The success of graduation design depends on the rhythm of its implementation, the discipline and diligence of the student, careful preparation for graduation design and the delivery of work in stages.

7.2. Calendar chart.

I stage. Collection and processing of materials on the chosen topic. Landscape
urban planning analysis (schemes, photographic fixation, reference plan). Clarification of the composition and
the scope of the graduation project. BPIRS. Completion of the stage - sketch of the layout of the design
materials on tablets. Approval by the commission of the department. Volume by stage 10% -1 -2
weeks. The first viewing by the commission of the department.

II stage. Development of a sketch-idea. Zoning schemes, pedestrian and transport
movement, KBO, engineering networks, spatial organization, etc. Solution
master plan, landscaping and landscaping. Development of related sections. Volume by
stage - 20%, total - 30%, 3 weeks. Second view.

III stage. Creative study of all sections of the project. Making adjustments to decisions
according to the comments of the commission. Refinement of technical and economic indicators. Beginning of work
above the explanatory note. The result of the work - finished sketches for all sections
project with the signatures of the main manager and consultants for special sections.
Stage volume 20%, total 50%, 3 weeks. Third view.

IV stage. Adjustments based on the results of the third review. Basic drawing
drawings in pencil. Development of related sections (economics, labor protection, TSP,
building structures, etc.). The result of the work is readiness in pencil on tablets
all drawings (general plan, schemes, research works, fragments, plans, facades, panoramas, perspectives and
etc.). An explanatory note is being written. Work on the layout. Volume by stage 20
%, total 70%, 3 weeks. Fourth viewing.

V stage. Completion of all related sections of the project, collection of signatures. Graphic
design of the project (ending with ink). The result of the work - all tablets should be
drawn in pencil. Continuation of graphic design in ink, Materials
adjacent sections must be signed by the consultants. Stage volume 20%, total 90%, 3 weeks. Fifth viewing.

VI stage. Completion of the project. Writing an explanatory note. Collection of signatures
consultants, the main leader, the head of the department (on the drawings and in

explanatory note). Preparation of materials for defense, the text of the report and its coordination with the head and consultants. Project review. The result of the work is the preliminary defense of the project at the department and the issuance of an order for admission to protection. Volume by stage 10%, total 100%, 1.3

VII stage. Defense of the graduation project before the State Examination Commission (date, place and order of defense are indicated additionally).

8. Additional and specific requirements for the development of diploma projects of the specialization "Landscape architecture"

Considering that the main "building" material in the creation of an architectural object is relief, soil, water bodies, vegetation, air environment, a graduate student who designs this object needs to study the decorative properties of the landscape environment and the biological qualities of plants and create from them compositions not only of an aesthetic nature, but also biological, providing an improvement in the external environment (including taking into account the phytoncidity of plants).

Particular attention should be paid to the relief and existing green spaces during their reconstruction. Consideration should be given to the properties of rocks (including their durability), as well as the original design of individual plant compositions and the organization of landscapes.

The architectural-planning and volumetric-spatial solution of the diploma project should be interesting, providing optimal conditions for work and recreation for visitors to the designed facility and creating a healthy living environment in the facility and its beneficial effect on the surrounding area.


Municipal autonomous educational institution

additional education for children

Center for Children's Creativity "Rhythm", Perm

Educational project


Kiseleva Lyubov Alexandrovna,

additional education teacher

Perm, 2014


  1. Brief summary of the project………………………………….3
  2. Relevance of the project………………………………………..3
  3. Goals and objectives of the project…………………………………….....4
  4. Resources………………………………………………………..5
  5. Partners……………………………………………………...5
  6. Target audience…………………………………………....5
  7. Expected results and social effect……………..5
  8. Structure and content of monitoring……………………...7
  9. The practical part of the project………………………………...11
  10. Prospects for further development………………………11
  11. The content of the project activity………………............11
  12. Sources of information..…………………………………..15
  1. Brief summary of the project

In life modern man information plays a huge role. Even a superficial analysis of human activity allows us to state with full confidence: the most effective and convenient type of information for perception was, is and will be graphic information.

Computer graphics has now become one of the leading methods not only in science and information technology, but also in contemporary art, advertising, pedagogy and even in Everyday life. It is based on a set of knowledge, skills and techniques for working with various graphic editors.Therefore, in order to increase students' interest in computer graphics, develop their cognitive activity, creative thinking, interest in computer science, and most importantly, career guidance in the world of professions and instilling professional skills that may be useful to them in the future, and was developed educational project"Graphic Designer".

This project is practice-oriented and is devoted to the study of tools of the CorelDraw vector editor, as well as the methods and principles of constructing a graphic image in it. The project is expected to be implemented during the summer health-improving campaign of the Rhythm CTC in Perm on the basis of an “evening playground” for teenagers aged 10-15 and is designed for 45 training hours.

Profession graphic designer currently- one of the "youngest", prestigious and in demand. “I want to be a designer! Can I be a designer? I will definitely succeed!” The idea of ​​the project is the creation by students of an original design product in a short time.

Having mastered the graphic editor, students will “arm themselves with its powerful tool” and various technological capabilities when working with an image that are inaccessible to drawing techniques using paints and brushes. They will not only get acquainted with the profession of a designer, but also gain practical work experience, creating various illustrations and printing products, which they can use in the future to design abstracts, articles, presentations on various school subjects. Also, students will have the opportunity to participate with their educational products in various competitions in information technology.The project should be of interest to teenagers, as computer graphics is an unusually interesting and promising subject.

  1. Project relevance

The relevance of the project is related to the study of a creative method (creation of an electronic vector image), which opens up fundamentally new possibilities for obtaining an image:

  • more than a million colors in the palette;
  • applying various options and effects to the image;
  • the ability to "revive" the created image;
  • convenient way to edit the image;
  • you can create a graphic image without having the traditional experience of drawing on paper.

It is very important that in the process of working with a graphic editor, students have the opportunity not only to get an idea about the profession of a graphic designer, but also to work out various methods of work in practice. This increases not only their motivation, but also the desire for self-determination, self-actualization and further choice of profession.

One of the advantages of computer graphics is a mathematical approach to the image, which contributes to the development of intelligence, logical and abstract thinking, the ability to visualize an object using the editor's tools correctly, and not the traditional attributes of painting (brushes, paints, etc.). Mastering the technology of obtaining an electronic image expands the range of exhibitions and competitions in which you can take part: now these are not only exhibitions of painting, but also computer technologies.

In addition, the acquired skills and knowledge should become a good foundation for further self-improvement of adolescents' skills in the field of computer graphics.

  1. Goals and objectives of the project

Objective of the project: provide students with a professional test of a graphic designer, withto form the ability to use a computer as a means of solving practical problems related to graphics, multimedia and modern design.


  • get to know computer graphics;
  • master the tools of the CorelDraw editor;
  • master the basic methods of creating, editing and operations with objects;
  • "lose" the profession of a graphic designer through the creation of a complex graphic image;
  • develop and demonstrate the author's printing product for the final event of the camp.
  1. Resources

The following resources are required to complete the project:

Equipment: computer class equipped with computers, color printer, multimedia equipment (projector, screen).

Software:operating environment not lower than Windows XP SP3, vector editor CorelDrawX3, Microsoft Office software package, CDs with training and information programs on the main topics of the project:"Graphics and Design", "Design on PC", "Creation of printing publications", "Multimedia Technologies".

  1. Partners

To work out color models and rules for constructing a composition of a graphic image, it is advisable to cooperate with teachers in fine arts.

  1. The target audience

The project is designed for 45 training sessions and is addressed to adolescents aged 13-16 who visit the “evening playground at the Rhythm Central Children's Center in the city of Perm during a summer health campaign, who have basic skills in working on a personal computer and who are striving to master the possibilities of modern computer graphics

  1. Expected results and social impact

The main educational results achieved by students in the process of project implementation are as follows: personal, meta-subject and subject,

Personal Outcomes- this is a system of value relations of students to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself, objects of knowledge, results formed in the educational process. educational activities. The main personal outcomes are:

  • formation of a responsible attitude to learning, readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition;
  • formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the modern level of development of science and social practice;
  • formation of communicative competence in the process of educational, teaching and research, creative and other activities
  • interest in information technology, the desire to use the acquired knowledge in the process of learning in other subjects and in life;
  • the ability to link learning content with one's own life experience and personal meanings, to understand the importance of training in the field of informatics and ICT in the context of the development of the information society;
  • readiness to carry out individual and collective information activities;
  • development of a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of the surrounding information environment;
  • ability and willingness to accept values healthy lifestyle life through knowledge of the basic hygienic, ergonomic and specifications safe operation

Metasubject Results- methods of activity mastered by students, applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in real life situations:

  • the ability to independently determine the goals of their learning, set and

formulate new tasks for themselves in their studies and cognitive activity, to develop the motives and interests of their cognitive activity;

  • possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in educational and cognitive activities;
  • the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and cognitive problems;
  • formation and development of competence in the use of information and communication technologies.

Subject Resultsinclude the skills specific to computer graphics acquired by students in the course of the project. types of activities to obtain new knowledge within the framework of the studied material, its transformation and application in educational, educational-design and social-project situations:

  • formation of informational and algorithmic culture; shaping the idea of ​​a computer universal device processing of various information;
  • development of basic skills and abilities to use computer devices;
  • development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activity in modern society;
  • formation of the skills of formalization and structuring of information, the ability to choose the method of presenting data in accordance with the task and the corresponding data processing software;
  • the formation of skills and abilities of safe and expedient behavior when working with computer programs and on the Internet, the ability to comply with the norms of information ethics and law.
  1. Structure and content monitoring

design and graphic images (projects)

As the main types of design and graphic image can be distinguishedsketches, search drawings, sketches and demonstration drawings.

The generalized image is executed in a short period of time using the minimum number of graphic tools ( sketches, sketches and etc.). These images are distinguished by conventionality and conciseness, the transfer of only the characteristic and the main thing. They are mainly informational in nature and are necessary when moving on to a more thorough compositional drawing (sketch) intended for demonstration. Generalized images have the following types: 1) contour(linear); 2) contour tonal, where along with the contour, tone is used in the form of a stroke or fill, and tone helps to more fully display volume, space, color and texture; 3) pictorial-tonal, here highest value acquires volume, chiaroscuro and color. The contour as the border of the form practically disappears and plays a secondary role. The image breaks away from the plane of the sheet, develops in depth. Forms become more real and tangible. This, however, does not mean that careful elaboration is necessary. Ease, conciseness and speed of the image should be preserved. Such a sketch is carried out according to the principle of paintings.

A monochrome generalized image of the designed object, its details and individual parts, performed in a short period of time and with the involvement of a minimum of visual means (search drawing). As a rule, search drawings contain only the main parts of the object, since, depending on the tasks of the project, their rearrangement is not excluded. Usually, several options are performed reflecting different principles for the placement of the main elements.

Compositional sketches sketch nature suggest conducting creative analysis; their purpose is to present a certain stage of the search in a more finished form. In sketches that take longer to complete, the creative process is intertwined with the drawing process itself. As the original idea is expressed, new solutions arise, the shape of the object is refined and improved. Sketching stages:

    detailed drawing of a sketch with a pencil;

    filling shadow areas with a local light tone of the color that determines the color;

    further elaboration of color relationships, the introduction of defining contrasts, emphasizing the main elements of the sketch. It is possible to develop the texture of materials;

    elaboration and strengthening of the main and necessary details.

Primary sketching is associated with the search for integrity and the formation, in the most general terms, of an artistic and plastic image. When they begin to check the real ratios, the work is carried out by sketching options already in orthogonal projections. Unlike the stage of studying and collecting materials, the draft stage must be expressed graphically so that it can be used to judge the essence of the project. A sketch is often intended for display, it is used to form an opinion about the project and make some decisions, so it should be visual and carry the necessary information. Work on the sketch is characterized by a variety of graphic techniques and material. Sketching is carried out by the same means as easel graphics, drawing and painting: pencil, charcoal, pen, watercolor, gouache, tempera, etc.

Presentation images are specially designed to present artistic and design solutions in a complete and visual form (for example, a demonstration drawing). Its difference from the sketch lies in the higher accuracy of construction, in the completeness and realism of the image. If in the sketches for finding a solution they are guided by a rough layout and their own eye, then the demonstration drawing is already made according to the refined layout using perspective construction methods. To perform a demonstration drawing, all types of visual means can be involved.

The image of combined projections makes it possible, without resorting to perspective or axonometry, to show entire ensembles, to connect the orthogonal projections of individual elements with space, and also to combine the orthogonal projection with the image of the environment in one drawing. It has the principle of placement on the drawing. For example, showing one plan on the entire sheet will emphasize its importance as the main element of the project. Including photos from layouts in the composition of design graphics will greatly increase its credibility.

The image of the environment is an important method of design graphics, which involves the study of decoration. It should not be "wordy". For example, to show vegetation, a conditional hint is enough. Details are not needed here. It is only necessary to observe the scale and show the nature of the environment, taking into account the designed object. You can use the technique of drawing elements of decoration into the finished large-scale photograph.

Project typology determined considering the following aspects:

    type of design objects (design type): project of corporate identity, landscape, architectural structures - interior, exterior, art forms, etc.;

    design type: technological project, artistic and imaginative solution with elements of shaping; a project with the definition of the functional characteristics of design objects; a project that reflects the structural and morphological properties of the depicted structures;

    picture way: linear, tone, one-color (monochrome) and multicolor (polychrome) projects, combined image;

    image technology: man-made project (original graphics, wash, airbrush, watercolor), printing project (printed graphics (print), computer visualization (rendering), photo-reproductive project), a project with a combination of various technologies;

    use of image views and project documentation included in the project: schematic (drawing diagram), visual (field images, photos, renderings), combined (combination of drawings, visual images, diagrams, photos, computer visualization), etc.

Educational research project on the subject as a way to form the experience of research activities

8-9 grades

Methodical development educational project

« Computer graphics in human activities »

Completed by: Shulaeva Elena Alekseevna, teacher of computer science and ICT higher qualification category

MAOU secondary school №53 r.p. Ilyinogorsk

Designation of the subject content of the project . Students expand their knowledge of the types of computer graphics. They determine the features of the interface of graphic editors, plan work on constructing complex graphic objects from simple graphic objects. Explain the differences between types of computer graphics, perform geometric transformations of images. The obtained results of the performed images are analyzed. Students create and edit images using raster and vector graphics editor tools.

Used UMK . The methodological development was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, the program of basic general education in computer science and ICT, the educational and methodological complex of L.L. Bosov "Informatics and ICT grades 5-9". This concentric course complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, is approved by the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Academy of Sciences, has a “Recommended” stamp and is included in the Federal List of Textbooks.

According to the current Basic Curriculum, working programm for the 8th grade provides training in computer science in the amount of 1 hour per week.

Chapter. Processing of graphic information.Topic. “Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic “Processing of graphic information”. This section will take 4 hours.

The project is carried out during the final repetition of the topic "Computer Graphics" in the 8th grade.

Rationale for the relevance of the proposed project.

The mastered subject content allows students to conclude that the knowledge gained in the study of this topic allowed students to show the practical application of computer graphics in human life. Computer graphics has now become the main means of communication between a person and a computer, constantly expanding the scope of its application, because. in graphical form, the results become more visual and understandable.

Name of the project "Computer graphics in human activity"

Research hypothesis:

Basic knowledge in the field of computer graphics will help you work in all areas of human activity

Research methods used




Determination of the problem, goal, objectives of the project.

Problem: "We want to know a lot about the application of computer graphics in human life, but at the moment we find it difficult to say about the areas of its application."

For the teacher:

The purpose of this project: To create conditions for the development of basic key competencies of students by means of project activities in the lessons of informatics and ICT.


    formation of the foundations of culture among studentsresearch activities,

    formation of development skillseducational project,

    formation of implementation skills and publicpresentations to students of the results of the educational project,

    solution of a personally and socially significant problem.

For students:

Objective of the project:

Project objectives:

    Form project teams and distribute responsibilities within the groups for the implementation of standard tasks.

    Analyze information on a given topic: establish a relationshipbetween the structure and functions of blood elements.

    Convert the studied information in the form of diagrams, tables, figures and summarize in the form of an electronic presentation.

    Present the received product and evaluate it in accordance with the criteria.

Description of the formed project skills of schoolchildren in the form of planned results.

Metasubject results:

Regulatory UUD:

Understand and formulate the problem

- formulate independently or under the guidance of a teacher the goal and objectives for solving the problem;

Plan their own learning activities both independently and under the guidance of a teacher;

Independently assess the correctness of the performance of actions,

Make the necessary adjustments to the execution, both at the end of the action and in the course of its implementation;

Independently control their time and manage it.

Communicative UUD:

Work in groups: distribute planned actions in accordance with the tasks;

Allocate the main and essential features of concepts, make up a description of the object under study;

Express their own point of view, prove or disprove it;

They listen and hear another opinion, lead a discussion, operate with facts, both to prove and to refute an existing opinion;

Cognitive UUD:

Analyze and evaluate information, convert information from one form to another,

Build a logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;


Understanding the importance of knowledge about computer graphics, both for everyday life and for further conscious choice of profession.

Subject Results:

Know the main types of computer graphics: raster and vector

Characterize the capabilities of raster and vector graphic editors

Reveal where raster and vector editors are used

Analyze and evaluate the pros and cons of raster and vector graphics

Summarize knowledge on the topic “Computer graphics”, through group studies

Explain the use of "Computer graphics" in human life (in what professions)

Description of the project product/result with evaluation criteria.

Project product: collection of presentations "Computer graphics in human activities", each group creates from 1 to 7 slides. Each product of the group is evaluated according to the following criteria.

2. Unity of design

6. Ability to work in a team

24-21 points - "5"

20 -17 points - "4"

16-12 points - "3"

<12 баллов – «2».

Determination of the total amount of lesson hours required for the implementation of the project, and its distribution by stages of project activities studentsindicating the actions of the teacher;

The project module includes 4 lessons.

1st lesson (preparatory and design stages): actualization - problematization - goal setting - action planning - conceptualization

    conducting a sociological survey of students,

    Students and teacher formulate a problem

    The class is divided into 4 groups

2nd lesson and 3rd lesson (implementation stage): solution of specific practical problems. Creation of a project product.

    Students conduct research on their images in raster and vector editors.

4th lesson. Presentation of the received project product. Evaluation of the quality of the product and reflection of actions in the project of its creators.

Description of used jobs . First, a sociological survey is conducted among the students of the class (Appendix 1). The class was divided into 4 groups. Each group, according to the chosen profession: artists, designers, architects, animators, is given a project task. The execution of the project task begins:

    The first task is aimed at searching for information about a given profession on the Internet. The results of each task are placed in presentations.

    The third task: research of the received images in raster and vector editors is carried out. (Appendix 2 and 3).

    Projects are launched through the presentation "Computer Graphics" (hyperlinks are used for connection, each project will be connected also through hyperlinks).

    Filling out scorecards (Appendix No. 4).

    Summing up on the topic “Computer graphics”.

    Reflection of educational activities based on the results of the creation and presentation of the project.

Also attached is a project product - an electronic presentation-collection "Computer graphics in human activity"


The project reveals the problem of using computer graphics in various fields of human activity.

All areas of application - be it engineering and science, business and art - are the scope of computer graphics. We are entering a new era of empowering graphics systems as we move along the information superhighway.

If we look into the future, it is not difficult to imagine how a drawing, designing, modeling computer will allow scientists to plunge into the depths of space and the microcosm of the biosphere, so real and at the same time so illusory. Artists, designers and other professions will master an unprecedented means of depicting reality not on the limited space of a canvas, but on an immense area made up of millions of images fixed on the screen of an electronic machine.

Although computer graphics is just a tool, its structure and methods are based on the cutting-edge achievements of fundamental and applied sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, statistics, programming, and many others. This remark is true for both software and hardware tools for creating and processing images on a computer. Therefore, computer graphics is one of the most rapidly developing branches of computer science and in many cases acts as a “locomotive” that pulls the entire computer industry with it.

At the beginning of the project, we issued the hypothesis “Basic knowledge in the field of computer graphics will help to work in all areas of human activity.” Our hypothesis was fully confirmed. We analyzed the software products and practically applied the skills and knowledge gained in the course of the study to the implementation of the project tasks.

Description of the implemented educational project: a phased description of the implementation of the project, the actions of students, the actions of the teacher, intermediate and final project products / results.

Stages of project activity

Teacher activity

Student activities



Lesson 1 (preparatory and design stages): actualization - problematization - goal setting - actions - conceptualization.

Updating the existing system : subject knowledge and methods of activity, meta-subject methods of activity, values ​​and meanings associated with the content of the module and the process of cognition itself.

Organizes a discussion on the topic covered earlier, asks questions.

    Define computer graphics

    Name the types of computer graphics

Proposes to conduct a sociological survey on this topic

Answer questions using the notes in your notebook.

Answer a sociological question, get acquainted with its results

Express Poll

The border of "knowledge-ignorance" is revealed

Identified the border "I can - I can not"

(Annex 1)

Problematization – identifying the problem of the project and the causes leading to the appearance of the problem.

Organizes the actions of students to identify and formulate the problem. Offers to answer the question:

What professions use computer graphics?

Discuss and analyze their answers, with the help of the teacher find the correct answers

Formulate the problem with the help of the teacher:« we want to know a lot about the application of computer graphics in human life, but at the moment we find it difficult to say about the areas of its application »

Research facility

multimedia installation


The problem is formulated

goal setting – definition of the purpose and objectives of the project.

Based on the formulated problem, creates conditions for formulating the goal and determining the future project product

Formulate the goal of the project with the help of a teacher:create a collection of "Computer graphics in human activities" in the form of electronic presentations.

The goal of the overall project product is formulated.

Action planning

Creates conditions for the formation of project teams.

The class is divided into 4 groups of 3 people. Each group chooses a leader.

Reception "Take a ticket"

Formed 4 groups

Organizes student activities to work in groups. Provides project assignments.Each group in the project task is given a table for reporting on their experiment, a general table for the exchange of information between groups and a table in three columns: “It was not clear ..., “It was difficult ...”, “What needs to be done to make it clear and not hard…"

Note in the table that students

know about the topic

what were the difficulties (problems),

formulate a question to get out of these difficulties.

Each group gets acquainted with the project task:

Task for the first group.

Group 1 - "Architects"

Group 2 - "Designers"

Group 3 - "Artists"

Group 4 - "Animators"

Each group receives the first task, searching for information about their profession on the Internet. The results of each task are placed in presentations

Work on project assignments in Reveal what they know on this topic, identify the difficulties that have arisen in the performance of the assignment, what they need to learn. Formulate a goal and plan actions to solve this problem.

Design assignments

“I know, I don’t know, I want to know” approach


Difficulties found on this topic

The goal of solving the problem (difficulties) is formulated

An action plan was developed for the implementation of the mini-project of the group

Assists in the distribution of responsibilities within the group

Assign responsibilities within groups.

Example. I group.

1 student - finds information on the Internet about the profession

2 student - performs images in graphic editors

3 student - compares images in raster and vector editors

1 student - transfers the accumulated material into an electronic presentation.

(group presentations)

Responsibilities are assigned to group members.

Conceptualization and modeling - object image creation


Organizes the actions of students to create an image of the project product.

Advises students on the creation of a project product.

They create an image of the future: this is a presentation (drawings, information, conclusions).

They come to a common decision about what should be:

    a single number of slides:

- 1 slide : Group name (Architects, animators, designers, artists).

- 2 slide. Information about the profession.

- 3 slide : Creating a slide about the profession (giving examples of graphic objects).

- 4 slide : Project name (plus design).

- 5 slide : The result of the work is placed in the raster editor.

- 6 slide : The result of work is placed in the vector editor.

- 7 slide : The result of the study “Pros and cons of raster and vector graphics for the chosen profession” is posted. Conclusions.

    single font,

    slides are not overloaded with textual information


Computers, programMicrosoftpowerpoint

Created an image (model) of the design product

Organizes work on filling out the time sheet for work on the project

Evaluate their own work and the work of classmates

Project worksheet

Estimated work per lesson

D/z: §3.2(pp.110-113) study. In accordance with the distribution of responsibilities, prepare information on the topic and structure it in the form of slides in the presentation

2nd lesson and 3rd lesson (implementation stage): solving specific practical problems. Creation of a project product.

Criteria base development

Organizes work on the creation of project criteria

Suggest options for evaluation criteria.

1. The reliability of the information found.

2. Unity of design

3. Structural design of the material.

4. Logic of information processing.

5. Visualization of the presented information.

6. Ability to work in a team

7. Presentation of the project (clarity, clarity and accessibility of the presentation of the material).

8.Answers to additional questions

For each criterion from 0 to 3 points:

3 points - the criterion is fully presented

2 points - not sufficiently presented

1 point - partially presented

0 points - no criterion

24-21 points - "5"

20 -17 points - "4"

16-12 points - "3"

<12 баллов – «2».

Reception "Opinion Tree"

Project evaluation criteria developed

Solving specific practical problems and creating educational products (creation of a project product)

Creates conditions for the implementation of the project product. Provides consulting assistance in the creation of a project product.

Organizes work on filling out sheets of research papers

Students, in accordance with the distributed responsibilities, determine the image of a specific practical task.

This will be a mini-presentation, where each slide will correspond to the solution of the designated problem. Each slide will structure the material (corresponding to the resolution of the problem)

Students conduct research on their images in raster and vector editors. (Annex 2 and 3 ) Discuss, fill in the received sheets with research work ..

Computers with programsMicrosoftpowerpoint


Intermediate product: separate slides for solving specific project tasks: on slides

Worksheets with completed tasks

D / s: s. 113-115, §3.3 study,: sum up the results of the study and draw conclusions (which graphics are more appropriate for the profession chosen by the group

4th lesson “Presentation of the received project product.

Evaluation of the quality of the product and reflection of actions in the project of its creators.

Presentation of the received project product.

Creates conditions for the presentation of the project product

Present the created project products. Projects are launched through the presentation "Computer Graphics" (hyperlinks are used for connection, each project will be connected also through hyperlinks).

Summing up on the topic “Computer graphics” (this result is prepared by one of the groups Presentation “Conclusions”).

Multimedia projector,MSPowerPoint

Demonstration of a single electronic presentation-collectionpresentations "Computer graphics in human activities"

Evaluation of the quality of the project product and reflection of the actions in the project of its creators.

Organizes the generalization of knowledge and performed actions. It offers to correlate the tasks and results of creating the project, to evaluate the correctness of the choice of the project method.

Summarizes the knowledge gained, the actions performed.

Uses criteria to evaluate results.

Evaluates the acquired knowledge and mastered actions in accordance with the criteria.

Carries out control of knowledge on the topic "Computer graphics".

Evaluate your own work and the work of your classmates.

Dispute or agree with the assessment of their work. Analyze the deficiencies.

Make suggestions to the algorithm for performing tasks of the same type.

Perform a test task.Annex 5

Project evaluation sheet. (Appendix 4 )


Ratings posted. Errors indicated.

Reflection done.

Knowledge control.

Annex 1

Sociological survey

    What do you know about Computer Graphics?

    Have you worked in raster and vector editors?

    Is it possible to make drawings in graphic editors?

    Is it possible to make a collage in graphic editors?

    Is it possible to draw pictures in graphic editors?

As a result of the surveys, we were once again convinced of the relevance and necessity of our research topic.

Appendix 2

Research work "Raster image - what is it?"

Objective : examine a graphic image of a bitmap type.

Work tasks : Reveal the characteristics of a bitmap.

Task number 1. Create a bitmap corresponding to your chosen profession for research.

Task number 2. Fill in the table by resizing the image.




File type

File size (KB)

Task number 3. Formulate the conclusion "Raster image - what is it?"


1. Carefully analyze the data in the Task 1 table

2. Answer the questions:

What are the sizes of bitmap files (large, small)?


How does the quality of a bitmap image change when it is converted (resized)?

What is one of the bitmap file formats?

What are the advantages of raster images? ____________________

What are the disadvantages of bitmaps?


What are the main operations with a graphic image in practical work performed?


What is a graphic editor? _______________________________

What is the connection of the graphic editor with our research?


What graphics editor allowed you to work with bitmaps?


3. Formulate the conclusion “A raster image gives in my chosen profession for research ...”, using the answers of the previous task:


Appendix 3

Research work "Vector image - what is it?"

Objective : Explore a vector-type graphic.

Work tasks : Reveal the characteristics of a vector image.

Task #1 Create a vector image corresponding to your chosen profession for research.

Task number 2. Fill in the table by resizing the resulting image




File type

File size (KB)

How did the quality of the image change when it was scaled up?

Task number 3 Formulate the conclusion "Vector image - what is it?"


1. Carefully analyze the table data

2. Answer the questions:

What are the sizes of the vector image files (large, small)? __________________________________________________________________

How does the quality of a vector image change when it is converted (resized)?


What are the advantages of vector images?_____________________

What are the disadvantages of vector images?


What are the main operations with a graphic image in practical work performed?


What made it possible to accomplish this? ____________________________

What is the connection of the graphic editor with our research?


What graphics editor allowed you to work with vector images? _______________

What can vector graphics editors be used for?


3. Formulate the conclusion "What gives the use of a vector editor in the profession _____________..." using the answers of the previous task:


Appendix 4

Scorecard for the project "Computer graphics in human life"


Topic disclosure

The quality of the practical part

Project Protection

Rationale for Conclusions

The quality of the presentation

final grade



