Guide to muradin in a storm. Guide to Muradin from Heroes of the Storm. Role in team fights

Lightning Hammer – Muradin launches a hammer that flies straight, deals good damage and stuns the first enemy it encounters. Stormhammer has the ability to hit 2 targets.

Thunderclap is a good AOE ability that deals damage and slows down the enemy hit by it. A great ability if you need to slow down a fleeing enemy.

Dwarven jump - will help you both to break into the crowd and hide from the battle. Deals damage in a small radius upon landing.

Avatar - Muradin becomes a stone gnome, and stuns the enemy with each attack. Huge HP boost.

Stunning Strike - Deals heavy damage and knocks enemies around. It will be useful if you need to throw the enemy under the tower or, on the contrary, throw them away.

Second Wind is a passive ability that makes the hero almost unkillable.

Heroes of the Storm Muradin Guide

This build of Muradin is aimed at attacking the hero from the hand. The main talent is Skull Crusher, which will stun the enemy every third hit. Moreover, all 3 attacks must be on 1 target.

Block - increases the character's survivability.

Completion is a very useful talent. Using the ability, the next auto-attack will deal more damage. For more efficiency, you should: do not use all the abilities, but first press one, and after auto-attack, then another skill and auto-attack, etc.

Fiery Fury - Deals damage to all enemies around. It is best to be right in the center of the batch. It will also help to finish off an enemy running away on low hp, if there is no way to catch up and hit him.

The Executioner, along with Lightning Hammer and Thunder Clap, will allow you to damage even more.

The heroic ability does not play a big role, it should be chosen situationally. In my experience, Staggering Blow will win any team or 1v1 fight.

Lightning Hammer

Deals minor damage and stuns the first enemy that gets in the path of the hammer. With the help of talents, this ability can be turned into a terror for the entire enemy team.

Thunder Strike

The ability not only deals damage to nearby enemies, but also slows them down for 2.5 seconds. Since Muradin is always in the center of any battle, the thunder hits a large number of enemies.

Dwarven Leap

The skill can be combined with Thunderclap to deal even more area damage. The cooldown of the skill is 12 seconds, so if the initiation fails, it will be possible to escape only on your own, which is not always possible.

Second wind

An excellent passive skill that will allow you to forget about the fountain forever and regenerate right on the lane. To do this, you need to leave the battle and wait a bit. If the hero has less than 40% of the maximum HP, then the recovery rate increases.

Heroic abilities of Muradin in HotS


An excellent skill that turns Maradin into a stone giant and increases the amount of his health. The most important thing is the fact that each auto attack will inflict a microstun. In battle, it will be hard to see, but now you can stop the enemy’s interrupted ultimate with just one hit.

Stunning Blow

A strong spell that does a lot of damage, but is completely useless in team fights. The main goal is to keep all enemies as close as possible, and this skill, on the contrary, pushes everyone away.

Build for Muradin in HotS

1st level


After obtaining this talent, Thunderclap will not only slow the movement speed, but also the speed of basic attacks. If you hit the killers from the enemy team, you can save a large amount of health, both your own and your allies.

4th level

third wind

Increases the health regeneration rate from the Second Wind passive. Increases the trigger threshold from 40% to 50. Now, in a few seconds, you can recover half of your HP and return to battle.

7th level

Piercing Hammer

Despite the initial focus on Thunderclap, it would be a crime not to take this talent to upgrade the Lightning Hammer. After all, now you can stun two opponents and deal 2 times more damage.

10th level


Muradin is a tank, so you should take this ability, because it will allow you to live longer in mass battles and distribute a micro-stun with a normal auto-attack.

13th level


The talent is absolutely not suitable for team fights, because it only gives a bonus when attacking one target. If Thunderclap hits two or more enemies, you will not get the damage bonus.

16th level

...and my axe!

Since your Lightning Hammer and Thunder Clap skills will apply stuns and slows to enemies, it is logical to choose this talent, because it will deal 75% more damage to all slowed and frozen targets.

Level 20


The ability allows you to reset the cooldown of Maradin's main abilities, which will make it possible to perform several combos. Dwarven Leap can now be used to initiate, burn all abilities, reset cooldowns, reuse skills, and jump out of a fight.

Tactics for playing Muradin in Heroes of the Storm

At the very beginning of the game, Maradin can do almost nothing, so it's best to just lane and gain experience. Of course, what can be done if you are standing with some killer.

Remember that Lightning Hammer only stuns one target at first, so make sure the creeps don't block your view. After improving the skill, you can try to break through the creep, but there is a chance to hit another one.

After receiving the ultimate, you can go into fights in which you will already act as a full-fledged tank, which also stuns. At the end of the game, killing Muradin is almost impossible, so you can safely rush into the battle with the Avatar and wait for your allies to destroy the enemies one by one.


  • Illidan
  • Zeratul


  • Abathur
  • Malfurion

Conclusion of the guide about Muradin in HotS

This character is one of the most useful in the game, and costs only 2000 gold, so buy it as soon as you accumulate enough coins. This will allow even a beginner to fully play from the first days.

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Muradin- one of the most durable tanks in the game. He can slow down and stun opponents with his basic abilities, as well as aggressively engage in combat, dictating the pace of action in team fights and skirmishes. As Muradin, you will have to draw the maximum attention of your opponents to yourself, giving your allies time to get into an advantageous position. In addition, Muradin must use CC abilities to protect fragile allies (Assassins and Specialists).

1. Advantages and disadvantages


  • Virtually unkillable;
  • High survival rate;
  • Possesses various abilities to control and interrupt spells;
  • High mobility thanks to Dwarven Leap;
  • Flexible talent tree that allows you to use different builds depending on the composition of the enemy team;


  • Proper use of the Lightning Hammer requires some practice;
  • Predictable play style;
  • Cannot capture mercenary camps without the Sledgehammer talent;
  • Limited potential to deal high damage in a short amount of time;

2. Role in the current meta

Thanks to his large health pool and the Second Wind trait, Muradin is one of the most durable fighters. Lightning Hammer and Thunder Clap allow him to control opponents both when attacking and when retreating. In terms of mobility, Dwarven Leap is a very effective ability that allows you to close the distance while chasing fleeing enemies or escaping from a chase. Muradin's talents allow for several viable builds. Echo significantly reduces the attack speed of enemy assassins, Stoneform gives you the ability to restore health in addition to Second Wind, and Rewind allows you to use Lightning Hammer and Thunder Clap twice to deal maximum damage to enemies.

3. Muradin's abilities

Directed spell. Mana: 60. Cooldown: 10 sec.

Deals 240 (50 + 10 per level) damage. damage to the first enemy hit, stunning them for 1.5 seconds.

Lightning Hammer allows Muradin to throw a hammer that flies forward in a straight line. The first enemy caught in its path takes moderate damage and is stunned for 1.5 seconds.

Lightning Hammer gives Muradin the ability to stun a target from a short distance. With a successful use, the enemy hero is temporarily removed from combat. As Muradin, you must keep a close eye on the location of targets and aim carefully so as not to waste your hammer. In some cases, you will have to predict the trajectory of the target and point the hammer in the right direction. As such, Lightning Hammer is quite difficult to use on moving targets, especially if they are attacking you. However, on hit, the target is stunned for 1.5 seconds, allowing your allies to focus on it.

When entering combat, Muradin usually uses Lightning Hammer in combination with other basic abilities. Thunderclap's slow allows him to aim more carefully, while Dwarven Leap allows him to close the distance to the target so that it falls within the range of the Storm Hammer.

Mana: 50. Cooldown: 8 sec.

Deals 210 (58 + 8 per level) damage. damage and slows the enemy by 25% for 2.5 seconds.

Thunder Clap allows Muradin to damage all nearby enemies and slow them by 25% for 2.5 seconds.

Unlike Lightning Hammer, Thunderclap does not require much skill to use effectively. At the time of casting, Thunderclap deals damage and applies a slow to all enemies within a small radius of Muradin. This hero's talent tree allows you to upgrade Thunder Clap. The most useful talents are Echo, Searing Storm, and Thunder Clap. In the early stages of the game, Thunder Clap is the only way to clear waves, so you should use it as often as possible. If you want to attack the enemy hero on the opposite end of the line, use Thunder Clap rather than Storm Hammer, as the first ability does not require a lot of mana, and it is easier to hit the target with it.

In teamfights, Thunderclap should be used in such a way that it hits as many enemy heroes as possible (mainly Assassins and Specialists). By slowing them down, you will significantly reduce their effectiveness in combat, especially if you have the Echo talent (level 1).

Dwarven Leap (E):

Target: Specified zone. Mana: 70. Cooldown: 12 sec.

Muradin jumps to the target location and deals 130 (35 + 5 per level) damage. damage to all enemies upon landing.

Dwarven Leap allows Muradin to jump to a target location and deal damage to all enemy units in the area. With Dwarven Leap, Muradin can jump over obstacles, including rocks and walls.

Dwarven Leap is used to close the distance if the enemy is too far away from Muradin. The main advantage of the Dwarven Leap is that it can be used to overcome obstacles in order to get to the target or break away from the pursuit. In team fights, Muradin and other fighters must be especially careful, because. their actions directly depend on the location of allies and opponents. Dwarven Leap allows you to choose the right location for both offense and defense. When attacking, you can simply jump into a crowd of enemies, and then immediately slow and stun them with Thunder Clap and Storm Hammer. When defending, Dwarven Leap is also used in conjunction with crowd control abilities to push dangerous enemies away from allies.

Heroic ability. Mana: 100. Cooldown: 100 sec.

Muradin takes on a new form that increases his health by 2240 (416 + 96 per level) and his basic attacks stun enemies.

The avatar turns Muradin into a giant for 20 seconds. During this time, his health is increased, and each basic attack stuns the target for 1.5 seconds.

We do not recommend using the Avatar immediately after starting a team fight, as opponents can simply retreat and wait for Muradin to return to normal. Ideally, the Avatar should be used immediately after Muradin has found a suitable place for himself in close proximity to the enemy. You can use Dwarven Leap to enter combat, and then wait a bit until the opponents start to defend.

In Avatar Form, each of Muradin's basic attacks stuns targets for 0.5 seconds, which is very useful for interrupting spells. We recommend that you pay special attention to the following goals:

  • Chen (if you hit Chen's Fortifying Brew, his survivability will decrease significantly);
  • E.T.S. (While in Avatar Form, you will be able to interrupt the Mosh Pit with auto-attacks; when approaching E.T.S., try not to get rolled out);
  • Falstad (The Hinterlands Strike animation is very fast, so you will have to use a basic attack in time to cancel this spell);
  • Kael'thas (if Kael'thas took a Pyroblast as a heroic ability, he will become excellent target for enhanced basic attacks in Avatar form; just hit Kael'thas while he is casting a long spell);
  • Li Li (in the form of Avatar Muradin completely neutralizes Li Li's most powerful healing spell, the Jug of a Thousand Mugs with one attack);
  • Nazeebo (Muradin is one of Nazeebo's worst enemies, especially if the latter uses the Hungry Ghost heroic ability; knock it down at the first opportunity);
  • Thrall (Thrall's Sunder has a short animation; if Muradin manages to hit Thrall while under the Avatar's effect, the Sunder can be successfully interrupted);

Second wind


Allows you to restore 84 (15.6 + 3.6 per level) units. health per second if the hero has not taken damage for at least 4 seconds. When Muradin is below 40% health, the regeneration rate increases to 168 (31.2 + 7.2 per level) health. health per second.

Second Wind heals Muradin for 12 health. health per second if he hasn't taken damage for at least 4 seconds. When below 40% health, Second Wind heals Muradin for 24 health. health per second if he hasn't taken damage for at least 4 seconds.

Thanks to the Second Wind, Muradin is considered one of the most durable tanks. The increased health regeneration rate allows Muradin to constantly attack opponents, forcing them to use wells more often. Level 16 Talent Stoneform adds the Active Component Trait that allows you to regenerate health in combat.

All of Muradin's abilities require choosing the right moment to use them. The second wind allows him to stay on the line almost indefinitely, but for this it is necessary to rationally alternate periods of aggressive and passive play. Pay special attention to opponents with long-range spells that can interrupt Second Wind (for example, Might of El Druin or Jaina's Frostbolt).

4. Muradin builds

Level 1

  • Block . Once every 5 sec. grants one charge of the same effect. Charges are absorbed when hit by Heroes' Basic Attacks, reducing that damage by 50%. Can store up to 2 charges.
  • Charged Hammer. Lightning Hammer heals the hero for 45 damage. mana for each enemy hit.
  • The Perfect Storm. Lightning Hammer damage is increased by 5. until the end of the game for each enemy hero hit.
  • Echo. Enemies hit by Thunderclap have their attack speed reduced by 33% for 3.5 seconds.

Echo is an incredibly strong talent that helps against assassins and specialists who rely on attack speed (like Valla, Illidan, and Sylvanas). It does a lot of good by reducing incoming damage. To trigger the effect, you only need to hit the enemy with Thunderclap (which is not difficult at all). Echo not only helps counter heroes with high speed attacks, but also slows down buildings (in particular, towers and forts). Combined with Searing Storm (level 4) and Thunder Clap (level 13), Echo allows Muradin to effectively push through lines, as it can slow down buildings and deal significant damage to them.

Perfect Storm is a good alternative to Echo, increasing the damage of Lightning Hammer. The Perfect Storm synergizes well with the Sledgehammer talent (level 4). It allows Muradin to deal massive damage with his Lightning Hammer towards the end of the game. Use Perfect Storm instead of Echo if the enemy team doesn't have high attack speed heroes that can be easily hit by Thunderclap (like the Lost Vikings). If you chose the Perfect Storm, play as aggressively as possible. Hit the enemy in the lane with Lightning Hammer as often as possible to get as many charges as possible.


Block slightly increases Muradin's survivability, especially against opponents that rely on basic attacks. At the start of the game, Blocking allows Muradin to lane even longer, as reduces damage from the enemy. The combination of Block and the increased health regeneration from Second Wind will make it very difficult for the opponent to force Muradin out of the lane. At the final stage of the game, the Block absorbs an average of 100-150 units. damage every 5 seconds, which helps Muradin maintain a long presence in teamfights. However, Echo is the preferred talent most of the time, as it from gives an advantage not only to Muradin, but also to his allies.

Other talents:

Charged Hammer is an uncompetitive talent, because he does not help Muradin with his primary duties. Unlike Echo or Perfect Storm, Charged Hammer does not add survivability to the hero and does not weaken enemies. Moreover, Muradin's abilities are low mana cost, which is why we advise you to ignore this talent.

Level 4

  • Third wind. Increases the rate of health regeneration from Second Wind. In addition, the effect of accelerated health regeneration is triggered when the hero has less than 50% health (instead of 40%).
  • Sledgehammer. Lightning Hammer deals 400% damage to Minions and Structures and destroys 4 damage. building ammo.
  • Mass control. Each enemy hit by Thunderclap reduces its cooldown by 0.75 seconds.
  • Burning Storm. Thunderclap leaves behind an area that explodes after 2 seconds, dealing minor damage and slowing the movement speed of enemies in the area by 25% for 2 seconds.

The sledgehammer allows Muradin to destroy enemy structures faster. This talent greatly speeds up lane pushing on smaller maps like Wraithmines or Tomb of the Spider Queen. If you took Perfect Storm as your lvl 1 talent, we highly recommend picking Maul to buff Stormhammer damage.

Searing Storm is one of the most useful talents in the Muradin tree. There are several reasons for this. First of all, no additional action is required to trigger the effect. You just need to use Thunderclap like normal. In addition, Searing Storm synergizes well with other talents that buff Thunder Clap (Echo and Thunder Clap). By duplicating Thunderclap, which also benefits from other talents, Muradin can greatly reduce the attack and movement speed of opponents. Talents have a similar effect on enemy buildings, turning Muradin into a siege engine. We highly recommend using Searing Storm in conjunction with Echo (Rank 1).

Other talents:

Third wind is a good talent in itself, adding survivability, especially in the laning phase. However, it can't compete with other tier talents (and Searing Storm) that synergize nicely with the other recommended talents.

Mass Control performs the same functions as Searing Storm, however the former talent is less reliable. To get the most out of crowd control, Muradin must always be in a crowd of enemies. However, enemy heroes usually run away from fighters (especially on more high levels game), which does not allow you to effectively use Mass control.

Level 7

  • Piercing Hammer. Lightning Hammer passes through an enemy, hitting 1 additional target.
  • Landing momentum. Increases movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds. after landing with Dwarven Leap.
  • Skull crusher. Every third auto attack against one target stuns that target for 0.25 seconds. The effect does not depend on the sequence of targets you attack. This means that you can stun the same enemy three times in a row, even if the primary targets are different.
  • The excitement of battle. Reduces the cooldown on your Basic Attacks by 0.5 seconds.

Piercing Hammer allows Muradin to stun two enemies at once for 1.5 seconds. per use of Lightning Hammer. This fact alone allows you to discard all the other talents of this tier. Piercing Hammer not only increases crowd control, but also stacks with the level 1 talent Perfect Storm, allowing you to get 2 stacks at a time.

Other talents:

Landing momentum gives Muradin a small amount of speed, which is useful when retreating or chasing opponents. However, compared to Piercing Hammer, Landing Blast does not interact with other recommended talents.

Skull Crusher allows you to periodically stun enemies with basic attacks. This talent comes in handy when fighting opponents who are constantly casting spells (such as Fortifying Brew). However, Avatar already has a similar effect, so Skull Crusher is considered a situational talent and we don't recommend using it as a default option.

The excitement of battle is more suited to assassins and fighters like Tyrael, who has no worthy alternatives at level 7.

Level 10

  • turns Muradin into a giant for 20 sec. During this time, his health is increased by 320, and each basic attack stuns the target for 1.5 seconds.
  • Stunning Blow. Deals heavy damage to the target and knocks them back, while dealing moderate damage to all enemies in its path and knocking them back.

The avatar allows Muradin to attract the maximum attention of his opponents. In Avatar form, Muradin can deal a lot of damage, gives allies the freedom to move around the battlefield, and deal massive damage to enemies. What's more, improved basic attacks pose a serious threat to heroes who rely on ability reading. See the "Abilities" section for more information. Using the Avatar can radically change the course of the game. Beginners will attack Muradin, while more experienced opponents will ignore him or run away to return when the Avatar ends. All this introduces a certain confusion into the enemy ranks. This is another reason why we recommend using Avatar as a Heroic over Stunning Strike.

Other talents:

Staggering Strike is a heroic ability that has a spectacular animation and deals a lot of damage, but unfortunately cannot compete with the Avatar, which increases the effectiveness of Muradin as a tank. In addition, Staggering Strike causes Muradin to be reckless (in particular, use Dwarven Leap to get behind the target and push them towards allies). Experienced enemy assassins and specialists quickly adapt to this playstyle, keeping a reasonable distance and preventing Muradin from getting within Dwarven Leap range. All in all, we think Stunning Blow is a good ability that is good for Quickplay matches, but doesn't work well enough in Hero League.

Level 13

  • fiery fury. Deals 10 damage. damage per second to all nearby enemies. The effect does not trigger when Muradin uses a vehicle.
  • Static Healing. Restores 1.5% of maximum health for each target hit by Thunder Clap.
  • Thunderbolt. Thunderclap deals 300% damage if the ability only hits one target.
  • Spell Shield. Taking damage from abilities grants a shield to the Hero, reducing damage taken from abilities by 50% for 2 seconds. Can only trigger once every 30 seconds.

Fiery Rage is a great addition to Muradin's aggressive build. It allows you to detect invisible enemies and objects (for example, Tumors of Zagara). To do this, you just need to get closer to them. In addition, Fiery Fury increases the overall damage, as it hits multiple targets at the same time. As a fighter, Muradin is constantly at the center of the action, next to one or more opponents, so Flaming Fury is perfect for him.

Thunderclap receives a significant bonus from previous tier talents (Echo and Searing Storm). With Thunderclap, Muradin gains special strength in duels, as can deal a large amount of damage in a short period of time and take opponents by surprise. What's more, Thunderclap increases single-target damage, which comes in handy when trying to destroy an enemy structure and push the lane faster. We highly recommend using Thunder Clap in combination with Echo (Tier 1) and Searing Storm (Tier 4).


Spell Shield will come in handy if the enemy team has two or more heroes from the list below:

  • Kel'tas
  • (unless he's using a basic attack build)

Other talents:

Static Healing is a weak level 16 talent. the next tier has Stoneform, which will quickly replace it as a primary survivability tool. What's more, the additional healing from this talent is negligible, so there's no point in sacrificing the extra damage from Thunder Clap for it.

Level 16

  • Dwarven Leap. Increases the range and damage radius of Dwarven Leap by 50%.
  • strong collision. Dwarven Leap also stuns enemies for 0.75 seconds.
  • ...and my axe! Muradin's Basic Attacks deal 75% more damage to Slowed, Rooted, and Stunned targets.
  • Presence. Enemies that use basic attacks on you have their attack speed reduced by 50%.
  • stone form. Adds an active component to the Second Wind trait. When activated, restores 50% of the hero's maximum health over 8 seconds. The second wind does not work at this time.

And my ax! synergizes well with Muradin's two basic abilities, Lightning Hammer and Thunder Clap, for a significant increase in single-target damage. Lightning Hammer stuns targets for 1.5 seconds and Thunder Clap slows them for an additional 2.5 seconds. Total Muradin can control an enemy hero for 4 seconds. Muradin's base attack speed allows him to deal 1.11 hits per second, so you'll be able to land 2-3 empowered hits on your opponent during your CC. Keep in mind that the level 20 talent Rewind theoretically gives you twice as many empowered attacks (assuming you manage to alternate between using the required abilities).

Stoneform is a powerful talent that restores health and allows you to survive in teamfights. This talent is indispensable if you are the only tank on the team. Muradin should constantly keep an eye on the cooldown of Stoneform so that this talent is available when joining a teamfight. Ideally, Stoneform should be used while under the effect of the Avatar to restore more health.


Overwhelming Presence provides good defense against opponents that rely on basic attacks, such as Illidan, Valla, or Raynor. However, talents...and my axe! and Stone Form are much more useful to Muradin. ...and my axe! greatly increases the damage dealt, and the stone form provides more survivability. Presence is only useful if your team has enough heroes to support you, and the enemy team includes at least two assassins who deal damage mainly with basic attacks.

Other talents:

Dwarven Blink is a rather controversial talent, as Dwarven Leap is quite effective without upgrades. The increased jump range doesn't give Muradin much of an advantage. Compared to...and my axe! and Stoneform, this talent has too little effect on the course of teamfight, so we recommend avoiding it.

A strong collision gives an additional opportunity to stun enemy heroes. However, Lightning Hammer and basic attacks in Avatar form are usually enough to effectively control opponents. It should be remembered that Muradin's talents are primarily intended to eliminate his shortcomings (for example, weak single-target damage compensated by the talent ... and my ax!) or to increase survivability (Stoneform perfectly copes with this task).

Level 20

  • unstoppable force. Increases the duration of an Avatar ability by 30% and reduces the duration of crowd control effects by 75% while the ability is active.
  • A strong beat . Increases the damage dealt by Staggering Strike by 25% and reduces the mana cost of using it by 40. and allows you to accumulate 2 charges of this ability.
  • Strong shields. Reduces damage taken by 75% for 4 seconds when used.
  • Rewind. Upon use, instantly resets the cooldown of the hero's basic abilities.

Unstoppable Force works great against teams that often use abilities to control. This talent reduces the duration of such effects by 75% while Muradin is in Avatar Form, allowing him to perform his duties effectively. It will be difficult for opponents to stop you from chasing assassins and specialists, and your allies will get a strong tank that can protect them, drawing all the attention to themselves. In general, we recommend using Unstoppable Force instead of Strong Shields and Rewind if the enemy team has at least two control fighters (for example, Anub "arak and Tyrael), and also if you need to be in Avatar form longer to interrupt the reading spells to multiple targets (a list of priority targets is listed in the "Abilities" section).

Strong Shields is a Talent for Tank Muradin who needs maximum survivability in late game fights, especially if he has to play against heroes that can deal high damage in a short amount of time (like Jaina or Kael'thas). We recommend using it whenever you notice that you have drawn too much attention to yourself.The general rule is that it is better to take cover with Strong Shields too early than to wait and lose the opportunity to use them.

Rewind is a very effective talent for heroes that rely on abilities for CC. These abilities include Lightning Hammer and Thunder Clap, which is why Rewind is so good for Muradin. The longer you control the enemies, the more effectively talents like Thunder Clap and...and my ax will work! In addition, Rewind allows you to reset the cooldown of Dwarven Leap, allowing you to quickly enter combat or move out of dangerous areas. Overall, we consider Rewind to be one of the most useful talents, especially for experienced players who are able to use CC consistently.

Other talents:

Slam is directly related to the heroic Staggering Strike, so we don't recommend using it in ranked play. Even if you are playing Quick Play with Staggering Blow, we still recommend taking Rewind rather than Slam, as resetting cooldowns for basic abilities is much more useful than an extra charge of Staggering Strike.

5. General strategy of playing Muradin

As Muradin, you must act with caution at all stages of the game. Your priority is to appear in the right place at the right time, whether it be protecting allies or attacking opponents. Don't forget to look at the mini-map. While Muradin is capable of laning alone without the help of others, he shouldn't stay in one place for too long. Instead, he should organize surprise attacks using Lightning Hammer and Rolling Thunder to provide an ally with suitable targets to kill. In the middle of a match, Muradin's tasks depend on his location. As a rule, he:

  • selects priority targets and stuns with Lightning Hammer;
  • absorbs damage and control coming from opponents, mainly in the form of an Avatar;
  • uses Thunder Clap to push back opponents;
  • uses Dwarven Leap to attack enemies and force them into combat.

After level 10, Muradin must actively monitor what is happening on the map. Remember to look at the mini-map to get an idea of ​​the location of allies. If possible, ask them to group up and try to attack an isolated target. On large maps like Cursed Hollow or Dragon's Edge, you will have to move a lot around the map, especially when objectives appear on it. Remember that Muradin, like other fighters, should be the first to appear on the potential battlefield and the last to leave it.

In this regard, I would like to emphasize his leading role in any battle. You may have to face the fact that some (particularly random) players will not want to acknowledge your leadership. Do not try to follow your plan if the allies do not know about them or do not support your endeavors. Follow them, looking for a good opportunity to start a teamfight, and make sure that other abilities follow the jump or hammer.

6. Things to do outside of team fights

In Heroes of the Storm there are often team fights, but each hero needs to know exactly what he should be doing the rest of the time. As Muradin, you must ensure stability in your lane by properly using the Second Wind feature. Try to get as much experience as possible without putting yourself in danger, especially if there is a strong opponent like Sylvanas or Jaina on the opposite end of the line. Muradin usually has no mana issues. However, you should only use Lightning Hammer and Thunder Clap if you really need to. However, if Perfect Storm was chosen as the lvl 1 talent, use Lightning Hammer as often as possible. Before engaging in a skirmish, make sure your mana pool is at least half full. Otherwise, you won't be able to fight effectively.

If there are currently no targets, or other allies are able to capture it without your help, go to the lane to gain experience, especially if your team has not reached level 10 yet. Unfortunately, Muradin cannot take the mercenary camps alone. Wait for reinforcements before engaging siege giants or knights.

Beyond that, we'd like to consider positioning Muradin in relation to his allies. When entering enemy territory, you must always be at the head of the group, standing between opponents and allies. Likewise, when retreating, try to protect wounded allies attempting to retreat. Block opponents with your body to intercept possible attacks and spells.

7. Role in team fights

Playing Muradin effectively in a teamfight is a challenging but rewarding experience. For example, a correctly launched Thunder Hammer can drastically change the course of the game. When talking about team fights, we prefer to divide them into three types, which makes it easier to understand, especially for new and inexperienced players.

Team battle initiated by your allies:

If your team wants to join the battle, you will be assigned the role of the initiator. To do this, you will have to run up to the opponents as close as possible. When collectively moving around the map, fighters like Muradin should always be on the front line so that the opponents have no opportunity to surprise one of the weak allies. The main tool for entering combat in most cases is the Dwarven Leap. Try to find an enemy assassin or specialist who cannot retreat quickly. Use Dwarven Leap and then stun him with Lightning Hammer.

Be sure to check where your allies are before attacking. In some cases, they won't be able to follow you, especially if you use Dwarven Leap to jump over rocks or walls. After that, try to predict how your opponents will behave. Perhaps they will try to fight back using attacks and spells. In this case, use Thunderclap and take on the form of the Avatar. If the opponents decide to retreat, stay calm and do not use abilities with long cooldowns (for example, Avatar, Stoneform or Rewind).

Team battle initiated by your opponents:

If the fight was started by an enemy fighter or melee assassin, immediately use Lightning Hammer or Thunder Clap on the nearest initiator to slow them down and seize the initiative. Try to assess the situation: which of the allies needs your help? Your further actions depend on how they behave. If allies plan to defend, use active talents. In particular, Rewind resets the cooldown of Storm Hammer and Thunder Clap, allowing you to slow enemies down once more.

If the allies are planning to retreat, try to block the pursuers with your body and slow them down with Thunderclap. Being able to regenerate health with Stoneform and move fast with Dwarven Leap will save your life in many situations, so think of your more fragile allies first.


Skirmishes are situational battles in which neither side planned to attack. In most cases, skirmishes occur when completing map objectives and capturing mercenary camps. Unlike regular fights, skirmishes require you to wait a little while using your abilities to assess the situation. Keep your basic abilities ready (particularly Lightning Hammer) to help one of your allies if they get into trouble. Save the Avatar until the real battle begins. As a rule, any skirmish sooner or later develops into a team fight if neither side decides to retreat.

  • When attacking, use Lightning Hammer to stun enemy assassins. When defending, stun enemy initiators.
  • The same goes for Dwarven Leap. Use it to close the distance to the enemy or break away from him.
  • As Muradin, use the notification system to inform your allies of your plans. This way they can respond to your actions appropriately.
  • To increase the effectiveness, the Stone Form is used immediately after the Avatar.
  • Rewind should be used primarily to reset Stormhammer's cooldown.
  • If your opponent pushes you too hard during the lane phase, try not to take damage until Second Wind heals you. Patience is the key to a successful Muradin game.
  • Echo is a talent that allows you to deal with mobile assassins like or . They rely heavily on attack speed and are vulnerable to slows, which is why Echo is increasingly being used in pro play.

9. Best allies

In this section, we will look at heroes that give Muradin additional benefits.

Anub "arak

And Muradin play the same role. Piercing Anub "arak is a great tool for stunning multiple opponents at the same time. Following the Pierce, you can use the Thunder Hammer. Anub" arak's underground dash allows him to follow Muradin, and Dwarven jump allows Muradin to easily catch up with Anub "arak. In general, in general, these fighters complement each other well, and their control potential is a serious threat to the enemy team of any composition.


Muradin's Lightning Hammer and Thunderclap allow for more precise targeting of Lunar Flare. In addition, Tyrande acts as a semi-support. She is able to deal decent damage and help allies, so next to her Muradin can not worry about his level of health. Tyrande has access to the Shielding Field and Torrent of Light talents, allowing Muradin to survive in the thick of things. What's more, she can use Hunter's Mark to increase Muradin's damage output, especially if he's got Thunder Clap (level 13) or...and my axe! (level 16).

Jaina, Kael'thas

are largely similar. Both require a strong defense, but with the right support, they can unleash their full power on enemies. Muradin is able to protect Kael'thas and, by stunning or slowing down opponents that threaten powerful mages. In addition, control abilities allow Kael'thas or Jaina to aim more carefully when using Blizzard or Fire Pillar.


Complements Muradin for a variety of reasons. First of all, Hammer of Justice synergizes well with Thunderhammer, extending the single-target stun. In addition, Uther can protect a single target by casting Light of Heaven and Divine Shield on them. As a result, Muradin is able to survive even when facing multiple enemy heroes.

10. Worst Enemies

In this section, we will look at heroes that can effectively counter Muradin.


He is famous for his ability to take single targets out of combat with the help of Polymorph. The transformation prevents Muradin from using survivability abilities (Stone Form and Avatar). As a result, opponents can kill Muradin in just a few seconds. In addition, Brightwing is able to constantly restore health to allies, and the damage coming from Muradin is relatively small, so he will not be able to win a duel.

How to resist Lightning?

Brightwing's low mobility (especially before level 10) makes her an ideal target for Lightning Hammer. Try to stun Brightwing first, before she uses Polymorph. Note that Polymorph has a 15 second cooldown. Keep an eye on how Brightwing uses this spell and adjust to the cooldowns.


Has the ability to expand the area of ​​vision with the help of the Oracle, disrupting Muradin's plans for surprise attacks. This is why Tassadar is so hard to catch by surprise. Moreover, Tassadar is able to protect single targets with Plasma Shield, significantly reducing the effectiveness of the Lightning Hammer.

How to counter Tassadar?

Never use Lightning Hammer on Tassadar himself unless you are sure Dimensional Shift is not available. After Tassadar uses Plasma Shield on one of your allies, switch to another target, remembering to inform other members of your team about it. If Tassadar detects your location with the Oracle, don't attack the enemy team immediately, as opponents will have an advantage.


Can completely neutralize you with Void Bond right after Dwarven Leap. In addition, he can trap the rest of your team members. Using Dwarven Leap on Zeratul himself is risky, as he can easily avoid a collision with Blink.

How to counter Zeratul?

When you meet Zeratul on the battlefield, be vigilant and patient. If you see a vague glow nearby, use Thunder Clap to detect its presence. Thanks to Blink, Zeratul is considered a very mobile hero, so you need to use Lightning Hammer with great care. If he managed to use Void Bound in a timely manner and you are isolated, immediately retreat towards the allies who are trapped.

11.1. Blackheart Bay

In you will have to move a lot between the top and middle lanes. Muradin shouldn't be alone in the bot lane, as allies will need your ability to organize surprise attacks. Storm Hammer and Thunder Clap are of particular importance in the early encounters, especially if you're trying to grab a treasure chest.

Look for a good opportunity to use Dwarven Ambush Leap, but be sure to let your allies know where you're going by placing markers on the mini-map to avoid misunderstandings.

11.2. Cursed Hollow

This is a very large map with narrow paths, walls and bushes. All of these obstacles allow Muradin to use Dwarven Leap effectively and stage surprise ambushes. Make sure to get experience from all lanes, especially if your team has made the decision not to fight for boons. Stay close to your allies, especially after both teams reach level 10.

Use transport as often as possible to cover a large distance between the lines. With the Sledgehammer talent, Stormhammer deals 400% damage to Minions and Structures. He is especially useful in Cursed Hollow when it comes to capturing neutral golem bosses. Boons spawn in tight spaces, so you'll need to be as mobile as possible, especially towards the end of the match when skirmishes take longer and longer. Rewind will allow you to use Dwarven Leap more often to change your location.

11.3. dragon land

This is a very beneficial card for Muradin. Matches in Dragonfall are completely in keeping with Muradin's style of play. Thanks to Second Wind, he can confidently stand in lanes and capture shrines while opponents run to the well and back.

The symmetry of the map and short routes allow you to easily ply between lines and support allies. You can either mount the Dragonknight yourself or make way for a melee assassin like Illidan or Zeratul. This rule applies to all fighters, as The dragon knight performs the same role - it makes a dash into the crowd of enemies and diverts their attention to itself.

If opponents are trying to protect their Dragon Knight, use CC abilities as often as possible to take away their advantage. It should be noted that Lightning Hammer and basic attacks in Avatar form can cause the enemy Dragon Knight to use Ferocious Charge.

11.4. Horror garden

Thanks to the abundance of mercenary camps and targets (in particular, neutral creatures with seeds), you can use the Sledgehammer talent. Muradin's role is to help the allies collect as many seeds as possible. Explore nearby bushes to prevent possible ambushes while your team fights the boss.

As in Dragonland, Muradin should control the Horror of the Gardens on his own. At the initial stage of the game, Horror will help you avoid unnecessary damage. Use Growth to damage enemy structures and Curse of the Spore Queen to prevent enemies from defending them. If you feel like Horror is taking too much damage, use Sprint to move to another lane.

11.5. ghost mines

Quite a difficult map for Muradin, because. due to the short duration of matches, it is dominated by heroes with aggressive builds. At the very beginning, the team is usually divided into two parts, while 4 players are located in the line along which the allied golem will pass, and one player tries to get the maximum amount of experience. Once the mines open, use Thunderclap to kill the skeletons, but don't stray far from your allies so that the opponents can't surprise you. Remember that before descending into the mines, you should replenish your health and mana.

As soon as the teams collect the skulls and the golems appear, follow the allies. To strengthen the siege with a golem, use the Perfect Storm and Sledgehammer talents. If the allies decide to defend their buildings, you should not insist on your own and push through the lines alone. Instead, you should adapt to the situation. However, if your golem is stronger than the enemy, it would be wiser to support it and organize an attack.

11.6. heavenly temple

The key to early game success in Sky Temple is pushing and controlling lanes. First of all, temples appear on the top and middle lines, so you will need enough mana to participate in early skirmishes and fights for map objectives. As with other maps with neutral bosses, you will need the Sledgehammer talent, which speeds up the capture of camps.

The temple on the bottom lane opens a little later. Follow your allies to initiate temple battles with Dwarven Leap and Avatar.

11.7. Tomb of the Spider Queen

Currently, Tomb of the Spider Queen is the smallest map in the game, so the skirmishes on it start from the very first levels, and the Piercing Hammer and Thunder Clap talents will come in very handy. Go to the lane (preferably top or middle) and use Thunderclap to kill the warriors. After that, you can help the allies if they want to hand over the collected crystals. For enhanced weaving with the Weavers, we recommend using the Echo (Tier 1) and Searing Storm (Tier 4) talents. They allow Muradin to slow down the attack of enemy buildings.

Mercenary camps appear in the game after level 10, and until that moment, all heroes will be busy collecting crystals and trying to prevent opponents from surrendering them. That's why Tomb of the Spider Queen is such a good card for Muradin. here his main drawback (the inability to clear the camps alone) does not play a special role. Remember: if the opponents are ahead of you in experience and have a lot of pressure in the lanes, let the enemy warriors get closer to your towers, and then use Thunderclap. This will allow you to collect crystals from a safe distance.

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They must know the Mountain King well. Muradin extremely survivable, has many stuns, and mass control is his speciality. He is one of those guys that you want to see on the front line. If you're great with tanks, you should take a closer look at him.


The first ability is Lightning Hammer, one of Muradin's most important abilities. He throws a hammer at the enemy, dealing damage and stunning them. This is a very cool ability, especially if you want to catch up with the enemy or interrupt his heroic ability. You should be ready to throw as many Lightning Hammers into battle as you can.

The second ability is Thunderclap. Muradin hits the ground and deals damage in a certain radius, as well as slowing enemies around by 25%. This is an incredibly useful ability in large team fights. You can jump or run into the enemy, use Thunderclap, use your Storm Hammers, stun and provide a better opportunity for your team, change position for yourself, or simply move away if you lose the fight.

Another thing that makes Muradin extremely useful is Dwarven Leap. An escape ability that is extremely rare for melee fighters in . With Dwarven Leap, you can simply jump at any target. It of course allows you to jump into battle and deal out Thunder Claps and Stormhammers. It also allows you to leave targets. If you are running away from the enemy, close to death, then just jump over the obstacle and hide from the chase. Dwarven Leap is very useful and one of the most important tools in your arsenal.

His passive ability Second Wind is the thing that makes Muradin incredibly survivable. If you stand out of combat for 4 seconds, Muradin gains increased health regeneration. In just a few seconds, you'll see his health go up and you'll be able to jump back into the fray. If health drops below 30%, Second Wind will restore it even faster. If you're close to death, after only a few seconds out of combat, you'll be able to come back and deal damage. You can throw Lightning Hammer, finish off the enemy, use Thunder Clap and jump out with Dwarven Leap. So, this is a very useful passive that allows you, as Muradin, to use the well just to replenish mana.


When we look for a Muradin build, one thing that jumps out at me is that it's built around this guy's hammer. At level 1, 4, and 7, we choose Lightning Hammer talents that go well with it. This is because the Lightning Hammer will be used for many purposes. This means we take Perfect Storm at level one, Sledgehammer at level four, and Piercing Hammer at level seven. These talents complement each other perfectly.

The first level talent allows you to deal extra damage. When you use Q to hit a target and successfully hit, you take an additional 5 damage for the rest of the game to Storm Hammer. This is very cool and goes well with the level 7 talent (Puncture Hammer). You can hit two targets if they are close enough.

Basically you just need to throw Storm Hammer and get an additional 10 damage for the rest of the game. This allows you to take an incredible amount of damage while the game continues. These two talents are pretty damn good with the level 4 talent (Male Hammer). You immediately deal an additional 400% Storm Hammer damage against minions, buildings, and mercenaries. This is an awesome talent. Once you start stacking the extra damage on Stormhammer, which of course works great with the 4th talent, you will instantly be able to capture the Siege Giant camp. You can easily capture mercenary camps alone and deal a huge amount of damage to buildings, especially in the late game. You will be able to destroy the tower with two Lightning Hammers.

As you can see, the first three talents complement each other perfectly. And we move on.

When we talk about level ten, we have two choices for a heroic ability. These are Avatar and Stunning Blow. Avatar is the talent you will pick up most of the time. This is a terrific talent that gives you extra health points and, on top of that, every auto-attack comes with a mini-stun.

Your main goal in teamfights is to initiate with Lightning Hammer, jump with Dwarven Leap, activate Avatar and just take out the backline of opponents.

On the other hand, Staggering Blow is a less playable ultimate that you won't use often. Usually your team relies on your survivability, so Avatar is more appropriate. But Staggering Blow is pretty fun to play with. You deal a lot of damage to the target you knock back, as well as to all targets that are in its path. And there's nothing more fun than Dwarf Leap for an opponent who doesn't expect what you're going to do, suddenly use a Stunning Blow and hurl him straight towards your team, who will deal with him. This is a very fun talent to play in a couple of quick games. However, if you plan to play serious games or in a ranked, then you should take the Avatar.

Until recently, choosing a talent at level 13 was easy for Muradin. Rewind was a required talent but has now been moved to level 20. Therefore, at the thirteenth level, there are several options. In general, there is one talent that most people take. This is Thunderclap, which deals an additional 300% damage from your Thunder Clap if you hit a single target. For example, if you're fighting in Dragon's Edge, this is a great talent for dealing extra damage.

There is also a Static Heal that you can use to heal yourself a bit. Each target you hit with Thunderclap grants you some health, which is amazing when playing against Nazeebo, for example. He catches you in a wall of zombies, you press this skill and immediately restore 10% of health. It happens to be useful.

Spell Shield is also available to you at level 13. This is another talent to look out for when it comes to survivability. If you're having trouble staying alive, Spell Shield is for you.

In general, the main talent now is Thunder Clap. The extra damage against an isolated target is extremely useful for Muradin. And, if there are no problems with survival, then always choose it.

Level 16 Talent - Stoneform. This is an amazing talent that will keep you alive. After the sixteenth level, you will become a nightmare for your opponents. It will take them a lot of time and effort to kill you. Stoneform grants you 40% health that regenerates over 8 seconds. Overall, this is a huge health bubble that you can use whenever you want: when threatened with death or when you are at half health. Use it and it will be impossible for your opponent to kill you. Especially if you have other abilities, if you subsequently use Second Wind, if you have a healer who will heal you. The stone shape is just amazing. You will love her. This is the level 16 talent you should always take.

Lots at level 20 good choice, which you can use for a heroic ability. This is a great improvement to your Avatar, as well as a new talent at level 20 - Strong Shields, which makes you practically unkillable for 4 seconds. But usually they take Rewind. It was a great talent at level 13, and it stays that way at level 20.

If you have the ability to throw Lightning Hammer twice, you will of course deal extra damage and stun more targets. Use the double Dwarven Leap, which will make you jump from the enemy like a rabbit, and you will always have an opportunity to escape. You can simply charge into the fight, throw Lightning Hammer, Thunder Clap and immediately jump back. There are a lot of options with this talent. So on the twentieth level, take the rewind and, I assure you, it will be a lot of fun.

With the build described above, Muradin becomes a truly tenacious monster. He tanks in the front lane, goes behind the opponent, does a lot of work, especially with his stun. Slightly behind in damage, but compensates for this with its survivability.

Of course, there are a couple of talents that can be changed, depending on the situation, if you want. Let's take a closer look at them.

Muradin Bronzebeard is an Alliance hero. He is the middle brother among the other two Bronzebeards. It was previously believed that Muradin died in Northrend from the impact of Frostmourne, the newfound weapon of Arthas Menethil, but later it was found out that Muradin did not die, but lost his memory and wandered through the northern wastelands until he met his brother again, who helped Muradin regain his memories. When his brother, Magni, turned into a diamond statue, Muradin became the Bronzebeards' representative on the new Council of Three Hammers.

Muradin is quite a useful hero, and by choosing some talents he can be classified as a utility tank that can deal damage. There is also an interesting version of the build with HELL PUSH buildings. But first things first.

Muradin's skills

[Passive] Second Wind

Allows you to regenerate 10 (+3) health per second if Muradin hasn't taken damage for at least 4 seconds. When the hero is below 40% health, the regeneration rate increases to 31 (+7) health per second.

Super sustain ability. We go to the fountain only for mana. Which, unfortunately, is sorely lacking. If you are chased, it helps to heal a little and survive, in general, a very good passive for a tank.

[Q] Lightning Hammer

Muradin deals 50 (+10) damage to the first enemy hit and stuns them for 1.5 seconds.

Very cool station. At a low level, in a second and a half with some Valla, you can kill a careless enemy in the lane. Lots of good talent for him.

[W] Roll of Thunder

Muradin deals 58 (+8) damage to enemies around him and reduces the movement speed of enemies by 25% for 2.5 seconds.

AOEshka. With the right talent, it can be useful, it can heal, and stun and slow, in general, the choice is huge. Lots of areas of application. For example, clear the basement, lines, or camps with sharks.

[E] Dwarven Leap

Muradin jumps to the target location and deals 35 (+5) damage to enemies in the area.

We can jump, jump, in general we jump, stand up and bludgeon everyone with a hammer. With the right talents helps to escape.


Muradin takes on a form that increases his health by 575 (+75) and stuns enemies with his basic attacks.

Each of our auto-attacks will stun the enemy for half a second. It's not very helpful. At the same time, we can knock down all flow spells (except for Diablo's electric breath)

Stunning Blow

Muradin deals 320 (+20) damage and knocks the target back, dealing 80 (+5) damage to all enemies in its path, knocking them back as well.

Excellent ability. Remember when we did the knockback combo in the ETC guide? So with this ability, we can throw the enemy almost behind our own throne. Very fun, and combos well with a push build.

Muradin's Talents

Of course, our choice of talents is luxurious, but look for which heroes the opposing team plays.

Tier 1

Block: Blocks 2 enemy auto attacks and they deal 50% damage. The fast cooldown makes the ability very cool. But we have another great counter for auto-attackers.

Echo: Heroes hit by Thunderclap have their attack speed reduced by 33% for 3.5 seconds. Flying into a crowd of enemies, we immediately experience a clap of thunder and they are not only slowed down, but also auto-attacks are slower. Very cool. In the late game, you can score on others and jump to the most dangerous right clickers, handing out a bunch of controls.

Charged Hammer: Lightning Hammer restores 45 mana to Muradin for each enemy hit. A dubious ability that reduces our Lightning Hammer to 15 mana, but only if we hit it. We suffer from a hell of a lack of mana, but compared to other talents, this tier looks weak.

Perfect Storm: When Muradin hits a Hero with Lightning Hammer, its damage is increased by 5 until the end of the game. Very good ability, which combos with the Sledgehammer talent from the next tier. 20 hits before 20 minutes is easy, and that's +100 damage.

Tier 2

Maul: Storm Hammer deals 400% damage to Minions and Structures and destroys 4 damage. building ammo. Very cool talent. From the beginning of the game, it allows you to fiercely break towers at the first levels. Thanks to Blizzard for giving experience for them. With a hammer stacked at least +100, we get +400 damage to buildings. It is very cool.

Third Wind: When Muradin reaches 50% health, his Second Wind recovery rate is increased. A very good talent that helps us to sustain more. Good talent for solo queue

Mass Control: Reduces the cooldown of Thunderclap by 0.75 seconds per target hit. Allows you to drain mana faster. More often than not, it's hard for us to hit more than three. This is very little. Not the most useful talent in my opinion.

Searing Storm: Thunder Clap leaves behind an area that explodes after 2 seconds, dealing 29 (+4) damage. Enemies in this area have their movement speed reduced by 25% for 2 seconds. Not a bad talent. Helps us to control the place of the teamfight more. I take it when I play in a team, and I know for sure that my allies will take the Executioner at level 16. In solo, I prefer the Sledgehammer or Third Wind

Skull Crusher: Every third basic attack against a single target stuns that target for 0.25 seconds. Not good. A micro stun is useful for countering flood spells, but as long as we get 3 auto-attacks… well, everything is clear here. It’s better to hit it with a hammer, and we’ll also get an increase.

Tier 3

Thrill of Battle: Our auto-attacks reduce the cooldown of skills. For push-Muradin it's the best.

Empowered Bullet: Your next auto attack after using this ability will deal more damage. Good talent for Nova, not so good for Muradin.

Piercing Hammer: Storm Hammer now travels through enemies and can hit one additional target. To hit the second hero, you need them to run in a row. If you get the hang of hitting one at a time, you can go to a new level and stun two. Personally, I don't.

Landing Boost: After landing, Muradin gains 20% movement speed for 2 seconds. A useful talent if the enemy has heroes with a gap close that can break the distance. Such a talent either helps to catch up or run away from such. Until level 7, you need to decide whether it will be useful or not.

Tier 5

Fiery Fury: AoE aura, take at will.

Spell Shield: After taking damage from an ability, you gain a shield that reduces damage taken from abilities by 50% for 2 seconds. Can only trigger once every 30 seconds. If the opponent has any Nova or Jaina, or any other procaster, then you need to take it. A useful talent that helps you tank more.

Static Healing: Each target hit by Thunderclap heals Muradin for 1.5% of their maximum health. I have already said that we will rarely hit more than 3 targets. Although the talent is not bad and helps us to survive. Take it at your discretion.

Thunderclap: If we hit a single target with Thunderclap, we will deal 300% damage. Now here's a note. Buildings also count as a single target. And golems. And all sorts of rubbish. At level 20, we deal 630 damage. Great talent for pushing.

Rewind: Resets the cooldown of our basic abilities. Not a bad talent, take it at will.

Tier 6

Presence: A good talent that reduces the attack speed of those who hit Muradin. Together with Echo, it will help to intimidate enemy carries, so you can take it if you notice that you are often focused.

Executioner: We have a lot of control, but slow auto attacks. Not as useful as other tals in this tier.

High Impact: Dwarven Leap now stuns hit enemies for 0.75 seconds. If we jump to the fleeing target, then cool. If the enemy has few streaming spells, then there are more useful talents.

There are 2 talents for survivability in this tier.

Strong Encounter: We have the Flash, so if you have problems getting out of the fight and closing the distance, then you need to take it.

Stone Form: It's just fire, not a skill! Restores 2600 HP in 8 seconds at level 20. You can solo push without giving a damn about everyone, super talent, I take it.

Tier 7

If you have lived to level 20, then the game is not going so smoothly. Resurrection is very useful if you get killed a lot. If you are a tank buff avatars are also very good. The second charge of the “stunning blow”, it’s nothing, the resurrection is better.

In general, it turns out to be a very useful hero who can unrealistically push solo buildings, and in a teamfight, distribute control and survive.

This is the build I get most often:

Damage to buildings at 20 is simply inadequate, you can score on all map events just go along with the team and break the throne.

Tactics and positioning.

Muradin is good in lane. At the beginning of the game, it will be useful to go to the lane with a good DD, because for the stun you can kill some thin enemy hero.

Your main task in a teamfight is to disable enemy strong carries. And that means you have to hit with a hammer.

If you manage to jump behind your back, for example, to Raynor, then immediately push him to your allies so that they can deal with him.

If it allows you to freely break towers and forts, then use it, it will lead you to victory faster.

Don't forget the Stone Form. Even without heals, you can freely tank enemy buildings with your team.

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