The earth around its axis is shifting. Why does the earth rotate on its axis? How the seasons change

We know perfectly well that our planet rotates around its axis, thanks to which we see day and night. However, the Earth, although very slowly, is gradually slowing down. Scientists say that it will stop completely in many billions of years. People will probably not catch this moment, because by that time the Sun will increase in size and destroy first life on Earth, and then the planet itself. In this article, we will try to simulate the following situation: what will happen if the earth stops rotating in the foreseeable future.

Why does rotation happen at all?

According to the generally accepted theory, the rotation of the Earth is due to processes that took place even at the time of its formation. In those days, clouds of cosmic dust huddled into one "heap", to which other cosmic bodies were attracted. As a result of this confusion, the planet formed over billions of years. And its rotation is due to the inertia that remained after the collision with those very cosmic bodies.

Why is the Earth slowing down?

At the dawn of its existence, our planet rotated much faster. The day then was about 6 hours. The opinion became popular, then most of all the change in the speed of the earth's rotation is influenced by the moon. With its force of attraction, it causes fluctuations in the water level in the earth's oceans. Because of the tides, the Earth seems to sway, which leads to its very slow deceleration.

What would happen if the Earth suddenly stopped?

Yes, this option is almost unbelievable, but why not?

Today, the speed of rotation of the Earth is no less than 1670 km / h. With the sudden stop of the planet, everything that was on its surface, including people, will be instantly swept away due to the effect of centrifugal force. In fact, the Earth will stop, and objects on its surface will continue to move.

This option is perhaps more acceptable to people, because everything will happen so quickly that no one will understand anything. But in the case of the gradual deceleration of the Earth, we will have to experience many devastating consequences.

What will happen if the Earth gradually stops its rotation?

Now let's move on to a more realistic simulation of the situation, if our planet began to slow down much faster and humanity still caught the moment of its stop.

We already know that our planet will stop only in billions of years, but hypothetically it could happen even earlier. Scientists do not exclude that the planet's rotation speed may decrease, for example, due to a collision with an asteroid. Such an event in itself would be disastrous for earthlings, and a slowdown in the planet's rotation would be an unpleasant bonus to everything. But let's imagine that this happened without the participation of huge asteroids, but for more "invisible reasons."

Light and darkness

The first thing that comes to mind is eternal day on one hemisphere and eternal night on the other. In fact, these are trifles compared to other global changes, ranging from terrible cataclysms to the redistribution of the waters of the oceans, which will lead to the mass death of all life on the planet.

The concept of day will disappear. On one side of the Earth there will be eternal day. At the same time, constant sunshine will destroy many plants, and the soil will dry out and crack. The dark side of the Earth will be like a snowy tundra. Scientists believe that an intermediate region between day and night will be more or less suitable.

Equator without oceans

The waters of the oceans will change their location, shifting from the equator to the poles. That is the equatorial line will become one large piece of land, and many continental zones closer to the poles will be flooded. The fact is that our planet is slightly convex due to rotation, so it has a kind of “hump” along the equator. Thus, after the Earth stops, the waters of the World Ocean will cease to be evenly retained and will actually “drain” from the equator.

Climate and the habitability of the planet

In addition to the fact that land and oceans will look different on Earth, the climate will also change dramatically. Right now the winds are blowing parallel to the equator, but if what happens happens, they will blow from the equator towards the poles. The trends will naturally change. It is difficult to say what climatic conditions will be in a particular region, but you can be sure that one hemisphere will be arid, and the other incredibly cold.

Earth's atmosphere is like ocean waters, closer to the poles it will become denser, and thinner at the equator.

Due to the fact that the metal core of the Earth rotates, there is a magnetic field around it. It provides protection from the destructive solar wind and from high-energy particles from space. There will be no rotation magnetic field, and therefore, all living things will die under direct sunlight.

Among the representatives of animal and plant species will be inevitable. Flooding of large areas, climate change, natural disasters - all this will clearly reduce the diversity of life on Earth.

Can people survive?

Certainly people would be able to adapt to the new conditions. There aren't many places left to survive. People will be able to live in small areas on the border of day and night. In such places there will be an eternal dawn or sunset, depending on the hemispheres. In addition, it will not be possible to settle along the entire “favorable line”, since a large part of the land will be flooded by oceans, and you will have to choose an area where there will be optimal atmospheric pressure and temperature.

It is possible that due to dangerous cosmic radiation, people will have to move underground and organize their livelihoods there, and spacesuits will be needed to walk on the surface.

Like other planets of the solar system, it makes 2 main movements: around its own axis and around the sun. Since ancient times, it is on these two regular movements that the calculation of time and the ability to draw up calendars have been based.

A day is the time of rotation around its own axis. A year is a revolution around the sun. The division into months is also in direct connection with astronomical phenomena - their duration is associated with the phases of the moon.

Rotation of the Earth around its own axis

Our planet rotates around its own axis from west to east, that is, counterclockwise (when viewed from the North Pole.) The axis is a virtual straight line that crosses the globe in the region of the North and South Poles, i.e. the poles have a fixed position and do not participate in rotary motion, while all other locations on the earth's surface rotate, and the rotation speed is not identical and depends on their position in relation to the equator - the closer to the equator, the higher the rotation speed.

For example, in the region of Italy, the rotation speed is approximately 1200 km / h. The consequences of the rotation of the Earth around its axis are the change of day and night and the apparent movement of the celestial sphere.

Indeed, it seems that the stars and other celestial bodies of the night sky are moving in the opposite direction to our movement with the planet (that is, from east to west).

It seems that the stars are located around the North Star, which is located on an imaginary line - a continuation of the earth's axis in a northerly direction. The movement of the stars is not evidence that the Earth rotates on its axis, because this movement could be a consequence of the rotation of the celestial sphere, if we assume that the planet occupies a fixed, immovable position in space.

Foucault pendulum

Irrefutable proof that the Earth rotates around its own axis was presented in 1851 by Foucault, who conducted the famous pendulum experiment.

Imagine that, being at the North Pole, we set a pendulum in oscillatory motion. The external force acting on the pendulum is gravity, while it does not affect the change in the direction of oscillation. If we prepare a virtual pendulum that leaves tracks on the surface, we can make sure that after a while the tracks move in a clockwise direction.

This rotation can be associated with two factors: either with the rotation of the plane on which the pendulum oscillates, or with the rotation of the entire surface.

The first hypothesis can be rejected, taking into account that there are no forces on the pendulum capable of changing the plane of oscillatory motions. It follows from this that it is the Earth that rotates, and it makes movements around its own axis. This experiment was carried out in Paris by Foucault, he used a huge pendulum in the form of a bronze sphere weighing about 30 kg, suspended from a 67-meter cable. The starting point of oscillatory movements was fixed on the surface of the floor of the Pantheon.

So, it is the Earth that rotates, and not the celestial sphere. People observing the sky from our planet fix the movement of both the Sun and the planets, i.e. All objects in the universe are in motion.

Time criterion - day

A day is the length of time it takes for the Earth to complete one rotation around its own axis. There are two definitions of the term “day”. A "solar day" is the time interval of the Earth's rotation, in which . Another concept - "sidereal day" - implies a different starting point - any star. The duration of the two types of day is not identical. The longitude of a sidereal day is 23 h 56 min 4 s, while the longitude of the solar day is 24 hours.

The different duration is due to the fact that the Earth, rotating around its own axis, also performs an orbital rotation around the Sun.

In principle, the duration of a solar day (although it is taken as 24 hours) is a variable value. This is due to the fact that the movement of the Earth in its orbit occurs at a variable speed. When the Earth is closer to the Sun, the speed of its movement in orbit is higher, as it moves away from the sun, the speed decreases. In this regard, such a concept as “average solar day” was introduced, namely, their duration is 24 hours.

Circulation around the Sun at a speed of 107,000 km / h

The speed of the Earth around the Sun is the second main movement of our planet. The earth moves in an elliptical orbit, i.e. the orbit is elliptical. When it is in close proximity to the Earth and falls into its shadow, eclipses occur. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is approximately 150 million kilometers. Astronomy uses a unit to measure distances within the solar system; it is called the “astronomical unit” (AU).

The speed at which the Earth moves in its orbit is approximately 107,000 km/h.
The angle formed by the earth's axis and the plane of the ellipse is approximately 66 ° 33 ', this is a constant value.

If you observe the Sun from the Earth, it seems that it is it that moves across the sky during the year, passing through the stars and that make up the Zodiac. In fact, the Sun also passes through the constellation Ophiuchus, but it does not belong to the Zodiac circle.

Our planet is in constant motion. Together with the Sun, it moves in space around the center of the Galaxy. And that, in turn, moves in the universe. But highest value for all living things, the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and its own axis plays. Without this movement, the conditions on the planet would be unsuitable for sustaining life.

solar system

Earth as a planet of the solar system, according to scientists, was formed more than 4.5 billion years ago. During this time, the distance from the sun practically did not change. The speed of the planet and the gravitational pull of the sun balance its orbit. It is not perfectly round, but stable. If the force of attraction of the star were stronger or the speed of the Earth decreased noticeably, then it would fall on the Sun. Otherwise, sooner or later it would fly into space, ceasing to be part of the system.

The distance from the Sun to the Earth makes it possible to maintain the optimum temperature on its surface. The atmosphere also plays an important role in this. As the Earth rotates around the Sun, the seasons change. Nature has adapted to such cycles. But if our planet were further away, then the temperature on it would become negative. If it were closer, all the water would evaporate, since the thermometer would exceed the boiling point.

The path of a planet around a star is called an orbit. The trajectory of this flight is not perfectly round. It has an ellipse. The maximum difference is 5 million km. The closest point of the orbit to the Sun is at a distance of 147 km. It's called perihelion. Its land passes in January. In July, the planet is at its maximum distance from the star. The greatest distance is 152 million km. This point is called aphelion.

The rotation of the Earth around its axis and the Sun provides, respectively, a change in daily regimes and annual periods.

For a person, the movement of the planet around the center of the system is imperceptible. This is because the mass of the Earth is enormous. Nevertheless, every second we fly through space about 30 km. It seems unrealistic, but such are the calculations. On average, it is believed that the Earth is located at a distance of about 150 million km from the Sun. It makes one complete revolution around the star in 365 days. The distance traveled in a year is almost a billion kilometers.

The exact distance that our planet travels in a year, moving around the sun, is 942 million km. Together with her, we move in space in an elliptical orbit at a speed of 107,000 km / h. The direction of rotation is from west to east, that is, counterclockwise.

The planet does not complete a complete revolution in exactly 365 days, as is commonly believed. It still takes about six hours. But for the convenience of chronology, this time is taken into account in total for 4 years. As a result, one additional day “runs in”, it is added in February. Such a year is considered a leap year.

The speed of rotation of the Earth around the Sun is not constant. It has deviations from the mean. This is due to the elliptical orbit. The difference between the values ​​is most pronounced at the points of perihelion and aphelion and is 1 km/sec. These changes are imperceptible, since we and all the objects around us move in the same coordinate system.

change of seasons

The rotation of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the planet's axis make it possible for the seasons to change. It is less noticeable at the equator. But closer to the poles, the annual cyclicity is more pronounced. The northern and southern hemispheres of the planet are heated by the energy of the Sun unevenly.

Moving around the star, they pass four conditional points of the orbit. At the same time, twice in turn during the semi-annual cycle, they turn out to be further or closer to it (in December and June - the days of the solstices). Accordingly, in a place where the surface of the planet warms up better, there the temperature environment above. The period in such a territory is usually called summer. In the other hemisphere at this time it is noticeably colder - it is winter there.

After three months of such movement, with a frequency of six months, the planetary axis is located in such a way that both hemispheres are in the same conditions for heating. At this time (in March and September - the days of the equinox) the temperature regimes are approximately equal. Then, depending on the hemisphere, autumn and spring come.

earth axis

Our planet is a spinning ball. Its movement is carried out around a conditional axis and occurs according to the principle of a top. Leaning with the base in the plane in the untwisted state, it will maintain balance. When the speed of rotation weakens, the top falls.

The earth has no stop. The forces of attraction of the Sun, the Moon and other objects of the system and the Universe act on the planet. Nevertheless, it maintains a constant position in space. The speed of its rotation, obtained during the formation of the nucleus, is sufficient to maintain relative equilibrium.

The earth's axis passes through the planet's ball is not perpendicular. It is inclined at an angle of 66°33´. The rotation of the Earth on its axis and the Sun makes it possible to change the seasons of the year. The planet would "tumble" in space if it did not have a strict orientation. There would be no question of any constancy of environmental conditions and life processes on its surface.

Axial rotation of the Earth

The rotation of the Earth around the Sun (one revolution) occurs during the year. During the day it alternates between day and night. If you look at the Earth's North Pole from space, you can see how it rotates counterclockwise. It completes a full rotation in about 24 hours. This period is called a day.

The speed of rotation determines the speed of the change of day and night. In one hour, the planet rotates approximately 15 degrees. The speed of rotation at different points on its surface is different. This is due to the fact that it has a spherical shape. At the equator, the linear speed is 1669 km / h, or 464 m / s. Closer to the poles, this figure decreases. At the thirtieth latitude, the linear speed will already be 1445 km / h (400 m / s).

Due to axial rotation, the planet has a slightly compressed shape from the poles. Also, this movement "forces" moving objects (including air and water flows) to deviate from the original direction (Coriolis force). Another important consequence of this rotation is the ebbs and flows.

the change of night and day

A spherical object with the only light source at a certain moment is only half illuminated. In relation to our planet in one part of it at this moment there will be a day. The unlit part will be hidden from the Sun - there is night. Axial rotation makes it possible to change these periods.

In addition to the light regime, the conditions for heating the surface of the planet with the energy of the luminary change. This cycle is important. The speed of change of light and thermal regimes is carried out relatively quickly. In 24 hours, the surface does not have time to either overheat or cool below the optimum.

The rotation of the Earth around the Sun and its axis with a relatively constant speed is of decisive importance for the animal world. Without the constancy of the orbit, the planet would not have stayed in the zone of optimal heating. Without axial rotation, day and night would last for six months. Neither one nor the other would contribute to the origin and preservation of life.

Uneven rotation

Mankind has become accustomed to the fact that the change of day and night occurs constantly. This served as a kind of standard of time and a symbol of the uniformity of life processes. The period of rotation of the Earth around the Sun to a certain extent is influenced by the ellipse of the orbit and other planets of the system.

Another feature is the change in the length of the day. The axial rotation of the Earth is uneven. There are several main reasons. Seasonal fluctuations associated with the dynamics of the atmosphere and the distribution of precipitation are important. In addition, the tidal wave, directed against the motion of the planet, constantly slows it down. This figure is negligible (for 40 thousand years for 1 second). But over 1 billion years, under the influence of this, the length of the day increased by 7 hours (from 17 to 24).

The consequences of the Earth's rotation around the Sun and its axis are being studied. These studies are of great practical and scientific importance. They are used not only to accurately determine stellar coordinates, but also to identify patterns that can affect human life processes and natural phenomena in hydrometeorology and other fields.

The yellowed sheets of Galileo's Dialogues rustled quietly in the autumn wind. The three brothers sat on the veranda of the house with their heads bowed thoughtfully. Was sad. The four-day "conversation", which is almost four hundred years old, ended, the conversation about the two most important systems of the world - Ptolemaic and Copernican.

No matter how interesting a book is, it always comes to an end. But the book does not die, especially this one. It remains to live in our memory, in our thoughts. And so, in order to revive the lost feeling for a while, the three brothers conceived - and they were a mathematician, astronomer and linguist (as we will call them in the future) - to lead a conversation or dispute on some similar issue.

There were three participants in the Dialogue: Sagredo, Salviati and Simplicio, and there were just three brothers. There was also a suitable topic of conversation that suited everyone. Namely, since Galileo proved that the Earth rotates, it is reasonable to ask this question: “Why does the Earth rotate precisely counterclockwise?” That's what they decided on.

The first, as an older brother, was the Mathematician. He clarified that the direction of rotation is a relative characteristic. When viewed from the North Pole, the Earth rotates counterclockwise, and when viewed from the South Pole, it rotates clockwise. So the question doesn't make sense.

“Here you are mistaken,” objected the Astronomer, who is the middle brother. - The northern hemisphere of the Earth is considered the upper one, and people usually look from its side. It is not for nothing that globes with a fixed axis have the northern hemisphere as the upper one. Even we, astronomers, a strict people, say: “above the plane of the ecliptic”, i.e. the plane of the Earth's orbit, when we mean the half-space from the side of the northern hemisphere, and “under”, when from the side of the southern. Although sailors call latitudes high, close not only to the North, but also to the South Pole, and low - close to the equator. True, the point here is rather that the absolute value of latitude increases when moving in both directions from the equator. But the very concept of high latitude originated in the northern hemisphere.

“Brother Astronomer is right,” Linguist, the younger brother, confirmed. – And although the childish statement that the Earth has an up and down is a historical relic and a consequence of the emergence of civilization in the northern hemisphere, but it’s accepted and it’s more convenient this way. If you ask a question strictly, then it sounds too cumbersome: “Why does the Earth, seen from the North Pole, rotate counterclockwise?”

“All right, I’ll answer that question as well,” said the Mathematician, smiling slyly. - Just answer me first, - he tossed a coin and showed it to everyone, - why did it fall heads, and not tails? You see, the appearance of rotation clockwise or counterclockwise, as well as the loss of heads or tails, are random and equally probable events.

“Well, you are mistaken here,” the Astronomer interrupted. - V solar system counterclockwise rotation (when viewed from the north ecliptic pole) is predominant, and therefore more likely. Therefore, we astronomers call this movement direct, although it is “against”, and clockwise movement is called reverse, although it is “along”. Yes, and physicists with mathematicians, apparently, therefore they took counterclockwise movement for the positive direction of rotation and bypass. Everything that is possible moves in this way: the surface of the Sun, the planets in orbits and around the axis, satellites and rings around the planets and around the axis, the asteroid belt. Only a few celestial bodies have a reverse movement: couch potato Uranus, together with all its satellites, tilted the axis of rotation under the plane of the orbit by eight degrees; the lazy Venus, which has the longest day of 243 Earth days; some outer satellites of the giant planets and a few comets and asteroids. The predominance of direct motion in the solar system is explained by the fact that the protoplanetary cloud from which it arose had such a direction of rotation. So the chance that the Earth would begin to rotate clockwise is extremely small.

In response to this, the Mathematician, who knew how to make a model out of anything, pulled out a bus ticket from his pocket and asked:

“Did you know that the chance that the number of this ticket could turn out to be “847935” was one in a million, and yet, as you can see, it was he who fell out. And all because it makes no sense to look for the probability of an event after it has happened. In addition, it makes sense to talk about probability only for events that can be repeated, that can be reproduced or observed in large numbers, and there can be no regularities in one event. That is why, for example, one cannot talk about the temperature or pressure of a gas in a volume that includes only one or a few molecules. In addition, you claim that the direction of the Earth's rotation is determined by the direction of rotation of the proto-cloud, but, meanwhile, you forget that it is itself random. You could, for example, study the initial conditions when a coin is tossed and calculate which side it will land on. This suggests that, in principle, the fall of a coin is not a random event. But the point here is not that the result cannot be predicted, but that it is unpredictable without knowledge of the initial conditions, which are themselves random. Therefore, both directions of rotation for the Earth are equally probable. Now you, I hope, understand that it is pointless to argue, - the Mathematician finished with the air of a winner. “Am I right, Brother Linguist?”

Both of you are basically right. The dispute is about words and wording. It all depends on what meaning you put into the question. Naturally, everyone looked for and found a solution to the question in a meaning close to it: a mathematician searches through probabilities, an astronomer through cosmogony, and I will now give you a third interpretation. Since I am a linguist, I am looking for meaning, first of all, in the meaning of words. His eyes fell on the clock. - That's who will judge us. You, when you hear about clockwise rotation, imagine a specific direction, and I see the word “clock”. For me, "clockwise" is the direction that coincides with the course of the hour hand of our clock. The question is, why did people choose the course of the hour hand as the main direction, and not, say, the direction of rotation of the potter's wheel or the rotation of the minute hand? And in general, why did people make the hour hand rotate in the direction we know? I don't think it's a coincidence. The direction of movement of the arrow in a mechanical watch was taken to be the direction of rotation of the pointer in the first clock created by man - in solar. It was they who determined not only the appearance of modern mechanical watches and the speed of rotation of their hour hand (only it began to rotate twice as slowly as the shadow and arrow in some previous 24-hour dials), but also in general the appearance of devices with a circular scale and an arrow pointer. Only the movement of the hour hand-shadow in a sundial had an invariable direction of rotation and could always be reproduced - that's why people took it as a standard. Note that the shadow from the pillar, as you know, rotates clockwise - in the same direction in which the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky takes place. But, as was shown by Galileo, in reality the Sun is motionless, and its apparent movement is caused by the rotation of the Earth in the opposite direction, i.e. exactly counterclockwise. Thus, it is clear that the Earth can only rotate counterclockwise, if by this we mean not a specific direction, but the direction of the hour hand-shadow in a sun or mechanical watch. If the Earth rotated in the opposite direction, then the movement of the hour hand would also be different.

“Well, brother, you are strong,” said the Mathematician admiringly. - It's incredible. It turns out that if civilization arose in southern hemisphere, you would find that the Earth rotates counterclockwise from their side. After all, their sun moves across the sky in the direction opposite to ours, which means that their hour hand would rotate oppositely.

Since childhood, you have been bombarded with information about the Round Earth, which moves around the Sun, plus it itself rotates around its own axis. Drawings, films, atlases, maps, even weather forecasts and film studio logos are made with the globe of the Earth.

But once you think about it why?“at least for a minute, you understand that you zombie. And the Flat Earth is much more obvious, simple and beautiful than the most incredible attempts to make you believe EARS, and not EYES or FEELINGS.

Do you know why Flat Earth is so popular with ordinary people?

1. From the window looks flat to the horizon.
2. The earth feels stationary. Any part of the world. At the Pole and at the Equator.
3. The sun and moon look the same in size. Although you are persistently buzzing in your ears that the Moon is 400 times closer, and 400 times smaller than the Sun. Ideal " 2 » 400 matches.
4. 99% of photographs from space are simply created by NASA PHOTOSHOP, or assembled from pieces. Flat pieces of the Flat Earth stretched over the Ball.

Therefore, one does not have to go far to understand why the Flat Earth is understandable to people. She is attractive and you have always felt that Beauty should be simple.

Because always

« ingenious = simple»

Today is our Final Scene.

We will discuss one more thing that puts an end to the conversation about the Round or flat earth. We will discuss how Earth is spinning.

As always, help us Professor Sharov (PS ) from the official point of view, Professor Wonderful (PZ ) with an original point of view. And you make a choice which explanation you like best.

That is, YOU DECIDE- "Round Earth or not" as a result of the vote I will give you 5 easy examples, and you put your ratings.

Play: Star Wars. The flat earthers strike back."

Scene 3. "Planet Earth Spinning?"


Let's check our reality based on 5 examples. I will put a vote after each of the examples so that readers can appreciate the explanations of the professors.

Question 1. How does water hold onto the spinning Earth? Examples: washing machine, carousel and hammers of the Olympians.
Question 2. As the ashes of moving volcanoes and explosions rise vertically UP. And the smoke from a moving train always goes BACK. LOTS OF PHOTOS.
Question 3. How bombs from an aircraft hit the target + the flight time of the East-West aircraft. Flights and SCREENSHOTS.
Question 4. A person's jump from a height of 30 km = "". How they take us for fools.
Question 5.Shooting Artillery and



You : Good day, gentlemen PS and PZ. We haven't seen each other for a long time, and I want to ask you so many questions. Today we finally managed to meet, and let's get down to business.

I have questions and want to find out what is the best explanation with your help.

PS : With pleasure.

You : Professor Sharov, tell us official version how the earth spins so we can brush up on physics and geography.

PS : The earth rotates on its axis from West to East.

The speed of the Earth's rotation at the equator is 1,666 km/h. The rotation speed at the poles is 0 km/h.

The speed at the Equator is easy to calculate by the formula: the length of the Equator / the time of a complete revolution - 40,000 km / 24 hours. We know that Noon occurs 24 hours later, that is, the Sun is at its zenith 24 hours after the previous zenith, which is considered a complete circular rotation.

You: OK.

You : What about you, Professor Wonderful?

PZ : The earth does not spin and you know it very well. Look around you. Can you see the wind at 1,666 km/h? No, you don't.

Do you know why?

Because there is no rotation. Here is the still Lake Victoria at the Equator, between Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. It is so motionless that you can see the sky, mountains and yourself in its reflection.

Do you think that this is possible when there is supposedly wind 1 666 km / h? Do you know what speed is? 1 666 km / h? How awesome is this power?

The most powerful level 5 hurricane has an air speed of only 250 km/h.

Do you know what a human face looks like at a speed of 250 km/h? Show?

Hurricane at 250 km/h in the face.

With lips really can BLOW OFF lipstick!

However, on Earth we see the following patterns, where the rotation speed NAMNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO exceeds 250 km/h, almost 7 times! Will there be a similar landscape with such a wind? Risk money, what is it possible?

So it seems to me a little lie Let's put it mildly when scientists say that the Earth rotates at a speed 1,666 km / h at the Equator, and at a speed of about 950 km/h at latitude Moscow. Moscow is located at a latitude of 55 degrees, between Oslo and Kiev. V Moscow the rotation speed is 4 times the effect that you saw with the faces of the people above.

PS : I'm surprised to hear this from you. Professor Wonderful that you don't believe the official science.

PZ : Science does not need FAITH, Professor Sharov. Science needs evidence and facts. If there is no evidence and facts, then such information is called RELIGION. And you know it very well. Nevertheless, you claim that there is a speed of 1,666 km/h?

PS : Of course have. You don't feel it because the atmosphere spins along with the Earth's surface. That is, explaining plain language, the atmosphere of the Earth is glued tightly to the surface, ABOVE which it spins and behaves like the same stone lying ON the Earth.

A rock ON THE earth = air ABOVE Earth.

You: Seriously?

In other words, official science chooses the option where The earth spins with the atmosphere, which is also tightly glued to it?

PS: Yes.

You : I'll know. So my first question is:

Question 1. How does water stay on the spinning Earth?

I am surprised by the fact that PS states: Earth = Spinning and 70% of the Earth's surface is water. There is a direct contradiction between these two statements.

What is the contradiction?

Look, here is a washing machine.

She has a function water extraction. When the drum begins to rotate very quickly, and the water flies to the sides, passing through the slots in the drum. Depending on the speed, a different amount of water is squeezed out. At 1000 rpm - the maximum effect.

What you see is called centrifugal force. When an object moving along an arc is subjected to a buoyant force, pushing it away from the center.

This is how the car behaves on the road when it sharply goes into a turn.

This is what the carousel looks like at low speed. Armchairs are hanging. When the speed increases, the chair raises above the rest point, in the maximum position it goes up to 90 degrees.

Here are the athletes who disperse " hammer» before the throw. Athletes spin around its axis"and the ball on the wire flies away at 85 meters!


Then tell me, Professor Sharov, how does water stay on the rotating Sphere-Earth?

For those who did not understand what this example was about, here are thousands experiments how water would behave at the Equator of the Spinning Ball if it were true. Water doesn't stick to the spinning ball!

PS : The earth is spinning too slowly! Water doesn't feel it. And I don't feel it either.

You :What do you think Professor Wonderful?

PZ : There is no rotation, just as there is no ball. It is obvious. Water is at rest. I trust the facts and what I see in thousands of Experiments around.

Example 1. Water and washers.

Water and washing machines? Yes, okay... Then question 2 will not leave you indifferent.

Question 2. like ashes moving volcanoes and explosions rises vertically UP. And the smoke from moving trains always leave BACK? LOTS OF PHOTOS.

I think you are familiar with such pictures? When steam trains were running on rails, the smoke from them always went BACK. The train is moving, but the smoke is not.

But the same train is at the station. STANDS motionless. The smoke rises UP.


And now it starts MAGIC !

What do they look like ash emissions from volcanoes and ash emissions from bomb explosions on

« rotating at 1,666 km/h Earth «?

Sinaburg volcano, Malaysia. Right on the Equator.
1 666 km/h wind speed around.

The height of the ash is 3 km! Vertical pole! On the Equator!

Another ejection of a 6 km ash column. Volcano Klyuchevskiy in Kamchatka. Higher than clouds! Vertically up!

Volcano Sakurajima. Japan. The height of the pillar is 5 kilometers! How does a big steam locomotive smoke outside the city, right?

Little height?

Here is the explosion of the nuclear bomb "Unicorn" (Licorne) in French Polynesia, Muroroa Atoll. 20 degrees south latitude. Under the Equator. Speed 1500 km/h in this place.

The height of the mushroom is 24 kilometers!

Feel the wind at the Equator?

Mushroom from the explosion of a hydrogen bomb on Eniwetok Atoll, in the Pacific Ocean.

Mushroom height 24 km.

See the clouds below?

The upper part of the fungus has reached the Stratosphere.

But, all this is nonsense, compared to what kind of bomb was detonated on Novaya Zemlya. Meet. Photo of the fungus Tsar Bomba from a distance of 160 km!

The height of the mushroom is 64 km!

And this is for comparison. Near the airplane below is the height of the first bomb "Unicorn = Licorne".

Now a question?

Where did the speed of the earth's rotation go??

Each of these mushrooms, from volcanoes, from explosions, rises vertically upwards. It does not blow away, does not inflate, nothing at all happens to thousands of tons of dust.

What do you say Professor Sharov?

PS : This is how it should be on a rotating Earth. I told you that the atmosphere spins with the surface.

You : Yes? The only problem is that with height the wind speed must rise! And the higher, the stronger. The mushroom should be smeared in the direction of rotation, that is, from East to West. It's just basic mechanics.

Here is a disk with 3 areas, red, green, blue.

You understand that the closer to the center of the disk, the lower the speed. In the black dot in the center - the speed is 0, the farther from the center, the higher the speed. After all, the disk makes a full circle with any of its parts. The edge of the blue disk rotates simultaneously with the edge of the green and red disks.

Here are 2 guys on the carousel. One sits pressed to the center, and he is fine, and the legs of the second describe huge circles around.

Why am I saying this?

To the fact that if the Earth is Spinning, then your air speed should rise with Height if it is firmly stuck to the surface of the Earth, as stated Professor Sharov.

With height= rising SPEED air.

If so,

then we have huge cumulus the clouds should be stretching in an easterly direction, because the Earth is spinning in the East direction, and the speed of the Atmosphere increases with height! This is according to you, Professor Sharov.

What do we have? We have mushrooms 24 and 64 km, which


I keep trying to see the wind in the East direction.

PS: It's impossible.

You : Impossible in your theory. What about you, Professor Wonderful?

PZ: The earth doesn't spin, and the atmosphere is not spinning. Air masses are carried by wind and temperature differences over specific areas of the Earth. Everything as you see with your own eyes. As altitude increases, air speed does not increase. She has nowhere to go. Therefore, mushrooms from nuclear explosions will simply rise up and dissipate in the upper atmosphere. Matches the photo.

Asking readers for help

Example 2. Volcanoes, explosions, clouds.

    The earth is motionless. The atmosphere is still. 78%, 1445 votes

    I see a speed of 1,666 km / h! 14%, 252 votes

    I see clouds that break strictly in height! 9%, 158 votes

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Let's move on to the bombing and the war.

Question 3. How bombs from an airplane hit the target, + East-West flight time. Flights and SCREENSHOTS.

You know what's in the world bombers= planes that drop bombs from a height?

What interests me?

How do they hit the target when:


The bomb falls from a height at 7000 m in 37.7 sec.

Math minute :)

Bomb drop time = square root (2*height / 9.81).

37.7 seconds flies "parcel" from 7 km!

The aircraft is moving and the bomb travels an additional distance from the location " Reset» to the place « bang". Right right?


The only problem is that what they saw on the SCHEME is possible only on STANDING EARTH.

As soon as you talk about the rotating Earth, then you have


If we take this moment into account, then it is possible to bomb targets only by entering from the EASTERN direction, compensating for the rotation of the Earth.

FACTS say otherwise. You can bomb targets from any direction. Here is an excerpt from pilot's manual .

Page 136. You can reach the target with ANYONE directions. No amendment to the East direction (such as the official Rotation of the Earth). Aim edits are calculated immediately FOR ALL directions.

Page 137-138. The crew must be able to drop bombs from any previously unknown direction, excluding North South. Because the main direction can be protected by anti-aircraft guns, poor visibility, etc.

Dropping bombs does not depend on the rotation of the Earth. And why? But because she is motionless.

Another interesting fact in a piggy bank.

Airplane from London to New York flies LONGER than a plane from New York to London. Longer exactly for an hour.

And the whole jump was needed, to show you more pictures of the ROTATING Round Earth.


If a person does not see the difference between the first and second photo below, then in such a head you can pour ANYTHING.

See how the line bends to the left, on the word " ZENITH» at the bottom of the photo.

You : Professor Sharov Did the earth forget to turn that day? Instead of a turn of 1000 km, at least, we saw only 68 kilometers?

PS : Felix did not leave the Earth's atmosphere, so in this case he did not feel the rotation. He would have to climb to a height of 150 km and above.

You : That is, we will not be able to see any wind up to a height of 150 km?

PS : Yes. Up to 150 km altitude, everything will look exactly the same as on non-rotating earth.

You : Who can fly to an altitude above 150 km?

PS : Exactly not you. Military, and only verified personnel.

PZ : I'll put in my reply. Here Richard Branson(billionaire from England).

He promised back in 2004 that there would soon be space flights for everyone. Collected money from gullible citizens, showed a couple of prototypes. Moreover, he called the Cosmos a height of 16 km, with the necessary 100-150 km (Professor Sharov). Outside 2017, his Virgin Galactic ships still don't fly. One crashed under suspicious circumstances, after that everything went quiet.

Now a new billionaire, Elon Musk, claims space flights for tourists in the near future ... Moon, Mars, applicants are being selected. See, nothing will come of it again. Just like last time. And all because:

Space = CLOSED.

If you can be sure from Space that the Earth is Round or the Earth is Flat, will everyone be allowed to fly into Space in the near future?

Example 4. Will space be opened to ordinary people?

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And now the cash prize, those who were with us until the very end

Question 5.Shooting Artillery and opportunity to earn 1 500 c.u.

Artillery is a large caliber firearm. In order for her projectile to hit the target, the gunner must take into account many amendments. The main ones are:

- wind,
- time of the year,
- condensate in the barrel,
- air temperature.

Knowing these things, you can shoot quite well. Do you know what amendment they never take into account:

DO NOT take into account the MOVEMENT ( ROTATION) of the EARTH.

They don't pay attention to her at all. At the same time they hit!

Let's move on to the deal 1 500 USD.

For those who still believe that The earth is spinning I propose the following experiment.

1. We take a cannon, we tie our "believer" to it. Expect calm weather.

2. We understand the gun at an angle of 90 degrees (vertically up).

3. We shoot!

We wait…

The projectile, according to the official theory, must deflect to the side, for every second that it is not tied to the surface of the Earth, and is not tied to the gun. Next to the blue little man he fall



But, if it so happens that a shell falls on his head, then he will be given + he will go down in the history of science forever! Ready to earn the easiest money of your life without risking anything?

I bet a thousand bucks that the Earth doesn't spin!

PS: Yes it is, I ... pass.

PZ : I will add more 500 bucks on top, if there is a daredevil)))

Tell your friends that they offer an experiment on the Internet.