Create in Photoshop effect for a photo in the style of the game GTA. The best GTA style games How to make a collage in gta style

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a colorful photo effect in the style of the game. grand theft Auto V. I will try to explain everything in as much detail as possible so that even beginners can get no less amazing results.

1. Document preparation

Step 1

First, open the photo with which we will work. For this, we pass file- open(File - Open), select the file on the computer and click on the button open(Open). Now, before starting editing, we check the document settings:

  • The photo must be in RGB color mode, 8 bits/channel(bit/channel). To check this, go Image-Mode(Image - Mode).
  • The result of the tutorial will look better if you set the document size between 2000-4000 pixels in width/height. For this, we pass Image- Imagesize(Image - Image Size).
  • The photo should be the background layer. If it is not, apply to it layer- New- backgroundfromlayer(Layers - New - Layer from background).

Step 2

Now we need to expand the work canvas up so that there is more free space to work with. For this, we pass Image-Canvassize(Image - Canvas Size) and set the settings as shown below:

2. Select the model

Step 1

In this section, we will select our model and transfer it to a separate layer. We take the tool QuickSelectionTool(Q) (Quick Selection) and select the background on the photo. With the Shift and Alt keys you can add/remove selection areas. When you're done with the selection, press Ctrl+Shift+I to invert it.

Step 2

Now let's move on Select- Modify- Smooth sampleRadius(Radius) by 5 pixels. After that we pass Select- Modify- contract(Select - Modify - Compress) and install contractBy(Squeeze by) 1 pixel. And we pass again Select- Modify- Feather(Select - Modify - Feather) and set FeatherRadius(Feather radius) by 1 pixel.

Step 3

Press Ctrl + J to copy the selection to a new layer and name it “Model” (Subject).

3. Create a background

Step 1

Selecting a layer background(Background) and go layer- NewFilllayer- Solidcolor(Layer - New Fill Layer - Color). Name the fill layer “Background Color” and select black (#000000) as shown below:

Step 2

Now let's move on file- PlaceEmbedded(File - Place Embedded), select the second stock image and click the Place button. Next, install Width(width) and Height(Height) background at 180% and call this layer “Background Image” (Background Image).

Step 3

click right click on this layer and select Rasterizelayer(Rasterize the layer). Then we go filter- FilterGallery- Artistic-cutout numberofLevels(number of levels) by 8, edgeSimplicity(simplicity of edges) - 10, edgefidelity(Sharpness of edges) - by 3.

Step 4

Now press Ctrl+A to select the entire document. Then add a mask layer-LayerMask- RevealSelection(Layer - Layer Mask - Show Selection). As a result, a mask will be created according to the shape of the selection.

Step 5

Right click on the mask in the layers panel and select applylayerMask(Apply mask). Then press Ctrl + T to activate the free transformation, click inside the frame that appears with the right mouse button, select Distort(Distort) and transform the layer as shown below:

Step 6

Add an adjustment layer. For this, we pass layer- Newadjustmentlayer- Hue/Saturation(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Hue/Saturation). Name the layer “Brightness / Saturation” (BI_Saturation / Brightness).

Step 7

Now press Ctrl+Alt+G to transform the adjustment layer into a clipping mask for the background image. Double click on the adjustment layer thumbnail in the layers panel and in the Properties(Properties) set Saturation(Saturation) by -40 and brightness(Brightness) - by +20.

4. Styling the Model

Step 1

In this section, we will start creating the effect itself in the style of GTA V. Select the “Model” (Subject) layer and apply a filter to it filter- Sharpen- UnsharpMask(Filter - Sharpening - Contour sharpness). Install Amount(Effect) by 500%, Radius(Radius) - by 1 pixel and Threshold(Isohelia) - on 0 levels(levels).

Step 2

Step 3

Let's move on filter- Stylize- oilPaint(Filter - Stylization - Oil paint). Install styling(Styling) on ​​2 and Cleanliness(Cleanliness) - by 10, also uncheck the box opposite lighting(Lighting).

Step 4

Then apply the filter again. filter- Sharpen- UnsharpMask Amount(Effect) at 100%, Radius(Radius) - by 3 pixels and Threshold

Step 5

Let's move on to filter- Stylize- Diffuse(Filter - Styling - Diffusion) and set mode(Mode) on anisotropic(Anisotropic).

Step 6

Next filter filter- Sharpen- UnsharpMask(Filter - Sharpness - Contour sharpness). Install Amount(Effect) at 100%, Radius(Radius) - by 1 pixel and Threshold(Isohelia) - at 0 levels (levels).

Step 7

Add noise reduction filter- Noise- Reducenoise(Filter - Noise - Reduce Noise) and enter the following settings:

Step 8

Step 9

Duplicate the working layer with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J. Then apply to the copy filter- FilterGallery- Artistic-cutout(Filter - Filter Gallery - Imitation - Application). Install numberofLevels(number of levels) by 8, edgeSimplicity(Simplicity of Edges) - on 3 and Edge fidelity(Sharpness of edges) - by 3.

Step 10

Now we reduce Opacity(opacity) of this layer to 25% and call it “Model_Levels” (Subject_Adjustment).

Step 11

Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the thumbnail of this layer in the layers panel. Then we go Select- Modify- Smooth(Select - Modify - Smooth) and set sampleRadius(Radius) by 5 pixels.

Step 12

Now create a new layer layer- New-Layer(Layer - New - Layer) and call it "Model Stroke" (Subject Stroke).

Step 13

Activate the tool RectangularMarqueeTool Stroke(Perform a stroke). In the window that opens, set Width(Width) by 4 pixels, location(Location) - on outside(Outside), mode(Mode) - on Normal(Normal) and Opacity(Opacity) - at 100%.

Step 14

We take again RectangularMarqueeTool(M) (Rectangular Selection), set the foreground color to black (#000000). Right click on the canvas and select Stroke(Perform a stroke). This time we install Width(Width) by 2 pixels, location(Location) - on Center(Centered) mode(Mode) - on Normal(Normal) and Opacity(Opacity) - at 100%.

Step 15

Press the key combination Ctrl + D to remove the selection.

5. Final correction

Step 1

In this section, we will work with adjustment layers. Let's move on layer- Newadjustmentlayer- Photofilter(Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Photo Filter) and call the resulting layer “Phototone” (Photo Tint).

Step 2

Double click on the thumbnail of this adjustment layer and on the panel Window- Properties(Window - Properties) configure its parameters: set filter(Filter) on Orange(Orange) and Density(Density) - 15% as below:

Step 3

Press the D key to reset the colors to default, then go to layer- Newadjustmentlayer- GradientMap(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Gradient Map). Name this layer “Overall Contrast”.

Step 4

Luminosity(Brightness) and reduce the opacity to 28%.

Step 5

Next we go layer- Newadjustmentlayer-Vibrance(Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Juiciness) and name the layer “General saturation” (Overall Vibrance / Saturation).

Step 6

Properties(Properties) set Vibrance(Juiciness) by +31 and Saturation(Saturation) - by +20.

Step 7

Let's move on layer- Newadjustmentlayer-Levels(Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Levels) and name the layer “Overall Brightness” (Overall Brightness).

Step 8

Double click on the layer thumbnail and on the panel Properties(Properties) set the settings as shown below:

Step 9

Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E to create a merged copy of all visible layers. Then press Ctrl+Shift+U to desaturate the layer. Then apply the filter filter-Other-HighPass(Filter - Other - Color Contrast) and set Radius(Radius) by 2 pixels.

Step 10

Change the blend mode of this layer to Hardlight(Hard light) and call it “Overall Sharpening”.

Congratulations! This is what the final result looks like:

If you want to get a more interesting result in just a couple of mouse clicks, which can also be animated, then you can try the Grandiose 3 action (for a fee), which the author of the lesson offers.

With this action, you don't have to spend time on the lesson at all! Just fill your model with color and run the action which will do all the work for you. As a result, you will get a multi-layered document that is easy to customize. Also, the action creates 20 color variations, and you can choose any of them.

In addition, there are 16 background actions to choose from, an action to create additional elements, a GTA-style text effect, and an action to animate the entire result!

Exit first Grand Theft Auto in the already distant 1997 marked the beginning of a new era, but the series made a real breakthrough for the industry only in 2001 with the release. Fully three-dimensional graphics, incredible world development and addictive gameplay instantly put the game on the pedestal of the best projects in the history of interactive entertainment and provided the franchise with incredible sales.

The following parts of the series only consolidated the success: graphics, atmosphere, diversity and elaboration of the environment went to a new level. And, of course, the players got even more opportunities in the gameplay. GTA became not just an action movie about criminal showdowns, but a kind of life simulator, where characters could not only crush random passers-by and shoot mafia bosses, but also buy real estate, get fat, play tennis, bowling, watch TV, tune cars and so on. Missions and assignments became complex in their structure and impressed with the cinematic production, and the online mode GTA overnight became one of the most popular in the world.

It is quite natural that numerous clones quickly appeared in the series: some did not offer anything really fresh and stupidly copied GTA, but others had a number of unique features or were very different from the original concept. Today we decided to put together a small list of the most notable games in the style Grand Theft Auto worth playing.


  • Average rating: 83%
  • Release Date: November 15, 2016
  • Developers and Publisher: Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Reflections, Ubisoft Kiev, Ubisoft Paris, Ubisoft Romania, Ubisoft Toronto / Ubisoft

The controversial sequel to Ubisoft's hacker duology tells the story of Marcus Holloway, who was blacklisted by the ctOS system. Big Brother monitors all the inhabitants of the city through numerous sensors and cameras, manages the infrastructure and destroys the fate of people. To fight the system, the hero joins the DedSec organization and puts all his actions online, denouncing lawlessness and corruption.

The second part completely lost the atmosphere of immersion in a gloomy city, replacing the violent story with a more fun teenage theme and bright colors of San Francisco, which is especially nice on a modern 4K HDR TV.

But the game has become more diverse and interesting. The ability to hack into technology and control elements of the environment using a smartphone creates many unusual situations with new ways to solve them. And, of course, taxis with crazy bloggers and LGBT fellow travelers. It's so fun.

  • Average rating: 77%
  • Release date: December 1, 2015
  • Developers and Publisher: Avalanche Studios / Square Enix
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows

Just Cause has always been a fun, slightly crazy and very beautiful sandbox, and the triquel even surpassed the rest of the series in this regard, offering the most crazy tricks with the most spectacular explosions of interactive environments. Not to mention the variable technology and gadgets.

Luxurious landscapes of a giant tropical archipelago and flights in a special aero suit over flower meadows still look very atmospheric and pretty. Proper use of the hook on the cable allows you to fly almost indefinitely.

Definitely, the game could not bring anything new in terms of plot and interesting quests: we are again overthrowing another banana dictator - this time in the homeland of the main character of the series, Rico Rodriguez. But the chaos and even more spectacular destruction successfully cope with the boredom of the story.

It is sad that the developers have not been able to optimize the project on consoles, and in some places it significantly slows down. On the other hand, you can always play on a more powerful PC.

  • Average rating: 86%
  • Release date: January 11, 2005
  • Developers and Publisher: Pandemic Studios / LucasArts
  • PlayStation 2, Xbox (but playable on PS3 via PS2 Classics and Xbox One via backwards compatibility)

One of the best games of the genre offers a dark story about the war in North Korea, where their southern counterparts, the Americans, the Chinese and even the Russian mafia intervened.

The main task of the player is to destroy the local dictator, who can launch a nuclear strike on the West. At the same time, your actions affect the attitude towards the hero of each of the groups that can support the character or open fire on him.

Playground of Destruction has a mission structure, but the developers have not forgotten about side missions. There are both familiar episodes with accompaniment, and races from point to point.

Mercenaries is remembered not only for its non-linearity, but also for its powerful atmosphere of war, excellent graphics and well-developed physics of the destruction of the surrounding world - by the standards of PS2. Hijacking military equipment, destroying buildings and undermining opponents is a lot of fun.

  • Average rating: 83%
  • Release date: February 20, 2007
  • Developers and Publisher: Realtime Worlds / Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platform: Xbox 360

One of the most fun sandboxes on Xbox 360 was created by a company that included employees Rockstar Games, including GTA and Lemmings creator David Jones.

In Crackdown, you will play as a special agent, stuffed from head to toe with technology, with which he needs to fight members of criminal gangs in Pacific City. The situation in the city is so bad that the defenders of the law are forced to live in the Agency tower, around which the mafia-captured islands with districts are located.

The game differs from other representatives of the genre with a strong emphasis on platforming. The world of Crackdown is divided into three cities of different structure and mood and arranged as a vertical sandbox. All story bosses are at a certain height - in their bases and in expensive apartments. By jumping and grabbing onto the elements of the environment, the character can reach the rooftops and collect the pumping spheres located there, which improve his skills, allowing him to jump even higher. This allows you to reach even higher points on the map, collect new orbs and destroy following goals. At the same time, the platforming itself is quite complex: you need to accurately calculate the jumps and carefully grab the ledges.

In addition, you can upgrade your strength, vehicle and weapon skill, which allows you to lift heavy objects and enemies, turn an ordinary car or truck into fancy enhanced versions, and deal more damage to opponents with machine guns built into the body.

Against the background of GTAIV, the game was arcade-like in a good way and, together with co-op, competent mechanics and bright comic graphics, gave many hours of pure fun.

  • Average rating: 89%
  • Release Date: November 29, 2012
  • Developers and Publisher: Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft
  • Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows (later a hacky port came out on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One)

Obviously, wanting to rehabilitate for Far Cry 2, Ubisoft returned to the bright setting of the first part. The action takes place on tropical island Rook Island, where a group of friends decided to relax and have a good time. Drinking on the ocean, boating, nightclubs and skydiving - everything is going great. But only until the moment when the heroes are captured by local pirates led by Vasom Montenegro. The charismatic villain struck the imagination with crazy monologues and became a real star of the show. All the scenes with him were remembered by us for a long time. Like Heath Ledger's Joker, Vass is the main reason to check out the project.

But in fact, the game, even without a villain, immersed you in a beautiful and very atmospheric sandbox with elaborate tasks and a variety of vehicles that were fun to navigate. At that time, this concept of a sandbox first-person shooter with role-playing elements, a well-developed world and interesting quests was still a fresh idea.

The only pity is that the developers forgot about competent optimization on consoles and good AI. And if stupid bots cannot be fixed in any way, then a good computer easily solves the first problem.

  • Average rating: 84%
  • Release Date: August 14, 2012
  • Developers and Publisher: United Front Games / Square Enix
  • PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows, but later released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Sleeping Dogs is at first glance a typical GTA clone, but it stands out from general list an unusual place of action: the events of the project unfold in Asia. The main character is Wei Shen, an undercover cop who infiltrates the Hong Kong underworld.

Sleeping Dogs is actively inspired by Asian cinema, so it is based on hand-to-hand combat. Sometimes dozens of enemies with melee weapons participate in battles, which adds adrenaline. Sleeping Dogs is a very violent game that offers a variety of finishes on opponents, including bloody fatalities under sharp propeller blades, in water tanks, trash cans, and even containers of frozen fish.

The only pity is that in the game, where you can rent a whore and use the services of massage parlors, they do not show scenes with sex, which is especially strange, considering elevated level cruelty - with cannibalism and tasks, where the main character draws circles on a white wall with the bloodied face of a nurse...

5. Saints Row IV

  • Average rating: 88%
  • Release Date: August 20, 2013
  • Developers and Publisher: Volition, Inc. / Deep Silver
  • Platforms: Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3. Later released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Saints Row IV offers even more madness and jokes than the triquel before it. Having prevented the destruction of the United States, the main character becomes president, but he is not destined to govern the country calmly. The White House is attacked by aliens who destroy the Earth, and people are sent into virtual reality. Now the character has to save his friends and take revenge on the invaders.

The game deftly parodies significant objects of modern geek culture, ranging from The Matrix by the Wachowski sisters, Armageddon, Harry Potter and ending with the game series Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, Mass Effect and even Streets of Rage. Along with this, the project is moving away from GTA. Since the hero receives superpowers, transport management fades into the background. High jumps, temporary invulnerability, ground shaking, weapon and character enhancements with elements, super speed and even telekinesis along with additional features make the game even more fun, especially if you like superhero adventures like Sunset Overdrive, Crackdown or Infamous. We really liked this approach at the time, but if you are looking for a more GTA-like game, then you better play Saints Row: The Third.

4. L.A. noire

  • Average rating: 89%
  • Release Date: May 17, 2011
  • Developers and Publisher: Team Bondi / Rockstar
  • PS3, Xbox 360, Windows. Then came the port for PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch

Subtle and very atmospheric L.A. Noire is just pretending to be a GTA clone. In fact, this great detective adventure is a real adventure about the work of a police officer in Los Angeles in the middle of the 20th century.
Playing as World War II veteran Kol Phelps, you'll start out as a regular trooper, then become part of Homicide, Narcotics, and then Arson. At first glance, the game seems like a set of unrelated missions, but in the end, all the storylines converge into one common and very complex bunch of conspiracies that rule the city.

The game still surprises with the development of character models and unique facial animation, on the basis of which local interrogations of witnesses and suspects are arranged. Watching the facial expressions of local characters and comparing alibis and evidence is a pleasure.

It's unfortunate that Rockstar allowed Team Bondi to close down and we will never see any new projects from this talented team from Australia again.

3. Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

  • Average rating: 89%
  • Release Date: August 27, 2002
  • Developers and Publisher: Illusion Softworks / Gathering of Developers
  • Platforms: Windows. Then the game was unsuccessfully ported to the Xbox and PlayStation 2

One of the most iconic PC games is inspired by classic cinema and offers its own version of The Godfather with interesting plot and the dense atmosphere of the first half of the 20th century.

Mafia is a look into the past - the story of the game's protagonist, Tommy Angelo, who decides to give up everything about the Salieri family in exchange for protection. About how he accidentally got into the mafia, what crimes he committed and why he went to the police.

The City of Lost Heaven is one of the few games with a really grown-up story and interesting plot twists. The project allows you to trace the evolution of the inner world of the protagonist, who was forced to become part of the criminal world, but is trying to save a human face. At the same time, from a game point of view, "Mafia" is already pretty outdated. In particular - transport management. Thought that the mission with a helicopter in vice city- the most difficult thing that an igrostroy could give birth to? I will disappoint you.

However, the project can still surprise with some unique moments. For example, you may be fined for speeding or running a red light.

Now the first "Mafia" is worth playing, if only because of the plot and powerful atmosphere. Especially considering the failure with the second and third parts.

  • Average rating: 87%
  • Release Date: March 12, 2015
  • Developers and Publisher: SEGA
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Windows. It was also released in Japan on PlayStation 3.

The series about the criminal side of modern Japan has reached the pinnacle with the release of the deluxe Yakuza 0, which is a prequel to the whole story.

The main characters are the young stars of the franchise - Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima. The former is just beginning to climb the ranks of Tokyo's underworld, becoming hostage to a complex political game where several powerful organizations fight for Kamurocho. The second is having fun in a hostess club in the suburbs of Soutenbori. Stories that seem unrelated at first glance come together in a powerful denouement.

In addition to a compelling storyline, the game relies on side quests where you can find completely crazy stories, like a side quest about an underground network of schoolgirls who sell their underwear to perverts, or missions about punks who try to maintain the image of krutans in front of their fans, but in fact they love bake pancakes and play with puppies. The game perfectly strikes a balance between a serious plot with touching moments and complete madness, which some call traditional Japanese flavor. What are local mini-games worth, like phone sex, where the main character entertains bored housewives in a languid voice. Fishing, dancing in a club, bowling, mahjong, karaoke, racing on radio-controlled cars - there is simply no time to be bored here.

And this is the perfect time to get to know the series on PS4, as remakes of the first and second parts came out immediately after it, and re-releases of the rest of the parts are coming soon.

1. red dead Redemption

  • Average rating: 94%
  • Release Date: May 18, 2010
  • Developers and Publisher: Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar / Take-Two Interactive
  • Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Works on Xbox One through the backwards compatibility program

Oddly enough, Western themes are quite rare in the gaming industry, and therefore developers can create their projects without strong competition pressure. It is not surprising that Rockstar has taken a key place in this niche. Without further ado, the developers realized that the Wild West is perfect for playing in an open world like GTA. Instead of noisy cities, players got picturesque deserts, forests and prairies, and instead of car theft - theft of horses. Who in childhood did not dream of being a cowboy or a bounty hunter? Tie a black scarf over your face and burst into the city, firing revolvers into the air, rob a speeding train or stand face to face with the enemy in a duel like Clint Eastwood...

Not surprisingly, Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption is the main heir to GTA. Before the players open up incredible spaces, full of dangerous adventures, treasures, bandits, poisonous snakes, cacti and other necessary attributes of any western. On top of all that, RDR has the strongest storyline of any Rockstar game. A hard-hitting, late-60s revisionist western-style story about ex-criminal John Marston who is forced to work for the government and hunt down former gang friends in order to have a chance to see his wife and son again.

Red Dead Redemption squeezes all the juice out of the sandbox concept, giving players the opportunity to feel like real desperados in the Wild West. Huge spaces, a twisting storyline, an amazing atmosphere and a soundtrack make this Rockstar project the best open-world GTA-style game. We look forward to and hope that she will not let us down.

GTA 5 was released today, so we suggest recalling the best games made in a similar style. The franchise has spawned many projects in which, in one way or another, the features of this iconic series are guessed.


GTA came out today 5. Volume 5 promises to set new standards for open-world action games, and there's no doubt that Rockstar was able to do it. We, like most console owners, have already started playing, so in the coming days, expect a big review on Grand Theft Auto 5. In the meantime, we suggest recalling the best games made in the style of the franchise. The series has spawned many projects in which the features of this iconic series are somehow guessed.

Saints Row 4 will outdo any trash movie or game. This is an example of how to make the most frivolous action, while correctly parodying the main clichés and well-known franchises. As President of the United States, you have to fight off aliens and do a lot of things that are hard to describe.

Saints Row - GTA, which completely failed the brakes. The second such frivolous game simply does not exist, the developers in this sense are ahead of the rest. Playing SR is fun, but like any parody, it's empty on the inside. If you want a more or less normal plot or adequacy, the game cannot offer anything. Volition excels at silliness and parody, but going through Saints Row is like watching American Pie. Sometimes, of course, it's funny, only this humor is second-rate, too obvious and without frills.

The cooperative, which, in theory, was supposed to double the degree of insanity, came out frankly weak. The characters almost do not interact, the cutscenes are identical for both solo and co-op. It's not good to do that, Volition.

However, as a fun game, Saints Row 4 is perfect.

Action became one of the main surprises of the last year. No one really expected anything from the continuation of the lousy True Crime series, but a high-quality action movie came out. The game was created for the Western world, so you will not see any Asian features here. In general, Sleeping Dogs is the most that neither is GTA, only with some important differences.

First, you play as a police officer, albeit undercover. Secondly, there is left-hand traffic here, and it takes some time to get used to it. Thirdly, here they wave their arms and legs a lot, but they shoot not enough. Actually, the rest is absolutely the same GTA with similar plot moves, story development and climbing the criminal ladder of Hong Kong.

The fights were really great. The developers did not fail, taking as a basis the combat system of Batman: Arkham Asulym - it is used in every first action with massacre. In addition to realistic fights with a juicy crunch of bones, I remember excellent finishing moves, which are very similar to fatalities from The Punisher. The hero smashes opponents with their heads into the blades of air conditioners, throws enemies into furnaces, throws them at high voltage electrical panels - such cruelty came in handy for the action movie about wayward eastern mafiosi.

The Driver series is fickle. After the disgusting Driv3r came the decent Parallel Lines, which takes place in two time periods. The first half we drive through sunny New York in 1978, and then we are transported to a gloomy 2006. The main character was framed, and he was put behind bars for as much as 28 years. Move from different eras interesting in itself, but the atmosphere of our days was far inferior to the Big Apple of the seventies.

As usual, in Driver a lot of attention is paid to cars and chases. Most of the tasks are related to transport in one way or another - fans of shooting races through the whole city will surely be satisfied. It is curious that after five years of silence, the series has changed the concept. In Driver: San Francisco, you can’t leave the car, but you can and should “move” from one car to another, the quality view from the cabin is pleasantly surprising. Since then, nothing has been heard about the continuation, which is a pity. San Francisco was definitely a successful reboot of the series.

Instead of bandits with huge gold Rolexes, the Czechs showed the other side of the underworld. A time when gangsters had bigger laws than cops. When it was forbidden to kill anyone without the approval of the mafia boss. When, finally, the criminals were gentlemen and walked in expensive suits, and did not wear Adidas and did not spill kilograms of cocaine on the tables.

A small Czech company has created a cult game that is much deeper and more elaborate in terms of atmosphere and characters than GTA. Of course, these are series about different eras, they focus on different things. But Mafia is a more serious and mature project. It's a paradox, but after almost nine years, the developers could not at least repeat, not to mention surpass their masterpiece. Mafia II turned out to be a pathetic craft, a weak shadow of The City of the Lost Heaven. Banal plot, transience, boring missions. Illusion Softworks, please release the first Mafia in a new engine, or at least an HD edition of the beautiful original.

All Points Bulletin, better known as APB Reloaded, offers to rob a bank and run away, shooting back at the cops, with a plump bag of money on his back. Or take the side of the keepers of order. Recall that the fifth part of GTA is dedicated to bank robberies, and one of the main guidelines for developers is the wonderful 1994 action movie Fight.

APB is a multiplayer shooter in which events are very unpredictable. On a quiet street, a firefight involving SWAT and bank robbers can unfold, which will result in an intense chase through a busy city. Surprises await at every turn. The fact is that players are assigned to units: you can organize an ambush for enemies, come to the aid of allies, and generally arrange a local war in the middle of the city. And the same is happening throughout the metropolis.

The main feature is the gameplay, which is tied to triggers (invisible "buttons"). Step on one - and a carefully thought-out plan for robbing a bank will collapse in an instant, forcing you to think through options for getting out of this difficult situation on the go. Suppose, at the most crucial moment, the alarm will beep. The security forces immediately arrive, shooting starts, you are torn between the desires of "just escape" and "rescue with stolen money." And then the partner will not be prevented by help - to help out or run away while there is an opportunity? The security forces have their own concerns. It is much better to take the criminals alive - but the enemies do not want to surrender under any circumstances. What is more important: to shoot the robbers, or to try to arrest, while risking completely missing the violators of the law?

In MMOs, character customization is important. Many players want to create a hero that is different from the rest. In the All Points Bulletin character editor, this is quite possible. The possibilities are vast, you can spend hours picking up tattoos or adjusting the shade of your protégé's hair. Those who like to poke around in the character's appearance settings for a long time will be satisfied.

The shooter was released two years ago, but is still very popular, and has proven itself well among fans of the genre. Moreover, there are practically no multiplayer action games, even with bank robberies.

The GTA series has inspired many developers to create similar projects. And not everyone can be called clones, each game focuses on something of its own. One takes with cool chases, the other with realistic fights, the third is generally an MMO. If you are waiting for the PC version or, having a console, for some unthinkable reason have not yet bought GTA 5, we recommend that you play the games from this material


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Saints Row is the answer to the question "What would GTA be like if its developers used illegal substances": an absolutely crazy series of games where everything is possible, from clearing areas of gangster gangs and fighting off to descending into the Underworld and meeting with God. To match the plot with the atmosphere and weapons: in addition to the standard submachine guns in Saints Row, there are such crazy examples of weapons as a dubstep cannon, a lightsaber and a plunger.

Other than the insanity of the series (which is almost impossible), it's otherwise a great replacement for GTA, with shootouts, chases, side missions, and collectibles scattered around the world. And Saints Row has one of the best character editors, which contains an incredible amount of options.

2. Sleeping Dogs

This action movie was supposed to be a continuation of the True Crime series, which we wrote about above. But in the end, Activision froze the development, and the already created materials were bought by Square Enix. Since the rights to the series remained with the old publisher, the project was released under a new name.

Sleeping Dogs tells the story of an undercover man who infiltrates one of Hong Kong's biggest gangs to destroy it from the inside. The plot surprises with interesting twists and difficult moral dilemmas. The gameplay also matches him, where, in accordance with the setting, eastern ones come to the fore with an admixture of dirty tricks: in battles, the protagonist can use the environment, smashing aquariums and air conditioners with the heads of opponents. Finally, one cannot fail to mention the atmosphere of the game - nowhere else has Hong Kong, with its charm and energy, been recreated in such detail.

3. Series Watch Dogs

The first part of Watch Dogs was positioned by Ubisoft as a "GTA killer" during the advertising campaign. True, the miracle did not happen, and it was not possible to throw GTA off the pedestal, but at the same time we got a good action movie with curious gameplay mechanics that beat the abilities of the protagonist.

When developing the sequel, the authors have already behaved more modestly, taken into account all the mistakes and presented as a result a good action game with variable missions, RPG elements and a well-designed world that lives its own life, reacts to the player's actions and constantly surprises with new features. All this is seasoned with a frivolous general mood of the game and the most detailed San Francisco, in which the developers have recreated almost all the sights of the original city. And if Watch Dogs could hardly compete with an eminent competitor, then Watch Dogs 2 is exactly the GTA 5-type game that gamers have been waiting for.

4. Just Cause Series

Just Cause is one of the most big worlds in video games, a huge selection of vehicles, complete freedom of action and a bright picture. And yet - a guide to the overthrow of dictatorial regimes in third world countries.

The permanent protagonist of the trilogy, CIA special agent Rico Rodriguez, masterfully owns any weapon, manages all types of transport, and also skillfully handles a cat hook, with which he can cling to any objects and attach them to each other. These skills will be useful to him in revolutionary affairs: each game of the series is dedicated to the destruction of the rulers who oppress their own peoples and even aim at world domination. However, if you wish, you can leave the main storyline to simply explore the world, race, wreak havoc and destruction on enemy bases, or compete against friends in multiplayer.

5. Bully

The world's best bully simulator - of course, from the creators of GTA. Bully will offer you to go to, sit in class, do homework - as well as bully classmates, have affairs with girls, run on.

Bully's plot covers one year of the protagonist's training in new school. During this time, Jimmy Hopkins - that's the name of the bully - must gain credibility among all school gangs, deal with newfound enemies and find love. Despite the seemingly frivolous theme, the game raises sharp social issues and tells a fascinating story about growing up. Well, do not forget to entertain gamers with entertaining missions and mini-games.

6. Yakuza Series

7. Crackdown 3

Crackdown is "GTA at maximum speed", a sandbox action game in which you can do anything, as long as this "anything" is justified by the fight against crime. Only the third part of the series is available on PC, but it is also considered the best, so in the absence of previous releases, you have not lost much.

In Crackdown 3, you take on the role of a super agent who cleans the streets of criminals in an original way - destroying everything in its path. Using superpowers, the main character can run faster than lightning, jump higher than skyscrapers and throw cars at. A fun and crazy action movie that will help you have fun after a hard day.

8. Far Cry 5

Structurally, Far Cry 5 is not similar to GTA: if in Grand Theft Auto the narrative dominates the open world, then in Far Cry 5 the opposite is true: the main thing here is entertainment on a huge map, and the plot remains a secondary matter.

Nevertheless, in terms of freedom, the games can be called similar. In GTA, you can drop everything at any time and go explore the cities and their surrounding territories. Just like in Far Cry 5, you are free to postpone missions and explore the open world. And both there and there you will encounter random events that will shape your personal history of passing the game.

9. Mafia Series

If we had written this material before the release of Mafia 3, then the series would not have got into it: nevertheless, the first two parts of it, although they suggest some freedom of action and allow you to freely explore the world, are quite different from Grand Theft Auto.

With Mafia 3, everything is different: this is the most real clone of GTA, where you can run around the streets of the city with weapons at the ready, steal cars, arrange shootouts with the police - in general, have fun as you like. All this is accompanied by a rather fascinating plot with good direction of the cut-scenes, the atmosphere of the 60s and peppy.

10. Red Dead Redemption Series

12. Total Overdose

Completely crazy clone of GTA with a charismatic protagonist, Mexican flavor and sticky soundtrack. Together with the main character, who avenges the death of his father, players will have to shoot hundreds of bandidos, find the love of their lives and help the DEA destroy a powerful drug cartel.

If GTA 5 is a satire on society, then Total Overdose is an undisguised banter over stereotypes. Sombreros, wrestlers, bullfighting and other integral aspects of Mexican life are shown here in an exaggerated manner, flavored with a huge dose of humor and action. Unfortunately, the pleasure gameplay spoils the primitive graphics: the release of Total Overdose took place back in 2005, and today the game is only suitable for weak PCs and nostalgic gamers.

13. The Saboteur

Stylish action in the open world dedicated to the members of the French Resistance fighting the Nazis in occupied Paris. Players will have to complete tasks, block by block, to recapture the city from the invaders. This is reflected in color scheme: the areas occupied by the Germans are made in black and white with splashes of red, the liberated territories show a riot of colors.

The Saboteur has a well-balanced balance between the passage of the story campaign, as well as stealth and open battles. Main character- an experienced fighter and driver, so the missions are pleasing with variety. The highlight of the game was the use of a brothel as the base of the Resistance - it's always nice to return to the headquarters between tasks.

14. Series Prototype

The Prototype dilogy can be described as a "GTA with superpowers". Here, a character rushes along the digitized one, who can turn his hands into tentacles and transform into any oncoming NPC, and transport trips become unnecessary if you can jump over a skyscraper and rush to any point on the map with a bullet.

The protagonist can use his superpowers for various purposes. Basically, of course, to confront the sinister corporation, which became the reason for the appearance of almost divine powers in him, and at the same time released, turning people into. But he also does not miss the opportunity to help his neighbor by taking on various additional missions.

15. Mercenary Series

A series of games dedicated to mercenaries - soldiers of fortune who are ready to take on any dirty job. Similar to GTA in having a large open world, an impressive selection of vehicles and weapons, it has a greater emphasis on action and chaos - which is not surprising, since we are talking about mercenaries.

The first part of Mercenaries was released only on the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, but the sequel also looked at the PC. It is worth paying attention to: there is a lot of shooting, even more explosions and destruction, and for the most furious maniacs, air strikes and nuclear charges are in store, leveling entire cities to the ground. But there is little sense in what is happening - but who needs it if it is possible to get into the tank and arrange a total destruction?

16. True Crime Series

These GTA-style projects show players all the hardships of being a cop in a big city - in the first part and New York in the sequel. When developing, the authors seem to have been inspired by films about bad cops: the methods of work of the main characters are clearly not taken from job description law enforcement officer. Here, car chases, shootouts, and hard-hitting interrogations are commonplace, and the filing of protocols and courteous treatment of suspects are not considered something worthy of attention.

Like the other games in this collection, the True Crime dilogy features sandbox-style gameplay, an open world, and plenty of side activities. Added to this is a licensed soundtrack (consisting mostly of hip-hop), crime fighting, and the ability to choose between playing a "bad" or a "good" cop.

Where to download: Games removed from official digital services

17. The Godfather Series

Games that make it possible to feel like a bigwig in the criminal world, the real head of the "family". The GTA-clone dilogy The Godfather is based on the movie saga of the same name, and invites players to meet famous movie characters.

The developers managed to create an atmospheric world, come up with a decent story and interesting missions, and even implement some kind of strategy with capture and hold. For this, The Godfather gets a place on our list.

Where to download: Due to copyright expiration, games have been removed from official digital services

18. Dead Rising Series

Action-adventure games are similar to GTA only in general terms - after all, Grand Theft Auto has no zombies, and Dead Rising has an underdeveloped universe. But still there are similarities: an open world, vehicles, some kind of freedom in completing tasks, the ability to leave the main storyline if you wish and explore locations in search of interesting events and collectibles.