Locations for Treasure Maps, Outlaw Hideouts, and Gold Bars in Red Dead Online. Treasure Map, Gang Hideout, and Gold Bars Locations in Red Dead Online All Great Hope Treasure Maps

In Red Dead Redemption 2, treasure hunt takes a long time, given that you must first find treasure maps and then follow the directions on the map to find the treasures. In our guide, we will tell you about the treasures that will lead you to the treasure!

Treasure map locationsin Red Dead Redemption 2

Looking for treasure in Red Dead Redemption? Then you will visit the most incredible places, comb and feed the horse. Each treasure needs its own map parts. Once you've collected everything, you can put them together to locate the treasure.

Finding treasures is not easy, and it will take a long time to get to them, so you do not limit yourself to just looking for maps.

Treasure Great Expectations

To find it, you will need to find 3 treasure maps scattered throughout the game, which will lead you to three gold bars.

Great Expectations Treasure Map # 1

To access this treasure map in Red Dead Redemption 2, you'll first need to complete Chapter 3, The New South. Also, you need to complete a random encounter Treasure hunter that appears at a specific location on the map.

Look for the person with the binoculars. Tie it with a lasso. Take the card, but he can escape if you are far from him. You will have three attempts to catch him, in case of failure, the card will appear at the buyer.

Great Expectations Treasure Map # 2

The second map will also become available as soon as you complete New South. First, head to Cumberland Falls, near Wallace Station. Go behind the waterfall and go up to the ledge above, there is a small secluded corner. The map is behind the rock.

Great Expectations Treasure Map # 3

Get the first two fragments before heading into the snow-capped mountains to Barrow Lagoon, a frozen lake far in West Grizzly, northwest of Valentine. Climb to the log bridge that connects the mainland to the small island in the center.

The map is hidden inside a small hole on the bridge.

Treasure Location Great Expectations

Walk along the cliff southwest of Bacchus Station. Go down the ledges and you will find three ingots in the crevice.

In order to find the Le Tresor Des Morts treasure in Red Dead Redemption 2, you will have to find two treasure maps that will point you to the five ingots.

Le Tresor Des Morts Map # 1

It is only available to those who pre-order RDR 2.

Head towards the burned out settlement southwest of Horseshoe Highlands. There is only one building - a stone prison. Enter the building, take the card next to the two corpses.

Le Tresor Des Morts Map # 2

Get the first map to summon a second location. Head to the Saint Denis Docks. It is hidden in an underpass that connects the Cornwall Freight Station courtyard and the harbor. Examine the wall next to the wooden crate inside the passage to get a map.

The Treasure of Le Tresor Des Morts

Get both cards and decode the second one that will lead you to the Saint-Denis cemetery. Find the mausoleum with the stained glass window to the west of the central dome, north of the passage. Examine the wall to your left and you will find a hole with five gold bars inside.

Jack Hall Gang Treasure

Here you need 3 cards that will lead you to two gold bars.

Jack Hall Gang Card # 1

Jack Hall's gang treasure map is available from the beginning of the second chapter. Talk to Maximo, the stranger looking through binoculars near Flatneck Station. He will offer you to sell a treasure map, which you can buy from him for $ 5. If you don't feel like spending money, you can always rob him.

Jack Hall Gang Card # 2

Look at the first map and you will notice Caliban's Refuge, north of Horseshoe Highlands. Follow the narrow ledges at the top of the cliff to reach a crack in the wall. Here you will find the second map.

Jack Hall Gang Card # 3

Go to Cottora Spring west of the Bacchus Bridge. Examine the pile of stones near the geysers.

Jack Hall Gang Treasure Location

Travel to O'Crieg north of Emerald Station, east of Grizzlies. Swim to a small island in the middle of the lake and examine the bushes. Two gold bars are hidden under the cobblestone.

This is the ultimate guide to treasure hunting in Red Dead Redemption 2.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, a torn treasure map makes it possible to get a little rich without unnecessary hassle, however, only in the finale storyline... Although collect the pieces of the map it is possible, starting from the second chapter, Arthur's access to the cave with the treasure will appear only in the epilogue. True, you will not find gold there, but you will find a good one. revolver and a selection erotic pictures... This Otis Miller was an interesting man, judging by the fact that he so carefully hid from prying eyes. Be that as it may, in RDR 2, a torn treasure map that needs to be collected and restored will come in handy anyway. In order not to forget, you can start looking for it immediately after completing the first “ introductory”Chapter when you have complete leeway.

Torn Treasure Map 1

Finding her is not difficult. You can find a piece of paper near the city Valentine which you will visit almost at the beginning of the game. The first piece of the torn map is kept in some hermit's shack. It's easy to find her - go to the source of the Little Creek River... True, the local resident is not eager to communicate with Arthur, and will let him down dogs that you have to deal with. But then, after searching the box inside, you will find the first part of the torn treasure map of Red Dead Redemption 2. It will not indicate the path to the treasure, but it contains information about the location second half this security.

Torn Treasure Map 2

It is stored in the house of another hermit... Doesn't it seem strange to you that for some reason these strange people, who abandoned civilization and live in such remote places, collect scraps of old maps? Here we are too.

In any case, the torn RDR 2 treasure map needs to be collected, which means that Arthur's path lies on northeast of the city of Annesberg... When you arrive, do not forget to borrow enough from the owner of the hut. good shotgun... If you forget about it, and come back here later, it will be gone.

Stitched Treasure Map

As soon as you are in your hands both pieces, Arthur will glue them together and be able to read the search instructions written in the back of the card... To complete the search, you will have to go to the south of the map, and there, not very far from Armadillo, you will find a cave with a treasure. Red Dead Redemption 2's torn treasure map does not provide very clear directions for finding it, but this screenshot shows everything:

As mentioned above, it will be possible to visit this location only after the completion of the sixth chapter of the plot... If by this time you already have reconstructed map, the search will not last long, but new revolver will definitely come in handy for you.

Master Botanist
Let's start with the herbarium, since no preliminary steps are required to collect herbs. In addition, the first plant can be found already in the vicinity of MacFarlane's farm. However, in order not to wander in search, it is recommended to buy a botanical map (Survivalist map) at the nearest store. Within 20 minutes, the map shows where the flowers grow in the current area stay of John. Well, one way or another, let's start collecting. For a start, just pick any flower.

First level: Collect six Wild Feverfew flowers. The flower can be found in the New Austin area (Challa Springs).

Plants come across quite often, and, what is especially pleasing, they often come across along the roads. The task will not be difficult to complete. In addition, flowers appear on the minimap when John is close to them, so when traveling, do not be lazy to pull off the road in the direction of the flower markers. This is true for picking any flowers. As soon as the required number of plants is in John's supplies, the game will be automatically saved and the task will be updated (see the current tasks in the journal: Start => Journal => Challenges).

Second level: Collect six Desert Sage flowers. The plant is found in the Gaptooth Ridge area. Thanks to the purple flowers and long stems, it is clearly visible against the background of cacti and local grass, plus, we remind you, you have a mini-map at your disposal.

Third level: Collect four Red Sage flowers. Growing area of ​​Rio Bravo. The plant resembles the flowers from the previous task. The main difference is in red.

The next flower can only be found in Mexico, so if you have not yet completed the story quest "We Will Be Together in Paradise", it's time to start storming Fort Mercer. Once you've dealt with Bill Williamson's gang, head back to our Young Nerd Club and we'll continue.

Fourth level: Collect eight Prickly Pear flowers. The plant resembles a cactus. Head to the Punta Orgullo area of ​​revolutionary Mexico, look for short cacti with bright red flowers.

Fifth level: Collect seven flowers of Wooly Blue Curl. A cute purple flower that grows in the vicinity of Chuparosa.
Congratulations, here's the first bonus: the botanist card now lasts not 20, but as much as 40 minutes, so it will be easier to collect the rest of the plants.

Sixth level: Collect eight Butterfly Weed flowers. It is a plant with pretty bright orange flowers. Grows in the area of ​​Diez Coronas.

Seventh level: Collect ten Hummingbird Sage flowers. Look for the purple flower in the southern part of the forest near the town, Tall Trees. Remember that grizzly bears live in the forests there (usually you don't see less than three).

Level 8: Collect twelve Prairie Poppies. This plant grows abundantly around the Beecher's hore, along the railroad tracks.

Ninth level: Collect fifteen Currant leaves. Quite tall bushes growing in the area of ​​Creat Plains and all the same Marston ranch are pretty easy to spot.

Tenth level: collect ten Violes Snowdrop plus two flowers (leaves) of all other plants. Look for violets in the northern part of the forest near Mount Nekoti, where the bears live, the rest of the plants according to the instructions above.

And here it is - the second bonus. John can now independently mix the Dead Eye tonic.

Accurate shooter

Shooting is much more interesting than botany, but becoming the best shooter in the game is extremely difficult. But we'll try anyway, right? As in the case of collecting plants, you can start the shooter's path by shooting the first bird, John will begin his ascent to the title of the most accurate shooter in Red Dead Redemption as of 1911.

First level: shoot five flying birds. Here everything is ingenuous: we see a bird - we shoot.

Second level: shoot five rabbits.

Third level: shoot five coyotes before they damage John. It's not difficult: open the map, turn on maximum distance, put a mark in the area where the coyotes are drawn (for example, to the northwest of MacFarlane's ranch) and go hunting. Coyotes attack in flocks, while they give themselves out with a characteristic howl. Having heard this very howl, prepare a multi-shot gun and shoot the animals right from the saddle.

Fourth level: shoot five birds while on a moving train. Also a simple task. You can wait for trains at the nearest station. But you don't have to waste your time. If you are one of those who prefer to act, open the map, look for the train icon, then plot the interception route. Saddle up your horse and ride at full speed to the meeting point. After reaching the train, wait for a message like "to jump on the train, press X" and, of course, press the "X" button. John will jump on the train as he goes.

Level 5: Kill two different animals with Dead Eye mode enabled once. In fact, the task is simple. We go into the wilderness, looking out for larger animals and, more importantly, not particularly aggressive (although wolves or coyotes will also do). Having caught up with a potential victim, look for a bird (a bird can not necessarily be, for example, a deer and a wolf or something else, think of it yourself). Now turn on Dead Eye, shoot and get the first bonus - a significant increase in the number of cartridges stored in John's chests.

Sixth level: knock down the hats of two people with Dead Eye mode. Fortunately, you don't need to knock off both hats at once. The easiest way is to look for Mexicans as they love to wear a wide-brimmed sombrero. You're almost guaranteed to knock off the hats and not shoot the poor guys in the head. But if you are not looking for easy ways, you can complete this task long before John gets to the other side of the river. The main thing is not to fuss, well, and to choose more or less fixed targets. Although, having adapted, you can knock off hats from galloping horsemen.

Seventh level: kill three grizzly bears with the first shot .. The best and easiest option is the Buffalo rifle. The algorithm is as follows: find the first bear (in the forest north of the city of Blackwater) .Turn on Dead Eye for loyalty and put a bullet exactly in the forehead of the beast. If the bear did not fall, the attempt failed: finish off the predator and wait for its relatives, since bears live here in threes. If the bear is killed by the first shot, carefully look around - two more are somewhere nearby. Repeat the same steps and get a new level.

Eighth level: knock off hats and knock weapons out of the hands of two people. Thank God, you don't need to do all these tricks at the same time. You can knock off the hat from one, then from the other, then disarm the third, and then knock off the hat and knock the weapon out of the hands of the fourth - of your choice. You already know how to shoot hats, with knocking out weapons the situation is a little trickier, although the algorithm is about the same. Remember that you should shoot exclusively at weapons - any, not even fatal, hitting the poor fellow means failure and the search for a new target. To be sure, turn on Dead Eye.

Ninth level: shoot six wild animals without changing or reloading weapons. It sounds a little confusing, but the task is actually not difficult. Equip yourself with a multi-shot rifle, turn on Dead Eye and complete the task. Another option is the "Ruin" plot task, where you need to shoot many, many crows in a certain time.

Tenth level: disarm six opponents without changing or reloading weapons. Hard case. The easiest way to complete the task is armed with the Evans multiple-charge rifle, which has a magazine capacity of 21 rounds.

The second bonus is the significantly increased rate of restoring Dead Eye reserves. Now let's hunt - this is also very fun and exciting entertainment.

Hunting, as you might guess, means killing animals and collecting trophies from their carcasses and carcasses. To start the difficult path of a hunter, it is enough to kill some wild animal and skin it off.

First level: kill and skin five coyotes. No fancy: looking for a flock of coyotes, kill and skin them.

Second level: kill and skin five female deer. Females, we recall, are hornless.

Third level: kill five wolves with a knife, collect five wolf skins. We open the map, look for the image of a wolf, put a marker, move out. Hearing a wolf's roar, we dismount, prepare a knife and remember that in aiming mode, John can avoid rolling attacks. Now we aim the first wolf and calm down the gray predator with two knife blows. We repeat with the rest of the pack. When all the wolves are dead, take turns skinning them. If you have not yet succeeded in two knife strikes in a row, the animals can be wounded from, for example, a pistol, and then finish the job with melee weapons.

Fourth level: Collect five boar tusks and three armadillo shells. Boars live north of MacFarlane's ranch, battleships - in the central part of Challa Springs. Boars are best met with a doublet from a shotgun, but battleships are shot with pistols, otherwise the shell will not be seen.

Fifth level: kill two pumas with a knife, collect two pumas skins. Now this is an adventure! Puma is a dangerous opponent even if you are armed with firearms. Nevertheless, you can cope with it with a knife. The secret is simple: keep the beast out of sight, move away from its swift attacks, and then cut it. If you feel strong enough, cut the puma in the opposite direction: here it rushes at John, here John meets the jump with a knife blow. Two or three blows - and the job is done. Do not forget to remove the skin from the killed beast. It is better to hunt wild cats during the day, because at night you often do not notice where the beast appears and attacks from. As a rule, cougars hunt in pairs, so just in case, look around: two such dangerous and dexterous animals against a knife are already too much. As with wolves, before engaging in a knife fight with cougars, you can first wound them with a rifle. Look for cougars north of MacFarlane's Ranch.

Sixth level: Collect five raccoon skins, five fox skins, and five skunk skins. All these wonderful animals are found in abundance north of MacFarlane's ranch, but they leave their burrows and dens only at night. Thus, wait until evening at the ranch and go north. It is better to shoot with a pistol so as not to damage the skins.

Seventh level: Collect five chunks of female deer meat and five bighorn hides. With reindeer, everything is clear - they are found in the forests north of Blackwater. The bighorn sheep are a type of mountain goat. They are found in the northern part of the same forests.

Eighth level: kill the grizzly bear with a knife. An even more dangerous endeavor than fighting two cougars at once. You can defeat the bear either by first shooting it, or by trickery: wait for the bear attack, roll back and stab the beast in the back with a knife. Such a maneuver requires a certain dexterity, but you have the good old Dead Eye on your side. We remind you that bears rarely hunt alone: ​​just in case, wait for two more predators to visit.

Ninth level: kill and skin the legendary jaguar named Han. Khan lives in the Ojo Del area. To lure out the beast, John will need bait, which is sold in any store. With the bait in your inventory, head to Ojo Del DiabLo and lay the bait - Khan won't be long in coming. Kill the beast in any convenient way and do not forget to skin it.

Tenth level: kill and skin the legendary wolf named Lobo, the equally legendary boar named Gordo and the absolutely legendary bear named Brumas. The Lobo wolf hunts in the Aurora Basin area, the Gordo boar grazes in the Stillwater Creek area (near the town of Thieves Landing), and the Brumas bear's den is located somewhere at the foot of Mount Nekoti. We take baits, look for prey, kill in any convenient way and do not forget to skin them.

As a reward for completing all hunting tasks, John will receive the ability to cook nutritious pieces from the meat of killed animals that restore health. Now let's look for treasures.

In this guide, we will tell you where to look for eight treasures hidden in a huge game world Red Dead Redemption 2, and also point out the location of all the assassin's clues.

On treasure maps, you will only see small portions of locations that depict the path to the treasure. Maps can be found on their own or bought from treasure hunters that can be encountered in different parts of the world.

Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map

Jack Hall's gang is a criminal gang of yesteryear, which hid some of the loot somewhere in New Hanover or nearby. You can buy the first map from Treasure Hunter Maximo, whom you can meet after the start of the second chapter near Flatneck Station. He will offer a card for $ 5. You can refuse and kill the man, then take her from the body of the dead man. If you ignored and did not buy the card from Maximo, you can do it later. First map

So, the first card can be obtained from Maximo. Look for it on the ridge overlooking the river northwest of Flatneck Station and north of Bard's Crossing. Initially, Maximo will ask for $ 10, but if you refuse, the price will be reduced to five.

The map will show the location of Caliban 's Seat - a unique mountain range south of Valentine. Climb the hill in the east to reach the very top. Follow the path in the rocks up. Move along the ledge, jumping over the breaks and taking up the ledges, until you you will reach a large white granite boulder with a small hole, inside which you will find a second treasure map.

Second card

The first map leads to the cache with the second treasure map of Jack Hall's gang. On it you will find a new location, Cotorra Springs. It is located east of the dividing line between the adjacent letters A and R in the AMBARINO caption on the map (and south of the caption itself). This area is also home to the legendary wolf, so be careful.

Travel to the western end of the Springs Territory, where you will find a small circle of several mountain formations. The treasure map cache is located in the center stone pile inside the circle.

Third card

This map leads to O "Creagh" s Run, north of the Three Sisters in the Grizzlies East region of Ambarino. To get there, head north from Emerald Ranch until you reach the hills. On a small island with rocks in the middle of the lake, under one of the stones, you can find Jack Hall's treasure - two gold bars.

High Stakes Treasure Map

You can start the Great Expectations treasure hunt either during a random event on the map, or, if you missed it, by purchasing a treasure map from a buyer of stolen goods.

First map

To find the first map, you must chat with an elderly treasure hunter who appears at a random moment. He is not eager to part with his map, so you will need to either rob him with the barrel of a pistol to his head, or kill or tie him, and then rummage in his pockets. We were lucky to notice him on the top of a high cliff hill northeast of Riggs station. Regardless, he may appear in other random locations between Valentine and Strawberry. After you get the map, you will need to find the first cache in Cumberland Falls, which is west of Valentine.

Approach the base of the falls from the west side, then go to the rocks on the south side of the falls. You will find that thanks to the fallen tree, you can get over to the other side of the waterfall and climb behind them. There will be a cache with a second treasure map.

The desired location from the first treasure map.

Second card

The second map takes you north to the Grizzlies West location. This cache with the following treasure map is located above the frozen water in the Barrow Lagoon area, between Lake Isabelle and Widow's Mountain.

Descend into the frozen lake and find a tree connecting the ice-shrouded island and the rocky shores of the lagoon. Search the bridge and you will find a hidden treasure map at one of its nodes.

The desired location from the second treasure map.

Third card

The last treasure map will point to Fort Wallace. The right place is on a large mountain range near the fort, to the northeast of it. Follow the path leading east along the front of the fort, then turn around to go up the hill at the back of the large stone face.

At the top there will be a path leading down between two high cliffs. Follow it to the mountain below and turn left. Follow the ledge and then continue along the thin ramp going up (in front). Sit down to get on.

Next, you will need to jump down, turn around and go down to the ledge even lower. Jump over to the next ledge and duck to crawl under a small canopy. At the very end, treasures will be hidden inside the rock - three gold bars.

The desired location from the third treasure map.

The Poisonous Trail Treasure Map

The Poisonous Trail is a unique set of treasure maps. You cannot buy a starter card or find out from anyone about its location. Instead, you must find the first part of the map yourself, and then follow the clues in the following sketches.

Where to find the first map.

First map

To find the first map, climb the West Grizzles, where the events of the first chapter took place, and travel southeast of Colter, to the small lake Cairn Lake. Enter the Cairn Lake Lodge and look under the bed to find a locked box that can be searched. Inside it is the first treasure map.

The map shows a statue engraved on a rock with a path leading to some trees. This unusual location is located in Lemoyne, north of Rhodes and Hill Haven Ranch, along the road to the Scarlett Meadows area.

Examine the face on the rocks on the left side of the road as you head northwest of Hill Haven Ranch. Take another look at the map and walk straight off the cliff face past the tree, then follow down the slope. Here you will find the trunk of a withered tree and a fallen log behind it. Find a hole in the base behind a dry tree trunk and look inside it to find a second treasure map.

The desired location from the first treasure map.

Second card

Finding the second piece of the treasure map by the mountain in Scarlett Meadows will give you a new clue. The map will show a serpentine formation and a mound with stones where the treasure is hidden. This site is located in the lower Roanoke Ridge in New Hanover, west of the Van Horn trading post, on the road to the Kamassa River.

Halfway down the road to the river behind the train tracks, head south up the hill to find an abandoned tower to climb. Once at the top, look down the slope to see a picture of a snake that Arthur will sketch in his journal.

At the top of the hill is the rounded end of the snake with a hill in the middle. Climb the hill and look through the hole to find the next treasure map.

The desired location from the second treasure map.

Third card

The last Poison Trail treasure map, which you found in the serpentine rock formation, points to a secret cave in which the treasure is hidden. The map depicts a waterfall with a passage behind it, and a secret tunnel on the right leads to a cache of treasure. Head north from the serpentine formation to the Elysian Pool in the center of Roanoke Ridge in New Hanover.

In the northern part of the reservoir with an empty river, you will find a large waterfall. Jump off your horse and walk through the waterfall to find secret place... It will be a huge cave. As you move deeper into it, ignore the rest of the cave and look down and right into the first large corridor to find a small slope to the pit.

At the bottom of the pit, you need to study the wall on the right side in order to get through a small hole into new area... In the next part there will be a fork with two routes. If you look at the map, you will understand that here you need to turn right. Also nearby you can find a small camping area with a box and valuables.

The desired location from the third treasure map.

Walk past the campsite to go to the ledge. Using the lantern, examine the left side of the cave to find a pit. There is a ledge at the bottom left, and Arthur needs to go down on it. Run ahead to pick up the required speed. From there you can safely jump down.

After landing, take a look at the lower ledge, find a long slope on the other side and find yourself at the bottom, in a dead end with water and a pile of stones on the left side. Climb higher and inspect the pile of stones to finally find the treasure - four gold bars... They can be sold to a buyer of stolen goods for $ 2000 each!

Bonus Treasure Map Le Tresor Des Morts (Special or Deluxe Edition exclusive)

First Map: Head towards the burned city southwest of Horseshoe Highlands. The first card can be found inside the stone formation.

The location of the desired points.

Second Map: The first treasure map points to a location in Saint Denis. Head to the docks and find the passage that connects the Cornwall cargo station and the harbor. Examine the wall near the lonely box to get the next card.

Treasure Location: The second treasure map indicates the location of the treasure. It is located in the same Saint-Denis. Go to the large cemetery, find a large crypt with a cathedral window to the west of the central part of the cemetery. Examine the wall to find gold bars - five pieces with a total value of $ 2500.

Torn Treasure Map (Stitched Treasure Map)

How to get a: The first two parts of the card can be obtained after the beginning of the second chapter. However, the treasure can only be found after that. How do you get into the epilogue of the game. As such, you first need to complete the main storyline of Arthur Morgan.

Reward: Otis Miller's revolver and five erotic photographs.

First map: On the far left of the map, at the beginning of the Little Creek River, find a wooden hut and search the crate inside.

Second card: right top part cards inside a box in a house called Manito Glade. After you collect the second part of the map, it will turn into a "stitched treasure map", consisting of two parts.

Treasure Location: You are interested in the territory of New Austin, southern half of the map. You can only go here after you get to the epilogue of the story. Follow Twin Rocks west into a tiny cave. Yes, you will not find gold bars, but you will receive Otis revolver and five erotic pictures... All this is needed to complete the game 100%.

Chick's Treasure Map

The Chica treasure map is almost the first thing players encounter. Despite the fact that the map shows the right place, some gamers may face problems when trying to find it. You can get this card from Chick Matthews, a character who made the mistake of agreeing to borrow money from Dutch van der Linde. In the second chapter, players can take the "Usury and Other Sins" quest given by Leopold Strauss. One of the debtors that Arthur will have to face will be the same Chick Matthews. You will have to catch up with him on a horse and then interrogate him.

The man will give Arthur a map that leads to a location nearby, east of Valentine. Upon arriving there, you will need to search a large tree. There is a hole on its north side. When examining him in a tree trunk, Arthur must find a bunch of money that are needed to pay off Chick's debt.

Right place.

Compared to other treasure maps in Red Dead Redemption 2, this one is easy to figure out. The only difficult part is finding the right tree, which is quite difficult, because the players are sent to the territory of the forest.

The reward for completing the quest with Chika's treasure map is the continuation of the storyline, and nothing more.

Map sketch

This treasure map can be found in a small hut north of Annesberg. Go inside, examine the chimney and take the map.

Next, head southwest of Annesberg to Elisian Pool Lake. Climb up and find a tree with a "cross" carved on it. You are interested in the second stone if you move away from the tree. Pick up a small boulder and collect gold bar.

Hitman's hint card

How to get a: available from chapter 2 onwards.

Reward: $ 20 and a stranger's quest "American Dreams."

Technically, the killer puzzle isn't a treasure hunt, but it will lead you to a secret stranger with side quest American Dreams.

Solution to the killer riddle: after finding all the murder sites, you can go to the killer's lair, which is a prerequisite for this task.

Map location:

The first part of the map is located east of the Braithwaite mansion. Note the inscription on the Scarlett Meadows map. You are interested in the letter S in the second word (last). Look for a new piece in the head on the other side of the large tree.

The third and final piece lies on a rock south of Wallace Station.

When you collect all the passages, you can put them together and find out where the killer is.

Treasures of a Derailed Train

In addition to treasure maps, Red Dead Redemption 2 has several other additional events that allow you to settle in with gold bars or other rewards. Several gold bars can be found inside a derailed train located south of Cotorra Springs. The exact location of the train is shown in the screenshot below. Upon arrival, players will be able to explore the carriages and collect many valuable items, including cash and jewelry. However, the real treasure is hidden in an upright locomotive, which can be accessed from the nearby cliff.

Train location.

Climb the mountain where the vertical carriage is located and then follow the path on the right to reach the higher cliff. Accelerate and jump over the gap to reach the ledges next to the carriage entrance. Climb through the hole and climb down the locomotive to find two gold bars and some booze. Each ingot can be sold to the buyer of stolen goods for $ 500.

Caches in estates

Next, we would like to talk about the houses, inside which are hidden caches with money, treasures and unique weapons. We will tell you about five of them, but for one hundred percent completion of the game, you just need to collect the loot in four.

Chaz Porter

The location of the house.

Chez Porter's estate is located near Widow Rock, in the southern part of Ambarino. On the territory of the estate you need to find a barn. This can be done in two ways: if you make some noise, you will have to kill all the enemies, but if you manage to silently kill the nearest enemy, then you will get rid of the need to fight with everyone. Climb the stairs to the barn and go upstairs. There will be a box with a bag of jewelry and two bags, each containing $ 50.

Pig farm Aberdeen

The location of the house.

Aberdeen's pig farm is located near the Camassa River in southern New Hanover. To get to the treasure hidden in the manor, you first need to talk to the person sitting on the porch. He will invite you to dinner. Go inside to open the window. The required box is on the left side of the house. There is $ 40 inside.

Van Horn Mansion

The location of the house.

The Van Horn estate is located north of the city of the same name. On the farm, you must find a basement with a group of people having fun. We'll have to kill each of them. You can also find a sleeping man here. When you try to take his money, he will wake up. Therefore, it will be better to kill him in advance, silently, and only after that take the money.

Jackson's farm

The location of the house.

The Jackson Farm is located next to the Braithwaite Mansion, south of Rhodes. The first thing to do is on the territory of the estate - to kill the man threatening you. The next step is to intimidate the other person. He will tell you where to look for the treasure. There is $ 50 inside the fireplace.

Watson's hut

The location of the house.

Watson's Hut is located near the Little Creek River, north of the Great Valley. There you will find elderly woman... She will not attack Arthur. You can safely walk around it and go down to the basement. There is a semi-automatic rifle. If you take her, Arthur's reputation will suffer slightly.