English Russian dictionary is correct. (Demon) explanatory dictionary of the English language. What is the best English dictionary

Have you ever tried to look up the right word in a dictionary? Did it turn out that for the one and only word you needed Russian- English dictionary offered ten different options? I had to rack my brains, which one to choose, and swear at the (im) explanatory dictionary?

Have you tried translating the text using an online translator? Have you seen that crazy nonsense that turned out in the end?

I declare with all responsibility. Russian-English dictionaries and online translators are evil))

Russian-English dictionary

A recent example from practice. I ask you to write a short essay on the topic of holidays and celebrations. The student conscientiously prepares, studies the Russian-English dictionary, writes an essay.

And then I read about solemn occasion. In surprise, I try to understand where the legs grow from. I'm going to Lingvo - we swam, we know the beaten paths! - I type "ceremonial", they give me:

In the first place, indeed, solemn.

And there is not a word in the dictionary about the fact that the word is very specific. Solemn is indeed solemn, but with such a lofty-ceremonial-sad undertone, it is often used in the context of church events. We go to the explanatory dictionary in English(the one that explains, and from which there is a sense))):

Solemn is used in such phrases:

solemn moment
solemn beauty

There are, of course, solemn occasions. These are events and activities imbued with the spirit of solemnity, ceremoniality and sublimity. But did we really mean this when talking about holidays, birthdays and other parties?))

And the truth is that a solemn event is just a special occasion. Which would be more appropriate in the context of marking different occasions. And what do those who use the explanatory dictionary of the English language know about, and do not look for easy ways))

What is this secret knowledge?

Yes, just any phrase in Russian corresponds to its own phrase in English. And most often it is stable, not amenable to literal translation or, in some cases, logic. follows its own logic.

That is why you should not engage in translating your thoughts from Russian into English. And, whatever the temptation, you should not rely on Russian-English dictionaries. Without understanding all the phenomena of vocabulary (the ambiguity of words, their relevance in different contexts, set expressions, etc.), it usually turns out to be complete nonsense.

Online translator

The same applies to automatic translators like Google Translate. Tried? What happens? I will not now talk about the most egregious cases of inadequate or even absurd translation.

Simple example:

Translated by Google Translate correctly, but completely without regard to context. True, I did not give him the context)) Insidious.

So here it is is also a popular expression for expressing surprise. Like, "Come on! Come on! Yes, you go!"

Similar example:

Yes, - it is often just "no way!". It is also a synonym for in the sense that “it can’t be”, I don’t believe it!

Okay, let's have mercy on Google, give it more context:

Mdya... Get out of here, you're not my friend anymore))) It doesn't help.

One more example:

And what do you think? Again context doesn't help. Even despite its presence (the word "rich"), Google does not take it into account at all. We're not talking about his physical condition ( condition)! It's about financial condition. More appropriate would be:

Unlike many other rich people, his fortune/wealth wasn't earned.

Believe it or not, that's not good enough either! Nevertheless, in addition to words and expressions, Russian and English differ in the structure of sentences. This is already quite good and competent:

Unlike other rich people, he didn't earn his fortune

What to do?

And if you do not translate from Russian and do not use Google Translate, then what remains?

Speak and think in English! Except for those cases when you really need to translate something or analyze it accurately between Russian and English.

How to start speaking and thinking in English?

I'm afraid there is only one answer, and it is banal: to study English. Do not look for loopholes, but do it right. Immerse yourself in the spirit and logic of the English language. Pay attention to phrases and set expressions.

And what, you can’t use dictionaries at all?

Yes, you can, you can)) The question is which dictionaries to trust.

English explanatory dictionary

Based on many years of experience in learning English (and this is an endless process) and teaching it, you can trust English-English dictionaries. This is what is called:

  • explanatory dictionary of the English language
  • monolingual dictionary
  • English-English dictionary

The publishing house is not so important. Cambridge, Oxford, Macmillan are all good.

It is more important that the explanatory dictionary of the English language gives

  • word definitions
  • usage examples
  • typical and common word expressions (collocations)
  • multiple values ​​if there are indeed multiple (meanings)

There are different monolingual dictionaries - there are for advanced ones, there are for beginners. You just need to pick up such an explanatory dictionary of the English language, in which all explanations will be as clear as possible.

Checking the use of words

In addition to explanatory dictionaries, there are several more good ways check word.

Search system

One of them is Google. No conflict with the above

English-speaking Google (as a search engine) is good because it shows what people are looking for and finding. The search results will show the most typical contexts and uses of words and expressions. It shows how words are used in real texts.


Another way to check the usage of a word is to use something like the British National Corpus. It contains more than one hundred million examples from written and oral sources (newspapers, websites, blogs; recorded conversations, radio and television programs, films).

Every student who is learning English with transcription and pronunciation must use good dictionary. Previously, dictionaries were simple books with transcription and a bunch of pages in which you had to look for the necessary word.

But today, in the age of the Internet, you can simply type a word into a line or even just speak it on your phone, and the dictionary will give you a translation, transcription and even its use in colloquial speech.

What dictionaries should be used, how to look up pronunciation from English to Russian and much more you will learn from this article.

When learning English, a situation often arises in which you need to know the meaning of a word, and friends and own experience cannot help you in this case. In this case, an explanatory dictionary of the English language is useful, they are not only in the form of books, but also electronic, online products. They have several significant advantages.

For instance:

  1. The meaning of the word is described in great detail, including relatively rare uses;
  2. Usually, explanatory online dictionaries English provide the opportunity to listen to the word, and therefore to practice pronunciation;
  3. Quick response to any request;
  4. More prompt updating of electronic explanatory dictionaries of the English language compared to paper ones due to the rapid addition of new words and meanings;
  5. These dictionaries are usually completely free.

Using an explanatory English dictionary is very simple. As a rule, there is a field for entering the original word, the meaning of which you want to find out. This word must be entered and the enter key pressed, after which the necessary information will appear.
Such an English to English explanatory dictionary is an integral part of almost any browser or other multi-purpose portal. The Oxford English Dictionary, several other resources created in the UK and the USA are very famous.
There is a thematic and age division of such dictionaries. The online edition for toddlers and younger students contains fewer words, but, as a rule, is provided with pictures, graphic images, and is decorated in bright colors. Dictionaries for high school and undergraduate students are more rigorous and focus on concepts related to the curriculum. There are also specialized dictionaries. Their fullness is even more different from the general English explanatory dictionaries. There are much fewer basic words and concepts in them, but there are many terms from that section of science, art or professional knowledge to which this dictionary is dedicated. Many English words, in addition to well-known meanings, often have highly specialized ones. In such dictionaries, you can almost always find such values. In addition, professional English dictionaries are updated even more frequently than common ones, as they must take into account changes in the industry in question.

For example, the frequency dictionary of the English language. In it, the words are not arranged alphabetically, but by frequency of use. Such a dictionary is ideal for those who want to quickly master the language - the first 1000 (2000, 5000) words are enough. How many words you need to learn to begin with, we have already analyzed in another article “how many words in English”, so here we will not dwell on this. The main thing is that with a frequency dictionary, the set of necessary vocabulary is a matter of discipline and method. You do not need to think about which words are “needed” and which are not, you just methodically memorize the planned number, gradually mastering the vocabulary for all topics.

  1. Cambridge Dictionaries and Oxford Learner's Dictionary.

One of the most popular dictionaries used by many students from all over the world. Cambridge Dictionary provides any English words with pronunciation. You just need to drive them into the search box and press "Enter". In addition, the site offers many examples of the use of words in sentences. The Cambridge Dictionary website also has a separate grammar section and an interesting blog about learning English.

The Oxford Dictionary offers the same features, but before you can use the full benefits, you must register on the site. A nice difference is that in addition to the grammar section, the resource offers instructional videos on English grammar.

  1. Macmillan Dictionary

A very convenient explanatory dictionary from English to Russian with pronunciation. The words are spoken in pure British dialect. At the same time, there is a transcription, an indication of the forms and synonyms of the word, as well as its definition in English. Macmillan's dictionary is very convenient in that it does not contain unnecessary advertising and distracting blocks. But there are educational games, a grammar section, pronunciation training and much more.

  1. Urban Dictionary.

Most big dictionary idioms and slangs of the English language. Moreover, the users themselves are engaged in filling the dictionary. Therefore, if you will learn English with pronunciation, then please note that on this site, users are also involved in the pronunciation of words. This guide is extremely useful for those who are going to migrate to another country, as idioms and slang often confuse Russian-speaking tourists.

  1. ABBYY Lingvo.

A wonderful dictionary from Russian-speaking developers. Here you can learn English pronunciation words, as well as asking questions to the community about grammar or exercises. It is noteworthy that the dictionary also has a version for Android and iOS, so you can always download the dictionary to your phone.

  1. Merriam-Webster and English-Russian Dictionary

If you're looking for a good English pronunciation dictionary, then we recommend using the two resources above. Dictionaries offer multiple pronunciations, transcriptions for each word, and even educational games. Merriam-Webster's dictionary is somewhat more popular and constantly evolving, but it does have paid content.

Most popular English words

Well, where without the most frequently used words? In order to communicate normally and understand your interlocutor, you will need vocabulary at least 1000 words. This can be achieved within a month. And now we will present the 100 most used words that can be learned in less than a week.

For convenience, you can insert each word into any Russian-English pronunciation dictionary and study it directly online.

English English Dictionary

Another great option to learn a language in a fun way is an English-English dictionary, more precisely, an explanatory dictionary of the English language. This is the dictionary that you can read at night. The method of working with it is quite simple: having met an unfamiliar word in the text, you find its meaning in the explanatory dictionary, and then look for the interpretation of all incomprehensible words of the description. Thus, the number of new words in a foreign language is growing exponentially.
There is no doubt that anyone who learns a language simply must have a dictionary at hand. Russian-English, English-Russian and some other dictionaries and phrasebooks that will make language learning effective and interesting. On this page you can download them for free.

Russian-English dictionaries. Download.

Kuznetsov S. - English in the style of the Economist. Dictionary for the sophisticated, 2011

Devnina E.N. - Big English-Russian and Russian-English Aviation Dictionary - 2011

Active English-Russian minimum dictionary

Belik E. (comp.) - English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary for schoolchildren - 2012



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Do you often turn to the help of a dictionary? Every person studying English sooner or later faces the need to find the best reference. Therefore, today we will tell you which online English dictionaries are the best so that you can choose the best option for yourself.

Recall that in the article "" we told what a high-quality reference book should contain and how to choose a dictionary depending on the level of English proficiency and the format of the dictionary. We also recommended using some of the best directories: multitran.ru, macmillandictionary.com and urbandictionary.com. And today we want to offer you some more quality resources. Perhaps you will like one of them.


On this site you will find a set of online English dictionaries.

  • Here you can use both explanatory (English-English) and translation (English-Russian) dictionaries.
  • There is a help page that lists the main abbreviations used on the site.
  • The Cambridge Dictionary gives some of the most commonly used definitions of the word, whether there is an indication, a countable noun or not.
  • Several examples of sentences are given for each word - you will understand in what context it is better to use specific vocabulary.
  • There is a record of the pronunciation of the word in the British and American versions, as well as a transcription for each of these options.
  • Collocations (expressions with this word) are given for each word, so you will understand which words the new vocabulary is combined with.
  • There is a list of idioms containing your word, you can also familiarize yourself with them.
  • A list of synonyms is also provided, as well as words related in meaning, so that you can create your own set of homogeneous vocabulary and study it.

The only negative is that the English-Russian version of the dictionary only assumes a simple translation of the word without explanation, which may be inconvenient for beginners.


This dictionary is interesting because it is not only an explanatory online dictionary of the English language, it also contains simple explanations.

  • You will be given many definitions of the word, each of which will be given several examples of use in context.
  • An interesting feature of this resource is that it has interesting articles about the origin of words.
  • The site has a recording of the pronunciation of the word.
  • Here is a list of vocabulary that rhymes with the word you are interested in.
  • A synonymous series is proposed that will be useful in teaching.
  • You can find translations of phrasal verbs and slang.

Among the minuses, we noticed that the recording of the pronunciation of the word and its transcription are given only in the American version. And it is still quite difficult to find a translation of English idioms.


  • For each word, the most common definitions and dozens of examples of the use of vocabulary in context are given.
  • There is a recording of the American and British pronunciations of each word, as well as a transcription for each of these options.
  • There is an indication whether the word can be counted or not (countable or not).
  • A list of idioms containing the requested word is proposed, each of them is given an explanation and an example of use.
  • Frequently used collocations and vocabulary related to the concept you are interested in are indicated.
  • The resource provides a fairly wide range of synonyms for the word.
  • You can find translations of slang expressions, idioms and phrasal verbs.


  • Several common definitions of the word are given.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation of the word, as well as a transcription to it.
  • There is a history of the origin of each word.
  • A number of synonyms for the word of interest are given.
  • A list of idioms is proposed that includes the word being studied.
  • A separate block highlights the slang meanings of the word.
  • Given wise quotes that use the word you are interested in.

Among the negative features of this service, we note the absence of the British pronunciation of the word, only the transcription is given. A rather narrow vocabulary of idioms is also presented.


This online English dictionary offers several versions of the interpretation of the word: more difficult for native speakers and easier for English learners.

  • Several definitions of the word are given.
  • Specifies whether the word is countable or not.
  • There are examples of using vocabulary in context.
  • Translations of the word into several languages ​​(including Russian) are given.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation in the British and American voiceovers, and a transcription is attached to them.
  • There are interesting statistics on the use of the word over the past 10 years - you will find out how popular it is among native speakers.
  • There is a translation of idioms, slang, phrasal verbs.

The disadvantages we would include the lack of a number of synonyms for each word. Also, there are no idioms associated with the search word, and few examples of the use of vocabulary.

We have presented you the best English explanatory online dictionaries. Look through them all, re-read our article on choosing a dictionary, which we provided a link to at the beginning of the publication, and choose the best option for you. It is best to use 2 dictionaries: one from this list and a translation one, for example, Multitran. So you can get the maximum information about the studied vocabulary.

Why do many teachers advise their students to use English-English dictionaries? Today we will try to answer this question in the most detail, and also talk about the advantages of such a guide.

Everyone needs an English-English dictionary. Why? Find out from our article. Obviously, a monolingual (explanatory or English-English) dictionary is not suitable for everyone. If a person starts learning English from scratch, then such a manual is useless. Dictionary not suitable for students with levels and - at the initial stages, using a monolingual dictionary will be difficult and inconvenient. To begin with, you need to acquire sufficient vocabulary to understand the explanations in English. For everyone else, we recommend using an English-English dictionary. Why is it useful? Read below.

What is the use of an English-English dictionary

1. You learn the meaning of the word, not the translation

When using a monolingual manual, you learn not just the translation of a word, but what it means. Thus, it will be easier for you to understand in what context the word is used. Russian-English dictionaries give you a simple translation of a word and don't explain when to use it. But it happens that the same word can have opposite meanings. Read more about such words in the article "TOP 10 polysemantic English words that baffle us". Based on the explanation in the English-English dictionary, you will understand how to CORRECTLY use the word in a particular context.

2. You learn additional words

In the explanation of the word, the most frequently used vocabulary of the English language is usually used. Therefore, if you do not understand any word from the definition, it makes sense to learn it as well - this way you will get a double benefit from working with a dictionary.

3. You get more complete information about the studied word

A monolingual dictionary usually contains more information about the word itself, examples of use in different meanings, idioms and phrasal verbs with this word. A Russian-English dictionary may not contain such information, or it may be contained in a small amount.

The following additional information in the dictionary is especially useful:

  • Synonyms and antonyms of the word. Studying one concept, you at the same time repeat the words you already know or learn new ones - similar or opposite in meaning.
  • Monolingual dictionaries list the most frequently used combinations of words, such as verbs with prepositions. This will allow you to learn how to use new vocabulary correctly.

4. You learn to think in English, not translate

You completely immerse yourself in the English language and form a wonderful habit: not mentally translate the word into Russian, but immediately think in English. The new word will not be associated with a Russian concept, but with an explanation in the same English.

5. You learn to paraphrase

A monolingual dictionary is an excellent springboard for practicing paraphrase skills: each word in it is interpreted by other (usually simpler) words. If necessary, you can replace the forgotten compound word the explanation you remember from the dictionary. Such a skill can help you if, during a conversation in English, you forget a word and you need to explain its meaning in other words.

6. You develop the skill of language guessing

Working with a monolingual manual takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, while reading the text, you would rather not dig into the reference book, but will guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context - an important good habit for every English learner.

What is the best English dictionary?

Learn to read in English without the help of a dictionary and enjoy the book. Despite all the advantages of a monolingual dictionary, we believe that it alone is still not enough for an easy and successful learning of the English language. It is best to use two dictionaries at once: monolingual and bilingual. English-Russian dictionary will help you, for example, if you need to find a translation of a word denoting a type of something: a breed of cat, a type of tree, a type of vehicle. Explanation of such words in a monolingual dictionary may not give a clear idea of ​​what exactly they mean. In addition, many English learners notice that remembering a word is still easier if you rely on a Russian translation.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that different dictionaries are needed. Both bilingual and monolingual dictionaries are essential references for every English lover. Check out the article "", in it we have given some useful links to the best monolingual and bilingual online dictionaries and dictionary applications for mobile devices. We wish you success in learning English!

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is such a requirement today for an employee. free English proficiency- the road to success and career advancement. But even a person who speaks and uses the language regularly needs an explanatory dictionary. Memorizing dozens of meanings for each English (or other foreign) word is impossible, and not necessary. The technological 21st century has brought us to the rescue online dictionaries containing millions of entries. Do not forget about paper options either. The Internet is not yet available everywhere.

Explanatory dictionaries of the English language online

I recommend using trusted sites that have proven themselves decades ago. It applies to them. This Internet resource offers the user free access. It is designed to help students prepare for exams and contains a database of hundreds of thousands of English words. Advantages: minimalistic interface, 2 transcription options that correspond to the peculiarities of pronunciation in British and American society.

Click on the picture to go to the dictionary

Another useful site Macmillan Dictionary offers detailed description English words and their pronunciation recorded by a native speaker. The portal is distinguished by high-speed search and a simple interface that is easy to learn. The interpretation on the site is less detailed than on the Cambridge one. But for some users, this is a plus.

Click on the picture to go to the dictionary

Internet resources are constantly updating, clarifying data and improving site search. There are buttons social networks to save your favorites or .

Oxford English Dictionary

If you need constant access (regardless of the Internet and location), the Oxford Paper Dictionary is your choice. This is a complete professional edition containing 301,000 articles (350 million characters). It diverges in incredible circulations around the world. The complete edition is cumbersome and contains 20 volumes, but a short version in two volumes has been prepared for the mass consumer. The dictionary includes modern word formations and old forms of words that have gone out of use. It's suitable for writers professional translators and experienced linguists.

Cambridge English Dictionary

The advantage of the Cambridge Explanatory Dictionary is continuous updating and addition of new words and slang of the English language. It comes with a CD with canonical pronunciation and transcription. This book is the brainchild of eminent scientists at the University of Cambridge and is based on the ratings and feedback of millions of users. It is understandable to the reader, regardless of the level of knowledge foreign language. This edition keeps up with the times. The book is compact, so it is suitable for students and service workers.

for sale compact and inexpensive dictionaries that include popular English phrases. They are intended for students and schoolchildren. Linguistics is not limited to obsolete phrases and words. Therefore, they turn to proven dictionaries of the latest editions, or use online portals to find out the meaning of a word in the required context.