Compound nouns. §10: Some derivational types. Self-study guide Complicated words in the Tatar language examples

Compound nouns are formed as a result of combining two words connected by a subordinate link, and are always written together:

alma(apple) + agach(tree) = almagach(Apple tree)

cool(hand) + yaulyk(scarf) = kullyaulyk(handkerchief)

Compound nouns are formed according to the following patterns:

    adj. + noun: carabodai(buckwheat, buckwheat), akosh(Swan), terekөmesh(Mercury);

    noun + noun: kөnyak(south), tunyak(north), ashyaulik(tablecloth);

    num. + noun: өchpochmak(triangle), bishbarmak(bishbarmak: "five fingers" is the name of the dish), dүrtpochmak(quadrilateral);

    pronoun. + noun: үzaң(self-awareness), үzidarә(self management);

    noun + verb: eshkuar(businessman), urynbasar(deputy), Ilskyar(Ilsiyar).

The second component of a compound word can be expressed by a derived word: al yapkych(apron), kn batysh(west), kn chygysh(east), su saklagich(reservoir).

There are many borrowed compound words in the Tatar language. They are formed using truncated components auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, bicycle-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, cinema-, micro-, mono-, moto-, radio-, television-, photo-, electro- and mainly refer to scientific and technical terminology: agrotechnique,ledsport,hydroMechanics,zoothe park,moviepainting,microclimate,bodyfilm. The second component is a native Tatar word: radiodulkyn(radio wave), electroүtkәrgech(electrical wire), bodykүper(teleconference), Photorәsem(photo).

Compound words with components of Persian origin are also used. -khan(room, room, house), -we(letter): alkhan(canteen), kitapkhan(library), giftkhan(pharmacy), sәyakhәtusә(travel description), witherusә(will).

Paired nouns

Paired nouns consist of two components and are used to express plurality, collectiveness, to expand or strengthen the meaning of words. Paired nouns are classified according to the relationship of components as follows:

    components are synonyms or similar words: saulyk-sulamәtlek(health), isәnlek-saulyk(health), shatlyk-kuanich(joy), khatyn-kyz(woman), yort-yir(house, farm), goref-gadәt(custom);

    components are antonyms, that is, words opposite in meaning: әti-әni(parents), әbi-babay(grandmother and grandfather), ut-su(Fire and Water), җir-kүk(earth and sky), cue-salym(clothes), kөn-tөn(day and night);

    the first word has a real meaning, and the second is used in modern Turkic languages ​​or Tatar dialects in the meaning of the first component: bala-chaga(children), savyt-saba(tableware), ir-at(Man);

    the first word has a real meaning, and the second is just a phonetic version of the first: әbi-chәbi(old ladies), malay-shalai(boys) ismish-mimesh(gossip);

    none of the components are used separately, only together they have a real meaning: әkәm-tөkәm(snail), eңger-meңger(dust), ygy-zygy(hustle and bustle), shaw-shu(noise), ybyr-chybyr(little thing, little thing).

8 nights march knnekhatyn-kyzlarga chәchәk bүlәk itәlәr. On March 8, women and girls are presented with flowers.

23 nights february knne khбrbilәrne genә tүgel, barlykir-atlarny yes byrәm beln kotlylar. 23 february congratulations on the holiday not justbkomilitary, but all men.

9 nchy maidaәbi-babailarga aerucha zur igtibar kүrsәtәlәr. On May 9, grandparents are given special attention.

Ulym, sinyort-irgә koz-kolak blvd. Son, you look after the house.

Kamil, kyzym, sinnewspaper-zhurnalarny ep bar! Camille,daughter, you collect newspapersandmagazines.


The Tatar language belongs to the Kipchak-Bulgar group of Turkic languages.


The basis of the Tatar vocabulary is formed by words of common Turkic origin, common with the vocabulary of Bashkir, Kazakh, Nogai, Kumyk, Uzbek, Azeri, Karachai, Turkmen, Tuvan, Yakut, Chuvash and other languages. These are words denoting parts of the human body, kinship, natural phenomena, animals, flora, numerals, pronouns, etc.

As a result of contacts with the languages ​​of various families, the Tatar language borrowed from them to one degree or another certain words. So, in the Tatar language there are Indian, Chinese, Finno-Ugric borrowings related to the era of the general Türkic state. A huge influence on the Tatar language was exerted by the Arabic and Persian languages, borrowings from which relate to religion, education, state and administrative life, philology, management, names, etc. Since the time of the Bulgar state, the Tatars had close ties with the Slavs, this connection is all increased, especially after the annexation of Kazan to the Russian state. Close political, economic, cultural ties with Russia led to a huge layer of Russian borrowings, which, before the October Revolution, penetrated through oral speech and therefore underwent significant phonetic changes (furrow - brown, log - bүrәnә, cage - kelәt, resin- thought etc.). After the October Revolution, borrowings began to penetrate into the Tatar language through the written language and therefore are written and pronounced, as in Russian: army, ballet, hero, factory, cinema, collective farm, conservative, chief, chairman, revolution, reserve, secretary, council, state farm, fountain pen, voucher, check, action, rating etc. Borrowings from the Russian language cover all aspects of the life of the Tatar people and constitute the most numerous layer of borrowings.

Through the Russian language, words are also borrowed from Western European languages ​​in the same meanings and sound as in Russian.

And the Russian language, in close contact with the Tatar language for many centuries, borrowed hundreds of words from the Tatar and other Turkic and Eastern languages. These words are the common foundation for the Tatar and Russian languages. This is - treasury, treasurer, altyn, money, karakul, mound, fog, blizzard, brick, morocco, brocade, atlas, caftan, chekmen, bashlyk, yapancha, heel, ichigi, diamond, pearl, lasso, collar, herd, argamak, biryuk, brown, roan, karak, leopard, wild boar, chipmunk, golden eagle, cockroach, reed, kavun, dope, elm, bishbarmak, kalach, tuzluk, katyk, ayran, tea, cast iron, cauldron, tursun, steelyard, yurt, tower, etc. .d.

Graphic arts. Phonetics

The writing of the Tatars experienced a change in a number of graphic systems and several reforms of alphabets and spelling. From ancient times until the 10th century, runic signs were used, then the Uyghur script. Since the 10th century, in connection with the adoption of Islam, the Bulgars switch to the Arabic alphabet, which is undergoing several reforms, starting from the end XIX century to 1928, when all the Turkic peoples of the USSR adopted the so-called I am an aliph (iңa + әlif- new letter) based on Latin graphics, which existed until 1939. Since that time, there has been a written language based on Russian graphics. The transition to the Latin alphabet is expected.

The modern Tatar alphabet consists of 39 letters:

The names of the letters in the Tatar language are the same as in Russian.

An additional six letters have been adopted to reflect the peculiarity of the phonetic system. Tatar language: ә, ө, ү - vowels, җ , ң , һ - consonants.

There are 9 vowel sounds in the Tatar language: a-ә, y-ү , s-e (e), o-ө , and.

In addition to them, three more Russian sounds entered the Tatar language along with borrowed words: o (long), NS(long) NS(long), differing from the Tatar sounds conveyed by the same signs.

Vowel sounds are divided into solid (back vowels) - a, y, s, oh and soft (front vowels): ә, ү, ө, e, and... Such a clear division of vowels determines the law of syngarmonism in the Tatar language, the essence of which boils down to the following: a number of vowel sounds in the root or in the first syllable is preserved in the affixes and syllables attached to it: kal-ma-gan-nar-hole(probably didn't stay), ki-ter-mә-gәn-nәr-me(didn’t they bring it?). Thus, the Tatar word is either only hard, or only soft. The exceptions are compound words and Arabic, Persian, as well as Russian borrowings: Gul + su(proper name), beat + bau(belt), kan + echkech(bloodthirsty), tөn + striker(lily); ifrat(very), kitap(book), ihtyyaҗ ( need), dindar(religious), җәshine(society), robe(I agree), ichtimal(Maybe); committee, factory, kiosk, editorial office, institute, administration etc.

For the formation of the vowel sounds of the Tatar language, the position of the lips, the horizontal and vertical movement of the tongue and the quantitative longitude are important. When pronouncing a-ә, s-e, and lips are not rounded, as is the case when pronouncing o-ө, and especially when y-ү. The tongue moves back and forth. When the tongue moves forward, soft vowels are formed (front row) ә, ү, ө, e, and; when moving backwards - solid vowels (back row): a, a, a, a, a... At the lowest position of the tongue, a-ә(low rise). At the highest vertical position - vowels y-ү, and, and between these two positions - s-e, o-ө.

Short vowels differ in quantitative longitude: s - e, o-ө and long: a-ә, u, u-ү.

Vowel [a° ] ... In the Tatar language, this sound is rounded, especially in the initial syllables, which gradually disappears towards the end of the word: ka° la° la° pga- cities.

Vowel [ә]... It is an open, long sound. When pronouncing this sound, the vertical position of the tongue is the lowest possible: әrem-sagebrush, әni-mom, these-dad, әнә-von, әrekmәn- burdock. The vowel of the front row, when pronounced, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower front teeth, the tongue is pushed forward, the front part of the back of the tongue is slightly raised up towards the hard palate.

Vowels [y] - [ү]... Sound [ at] does not differ from Russian. Sound [ ү ] is a soft pair of phonemes [ at]. This is a vowel - rounded, front row; when pronouncing it, the tongue is raised as much as possible. Reminds Russian at in the word of the jury: urman- Forest, urak- sickle, feces- stay, bүlү- divide, kүl- Lake.

Vowel [and]... Vowel [ and] matches Russian [ and]: irkәm(my tender). At the end of a syllable and words in the Tatar language and pronounced like short and:sөili (th)(tells) әni (th) (mother), kүzli (th)(observes).

Vowels [o] - [ө]... These are semi-narrow, short sounds pronounced with the participation of the lips. They differ from each other only by the movement of the tongue forward and backward during articulation. Letters o-ө are written only in the first syllable, despite the fact that they are heard: kolyn[… Olon] - foal, sola[solo] - oats, kөlk[kөlkө] - funny, sөlge [sөlgө] - towel.

Vowels [s] - [e]... Vowel [ NS] differs from Russian in that Russian [ NS] is pronounced with a higher rise of the back of the tongue to the palate than the Tatar [ NS]: lyys- needles, kyrgych- scraper, kurkynych- dangerous, suzynky- oblong. Vowel e differs from NS just next to it, reminds of Russian NS in a word these ... Graphically depicted NS(at the beginning of a word) and e(in the middle of a word): elek(before), Elgechne(hanger), kererg(login) etc.

Sounds borrowed from the Russian language oh s, uh pronounced in the same way as in Russian itself (tone, premise, poetry).

There are 28 consonants in the Tatar language. 25 of them are used in primordial Tatar words, Arab-Persian borrowings. These are sounds like: [п] - [b], [m], [w], [f], [T]- [d], [n], [with]- [s], [h]-[җ ], [NS]-[f], [l], [R], [NS], [th] , [To]-[G], []- [], [ң ], [һ ], [‘] (Gamza-guttural explosion). The consonants [v], [c], [u] are used only in Russian borrowings. Consonants [ b]-[NS], [d]- [T], [in]-[f], [f]- [NS], [with]- [s], [l], [m], [n], [th], [R] do not differ from Russian sounds. Unlike the Russian language, where the softness of the consonants plays a meaningful role (brother - take, they say, mole, blow - hit), in the Tatar language the softness of consonants depends on adjacent vowels and does not distinguish between meaning: bar(go) - bәr(hit the), bul(be) - bүl(Delhi), toz(salt) - tөz(slim).

The specific sounds of the Tatar language are as follows:

Consonant [w]- graphically indicated as in, u-ү (vakyt- time, tau- mountain, vәkil- representative, dәү- adult, large). Formed by rounded lips, semi-vowel. By letter in Russian voiced slit sound is also transmitted: carriage, fan, stained glass.

Consonant [h]- slit voiceless consonant, differs from Russian h lack of initial bow T: Chilube- Chelyabinsk, chibur-beautiful, quality- run away, kechken- small.

Consonant [җ]- ringing couple h resembling the last sound in the Russian word rain: җif l - Jalil, taҗ- a crown, toәҗә- goat, җilәk- berry.

Consonant [k]- voiceless, occlusive, back-lingual consonant, found in primordial Tatar words: keel- come, kiruk- necessary, sәnәk- pitchfork, ә roll - slowly. Sound To close To Russian soft To: cinema, wagon, skittles.

A consonant [...]- voiceless, deep-lingual, occlusive consonant: ... al-stay, ... ala ...- a spoon, but…- White, su ... you- hit, a ... sa ...- lame.

Consonant [r]- voiced consonant pair [ To]: gөlәp- rose hip, gүzәl- beautiful, үgi- orphan, kilgan - came... Sound G close to Russian G: garage, garland, sleeve, roasting.

Consonant [„]- voiced consonant pair [...]: a „a- flows, boo ah- seems, su „an- onion, " ata- Gata, „ alim- scientist. Reminds Russian G in dialectal pronunciation: god god.

Consonant [ң]- soft palatal, uvular, nasal sound, when pronounced, the back of the tongue touches the soft palate, the tongue closes the entrance to the oral cavity, and the air stream passes through the nose, getting a nasal tint: - left, tuңa- freezes; aңly- understands aңa- him. Reminiscent of a concatenation of consonants ng.

Consonant [x]- voiceless, deep-lingual, slit consonant, has a deeper place of formation than Russian NS: halyk- people, hack- right, ahak- opal, huҗa- master.

Consonant [һ]- a voiceless slit consonant formed by the convergence of the walls of the pharynx. This sound is more used in words borrowed from the Persian language: һәykәl- a monument, һava- air, һәp- everyone, shәһәr- city. Corresponds to German һ .

Consonant gamza(guttural explosion) - formed by the bow of the larynx and a break in the voice, found in Arabic borrowings and interjections: tәesir(tә’sir) - attention, temin(tә'min) - security, NS(uh) (designation of refusal to speak) - no; maemai- a dog. On the letter it is indicated by the letter e.

§ 10. Some derivational types of the Tatar language

10.1. The agglutinative nature of the Tatar language contributes to the fact that most of the affixes carry the same meaning. The same enviable constancy can be observed among the Tatar derivational affixes. Each productive affix of the Tatar language replaces several, and sometimes more than ten, derivational means of the Russian language. This will save you a lot of time when learning the Tatar language if you pay proper attention to these affixes right away.

For example, more than ten derivational affixes correspond to the Tatar derivational affix -чы / -che, which expresses the meaning of a person related to what is indicated by the producing base, in Russian:

cyclist - cyclists;

glazier - pyyalachy;

carpenter - baltachs;

spoon - kasykchy, etc.

rabbit breeder - kuyanchy;

linguist - telche.

As you can see, the affix -чы / -che is attached to both native Tatar and borrowings and new words. And at present, the process of forming new words due to this affix continues:

racketeer - racketeers;

programmer - programmers.

It is necessary to pay attention to other highly productive affixes of the Tatar language that form nouns.

The affix -lik / -lek can denote a place, material, device, device, spiritual qualities of a person or the name of an association of people, depending on what is indicated in the production base:

mustache (aspen) - mustache (aspen);

kaen (birch) - kaenlyk (birch);

idәn (floor) - idәnlek (floor material);

kүz (eye) - kүzlek (glasses);

coat - overcoat (coat material);

dus (friend) - duslyk (friendship);

kart (old man) - kartlyk (old age);

decadent - decadent (decadent);

khan - khanlyk (khanate), etc.

The affix -lyk / -lek, forming nouns, is attached to adjectives and verbs. The main thing for you is to try to understand the semantic relationship between the producing stem and the derived word:

sukyr (blind) - sukyrlyk (blindness);

biek (high) - bieklek (height);

yuka (thin) - yukalyk (subtlety);

ak (white) - aklik (whiteness);

kuakly (bushy) - kuaklylyk (bushiness);

berenche (first) - berenchelek (championship);

ashau (is) - ashamlyk (product);

yagu (to burn) - yagulyk (fuel), etc.

The affix -dash / -dәsh / -tash / -tәsh always indicates a person who has the quality of compatibility of action with someone:

avyl (village) - avyldash (fellow villager);

yash (age) - yashtәsh (peer);

course - kurstash (classmate);

әңgәmә (conversation) - әңgәmәdәsh (interlocutor), etc.

The affix -ly / -le in the formation of nouns is also very productive:

Americans (American); mәskәүle (Muscovite); Perm (Perm); latviyale (Latvian); Lithuanians (Lithuanian) and others

ike (two) - ikele (two); tugyz (nine) - tugyzly (nine), etc.

The affix -ly / -le is also active in the formation of adjectives:

yam (beauty) - yamle (beautiful); belem (knowledge) - belemle (literate); kөch (strength) - kөchle (strong); transistors (transistor); emulsion (emulsion), etc.

Our task is not to acquaint you with all the derivational affixes of the Tatar language. We want you to constantly search and find derivative words and productive affixes. This is of great importance in the study of any language, and especially agglutinative languages ​​in which affixes are conservative (that is, they do not go out of fashion, as in Russian), are few in number and carry a huge load in the formation of new words.


Attach the appropriate affix to the word and translate:

Chy / -che: harvester; balyk (fish); bakyr (copper); җinayat (crime); tap; kүmer (coal); lachyn (falcon); kuyan (hare, rabbit); Museum;

Lyk / -lek: min; yuc; kats (solid); patsha (king); aksak (lame); ata (father); rector; rәis (chairman); җyly (warm);

Ly / -le: Africa; Kazan; Russia; Omsk (After the stem in -sk, a connecting vowel is added and: Omsk - omskily.); Kursk; Permian; Arkhangelsk;

Ly / -le: achu (anger); kaigy (grief); җil (wind); sөyak (bone); sөt (milk); muscle; armor; square; sagynu (longing).

10.2. Another peculiarity of the Tatar language is the presence in it of a large number of paired words, which is not entirely familiar to the Russian reader. The components of paired words can stand in both synonymous and antonymic relationships. The second component can also be an echo word, which currently has no semantic meaning. These words, where you can guess the meaning of the individual components, have their own logic that you should try to understand:

khatyn-kyz (khatyn - wife; kyz - girl) - woman;

ata-ana (ata - father; ana - mother) - parents;

asau-echā (asau - to eat; echā - to drink) - food;

kөn-tөn (kөn - day; tөn - night) - always.

You have now understood for yourself the main features of the Tatar language, you just need to penetrate into its features, understand its specifics, its ways of conveying a reality common to all people, common human logic.

Compound words are words that have two (or more) roots in their composition. They are formed, as a rule, from independent parts of speech, retaining in their composition the whole word or part of it. (Text of the article based on the 1915 textbook) Contents 1 ... Wikipedia

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- 'WORDS AND THINGS: archeology of the humanities' ('Les mots et les choses: une archéologie des sciences humaines', 1966) Foucault's book. In his research, Foucault sought to isolate structures in the history of human society (according to Foucault ‘epistemes’), ... ...

WORDS AND THINGS: Archeology of the Humanities- (Les mots et les choses: une archeologie des sciences humaines, 1966) Foucault's book. In his research, the author strove to isolate in the history of human society the structures (according to Foucault epistemes) that significantly condition the possibility ... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

WORDS AND THINGS: Archeology of the Humanities- (Les mots et les choses: une archeologie des sciences humaines, 1966) Foucault's book. In his research, Foucault sought to isolate structures (according to Foucault epistemes) in the history of human society that essentially condition the possibility of certain ... History of Philosophy: An Encyclopedia

Compound words- a kind of compound words (See Compound words); words that arose on the basis of compound names and terms by reducing all or part of the words that make up them. The main types of S. of page: 1) formed from initial sounds or names ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Difficult words in Polish. , Los I.L .. The book is a reprinted edition of 1901. Despite the fact that serious work has been done to restore the original quality of the publication, on some pages ... Buy for 1489 rubles
  • Compound words in Polish, I.L. Moose. From the collection "Notes of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Imperial St. Petersburg University". Part 62. Reprinted edition using print-on-demand technology from the original of 1901. ...