Nobel Prize for Literature (Nobelpriset i litteratur), Sweden. Nobel Peace Prize Winners: List. Who received the Nobel Peace Prize

When asked Who was the first to receive Nobel Prize? For what? given by the author Lash out the best answer is A hundred years have passed since the day when the Swedish chemical engineer, successful entrepreneur Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), thanks to the invention of dynamite and other explosives, became one of the richest people on the planet, signed a will, according to which five annual international prizes: in physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, literature and activities for peace. “All my movable and immovable property,” Nobel wrote in his will, “should be converted by my executors into liquid values, and the capital thus collected should be placed in a reliable bank. These funds must belong to the fund, which will annually hand over the proceeds from them in the form of bonuses ... ".
Traditionally, the specialists who have made the most important discovery in the field of medicine and physiology are first recognized.
Therefore, the German bacteriologist Emil Adolf von Bering was awarded the very first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1901 “for his work on serum therapy, mainly for its use in the treatment of diphtheria, which opened new paths in medical science and gave doctors a victorious a weapon against disease and death. "
Physics laureates are the second to receive the prize - Wilhelm Roentgen was the first to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics in recognition of his extremely important services to science, expressed in the discovery of remarkable rays, later named in his honor.
Then chemists are awarded - for the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions, Jacob Van't Hoff was awarded a prize. He proved that Avogadro's law is also valid for dilute solutions, experimentally established that osmotic pressure in weak solutions obeys the gas laws of thermodynamics.
The fourth is awarded to writers - René Sully-Prudhomme became the first laureate of the Literature Prize for outstanding literary merit, high idealism, artistic excellence and an unusual combination of soulfulness and talent.
Finally, peace activities are awarded. Jean-Henri Dunant, Swiss humanist and founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), was awarded the prize for his contribution to the peaceful cooperation of peoples. Dunant founded a society for the protection of prisoners of war, initiated a campaign against the slave trade, and supported the desire of European Jews to return to their ancestral homeland in Palestine. Frederic Passy, ​​a French political economist and defender of peace, has been awarded the award for his many years of peacekeeping efforts. Recognized leader of the European peace movement, Passy saw an arbitration-based peace settlement as an alternative to international armed conflict.
In addition, the very, very first Nobel Prize was awarded five years earlier. The Imperial Russian Technical Society awarded it in 1896 to the engineer-technologist Alexei Stepanov for his research "Fundamentals of the theory of lamps." Only this prize was instituted in memory not of Alfred Nobel, but of his brother Ludwig, the largest Russian businessman who did a lot for the formation of the domestic industry.

Answer from Flush[guru]
The first prizes were awarded on December 10, 1901. The laureates were E. Goering (Physiology and Medicine “For his work on serum therapy, mainly for its use in the treatment of diphtheria, which opened new paths in medical science and gave doctors a victorious weapon against disease and death "), V. Roentgen (physics" In recognition of the extraordinarily important services to science, expressed in the discovery of wonderful rays, later named in his honor. "), L. Van't Hoff (chemistry" In recognition of the enormous importance of the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions ".).

Answer from Legal capacity[guru]
Logically speaking, the Nobel won the first Nobel Prize. And for what? ... For services to the Fatherland.

Answer from Yergey Nikitin[guru]
come in. All questions will disappear.

Answer from Lena[guru]
Roentgen is one of those who in 1901 received this prize for the discovery of the miraculous rays named after him ...

Answer from ™ POLKOVOD[guru]
The Nobel Prize is the most famous and most prestigious scientific prize.
Alfred Nobel died on December 10, 1896.
Alfred Nobel
In his will, written in Paris on November 27, 1895, he formulated:
“All my remaining realizable state is distributed as follows.
Nowadays, the Nobel Prize - not only because of the monetary award, which now exceeds 2 million Swedish kronor (225 thousand US dollars) - is widely known as the highest distinction for human intelligence. In addition, this award can be attributed to the few awards known not only to every scientist, but also to a large part of non-specialists. In accordance with the status, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded jointly to more than three persons. Therefore, only a small number of applicants with outstanding merit can hope for an award.
The prestige of the Nobel Prize depends on the effectiveness of the mechanism used for the selection procedure for the laureate in each area. This mechanism was established from the very beginning, when it was deemed advisable to collect documented proposals from qualified experts from different countries, thus once again highlighting the international nature of the award.
There is a special Nobel committee for awarding awards in each area. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has established three committees, one committee each for physics, chemistry and economics. The Karolinska Institutet gave its name to the Physiology and Medicine Prize Awarding Committee. The Swedish Academy also elects a committee for literature. In addition, the Norwegian parliament, the Storting, elects a committee that awards the peace prizes. Nobel Committees play a critical role in the selection process for laureates. Each committee consists of five members, but can seek help from specialists in other fields of science.
The current procedure for the use of the Nobel Prize Fund, as well as the procedure for the nomination, selection and approval of candidates, is very complex. The right to nominate candidates belongs to individuals, not institutions; this avoids public discussion and voting procedures. For the selection of candidates for the Literature Prize, submissions are submitted by specialists in the field of literature and linguistics - members of academies and societies about the same plan as the Swedish Academy. To receive proposals for candidates for the Peace Prize, contacts are established with representatives of such sciences as philosophy, history, jurisprudence and political science, as well as with active public figures. Some specialists get the right to individually approve the applicant; such persons include former Nobel laureates and members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Nobel Assembly of the Karolinska Institute and the Swedish Academy. The right to propose the names of candidates is confidential.
Approved bids must be received by February 1 of the year the award is awarded. From this day, the work of the Nobel Committees begins: until September, committee members and consultants evaluate the qualifications of candidates for the award. The committees meet several times, and proposals are heard from various committee members and external experts who are involved in the work, seeking to determine the originality and significance of each candidate's contribution to human progress. Different committee members or invited experts may give presentations on different aspects of a proposal. Several annually participate in the preparatory work

The most prestigious literary prize in the world, awarded annually by the Nobel Foundation for achievements in the field of literature. The winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, as a rule, are world-renowned writers who are recognized at home and abroad.

The first Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded on December 10, 1901. Its laureate is the French poet and essayist Sully Prudhomme. Since then, the date of the award ceremony has not changed, and every year on the day of the death of Alfred Nobel, in Stockholm, one of the most significant awards in the literary world from the hands of the King of Sweden is received by a poet, essayist, playwright, prose writer, whose contribution to world literature, according to The Swedish Academy is worthy of such a high assessment. This tradition was broken only seven times - in 1914, 1918, 1935, 1940, 1941, 1942 and 1943 - when the prize was not awarded and there was no award.

As a rule, the Swedish Academy prefers to evaluate not a single work, but the entire work of a nominee writer. In the entire history of the award, specific works have been awarded only a few times. Among them: The Olympic Spring by Karl Spitteler (1919), The Juices of the Earth by Knut Hamsun (1920), The Men by Vladislav Reymont (1924), The Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann (1929), The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy ( 1932), The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway (1954), The Quiet Don by Mikhail Sholokhov (1965). All these books were included in the Golden Fund of World Literature.

To date list Nobel laureates consists of 108 names. There are also Russian writers among them. The first Russian writer to receive the Nobel Prize in 1933 was the writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Later, in different years, the Swedish Academy appreciated the creative merits of Boris Pasternak (1958), Mikhail Sholokhov (1965), Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1970) and Joseph Brodsky (1987). In terms of the number of Nobel laureates (5) in the field of literature, Russia is in seventh place.

The names of the contenders for the Nobel Prize in Literature have been kept secret not only during the current award season, but also for the next 50 years. Every year connoisseurs try to guess who will become the owner of the most prestigious literary award, and especially gambling ones place bets in bookmakers. In the 2016 season, the famous Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami is considered the main favorite for the literary Nobel.

Prize size- 8 million kroons (approximately 200 thousand dollars)

date of creation- 1901

Founders and co-founders. The Nobel Prize, including the Prize for Literature, was created at the behest of Alfred Nobel. The award is currently administered by the Nobel Foundation.

Dates of the event. Applications are submitted by January 31st.
Determination of 15-20 main candidates - April.
Definition of 5 finalists - May.
Winner Announcement - October.
Awards Ceremony - December.

Aims of the award. According to the will of Alfred Nobel, the Literature Prize is awarded to the author who created the most significant literary work of an idealistic orientation. However, in most cases, the award is given to writers on the basis of a combination of merit.

Who can participate. Any nominated author who has received an invitation to participate. It is impossible to nominate yourself for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Who can nominate. In accordance with the charter of the Nobel Foundation, members of the Swedish Academy, other academies, institutes and societies with similar tasks and goals, professors of literature and linguistics of higher educational institutions, laureates of the Nobel Prize in Literature, chairmen of copyright unions representing literary creativity in different countries.

Expert council and jury. After all applications are submitted, the Nobel Committee selects candidates and submits them to the Swedish Academy, which is responsible for determining the winner. The Swedish Academy is composed of 18 people, including respected Swedish writers, linguists, teachers of literature, historians and lawyers. Nominations and prize fund. Nobel laureates receive a medal, diploma and monetary awards, which vary slightly from year to year. So, in 2015, the entire Nobel Prize fund was 8 million Swedish kronor (approximately 1 million dollars), which were divided among all the laureates.

Probably, only the desire of humanity for self-expression and heroic deeds contributes to the emergence of unusually tenacious initiatives. So a gentleman named Nobel took and decided to leave his money to descendants in order to reward the gentlemen who stood out in a particular area. He has long rested in a damp land, and the people remember him. The population is waiting (some impatiently) when the next lucky ones will be voiced. And candidates try, set goals, even intrigue, trying to ascend this Olympus of glory. And if everything is clear with scientists and researchers - they receive their awards for real achievements or discoveries, then what distinguishes the Nobel Peace Prize laureates? Interesting? Let's figure it out.

Who is awarding the prize and for what?

There is a special committee whose main task is to select and approve
nominations for the highest award in the field. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to people who have excelled in promoting security and stability in the world. It is issued annually. The procedure takes place in Oslo on December 10th. At the same time, both international organizations and national governments can propose a candidate who will become a laureate. They are listed in the charter of the committee. Any person who was or is a member of the Nobel Committee is also eligible to participate in the nomination process. In addition, the Charter grants such privileges to university professors involved in politics or history.

When they study who received the Nobel Peace Prize, they certainly come across the name of another politician whose work does not evoke criticism. Such a person is Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama. This is an absolutely outstanding personality. From an early age he was forced to take on spiritual leadership. Buddhists recognized the boy as the incarnation of a deceased lama. Subsequently, he had to assume political responsibility for Tibet (at the age of sixteen). All his work is based on kindness, tolerance and love (from the wording of the Nobel Committee). It should be added that he was unable to come to an agreement with the Chinese government. Now he lives and spends his ideas in exile.

It turns out that not everything is so simple!

There are also very controversial laureates of this high award. The committee is often criticized for being too politicized. Residents of the post-Soviet space seem to be such a figure Mikhail Gorbachev. The Nobel Peace Prize was also awarded to such a controversial person from the point of view of the world community as Yasser Arafat.

This decision of the Committee is considered scandalous on the grounds that this laureate did not deny military ways to achieve his goals. On account of his not only battles, but also Act of terrorism... He himself proclaimed the destruction of an entire sovereign state (Israel) as his goal. That is, despite the fact that Arafat fought for the well-being of the inhabitants of the Middle East, it is difficult to assign the title of peacemaker to him. Another scandalous figure is Barack Obama. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to him in 2009. I must say that the Committee had to come to terms with a flurry of criticism about this decision.

About Obama more

In the world press, the opinion still flashes that the President of the States was awarded the award "in advance." At that time, he had just taken office, and had not distinguished himself in anything significant. And the initiatives and decisions that he took later do not at all explain why he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Obama is considered the president who unleashed the most military conflicts. Their victims are incalculable due to the "hybrid nature" of these collisions (the term appeared quite recently). He had to decide on bombing and ground operations. He is criticized for the invasion of Syria, unrest in Iraq and Ukraine. Nevertheless, Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize and is among its laureates.

This "advance reward" leads to more and more scandals. As tensions emerge, some politicians have spoken out in favor of canceling the award. It is believed that such non-peaceful behavior disgraces the high premium. In the Russian Federation, naturally, they believe that V.V. Putin is a more worthy candidate. The Nobel Peace Prize may yet be awarded to him for the true perseverance that he shows in resolving conflicts.

About money

People are often interested not so much in the achievements of the individuals who have been awarded this award, but in its amount. The Nobel Peace Prize really can boggle the mind. The fact is that all the funds of the Committee do not just lie in financial institutions. They "work" by increasing in size. According to the will, the profit is divided into five parts. They are not the same and acquire more and more impressive sizes from year to year. So, the very first amount awarded in 1901 was equal to forty-two thousand dollars. In 2003, the amount was already 1.35 million. Its size is influenced by the state of the world economy. Dividends that go to payments can not only increase, but also decrease. For example, in 2007 the amount of the premium was equal to 1.542 million, and by 2008 it had "melted" (1.4 million dollars).

These funds are distributed in five equal shares according to nominations, and then - according to the number of laureates, in accordance with the rules according to which the Nobel Peace Prize is appointed. How much money will go to awards in each year is determined by the Committee, having carried out the corresponding calculations of earnings from securities and other assets.

Russian laureates

Our fellow citizens have received such an award only twice. In addition to Gorbachev, the scientist Andrei Sakharov was awarded such an honor. Moreover, not his scientific works became the reason for the award. Sakharov was considered a human rights activist and a fighter against the regime. In Soviet times, he was sharply criticized and persecuted. The scientist worked on the creation of hydrogen weapons. Despite this, he openly advocated a ban on the testing of weapons of mass destruction, against the arms race. His ideas were very popular in society and did not like the ruling elite at all.

Sakharov is considered to be a passionate champion of peace, who suffered for his views. The Nobel Committee applied the wording: "for courage in the fight against abuse of power ...". Nevertheless, he was, rather, an idealist, a kind person and not aggressive (according to the recollections of colleagues). More Russians did not receive high awards, which does not mean that worthy individuals do not live in our country. Rather, this fact can be perceived as a political engagement of the Committee, the use of the award in geopolitical competition.

Who has not received an award, but is worthy?

Many politicians believe that Mahatma Gandhi, more than any other figure, deserved a high award. This man was involved in organizing the struggle of the Indians against the colonialists. Gandhi not only had to come up with ways in which a weak and unarmed population could oppose the British army, but they also needed to be correlated with the peculiarities of the local religion. This method was invented by him. It was called nonviolent resistance and is often used today. Mahatma Gandhi was proposed to the Committee five times. Only there were “more worthy” candidates (which, again, can be explained by the politicization of this organization). Subsequently, the officials in charge of awarding the Nobel Prize expressed their regret that Gandhi never became a laureate.

Nobel committee incidents

There are such incredible things in the history of this organization that today can only be perceived anecdotally. So, as you know, none other than Adolf Hitler was nominated for this award in 1939. Fortunately, he did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize. And it's not about the money. What would be the prestige of an organization that would call a person responsible for the deaths of millions of our planet's inhabitants as a peacemaker? The Nobel Committee refused to award it, citing its decision by the attitude of the Nazis towards Jews.

Nevertheless, during the nomination, Hitler's activities looked quite progressive for the German intelligentsia. He had just concluded two big peace agreements, raised industry, took care of the development of science and art. Nowadays, people understand to what extent Hitler's claims for the award were absurd and unfounded. But at that time the inhabitants of Germany perceived him as a real leader, leading them to a bright life. Yes, to some extent that was true. He really cared about the Germans, only at the expense of people of other nationalities. To the credit of the members of the Nobel Committee, they understood this and refused his candidacy for the award.

Collective laureates

This award has been awarded three times to organizations in one way or another associated with the Red Cross. If we take into account the first laureate, its organizer, then there are four. It should be noted that this international organization undoubtedly deserves such a high assessment. Its representatives always find a field for their activities. Be it territories of bloody conflicts or epidemics, they often find themselves in the center of events, lending a much-needed hand of support to unfortunate people in distress. By the way, the UN once became a laureate of the prize (2001), earlier its peacekeeping forces (1988) and the Refugee Service (1981) were awarded. Of the less well-known organizations-laureates can be called the International Labor Organization (1969). It is possible that we do not hear about her due to the fact that since then, when her influence in the world was so great that she was awarded an award, a lot of time has passed.

There are many laureates of this serious award. The names of some went down in history with courage and courage, others - scandals and intrigues. Still others are not remembered at all. Nevertheless, people want this award to fall into the hands of really worthy individuals, regardless of the political situation.