Where is Sergei Butorin serving his term? Bloody heirs . Trial and sentence in Russia

These people were neither "thieves in law", nor even "authorities", but even at the mere mention of them, the most notorious thugs-bandits were horrified. Using the methods of the secret services, they pitted powerful metropolitan groups against each other, and therefore they managed to remain in the shadows for a long time. The Axis Gang was only defused this year, and this is perhaps the largest successful investigation in many years.

Career growth

By the mid-90s, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs had quite a wealth of information about Solntsevo, Koptev, Orekhov and other Moscow groups. However, at some point, several powerful figures appeared in the capital, keeping in the shadow of these communities.

If in 1996 one of the "authorities" was asked who Osya was, he would probably have answered: "Yes, punks, rubbed around Sylvester" (criminal leader Sergei Timofeev). Today, the name of Sergei Butorin, known under this nickname, has already acquired legends. They say that he is a former commando, an employee of one of the special services. In fact, Butorin is a former ensign of a construction battalion from Odintsovo near Moscow. In the late 80s, he retired from the army and, since he was successfully engaged in boxing there, he got a job with his brother Alexander (Zomb) as a bouncer in a cafe " The Scarlet Flower» in Koptevo. Butorin, who showed himself well in brutal tavern fights, got along with serious bandits and already in 1990, as part of a criminal group, robbed the famous collector Vladimir Magids - the stolen valuables were pulled for $ 9 million.

After some time, Osya led a brigade of Sylvester's militants and met the “Kurgans” Andrei Koligov, Oleg Nelyubin, Vasily Ignatov and Alexander Solonik, who had moved to the capital. True, at that time they were all just "Sylvestrian punks." At the same time, Andrey Pylev, aka Dwarf, appeared next to Osya - the protégé of the "authority" Grigory Gusyatinsky, who was killed in 1994 in Kiev.

The backbone of the future legendary group was gradually formed. In 1996, Pylev's brother Oleg was a member of the Medvedkov group, Andrei Pylev himself and Osya - Orekhovskaya. They worked together, but on the “shooters” Osya represented either the Orekhovs, then the Solntsevo, and the Pylevs represented the Medvedkovs.

After the death of Sylvester (he was blown up in 1994 on Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street), a redistribution began in the Orekhovskaya group. One by one, its leaders were killed: Kultik, Dragon, Vitokha and others. It was later revealed that it was Axis who gave the orders to liquidate them. At the same time, he regularly went to the funeral of his comrades-in-arms, swore revenge and gave orders for material assistance to the families of the victims. By the way, by this time Butorin himself was officially considered dead, and a tombstone appeared at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery indicating that he left this world in 1995.

Sasha soldier

The main "dirty" work in the Butorin group was done by a certain Alexander Pustovalov, known as Sasha the Soldier. After graduating from vocational school, he worked at the Rubin factory and, in addition, practiced judo and even played the piano. In the army, he was a marine - he served in an elite special forces unit. By the end of his service, he was promoted to the rank of foreman.

Somehow, after demobilization, Pustovalov was sitting in a cafe, where he came in full dress - in a black marine uniform, which he was very proud of. As often happens, a fight broke out, and Alexander quickly "knocked out" all its participants. Among the fighters were several Orekhovs, who offered the dashing marine to continue serving with them. So Osya got one of the best executioners. Later, during interrogations, Sasha the Soldier calmly confessed to committing many murders. He did not panic, did not hide behind the backs of his accomplices, and when asked why he killed, he answered: "I am a soldier, this is my job." It is significant that Moscow prostitutes adored Sasha the Soldier - for his generosity and decency. Some Pustovalov said that he worked as a killer, but the young ladies took it as a joke - well, how can such a charming guy with a fashionable "Lenin" beard kill someone! And Sasha could Here are just a few of his victims: Alexander Solonik (it was the Soldier who strangled him in Greece), the Koptev authority Kutep, the leaders of the Assyrian group Alik-Bidzhamo and Gennady Utkin, and about a dozen more businessmen and criminal "authorities". But this is only what has been proved so far. Unlike Solonik, who "took over" all the high-profile liquidations, Pustovalov tells the operatives - "what you prove is mine." Detectives, talking about Solonik, who became famous on the whole country with the murders of thieves and authorities, they believe that he "did not even stand next to Pustovalov."

Kurgan trail

By 1997, after the execution of the Koptev "authority" Vasily Naumov under the windows of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the patience of the Murovites came to an end. Soon behind bars were the closest friends of the Axis - the Kurgan bandits Koligov, Zelyanin, Nelyubin and several other militants. Investigators claim that it was these people who ordered the murders committed by Solonik. The press then published publications about a bloody gang of Kurgans who shot down almost half of Moscow. In fact, the leak of information about the "Kurgan case" was planned by Osya and his people in the police structures. The hype around the Kurgan, according to the calculation of Osya and Pylev, was supposed to divert the attention of the police from their grouping. However, the MUR drew attention to the fact that even after the arrest of the Kurgan liquidators, contract killings, distinguished by professional execution, still occur both in the capital and abroad. The investigation has information that Pylev's people in Hungary even prepared an assassination attempt on the "authoritative" businessman Sergei Mikhailov, to whom one of the Osin financiers owed $10 million. The money that revolved around the Butorin group was comparable to the budgets of the largest companies in Russia.

Shadow economy

At the very beginning of his criminal career, Sergei Timofeev took under his wing one of the most experienced and successful shadow workers - Grigory Lerner. However, Sylvester himself, whom Lerner called only Ivanych, always emphasized that they were partners, and not "a businessman and a roof." When Timofeev died, his entire financial empire passed into the hands of the Axis gang. He, however, did not appreciate this and began by actually kidnapping Lerner in France.

The scope of Lerner's business is characterized by an extract from criminal case No. 145055. “It follows from the testimony that $10 million was contributed by Lerner to the authorized capital of the PRIFK company he created, $46 million was used to increase the authorized capital of the Independent Trade Union Bank in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, after which they were issued in as loans to Lerner-owned firms." True, the names of Butorin are not in these documents. Osya traveled abroad with several fake passports - like Isakhim Karsliev, Vladimir Shcherbakov or Stepan Pishchenko.

For Lerner, arrest in Israel and detention were life-saving guarantees. The Murovites who investigated the case have every reason to believe that Osya "sentenced" Lerner and was waiting for an opportunity to carry out the sentence. The state of relations between the "partners" can be judged from Lerner's letter.

“If you set it as your task to scare me, you have achieved this (Lerner turns to Butorin and Pylev. - "Money") . If you set it as your task to humiliate me, you have achieved this - for the first time, the "children of Sylvester" dared to speak in such a tone, for the first time they staged a production with the doors locked, with a six in the corner, with a noose from a cord in a conspicuous place. You didn't confuse me with anyone? You were still working for the communists in the armies when the swindlers in the zone in the forge tried to burn me. You haven't heard Ivanych's name yet when I was under a Chechen knife. You still didn’t earn a criminal ruble when I gave Ivanych in 1988, not to him (he never took a penny from me), but to the boys 100 thousand rubles a month. Never... I've never worked with Sylvester for "I'm afraid" and I've never paid for "I'm afraid." And I won't, even if you plant four more snoops in the corners. Neither Dima, nor Yura, nor Misha, nor Kultik, nor Dragon allowed themselves to arrange such meetings with me. You insulted me to the very heart, and S.I. (Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev. - "Money") really was spinning in his grave yesterday, both the Cult and the Dragon... I'm not a prostitute who changes hands from pimp to pimp. I have worked and am working with only one person - with Ivanych, and I answer only to his memory ... "

Interestingly, Lerner's business is just a fraction of what Osya and his people had at their disposal. As the investigation showed, this group completely controlled a number of the largest markets in the capital, including Mitinsky and Dorogomilovsky, several banks, private security companies and a modeling agency.

Interview with Lerner, incl. regarding "hitting" him, see "Dr. Lerner"

For more on Lerner, see: Grigory Lerner, Grisha the Pretender, Lerner in Israel

Meeting with the motherland

Interrogations of Kurgan militants showed that they carried out many liquidations on someone's order, and they were not involved at all in many attributed to them. It can be assumed that someone from Kurgan named Butorin's name, and Murov's search engine started working at full capacity. Feeling the danger, Osya, together with Andrei Pylev, left for Spain. Informants in the police structures told him that the Kurgan "sang." The result of this betrayal was the murder of Nelyubin and Zelyanin in prison. The first was beaten to death by fellow inmates, and the second died from a drug overdose. However, by this time Butorin had already been put on the international wanted list. In February of this year, it became known where Osya was hiding, and employees of the MUR and the FSB left for Spain. Together with them, representatives of Interpol and the Spanish police participated in the operation. Osya was taken near a brothel, and Andrei Pylev was also caught there. The latter, however, was released not so long ago on a large bail and a written undertaking not to leave. Butorin is awaiting a decision on extradition. It is assumed that he will be extradited in early January, at the same time the trial of the Axis group will begin in the Moscow City Court.

See continued: Gang Special Forces

May 19, 2004. Today, the Moscow City Court passed a sentence on members of the Orekhovskaya criminal group, led by Sergei Butorin (nickname Osya) and the Polyansky brothers. Since 1995, the bandits have committed more than 20 murders in Moscow.

In 1998-2000, the criminal group was neutralized by the employees of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. Marat Polyansky and Butorin tried to hide in Spain, but were detained there during a joint operation of the Spanish criminal police and MID officers. During their arrest, their weapons were confiscated. currently they are serving their sentences in a Spanish prison. The remaining members of the criminal group were detained in Moscow.

By court decision, one of the members of the group, Alexander Vasilchenko, was sentenced to life imprisonment, others - Alexander Pustovalov (nickname Sasha Soldier) received 22 years in prison, Dmitry Kulikov and Sergey Filatov - 18 years each, Vitaly Alexandrov, Vladimir Kamenetsky, Ivan Sausarais, Oleg Pronin and Ruslan Polyansky - 17 years each, Alexander Kravchenko - 8 years, Yakov Yakushev and Dmitry Usalev - 8 years of probation.

Another member of the group, Viktor Sidorov, received 5 years and was released in the courtroom along with Yakushev and Usalev.

August 17, 2005. The Moscow City Court passed a sentence on 11 members of the so-called "Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya" group that operated in Moscow in the early 1990s. The defendants, who accounted for 18 murders and other serious crimes, were sentenced to terms of imprisonment from 4 to 24 years. The longest term (24 years in a strict regime colony) was given to gang leader Oleg Pylev. Oleg Gusev was sentenced to 10 years for the murder of the killer Alexander Solonik.

The trial was held with the participation of jurors, who delivered a guilty verdict in the case of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya criminal group. The state prosecutor asked that the defendants be found guilty on almost all counts. The jury agreed that they did not deserve leniency.

The so-called "Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya" grouping was created in Moscow more than 10 years ago. Subsequently, the gang broke up into two parts: "Orekhovskaya" and "Medvedkovskaya". The defendants were accused of 14 episodes of premeditated murder, which resulted in the death of 18 people, including the well-known crime boss Alexander Solonik, as well as the creation of a criminal community, banditry and a number of extortions.

The jury reached its verdict within two days. In total, the discussion, voting on the questionnaire and the announcement took 15 hours. As the public prosecutor Anton Karetnikov told reporters after the verdict was announced, the prosecutor's office is satisfied with the completion of the case of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya criminal group. "The verdict almost completely coincides with the indictment, the jury agreed with the state prosecution in almost everything and found the defendants guilty," the prosecutor said.

Currently, nine of the eleven convicts are in custody, and two are under house arrest. Seven defendants pleaded guilty. Several other defendants in the case agreed with the verdict in part. As for the leader of the group, Oleg Pylev, he completely denied the accusations brought against him.

In 2011, by a court decision, the criminal authority, one of the most famous leaders of the gangster group of the 90s, Sergey Yuryevich Butorin, was sentenced to life imprisonment. He did not admit his guilt, but nevertheless went to live out his life in a prison for especially dangerous recidivists. Why and where is Sergei Butorin sitting? Everything is written in this article.

Biography "before"

The biography of Sergei Butorin, Axis, before the first crimes, did not differ in anything special. He was born in Ostashkov (Tver region) on November 9, 1964. He, like most guys, served in the armed forces. Sergei was in the sniper unit, and after the end of his service, he decided to stay here to build a military career. He managed to rise to the rank of ensign, but for some reason he didn’t want to go further, the guy quit the army, began working as a security guard in a cafe.

Otherwise, he was also quite positive person. He was engaged in boxing, he even managed to get a category in this sport.

Younger brother

Butorin had a younger brother Alexander, known in crime as Zombie. This guy, unlike Sergei, had no merit, and his characterization left much to be desired. Alexander Butorin was famous as a drug addict, had several convictions. Despite all the shortcomings of the younger, Sergei Butorin still loved him and trusted his brother more than anyone, it was for this reason that he went to his first business with him.

First case

It was Alexander who received a tip on the robbery of the apartment of the famous collector Magids Victor. About the values ​​at the disposal of this man, Sasha was told by his prison friend Feldman Yakov. Sergei Butorin became interested in the opportunity to make good money, and personally took up the supply of weapons for the robbery, as he had some loopholes to the ammunition depots.

The fourth of the organized group was another former prisoner and once an internal affairs officer, Evgeny Tokarev. The "brigade" thought it over carefully, and carried out the robbery one July night in 1990.

The guys made good money by taking things worth more than nine million US dollars from Magids' apartment. There were ancient icons, valuable paintings, jewelry, archaeological finds.

Offended accomplice

Another element, known as Stepanov Vladimir, was supposed to be directly involved in the robbery of the collector. It was in his duties to fit the car to the crime scene in time, when the other participants took out the values. But the car was not there, since Stepanov, apparently tired, decided to take a nap, and overslept the "rush hour". Arriving at the appointed place, Vladimir did not find anyone and went home with nothing.

A few years later, burdened with pangs of conscience or resentment against accomplices, Vladimir came to the police and told about everything he knew. The internal affairs officers no longer hoped to solve the crime, to find its perpetrators, and the information received from Stepanov became simply invaluable material for them in the case. The Butorin brothers, Tokarev and Feldman were immediately put on the wanted list.

Soon Feldman was discovered, but he could no longer be punished and tell about the whereabouts of the other participants. Jacob was found in Belgium, in one of the hotel rooms, he was hanged. The police did not identify traces of violent death, and declaring it a suicide, they sent the body to Moscow for cremation.

Odintsovo OPG

The collapse of the country, mass discontent, poverty, the height of wars between bandits for power and money - all these are so narrow-minded, it would seem, the nineties. It was a time when a business was created, and a time when blood was shed for this business. Racket flourished, merchants paid tribute to the bandits who covered their points. For each such "donor" there was a real massacre, and the territories were strictly divided: each hosted its own grouping, and strangers who dared to enter a territory other than their own were mercilessly killed. These were real wolf packs, living by their own laws, and these laws were respected by everyone.

Sergey Butorin, his brother Zombie and Belkin Dmitry (Belok) did not miss the opportunity to join the situation. They created their own grouping in Odintsovo, and began by clearing the territory from the Golitsin organized criminal group, which reigns here. Odintsovo did not spare the Golitsyn people, they killed those of them who did not agree to leave the inhabited territory, fought back. The Butorinskys were distinguished by a special bloodthirstiness, they beat and executed even just like that, not for profit, but for simple pleasure. By this, they proved themselves to be ruthless and serious guys, whom they began to fear and respect.

Soon the rumor about Sergei Butorin and his people spread throughout the country, the authorities were in a hurry to get acquainted with impudent colleagues.

Honored authority

By 1993, Odintsovo was completely liberated from the encroachments of foreign groups. Sergei Butorin and his guys fully accepted power, and began to single-handedly reap the fruits of their labors. At the same time, Grinya (Grigory Gusyatsky), who is the leader of an organized crime group from Medvedkovo and a confidant of Sylvester (Sergey Timofeev), the leader of the Orekhovskaya group and the most authoritative criminal element, has the honor to meet them.

Soon, the Odintsovskys were waiting for a kind of promotion: Belok became the main one in Odintsovo, since Sasha was taken to the Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group to carry out especially important assignments and secret assignments, and Sergei Butorin went to the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group to become close to Sylvester himself.

Gang arrest

In 1994, at the dacha of one academician in the Moscow region, almost the entire gang was detained. Alexander Butorin, Gusyatsky Grigory and Tokarev Evgeny rented this living space and placed an ammunition depot on it. The detectives went to this dacha, and were able to arrest the lodgers. As it turned out, most of the weapons were stolen from the Fire School of the Irkutsk region, and when the gang was taking out ammunition, the sentry who noticed them was eliminated.

Sergei Butorin was able to miraculously avoid a joint fate, and after learning about the arrest of his accomplices, he hid for a while. Lawyers hired to protect the brother and the rest of the gang were able to secure their release on high bail. However, the criminal elements did not enjoy their freedom for long, as they were met from prison not only by their brotherhood, but also by armed employees of a special department. All participants were detained, fingerprinted, and Alexander and Tokarev were sent to Moscow on trial, and the rest were released.

In Moscow, Butorin Jr. and Yevgeny Tokarev were read out the prosecutor's decision to arrest them for robbing the collector's apartment.

Gregory, after this incident, hastened to leave Russia, went to Kiev. Only he was soon shot there by a killer hired by Sylvester. The authority considered Gusyatsky not only superfluous, but also a dangerous person for the rest of the gang members.

Alexander Butorin and Tokarev Evgeny

Alexander and Eugene did not admit their guilt. They did not know that the police officers had indisputable evidence in the form of Sasha's hair found at the crime scene, and a living witness - Magids. The collector was able to identify the criminals, although he himself was in a clinic where he was treated for cancer. The culprits were brought right there for a confrontation.

Another witness was soon killed in this case. The victim of the killer was Stepanov, who was ordered by Sergei Butorin. After a year and a half of investigation, Alexander was assigned nine years of special regime, and Tokarev was placed in a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment. It was from there that he was able to escape, and still has not been found.

Trial of Sergei Butorin

Law enforcement agencies were able to reach Butorin back in 1999, when he, having undergone plastic surgery and staging his own funeral, went to Spain.

The trial in the case of Polyansky and Butoroin began in early May 2011, and the verdict was passed for more than five hours. Sergey Butorin, whose photo is in this article, was accused of 38 murders and nine attempts, of which 36 murders and all attempts were proven. Sergey turned out to be involved in the deaths of such people as Solonik Alexander (the famous killer of Macedonian Sasha), Otari Kvantrishvili (director of the fund for social protection athletes). The murders of members of their own gang were also proven. Sergei Butorin hated drug addicts, having learned that some of his people were tight on the needle, he personally dealt with them. He also became the main organizer of the cleansing of his area from all drug dealers.

The prosecutor asked for a life sentence for him, and for Polyansky - 17 years in a strict regime.

What prison is Sergey Butorin in?

A well-known authority was sent to serve his life sentence in the prison of the regime settlement of Kharp, which is located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. "Polar Owl" is located beyond the Arctic Circle, was specially organized for such recidivists as Sergei Butorin (Osya). Where a well-known authority sits, the Sob River flows, and the Rai-Iz mountain range is located not far away. From this place there is no chance to escape, and even more so when trying to escape to stay alive.

The "Polar Owl" appears in several television series, so everyone who wants to know the place of Butorin's imprisonment can personally see it. These are "Game. Denouement", "Sword-2" and "Insomnia".

Son of Sergei Butorin

While the father is in prison, his son continues his work. Grigory Butorin was detained a year after his father was sentenced. He and several other members of the gang are arrested while transferring money from a man whom they intimidated and extorted a large sum from him. A case was opened against the participants on this fact, nothing is known about their other crimes.

Gregory, like his father, lives at the expense of intimidated people. He is engaged in racketeering and fully justifies the expectations of his authoritative parent.

Sergei Yurievich Butorin("Osya") - (November 9, 1964 Ostashkov, Tver region, RSFSR, USSR) - crime boss and leader of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group. On September 6, 2011, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Moscow City Court, having been found guilty of murdering 38 people and leading a criminal community. After the trial, he was transferred to penal colony No. 18 "Polar Owl".


Sergey Butorin was born on November 9, 1964, in the city of Ostashkov, Tver region. He served in the sapper unit of the Engineering Troops, in Odintsovo. After being retired, he continued military career where he rose to the rank of lieutenant. He was seriously engaged in boxing, had a category and participated in various competitions. Butorin had a younger brother Alexander Butorin (“Zombies”), but unlike Sergei, he could not boast of a good characterization: he was convicted several times and was a drug addict. In 1989, Butorin left the army and began working as a security guard at the Scarlet Flower cafe, which was located in the Koptevo district.

The beginning of a criminal career

Butorin committed his first crime with his brother Alexander, when Osya was not even connected with the “brotherhood” and was not a member of any groups. On July 27, 1990, the apartment of the famous collector Victor Magids was robbed. The customer of the robbery was Yakov Feldman. He spent many years in the colonies for speculation and smuggling and, like Magids, collected antiques. Yakov Feldman met Alexander Butorin during his last "imprisonment". Sergei Butorin, Alexander Butorin, and his friend Yevgeny Tokarev, a former police officer with whom Zombie served time in a colony, took part in the robbery of the apartment. The weapon for the robbery was taken out by Osya. Works of art and jewelry worth more than $9 million were stolen from the apartment: 59 gold jewelry and archaeological items, 50 miniatures, 7 icons of the 17th-18th centuries, and 30 paintings by old masters. These were mainly the works of the "small Dutch", including Adrian van Ostade, David Teniers Jr., Adrian Brouwer, Philips Wouwerman, Jan Steen, Juan Flandes, and Lucas Cranach the Elder; in addition, a watercolor by Wassily Kandinsky was stolen.

In 1994, a novice entrepreneur Vladimir Stepanov turned to the criminal investigation department. He said that he participated in the robbery of Magids. Yakov Feldman took him to work, for whom Stepanov worked as a personal driver. Together with him, Alexander Butorin and Evgeny Tokarev participated in the robbery. Stepanov was supposed to give the car at the moment when the robbers take out the paintings. But he overslept the crucial moment and drove up when everything had already taken place and the brothers were gone. All were put on the wanted list. But it soon became clear that Feldman was no longer alive. About a week after the attack on Magids, he left for Belgium and settled in one of the Brussels hotels. There he was soon found hanging on a hook for attaching a chandelier. The police found no signs of violent death. Feldman's remains were sent to Moscow and cremated.

Alexander Butorin and Yevgeny Tokarev were detained, along with them was the leader of the Medvedkovskaya organized crime group Grigory Gusyatinsky (“Grinya”), in the fall of 1994, in a completely different case. The detectives took them to a dacha in the Moscow region, which they rented from an academician. The bandits used the dacha as a warehouse of weapons and ammunition. There were 20 Makarov pistols alone. As it turned out, the pistols were stolen from a fire-technical school in the Irkutsk region. During the attack on the school, the criminals killed the sentry. "Osya" was saved only by the fact that, having learned about the arrest of his brother, he managed to hide. Nevertheless, the lawyers were able to achieve through the court the release of Butorin, Tokarev and Gusyatinsky on bail. When the bandits left the Mozhaisk pre-trial detention center, they were met by numerous “brothers” and the OMSN, armed to the teeth. Everyone was detained, fingerprinted and recorded on video, after which the “brothers” were released, and Butorin and Tokarev were sent to Moscow, where they were soon charged with robbery at Magids’ apartment. Gusyatinsky immediately after his release left for Kiev, where he was shot dead by the killer of the Medvedkovskaya organized crime group Alexei Sherstobitov (“Lyosha the Soldier”). Gusyatinsky became a victim of a conspiracy of his wards, who, after the death of the leader of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group, Sergei Timofeev (“Sylvester”), decided to liquidate Gusyatinsky as an extra person.

  • 07.09.2011

The court agreed with the state prosecution and sent Butorin to jail for life. Also, compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the total amount of 2 million rubles will be recovered from the convict in favor of the victims, ITAR-TASS reports.

During the trial, Sergei Butorin, known by the nickname Osya, did not plead guilty to the alleged crimes, while Marat Polyansky pleaded guilty in full and actively cooperated with the detectives.

Otari Kvantrishvili, nicknamed Sherkhan, was shot dead in 1994, and Alexander Solonik, better known as Sasha Bely, was killed in 1997 along with his girlfriend in Greece. In the first case, Butorin personally pointed out the target to the direct perpetrator of the murder, and in the second, he gave the order to his subordinates.

Osya blew up the boss and surpassed him in cruelty

During the consideration of the case on the merits, the state prosecutor said that the so-called "Orekhovskaya" criminal group was formed in the early 1990s and included two gangs - "Orekhovskaya" and "Medvedkovskaya". The group was originally organized by Timofeev, Gusyatinsky and two Pylev brothers.

According to the prosecutor, the group was created for criminal activities against businessmen, the fight against rival groups, as well as the murders of members of their own gang. At first, its leader was Sergei Timofeev, nicknamed Sylvester. He was almost the most authoritarian leader of the criminal world and did not recognize any other opinions within the organized criminal group. Despite this, Sylvester had close associates with whom he reckoned, and those whom he daily humiliated, showing their place in the gangster hierarchy. Butorin just belonged to the latter.

Osya himself, together with a brigade of killers from the "Kurgan" group, organized most of the murders on the orders of Sylvester. Butorin thought he deserved more, and he also had a loyal brigade of assassins, mostly ex-special forces. With them, the mafioso, humiliated by Sylvester, decided to "play his game" when the time came.

By 1994, Sylvester came into conflict with a significant part of other groups in Moscow, including ethnic ones. He took control of the banks one by one, eliminating anyone who stood in his way. Timofeev also became interested in the oil business. As a result, he had a conflict with the "authoritative" head of the Athletes' Social Security Fund, Otari Kvantrishvili. They did not share the Tuapse refinery, and on April 5, 1994, Kvantrishvili was shot dead by a sniper. Now investigators have established that this high-profile murder was organized by order of Sylvester Osya.

In the same year, Timofeev showed interest in the aluminum business and found himself on the verge of war with the Izmailovsky-Golyanovskaya organized criminal group, which controlled this industry. The ambitious leader of the "Orekhovskaya" even began to conflict with the singer Alla Pugacheva. She wanted to open a song theater in the Forum cinema center, and Sylvester believed that this facility was under his control. For a pop diva, a quarrel with an influential mafioso could end tragically, since Sylvester is used to destroying all his rivals. However, the gangster himself had less than a year to live.

By the fall of 1994, Timofeev had made a lot of enemies in the criminal world, who expressed serious claims to him - the so-called "presentations". In this regard, Osya understood that he, too, was in danger, as the organizer of numerous massacres on the orders of Sylvester. Otherwise, the boss himself can get even with him at any moment. At that time, the bandits who occupied in the criminal hierarchy important places, close to the leader of the group, lived an average of 1.5-2 years.

The only way out of this situation was the elimination of Timofeev himself. This would suit both his enemies and Butorin himself, who would then become the new leader of the "Orekhovskaya". On September 13, 1994, a bomb went off under a Mercedes car, when it was driving along Timofeev's 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street. Sylvester died, and Osya began to manage the decapitated gang, along with the "authorities" Volodin, nicknamed the Dragon, Ananyevsky and Belkin.

At the same time, Butorin immediately began literally over the corpses to make his way into the leaders of the "Orekhovskaya". In a short period, on his orders, many criminal authorities of the "Orekhovskaya" organized crime group - Kultik, Dragon, Vitokha and others - were killed. Eliminate henchmen for the slightest offense has become a rule for Butorin. It is noteworthy that most of his victims were members of the same "Orekhovskaya" organized criminal group. Thus, the student surpassed his teacher, instilling even more cruel tyranny in the gang.

Sergey Butorin even created his own counterintelligence, headed by a resident of Odintsovo, Dmitry Belkin, nicknamed Belok. To eliminate "his" Squirrels developed a whole ritual. Members of the group were gathered in the bath for a steam bath or in the forest for a picnic. Everyone knew that such a party would end in the death of one of the gang members, but they were afraid to refuse to go. On the spot, colleagues attacked the victim, who either strangled him or beat him to death. Then the body was dismembered in front of all those gathered, and the remains were burned or buried in the forest. Moreover, the role of the killer of the objectionable Belok always assigned his closest friend in the organized criminal group. "Friends should be killed by friends," the fanatic declared cynically.

Killer Solonik escaped from jailers and special services, but could not deceive Osya

On the external fronts, the struggle also did not subside. In 1995-1996, the Axis gang eliminated the entire top of the "Kuntsevo", "Sokolniki", "Assyrian" and "Odintsovo" ("Golyanovskaya") groups, as well as the heads of companies associated with them. In total, according to investigators, 57 murders and attempts were committed during these criminal wars.

When, in 1996, MUR employees got on the trail of the Orekhovskys, Osya staged his own death. In one of the capital's cemeteries, there is still a grave with a slab on which a photograph of a crime boss hangs. He himself, however, underwent plastic surgery and left for Greece. There, on the orders of the Axis, Alexander Solonik was killed, whom he considered an unnecessary and overly talkative witness.

For the ability to shoot simultaneously from two pistols (in Macedonian), this killer was nicknamed Sasha of Macedon. Solonik's gang at one time carried out orders from various metropolitan criminal gangs, cracking down on their competitors and objectionable people.

On October 6, 1994, during a shootout at the Petrovsky-Razumovsky market in Moscow, Sasha Bely shot and killed five policemen and a security guard. During the arrest, the killer was also seriously wounded and taken to Matrosskaya Tishina. And already on July 5, 1995, he made a unique escape - before him, no one managed to escape from SIZO No. 1.

By official version, the gang specifically introduced a certain Sergei Menshikov to the prison for the position of warden. He brought climbing equipment and a Browning pistol to the detainee. At the decisive moment, a mannequin was hidden under a blanket in Solonik's cell, and the killer himself, together with the escort, went to the roof, where they went down the rope to the street.

Soon the fugitive fled abroad, outwitting even the special services at the border, but Solonik failed to get away from the Russian mafia. On January 31, 1997, he was killed in Athens along with his 22-year-old girlfriend. On February 2, 1997, the body of Sasha the Great was found in a garbage dump in Varibobi. As the doctors established, the killer was strangled. Similarly, the criminals dealt with the passion of the hired killer - "Miss Russia" in 1996, Svetlana Kotova.

After the murder of Solonik, Osya moved to Spain, where in 2001 he was arrested along with his bodyguard Marat Polyansky for illegal possession of weapons.

According to investigators, the number of "Orekhovskaya" groups in the 1990s was more than 40 people, and in the period from 1994 to 2001, more than 60 murders and attempted murders were committed to it.

According to the state prosecutor, Sergei Butorin is charged with 29 murders and three attempted murders. His henchman Marat Polyansky is charged with four murders and one attempted murder.

During the search, the defendants and other members of the gang found a huge amount of weapons, including Makarov and Tokarev pistols, Kalashnikov assault rifles, Colts and Mausers. In addition, investigators found improvised explosive devices, explosives, audio equipment for illegal listening.

(1964-11-09 ) (54 years old) Place of Birth: the USSR the USSR
Tver region Tver region
Citizenship: the USSR the USSR
Russia Russia Affiliation: Orekhovskaya OPG Work: Military, security guard crimes Crimes: Contract killings, racketeering, robbery Completion period: - Region of commission: Moscow Moscow,
Moscow region Moscow region Motive: self-serving Date of arrest: 15. 02. 2001 in Spain, 03. 03. 2010 deported to Russia Accused of: Leadership of a criminal community, gang and organization 38 murders and attempted murders (part 1 of article 210, part 1 of article 209, subclauses “a, h, j” part 2 of article 105, part 3 article 30, paragraphs “a, h” part 2 article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, paragraphs “a, c, h, n” article 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.) Found guilty of: Creation and leadership of a stable armed group, 38 episodes of murders committed by prior conspiracy, as well as attempted murders. Punishment: Life imprisonment Status: Is in custody


The beginning of a criminal career

Despite all the shortcomings of his younger brother, Butorin loved him and trusted him more than anyone. Therefore, Butorin committed his first crime with his younger brother Alexander, when "Osia" he was not even associated with the “brothers” and was not a member of any groups. On July 27, 1990, the apartment of a well-known collector at the time, Victor Magids, was robbed. It was Alexander who received a tip on the robbery of the apartment of a famous collector. The customer of the robbery was Yakov Feldman. He spent many years in the colonies for speculation and smuggling and, like Magids, collected antiques. Yakov Feldman met Alexander Butorin during his last "imprisonment". Sergey Butorin, Alexander Butorin, and his friend Evgeny Tokarev, a former police officer, took part in the robbery of the apartment, with whom "Zomb" served time in prison together. Butorin became interested in the opportunity to make good money, and personally engaged in the supply of weapons for the robbery, as he had some loopholes to the ammunition depots. Works of art and jewelry with a total value of over 9 million were stolen from the apartment: 59 gold jewelry and archaeological items, 50 miniatures, 7 icons of the 17th-18th centuries and 30 paintings by old masters. These were mainly the works of the "small Dutch", including Adrian van Ostade, David Teniers the younger, Adrian Brouwer, Philips Wouwermann, Jan Steen, Juan Flandes, and also Lucas Cranach the elder; in addition, a watercolor by Wassily Kandinsky was stolen.

Career in the organized crime group

After the robbery of Viktor Magids' apartment, Sergei Butorin realized that his time had come: the flourishing of the cooperative movement, the protection of which brought large incomes. He no longer wanted to work as a security guard in a cafe. Together with his brother Alexander and Dmitry Belkin ("Protein") in the city of Odintsovo near Moscow, where Butorin served, they decided to form a small brigade that was engaged in robbery and racketeering. Members of the Odintsovo community proudly called themselves "Odintsovo", their area of ​​influence extended from Odintsovo further towards Zvenigorod. Mostly, they "blew the brains" of businessmen, and not only - everything that had a more or less expressive designation in banknotes immediately fell under their close guardianship. Unlike all other bandit formations, the people of the Butorin and Belkin brothers did not kill by order, but in general abstractly, just like that. Without obvious benefit for their own affairs. In Odintsovo, at one time, the Golitsyn organized crime group, from the village of Golitsyno, was in charge. Butorin's people quickly pushed the aliens away from their town. And when they dutifully surrendered to the will of the victors and left rich bins to the enemy, they continued to be destroyed one by one according to the principle: everyone who is from Golitsyn has no right to life.

Trial and sentence in Russia

In Russia, the leader of the Orekhovskys and his ally were charged with organizing a criminal community, banditry and murders. Butorin was accused of involvement in the death of about thirty people (including the famous killer Alexander Solonik), and Polyansky, according to various sources, was involved in four or six murders. The gang leader denied his guilt, although he did not testify in his defense, citing the right not to testify against himself. Polyansky, on the other hand, made a deal with the investigation. However, the different positions of the defendants did not cause a quarrel. The journalists testified that in court the defendants chatted cheerfully with each other.

At the sentencing, which took place in the Moscow City Court on September 6, 2011, the defendants appeared dressed in the fashion of the nineties - Butorin in "boiled jeans", Polyansky in an Adidas tracksuit. The judge sentenced Butorin to life imprisonment (as the prosecution demanded), and Polyansky to 17 years in prison (two years longer than the prosecutor asked). In response to the question whether the sentence was clear to the convicts, Polyansky remained silent, and Butorin answered - "Yes, I understand."

"Lesha the Soldier" about Sergei Butorin

Here is what his colleague, the killer Lyosha the Soldier, said about Wasp:

“Sergei Yuryevich is an unconditional leader, very cunning and smart, with an iron grip, a man who is not afraid of anything, is not afraid to take risks and always goes to the end. Always in the shadow of Ananyevsky, he managed to “rake up the heat with the wrong hands”, with his brother Alexander at the beginning he carried out some special assignments, which earned him a certain authority and a place next to the godfather. Cunning, cruel to friends and foes, he eventually took the place of "Sylvester", but, being unable to keep what he got, he retained ties with the groups most devoted to the former boss, including the Medvedkovskiye, Orekhovskiye, Koptevskiye, Odintsovo". With their heads: Dust, "Zema", "Belkom", "Felix" and others, he maintained mutual insurance relations, financial and fictitious-comradely, often ending in the death of former "relatives". An example of this is the story of Solonik and the Kurgans in general.”


Butorin said he feared for his safety and the safety of his family. According to the crime boss, he has many influential enemies who will not allow him to live long in the colony.

Younger brother Alexander (Zomb). Currently at large and lives a peaceful life.

Wife Natalya.

Osya has three sons: Dmitry (b.1989), Nikita (b.1985) and Grigory (b.1987-2017). Has grandchildren.

In 2012, Grigory, along with his accomplices, was detained on suspicion of large-scale extortion from Mosgorenergo OJSC, at the request of his friend, Polina Mishustina, who decided that she was underpaid for her work. All were later released. On December 13, 2017, for unknown reasons, Gregory passed away.

Interview with Sergei Butorin

At that moment, already, in general, all available places were tapped: phones, houses, up to toilets. In particular, the house in Greece, in which Solonik lived, I rented it for him, and naturally prepared it, respectively. But, in fact, he shoots well, he is physically prepared, a purposeful person, he goes to the end, loves risk, is not afraid to take risks, and it is impossible to leave such an opponent behind his back, in no case. It was their (Kurgan OPG) trump card, you know.

On faking his own death:

I could not make, say, any plans for the family, because I was already in an illegal position all the time. Naturally, I understood that everything was very shaky. This was one of the reasons I had my "funeral". To, so to speak, well, at least temporarily give a break. It’s not that I was hiding, but when you are listed as dead, they can’t open a criminal case against you, that’s the thing. And in all references you are listed as dead. Anyway, there are no questions for you.

About money:

About his arrest:

On life in the 1990s:

Well, it used to be like a game. It was funny. That is, I didn’t think about the future, I didn’t look further than there, I don’t know, a week ahead, and even then, it seemed like a long time for me. I didn't plan anything. It seemed that life, it is so, eternal, imperishable. She is cheerful. And when the first money appeared, this is generally, there you can buy a car for yourself, but at least buy a new one every month. What factory can you earn that much?