Task in the corsairs to each his own from the tavern. Passage of game Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche. "The Burden of the Gascon. The Sequel", as well as "Maid in the Jungle" and "The Way of the Dutch West India Company"

Passage of Corsairs To each his own. Justice Island Part 02
After you have dealt with the attempt on the Shark, he will give you a sailing. I've received the Island of Justice position and additional instructions. It turns out that only a ship with a small draft and not higher than the fourth class is able to approach the island, otherwise you can increase the number of dead ships of the island by one more unit. Now it's time to think about how to get out of here... Pilot of the Island of Justice. Without this document, get to the Island of Justice by sea impossible. It is necessary to get to the point with coordinates 24gr 24 min N.S. and 84 gr 50 min west, and then according to the instructions contained in the sailing directions. Go to the ship with the store, use it to get to the ship of narwhals. Write the password manually and press Enter. You will be on the brig San Gabriel. This is where Henrik is located. Enter the far door, in the middle of the cabin, find another door signed as city streets. But you will be at the top of the bow of the ship. Find the cabin door here and enter. You will get to Henrik. The solution to the problem is found: Henrik has a suit in which you can go down into the water and stay there for a while. The suit is adapted for walking along the bottom, so I will certainly be able to find the statue of Kukulkan on the sunken ship. But as always, another difficulty awaited me: the suit was out of order, and to repair it, the Mechanic needed a rare metal - “silver - platinum ingot”. Of course, I volunteered to help, and Wedecker gave me a sample of this metal. I need to find, in addition to the existing one, at least ten more pieces - then the suit will be repaired, and I can finally go in search of the idol.
You need to look for platinum in the chests on the ships of the Rivados clan. But all chests are locked. The White Boy will help you in unlocking them again. He has the keys and will give them to Olya for 5 large pearls. There is also a problem with pearls... But it can be solved! An Indian walks on the ships - you can buy pearls from him. An Indian can be both on the surface and inside the ships, for example, in a tavern. Having found an Indian, first ask about how he got to the island and what he does. Only after that, the choice of Indian goods will appear in the dialogue menu. It should be noted that immediately these goods may not be available. Those. he can only sell 3 large pearls. You will have to wait 4 days (just spend the night in a tavern) for the product to be updated. Having bought 5 pearls, go to Olya and exchange them through the dialogue menu for a set of master keys. Olya needs to wait at the store. If Ole is not there, then go to the tavern, order a bottle of wine. Wait when main character get drunk and pass the time, then return to the store. Ole will be there for sure. If you give Olya 5 more pearls, he will give you an unusual key. Go to Tartarus where you saved Chimiset. Enter inside and go down to the cells. There is a small door to the left of Chimiset's cell. Approach it - it will open. Go inside and see a skeleton chained to the wall, as well as a chest. There are a lot of interesting things in the chest, including another old key.
So, you have master keys. Walk through the ships of the rivados, the admiral and find the right amount of platinum pieces in the chests. They need at least 11 pieces! Also, a number of these pieces can be found in the wreck of Fernando's ship, where Nathan Hawk is sitting. To do this, you need to swim around the ship from the other side. Here you will find 3 platinum pieces. Keep looking... Didn't find it? Go to the rivados ship called Velasco. It can be reached through the ship with the tavern. Get up on upper deck. There are two doors here. One of them is located to the left of the board on which you got here. Log in right there. The chest immediately catches your eye. But in this chest, apart from useful loot, there is no platinum. Already want to leave the cabin? Do not hurry! Go around the wooden square boxes on the left and find the second chest. This is where the five platinum pieces are hidden, during the day there will be security, you should go there after 18:00. Finally, the last three platinum pieces can be found on the Shark's ship. Go there, enter the door and on the tier where the Shark sits, find the chest right in the opposite part of it in the corner. This is where the last three platinum pieces are hidden. Platinum bars can be bought at the shop. Follow Henrik and give him all the ingots. "Silver" handed over to Wedeker, and he is ready to start repairing the diving suit. I should come back in five days - the work of the Mechanic is difficult, and he will not be able to do it earlier. Spend the night in a tavern, improve your health. After 5 days, get new passwords and follow Henrik. What I feared happened: the ingots brought to repair the suit were not enough. You need to get 2 more pieces somewhere, and then the work will be completed.
From the log: I'm going in search. We give the missing ingots. Well, there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel! The suit will be ready for diving the day after tomorrow. I should come to the Mechanic at 10 o'clock in the morning. If I find a teleportation idol at the bottom, then it will be possible to leave the Isle of Justice immediately. We are waiting for another two days in the tavern and after that we go to the barque "Saint Gabriel" to the Mechanic. Here I am, ready to dive in. However, I missed one important detail: the idol becomes active at midnight. And at night it is neither possible nor meaningful to dive - you can’t take a torch with you, and in the darkness I will not only not be able to find anything, but I will also become easy prey for crabs. Here's the problem! However, you still need to go down. At the very least, I should find the statue and memorize its location so that I can get to it later, at least with eyes closed- then the darkness will not be a hindrance.
Diving suit instructions
Firstly, the air supply will last for 500 seconds (perhaps this is due to the fact that the level of the cabin boy). Secondly, more than one dive per day will not work. Thirdly, after the dive, you will need to return the suit to the mechanic to refuel it with oxygen. Fourthly, the descent into the water must be carried out from the Phoenix platform, passing there through the aft gallery of the St. Gabriel. A winch is installed on the platform, with the help of which you will go down to the bottom and rise back. Under water, I found three chests with different valuables, but the weight of the suit does not allow me to take anything other than pesos. The main problem is crabs, there is a sunken ship in front of you, the skeleton of the ship is on the left, there is nothing on the right. Crabs can be lured out, come to the first one and let them all follow you, I lured them above the hook and to the right, then we approach the ship that was in front of you, there is a hole in one of the sides of the ship and there is a statue, we approach the statue we get a message and you can climb on a hook.

Accompanied the merchant to Tortuga, or rather to his lighthouse, and he gave me the plans of his competitor, another merchant, whose hold was full of mahogany. Said he'd have to show up in Cayman Island in two weeks to resupply. drinking water. I thanked for the information and did not harbor a grudge against my former companion, instead I moved to the port of Tortuga and exchanged my Lugger for a Sloop, which was a little better than mine and could accommodate 15 more people, not to mention a larger hold, additional guns more high caliber. I did not load my ship, because my sailors were not very good gunners, and I myself, not too accurate, so I took 6-pound guns (3-pound on the Lugger), loaded the ship with gunpowder and shells, provisions took enough for the trip to the Caymans and more to spare for the days of waiting for the ship. I did not load the ship too much and relied on speed and maneuverability, because the battle was ahead of me against the Flute, whose hold was supposed to be bursting with mahogany, therefore, there would be a battle against a clumsy heavyweight.

Cherishing dreams of a mountain of gold and glory, I sent my ship towards the Cayman. Along the way, there were pirates and Spanish patrols, but they would never catch up with my swallow. Arriving on the island, three days earlier than expected, I decided to inspect it for profit, and other hunters like me. As soon as he landed on the shore, the sailors immediately ran up. They showed that they had not eaten for several days and were very glad to see my ship. They asked me to serve, but I recruited sailors in the tavern of Tortuga and I did not have a place for them. Well, I did not leave them there on the island with empty hands and a stomach. He ordered his sailors to provide them with a boat, medicines and provisions. That would be enough for them to get to the crowded shores of Cuba, and he himself went into the interior of the island. After several hours of searching, I found the entrance to the cave. There was an empty chest in it, and there was a disgusting atmosphere in the cave itself - it smelled of a curse, so my bodyguard and I hurried out of it as quickly as possible. Having examined the whole island, I returned back to the ship. Those sailors have already gone cold, apparently they decided to try their luck and try to swim to the mainland or to Cuba. Good luck to them on this.

I ordered the ship to be disguised and began to wait for that merchant. Three days later he appeared on his flute under the French flag. About this, his "friend" forgot to mention, so I ordered to change my French flag to the Jolly Roger and went to meet the flute. My sloop cut through the waves like a hot knife through butter, and in half an hour you could already see the surprised face of the merchant through my cheap binoculars. On the deck of the flute, the sailors began to run, interfering with each other. Salaga, I thought.

The battle went on for several hours. My sloop seemed to be dancing near the big and clumsy elephant and stinging in its most vulnerable parts. I did not have much gunpowder, because I did not want to overload my ship, so the first thing I did was fire on the crew of the ship. Let them be newbies, but there were three of them, and maybe even four more than us. It's not worth the risk. So the buckshot stocks were running out, and the flute's crew had noticeably decreased, and his sails had also suffered, now he was even more clumsy. I didn't let this unfortunate captain turn his ship sideways towards me, constantly adjusted my side to its stern and fired from all five 6-foot guns. Well, the gunpowder ended in the hold.

My sailors are only 30 out of 59, what a pity that not all of them will be able to see the gold that I will receive for the goods that the flute is in the hold, if it really is there. But there was nowhere to retreat, and it was stupid - we took up arms and boarded. There were three enemy sailors for each of our sailors, and this is taking into account the fact that we fired at them with buckshot for so long that it would be enough to cast a large bell.

How many deaths. Of all the sailors, only four squeezed out, and then, three of them were badly wounded. It was impossible to allow the death of the rest to be in vain and armed, my Indian friend and I went down into the hold, where ten more French sailors were waiting for us. Their number is against our skill. I made the right choice to save this Indian from the gallows. The victory was ours, and I had to meet with their captain. The merchant turned out to be not accommodating, but I wanted to offer him to surrender and sail on, with his surviving sailors or those taken prisoner. He thought that he could defeat me and doomed his people to slavery - well, it would be on his conscience.

And the merchant did not deceive. The hold of the flute was completely filled with mahogany. We reloaded the goods into the hold of our ship for several hours, and then headed back to Tortuga. The way back turned out to be quite calm, and the wind was ardent and glorious. The risk paid off and I earned fifty thousand pesos, of which ten thousand went to repair my swallow, recruit a new team and resupply. Ahhhh, what a glorious day it was!

"Corsairs" - this is one of the few games of domestic production, which has gained worldwide fame. Many players appreciated the idea and how well the adventures they had to face were worked out. However, it is worth noting separately the last game of the series, called "To each his own" - this is a kind of climax, a collection of all the good things that were in the previous parts, and placing it within one. The result is very interesting project, which will allow you to try yourself as a brave pirate who needs to surf the seas and oceans, complete tasks, fight both on land and on water. And all this takes place in an open world, that is, no one ties you to a specific plot - you can sail to any part of the world at any given moment. You can earn money by trading, you can piracy and rob ships - no one limits you, so you can do what you see fit. Well, life here is incredibly rich. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to guide you through it - you will have to learn everything on your own, but the quests that you can receive during your journey can be described.

There are also add-ons in the game, such as "Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche", the passage of which is not necessary to consider, since not everyone may want to purchase DLC. The same goes for other add-ons. DLCs ​​such as "Corsairs: To Each His Own - Gweek" will not be considered here, the walkthrough will only concern the base game, so you can not look for quests added to the game by downloadable content.

"Rum for the Bartender", "Call Girl" and "Return the Priest St. Pierre's Manuscripts"

The first quests that you will come across in gaming world, are unlikely to present any difficulties for you. You do not need anything supernatural, special weapons or unusual ships, so you can safely take on them. The passage can take you tens, even hundreds of hours, because life here is leisurely, and if you want to enjoy it, you can take your time. But if you take on a quest like "Rum for the Bartender" you are getting closer to completing the game. So, in this quest you will have to meet real ghosts who will travel on a no less real ship. And just from them you will need to pick up the rum. To do this, first find out the password that you will need to tell the captain of the ghost ship, and then meet with the ghosts themselves. Having said the password, you will confirm your identity and receive rum, which you need to deliver to the bartender.

The passage of "To each his own" can be different - it depends on the essence of the quest: in some cases you will have to get down to business instantly, and in some you may not be in a hurry. For example, as in the quest "Call Girl", where you will need to order a special woman of easy virtue for one high-ranking person. You will need to find out information about the right girl from the pimp, and you will understand that it will be possible to pick her up only for an hour, from eleven to twelve in the evening. But on any day, so you can not rush.

But the quest "Return the manuscripts of the priest Saint-Pierre" needs to be done as soon as possible, but it is not difficult. You will simply need to deliver manuscripts from one church to another, but you will have to prove that your thoughts are not dirty.

"Warehouse Worker", "The Stolen Jewel" and "Cannibals"

The passage of "To each his own" will periodically surprise you, as you will be offered to perform rather unusual tasks. For example, Warehouse Worker is a two-part quest. It will be given to you by the seller in the store, who lost a valuable employee - a worker from the warehouse. You have to find him. It is clear that there are no time limits, but you can immediately head into the jungle and find a pirate village, in one of the shops of which the missing employee will work. He will not want to return, so go back and tell the merchant the news. This will end the first part, but you can immediately start the second. The merchant needs a replacement, and in the pirate town you will find it. After paying a certain amount, agree to conduct a screening of candidates, and if you take a nap, then when you wake up, you will see three pirates in the tavern who have expressed a desire to get a job. Choose one of them and send it to the city. The next time you go there, the merchant will say that you have brought an excellent employee. For which you will be generously rewarded.

But there are also less complicated quests in the game, such as "The Stolen Jewel". When you wander through the jungle, a scene will unfold in front of you - two natives will run away in an unknown direction. You can chase them, but this will not work - the passage of "To each his own" requires a deeper approach. Better go to where they fled from, and there will be a corpse. Examine it - you will find earrings. They can be sold quite expensive, but is it worth it? Again, think about what will be best for you, and ask the inhabitants to whom these jewels may belong. It turns out that these are earrings stolen from the governor's wife, who will generously reward you for finding them.

If you want to fight, then you need to take the "Cannibals" quest - it can be found at one of the inhabitants of the post near the city. He will tell you that his friend is going to go alone to save his daughter from the clutches of the natives. Join him and go to the cannibal hideout - there you will have to fight, but when you do it, it turns out that your partner's daughter is alive. You will also find another hostage who can also be rescued. As a result, both the partner and the rescued hostage will reward you.

"Burden of the Gascon" - story quest

After completing these tasks, the story quest "Burden of the Gascon" will become available to you, which you can complete, but it will take quite a long time. So get ready for it and get started. Your goal is to buy a ship, assemble a crew and go to Guadeloupe. In the draft quests that are not related to the storyline, will periodically help you move towards the final. Naturally, you should not rush into this, but you should still understand that the game has a logical end, to which you must come in the end. After buying a ship, you will need to go to a tavern where you can assemble a team at a time - there is one sailor who is ready to offer you as many as forty pairs of hands, but only if you take everyone at once and fulfill his conditions. They are quite simple - you need to have the right atmosphere, food and medicine on the ship. You can buy a little bit of everything just to meet the requirements, but that's not all. You need a navigator, and he is in custody, as he owes a large amount of money to a moneylender. Go to him and find out what you can do to give back this amount. Immediately you will receive the side quest "Spanish Engineer", as you will have to save a fellow pawnbroker kidnapped by pirates. At first, you can try to persuade the latter to give up the engineer, but as a result, you still have to kill them - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own", passing quests often comes down to this. Then you will have a hand-to-hand fight with the Spaniard himself, who does not want to believe that you have come to save him. Defeat him and lead him into the city, but avoid the guards. When you bring the engineer to the moneylender, the latter will give you receipts that the debt has been repaid - you need to take them to prison so that the navigator is released and the Guadeloupe quest is activated.

"Guadeloupe", "Caribbean Mores" and "Dishonest Competitor"

This is one of the most difficult quests, here danger awaits you around every corner. Passing it may require you to have great skill and dexterity in handling both your character and the ship on which you will sail. You need to sail to Guadeloupe, where the multi-level task will begin. First you will need to talk to one person who will guide you further. There you will learn about a collection of sabers stolen by the Indians, which you need to return, but you will not find it without the help of an indigenous person who was imprisoned. You can buy it for a lot of money, but there is nothing to do - you can only argue with the commandant and bring down the price a little. After freeing the Indian, you can equip the expedition, but at the same time you will still need to complete one job, which will give the quest " Caribbean manners". Again, danger awaits you around every corner, the passage is unlikely to seem easy. As part of this task, you will first need to deliver a load of guns, sailing past the enemy port, then get important information by hiring a beggar for this, and then completely intercept enemy ship with a load of gunpowder. It won't be easy, so get serious. Well, the next quest is mostly running around with errands. The "dishonest competitor" ends up being a smuggler who interferes with the local merchant. Make an appointment and arrange he is warmly received - it is not necessary to kill him, since he will pay a decent amount for his life.

"The Burden of the Gascon. The Sequel", as well as "Maid in the Jungle" and "The Way of the Dutch West India Company"

The passage of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" is moving forward, and this is signaled to you by the fact that you can continue the quest "Burden of the Gascon". But first, try to get the quest "Jungle Girl" - for this you only need to travel through the jungle until you see a girl running away from three men. She will ask you for help, saying that her father wants to marry her to one person, and she loves a completely different one. In any case, inform the men that you yourself will deliver the girl to her father, and then decide whether to let her go and do a good deed or take her to her father and receive a reward. After that, you can take on the "Burden of the Gascon". To do this, you need to return to Martinique and talk to your friend Michel, imprisoned. He will offer you several options for the development of events, which will start the quest "The path of the Dutch West India Company"The Corsairs: To Each His Own walkthrough branches off here, as Michel offers you three different options for achieving the goal. The first is joining the West India Company, the second is joining the English army, and the third is membership in a secret organization .

"Dutch Gambit", different options for passing

It will be very difficult to describe the passage in detail here, as it branches and can go in a variety of ways. This is one of the most interesting parts of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own". The passage of the "Dutch Gambit", a quest that will lead you to the goal of interest to you and Michel, will take quite a long time. You will need to complete a large number of assignments, deal with dangerous opponents and carry out complex orders. You could even say that in some places you will have to look under every stone, the passage of this chain of quests may well require this. Whichever path you choose, the result will still be the same - you will complete all the tasks and collect enough money to free Michel.

"Million for Michel", "Pirate Saga" and "Shark Hunt"

Check if you have a million - after all, that's how much it takes for Michel to be free. Of course, the amount is simply huge, and it will be terribly pitiful to part with it, but it is still yours. best friend. And most importantly - this is a key character in the plot of the game, so do not be stingy. However, in the part of "Corsairs 3: To each his own" the passage is not so simple that everything was limited to this. It turns out that there is not enough money to ransom Michel - you need to do what he promised, but did not do. To find out what in question, talk to Michel himself, find out terrible secret- you have to do something impossible. Your goal is to capture and overthrow the local government! But the island has its own full-fledged fleet, how do you deal with it? This is where you will find out that among the pirates there are those who are also not satisfied with the government on the island.

It's time to move on to the quest" pirate saga". In it you have to find all the influential pirates who will be ready to join their forces with you in order to storm Tortuga. But you will not count one, the most important pirate - the legendary Shark. You will have to spend quite a lot of time, but, alas, everything your attempts will be in vain - the Shark disappeared without leaving a trace.But in the quest "Pirates: To Each His Own" the passage simply cannot reach a dead end, so you just need to be distracted by other things.

"Return of the Baron", "Isle of Justice" and "The Dive"

From this moment on, real miracles will begin in the game. You will need to find a shaman who crafts special medallions that allow you to access the mysterious Isle of Justice. Naturally, you will need to complete quite a few errands and wait a couple of months before the medallions are ready, but it really is worth it. Only then will you be able to continue moving in the Corsairs game. Each walkthrough of the "Isle of Justice" may seem difficult, as this is a turning point in the game. After all, on this incredible island you will still find the Shark, and he will agree to join you, but for this you will need a ship, which, unfortunately, is not. And this whole quest will revolve around trying to get a ship for the Shark.

As for the task "Immersion", here the miracles will continue. The passage of the game "To each his own" will take a completely unusual turn - you will have to go down under the water to find ancient city Mayan. These unexpected plot delights await you in this wonderful game.

Decoupling is near...

So, the passage of the game "Corsairs: To each his own" is approaching its logical conclusion. It remains for you to complete a number of side and story quests in order to free Michel, capture the island of Tortuga, and also see many more various wonders associated with the Maya. Pastime for this game can not be called boring, and the project is not protracted - you decide how long you will play. You can go exclusively through the quests of the storyline, or you can complete all third-party assignments and travel around the world. Naturally, this passage of "Corsairs: To Each His Own" does not cover ships, sabers, cannons, ammunition and many other aspects that are not directly related to the plot itself. You have to study this on your own, and you are guaranteed to get a lot of pleasure from the process.

The final

As a result, everything will come down to the search for an ancient relic - a Mayan mask. And, unfortunately, not only will you be looking for her - your "millionth" brother Michel will also want riches, betraying you and practically killing you. But here you can take revenge. First you will have to fight the Indians, and then Michel himself, who is the main boss in the game. Every minute everything will become more difficult, as you will already be fighting with everyone at once, including your brother. Well, everything will end, of course, with your victory - if you have a real artifact in your hands, then you will need to finish off Michel, and then the final video will start. But the game does not end at the same time - you get the opportunity to further surf the oceans - piracy, trade, live, and, of course, go through those quests that you did not have time to do before.

"Corsairs: To each his own!" review

filibuster game series Corsairs known for its hardcore and diverse nature. Another game in this series, developed by the studio Black Mark Studio game based Corsairs: City Lost Ships (for which they previously released a modification Adventure Tales), promises to show the player all the delights of a pirate life to the smallest detail. Corsairs: To each his own!- a kind of "game from the distant past", they do not try to lure the player with great graphics or entertainment, they focus on the general atmosphere, color, interesting and thoughtful tasks.

Maritime romance

This time we will travel in the role of Charles de Maur, originally from France. This is a womanizer and a "major", who is completely unaware of maritime affairs. He sailed to the Caribbean at the request of his father to find his brother Michel de Monpe. After several weeks of long sailing, cursing the heat and mosquitoes, our hero still gets to the island of Martinique. After listening to rumors and asking people, he still finds his brother ... in prison. As it turns out, he is accused of exorbitant waste of money. Order of Malta. They will be able to release him from prison only for a huge amount - a million pesos! And guess who's going to make that much money? Not without difficulty, having obtained a ship and several people in the team, on the advice of his brother, Charles goes to Guadeloupe in search of a certain businessman Fadey, who owes a tidy sum to Michel. This is how our sailing adventures begin.

Itself story line consists of several main quests, the outcome of which depends on the ending. But you can safely set off on a free voyage, earning money, trading in peaceful trade or piracy. side quests there are plenty of them and they are distributed on almost every corner, which will allow you to have an exciting time in the Caribbean. In free swimming, boredom will not find you soon. There are recurring orders, how, say, to deliver important person to the desired destination, deliver cargo, sink a certain ship, and so on, but there are also unique tasks.

Get a piece of paper and a pen ready! Although the journal in the game contains a rather colorful description of each task, do not expect to be told where to go, what and how to do, moreover, you will not see a single marker on the map. Need to find a person? Ask around people. Need to say a password? Remember it yourself, because it was probably told to you earlier, but such information is not stored in the journal. Passwords must be entered by hand, they are randomly generated, as well as the meeting place. In this game, dialogues should really be read, not scrolled through.

On land and at sea

Having landed on land in one of the ports, the player can, while walking around the city, look into a tavern, where you can exchange a game of "point" or poker on the dice (he's got a good deal of luck), visit a brothel, buy the necessary equipment in a local shop, recruit a team to complete various tasks. They won’t let you especially walk around the islands, rarely what kind of jungle outside the walls of cities consists of more than a couple of paths, but there you can meet natives, trade or engage in battle with them. New locations are present, but there are relatively few of them.

The character has got several new equipment slots. There are various magical (and not so) amulets that give the owner good abilities. Alchemy has been added, thanks to which you can create the necessary amulets, potions, ammunition, chests and much more.

The combat system in the game has been slightly updated, although the dynamics in it are still at a minimum and it looks scary. There are a lot of weapons, and the tactics of combat with each of them are different. For example, a heavy broadsword deals more damage but is slower in blocks and stabs, while rapiers are much faster in attack but deal less damage. But often it all comes down to sitting in a block and timely counterattacks. You need to look at what kind of weapon the enemy has, because missing a piercing blow with a cheap ax and a good rapier is not the same thing. All weapons have balance and their most advantageous hits. Firearms were completely redone: if we used to shoot bullets, and nothing more, now you can load buckshot into almost any pistol and immediately injure a crowd of enemies. Muskets appeared, paper cartridges, various ammunition (say, bombs) and the like.

Of course, the marine part of the game is much more interesting, and it looks much more beautiful than the gameplay on land. There are about fifty different ships in the game, divided by prestige into several classes, each of the ships of which has its pros and cons. When moving at sea and in battle, the smallest details are taken into account - the wind, the area and type of sails, the total weight of the ship, and so on.

The Caribbean lives its own life and besides us, there are many ships in the sea that can be attacked and that can attack us. All the enemies in the sea act pretty smart. If we are chasing a merchant, he will hit your sails with knipples and leave, and if we catch up with him, he will reload with buckshot and fire a volley at close range. The result may be completely unexpected. Pirates at sea are much bolder and more aggressive. Meeting enemies at sea during a storm will most likely lead to your ship being sent to the bottom almost instantly.

To get the maximum profit from enemy ships, they need to be boarded. The battle on the enemy ship now consists of three stages: first, you, side by side with your team, destroy the enemy team on the deck, then in the hold, and all this ends with a one-on-one fight in the captain's cabin. Captured people can be both released in peace, and sent to their slavery, which will affect your karma.

An extremely important parameter responsible for the combat capability of your team is morale. All pirates love money, so sometimes your crew may demand a salary, not paying it will lead to a decrease in morale. Also, this parameter can be significantly increased by having a priest on the deck, or full barrels of rum in the hold. A team with a low morale is more likely to start a riot on the ship, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to pacify it peacefully.

The overall impression of the game is greatly spoiled by its old engine, dull graphics and game instability: crashes and freezes occur from time to time. As already mentioned, the game attracts with its atmosphere and attention to detail. The sound in the game is also not bad: each NPC addresses the main character with phrases, and unobtrusive, pleasant to the ear music plays in the background.


All in all, Corsairs: To each his own! is the most believable pirate life simulator and the most authentic simulator naval battles. In addition, this is a truly hardcore RPG with interesting plot, a huge variety of many of its elements, but with all these pluses, some of its shortcomings will scare away so many. And for those to whom this is not a barrier, the game will become a real pleasure for many tens of hours. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the game came out a little at the wrong time, and for 2012 it does not look at all properly. We will wait for a new part of the game, but on a new engine.

Grade: It is worth noting that for a game of this kind it is quite difficult to give any specific assessment, since for different types of players, the game will appear in its own way.
6/10 for "casual" players. Most will be put off by the old graphics, the high difficulty of passing even at the initial stage of the game and the ancient engine, but those who can get through it will get their own unique experience and pleasure from the game.
9/10 for "hardcore" and fans of the series. Players familiar with the series will be able to find in KKS many expected innovations and changes. Essentially it's all the same City of the Lost Ships, but slightly changed for the better.

In just a few seconds, a calm breeze turns into a destructive flurry. The clear sky becomes formidable because of the many clouds. Torrents of rain and lightning erupt. Suddenly, from behind the horizon on torn sails, a chilling horror appears, a nightmare on the waves. He brings death to all living things. This is a ghost ship.

In the empty labyrinths of an abandoned temple, there are many terrible guards who are summoned by the angry god of death, Yum Simil. A powerful ancient artifact must be returned to the Dead Realm. Then the Caribbean archipelago will get rid of evil spirits that want war.

  • The mystical macro quest will take at least 6 game hours;
  • The newest unique military galleon - a class 1 ship;
  • New unique melee weapon - katana;
  • New unique firearms - double-shot pistol;
  • New unique armor- Lamport suit.

Don't be afraid of the undead. The brave can overcome anything! You will have to find three artifacts and return the jade skull to its place.

Attention! This quest is only available if you purchase the DLC from the Steam store!

Conditions for obtaining the quest: The Dutch Gambit must be successfully completed. If you completed the "Dutch Gambit" for the GVIK, or the Secret Organization, then you need to sell the skull to the Portuguese. Time must pass - approximately 4 months after the completion of Gambit. The game version is 1.1.3 and higher. Otherwise, you may experience all sorts of glitches.

Reward: Flying Heart War Galleon, Double Shot Pistol, Lamport Costume, Shaman Potion, Katana.

How can I get the quest? There are three ways to do this:

  1. Buy a strange amulet from a beggar in town
  2. Remove the strange amulet from the body of the slain Indian in the jungle
  3. Find a strange amulet in the chest in the cabin of the captain of the aborted ship.

To start the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche in one profile, you can get the "Strange amulet" in any way. It will fall into your hands anyway.

So, you have a "Strange Amulet" on your hands. You need to find out what its purpose is. Who can give a hint? Naturally, the lighthouse keepers. They can also give orders for amulets. Visit three lighthouses - Santiago, Guadeloupe, Cartagena. One caretaker in any case will tell about how the amulet appeared in the Caribbean and that Charles is already the third person who shows this thing.

However, only one person can know how to use the amulet. This is the shaman of the Carib Indians. The tribe lives in Dominica. Do not flatter yourself, the Indian does not talk to anyone. In order for him to start communicating with you, he needs to present an offering. He only accepts firearms. This is not a simple pistol, but a real drill musket, or a naval carbine.

When you get something useful, go to Dominica. In the depths of the jungle, find the village of the Caribs. In one house you will find a shaman, talk to him. When he recognizes his amulet, then get to look for the other two. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues.

Don't think it will be easy for you! As soon as you enter the water area of ​​the island, a strong storm will begin. A ghost ship will rush towards your ship! By the way, he won't shoot. As soon as your ships get close, the ghost will start boarding. You need to deal with the skeletons on the ghost's quarterdeck and go to the captain's cabin.

In the cabin of the captain of the Kaleuche

Don't try to pummel the undead captain. He cares about everything! After a while, he will stop and start talking. The captain will say that he and his team are immortal. He attacked because he needs the strange amulet you are in possession of.

Well, start fighting him again. As a result, you will fall unconscious. Come to your senses on the coast of Dominica. As far as health is concerned, it is at a disadvantage. A sailor from your ship will run up to you, or a girl if you managed to go through the Pirate Saga. From the conversation, you will learn that your team was able to drag your body from the ship. But your ship was sunk with just one salvo.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues. By the way, the sailors also managed to take your chest from the cabin, so the little things remained intact. Talk, go back to the shaman and find out how Kaleuche appeared in the Caribbean, why he needs amulets and how you can fight him.

As for fighting, it is not difficult - you need to find the two missing amulets, as well as the jade skull of Yum Simil. He is now with Joaquim Merriman. Well, you'll have to pick it up. But first you need to find the remaining amulets before the undead captain. The shaman will give advice to find a fast ship that will get away from the Kaleuche.

Hint: Ships such as the Mirage, Meifeng, Valkyrie can get away from the ghost ship. However, you feel sorry for them, or for some reason you will not be able to enter them. Pay attention to ships of small classes, but not merchant ones.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche. Go back to the lighthouse keeper who told you about the amulet. Ask him about the other two amulets. Or rather, who can own them.

So, you need a hunter from Belize, Fergus Hooper, Jack-Jackson from Barbados. All that is known about him is that his ship is called "half-woman-half-bird". In fact, the name is "Harpy"!


You should ask the Port Authority about Jack-Jackson. When asked what his xebec is called, answer "Harpy". You will be told that this captain is now in the service of the Dutch West India Company. That's where you need to look for it. Go to Curacao. In the office of GVIK, at the one that sells commercial licenses, you will find out that your Jackson is engaged in regular flights between Port Royal and Phillipsburg. Find the right ship on this route, send a boat to the shebeca.

You will learn that Jackson keeps the amulet in the chest of the lighthouse in Barbados. So that's why the undead captain couldn't get it! However, Jackson cannot go to Barbados with you. He has a contract. Therefore, for the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche, buy from him the key for the chest. It costs 500 doubloons. Return to Barbados, land at the lighthouse. In the chest you will find a strange amulet, as well as a two-shot pistol and other small things. Deliver the amulet to the shaman, as "Kaleuche" is now hunting for you.


In Belize, you will find out that your hunter will arrive no earlier than in three days. In addition, it will be in the period from 6 to 9 pm. Wait for it. It may appear in a week. Ask, in general, about the amulet.

He would have gladly given the amulet, but only he was robbed by local bandits. Long story short, the amulet was stolen along with Hooper's other belongings. Go to the commandant of the prison, but there you will not learn anything except that the bandits have assistants in the city. We'll have to take on the white ourselves.

Shame at home. So in one you will find a suspicious type. Kill him, search the body and find an interesting note. Wait until midnight, blow into the jungle. In the next location, you will meet bandits outside the city gates. Give the note, get an invitation to the case. This is a robbery of a merchant.

For the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche you must agree and help them. At the next dialogue, you will receive another invitation to the case. It will be over in three days. You will also learn that the gang is located nearby in a cave. The next day, also at midnight, go to the cave, there will be caches. Find the amulet, Lamport's costume and other rubbish. Two bandits will find you. You will have to kill them and go to the shaman, running away from the Kaleuche along the way.

Hint: if you hand over two bandits to the commandant, then after three days you will receive a reward for capturing the villains.

jade skull

So, you need through Yum Simil. He is currently with Joaquim Merriman. Blow into Willemstad. There the Portuguese rented a room. Don't rush anywhere at the pier. A monk will run up to you and say that Merriman is missing. Also missing was the owner of the house where he rented a house. Plus, strange things happen there at night. However, the soldiers found nothing.

Naturally, you have to figure out what's what. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues. When midnight comes, go to the house opposite the residence. You need to go up to the second floor. The monk did not deceive! A fairly thick smoke will rise above the chest near the bed. After that, a skeleton holding an ax will appear in the room! When you deal with the undead, search the corpse. You will understand that this is the housewife. Yes, after all, Merriman is a very dangerous type!

Go to the church, talk to the priests. From him you will learn that Joaquim is a former nobleman. Now this is a terrible witch. In Havana, the disappearance of the townspeople, as well as attacks from the undead, were noticed. Well, go to Cuba. Here you have to go to church. You will learn from a local monk that all kinds of undead are in the jungle in a cave. The passage to this place is guarded by a musketeer.

Blow into the jungle. In the location in front of the cave itself, talk to the musketeer. He will let you through. With the further passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche needs to kill all the skeletons both at the entrance and in the cave itself. As soon as the last cave skeleton falls to the floor, smoke will begin to pour from her corner. This is where Chavinavi comes in. Those who follow Richard Gambit will immediately recognize the creature. Kill him, return to the monk. He expresses gratitude. All this is great, but you still haven't found Merriman. By the way, he is somewhere near!

Nobody in the city saw him. Will have to look for him. At the cemetery, stick to the caretaker. Press on him, then you will find out that Joaquim is sitting in the crypt and quietly stealing corpses from the cemetery. Take the key, blow behind the skull. Go into the crypt, go past the coffins, go through the door.

You ended up in a cave with a number of grottoes. Everywhere you need to clean up the skeletons, find Merriman. You will find it in the room with the throne. Talk to him, watch the transformation from a human into a nasty undead. At first, fight off the called chavinavi, then from the jaguar warrior, as well as Joaquim, who joined him. When Marriman falls, the chavinavi will die on its own. Search the corpse of a Portuguese subject. Take the jade skull from him. Do not forget to also search the cave, take the Easter chest. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche.

It's time to go to Dominica. Now there is an oddity - if the amulets so attracted the ghost ship, then the jade skull is not at all interesting to him. When you come to the shaman, listen to the story. You need to listen carefully, because it is important! Then take two amulets. Regardless of whether the amulets are worn or not, they are only good for a month. During this period, you must find the island with the temple of Yum Simil. Leave the skull there.

Hint: If you completed the Pirate Saga, then you will learn the coordinates of the island from Nathaniel Hawke. Well, if not, then you need the center of the notorious bermuda triangle. Its peaks are Sint Maarten, Antigua, St. Christopher. Get ready to fight serious battles, both on land and at sea.

So, you have found Hael Roa. On it you must leave Yum Simil's skull. Go to the depths of the island, where the temple is visible. Climb to the top, come in. When you get to three passes, you need to choose the middle one. Climb up the stairs. Next, you need to navigate by the sign "skull-sun". Focus on the sun, killing skeletons along the way, as well as Chavinians. When, during the passage of the Corsair: To each his own - Kaleuche, you will open the door, you will enter a room in which there are teleports. Go to the right one. Then there will be only one road. All teleports are correct. After entering the last teleport, you will find yourself in a sanctuary. There, a Chavinavi chief will approach you.

Hint: the leader will start bombarding you with questions. The answers to them were in the shaman's story, which had to be listened to carefully! If the answers are wrong, at least one of them, then the leader will attack you. If you don't make any mistakes, you will get the skin of a leopard warrior.

At the end of the conversation with the leader, go to the statue on the other side of the sanctuary. Put down the jade skull. When you leave the temple, you need to go to the sea. In the water area, the military galleon "Flying Heart" is already waiting for you. It already has a mortal team led by a captain. Take the former ghost on board, mow down everyone who gets caught. Along the way, you need to search the skeletons, which may contain interesting amulets. There will be a battle with the captain in the cabin. After - a conversation. At the end of the conversation, kill him. Remove the first strange amulet from the body. In one of the chests you will find a katana. The other will have 5,000 doubloons. You can't take them away, so don't try in vain.

Here it is, chilling the soul "Kaleuche" ... ours!

Do you think that the passage of Corsair: To each his own - Kaleuche is completed? It wasn't there! You need to return to the shaman, give him the amulets. You will receive a task - to deliver 15 Mangaros. Of these, he will prepare a potion for you. You can bring everything to him at once. You can, as far as you find - in fives. As a result, you will receive three potions: a potion of endurance, a potion of reaction and a potion of your choice. As soon as you get the potions, say goodbye to the shaman, who will go to comprehend the wisdom of his ancestors.