Path of Exile Twilight Armor and Wings Sale! PoE: Equipment Unique PoE Armor List

Witch is the class of the character Path of Exile based on pure intellect, making her the undisputed master of Charms and Elements. She uses her powers clean energy to destroy your enemies from a distance. Her terrifying will surrounds her with a shimmering barrier against physical and magical attacks, a barrier that must be breached before the witch herself becomes vulnerable. In addition to inflicting incredible damage spells, the Witch can harm her enemies with curses, and call on the undead to her aid, bending to her will. A witch's starting stats are 14 Strength, 14 Dexterity, and 32 Intelligence.

Witch related equipment: Crowns, Robes, Cloth Gloves, Slippers/Boots and Spirit Shield.

Ascension Classes:

Necromancer: Basically, the Necromancer is focused on calling minions. She can increase the defense and attack of minions, as well as her own auras, thus strengthening her minions. However, the necromancer is not limited to pure summoner builds, as the Mistress of Sacrifices skill can be used to greatly enhance the character itself.

Elemental Mage: Elemental Mages specialize in everything related to elemental damage. They use intermittent but powerful elemental damage buffs. They can also focus on applying elemental effects through the use of the Bringer of Devastation notable, allowing them to spread all three elemental effects to enemies even if using chaos or physical damage.

Occultist: Choosing the Occultist class is a good choice for those Witches who specialize in dealing chaos damage or curses. The Curse skill significantly increases the effectiveness of curses, while Beacon of the Void and Blossom of Sin greatly affect chaos damage. Of great value to builds that use energy shield is the branch with the important skills Bulwark of Evil and Unholy Guardian. For those who are looking for opportunities to generate energy charges, there is the Forbidden Power skill.

Bandit is the class of the character Path of Exile, based on a combination of Dexterity and Intelligence. He prefers fast weapons (such as daggers or claws) to move quickly across the battlefield while laying traps and mines and controlling the flow of battle. He is always more cunning than his opponent and delivers strikes with medical precision, dodging attacks.

Bandit is one of the hardest character classes to play due to his low armor, but he easily makes up for it if handled skillfully. His hit-and-run fighting style, dictated by his natural evasion and energy shield, rewarded him with fine coordination of attacks, skills, and traps. The initial characteristics of the Bandit: Strength - 14, Dexterity - 23, Intelligence - 23.

The most suitable outfit for a Bandit: Masks, Jackets/Jackets/Jackets/Garments, Gloves, Boots and Barbed Shields.

Ascension Classes:

Killer- An offensive class that uses critical hits and power charges to cast spells and attacks. The class tree also provides options for damage over time and chaos damage.

Saboteur- the class is aimed at improving the skills of traps and mines with useful bonuses, but not like direct damage or increased critical hit. This class also uses Blind as an offensive and defensive mechanic.

Dodger- a universal class that allows you to use a combination of intelligence-agility, mana regeneration, has great maneuverability and deals damage over time.


Huntress- character class Path of Exile, based on agility, which suits her slim and graceful figure. She is agile and fast, darting in and out of combat, delivering powerful critical hits that often take down opponents in one go. Her natural speed gives her good ability avoid dealing damage, and she tends to wear light-colored leather or cloth. She is very skilled with ranged weapons, but her strikes are as deadly as those of a warrior with a sword on the battlefield. The initial characteristics of the hunter: Strength - 14, Dexterity - 32, Intelligence - 14.

The most appropriate huntress outfit These are Hats / Hoods, Leathers / Vestments / Semi-caftans, hide gloves, hide boots and bucklers.

Ascension Classes:
Sniper- The class is most offensively oriented and focuses on projectile damage and area of ​​effect. Obviously, this class is suitable for archers, but most of its modifiers apply to any kind of projectile. This means that most attacks and spells that use projectiles will also benefit from this class.

raider- The Raider class focuses on increasing the duration of buffs by gaining Frenzy Charges, Onslaught, or Ghost Form through kills. The character can specialize in one of the effects, strengthening it, as well as significantly increase his speed and evasion. Contrary to the depiction of this class, it does not contain any melee-only modifiers, and also enhances ranged attacks quite well.

Pathfinder- In the Pathfinder class, the main focus is on flasks, which can be used to get additional attacking or defensive bonuses. Pathfinder is a flexible class; his skill tree allows you to use both normal attacks and spell attacks with equal efficiency, with any type of damage (elemental, physical or chaos).


Gladiator is the class of the character Path of Exile, based on a combination of strength and agility, which makes it unmatched in dealing damage and dodging attacks. He can use a shield or strike with powerful two-handed or dual-wield weapons with equal effectiveness. His strong arms are capable of drawing the most powerful and deadly bows. His finely honed reflexes give him feline dexterity for dodging and parrying attacks, be it arrows or swinging an axe. The Gladiator is a dangerous opponent and his reputation as a ruthless killer is well-deserved. The initial characteristics of the gladiator: strength - 23, dexterity - 23, intelligence - 14.

The most suitable equipment for the Gladiator: Helmets, Scale Armor/Brigandines/Doublets/Plate Armour, Scale Gloves, Scale Sabatons, and Round Shields.

Ascension Classes:

Rubak- The Brawler class focuses on health leech and stuns. Due to pass nodes that increase attack speed and damage with two-handed weapons, this class is well suited for offensive skills using two-handed weapons and bows.

dimacher- The Dimacher class is suitable for characters using a dual weapon or a combination of one-handed weapons and a shield. The skill tree makes it possible to focus on applying bleeding and improving the block.

Champion- The Champion class is defensive and best suited for "tanking" characters due to the taunt and fortify effect. In addition, he can use an aura that increases damage to himself and his allies. The Champion tree's passing nodes allow for a nice increase in armor and evasion.

Savage- character class Path of Exile, which is based on strength, which means good resistance to hits, and even better at distributing punishments. His melee skills cover a wide range of attacks, from high damage on a single target to a devastating area effect. This powerful man enhances his impressive physical arsenal with a variety of screams and cries, skills that rally allies and strike fear into the hearts of opponents. The initial characteristics of the Savage: Strength - 32, Dexterity - 14, Intelligence - 14.

The most appropriate equipment for the Savage: Helmets, Plate, Gauntlets, Leggings and Tower Shields.

Ascension Classes:
conqueror- The Vanquisher class is based around defense, providing physical damage reduction through armor and endurance charges, protection against slows and stuns, and accuracy.

Berserk- The Berserker skill tree is built around buffs when hit. The effects are based on the "recently" mechanic, and in order to maintain them, you must constantly be in the thick of the battle. Buffs include Life Leech, Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Damage Reduction. Warbringer amplifies the player's war cries. The class is intended to be used on characters that develop in the direction of attacks.

Leader (Gay.)- The Chieftain class specializes in dealing fire damage. The chieftain can deal fire damage on his own, or by using totems that get upgrades from protection nodes on the class tree.

Priest is the class of the character Path of Exile, based on a combination of Strength and Intelligence. It's the perfect balance of muscle and brain. He is a skilled fighter, trained in the use of a variety of weapons, from sharp sabers to heavy two-handed maces. He can just as comfortably wear a shield for both extra protection and lethal damage. In combat, this religious warrior specializes in dealing high damage with a wide range of magical abilities. The priest is skilled at reducing the power of punishments, and he is happy to be on the front lines, acting as a martyr and protector for his distant allies. The initial characteristics of the Priest: Strength - 23, Dexterity - 14, Intelligence - 23.

The most suitable equipment for the Priest: Mail Coifs/Helmets, Mail/Baydans, Half Mail/Mail Gloves, Half Mail/Mail Boots, and Kite Shields.

Ascension Classes:
Inquisitor- Inquisitors specialize in elemental damage. Among other things, this class uses critical hits, ignore elemental resistances, or buffs from creating consecrated ground. Most Inquisitor skills are compatible with both attacks and spells.

Hierophant- The Hierophant avoids direct confrontation and relies on the strength of totems and fortitude. The class can use totems effectively and gain the ability to summon up to 2 additional totems at the cost of less damage per totem. Hierophant is also great for builds that use a lot of mana, making it his defense. Priests who use multiple skills at once can take the Enlightened Devotion feat to enhance their 4-linked items with one of three powerful effects.

Defender- Defender is an excellent choice for a Priest who has chosen the path of support. He has passive skills that will be of great benefit to several members of the group. Even as a solo character, Defenders themselves can benefit from their choice of defensive passives.


Noblewoman is the class of the character Path of Exile.

The daughter of corrupt nobles, Noble was banished to Wraeclast for killing her husband on their wedding night. She combines all three key stats - Strength, Agility and Intelligence - which place her at the center of the passive skill tree. This unique position allows you to build almost any build, but at the same time loses a certain specialization that the other six classes have.

Due to the complexity of its development, it is not available to new players. The player must save the Noblewoman, she can be found in the last area of ​​Act 3, right before the fight with the final boss of this Act. Killing the boss is not necessary to free the Noblewoman. This can be done in the Overworld (in any league) to access that character class.

Noblewoman starting stats: Strength - 20, Agility - 20, Intelligence - 20. Her starting skill is Spectral Throw. There is no outfit that suits her best. Ultimately, it is necessary to choose a certain type of armor based on the choice of build and the choice of passive skills / characteristics in the skill tree.

Ascension Class:
Ascended- The Ascendant provides the player with flexibility not available to other classes, allowing them to select passive skills that are based on other Ascendant classes. These passive skills provide the same effects, but with reduced power, and you can only choose one skill per Ascendancy class, up to a maximum of two.

You are free to choose whether to take skills from different classes, or continue investing in the chosen class, and be able to split your passive skill tree, starting from the starting point of one of the base classes.

Unlock noblewoman:

To unlock the character, find the noblewoman in the Upper Floors of the Finger of the Lord and free her from her cage.

After release:

Noblewoman: You and I from different worlds, but the exile erased the boundaries.

On Oriath, I was considered a wonderful child, but here flattery and titles are not worth a withered leaf. Talent, an exile, a monster, a hero… Deeds, not words, are worth the price here. In Wraeclast your name means as much as you put into it by your actions.

Thank you. You give me the most important thing - the freedom to complete what I started.

After freeing the noblewoman, you will receive the achievement:


Attribute Value Restrictions
Most equipment has a limit on the value of the attributes that a character must meet in order to be able to equip the item. Restriction values ​​are taken from the base properties of the item and do not depend on modifiers, item quality, or number of sockets. A complete list of equipment and restrictions can be found.

Level Restrictions
Some items have level restrictions that a character must meet in order to be able to equip the item.

The level limit depends on two factors:
1. The level of the base item (white, without any modifiers).
2. The level of magical modifiers. The level requirement for magic modifiers is 80% of the level of the highest-level modifier on the item.

The higher of the two is the level limit displayed on the item.

All weapons and armor can randomly have a 1% to 20% quality bonus. This value can be increased with Whetstones and Armor Shards, but the maximum value is 20% anyway. The increase in quality affects the damage dealt by weapons and armor parameters such as durability, evasion, and energy shield.

Modifiers fall into two main groups: prefixes and suffixes. Magic items can only have one prefix and one suffix. Rare items can have up to 6 modifiers, it is not known if there are any restrictions on the number of prefixes and suffixes for rare items.

A randomly generated rare item (dropped or made with Orb of Alchemy) gets 4 to 6 modifiers with the following probability:
- 1/12 chance - 6 modifiers
- 4/12 chance - 5 modifiers
- 7/12 chance - 4 modifiers

All modifiers have a level, and they will only appear on items whose level is not lower than the level of the modifier.

Summation of modifiers
Typically (though not always), percentage modifiers add up additively, and integer modifiers are calculated before percentages.

For example, imagine you are at 100 health and have two passives that increase your health by 15% each. The final bonus will be 30% in the end, i.e. you will have 130 health units.

Now imagine that your boots give you +40 health, and another passive skill +20. So, first an integer bonus will be calculated, which will make your health equal to 160 units, and only then a percentage bonus of 30% will be applied, and in the end you will receive 208 units of health.

The exception is equipment quality modifiers, which are taken into account after all other modifiers. For example, you have an item that gives: +69 armor, +9% armor and +20% quality, with a base armor value of 428. So the +69 modifier will be applied first, which will give a total of 497. Then the 9% bonus will be applied, it will be 541 in total, and only then the +20% bonus will be applied and the final value of the armor will thus be 650.

Parameter Increased Item Rarity (IIR) - an increase in the rarity of items
Modifiers that increase the rarity of items stack additively, increasing the chances that the item will be magical, rare or unique (meaning items found by the player while traveling, whether there is a difference between items found in chests and items dropped from monsters is not known for certain). This modifier does not affect the amount and type of currency items found, such as scrolls and stones.

When playing co-op in a group, the modifier of the player who dealt the opponent the killing blow is taken into account. If one of your minions kills an enemy, the minion's IIR modifier stacks with yours (you can add IIR to minions by inserting a special support gem into a socket connected to the socket containing the minion summon skill gem).

Sockets are three types:
- Red (for strength attribute skills)
- Green (dexterity)
- Blue (intelligence)

Sockets are placed randomly on most gear. items more high level can have more sockets than lower level items of the same type. For example, an item must be at least level 8 to have 2 sockets.

The maximum number of sockets also depends on the item type:
- Two-handed weapons, body armor and strength attribute shields can have up to 6 sockets.
- Wands and daggers up to 3 sockets.
- All other items can have up to 4 sockets.

The exception is the starting weapon, which lies next to you on the beach at the very beginning of the game. Even though it is level 1, it will always have one socket of each color.

Items are more likely to have sockets of the attribute (color) that is their carry limit. For example, items that require a certain amount of dexterity to carry will likely have green colored sockets.

Only a skill gem of the same color can be inserted into a socket of a certain color.
Sockets on an item can be bound. Communication is indicated by a golden bridge between the sockets. Support gems have an effect on skill gems that are socketed.

For instance:

This sword has 1 socket of strength, 1 intellect and 2 dexterity. Each socket is connected to each (socket connections in the game are cumulative!). This sword can be inserted:
- 4 skill gems, having gained 4 different active skills;
- 3 skill gems and 1 support gem, gaining 3 active skills, each of which will be improved by a support gem;
- 2 skill gems and 2 support gems, gaining 2 active skills, each of which will be improved by 2 support gems;
- 1 skill gem and 3 support gems, having gained 1 active skill enhanced by 3 support gems;

In addition, two identical skill gems can be used in different subjects gear to get more subtle effects from support gems found in linked sockets.

For example (thanks to user tormenta):

On this picture:
- The skill "Ice Nova" is in the weapon and in the shield at the same time (for this you need to have two skill stones "Ice Nova").
- 2 different support gems are socketed connected to both "Ice Nova" skills.
- As a result, each "Ice Nova" skill will receive both bonuses.
- Fireball will only receive the Added Lightning Damage bonus.

In such situations, when you use two of the same skill gem, the effect will always be calculated based on the highest level gem. In the example above, there are two "Ice Nova" stones, one 1st level, the other 6th level, as a result, when using this spell, the 6th level option will be used. The same rule applies to support gems. Keep in mind that two identical support gems bound to the same skill gem do not stack.

Item Level
Each item has a level associated with the level of the monster it fell from. You can find out the level of an item using the /itemlevel command by pointing the cursor at the desired item. This level determines what modifiers an item can receive and how many sockets it can have.
Levels of items sold by merchants

The levels of items sold by merchants will match the level of the character, but will not exceed the following zone restrictions:
- Normal Act 1: 15
- Normal Act 2: 21
- Cruel Act 1:29
- Cruel Act 2: 33
- Ruthless Act 1:41
- Ruthless Act 2: 46
- Merciless Act 1: ?
- Merciless Act 2: ?

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A complex but well-thought-out crafting system is one of the things that made Path of Exile a success at the time. However, trading is also an integral part of the game. This guide will help you understand how these mechanics complement each other.

Spheres and their application

Path of Exile offers perhaps the most flexible crafting system in a Diablo-like game. Here, in many ways, the strongly rethought heritage of Diablo 2 is felt. To modify things in the game, there are spheres (orbs), each of which changes their properties according to a certain principle:

  • Orb of Transmutation (Sphere of transformation). Turns a white item into a magical (blue) item. Can be useful in the early stages of the game. In the end game, it is mainly used for crafting cards, flasks, chests (strongbox), gems (jewels).
  • Orb of Augmentation (Sphere of amplification). Adds a property to a magical item. Use on things with one property.
  • Orb of Alteration (Sphere of Change). Re-generates properties on a magic item. We use it if the result after Orb of Transmutation is not satisfactory (usually it is).
  • Orb of Chance (Orb of luck). Turns a white item into a magical, rare or unique item. Sphere for lovers of randomness. You can get a cool unique item, but most likely - some kind of magical trash.
  • Orb of Alchemy (Orb of Alchemy). Turns a white item into a rare (yellow) item. One of the most useful areas, while inexpensive and often falls.
  • Chaos Orb (Sphere of chaos). Re-generates properties on a rare item. The main currency when trading with players. Used to evaluate relatively inexpensive items.
  • Exalted Orb (Exalted Orb). Adds a modifier to a rare item (unless the maximum of 6 modifiers is reached). The second currency for trading with players. Used to evaluate expensive and very expensive things. It should only be used to improve really good equipment.
  • Jeweler Orb (Goldsmith's Orb). Changes the number of sockets.
  • Orb of Fusing (Orb of Fusing). Changes the number of connections in sockets.
  • Chromatic Orb (Color sphere). Changes the color of all sockets.
  • Regal Orb (Sphere of kings). Turns a magical item into a rare item, adding one modifier.
  • Divine Orb (Divine sphere). Re-generates property values ​​on any item.
  • Orb of Scouring. Turns a magical/rare item white.
  • Orb of Regret (Orb of Regret). Allows you to reset one point in the passive skill tree
  • Vaal Orb (Vaal Orb). Adds the "corrupted" property, after which the item is not affected by other orbs. Additionally, it can change a thing both for the better and for the worse. An area for wealthy players who will not be too upset by the transformation of the top item into a cactus. Although it can be used to craft cards and chests.
  • Mirror of Kalandra (Mirror of Kalandra). Allows you to get a copy of an item that cannot be applied to other spheres. Useful for crafting top items. Knocking out Mirror of Kalandra is incredibly difficult.

All items in the game have a quality in the range from 0 to 20% (affects the base damage of weapons, the base value of armor, etc.) The quality can be improved using spheres: you can add 5% quality to a white item, 2% to a magic item , to rare and unique - 1%. Thus, areas that affect quality are best applied before all others.

  • Armourer's Scrap (A piece of armor). Improves the quality of armor.
  • Blacksmith's Whetstone (Whetstone). Improves the quality of weapons.
  • Glassblower's Bauble (Glass mass). Improves vial quality.
  • Cartographer's Chisel (Cartographer's Cutter). Improves the quality of maps.
  • Gemcutter's Prism (Gemcutter Prism). Improves the quality of stones (gems).

Orbs can be exchanged with regular merchants, craftsmen, or other players. In each case, the exchange rate will be different. Recipes can be used to obtain some spheres ( full list):

  • Thing with connected sockets of three colors - Chromatic Orb
  • Item with 6 sockets - 7 Jeweler Orb
  • 20% quality Stone Hammer/Rock Breaker/Gavel + card - Cartographer's Chisel
  • Any number of gems with a total quality of 40% - Gemcutter's Prism
  • Level 20 gem + Gemcutter's Prism - gem 20% quality.

All properties (affixes) in the game are divided into suffixes and prefixes (full list). Magic items can have one suffix and prefix each, rare items can have three. The number of suffixes and prefixes is especially important when crafting with masters.


The number of sockets and connections between them depends on the type of item and determines which gem bundles we can use in this item.

  • Gloves, helmet, boots - 4 sockets
  • Torso (hereinafter - simply "armor"), two-handed weapon - 6 sockets
  • One-handed weapon, shield - 3 sockets

The color of the sockets is determined by the characteristics on the equipment (although the probability is not 100 percent). Red sockets correspond to strength, green sockets to dexterity, and blue sockets to intelligence. A thing with strength and dexterity will most likely receive red and green sockets, and so on by analogy.

Rolling the amount, color, and connections between sockets makes sense on rare and unique items of 20% quality with good stats.

Equipment level

Properties on equipment can take different meanings depending on the item level. For example, the maximum value of elemental resistance on items of level 36 will be 29%, at level 72 - 45%. The maximum number of sockets also depends on the level (for more details, see our previous article). You can view the level by typing the /itemlevel command in the chat. The locations of the fourth act on the last difficulty have a level of 68-70, higher-level equipment will have to be bought or mined on maps.

From theory to practice

Incredibly good gear can be crafted in Path of Exile, but it all comes down to price. The exchange rate of some spheres can reach 1 to 1000, so you need to clearly understand whether it is worth using the most expensive spheres on the items at your disposal. Several rules can be formulated to minimize costs.

I. Craft rare items

  1. Use Orb of Alchemy on the white item. Next, use Chaos Orb until the desired result.
  2. Alternative method (cheaper): use Orb of Alchemy, then Orb of Scouring. And so in a circle.
  3. We apply Orb of Transmutation, then with the help of Orb of Alteration we get the desired value of the affix on the magic item (for example, weapon damage increased by 140%). Using the Regal Orb, we get a rare item that can be improved from the master or apply Exalted Orb to it. This method is well suited for crafting weapons and gems.

II. Craft armor and two-handed weapons

As a basis, you need to take white things with the maximum number of sockets and connections (5 connections and 5-6 sockets will do for a start, since things with 6 connections are very expensive). The easiest way is to buy an item of the right type and refine it with Orb of Alchemy, Orb of Scouring or Chaos Orb.

III. Craft the rest of the equipment

In the case of gloves, helmets and other peripherals, the cost of crafting sockets is low, so it is better to find or buy such things with the most suitable properties for you, remake sockets in them and add the missing properties from craftsmen.

IV. Buying and crafting unique equipment

Good unique items are hard to come by, and the effectiveness of many builds is increased by having well-defined unique items. The easiest way to get them is to buy from other players. If we are talking about armor on the body and two-handed weapons, it makes sense to choose things with a maximum roll, but with three or four sockets - this will significantly reduce their cost. Sockets, on the other hand, are best crafted from the appropriate master (Vorici, Master Assassin).

V. Buying Orbs and Crafting from Masters

In patch 1.2.0, Forsaken Masters appeared, which allow you to reduce the element of randomness when crafting. You can get a guaranteed number and color of sockets from the master assassin, as well as connections between them for a fixed number of Jeweler Orb, Chromatic Orb and Orb of Fusing (the number of orbs required can be either higher or lower than what we could spend when crafting manually ). The rest of the masters will help you add one property of your choice to rare equipment (if there are less than six properties on things). The added property can be removed and replaced with a new one at any time.

Also, the masters should exchange spheres at a reduced rate (compared to ordinary merchants). To update the assortment of craftsmen, you will have to complete daily tasks.

VI. Craft cards

Orb of Alchemy should be used on high-level cards (tier 5 and above). If the result is not satisfactory, using Chaos Orb does not make much sense. It is better to postpone the map until better times, or use a combination of Orb of Scouring and Orb of Alchemy. If you have a supply of Vaal Orb, you can apply such an orb after Orb of Alchemy. In the worst case, the map will not change and it will not be possible to reroll it, at best, many new properties will be added to the map and its quality will increase (although it is not a fact that among the new properties there will not be very difficult to pass).

With enough Cartographer's Chisel, it makes sense to upgrade cards with them before Orb of Alchemy, but it's worth always keeping 20 pieces of this material in reserve in case a unique card drops.

VII. Craft chests

Orbs can also be used on chests (Strongbox) found in locations. Arcanist's Strongbox, Cartographer's Strongbox, Jeweler's Strongbox and Ornate Strongbox are worthy of using Orb of Alchemy, for the rest, Orb of Transmutation is enough (if you want, you can roll a certain property with Orb of Alteration).


Finally, let's look at a specific example. Let's say our character is in the fourth act of the last difficulty and is able to farm the first location - Dried Lake. We have one Exalted Orb and 30 Chaos Orbs, some stock of Jeweler Orb, Chromatic Orb and other orbs. For the build, we need a unique two-handed weapon, otherwise rare equipment is enough. Let's try to dress the character at minimal cost:

  1. We buy white armor from the player with 5 links for 10-15 Chaos Orb, improve the quality to 20%, make it rare, roll the remaining Chaos Orb to an acceptable result.
  2. We buy a unique two-handed weapon with 3-4 sockets and a normal roll for one Exalted Orb (the same one with five bonds costs five Exalted Orbs, and some huckster tries to sell six bonds for 50 spheres). We improve the quality to 20%, make six sockets and four links from the assassin master (or try it manually, whatever), save 150 Orb of Fusing for five links (1500 will be required for 6 links).
  3. We farm the rest of the rare gear in the first location / low-level maps, on the best equipment found, we mine the sockets.
  4. Profit!