Sarcoptic mange symptoms in humans. Sarcoptic mange in dogs: treatment, symptoms. Symptoms of infection and development of the disease



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The algorithm for carrying out diagnostic measures:

Take skin test in the place of recent scratching - the possibility of an accurate diagnosis in animals. The material for research should not contain the salivary secretions of the dog.

Establishing diagnosis

Similar diseases: atopy, dermatitis, folliculitis. The main difference between sarcoptic mange is itching in dogs. Steroid drugs do not eliminate an unpleasant symptom. In the event of an erroneous diagnosis, the veterinarian changes the therapy.


Early stage- absence of symptoms. The tick enters the body of the animal and its vital activity begins. The incubation period is 10-14 days. Signs in the animal 14 days after infection:

  1. The appearance of severe itching. The symptom is present during all stages of the disease. A weak manifestation is noted in cold weather conditions, an increase occurs on hot days with dry air.
  2. The formation of a rash (in the form of individual foci).
  3. Nodule formation. The next stage is the appearance of bubbles with a clear liquid. Bubbles may burst. In the place of rupture of the skin, dry crusts form. The progression of the disease is an increase in the number of bubbles.
  4. Hair loss in some places.
  5. The formation of areas of alopecia (baldness).
  6. Keratinization of the skin in places of scratching is a symptom of sarcoptic mange.
  7. The appearance of dandruff on the body of the dog.
  8. Attempts to comb the ear surface with the hind paw.
  9. The process of suppuration of the skin, the presence bad smell(in case of contact with bacteria in places of infection).

Parts of the body with rashes:

  • Facial part (brow ridges, auricles);
  • Stomach;
  • Groin area;
  • armpits;
  • Paws on bends.

The progression of the disease leads to the appearance of irritation in the dog, loss of appetite or complete refusal of food. A rare symptom is inflammation of the lymph nodes. The reason is general intoxication. The result is the depletion of the animal's body.


Process sequence:

  • Nodule formation;
  • Maturation of formations and filling with a clear liquid;
  • maturation of papules.

Locations of papules: nose, ears, eyebrows (superciliary part). The initial stage is the presence of a rash in some places (in the form of foci). The final stage is covering a large area of ​​the dog's skin with a rash.


Rash features:

  • Rise in body temperature;
  • The presence of severe itching;
  • Aggressive behavior;
  • The formation of erythema in places where the rash is scratched;
  • Animal whining;
  • Skin bleeding (occurs in severe cases).

chronic stage

Consequences of ignoring pathology:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • Skin tightening;
  • Severe scabies;
  • Hardening of the lymph nodes;
  • The beginning of intoxication of the animal's body.

Treatment for sarcoptic mange in dogs

The first event is the isolation of a sick pet from healthy individuals.

Treatment varies in duration. The choice of therapy is directly related to the degree of neglect of the disease.

Shampoos for bathing a dog with sarcoptic mange are presented in the table.

Preparations against ticks are presented in the table.

Preparations for oral sarcoptic mange (a review in the form of a table).

A group of hepatoprotectors (an overview is made in the table).

Name Mechanism of action
Covertal The method of administration is subcutaneous. The alternative is muscle injection. Apply 1-2 times in 24 hours. The period of therapy is 14 days. It is possible to use the drug during the application of the course against acaricides.
Heptral The first step is to determine the weight of the animal. Application - 0.5 - 2 tablets (depending on the pet's body weight). 2 times a day - the number of receptions. Long-term use during therapy against sarcoptic mange. Breaks are not required.
Bodice - 52 Method of application - 1-3 tablets. 3 times in 24 hours - the number of receptions. Time of use - 30 minutes before feeding. The number of tablets taken depends on the body weight of the animal. Detailed description given in the instructions for the drug.

Hepatoprotectors are used if necessary. Side effects- negative effect on liver cells.

Preparations for local treatment (table version).

Name Mechanism of action
Sulfur-tar ointment Method of application: rubbing into the affected areas. It is applied in a thin layer (a 2-3 cm area of ​​healthy skin is affected). The number of applications - 1-2 times. The duration of therapy is 21 days. The veterinary specialist controls the time of admission, depending on the degree of neglect of the dog's condition.
Aversectin ointment similar drugs. Application: treatment of infected areas 2-4 times in 24 hours. The interval for applying the ointment is 5-7 days. The advanced form of the disease requires frequent application of the active substance (interval - 1-2 days).
Stomazan, Neostomazan Medical solution. How to use: Apply to infected areas. Healthy skin is captured (2-3 centimeters). Processing is carried out 1 time in 7 days. Application feature: the drug is applied to the skin (and does not remain on the pet's coat). The package is designed for 2 treatments. Negative dynamics of therapy - repeated use of the drug. Dilution: 1 ml of solution per 200-250 ml of liquid (room temperature). The final stage of processing is drying the pet (making sure that the dog does not lick off the solution).

Selamectin-based preparations

Medicines to increase regeneration (an overview is made in the table).

Name medicinal product The principle of action on the dog's body
Aevit The method of administration is subcutaneous. Dosage - 1-4 ml. The dose is determined based on the pet's body weight. It is administered 1 time in 7 days. The duration of therapy is 30 days. Negative dynamics is an indicator for an additional course.
Trivitamin (oral solution) Available in the form of drops. Taken with meals (2-6 drops). One time admission. The duration of treatment is 30 days.
Sulfur powder Method of application: adding to the animal's feed once a day. Dosage - 0.1 - 0.2 g. The course of therapy - 1 month. Repeated treatment is carried out after 1 year. The reason is the slow removal of sulfur from the body of the dog.

The elimination of sarcoptic mange requires treatment, the duration of which is at least 4 weeks. 30 days - an indicator indicating features life cycle pathogen. The Sarcoptes tick lives for 1 month. Reducing the time of therapy leads to negative dynamics. After some time, the disease returns. Requires a second course of treatment.

Re-infection is distinguished by the presence of an allergic reaction. May result in death of pet.

Severe itching and scabies are indications for the use of a dog collar. The device helps prevent topical treatments from entering the dog's stomach.

If animals that have had contact with an infected individual are identified, all pets are treated.

An integrated approach and timely therapy is the key to a favorable prognosis.


Preventive actions:

Regular examination of the dog is a guarantee of the timely detection of various diseases. Activities increase the lifespan of a pet.

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Ticks usually spend their entire lives on the dog. The female tick bites into the skin and lays eggs several times. The gnawed tunnels in the skin can be several centimeters long. One female lays 40-60 eggs. After 15-19 days, new mites develop from them. Having gone beyond the epidermis, the female can live 13 days. She dies after laying her eggs. After 3-8 days, larvae hatch from the eggs, which have 6 legs. The larvae turn into nymphs, which already have 8 legs. The nymph spends all the time in the skin until it becomes an adult. The entire life cycle requires 2-3 weeks.

Ticks prefer to live on the dog and can also survive for several days outside the host in environment. In cool, humid conditions, they live up to 22 days. At normal room temperature in the house, they will live from 2 to 6 days. Because of the ability of the tick to survive apart from its owner, dogs can become infected without even coming into direct contact with an infected animal.

Canine scabies symptoms

The defeat starts from the head. Small nodules appear on the frontal arches, the back of the nose, and the ears of the dog, which turn into itchy, fluid-filled blisters. In place of blisters, scratches quickly appear, scabs and crusts form. Wool in places of strong scratching completely falls out, and wounds and bleeding scratches appear on the skin. An atypical flow is characterized by an abundance of dandruff.

The symptoms of canine mange are varied, but typically include hair loss and severe itching, especially:

  • on the ears;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the joints;
  • chest;
  • abdominal cavity.

Ticks tend to live on areas of skin with less hair. As the infection worsens, it can spread throughout the body. Due to severe itching and scratching, the skin soon becomes traumatized, and various ulcers and infections can develop as a result. If the infection is not treated, the surrounding lymph nodes may swell.

In addition, the intense itching caused by the sarcoptic mite is the result of a severe allergic reaction to the mite. When dogs are initially infected with Sarcoptes, they do not develop itching for several weeks. If animals are cured and then re-infected at a later time, intense itching begins almost immediately. This indicates that itching may be caused by an allergic reaction, however, standard allergy treatments in this case usually do not improve the symptoms of scabies.

Diagnostic methods

Sarcoptic scabies is a fairly common infection, and in many cases is often misdiagnosed as severe atopy (inhalation allergy). Every time we see a dog that has never had allergies and severe itching develops(if itching is not seasonal, but lasts all year round), canine scabies may be suspected.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian. The standard method is to scrape the skin and then identify the tick under a microscope. Unfortunately, on average, only 20% of infected dogs will display Sarcoptes mites on scraping, so a negative scraping does not rule out sarcoptic mange. Therefore, most diagnoses are based on history and response to treatment for scabies.

Treatment for sarcoptic mange in dogs

There are several ways to treat scabies. Previously, the most effective treatment was with benzoyl peroxide shampoo, after washing which organophosphate ointments were applied. Dogs were usually bathed once every two weeks.

But these effective ointments are unpleasant for both the owner and the dog. In addition, since the ointment must come into contact with ticks, and most mites live on the muzzle and ears of dogs, great care must be taken when applying the ointment to these sensitive areas. These ointments can also be toxic to humans and are not suitable for very young, old, or debilitated animals.

There are several other products that are extremely effective, safe, and convenient in treating scabies. Selamectin is a topical solution, which is applied once a month, it also provides flea prevention, protection against ticks and scabies.

Ivermectin is also effective but should not be used in breeds such as collies or shelties.

It must be remembered that all these products should only be used under direct veterinary supervision.

Since Sarcoptes scabiei is easily transmitted between animals, all dogs in contact with an infected animal should also be treated. Due to the length of the life cycle and the ability of the tick to live outside the animal, treatment should be continued for a minimum of 4 weeks.

In parallel with the treatment of the disease in dogs, thorough disinfection and cleaning of rooms, cabins and cages is necessary by spraying a 2% solution of chlorophos or boiling water. The bedding of the animal is washed in soapy water and treated with acaricides.

Because of the damage to the skin from scabies, many dogs can also develop bacterial or yeast infections.

Protecting a dog from direct contact with an infected dog is quite difficult. Places where large numbers of dogs congregate are obviously more likely to contain ticks.

Treatment of sarcoptic mange in humans

When people infected with sarcoptic mange from animals, the disease is usually self-limiting, causing only temporary itching. But there is a human form of sarcoptic mange that is transmitted from person to person. This type of sarcoptic mite causes a rash on the wrists, elbows, or between the fingers. In infants, the rash may appear on the head, neck, or body.

Treatment requires drugs prescribed by a doctor in each individual case. These medicines will kill the mites and their eggs.

In addition to prescription treatments, it is necessary to clean linen and clothes by washing items with hot water, drying them in a dryer and placing them in a plastic bag for several days.

Your doctor may recommend treatment for other members of your family, even if they don't show signs of scabies. You can apply a cool compress to soothe the affected areas. Lotion Calamine applied to the skin helps soothe itchy or irritated skin.

If you have an allergic reaction, antihistamines may help reduce symptoms.

Scratching the affected areas can make you susceptible to a secondary bacterial infection. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

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In the article I will talk about such a disease of cats as sarcoptic mange. I will describe the pathogen, give the symptoms of the disease. I will tell you how sarcoptic mange is diagnosed in cats, and what methods of treatment exist. I will describe the prevention and explain whether the disease is dangerous for humans.

The causative agent of sarcoptic mange and ways of transmission

Weakened animals and small kittens are more susceptible to the disease. There are two ways of transmission - through direct contact and through objects of common use (beds, combs, toys, etc.).

The causative agents of sarcoptic mange are Sarcoptes mites.

How does the disease manifest in cats?

Sarcoptic mange in a pet can be recognized by the following signs:

  • First, the animal begins to scratch furiously, and this leads to partial baldness, the appearance of small scratches and sores on the skin.
  • Crusts of a gray or yellow tint appear on the scalp and ears. Sometimes they can be found near the genitals and on the paws of a cat.
  • As the disease progresses, the crusts turn into scabs, in the affected areas the skin becomes rough and gathers in folds.
  • Often, an infection penetrates into wounds and sores, which leads to the development of severe inflammation.

When the disease is advanced, cats may refuse to eat, which leads to emaciation.

The animal becomes lethargic, ulcers form on the skin, body temperature rises due to an accompanying fungal or bacterial infection.

Diagnosis and methods of treatment

Sarcoptic mange is diagnosed in only one way - by taking a deep scraping. The doctor scrapes off the epithelium from the affected area and examines it under a microscope. The diagnosis is confirmed if microscopic mites of the genus Sarcoptes are visible in the material obtained.

Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

In order for the pet not to lick off the ointment, a special Elizabethan collar should be put on it.

Stronghold - one of the drugs for the treatment of sarcoptic mange

Possible Complications

If the disease is not treated, complications may develop. These include infection of wounds with subsequent inflammation, keratinization of the skin, changes in pigmentation in the affected areas.

How to care for a sick cat

A sick pet is isolated from other cats. At the time of treatment, it is better to transfer the animal to a highly digestible diet (you can choose a veterinary diet intended for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract).

All manipulations are carried out with gloves, and after contact with a sick animal, they must wash their hands.

Is sarcoptic mange dangerous?

People who have been in contact with a pet infected with sarcoptic mange may develop itchy skin. However, the mite does not live inside human skin, so scabies goes away on its own after 1-1.5 months. If contact with a sick animal continues, itching may recur.

Disease prevention

In order to avoid infecting a pet with sarcoptic mange, the following preventive measures must be observed:


Transmission routes

The tick can also infect the owner of the dog. It passes to the human skin in several ways:

When one dog is diagnosed appropriately, all animals in the household should be treated to avoid re-infection. People do not need to be treated, they are not able to infect a dog after it has been cured, even if they themselves are still carriers of the micromite.

Symptoms in humans

In rare cases, symptoms may persist for several months. Usually it goes away in a few days.


The most reliable diagnostic method in humans is microscopic examination of scrapings. This diagnostic method has several features:

  • It is carried out in laboratory conditions. The collected sample is immediately placed on a sterile glass slide for subsequent microscopic examination;
  • The procedure is completely painless, as there is no targeted damage to the skin;
  • Scraping is taken both from the damaged area (that is, from the one on which the symptoms are expressed), and from relatively intact ones (as prescribed by the doctor);
  • The disease is contagious and very easily transmitted. Therefore, it is sometimes recommended to take scrapings to all family members who are in close contact with an infected person (and especially sleeping with him in the same bed, using the same towels, etc.);
  • Such a study cannot become a method of excluding the disease, since its reliability is about 50%, and sometimes less. If the symptoms are clear, but the result of the study is negative, it is recommended to take scrapings a few more times.


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Skin diseases in pets are a fairly common phenomenon in veterinary medicine. The pet may have mechanical damage, various viral or fungal diseases. Scabies is often diagnosed. Treatment of sarcoptic mange in dogs, or more simply, scabies caused by a skin mite, is the topic of our article.

Sarcoptic mites

A non-seasonal skin disease of animals caused by ticks is called "sarcoptic mange". It is accompanied by severe itching, redness of the skin and partial alopecia. Do not underestimate this disease, because without timely treatment, it can progress.

Scabies turns into chronic form and leads to dire consequences. The dog loses attractive appearance, and the constant itching is exhausting and leads to physical exhaustion.

The causative agent of scabies is a sarcoptoid mite, widespread in Russia and the CIS countries. Belongs to the genus Sarcoptes scabiei (Sarcoptes, Sarcoptes canis).

Infection occurs from an animal with sarcoptic mange, this is the so-called direct contact. The route of infection can also be indirect, for example, through an object of care, clothing, a walking area.

Symptoms of infection and development of the disease

It is possible to determine whether a dog is infected with sarcoptic mange by the combination of symptoms that are quite pronounced.

The disease makes itself felt two weeks after infection with Sarcoptes canis mites. The initial stage is characterized by affected areas of the skin in the area of ​​the muzzle, head, neck, and tips of the ears. This is due to the fact that ticks are attracted to areas with a sparse coat. At this time, the dog begins to itch, redness appears.

At the second stage, in addition to the above signs, hyperemic areas of the skin are covered with papules, erythema, scabs, crusts. Dandruff appears.

At the third stage, the animal can see bald areas, the skin on which becomes rough, rough, cracked. Keratinization and pigmentation of the skin appear, and other parts of the dog's body are already suffering - on the abdomen, paws, etc. Lymph nodes increase. An animal suffering from sarcoptic mange loses its appetite and falls into a depressed state.

Dry air and heat contribute to increased itching, cold, on the contrary, brings some relief to the dog.

Diagnosis of the disease in the veterinary clinic

Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by a veterinarian. Sarcoptic mange must be differentiated from eczema, and others.

The most reliable way to determine scabies is to study scrapings. This method allows you to detect a tick or its metabolic products.

How to treat sarcoptic mange in dogs

First aid at home is a simple action. First of all, you need to exclude any contact of other pets with an infected dog. Communication of such a four-legged pet with people should also be minimized. Before examination by a specialist, the dog should not be washed, since the water procedure will significantly reduce the ability to detect a tick in a scraping.

Therapy for sarcoptic mange in dogs is carried out in a complex and includes, first of all, washing the dog with acaricidal preparations at an interval set by a veterinarian.

It is very important to choose the right shampoo, as not all of them are effective. Keratolytic shampoos DermaPet, DermaBenSs, Doctor with chlorhexidine or birch tar have proven themselves well in this regard.

In severe cases, intramuscular or subcutaneous acaricidal injections are indicated (Ivermek, Vormil, etc.).

To maintain liver function, hepatoprotectors are prescribed. This is due to the fact that the drugs for sarcoptic mange are very strong.

Treatment at home necessarily involves the use of antihistamines and sedatives to reduce itching. However, for the most effective action shave off the affected areas of the skin or cut the hair short up to the skin, remove the dried pus.

The process of treating a dog must be entrusted to a veterinarian. Only a specialist can prescribe drugs that can save an animal from a serious illness. Keep in mind that scabies is a dangerous and highly contagious disease.

It can be diagnosed only with the help of special equipment. In order to prevent the most severe consequences, it is necessary to consult a specialist at the first suspicion of sarcoptic mange.

Prevention of sarcoptic mange in dogs

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, and sarcoptic mange is no exception. Preventive measures include:

To rule out the possibility of a recurrence of a disease such as sarcoptic mange in dogs, prevention for pet owners should become the norm. After the end of treatment, it is necessary to disinfect the place where the animal lay.