How to finish a business letter Example. How to finish letters to leave a pleasant impression about yourself. I hope that soon I can personally meet with you ...

The words spoken by a person for a farewell play an important role, since they fix the overall impression of the conversation. It is especially important to leave a good impression about yourself after the first meeting, because further communication or cooperation depends on it. Proper, and the main polite end of the conversation plays a very important role in communication.

If we are talking about a correspondence, then all of the above is becoming even more important. Not in vain, folk wisdom says: "What is written by the pen, not cut into the ax." Whether you write congratulations to a friend or business letter to a partner, do not forget about the importance of the polite end of your message and pay special attention to the letter ending.

So what do the British write at the end of the letter, and what final phrases use in business and personal correspondence? Let's deal with order, and start with official letters.

Business letter in English Language

The official farewell in a letter in English implies increased attention to courtesy standards. Properly selected final phrases in a business letter will strengthen the effect of the foregoing text and simply leave a good impression of you as a pleasant interlocutor, therefore the ending of a business letter should be friendly and polite, unobtrusive and unbiased, moderately emotional.

Let's look at the examples as you can finish a business letter.

Thank You in Advance for Any Help You Might Be Able to Offer.Thank you in advance for any help you could offer.
We Would Highly Appreciate Your Help and Cooperation In This Matter.We will be extremely grateful for your help cooperation in this matter.
We Firmly Believe That Such A Sweet Partnership Will Be Highly Beneficial To Both Our Company.We are deeply convinced that such a pleasant cooperation will be extremely profitable for both of our companies.
Thank You in Advance for You Time.Thank you in advance for your given time.
If You Require Any Further Information, Feel Free to Contact Me.If you need some additional information, call me without constraint.
I Would Appreciate Your Immediate Attention To This Matter.I will be grateful for your immediate attention to this issue.
We Hope That We May Continue to RELY ON YOU.We hope that we can continue to rely on you.
Once Again, I Apologize for any inconvenience.Once again, I apologize for the inconveniences.
Thanks for your Attention, Consideration, Time and Assistance.Thank you for your attention, manifested interest, spent time and assistance rendered.
For Any Additional Questions Please, Feel Free to Call or Email using the Contact Information Supplied Below.In the event of additional questions, please do not hesitate to call the phone or write to the email shown below.
I TRUST I SHALL HEAR FROM YOU SOON.Hope for Your speedy answer.

To properly say goodbye, you can also use standard phrases, as well as words of gratitude at the end of the letter. They allow us to give a business farewell in a letter in English polite tone:

(* appropriate if the addressee and the addressee is not personally familiar)

So we figured out how to finish a business letter in English. As you can see, the endings of the letter set. The main thing is not to forget to write a name, surname, position, and in some cases contacts.

For clarity, we give a few excerpts from the endings of official letters.


I Hope That A Good Working Relationship Develops Between US In the Future.. Also, I Would Very Much Appreciate IT If A Representative From Your Company Will Pay Us A Visit to Further Discuss This Amazing Business Venture. Please let me knowible for such a Visit to Take Place is Please LET ME Know WHEN IT WILL BE POSSIBLE FOR SUCH A VISIT TO TAKE PLACE I Will Make Sure That Our Highly Trained Stuff Will Give You A Warm Welcome and A Quick Tour of Our Premises.

Looking Forward To Your Prompt Response.

Yours Faithfully

George Collins.

[Email Protected]


I hope that in the future there are good working relationships between us. In addition, I would be grateful if the representative of your company would visit us for further discussion of this amazing business undertaking. Please let me know when such a visit is possible. I'll take care of our highly qualified employees to give you a warm welcome and showed our office.

We look forward to your rapid response.

Yours sincerely,

George Collins

Cyber \u200b\u200bSea, Inc.


[Email Protected]


We Appreciate Having The Opportunity to Do Business With You. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR TOP PRIORITY, AND WE STRIVE FOR 100% SATISFACTION. If You Have Any Questions or Concerns About This Order, Please Do Not Hesitate to Contact Us.

Again, Thank You for Your Purchase. We Look Forward To Serving You Again in the Future.

Customer Service Manager.

Macy Grace.


We appreciate the opportunity to deal with you. Our clients are our main priority, and we strive to be 100% satisfied with our work. If you have any questions or doubts about this order, please feel free to contact us.

Thanks again for your purchase. We look forward to the opportunity to be more useful to you in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Customer Service Manager

Macy Grace


Thank You for Taking Time From Your Busy Schedule To Discuss Career Opportunities in Financial Services.

I am Revising My CV to include Your Suggestions and Will Send You An Updated Version by Early Next Week. Again, Your Comments and Time Were Much AppReciated.


Thank you for found in your tight schedule time to discuss career opportunities in financial services.

I will review my resume to include your suggestions in it, and send you his updated version at the beginning of the next week. Again, I appreciate your comments and spent time.

Yours faithfully,

John Tobbot

Farewell to B.personal correspondence

Unlike business, personal correspondence is much more emotional. It emphasizes the proximity and heat of relationship between the addressee and the addressee. At the same time, like any correspondence in English, personal letters are distinguished by extreme politeness. It is worth remembering when you write a message to your loved ones or not very close friends and acquaintances in English-speaking countries.

With all this in the personal correspondence, as in business, there are template phrases. They usually begin and complete the letter. Below we led to a choice of several common completion expressions to complete a personal message.

Write Back Soon and Let Me Know all the news.Mostly write the answer and let me know about all the news.
Have a Nice Day!Have a good day!
Hope to Hear from You Soon.I hope to hear the news from you soon.
I'm Sorry I'Ve Got to Go Now.Sorry, it's time to run.
· Keep in touch- Stay Connected
WELL, I MUST FINISH NOW.Well, it's time for me to finish.
DON'T FORGET TO WRITE!Do not forget to write!
Write Me Back Soon!Answer me quickly!
I Have to Finish My Letter Now Because I'm Almost Sleeping.I have to finish the letter, because it is already almost sleeping.
Let Me Know What's Going On Down There.Let me know what's going on there.
Drop Me a Line or Two When You Are Free.When you are free, write me a couple of lines.
Anyway, I Have to Get Back to Work.In any case, I need to return to work.
Bye for now!OK, bye!
Waiting for Your Letter.Wait yours letters.
My Regards To Your FamilyPass from me hello to your family.

After the final phrase, we put the polite wish of all the best in English and subscribe.

At the end of the letter, a familiar or not a close friend can write the following:

If you write very near man Or the Beloved, then you can not bother to feel and wishes at the end of the letter:

Of course, this distinction is quite conditionally, therefore, how to finish a personal letter in English depends on a large extent from you, your emotionality and mentality.

Examples of personal letters in English

A letter to a friend

Dear John,

I'm Just Writing to Let You Know That I'Ve Moved House.

As You May Know I Went For a Job Interview Here in London. WELL, THEY GAVE ME THE POSITION! IT Would Have Been Impactical to Travel Down From Manchester Every Day, So We've Found a House Here, In A Nice Part of London.

Our New House IS Far from Being Ideal. London Prices Are Crazy, and We Were Only Able to Afford A One-bedroom Flat. But On The Bright Side, It's On The Ground Floor, IT's Got Nice Big Windows, and a Lovely View Out Onto The Garden.

If You Ever Fancy A Trip to London, You are More Thanw Welcome to Come and Stay. IT Would be Great to See You. From Where We Live It's Only A Quick Ride On The Underground Into The City Center, So We Could Do Some Sightseeing Together.

Dear John,

I am writing to you just to know that I moved.

As you may know, I traveled for an interview to work in London. Well, and they gave me this position! Every day from Manchester would not be practical, so we found the house here, in a pleasant part of London.

Our new house far from being perfect. Prices in London Crazy, and we were able to afford only one bedroom apartment. But on the other hand, it is on the first floor, here are cool large windows and beautiful view in the garden.

If you ever gather to go to London, you can always stay with us. It would be nice to see. From us only a few minutes away by the metro to the city center, so we could look at the sights together.

Be in touch,

All the best!

Congratulatory letter

Far. Jacob,

I'Ve Just Heard That You Received a New Job. I CouldN't Be Happier for You. Congratulations!

I Know It's Not Easy to Get A Job In This Troubled Job Market. IT IS PARTICULARLY DIFFICULT FOR A FRESH GRADUATE WITH HARDLY Any Work Experience. I Really Appreciate The ResourceFulness You Showed in Your Job Search. ALTHOUGH I Still Have't Been Able to Find A Job, Your Success Has Inspired Me To Try Harder.

I'm Quite Sure That Your Knowledge Of Computers and Artistic Skills Will Make You A Great Graphics Designer. I Expected to Hear Great News COMING From Your Direction in the next years.

Best Wishes for Success.


Dear Jacob,

I just heard you got new job. I can not describe how happy I am for you.Congratulationsiyu!

I know how difficult it is to find work on this troubled labor market, but it is especially difficult for yesterday's graduate who has practically no experience. I really appreciated the resourcefulness that you have shown in finding work.But I still could not find a job, but your success inspired me to try my best.

I am absolutely sure that your knowledge in the field of computers and artistic skills will help you become an excellent graphic designer. I expect that in the coming years I will also earn great news about you.

Best wishesimi success.

Your sincere friend


Thanks for the gift

Dear Constance,

Thank You So Much for The Lovely Gift You Sent Me! I ALWAYS WANTED THIS BOOK AND ASPIRED TO OWN IT. However, I Somehow Could Never Make Myself BUY IT.

Thank You Once More for Being So Caring And Thoughtful And Gifting Me Such A Wonderful Birthday Gift. I Loved It SO Much!

Would Like You to Know That Your Gift Means A Lot to Me and I Will Always Cherish The Same.

Thanking You Once More

Eternally Yours

Dear Constance,

Thank you very much for the wonderful gift you sent me. I liked him so much! I always wanted this book and dreamed of her, but I could not force myself to buy it.


I am an experienced rewater. I own English on an advanced level and I have experience in teaching. I wonder to write educational articles on English grammar

« The last phrase is remembered"Thus, the words of the famous Kinoheroya from one Soviet television series sound. The replica went "to the people" and now is a common aphorism. After all, indeed, the last words affect all the impression of the conversation. Therefore, making up a business or personal correspondence, it is necessary to thoroughly think about how to finish a letter in English and politely say goodbye to the interlocutor. The ability to tactically and appropriately use standard phrases-cliché at the end of the letter and today's material will be devoted.

The official letter requires increased attention to courtesy standards. With successful business communication, the end of the letter allows you to strengthen the effect from the above text.

The ending in a business letter should be a favorable impression: there should be no obsessiveness, excessive emotion, flattery, bias, and even more so rudeness and ill-advantage. Therefore, the business correspondence is made to use an impersonal speech cliché. The table below presents standard phrases often participating in the completion of the business letter in English.

Should You Need Any Further Information, Please Do Not Hesitate to Contact Me. If you need additional information, please feel free to contact me.
We Would Appreciate Your Cooperation In This Matter. We will be grateful for your cooperation in this matter.
Thanks for Your Extremely Helpful Attention to this Matter. Thank you for your extremely useful attention to this problem.
Thanks Again for Your Attention, Consideration, and Time. Thank you again for your attention, manifested interest and time spent.
We Look Forward to Building A Strong Business Relationship in The Future. With the expectation of the establishment of a successful and strong cooperation in the future.
WE Take this Opportunity of Thanking You for Your Assistance. Taking advantage of the ability to express you for gratitude for the assistance rendered.
We Are Looking Forward To Your Confirmation. We expect your confirmation.
We Look Forward to Hearing From You Soon. We hope to get a quick answer.
IT's Always A Pleasure Doing Business Wit You. It is always nice to deal with you.
Assuring You of Our Best Attention AT All Times. At any time, we are ready to listen carefully.

These expressions will help beautifully complete the text of the message. But this is not the whole ending, because No letter in English does no signature. Typically, this short replica expresses his respect or wishes of success. The translation of many such phrases to the Russian coincides, and when switching to English, they are used almost interchangeably, except with very small emotional differences.

Business letter in English can complete the signature of the following type:

  • Yours. FaithFully. * - with sincere reverence;
  • Respectfully Yours *with respect;
  • Sincerely. Yours. -Yours sincerely;
  • With Appreciation - sincerely grateful;
  • With gratitude - sincerely grateful;
  • Thanks and Regards.- with gratitude and wishes of good;
  • Best Regards.with best wishes;
  • Kind. Regards. - with good wishes;
  • Best Wishes. - With wishes of success.

* These expressions are used only if the writer is not personally familiar with the addressee of your letter.

Giving tribute to adopted courtesy standards, put a comma and with a new line write personal data of the signatorie: the name, surname and the referred position. This letter finished.

So, we dealt with official messages and learned them to be beautifully finished. But another important question remained unseasured: how can I complete a letter to a friend in English or an appeal to foreign relatives? Talk about this in detail in the next section.

English phrases farewell in friendly correspondence

Informal correspondence also adheres to polite tone, but provides incomparably more opportunities to express emotions and underlining the proximity and heat of relationships. Therefore, to the question of how to finish a letter in English in personal correspondence, there is a very large number of answers.

Let's start with the fact that informal text should also have a logical conclusion: a kind of last notch or final trait. And sometimes it is at the finish stage and a stupor happens: write about latest news and events, and the beautiful end of the letter does not come to mind.

Of course, the writing style of letters from everyone, but even in a friendly correspondence, template phrases are often found. Do not know how to finish your English letter? Boldly choose and write one of the expressions below. In our material they are also highlighted in a separate table.

WELL, GOT TO GO NOW. Well, on this, perhaps, everything.
Anyway, I Must Go and Get With My Work. One way or another, but it's time for me to go and engage in your work.
I Must Finish My Letter Because I Must Go to Bed. I have to finish the letter, because I have to sleep.
Do Keep In Touch! We will be in touch!
I'm Sorry I Must Go To ... Sorry, but I have to go now ...
I Have Much To Work to Do. I have a lot of unfulfilled affairs.
Hope to Hear from You Soon. I hope to hear the news from you soon.
WELL, I MUST FINISH NOW. Well, it's time for me to build.
Write Back Soon! Answer quickly!
Write Soon and Let Me Know all the news. Mostly write the answer and let me know about all the news.
CAN't Wait to Hear From You! I can not wait for a new news from you!
DON'T FORGET TO WRITE! Do not forget to write!
Please, Tell Me More about ... Please tell me more about ....
Let ME Know What Happens. Let me know what's going on.
DROP ME A LINE WHEN YOU ARE FREE When you are free, write me a couple of lines.
Bye for now! Now goodbye!
Have a Nice Day! Have a good day!

Other English topics: Stories about London's Attractions in English

Using these cliches, you can give a beautiful and meaningful view of any letter.

It remains only to deliver the polite formula and its initials. Signature options for an informal letter is simply mass, but we selected the best and frequently used examples from it. So long reflecting on how to sign a letter, you also do not have to.

If the addressees of your message are relatives or good acquaintances, it will be appropriate to use such forms of farewell as:

  • Yours Cordially. - Cardigo yours;
  • Yours Ever always yours;
  • Eternally Yours. - invariably yours;
  • Your Loving Brother. - Your loving brother;
  • You Friend. Your friend;
  • Your Very Sincere Friend - your devotee friend;
  • Best Wishes. Regards;
  • Give My Regards To - Transfer greetings ...;
  • All. Their Best Best wishes.

If you are with the interlocutor very close friends or you have warm romantic relationships, then the following wishes will come to the rescue:

  • Affectionately. - With tenderness;
  • Lots Of Love. - I love very much;
  • Lots of Kisses. Kisses;
  • Hugs. - I hug;
  • WITH LOVE AND KISSES - Love and kisses;
  • All MY LOVE - with all love;
  • Passionately Yours. Passionately yours;
  • Always and Forever - Your forever centuries;
  • Missing. You. Missing You;
  • Send. MY. Love. to. - Pass my attracts ...;
  • Take Care. Take care of yourself;
  • TILL Next Time. - Until the next time;
  • See You. SOON. See you soon;
  • See Ya. - See you;
  • Cheers.Until ;
  • Ciao. - Chao!

And after expressing their feelings, do not forget to put a comma, and from a new line to sign your name.

Now we are familiar with the rules for registration of all types of correspondence. But still, it is better to see a full sample letter once than to read the theory distracted from practice several times. At the end of the Material, we suggest you view examples of English letters of various characters with Russian translation.

How to finish a letter in English - samples and excerpts from correspondence

In this section, you will find a few examples, clearly showing the design of letters in English, as well as the correspondence of their styles and forms of courtesy.


Dear Daniel and Dear Sarah,

Please Accept Our Warmest Congratulation On Your Silver Wedding Anniversary!

IT Sems Like You Joined Your Fates Only Yesterday. Yet Twenty-Five Years Have Passed Since That Wonderful Day.

With Great Pleasure We Wnt To Wish Such An Ideal Couple All The Best: A Lot Of Love, Much Healthy, Eternal Youth and Long and Happy Life Together! IT's a Delight to Be Your Friends!

Best Wishes ON Your Anniversary


Dear Daniel and Sarah,

Take our most heartfelt congratulations on the silver anniversary of your wedding!

It seems that you have connected your destinies just yesterday. But there have been as many as 25 years since the wonderful day.

With great pleasure, we want to wish such an ideal pair of only the best things: a lot of love, good health, eternal youth and long and happy life together. Being your friends is an honor and pleasure!

Best wishes on your anniversary day,

Jonathan and Elizabeth Livingston.

Letters to a friend

Hi, Emily!

I'm Still Waiting For The Book Which You Promised to Send Meeting. You don't Write to Me Since Then But Obviously You Have a Lot On Your Plate Right Now.

Anyway, I`m Going to Visit You in A Week and We Have a Chance to Meet. What do you think about it? Drop Me A Line When You are Free.

Hello, Emily!

I'm still waiting for the book that you promised to send me to our last meeting. Since then, you have not written to me, apparently, you are very downloaded by affairs.

Whatever it was, I'm going to visit you online again, and we can meet. What do you think about that? Cherkani a couple of lines when you are free.



I Must Apologize for Not Writing Earlier. I WORKED VERY MUCH AND DIDNT Any Free Time. But Now I Can Tell You About My News.

SINCE YESTERDAY I'M ON VACATION. My Boss Let Me Go On Vacation For a Month. I Am Very Glad, Now I Can Go to Spain, Finally! I SAVED MONEY FOR THIS TRAVEL FOR TWO YEARS, AND YESTERDY I Have Boughta round trip. ticket to Barcelona.. I'll Spend Two Weeks in Barcelona. You cannotimagine How Much.I DREAMED ABOUT IT! I am Just in Seventh Heaven!

Later, When I'll Return Moscow, I'LL Go to My Parents. THEY LIVE IN SANKT-PETERSBURG. I SPENT MY CHILDHOOD IN THE CITY OF SANKT-PETERSBURG, SO I Have Many Friends There.I Will Be Very Pleased to Meet Wild. After this Trip To the City of My Childhood, I'll Return Moscow Again and Write You All My Experiences.

WELL, I MUST FINISH NOW. Hope to Hear from You Soon!


Dear Jack,

Thank you so much for your letter! Very nice to get a news from you!

I must apologize for not writing before. I worked a lot, and I did not have a minute of free time. But now I can tell you about my news.

From yesterday I'm on vacation. My boss allowed me to go on vacation for a whole month. I am very glad, now I can go to Spain, finally! I saved money for two years on this journey, and yesterday I bought tickets to Barcelona there and back. I will spend two weeks in Barcelona. You can't even imagine how much I dreamed about it! I'm just on the seventh heaven from happiness!

Later, when I return to Moscow, I will go to my parents. They live in St. Petersburg. I spent my childhood in St. Petersburg, so I have a lot of friends there. I will be very pleased to meet with them. After this trip to the city of my childhood, I will come back to Moscow again and I will write you all my impressions.

Well, I'm time to spin. I hope to get a news from you soon.

Love and kisses,

Excerpts from business letters

Please accept our sincere apologies for recent problems. Be sure that we will take all the necessary measures to do not happen in the future. In compensation, we issued a 30% chateen on your order.

Once again we apologize for the inconvenience.

All the best,

Robert Flatcher

General manager

When we write too impressive, and when our last phrase is excessively and the situation is officially? The author of the teaching methodology to business English Natalya Tokar specifically for Marie Claire talks about how the hierarchy of signatures actually works.

When I studied in a magistracy in Germany, asked the same question - how to correctly finish a letter in German, when I write a statement to the rector, send a resume by the employer or ask for unconscious one-laughers, which was asked on movie theory. In English, I used it all (it seemed to me), and German was a new language on which I spoke much better than wrote. Every time I "saved" Google, and then it turned out that he only spoiled my relationship with people. I did not understand how hierarchy signatures work. When I write too impulse, and when my last phrase in a letter is excessively and the situation is officially? I know that many people who communicate with customers, partners and investors in English, this hierarchy is also incomprehensible. What I mean? Let's look at the example of how to start writing.

Question name

Standard error - to translate the phrase in Russian until the comma. For example: "Hello, Mr. Peter! " Or "Hello, Peter!" There is no comma in English before appeals, and at the end of the greeting you rarely meet an exclamation mark, unless you write a dowy friend in the style of "Hey You!" Or "Hey Mike!"

The standard for business correspondence appeals starts with "DEAR" and ends with a comma. Options are possible "Dear Mr. Jones, "" Dear James, "or" Dear Friends, "- if you apply to subscribers, colleagues or another group of people. "DEAR SIR / MADAM," It is recommended to use if there is no possibility to find out the name of a person who can help you. If such an opportunity is, but you did not use it, your letter is most likely to fly to the basket. If you write the accompanying letter to your resume and do not know the name of the HR specialist who will read it, bother learn (Google is usually aware, and ready to help). If you send VIP invitations to the conference, the more no longer leave the word after the "dear" impersonal. People like it when they are called by name, and this is a generally accepted norm, reflecting polite, attentive attitude towards a person.

From "friendly arms" - in the cold pool of "contacts"

In this place, I usually ask a question: what are the name to call them? "Mr." Can I just "John"? "Miss" or "Mrs."? In short, that is, two rules:

  1. Turning to women, always write MS (Miss) to avoid even a hint of conflict or misunderstanding. This appeal is acceptable for women of any age and any marital status.
  2. Always please contact a person as he presented himself. If he introduced himself as John, you can write to him "Dear John". If he was pressed as John Smith, no need to reduce the distance and lower the word "Mister" before time. Start the letter to it from the words "dear mr. Smith. " The same rule acts on the contrary. If in the first letter you greeted the style of "Dear John", and then suddenly decided that in vain you turned simply by name (with the head of the Representative Office in all the Eastern Europe, you need to be politely), and next time I write to him "DEAR Mr. Smith ", you suddenly denote the distance. Sometimes it looks comical, and sometimes it can cause misunderstanding. Usually we are distancing from people with whom we do not particularly want to deal or who exceeded the loan of our trust.

In Russian, it would look like this. First you write: "Hello, Vasya!", He answers you in a friendly tone and subscribe: "I invite you to Lunch! Vasya". And you begin the next letter to Vasya from words: "Dear Vasily Olegovich!" What would you think in place Vasi? Most likely, Vasya will decide that he did or wrote something wrong, since he was suddenly asked to get out of the "friendly embrace" zone and again sent to the cold pool of "contacts." John think the same. Therefore, if you work with foreigners, pay attention to how people seem when you get acquainted and what signatures put in our letters.


Now about signatures. There are many options, and they all mean something. What, for example, means the word "BEST"? In the same magistracy, we had a professor from the United States, which always ended his mails like this: "Best, Susan". At that time, for me it was an absolutely new rule of etiquette in English, which, as it seemed to me, I knew very well.

It turns out that this is the safest option to finish business letters. Hierarchy of shades looks like this:

"I Wish You All The Best, Susan", "All The Best, Susan" and "Best, Susan"

The first option is the most official one. Gradually, you are moving to the third option. If discussing who and how tomorrow will present the project tomorrow, you have already exchanged letters with each other 25 times, it's stupid every time writing "I Wish You All the Best". Even the "Best" will already be superfluous. In recent releases, Bloomberg wrote that today people relate to melam more as text messages, especially if the correspondence is in real time. That is, you immediately answer to solve some question. Such letters are quite acceptable to leave without greeting and without a polite farewell.

Especially with the growing popularity of such services as Slack, emails are increasingly reminded by text messages: people do not greet and do not forgive, they immediately go to business. Nevertheless, when we write a letter to a potential customer, a partner or employer, the rules of etiquette still act. Do not say hello and not say goodbye to the person you write in the first (and even in the second), since it is still impolite.

Vest Or Warmest Regards

The most favorite farewell option in the Russian-speaking space in a letter - "Best Regards". It all begins with him, especially if it's a cold letter, and you have never met with the addressee in life. This option means that you are polite, but keep the distance. He is impersonal, and does not express any relation to the interlocutor. Later, people go to "Kind Regards", thereby denoting that there was more confidence in the relationship. "Warm Regards" or "Warmest Regards" may be too "warm" farewell, if you discuss equipment delivery options. Most often, people quickly go to simply "regards" and leave it for all occasions. The same Bloomberg writes that "Regards" and "Best" are two of the most neutral and because the most popular way to finish letters.

What about the rest? "Sincerely" is a really "sincere" or deliberately formal way to say "goodbye"? "Cheers" is suitable when we share photos from a corporate party or so you can write to the client? In any case, your writing style reflects your attitude to the interlocutor. Moreover, using different language units, you can install or consolidate a variety of relationships between people. I will share with you conclusions from the real practice of communicating with foreign customers, investors and managers. You can also refer to such publications as Inc., Business Insider, Bloomberg or contact the Will Schwalbe, the bestseller co-owner "Send: Why People Email SO Badly and How to Do It Better". They give very similar recommendations.

So, we will analyze each option separately

"Yours FaithFully" - Probably the most outdated and most official option. Expresses deep respect to the interlocutor. The phrase is quite acceptable in the countries of the Middle and Middle East, but in Western culture it is rare and is used only if you started a letter from the words "DEAR SIR".

"Yours Sincerely" or "Sincerely" - This is the appropriate option, if you need to be particularly polite, but no more. No "warmth" or "sincerity" is not here. So ends the letter of a lawyer who will still put an unimaginable account, or a person with whom you have disagreements in business, but it makes sense to continue to cooperate and keep a professional distance. So it is possible to finish the accompanying letter to the potential employer. So download the letter, which began with the appeal by name ("Dear John" / "Dear Mr. Jones").

One nuance: "Yours Sincerely" Indeed can reflect your trembling and sincere attitude towards a person if you write a letter to a relative, family member or a very close friend. But since this column is devoted to business communication, I will make accents based on the fact that tomorrow can come in handy in the office.

"BEST" - The safest and most popular option in business correspondence between English speakers. When doubt, print these four letters, comma and your name.

"Thanks" - also a safe, but the crazy option. People write "Thank you" everywhere, even when they do not thank you for anything, so use it when you really want to say "Thank you." Add an exclamation mark - "Thanks!" To show that you write this word is not automatically.

"Many Thanks" "This is a good option if a person helped you or promised to help, and you sincerely want to express gratitude." In other cases, it seems to be template and insincere.

TTYL, TAFN., etc. So you should not write, no matter how much you want to show that you know these cuts. TTYL ("Talk to You Later") or Tafn ("That" s all for now "). Such options are unprofessional and can embarrass your interlocutor, who does not know them or not used to such a style of communication (Outlook is still not a messenger) .

Looking Forward. This phrase makes sense in the event that you are really going to see a person soon, meet in Skype or discuss the project after making changes by phone. In other cases, it is better not to use it.

SPEAK WITH YOU SOON "/" TALK SOON " - The first option is more formal, the second is simpler. They should be used when you actually intend to talk with this person soon. Otherwise, it is insincere and will not serve as an improvement in your relationship with the interlocutor.

"MORE SOON" - So they write when they gave not all the information in the letter and promise to write a second - with additions and answers to other questions. If you are not going to do this, it is better to try to write everything at once, than to choose a person who says and does not. Promise little, do a lot.

"XX" - This option must be used with caution and better not initiate yourself. I do not use it at all in the business correspondence. There are a number of experts who agree with me. However, it also has the opinion that in some situations this signature is appropriate. For example, "Alisa X" is an option for friendly, but still professional notes or letters, if these "friendly relationships" are already formed. If not, do not feel fate and do not draw two crosses first. This means "Kisses".

"XOXO" - This option is completely unacceptable and means "I kiss and hug." Leave it for close friends and those with whom you want to smell.

"Cheers" - A variant that signals the Americans that you are most likely from England or from Australia, or pretend to have a relation to these countries. In the US, such a signature is used extremely rare. Experts recommend asking themselves: "Would you say this word out loud to another person?", And if not, do not use it as a signature.

["Your Name"] - If you finish the letter simply by your name, it is enough "cold" and "sharp" way to say goodbye. Yet it is worth adding something before you remind a person, what is your name, and thus demonstrate your attitude towards your cooperation - a real or potential.

First Initial (E.G. "A") - Some write no name completely, but only one letter. If you remember, at the beginning of the article I clarified that how you sign the letters determines how to contact you. If a person at the end puts one letter "w", it is difficult to say what it means. How to contact him? Will or William? Or Wolfgang? I had a funny case with AirBNB. I booked an apartment, and the owner signed his letters with one letter - "E". I was very awkward to start every next letter from the words "Hello E", but I did not have other options. When we met, it turned out that this is a girl, Japanese, and her really so call - "and". In Japanese, this name is depicted by hieroglyphs, but the girl prefers not to complicate life life - in English writes his name with one letter and asks to contact her that way.

Liquid formulas are required in the design of a business letter. They are determined by the genre of messages (invitation letters, congratulations letters, condolence letters) and largely carry out conditional, ritual. More A.S. Pushkin noticed in "Traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg": "We subscribe to the most submissive servants every day, and it seems, none of this has not concluded that we ask for a champorner."

Business letters invitations and congratulations include many etiquette phrases. Instead of a laureal frame (words of greeting and farewell), handles are used in business letters: Dear Nikolai Ivanovich! Dear Mr. Bobylev! IN The end of the letter before the signature is placed the final formula of courtesy: Yours sincerely!; Yours faithfully; With sincere reverence!; Regards!; Thanks in advance for the answer…; We hope that our request will not be difficult for you…; We look forward to successful continuation of cooperation…; We hope for your interest in expandingconnections ... etc.

For these final replicas of politeness follows self-posimage Officer signing a document and its signature. The self-posimization includes an indication of the position and name of the organization, if the letter is sent not on the form of the institution, otherwise - only a position:

If the letter is sent on behalf of the scientist of a scientific institution, self-posimage is an indication of the role that this or that person performs in this authority:

Liquid rituals expressed by verbs-performance are included, as a rule, in sustainable expressions, as well as the remaining speech etiquette formulas: With pleasure) invite You take part in ...; Thank you You for participation ...; Sincerely thank you You for...; Cordially thank you You for...; ask You will send you to our address ...; Wrap You are in that, Chema will make every effort ...; We wish You have success and hope for the future mutually beneficial cooperation ...; With thanks i confirm Getting Out ...;

The etiquette rituals used in business letters include

different kinds praise : You showed heart attention to orphans and children left without parental care ... (straight praise); Given your great contribution to the development of technical progress in industry ... (indirect praise); Because your company is the leading supplier of computer equipment ... (indirect praise)

expression of hope, confidence, gratitude at the end of the letter : I express hope on…; I hope for further good and mutually beneficial relations…; We hope for the speedy decision ... We hope that the result of the negotiations will be the long-term and fruitful cooperation of our enterprises.; We hope for further fruitful cooperation…; We wish you success and look forward to the future mutually beneficial cooperation…; We hope that our request will be considered soon…; We hope for a speedy answer (the solution of our question) ...; We were glad to get your letter…; Many thanks for the fax of 04.06.2010…; I confirm with gratitude to get your letter…; Thank youper...;

expression of congratulations, apologies, wishes: Congratulations ...; We wish success in…; We apologize toabout etc.

Polite form address naming In business correspondence involves using the pronoun "you", "yours" from the capital letter: According to You Request sending You Latest catalogs of our products; At the end of this month we will be happy to use Yours services.

It is impossible not to take into account the effectiveness of the etiquette formula, the arsenal of which is very large in Russian speech etiquette. The success of the case depends on the tone of the letter.

The universal principle of using etiquette is the principle of politeness, which is expressed in recommendations, these readers in one old Russian writing and not lost relevance to this day: "The first duty of the writing - to remember your own position, to know the position of the person we write, and imagine The latter is so clear as if we stand in front of him and talk. " This is especially important in our days when official correspondence begins to wear a more personal and dynamic character. Today, the genre of business writing requires not only the standardization of language funds, but also the manifestations of their own individuality.

As you close, business letter is important. Your closure of the letter must leave the reader with a positive impression of both you and the letter you wrote. When closing your letter, it is important to use the appropriate valid and professional word or phrase.

Most of the official closure options are reserved, but note that among the options there is a degree of heat and familiarity. Your relationship with a person you write will be determined by what you choose.

Read below to learn some of the most common available closing options, and get help to find out which of them are suitable for correspondence.

Examples of closing letters

Below are the closure of letters suitable for business letters and letters related to employment. Below is information about when using each of them.

Sincerely, with respect, with respect, sincerely yours - These are the simplest and most useful closures of letters for use in a formal business environment.

They are suitable in almost all cases and are excellent ways to close the accompanying letter or request.

Sincerely, cardiovascular and respect - These closures of letters fill the need for something slightly more personal. They are suitable if you have some information about the person you write. You could correspond by email several times, found face to face or by phone, or met in the network event.

With warmth, best wishes and with appreciation - These closures of letters are also suitable if you have any knowledge or connection with a person you write. Because they can relate to the content of the letter, they can close the point of the letter. Use them only if they make sense with the content of your letter.

Other examples of closing letters

When you finish your letter, be sure to select the closure of the letter corresponding to the topic of your letter, as well as your personal position and relationship with a person you write. Here are some examples to choose from.


Yours faithfully,

In gratitude,

In sympathy
Yours faithfully,

Good thank you
Good wishes,
Many thanks,

Yours faithfully,

Yours faithfully,
Yours faithfully,
Yours faithfully,

Yours sincerely,
Thank you,

Thank you,
Thank you for your help in this question,
Thank you for your attention,
Thanks for your recommendation,
Thank you for your time,
Yours faithfully,

Warm regards,
With thanks,
With deepest sympathy
With thanks,
With sincere thanks
With sympathy
Your help is very grateful

Your heartfelt
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Yours faithfully,

Title the first word of your closure. If your closure is more than one word, write down the first word and use the lower register for other words.

Closing letters to avoid

There are certain closures you want to avoid in any business letter. Most of them are just too informal. Below are examples of closing, which should be avoided:

Take care
They are too informal, and some (for example, LOVE "and" XOXO ") implies the level of intimacy that is not suitable for a business letter.

Avoid such outputs that are more suitable for messages to friends or loved ones.

Your signature

Under the closure of your letter, specify your signature. If it is a physical letter, first sign your name in the handle, and then enter your typed signature below.

If this is a letter emailJust specify your typed signature below your departure.

It is also important to specify your contact information in your letter. If this is a physical letter, your contact information will be at the top of the letter. However, if this is a letter, specify this information under your typed signature. This will allow the recipient easily to respond to you.

How to format the completion of the letter

After you have chosen a word or phrase for use as sending, follow it with a comma, a space, and then turn on your signature.

If you send a letter with a hard copy, leave the four lines of the space between the closing and the entered name. Use this space to sign your name in the handle.

If you send an email, leave one space between free closure and your typed signature. Specify your contact information directly under your typed signature.

Letter letter

Yours faithfully,
Handwritten signature
(for mailing) (space)
Typical signature\u003e Letter with a letter

Yours faithfully,
Typical signature
Contact Information (by email)
Examples of letters and spelling tips
Samples of letters

Sample email messages

Samples of professional email messages. Use these samples to format your professional email messages.
Business letters

How to write business letters, a common format of business letters and templates, as well as examples of business letters related to employment.