How to lose 25 pounds. Diets from famous people

Losing weight by 25 kg in 4 weeks is almost impossible. There is no diet that will allow you to remove so much fat in a month and not harm your health. But you can make significant adjustments to your nutritional plan and lose weight in 2-4 months without unpleasant consequences.

Weight Loss Stories STARS!

Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it for the night ..." Read more >>

According to scientists, the metabolism completely changes in 100-120 days. It also takes about 3 months to change your habits. But even after the first month of a new meal plan, you can still get nice results- from 10 to 20 kg, if it is possible to restore metabolism faster.

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    Effective ways to lose weight

    Trying to get rid of excess weight, you need to analyze the most effective ways to lose weight. It is worth choosing them taking into account all the "pluses" and "minuses", guided by the peculiarities of the rhythm of life, individual characteristics, etc.

    The most effective techniques include the following.

    Atkins diet

    An almost complete rejection of carbohydrates is assumed - up to 20 g per day for the first 4 weeks, then the rate gradually increases.

    Such protein diet can last a long time - a month or more - helping to quickly lose weight up to 25 kg. It also has its disadvantages - violation of intestinal motility, the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. For older people, this amount of protein is also not suitable.

    By blood type

    This is a universal technique that is suitable for both men and women. But the selection of food is carried out individually, after consulting a doctor.

    The diet will not help achieve the main goal - minus 25 kg. It does not work for severe metabolic disorders.

    Ducan's diet

    Assumes a reduced amount of carbohydrates, as well as the elimination of vegetable and animal fats.

    Not suitable for men and women in adulthood, as it increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

    Mono diets

    Meals on any one product are relatively simple and quick way losing weight. But options such as kefir, apple or buckwheat diet are designed for a short time, a maximum of a week.

    Separate food

    It is not so much a diet as a nutritional system. It can be adhered to for six months, and a year, and even throughout life.

    It suits both man and woman. Nutritionists believe that with separate meals, food is digested faster, this prevents the processes of decay and fermentation.

    Calorie counting

    The most popular way to get rid of extra pounds. This should be approached in stages, gradually reducing the calorie content of the diet and developing a new habit - to study the composition of foods and choose the safest ones.

    Calorie counting and eating separately are two of the most effective ways to lose weight, so they will be discussed below.

    Strict diets are hard on people. But you can start with small steps towards good nutrition:

    • Fractional food. Means that there are only 3 main meals per day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Two snacks are allowed between them - fruit, yogurt, cottage cheese, a handful of nuts (5-6 nucleoli).
    • Breakfast. In no case should you skip it, but the most dense meal of the day should be lunch.
    • The weight of each serving as a main meal. It should not exceed 350 g.
    • Meat. They choose low-fat varieties - rabbit, chicken, turkey, some diets (for example, protein) allow the inclusion of pork in the diet.

    Eat non-starchy vegetables and leafy greens daily. Fruit - no more than 2 pieces per day and only until 16:00. The diet of most diets also includes fermented milk products without aromatic additives- kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt, maximum 200 ml per day.

    The menu must include eggs, usually chicken, but quail are considered more useful. Only complex carbohydrates are allowed - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, quinoa, bulgur.

    Whichever type of diet is chosen, the ban should still be:

    • alcoholic drinks;
    • bakery products;
    • coffee with milk;
    • fried and fatty foods;
    • any sweets (1 teaspoon of honey per day can be allowed) - you need to give up not only sugar, but also its substitutes.

    It is necessary to pay attention to physical activity, to take at least 10 thousand steps a day if you can't go to the gym. Each time you need to go 5 minutes longer than the previous one. You can walk around the house during a telephone conversation, climb stairs one more floor, etc.

    Proper nutrition: reducing calories

    To improve your eating behavior and lose weight, you need to follow this plan.

    First week

    It is necessary to halve the usual portion of meat, add one useful product, which was not previously included in it - mango, which contains a lot of beta-carotene, or grapefruit, which helps to lose weight.

    Instead of coffee, you can start your day with cocoa, and add not sugar, but orange zest and cinnamon to it. Instead of desserts - fruits. This one substitution will help reduce the caloric content of the diet by at least 200 kcal. However, you cannot eat canned fruits because they are soaked in sugar syrup. You can eat apples baked with cinnamon for dessert.

    Second week

    Salads should be seasoned with low-fat yogurt.

    Third week

    The diet should include not meat, but seafood. It is better not to fry the fish, but to steam it or bake it in foil. For garnish - fresh or frozen vegetables.

    Instead of oatmeal, you can make muesli at home by mixing ordinary flakes (2 tablespoons), dried fruits, except dates (1 cup), 2 tsp. honey and putting them in the oven for half an hour.

    Fourth week

    You can focus on different types cabbage - Brussels sprouts, savoy cabbage, cauliflower. They are allowed to stew, bake, fry, but only in olive oil.

    By this time, the habit of having a healthy snack on hand should already be formed - fruits, nuts or seeds, low-fat yogurt.

    To make it easier to control the amount of calories in these weeks and after, you need to keep track of what you eat. It is suggested to make entries in the food diary. And you need to write down everything, including what was eaten "on the run." Proper nutrition begins with a sober assessment of your diet, a diary helps with this. You can keep it in paper form or electronically.

    An important point is to establish a mode of work and rest. Often it is the regular lack of sleep that is fraught with excess weight. Therefore, eight hours of sleep is no less important than proper nutrition.

    After a month of such changes in diet and lifestyle, you can lose up to 15-20 kg of excess weight, and if you're lucky - 25 kg. But sometimes, if the metabolism is seriously impaired, it will take 2 months or more.

    Sample menu

    After all these changes sample menu by day it might look like this:

    Day of week

    The diet


    • breakfast: omelet with green vegetables;
    • lunch: a serving of pumpkin soup;
    • dinner: meatloaf;
    • snacks: apple and pear
    • breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with apple;
    • lunch: oven-baked turkey fillet with vegetables;
    • dinner: grilled fish and vegetables;
    • snacks: blueberry and apple smoothies
    • breakfast: cottage cheese with fresh berries;
    • lunch: seafood salad;
    • dinner: steamed fish cakes, vegetable stew;
    • snacks: fruit jelly
    • breakfast: sandwich with baked chicken breast;
    • lunch: mashed celery soup with shrimps;
    • dinner: salad with tomatoes and cheese;
    • snacks: any fresh vegetables
    • breakfast: curd cakes, baked in the oven, with honey and berries;
    • lunch: chicken roll with vegetables;
    • dinner: nicoise salad with fish;
    • snacks: fruit salad (orange, kiwi, apple) seasoned with yogurt
    • breakfast: homemade muesli;
    • lunch: chicken skewers and fresh tomatoes;
    • dinner: fish baked in the oven with tomato sauce;
    • snacks: any fruit


    • breakfast: protein omelet in the oven;
    • lunch: rice with seafood;
    • dinner: chicken fillet with aromatic herbs;
    • snacks: fruit jelly

    During all this time, you must not forget to drink clean water and green tea, preventing dehydration of the body.

    Separate meals: diet features

    With a separate diet, the essence is not in the amount of food, but in the combination of foods - protein, carbohydrate, starchy, etc. Sometimes they provoke very unpleasant phenomena. In general terms, it can be described as follows: different foods in the stomach are digested at different rates. This is what causes fermentation processes, flatulence, etc. If you use them separately, you can lose weight.

    The most famous separate feeding system is designed for 3 months, but in the first 4 weeks it will be possible to get the desired result.

    The days will alternate as follows.

    Protein days

    You can eat a piece of bread once a day. For lunch - the largest portion, for dinner - half the size.

    Starchy days

    You need to eat legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, dried peas, etc.). You can also eat baked potatoes or boiled rice, and a serving of vegetable salad for dinner.

    Carbohydrate days

    You can eat almost any porridge, some types of pastries and sweets (chocolate is only a very small piece, but you can eat a whole cake).

    Vitamin days

    You can eat any fruit, from oranges to dates, only in moderation. Every last day of the month is unloading.

    During the day, no food should be consumed, only water.

    Simple option

    There is also a simpler option for separate power supply:

    Time of receipt

    Features of the diet

    You can start your day with foods that contain a lot of protein - cottage cheese, boiled eggs, cheese. It is allowed to eat toast with a slice of boiled chicken, for dessert - fruit salad

    It is recommended to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before a meal. At lunch, you also need to focus on the protein menu. Familiar side dishes like pasta and potatoes should be replaced with fresh or stewed vegetables. It is not recommended to eat both the first and second course at the same meal. For lunch, you can eat a salad, and for an afternoon snack - a piece of meat

    The portion should be no more than the size of the palm of your hand. It is recommended to give preference to vegetables

    An important benefit of this diet is that it can be followed both at home and in the office. It allows you to lose weight without feeling hungry. But you need to draw up a product compatibility table for yourself in advance so that your efforts are not wasted. It should be remembered that whole grain cereals can only be used with vegetables and some fruits (pear or apple), but in no case with proteins. Moreover, it is not recommended to eat porridge with meat or cheese.

    Go to separate system It can be difficult, therefore, experts advise to remove the feeling of discomfort with the help of water. Better drink a glass mineral water than eating an extra slice of cheese or bread.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

    My weight was especially depressing for me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with an increase of 165. I thought my stomach would come off after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with rebuilding hormonal background and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that overweight girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew that size." Then at 29, divorce from her husband and depression ...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...

I want to tell a story about how I managed to lose weight. I will make a reservation right away that it was extremely difficult and painful, but now I am happy with everything, my weight is fixed and is stable at a normal level. I have always been overweight, and, as you know, it is quite difficult to part with what has been accumulating all my life. In this regard, I was no exception. And so, how to lose weight by 25 kg per month, weight loss history.

How I decided for myself that it was time to lose weight

My extra weight has never given me any discomfort or inconvenience. I didn't even have a thought that something needs to be changed. However, in August 2011, there was a so-called turning point that changed my attitude towards overweight... At that time, I underwent an operation, the doctors prescribed a course of treatment after it. Accordingly, I was prescribed a number of drugs, and, either from them, or from something else, I rapidly began to gain extra pounds. IN family life there was a complete idyll, and against this background I did not notice that I was getting fatter and fatter. Perhaps she just didn’t want to notice it.

One day I decided to go shopping, look for something new for the winter from clothes. Here the insight came. It is impossible to describe in words all the storm of emotions that gripped me then. All those things that I liked did not fit in size, and the things that could hardly be pulled over me were extremely unattractive. That day ended with just one purchase, and not planned - I bought a scale. It was from that day that my struggle with extra pounds began.


I began to lose weight at a weight of 94 kg and a height of 172 cm. I studied a huge number of all kinds of diets, among which I tried to limit myself to certain foods, tried to eat at a strictly allotted time, and so on. In general, I tried to follow the numerous advice of any Internet sites. But for some reason, nothing helped me. I don’t know, maybe I did something wrong, or maybe I just lacked the willpower.

Each breakdown began with the thought: "Eat just a small piece, because nothing terrible will happen." The most interesting thing is that all this was repeated over and over again. Then I realized that it would be much easier for me to completely isolate myself from food than to try to impose any restrictions.

In the huge streams of information on this topic, I came across a site about therapeutic fasting. After reading the diaries of many people, I also decided to try one of the methods.

Here you immediately need to make a reservation and warn the reader that this method of losing weight is very painful and exhausting. It takes a lot of physical strength. It is strongly not recommended to use it for those who have any health problems. Only people with normal health, purposefulness and great willpower can try it. The process of losing weight when using this method takes place in three stages. However, first things first.

Preparation - 3 days

I started my diet by preparing for it. For three days I tried to unload my diet and tune my body to the main test. During this period, it is recommended to exclude fatty and fried foods. Meals should consist mainly of vegetables, and a small amount of boiled non-fatty meat is also allowed (but not desirable). If, nevertheless, at this stage some kind of breakdown occurs, then this is not very important, because the main struggle is still ahead.

Fasting - 10 days (for those who have no health problems!)

At this stage, only water is allowed to drink. Moreover, it is important that it is clean, not carbonated, not mineral, not sweet, not salty, etc. You can not use fruit drinks, juices, even tea without sugar will also have to be excluded. During this period, only water will be the only source of food and energy.

During the first three to four days, my weight began to rapidly "melt". Daily losses reached 3-3.5 kilograms. Every time I got on the scales and saw the rate at which my weight was decreasing, I received a huge boost of energy and confidence in my own strength.
The hardest part is not to break loose on the first day of fasting. In the following days, the desire to eat something is suppressed by common sense, as well as the fear that the wrong exit from the system could seriously harm the stomach.

Further, the weight loss becomes less significant - an average of 500 grams per day. The state of health during this period deteriorates sharply. I do not know who and how tolerates this time, but personally I even had moments when I asked my husband to bring a pen and paper, was going to write a will. There were bruises under the eyes, my head was spinning, there was a strong weakness all over my body, and it was getting dark in my eyes. But still, somewhere deep inside there was some inexplicable lightness, a new sensation.

During this period, you need to rid the body of toxins that have accumulated earlier, it is recommended to do cleansing enemas and apply. At this stage, I managed to lose weight from 94 kilograms to 78.

Exit from fasting - 10 days

During this period, you should be extremely careful in eating, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to your own stomach. It is important to start it correctly after such a long period of inactivity. In time, the exit from fasting should be no less than the fasting period itself, i.e. 10 days, and the smoother it is, the better for the body.

I followed the following scheme:

1st day: dilute the juice from half a lemon, half an orange and half a grapefruit with water in a ratio of 1 to 3, where "1" is juice, and "3" is water. Drink the resulting drink during the day for 1-2 sips.
2nd day: dilute juice from whole lemon, orange and grapefruit with water in a ratio of 1 to 2, also drink 1-2 sips during the day.
3rd day: add fruit pulp to the same juice and dilute 1 to 1.
4th day: you can drink concentrated juices with pulp.
5th day: we introduce a salad of fresh carrots and cabbage into the diet. It is imperative not to use salt when coming out of fasting, as this can lead to severe swelling. The serving size at this stage should not exceed 100 grams.
6th - 8th days: we introduce boiled and stewed vegetables without oil into the diet. For example, you can add.
8th day: vegetable oil can be added to the diet.

Salt and animal products (including eggs, cottage cheese, milk, etc.) can be consumed no earlier than 10 days after fasting. After the fifth day, the use of various juices and tea is allowed, but without added sugar, it is desirable to introduce it also after ten days.

It should be borne in mind that even after the completion of this stage, the body has not fully recovered and there is no need to sharply load it with all sorts of "pickles".


After this 23-day course, my weight was fixed at around 78 kilograms. I let my body get used to the new weight and after about a month I repeated the whole process, but in a reduced form. Reduced the duration of the stages by half: 2 days - preparation, 5 days - fasting, 5 days - getting out of fasting. After repetition in "fast mode" my weight was fixed at 68 kilograms.

A lot of time has passed since then, I have not done the procedure anymore, and the extra pounds are not coming back. I don’t know what it’s connected with, probably somewhere on the sites for weight loss, some experts explain this, but now I don’t care, I have ceased to be a user of such resources, I don’t need them anymore. I do not deny myself anything in terms of nutrition, I eat whatever I want, my weight is kept stable at around 68 kg. It happens, however, after the holidays or a long weekend, a couple of kilograms are added. But they also quickly disappear during the work week.

I feel great now, absolutely satisfied with my figure. Girlfriends never cease to be surprised, they still exclaim and ask: "How ?!". But only I alone know what it cost me, what endurance and willpower it took. The main thing is that I have achieved the desired result, believe me, it's worth it.

Love, the relationship between a man and a woman, are reflected on the pages of the site "" in the emotional letters of the readers. Men don't really want to "pick them up and run through the meadow" with a centner at the ready... And women are offended. You can blame not only yourself, but the strong half - they say, pump your muscles - lift a ton!

And the solution to the problem looms for each clearly and clearly: it is urgently needed - then he will definitely be crazy about me. To subtract 25 kg from a centner is almost a normal weight (depending on height). But how can we take them away?

Here is an example of a woman for whom sincere love has become a discipline and weight loss. The site the site is happy to share the experience in which the main thing was achieved - through the awareness of the problem, family and love were preserved.

“All the time I was pregnant, my mother and grandmother kept repeating:“ You must eat well, a lot and tasty so that the baby is born healthy, and when it’s born, the main thing is that there is enough milk. ”

And so, when our son was born, they began to intensively feed me with condensed milk, fat cottage cheese, nuts and other tasty products, although I had plenty of milk. From it all, me, the ex before pregnancy 58 kg in weight, spread up to 92 kg... I, not realizing the problem, began to take care of only my son, devoting myself to him completely. My husband endured, never once hinting at anything. But, when for the first time after the birth of a child, I wanted his masculine warmth, he referred to fatigue.

Then I thought hard. Is it a coincidence that I had to change my entire wardrobe? Is it no coincidence that, at the age of 23, absolutely everyone calls me a "woman", and no one is referring to "girl"? And why did the spouse's friends stop coming to us? And for all the time since the birth of our little son, we have never walked with the stroller together, but only in turns.

And then I felt bad. My beloved, with whom we have known since childhood, is just ashamed of me... But I was his star, his beauty, whom he won from others. I didn't have a single bit of resentment against him, and not against myself either. Writing it off to inexperience, I decided that I would never again allow my husband to be ashamed of me. This became my goal, and the way to achieve it was chosen a course to lose weight by at least 25 kg.

In the evening I went out to meet him on the street. I saw him from a distance, he walked very slowly, not in a hurry. My heart sank and wanted to burst into tears. This is what I did so that my husband is no longer drawn to our house. That evening I told him that I was starting to lose weight, that I needed his help and support. So I cut off my escape route. How surprised he was and how willingly he went to meet me!

My husband himself developed a diet for me, in which it was possible to eat twice on the first day, but only until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. On the second day, as the main course, there was stewed broccoli with beans, seasoned with cheese, garlic and sour cream. I was allowed to eat this until 18 o'clock. In the evening we walked with him a lot, and for dinner I had 1% kefir. I drank at least 2 liters of water a day, just not with glasses, but little by little, every 20-25 minutes.

By the way, I did not deny myself sausage and sweets, but strictly until three o'clock in the afternoon, alternating a day of relaxation with a day of severity. My beloved constantly monitored the process, he called me, asked how much and what I ate, in the evening he brought delicious dietary products and shared our dinner. When he sat down to eat, he sent me either for a walk with his son, or in the bathroom.

Noticing the first results, my husband carefully began to give me stimulating gifts... The first gift was scales, on which he pasted our wedding photo, where I am like Thumbelina. After a while, I had subscription to the pool and fitness... After nine months, I managed to lose 25 kg and by the beginning of the beach season, I was almost the same as before the wedding.

The last kilos melted more slowly, but I did not stop, and, for the New Year holidays my weight was 57 kg... I shared my way with my mother and friend, despite the fact that they did not need to lose 25 kg, they very quickly got in shape, and they always say thank you to me. But I know that in fact, you need to thank my husband... For the gentle way chosen for me, for support and attention, and for endless trust and love. I wish all women not to despair, believe in the result and do not close your eyes to the reason that stimulates you to lose weight ".

Since childhood, I was a rather well-fed child - everyone around really liked to pat my chubby cheeks, and I liked to bask in the rays of this general sympathy. In my youth it seemed to me that if I really want to, then I can easily lose weight quickly and significantly - a couple of weeks on kefir and buckwheat and I am in perfect shape. In fact, these are the experiments I've done several times in order to achieve some short-term goal - for example, to participate in a beauty contest. And I lost weight and won ... And then, to celebrate, I ate two previous hungry weeks with cakes and buns. Weight came back and took his friends and relatives with him. In the first year of the institute, I weighed 75 kg. Big girls like this have never been in demand with guys. And then I became sad. Because I fell in love, and he did not pay any attention to me. Then I decided that the whole thing would not be enough with kefir and buckwheat - it is necessary to take drastic measures, to lose weight like that - it becomes ideal not for a month, but forever! For four years, sticking to the rules healthy way life, I lost 25 kg. I will share my most important secrets with you.


The zero point in the business of those who are going to lose weight is motivation. We all know the expression: "A man is what he eats," but I think that a man is what he has in his head. I believe that with an understandable and powerful motivation, you can move mountains and then put them back. Personally, everything began to work out for me when I figured out myself: and answered the questions: what do I want, why do I want it and should I want it? Sooner or later in the life of each of us the day comes when we come to a disappointing conclusion: this cannot continue, I am fat, thin, something needs to be changed. Where does this idea come from? Someone will look askance, someone will say something; there can be many situations!

The most important thing here is to listen only to yourself, your inner voice, sweeping aside all these other people's views and speculations. You should be comfortable and good in your body. And if this feeling is not there or it has disappeared, then it appears, the very true motivation - not envy, not resentment, not faking someone else's opinion. At that moment I realized that only I myself can give myself an installation: I pull myself together, begin to actively engage in myself, my figure and my health!

So I decided to start this life-long journey. Because such a fantastic moment when you can rest on your laurels and stop caring about yourself and your appearance will never come! This work and care is now always with me, she became my second “I” and became a habit. It helped me that I convinced myself that my body is my temple and I have no right to destroy it with bad habits and improper diet. When they tell me that it is difficult, I have an argument: "It does not occur to us that someday we will be able to stop brushing our teeth or taking a shower - let's say to ourselves, that's enough, we have already cleaned up and washed ourselves!" So these new habits - to healthy eating, sports, a new way of life - they should become everyday companions. But so far there are trials, temptations and obstacles on my way. Fatigue, overload, as well as holidays, travel, and less pleasant situations. Many people ask me: “How to be in such a situation? How to find motivation again? Where to draw strength? " Personally, I am always helped by the experience of others, their thoughts, their judgments. I try to find a blog or a book for myself for real interesting person strong and able to "pull" my motivation out of the temporary quagmire. I find beautiful and aesthetic videos for myself, for example, "The Secret of a Beautiful Figure" with Cindy Crawford. The energy of this stunning woman seems to be transmitted to me through the screen. And I'm back in the ranks!

Where to begin?

I am often asked the question: where to start losing weight? I am pleased to share with the readers of Domashny Ochag my first and simple rules which I followed at the very beginning:

    visual motivation. It is very important to imagine who you want to become. On the screensaver of my computer and on my phone, I put a photo of my ideal figure, the image that inspired me. And on the refrigerator, on the contrary, she attached an unattractive photo of a fat woman. It would seem a trifle, but the brain clearly separates what it strives for and what to leave from. Now I also have the right picture on my phone, and I constantly keep myself in good shape;

    every morning on an empty stomach she drank a glass of water. I am very strict with myself and will not get out of bed until I drink water. After all, water is the most effective and necessary remedy;

    in the morning, I must check (and check) my weight and write down the indicators in the food diary;

    exercise "plank" before breakfast - it is very important for me how to wash in the morning. Hold the bar at first for 30 seconds for 3 sets, each day increasing the time by 10 seconds;

    on breakfast healthy porridge on the water - linseed, oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa. We charge the body with energy in the morning!

    keep a food diary, record calories, visually see the ratio of BJU;

    for snacks, I always have a magic box of green vegetables at hand, use healthy fiber and have fun.

Everything is simple, accessible and gives results.

If you realized that you need to fight overweight, and strive to learn how to lose 25 kg in a month, this is commendable. True, to lose the declared weight, and even so quickly, you will need maximum effort and a sufficient amount of time. First of all, you will have to make significant adjustments to your daily diet, as well as regularly pay attention to physical activity, drawing up a clear schedule of classes.

Since it is not easy to lose 25 kg, you will need to be patient. Healthy weight loss is an ongoing process. Remember that it is impossible to lose weight in a couple of weeks without hurting yourself. Therefore, the optimal solution is to lose 0.5-1 kilograms every week. Adopt the principle of "the quieter you drive, the further you will be" - and you will achieve the desired goal.

The maximum weight loss rate is from 5 to 10 kg per month. That is, a maximum of 2 kilograms can go per week. But keep in mind that the plumb line also depends on your initial weight. The more body weight, the more you can lose. For weight loss to be really effective, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Stick to a diet. Choose the most balanced and flexible power system for you. It is necessary to strictly follow it, gradually get out of it and do not forget to repeat at regular intervals.
  • Train. Constant physical activity is a prerequisite for successful weight loss.
  • Take vitamin complexes.
  • Enough to drink. Every day you need to drink about 2-3 liters of water (for convenience, take two bottles of 1 or 1.5 liters each - let them be at your fingertips all the time). This includes unsweetened green tea.
  • Reduce the amount of salt consumed (it retains excess fluid).
  • Have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Losing 25 kg in one month will plunge the body into a state of serious stress. Therefore, it is desirable to lose weight gradually.

In principle, it is not so difficult to lose weight, even such a large one. But keeping the result obtained is much more difficult. You will need to use all your willpower so as not to break down.


Be sure to include cardio as part of your workout schedule. Consider your weight and joint condition when choosing exercises. After all exercise stress for those who have joint problems, and for those who do not, the following is different:

Strength training should be given at least half an hour a day. You need to do it 2 or 3 times a week. They, like cardio exercises, help not only to say goodbye to extra pounds, but also to keep the weight within the normal range.

Find yourself a training partner. It is desirable that one who also seeks to change his life and lose weight. Together, it will be much easier for you to go towards your goal. If you can't find the right person, you can always join a group of people who are actively trying to lose weight. For example, use the Weight Watchers online service. He united those who were engaged in putting their figure in order. The program provides weekly weigh-ins to track progress.


The nutritional system, designed to lose 25 kg per month, makes it possible to lose 10 kg with a guarantee. So much will be lost by those whose excess weight is insignificant. People with serious obesity may well be able to part with it with exactly 25 kg. If your body weight is too heavy, it is better to lose weight on this diet in 2 months, rather than one. Losing weight dramatically will do more harm than good.

Since this diet does not provide for the presence of first courses, the drinking regime must be observed especially strictly - drink 2-3 liters of clean water daily.

Consider a detailed menu, designed for 4 weeks

1 Week

The daily breakfast is the same: half an orange (if you don't like it, you can replace it with half a grapefruit) and boiled eggs (1 or 2 pieces).

Day of weekEatingWhat do we eat
1st (Mon)We have lunchSeasonal fruit (as much as you like).
Have supperA piece of lean poultry meat, steamed.
2nd (Tue)We have lunchBoiled whole chicken (the skin cannot be eaten)
Have supperA couple of eggs boiled in any kind with a salad (from cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, sweet peppers and carrots), toast and an orange (you can change it for a grapefruit).
3rd (Wed)We have lunchLow-fat cottage cheese (as much as you like) with toast and tomatoes.
Have supperSee the Monday menu.
4th (Thu)We have lunchSee the Monday menu.
Have supperSee the Monday menu plus salad.
5th (Fri)We have lunchA couple of eggs boiled in any kind with vegetable stew (peas, beans, carrots, zucchini).
Have supperBoiled fish (can be exchanged for shrimp) with salad and orange (alternatively, grapefruit).
6th (Sat)We have lunchSee the Monday menu.
Have supperSee the Thursday menu.
7th (Sun)We have lunchBoiled or baked chicken (you can't eat the skin) with tomatoes, boiled or stewed vegetables and an orange (can be exchanged for grapefruit).
Have supperBoiled or stewed vegetables.

2 week

Breakfast for each day is the same: half an orange (as an option - grapefruit) and boiled eggs (1-2 pieces).

Day of weekEatingWhat do we eat
1st (Mon)We have lunchA couple of boiled eggs with a salad.
Have supperA couple of boiled eggs with an orange or medium grapefruit.
2nd (Tue)We have lunchA piece of lean poultry meat, steamed, with a salad.
Have supperSee the Monday menu.
3rd (Wed)We have lunchA piece of lean poultry meat, steamed, with cucumbers.
Have supperSee the Monday menu.
4th (Thu)We have lunchA couple of boiled eggs with boiled vegetables and low-fat cottage cheese.
Have supperA couple of boiled eggs.
5th (Fri)We have lunchBoiled fish (can be exchanged for shrimp).
Have supperSee the Thursday menu.
6th (Sat)We have lunchA piece of lean poultry meat, steamed, with tomatoes and an orange or grapefruit.
Have supperFruit salad (orange, tangerine, melon, peach and apple).
7th (Sun)We have lunchBoiled chicken with tomatoes and an orange (can be exchanged for grapefruit).
Have supperThe same as on the lunch menu.

3 week

Everything indicated in the “What we eat” column should be consumed in equal portions throughout the day. You should eat fractionally, so there should be at least 5 servings.

Day of weekWhat do we eat
1st (Mon)Any kind of fruit (as much as you like). It will not be possible to enjoy only grapes, mangoes, dates, figs and bananas.
2nd (Tue)Any kind of boiled vegetables with salads. Cereals and potatoes are prohibited.
3rd (Wed)See the Monday menu plus boiled or stewed vegetables with salads.
4th (Thu)Boiled fish (can be replaced with shrimps) in unlimited quantities with salads or just cabbage and boiled vegetables.
5th (Fri)Lean poultry meat, steamed (as much as you like), with boiled vegetables.
6th (Sat)One kind of fruit (as much as you like).
7th (Sun)See the Saturday menu.

4 week

Everything indicated in the column "What we eat" must be distributed over the whole day. You should only eat when you feel hungry. The number of meals should be at least 5.

Every day, add one toast and one orange to the proposed list of products, which can be replaced with grapefruit.

Day of weekWhat do we eat
1st (Mon)Half boiled chicken, tomatoes (3 pcs.), Cucumbers (4 pcs.), Canned tuna without oil (1 jar).
2nd (Tue)A piece of boiled poultry meat (200 g), tomatoes (3 pcs.), Cucumbers (4 pcs.), An apple (can be exchanged for a pear or a slice of melon).
3rd (Wed)Low-fat cottage cheese (1 tbsp. L.), Boiled vegetables (shallow plate), tomatoes (2 pcs.), Cucumbers (2 pcs.).
4th (Thu)Half boiled chicken, tomatoes (3 pcs.), Cucumber, fruit (1 type).
5th (Fri)Boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Tomatoes (3 pcs.), Lettuce (1 bunch).
6th (Sat)Boiled chicken (2 briskets), cottage cheese or feta cheese (120 g), tomatoes (2 pcs.), Cucumbers (2 pcs.), Drink yogurt.
7th (Sun)See medium menu plus canned tuna without oil added (1 jar).

Ukrainian Ruslana Pysanka is a well-known personality in the field of cinema and theater. Her diet exemplifies how seriously she took her own weight loss. In the fight against excess weight, Ruslana has developed her own tactics - she does it gradually and purposefully. The actress was not able to decide to apply such a serious method as a diet right away. The correction of the diet was preceded by a long process of psychological attitude.


The first thing that Ruslana did was change her diet beyond recognition. She stopped eating after 2:00 pm. She had only breakfast and lunch at her disposal. After two o'clock in the afternoon, the actress could only drink mineral or plain non-carbonated water.... Despite such restrictions, this diet is considered quite complete, because the menu contains both carbohydrates and proteins. Potatoes, mayonnaise, yoghurts and other products that are guaranteed to gain weight were under a categorical ban.

Surprisingly, despite the strictness of the diet, Ruslana Pysanka left a place for cakes and sweets in it. True, she feasts on them exclusively before lunch. The actress notes that during the first week of such a global restructuring of the diet, all thoughts were only about food. However, over time it passed.

For 4 months of such abstinence, the actress lost 20 kg. But in general, she managed to part with 30 kg.

For those who want to lose 25 kg, but still do not know many of the nuances, Ruslana Pisanka gives several practical recommendations.

Let's summarize

If you intend to lose weight by dropping as much as 25 kg, it is better not to engage in amateur performances, but to seek professional advice from a nutritionist. He will prescribe vitamin complexes and advise you on the appropriate physical activity.

If there is any chronic diseases(for example, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases), a preliminary examination by the appropriate doctors is imperative. Otherwise, you risk getting dangerous complications instead of a good figure.

Be patient - 25 kilograms will not go away in a couple of days. Prepare mentally for the fact that you will have to spend more than one month on the realization of your dream. And don't forget to take before and after photos. This will determine how impressive the result you managed to get.