What is the impulsiveness of a person. impulsive behavior. Impulsive Behavior Control Disorders



Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


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In life, each person meets people with different characters. Have you ever dealt with a person who struck with his inconstancy? Such people, as a rule, tend to change their minds quite quickly, they are characterized by instant mood swings.

It would seem that just now he was smiling and in a good mood, when suddenly something affects his mood, and aggression and discontent appear. Also, these people amaze with their lightning-fast decisions. What explains this human behavior? In psychology, this is called impulsiveness.

Impulsivity is a feature of the human nature, manifested in the tendency to make decisions without thinking through the consequences. Impulsive people are guided in their behavior not by reason, but by emotions and temporary circumstances.

More often than not, this behavior only leads to negative consequences. This is due to the intemperance, irascibility and harshness that often manifest themselves in such people. In other words, we can say that impulsive actions are actions performed without considering the consequences, without prior reflection.

Some people confuse impulsiveness with decisiveness, this is a very common misconception. However, there is a big difference between these two states. Decisive individuals are firmly confident in their decision or action, and this confidence also extends to the result of their activities.

Impulsive individuals are distinguished by the fact that they first take actions, and then consider the consequences. Such people tend to be disappointed in the end, as a result of which they may experience remorse or further complicate the situation.


It is common for every person to sometimes be impulsive, but for some individuals this becomes the norm. Impulsive states have several varieties and may also indicate some psychological diseases:

  • Pyromania is the desire for arson.
  • Kleptomania is the desire to steal.
  • Food impulsivity - manifests itself in various interactions with food.
  • Gambling addiction is a predisposition to gambling.

This is only part of the psychological states when the human mind cannot resist its desires. Impulsive decisions are often the result of poor self-control. Distinctive features such people are hyperactive and explosive.

These are bad interlocutors: conversation with such people is difficult and often does not have a specific topic, as they tend to quickly switch between different topics. When asking a question, they do not wait for an answer and can talk for a long time, even if they are no longer listening.

Impulsivity also differs in the situations in which it occurs:

  • Motivated - in this case, it is caused by stressful situations, when even quite adequate people can show an unexpected reaction to circumstances. This has happened to everyone, and it does not cause concern.
  • Unmotivated - when strange and unusual reactions to what is happening become the norm for this person. In this case, the abnormal behavior is not episodic and recurs quite often, leading to some psychological illness.

This condition is possible in both children and adults. However, for children, psychologists do not define this as a diagnosis, since children are not always inclined to think about their decisions and take responsibility for them. But in adults, this is already a deviation from the accepted norms of behavior.

Very often, impulsive behavior can be observed in adolescents. This is understandable: various stresses at such a critical age are more often the cause of unreasonable behavior. It can also be emotional excitement or overwork.

Sometimes teenagers cause such a state artificially, the reason for this is stubbornness and a desire to show independence. Impulsive states in adults are a psychological deviation only if they appear very often and the person himself is not capable of self-control.

Advantages and disadvantages

The impulsive state of many causes a negative attitude. This is due to the fact that people equate the word "impulsiveness" with such concepts as irritability, insecurity, short temper. Of course, these properties can accompany impulsive manifestations, but this condition also has its strengths:

1. Fast decision making. Do not confuse it with determination, but this is the positive side of the impulsive state. Such individuals are prone to rapid adaptation. Usually they are indispensable in situations where circumstances change quickly and you need to make decisions, adapting to them.

2. Intuition. This state also develops intuition. Each of us would be glad to have an intuitive character or to have such a person nearby. Intuition is a very strong side of character that helps us in life.

3. Explicit emotionality. Impulsive states imply a person's openness. Such individuals do not hide their emotions. This can also be attributed to the positive features. The better you understand emotional condition person, the easier it is to develop a relationship with him. An impulsive person will never show hidden intentions.

4. Truthfulness. Perhaps this is the most important positive moment in the impulsive state. Impulsive people rarely lie. Lies are more characteristic of those who have a calm and reasonable character. With heightened emotionality, it is difficult to hide the truth. Any manifestation of deceit is highly undesirable for an impulsive person, since sooner or later emotions will take over and he will express everything.

Impulsive states have a number of advantages, as we have already understood. However, along with this, they are associated with a number of negative aspects. These can be attributed common mistakes. Taking quick fixes, a person commits rash actions, which often leads to errors.

The minus of the impulsive state is that the individual's mood often changes, and you will never understand what controls him at the moment and what to expect in the next moment. And since each individual strives for order and constancy, the emotional person is the cause of discomfort.

This is also manifested in relationships: it is difficult to experience romantic feelings with such people - either he loves and adores you, or he gets angry because of minor misunderstandings. Since it is impossible to predict the behavior of an impulsive person, it is very problematic to adapt to it.

However, being with such a person has its advantages. This is a very adventurous person, and you can be sure that you will always receive support in unexpected decisions. Also, the open emotionality of such a person can help you learn to capture many factors that affect his mood, and in the future use this for your own purposes.

At the same time, one should not unconditionally trust him: impulsive people tend to change their minds often and do not always keep promises. It is worth remembering that an impulsive individual will never play the role. If you encounter an emotionally aggressive person, then most likely this is a mentally unbalanced person.

Impulsivity cannot be good or bad. This is a state that has both positive and negative aspects. impulsive personality should use her strengths and pay a lot of attention to working on her weaknesses. Author: Lyudmila Mukhacheva

Impulsivity in psychology is considered as a predisposition to a spontaneous, lightning-fast reaction to any external or internal stimuli without taking into account possible consequences. Within the framework of this concept, they speak of impulsive behavior, when a person acts thoughtlessly, but subsequently often repents of his deed or, conversely, further aggravates the situation. This feature character can manifest itself both in childhood and in adulthood due to increased emotional excitability, overwork, emotional overstrain, as well as some diseases.

Such qualities as impulsiveness, initiative, flexibility of behavior, sociability are mainly inherent in extroverts. The concept of impulsiveness can be contrasted with reflectivity - the tendency to carefully think about the problem and weigh the decisions made.

In psychology and psychiatry, impulsivity is also interpreted as a painful form of behavior in which a person performs certain actions in obedience to irresistible urges, that is, almost unconsciously. It turns out that impulsive people have a lower level of self-control, and their actions are rather automated.

Impulsive behavior and its types

Impulsivity is manifested by difficulties in resisting certain momentary urges, which in the end almost always lead to trouble, both for the patient himself and for his immediate environment. Here are some examples of painful impulsive behavior:

  • kleptomania - a painful craving for theft;
  • gambling addiction - a pathological attraction to gambling;
  • impulsive purchases - the acquisition of unnecessary things, preoccupation with purchases;
  • pyromania - an irresistible craving for arson;
  • impulsive sexual behavior - uncontrolled, excessive sexual activity, which can manifest itself not only in sexual promiscuity, but also in voyeurism, fetishism, exhibitionism and other inclinations;
  • impulsive eating behavior - compulsive overeating, anorexia, bulimia, etc.

The above disorders are quite common among adults and adolescents, and lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life. However, increased impulsivity is quite easily eliminated with the help of competent cognitive-behavioral psychotherapeutic work.

Impulsive behavior in childhood

Impulsivity in children is also a character trait, consisting in actions on the first impulse due to the influence of any emotions or stimuli. Due to age-related underdevelopment of behavior control, this feature is often found in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. With adequate development of the child, this form of impulsivity is quite easily corrected, but it is possible that as they grow older, this feature of behavior will return again.
In adolescence, impulsivity often becomes the result of emotional excitability, overwork, stress.

Most psychologists consider the impulsive behavior of young children as a normal phenomenon, since, due to age and a number of other objective factors, it is impossible to require them to fully control their own behavior. The central nervous system is actively formed in the first few years of life, and the child begins to more or less regulate spontaneously arising impulses only by the age of eight. In fact, the lack of voluntary regulation of behavior is simply a natural age feature.


Impulsivity is diagnosed by a psychologist or psychotherapist using special questionnaires and tests. The final diagnosis is made if the patient's condition meets the following criteria:

  • impulsive behavior is constantly repeated, despite the negative consequences;
  • the patient cannot control his own behavior;
  • the patient experiences a literally irresistible desire to commit an impulsive act;
  • after performing an impulsive action, the patient feels satisfied.

Impulsivity is a condition that must be dealt with, first of all, to improve the quality of life of the patient himself. Depending on the causes that caused impulsive behavior and the personal characteristics of the patient, an individual treatment method is selected.

Fighting methods

So, the most preferred method of correction, the psychotherapist always determines strictly on an individual basis, considering many factors, including developmental features. nervous system patient. In some cases, well-chosen pharmacological therapy with the use of antidepressants and antipsychotics helps to get rid of impulsivity. Medications are prescribed in cases where impulsivity is a manifestation of any mental personality disorder.

Various psychotherapeutic methods also help to fight impulsive behavior. The most widespread is cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which is most effective when carried out in an individual mode, but attending group classes is not excluded.

impulsiveness in childhood also cannot be left to chance. And although the child's behavior will change as he grows up, the main task of adults is to develop in him the ability to correctly balance his own motives and expected results. That is, the child must understand that all his actions will entail certain consequences. At the same time, it is important to develop a system of rewards so that the child has a concept of “correct” behavior. In fact, the adult directs the child in the right direction and gradually shifts responsibility for his behavior to him. It is worth noting that the biggest mistake parents make is that they try to “train” their own child by teaching him self-control through punishment. This strategy is fundamentally wrong and can lead to the development of serious mental disorders in the child in the future.

Of great importance in the correction of impulsivity in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren are joint games that involve restraining impulses and taking into account the interests of other participants. In the future, educational activities will further contribute to the normalization of behavioral activity.

“I just have to buy it, it’s impossible to resist!” "I'm so sorry I said that..." Familiar? We hear these words every day and often say them ourselves. Can we automatically regulate or control our actions, words and deeds, i.e. To what extent are we able to contain and resist our emotions and impulses? In this article, you will learn about what impulsivity is and what are the causes and symptoms of impulsive behavior. We will also tell you how you can assess the level of impulsivity.

Impulsivity and causes of impulsive behavior

What is impulsivity? Impulsivity is a feature of behavior and perception of the surrounding world, expressed in the tendency to act and react to an event, situation, or inner experience quickly and thoughtlessly under the influence of emotions or circumstances. In this case, the main feature is error in analytical judgment, in which the consequences of one's actions are not evaluated, which often leads to the fact that in the future an impulsive person repents of his actions.

Reasons for impulsive behavior

Neuroscientists using PET ( positron emission tomography) discovered the pathway along which an impulse or thought passes in the brain, turning into a repetitive compulsion, and explained why some people it is difficult to control the momentum that comes in return for a reward or a long-term goal.

What are the causes of impulsive behavior? Impulsivity or impulsive behavior is closely related to- a substance involved in learning and reward processes.

In other words, in order to get the fastest reward, there is a certain deviation in the work of the brain nuclei responsible for analyzing and making the most appropriate situation and deliberate decisions. Scientist Joshua Buckholz of Vanderbilt University suggested in 2009 that impulsive people have a lower number of active dopamine receptors in the midbrain area associated with the ability to make logical and deliberate decisions, which can also increase the risk of depression and impulsive behavior. Those. the smaller the number of active dopamine receptors in the area of ​​the midbrain, where dopamine-synthesizing neurons are located, the more dopamine is released and the greater the degree of impulsivity.

Very often impulsive people regret their behavior. while not stopping it. Often it becomes repetitive and compulsive, as in the case of addiction to psychoactive substances, gambling, compulsive shopping, smoking, alcohol, etc.

Symptoms of Impulsivity

On the other hand, a number of researchers Michalczuk, Bowden-Jones, Verdejo García, Clark, 2011) named four main characteristics of impulsivity:

  • Inability to plan and forecast: acting under the influence of impulses, we cannot foresee the expected and logical consequences, any result is a "surprise".
  • Low control: another cigarette, a piece of cake, an inappropriate comment... "no brakes" and self-control.
  • Lack of perseverance: postponing uninteresting tasks. Only the search for bright and sharp emotions.
  • Constant search for new experiences and the need to urgently receive them, which is understood as the tendency to act under the influence of intense positive or negative emotions and states that distort the ability to make informed alternative decisions and thereby avoid the constant remorse and remorse that is very typical of impulsive people.

Impulses happen different types and have different consequences - compare: eat an extra piece of cake and steal something, break it or harm yourself or others.

Please note that the key role in this case is played by emotional condition, while the above processes that take place in the brain occurrence emotions that cloud the perception of reality, and the desire to get them at all costs becomes irresistible.

How is impulsivity diagnosed?

If you are characterized by such an emotional state and suffer from its consequences, not to mention the fact that it may be associated with other serious disorders such as ADHD or Parkinson's disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist for diagnosis, who will determine the severity and type of impulsive behavior and offer effective therapeutic measures (including psychotropic drugs), tools and special tests. In addition, you can also take CogniFit neuropsychological testing, which will be an additional help in making a diagnosis by a specialist.

Translation by Anna Inozemtseva


Celma Merola, Jaume. Bases teóricas y clinica del comportamiento impulsive. Colección digital Professionalidad. Ed. San Juan de Dios. Barcelona (2015).

Shalev, I., & Sulkowski, M.L. (2009). Relations between distinct aspects of self-regulation to symptoms of impulsivity and compulsivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 47,84-88.

Why Are You So Impulsive? Self-regulation and symptoms of impulsivity. Timothy A Pychyl Ph.D. Don't delay. Psychology Today, Posted Jun 23, 2009

Impulsivity as a personality trait is a tendency to act spontaneously, on the first impulse under the influence of external circumstances or emotions.

The reader will immediately understand the essence of impulsiveness from the behavior of N. S. Khrushchev at the exhibition of works by avant-garde artists, which he visited in 1962. Khrushchev ran around the hall three times. His movements were very abrupt. He either moved rapidly from one picture to another, then returned back, and all the people around him immediately obligingly backed away, stepping on each other's feet. From the outside, it looked like in Chaplin's comedy films. Then he froze and burst into shouts: - Listen, are you buggers or normal people!? These are pederasts in painting! Here I would like to ask whether they are married or not; and if they are married, I would like to ask if they live with their wife or not? This is a perversion, this is not normal. What are these faces? What, you can't draw? My grandson can draw even better! What it is? Are you men or damned pederasts, how can you write like that? Do you have a conscience? Does it evoke any feeling? I want to spit! How could you, such a handsome young man, write such shit? Who will fly on this roast that you want to show off? Who? Flies that rush to carrion! Here they are, you know, huge, fat. Here they are flying! You need to drop your pants. Are you a normal physical person? Are you a pederast or normal person? These are pederasts in painting. They drew all sorts of shit; donkey art.

An impulsive person does not bother thinking about what to do, does not weigh all the pros and cons, he spontaneously, immediately, on the first internal impulse, reacts to the irritant and, often, just as reactively repents of what was said or done. Impulsivity is in no way connected with decisiveness - the dignity of the human character. They are united by a quick and energetic reaction, but decisiveness involves thinking about the situation, analyzing the appropriateness of actions and making the best decision. Impulsivity has the same close relationship with self-control as the North Pole has with the South. Impulsivity is self-control with the opposite sign. It is close to thoughtless simplicity.

Often, impulsivity is confused with irascibility, since it is also prone to explosive reactions to stimuli and the algorithm of action for these qualities is the same. The difference between them is that temper is a trigger for anger, anger, irritability, in a word, it is associated purely with negative emotions. Impulsivity with pleasure is in contact with the emotions of joy and happiness. It also manifests itself in an emotionally neutral situation. For example, you need to make a decision on some production or personnel issue. Everyone but impulsive sits in a meeting and ponders what to do. And here impulsiveness offers inadequate solutions and absolutely incredible candidates for vacant positions.

Impulsivity is a greedy two-move, leaving no time between action and reaction. Impulsivity is instant karma. I didn’t steal, I took a walk, and then I went to jail. No. Stole to jail. In boxing there is such a training projectile - a pear. You hit and if you don't dodge, you will immediately get an answer. Impulsivity is realized according to the principle of this pear. She stole from herself the right to choose. At the same time, she likes to explain her actions by accidental circumstances, she loves to shift responsibility to irresistible fate and bad luck. One burglar complains: "Every time I get out of jail, no one helps me, instead some guy shows up and puts a crowbar in my hands."

Impulsivity is a bad actor, unable to keep a pause between his internal impulse and replicas. A person has a right that no one can take away from him - this is the right to choose how to respond to an irritant. The tram boor told you some nasty things, man of sense will use his right to choose, think about how to respond to this situation. Hot temper will either begin to compete with a boor, who will outshine whom, or simply get into a fight. They will write in the police report: “The arguments are over, so they fought in silence.” Impulsivity, following your emotions, will either rush to separate them, or help one of the parties.

An ordinary person examines his impression from all sides, passes it through the mind, that is, analyzes, compares, evaluates and, finally, makes a judgment about it. An impulsive person is superficial, his first guess instantly without thinking becomes a ready-made solution. A leader, a commander with such a galloping, hysterical thinking can easily destroy his subordinates. Without engaging in active analysis, an impulsive person will go, like a donkey for a carrot, there and then what captured him. The girl, as a future supermodel, is promised "mountains of gold" on the catwalk, and she does not notice inconsistencies and contradictions in the actions of her employers. She hears and sees selectively - she sees only what is important to her at the moment. Once in a Turkish brothel, she understands the dangers of impulsiveness and stupidity, but sometimes too late. Impulsivity does not have the skills of planning, it lives in the present and diminishes the importance of the future. At the same time, impulsiveness has a sharp practical mind that can successfully deal with short-term issues, it grasps the essence of the problem on the fly and can respond to it quite correctly.

Let's return to Khrushchev as a vivid example of impulsiveness. According to D.T. Shepilov, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, Khrushchev's impulsiveness found expression in hyperactivity: “He was constantly eager to go somewhere, fly, swim, orate, be at a noisy dinner, listen to honeyed toasts, tell jokes, sparkle, teach - that is, move, bubbling. Without it, he couldn't live like a vain actor without applause or a drug addict without drugs." Khrushchev's impulsiveness was also manifested in his inconstancy, which was noted in his memoirs by the former Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers V.N. Novikov: “One of the disadvantages of Khrushchev's personality is inconstancy. He could promise one thing today and do another tomorrow. A statesman has no right to do this.”

Impulsivity is a snuff box with a surprise, touch it carelessly and you will meet the devil. If monuments were cast to the qualities of character, impulsiveness would stand on uncontrollability and reflexivity. Impulsivity is advised to count ten times to ten before blurting out something or starting to act, they say that it is necessary to postpone the decision and consult with the right people or refer to the lack of information, but she rarely listens to advice.

Petr Kovalev