Orthodox holiday: Olga's Angel Day. When is Olga's name day? Saint Olga when is her day


Olga went down in history as a wise and just ruler, and the church has been honoring her as a saint for several centuries. The memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga is celebrated on July 24, this is the day of her death. She is considered the patroness of widows and newly converted Christians.

The saint is especially revered in her supposed homeland, in Pskov, where the Olginskaya embankment was laid out in memory of her, a bridge was built and two monuments were erected. There is even a portrait of the princess in the Vatican, in St. Peter's Basilica. A bay in the Sea of ​​Japan is also named after the saint.

What date is Olga's Day in 2018: Olga's story

The story of how Prince Vladimir baptized Russia is known to every schoolchild. But not everyone knows that he was not the first Russian ruler to adopt Christianity. Thirty years before the Baptism of Russia, Vladimir's grandmother, Princess Olga, the wife of that same prince who died at the hands of the Drevlyans from the famous "Tale of Igor's Campaign", converted to Orthodoxy.

The Kyiv archontissa (ruler, as the Byzantines called her) adopted Christianity in Constantinople in 955 or 957. She was baptized under the name of Helen by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus himself (or his son and co-ruler Roman) and Patriarch Theophylact. Returning to Kyiv, the princess tried to introduce the pagan Svyatoslav to the new faith, but he, fearing that the squad would ridicule him with a peaceful religion, categorically refused. Then Olga predicted that Christianity would soon come to Russia anyway, and she turned out to be right. She started small - she began to slowly build Orthodox churches in Kyiv and other cities. Finally, the new religion was destined to be fixed in the state by her grandson Vladimir.

They buried the princess who died in 969 according to the Christian rite. In the 16th century, Olga was canonized as a saint Equal to the Apostles (these are the saints who during their lifetime became famous for preaching the Christian faith and converting people to it). By the way, only six women received this honor together with Olga, one of them was Mary Magdalene.

What date is Olga's Day in 2018: Olga's Angel Day, congratulations

Name day or Angel's Day is the day of memory of the saint, whose name was given to a Christian at baptism. According to the church calendar, Olga's name day is celebrated on July 24 in honor of Olga Equal-to-the-Apostles, Grand Duchess. In addition, Olga celebrate their name day on February 10, March 6, March 14, July 17 and November 23.

Olya, Olechka and Olga.
You can go on for a long time.
I wish you an angel day
Do not lose optimism!

Let everything big happen
Everything you dream of.
And with all my heart I wish
Bloom even more!

Olga's Day ... Oh, how cool it is!
I congratulate Olya passionately.
After all, behind your back is the princess -
Princess Olga - the coast.

May the Holy One protect you
Keeps from troubles, and you, not knowing
Of what's to come
Fearlessly go to your happiness.

On this day I wish, Olya,
Bless you and kindness.
It was happiness so that
Like beautiful flowers.

Your angel protects
And leads to the right path.
Olga is bright
May you be lucky in everything!

Olenka, I congratulate
Happy holiday to you
May the Holy One keep you
Protects from day to day.

Let him lead by the hand to happiness
Let the wise whisper advice
Let it protect from mistakes
Thoughts bitter and from troubles.

Congratulations, Olga, happy birthday,
Be happy, joyful, beautiful.
Let your angel help in life
Protects you from all troubles!

May good luck accompany you
May all dreams come true.
Know that for friends and loved ones
Only you are the best in this world!

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July 24 is the day of memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga. About her and about other saints who bore this name, read the material on the website of the magazine "Thomas".

Origin of the name Olga

There are various theories about the origin of the name Olga.

According to the first version - Old Russian Olga comes from a Middle Greek name Ελγα.

According to another, "Germanic" version - from the Old Norse Nelga(from other Scandinavian heilagr - “holy”, “sacred”).

Princess Olga

Prince Igor's wife Olga was from the Pskov village of Vybuty. The chronicle says that she or her father kept a crossing there across the Velikaya River. She was still a very young girl when Rurik's son, Prince Igor of Kyiv, wooed her.

Prince Igor died at the hands of the Drevlyans (an East Slavic tribe) after repeatedly trying to collect tribute from them. Igor's son Svyatoslav was then only three years old, and the rule of the young Kiev state passed into the hands of the prince's widow, Olga. Only at the end of her life did Olga take off this heavy burden: her son Svyatoslav spent almost all his time on military campaigns, and his mother handled all internal affairs.

Olga severely punished the Drevlyans. But then came to grips with what led to the death of her husband. She established a fixed amount of tribute for all Slavic tribes, as well as for the lands of the Pskov and Novgorod regions; introduced a system of churchyards - administrative and shopping centers through which taxes were collected.

Olga was the first of the rulers of Russia to accept Christianity. In baptism, she received the name Elena. An ancient Russian chronicle legend reports that she was baptized in Constantinople (Constantinople), and the godfather was Emperor Constantine himself. This legend does not find confirmation in the Byzantine chronicles, however, they reliably testify that the Kievan princess really came to Constantinople, and, among others, she was accompanied by a priest.

Olga tried to persuade her son, Prince Svyatoslav, to Christianity, but he did not listen to her words, fearing that he would not find understanding among the squad.

M. Nesterov. Saint Olga. 1892

The monk Jacob in the 11th century essay “Memory and Praise to the Russian Prince Volodimer” preserved for us the exact date of Olga’s death: July 11, 969. According to the new style - July 24. Olga was buried according to Christian custom in the ground. Her grandson, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the baptizer of Russia, transferred her imperishable relics to the Church of the Tithes built by him in Kyiv.

M. Nesterov. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. 1927

The veneration of Grand Duchess Olga as a Christian saint began under her grandchildren - Yaropolk, and then Vladimir. Church-wide glorification took place at the Makarievsky Cathedral in 1547: Olga was canonized as a saint in the rank of Equal-to-the-Apostles.

Other famous saints named Olga:

Holy Royal Passion-Bearer Grand Duchess Olga (Romanova)

Grand Duchess Olga is the first child of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Born in 1895 in Tsarskoye Selo. After the February Revolution, she was under house arrest. On the night of July 16-17, 1918, she was shot along with the entire royal family in the basement of the Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg. Buried in Ganina Yama. In 1998, Olga's ashes were reburied in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Canonized together with her parents, sisters and brother in 1981 by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, glorified in the host of New Martyrs of Russia by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.

In the calendar of the Russian Church there are 5 more saints with the name Olga. Four of them are New Martyrs who suffered during the persecution of the Church at the beginning of the 20th century.

Interesting facts about Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga

1. Pskov is first mentioned in the chronicle in connection with the name of Olga, in the Tale of Bygone Years for 903:“In the year 6411 (903), when Igor grew up, he accompanied Oleg and listened to him, and they brought him a wife from Pskov, named Olga.”

Sergei Kirillov. Fragment of the painting "Princess Olga (Baptism). The first part of the trilogy "Holy Russia"

2. Prophetic Oleg - an associate of Rurik, Novgorod, and then the Kyiv prince. Being the guardian of Rurik's son Igor, he married Olga for him. The name Olga in Scandinavian transcription sounds like Helga and is a female version of the Scandinavian name Helg - Oleg.

Oleg nails his shield to the gates of Constantinople. Engraving by F. A. Bruni, 1839

3. Emperor Konstantin Porphyrogenitus mentions the visit of Princess Olga to Constantinople in the essay "On the Ceremonies of the Byzantine Court". However, the legend about how the emperor himself became the godfather of the Russian princess does not find confirmation anywhere, except for the Russian chronicles themselves.

Radziwill Chronicle: Olga in Constantinople in 955

4. The Trinity Cathedral of Pskov, one of the oldest in Russia, was built, according to legend, at the behest of Grand Duchess Olga. When the princess stood on the banks of the Velikaya River, she had a vision: three rays from the sky converged on the opposite bank. Olga ordered to build a cathedral there in honor of the Holy Trinity. Until our time, however, the first building of the cathedral has not survived.

5. Holgin Krest - a former graveyard on the Narva River. Princess Olga put a cross on this place in honor of her deliverance from the shipwreck on Narva. In the Middle Ages, the churchyard of Holgin Krest was the administrative center of the Narva Bay, the Gdovsky district of the Pskov Republic. In 1944, the Nikolsky Church of the churchyard was blown up by the retreating German troops. Today, on the site of its ruins, a worship cross has been erected. On July 24, on the day of St. Olga, a solemn prayer service is served here.

6. In the rank of the Equal-to-the-Apostles, in addition to Princess Olga, only 5 women were glorified: Mary Magdalene, First Martyr Thekla, Martyr Apphia, Empress Elena, and Enlightener of Georgia Nina.
Olga is one of the generic names of the ruling dynasties of Russia. Among the Romanovs, the name Olga as a generic name was introduced by Catherine II.

Self-portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna

7.Sign of St. equal to ap. book. Olga is an award of the Russian Empire for women for public and civil service. Established by Nicholas II in 1913. The only one awarded is Vera Panaeva, who lost three sons in the First World War.

8. Order of St. equal to ap. book. Olga is an award of the Russian Church. Established in 1988. They are awarded only to women - for merits in church, state and public service.

The name Olga comes from the Old Norse name Helga, which meant “saint” among the Varangians. It is also considered the female version of the name Oleg.

Church calendar of Olga's name day for 2015

This year, Olga's name day, according to the Orthodox saints of the Sretensky Monastery, will be on the following days:

  • February 10;
  • March, 6;
  • March 14th;
  • July 17th;
  • July 24;
  • November 23rd.

Name characteristic

Positive features inherent in this name:

  • responsiveness;
  • tolerance;
  • honesty;
  • prudence.

Olga is quite self-critical, she tries to constantly improve and achieve success. The most important thing in her life is her family. A woman always takes care of her, she is faithful to her husband, respects him. Olga has high moral principles, which she adamantly follows. She demands the same from her chosen one and children, whom she raises in severity, but justice. Of great importance to her is the reputation and opinion of others, so her behavior is always exemplary.

The owners of this name are very active, courageous and purposeful. Patience and independence allow them to achieve high results in all areas of life.

Negative traits inherent in this name:

  • irascibility;
  • incontinence;
  • touchiness;
  • exactingness.

The desire for ideality and correctness in everything often develops into perfectionism and is of an extreme nature. Olga does not tolerate when she is not listened to, ignored, interrupted, not appreciated. In this case, she is even capable of showing aggression. It is very difficult for Olya to admit that she is wrong, and excessive pride prevents her from making a compromise. To achieve her goal, this woman will apply her maximum strength, resourcefulness and cunning, sometimes resorting to manipulation.

Work ability and career

Olga strives to prove herself, so this is clearly reflected in her work. She always has a lot of ideas, she is hardworking and attentive. The team perceives this woman as a leader and the most knowledgeable person literally on all issues. She has no special inclinations in the professional field, as she copes with any tasks. The most suitable specialty for her.

Olga's name day fall on Olga's Angel Day, (at Christmas time) the name of the saint, which falls on the next number of Olga's birthday.

Name day is celebrated on July 24 in honor of Princess Olga of Russia, the first Russian ruler who converted to Christianity, and was a harbinger of the Baptism of Russia.

Meaning and origin :

Olga according to some versions, it has a Scandinavian origin from the word Helga, which means holy. The feminine form of the male name Oleg.

Serious, touchy, thoughtful person. Vulnerable, but mostly depending on the sign of the zodiac - Olga gives the impression of something good, sweet, rather simple, majestic person.

The most significant day for Olga is July 24, then the day of the guardian angel is celebrated. On this day, in the old days, people used to guess by thunder - from the dull sound of the elements they expected a quiet rain, and from a booming one - a long downpour.

Feature :
Activity, sociability, discretion
: Green, blue
: Lapis lazuli, sapphire, jade

Zodiac sign: The name OLGA is suitable and.

Olga's name day calendar for 2012:

sacrament of baptism Saint Olga, committed by Patriarch Theophylact of Constantinople, and the emperor himself became the successor. The name of the Russian princess was named in honor of the holy Empress Helena, who received the Cross of the Lord. Since then, she has received the status of saint olga.
July 24 name day in honor of Princess Olga of Russia.

All numbers of Olya's name day in the year:

  • February 10 is the name day of the New Martyr Olga Evdokimova.
  • March 6 is the date when the name day of Olga Kosheleva, the new martyr, is celebrated.
  • On March 14, it is customary to celebrate the name day of the New Martyr Olga Zhiltsova.
  • July 17 is the name day of the Passion-bearer and Grand Duchess Olga Romanova.
  • July 24 is the name day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia.
  • November 23 is the name day of the New Martyr Olga Maslennikova.

A short prayer to St. Olga for every day

"Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Olga,
as if I diligently resort to you,
ambulance and prayer book for my soul"

Name day calendar by month:

July 24 - Day of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. Being the wife of Grand Duke Igor, after his assassination, she directed all her forces to govern the state and serve him. In 954, Olga made a religious pilgrimage to Constantinople, associated with an important state mission. In the city of Constantinople, she was baptized, her name was named Elena, and Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus became the godfather. Returning, she began to build the first temples and preach the Christian doctrine. And although it was given with difficulty, she converted many people to the faith. Even her grandson, Prince Vladimir, who later baptized Russia, was baptized exactly according to her example.

Princess Olga became the first of the Russian rulers to become a Christian, having done this even before the Baptism of Russia. The Orthodox honor the memory of this wise ruler and creator of the culture of Kievan Rus. Olga was canonized as a saint in 1547.

Happy Olga's Day - the beautiful princess!
Be wise, beautiful and powerful.
Let your decisions in life
All will be true, no doubt.

Let the men look with delight
As if you yourself are a princess.
And may your main wealth
There will be female happiness.

Olya, Olya, less sadness,
Today is your angel's day.
You were called by this name as a child,
This choice determined your character.

Olga is usually very stubborn,
But they achieve everything in life.
Not dependent on anyone, directly
They go to their goal, to spite the obstacles.

Above all, always be happy.
We appreciate you, you are our star!
May the angel keep you from adversity
Let happiness follow you on your heels.

Olenka, let your life always be light and airy, like balloons, just as bright and colorful, full of joy and positive. Let the sun always shine above your head, embracing you with its rays, playing in your hair, emphasizing your beauty. Be always the same kind and gentle, please this world with your beautiful charm and always be happy.

Congratulations today, Olya,
On the day of beautiful name days.
You bear the name of a glorious lady,
The best of the princesses.

May always Saint Olga
It will be right behind you.
In happiness, a moment and an hour of sadness
Let her be with you.

Be successful and healthy
Believe, hope and love.
May wishes come true
And all your thoughts.

Olya, I wish you to be the happiest,
May Saint Olga protect you!
Love and, of course, always be loved,
Let your beauty bloom forever!

Let your angel's day give you good luck
A lot of smiles, kindness, positive,
A sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth and money in addition,
To make everything in life beautiful!

Beautiful name Olga
You proudly carry through life.
And like a worthy princess,
And you behave modestly.

I wish you this holiday
Always stay like this
And no matter how fate breaks,
Let kindness reign in the soul.

Deer, beauty,
Happy holiday to you!
Let everything always go well
And without haste
Happy life flows
Full of wonders!
You live beautiful
Right now and here.
Let love entangle
The heart is only warm
And good will envelop
Your beautiful home!

On this day I wish, Olya,
Bless you and kindness.
It was happiness so that
Like beautiful flowers.

Your angel protects
And leads to the right path.
Olga is bright
May you be lucky in everything!

I wish the angel kept from adversity.
And in life luck was given easily.
And every day would be lit up with happiness.
Trouble and worries are far away.

You are not without reason, apparently, they called you Olya.
You are very stubborn, but that's why you are strong.
On Olga's Day, I wish to get away from sadness.
And drink your joy to the very bottom!

I want to wish Olga on the day
Blossom, love, create, dream,
To be all kinder, wiser and more beautiful,
And give everyone your smile!

Let the angel protect from the clouds
And every day let the sun shine
From heaven gives you a bright light,
Warm and save you from troubles!

Let's honor the memory of Olga - the Grand Duchess.
She is not forgotten, she has not become faceless.
For the fact that she created culture
Yes, temples, in order to save faith, erected,
Russia canonized Olga among the saints.
And we wish you in our prayers
Always praise the benefactor,
Remember her and honor her.
Beautiful and pure faith to you for centuries,
Various miracles - in reality and in dreams.
We have a protector in heaven.