Gravity falls games online. Gravity Falls games Gravity Falls games for two

In the genre of fantastic comedy, mysticism and adventure, the cartoon series "Gravity Falls" was shot at the Disney studio. Such a fascinating story just begged to be turned into a Gravity Falls game, and it happened. New amusements, like hot buns, are snapped up by players in order to quickly go in search of secrets and treasures, towards secrets and dangers.

The story began when the twins Dipper and Mabel arrived in the town of Gravity Falls, which is located in Oregon. They decided to spend this summer vacation with Grandpa Stan, who owns the "Mystery Shack" - this sonorous name belongs to the tourist center.
The first days seemed boring to the guys, but when Dipper found a mysterious diary of an unknown author in the forest, but with the number "3", they understood that something mystical, incomprehensible and mysterious was happening in the city. Who would resist not to unravel the tangle of riddles? Only not young pathfinders who are interested in everything.
The diary tells about all the strange things that happen in the city. The heroes are fond of studying the pages of the manuscript and want to find an extraordinary author, and this entails danger, and soon Dipper and Mabel realize that seemingly calm Gravity Falls is inhabited by fantastic creatures and full of dark corners.

A little about the heroes of the main and secondary

  • Dipper, like his sister, is 12 years old. He loves to read and dream, has a good imagination and takes care of his sister.
  • Mabel by nature bears little resemblance to her brother. If he seems too serious, then she is an optimistic and cheerful girl with a lively, inquisitive mind.
  • Stanley Pines is the great-uncle of Dipper and Mabel (they call him Uncle), who owns a tourist attraction business and a souvenir shop called the Mystery Shack. He has a secret of his own - under a store in the basement, he is working on a strange machine design that will later be discovered.
  • Wendy Corduroy is 15 years old. She is the daughter of a woodcutter, works at Stan's store, and is very fond of Dipper.
  • Candy and Grenda are Mabel's girlfriends.
  • Jesus (or Zus) Ramirez - also works in the store, bringing breakdowns into working condition.
  • Robbie Vee is a young man in love with Wendy.
  • Mac Gackett is an old man who lives in the Gravity Falls junkyard.
  • Gideon Gleeful is a 10-year-old boy, but already a sworn enemy of the family. He dreams of getting the "Mystery Shack" and possesses another diary by an unknown author, which is dated "2".
  • Waddles is Mabel's funny pig that she won in a fair competition.

Time to go on the most interesting trip

Now that you are familiar with the characters and backstory, you can begin to explore the back streets of the cute town along with its inhabitants. While playing Gravity Falls Adventure, you and the twins will go through all the stages marked on the map, find yourself in an enchanted forest full of unexpected obstacles. You will have to manage Mabel and Dipper at the same time. Where a flat road lies in front of one hero, another faces an abyss or sharp thorns. It is necessary to jump over obstacles, collect the halves of the stars and go through the spatial portal to a new location.
More than once you will have to go into an inhospitable forest in search of missing things or to fly, picking up speed. The "Shack of Miracles" is also full of surprises, and once in the attic, you have to go through an exciting quest of the Gravity Falls game for free. You will also enjoy solving puzzles and helping to heal Mabel's wounds, looking for letters, playing mini golf, racing, having fun with Waddles, and the girls will not miss Gravity Falls dress up games.

Gravity Falls is a dangerous and unexplored world inhabited by otherworldly creatures and mystical phenomena. If you like to tickle your nerves by meeting with ghosts, saber-toothed monsters or reanimated zombies, then this category will quickly appeal to you and take its rightful place in the collection of your favorite online games.

The main characters of the game are restless teenage twins Dipper and Mabel. They are always ready to take part in mysterious investigations, fortunately, the town of Gravity Falls almost entirely consists of anomalous zones. Adventures for every taste await you: intricate quests, exciting races, merciless fights and ingenious puzzles. Playing Gravity Falls, you will fully hone skills such as: accuracy, accuracy, quick reaction and instant decision making.

Gravity Falls mini-games will appeal to gamers of all ages, from the youngest to the teenage. Toddlers will be happy to assemble colorful puzzles and look for familiar letters, while older children will enthusiastically fly in the night sky, race along steep dunes and engage in an unequal battle with monsters from the magical forest.

Two creative kids climbed into the attic to play golf. Invite a friend to your team, distribute heroes and arrange a fun battle. Brother and sister Dipper and Mabel love intricate adventures. The game "Gravity Falls for two" will make you move your brains. Try to hit the ball so hard that it hits the hole clearly - no closer, no farther.

Completion of a difficult task will be accompanied by music from the animated series. If you watched the tape, fighting is twice as interesting, the guys will set the atmosphere, like in a movie. You can play with the characters alone, but then you have to choose one of the students, but they are more fun in a pair.

The game "Gravity Falls for two" is suitable for users of any age. It is extremely easy to use - after all, to advance, it is enough to use only the mouse button and practice. The up and down arrows let you rotate the kids so they can point the ball accurately.