What can not be done on the moon without a course. What can not be done on the moon without a course Idle moon October

What is the moon without a course

There are periods of time when a person fails in the implementation of even well-thought-out and well-organized plans. Contracts concluded during such periods are not fulfilled; enterprises soon cease their activities, the marriage is short-lived, and the trip does not bring the expected results.

In astrology, this time is known as the periods of the Moon without a course.

Moon without a course, Idle Moon, idling of the Moon, Moon in free care - all these terms mean that the Moon is in a state where it does not form a single major aspect to the planets until it leaves the sign of the Zodiac and passes into next. This is a short period when the Moon, for some time, ceases to interact with other planets, being, as it were, in a void, by itself, out of contact with the outside world. This happens about every 2.5 days.

The moon without a course is a very important factor that greatly affects all daily life situations. These are such periods of time when life around stops, nature freezes in half-asleep, preparing for a new breakthrough. And any efforts and actions, no matter how well they are planned, do not bring results.

Starting something important for us, we are usually well prepared and insured against surprises. But each of us has situations when the outcome of a case is decided by trifles, accidents, when the scales can easily be tilted in one direction or another. It is for such situations that we absolutely need information about the Moon without a course for 2020.

Moon without a course - caution does not hurt

It is rare when a single astrological factor has such a large-scale and comprehensive influence. As a rule, astrological influences are very individual, but the effect of a single moon is felt by everyone. Even the simplest everyday issues cannot be solved immediately. For example, a purchased item turns out to be useless or a marriage is found in it. Each of us at least once in our lives found ourselves in a similar situation. Why is this happening?

Our consciousness is so arranged that it cannot continuously closely monitor the surrounding reality, sometimes it turns off "to rest" from several seconds to several minutes, and at this time we, deep in ourselves, occupied with extraneous thoughts, are completely defenseless against external danger.
It is noticed that such blackouts most often occur during periods of the Moon without a course. Well, if at this time you are sitting at the TV, reading a book or sleeping, the Moon without a course will pass over you without any trace. But God forbid, at this moment you cross a busy intersection or be driving in a complex traffic flow ... The period of the Moon without a course lasts from several minutes to a whole day. If you are aware of it in advance, you either consciously avoid dangerous situations at this time, or by an effort of will you concentrate on what is happening around you - and then everything is in order.

The time of the Moon without a course is unfavorable for those cases that are aimed at specific results. This list is quite varied: sending important messages, applying for a competition, performing surgeries, getting a new job, registering a business and starting a business, buying a car or other property, declaring love, getting married, and many, many others. Usually, everything that begins under the Moon without a course does not subsequently become a reality - promises are not kept, feelings are not reciprocated, letters are lost, contracts are terminated, applications are not accepted, the purchase turns out to be useless or defective.

Under the Moon without a course, a person is, as it were, under the emotional influence of the last lunar aspect and often breaks away from reality. This is a time of uncertainty in the development of the current situation, when a person is weakly connected with it and has not developed a specific direction for his actions.

Positive sides of the Moon without a course

The periods of the idle moon also have positive aspects. The best occupation during these hours is subjective, spiritual, self-improving, but not material. This is the time to take a break from business, relax, concentrate on your spiritual growth. The moon without a course gives us the opportunity to look around and then breathe new life into everyday affairs. Since in the modern pace of life it is impossible to completely avoid making decisions during the period of the moon without a course, one should adhere to the least important trends of the day or try to make a decision at least an hour beforeThe moon will enter a strip without a course.

If you can’t devote this time to rest, then it’s better to do ordinary everyday activities that do not require special attention, which can be performed “on autopilot”.

If you purposefully wish that something did not happen, it is also worth taking advantage of the idle moon period. For example, to avoid scrutiny of documents or a report, submit them for review under the Moon without a course (however, you should not write reports during an idle Moon!). During the same periods, you can put forward ideas or proposals that you would not like to implement.

Suppose you want to avoid conflict with some person, visit him during this period and be calm - there will be no quarrel. You can invite an unloved relative to visit who has long wanted to visit you - most likely, she will never come. You can tell your loved one everything that has boiled up for the present day and "part with him forever" - take a chance, because anyway you will soon make peace.

Moon phenomena without a course

Another headline: "50-year-old jealous strangled her husband and rival" ("Moskovsky Komsomolets" 09/26/1996). In Moscow, a catering worker came home on the evening of February 16 with a friend. They were met by their husband. Sat down to dinner. At this time, after the conjunction with Neptune, the Moon went off course. As the wife later explained in court, it seemed to her (Neptune!) That her husband paid too much attention to his girlfriend's knee. “Not remembering herself” (the expression of the defendant), the wife grabbed a knife and stabbed her rival in the chest, then stabbed her husband several times in the neck and, finally, strangled both of them with her hands. Period Moons without a course ended, the wife came to her senses and called the police herself. Tracking Moons without a course according to newspaper reports, showed that during such periods the most incredible and wild events are possible, the initiators of which subsequently cannot clearly explain why they acted in this way.
The Third World War could have started on May 7-9, 1954. Then, under the Moon without a course after square with Neptune, Curtis Le May, Commander-in-Chief of US Strategic Aviation, “splashed”, who ordered three reconnaissance aircraft of the RB-47 type to fly over nuclear strategic bases on the Kola Peninsula in order to provoke the Russians into retaliatory actions - an occasion for a lightning strike with all the power of the nuclear weapons of the military-strategic aviation at the disposal of Le May. Our MIG-17s dispersed these planes, damaging only one, which hobbled with difficulty through Norway and Sweden to its air base in Great Britain. Now one can only guess what stopped the nuclear catastrophe. Le May was quietly taken down, and the whole episode was carefully classified and came to light much later, when Finnish and British TV journalists tracked down the pilot of one of those RB-47s, Hal Austin, and interviewed him.
Household oddities under the moon without a course
occur all the timesh and nearby. Here are some of the posts. "The madman broke through the CIA" ("Komsomolskaya Pravda" 01/24/1997). On the evening of 12/23/1996 (GMT on the morning of the 24th), when the Moon began its courseless path after square with Mars, solo driver David Crump broke through all the barriers in front of the main building of the CIA headquarters in the suburbs of Washington, with his truck at great speed, in front of the taken aback guard, he flew up the stairs to the main entrance and crashed into the railing. Extracted from the wreckage, alive and unharmed, Crump was neither a bandit, nor a spy, nor simply drunk - he was an unarmed man "with greetings" extremely angry at Clinton. He scolded the president in every possible way, and as it is written in the police report, "promised to have sexual relations with him." In Langley, where the CIA is based, heads naturally rolled after that.

"The pensioner was strangled for the sake of the forest landscape" ("Moskovsky Komsomolets" 11/17/1996). Under the Moon without a course on November 15 (after connecting with Neptune), the robbers decided to profit, apparently, they confused the apartments (Neptune), broke into a poor 64-year-old pensioner, strangled him with an electric cord, and since there was nothing to take, they took away a cheap mass reproduction of the painting Shishkin "Forest landscape".

Under the Moon without a course, it is dangerous to take off and land aircraft. During the renovation of the Kazansky railway station in Moscow on November 13, 1996, collapsed scaffolding crushed one worker to death and maimed three more. On this day, after the sextile with Venus, a long, almost 24-hour period of the Moon without a course was realized. Many catastrophes occurred immediately or a few hours after the end of the period of the Moon without a course. This applies to rocket launches, explosions in explosive industries, fires, collapses in mines. Obviously, in the course of the work of the previous shift or pre-launch preparation during the period of the Moon without a course, mistakes were made, omissions were not revealed, and negligence was shown. Even a car accident can happen because the brakes, wheel fasteners or the condition of the tires were not checked the day before under the Moon without a course.
The accident at the Novokuznetsk mine on December 2, 1997 occurred a few hours after the Moon, which made a sextile with Jupiter, left the "out of course" state. Obviously, the previous shift did not pay attention to some formidable signs or did something wrong when driving the drift - according to the Jovian principle "maybe everything will work out."

The largest fire in Moscow over the past two years broke out on February 11 this year in the building of the Federal Service of the Russian Navy immediately after the end of the moon period without a course, which began after the opposition of the Moon with the Sun (the full moon is a dangerous complacency). More likely,this fire was caused by the fire-fighting negligence of one of the employees during the period of the moon without a course.
There is an objective way to identify "falling out of reality" states. When a person withdraws into himself and his reactions are inhibited and he either experiences without doing anything, or acts unconsciously, the electrical resistance of his skin changes chaotically (the so-called "multiple responses"). It first falls, then after 5-10 seconds it rises, falls again and so on 5-6 times, until the person turns back on to the surrounding reality. In everyday life, this factor cannot be used until an appropriate device in the form of a clip on the ear is developed (and this, perhaps, is not so difficult), which would signal with a squeak about the beginning of throwing electrical resistance of some active point on the skin.

In the meantime, one has to be content with calculations and hope that a person will remember the periods of the Moon without a course and their treacherously dangerous properties.

Moon without course for 2020



02.01.2020 05:14 - 02.01.2020 07:00

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02.07.2020 04:20 - 02.07.2020 04:21

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29.07.2020 07:01 - 29.07.2020 10:25

31.07.2020 03:08 - 31.07.2020 14:58



01.02.2020 03:28

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29.08.2020 22:31 - 30.08.2020 03:37



01.03.2020 18:52 - 01.03.2020 22:21

04.03.2020 05:20 - 04.03.2020 07:25

06.03.2020 10:11 - 06.03.2020 12:28

08.03.2020 11:12 - 08.03.2020 13:47

10.03.2020 11:32 - 10.03.2020 13:03

12.03.2020 11:12 - 12.03.2020 12:28

14.03.2020 13:06 - 14.03.2020 14:09

16.03.2020 12:34 - 16.03.2020 19:25

19.03.2020 03:48 - 19.03.2020 04:16

20.03.2020 12:00 - 21.03.2020 15:33

23.03.2020 17:51 - 24.03.2020 03:58

26.03.2020 10:16 - 26.03.2020 16:37

29.03.2020 02:05 - 29.03.2020 04:38

30.03.2020 18:10 - 31.03.2020 14:43

01.09.2020 07:56 - 01.09.2020 12:34

03.09.2020 17:34 - 03.09.2020 23:22

06.09.2020 07:45 - 06.09.2020 11:43

08.09.2020 15:46 - 09.09.2020 00:28

11.09.2020 07:48 - 11.09.2020 11:23

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15.09.2020 18:10 - 15.09.2020 21:37

17.09.2020 14:42 - 17.09.2020 21:56

19.09.2020 17:29 - 19.09.2020 21:33

21.09.2020 21:13 - 21.09.2020 22:32

23.09.2020 20:31 - 24.09.2020 02:16

26.09.2020 06:36 - 26.09.2020 09:08

28.09.2020 10:18 - 28.09.2020 18:34

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02.04.2020 19:49 - 02.04.2020 21:26

03.04.2020 22:29 - 05.04.2020 00:18

06.04.2020 16:29 - 07.04.2020 00:16

08.04.2020 15:50 - 08.04.2020 23:17

10.04.2020 22:35 - 10.04.2020 23:35

12.04.2020 14:46 - 13.04.2020 03:05

15.04.2020 02:47 - 15.04.2020 10:37

17.04.2020 17:34 - 17.04.2020 21:29

20.04.2020 02:31 - 20.04.2020 10:00

22.04.2020 15:32 - 22.04.2020 22:36

25.04.2020 03:43 - 25.04.2020 10:20

27.04.2020 20:00 - 27.04.2020 20:28

29.04.2020 22:29 - 30.04.2020 04:06

01.10.2020 05:47

03.10.2020 08:47 - 03.10.2020 18:12

05.10.2020 21:41 - 06.10.2020 07:03

08.10.2020 04:57 - 08.10.2020 18:45

10.10.2020 19:04 - 11.10.2020 03:24

12.10.2020 17:29 - 13.10.2020 07:56

15.10.2020 01:47 - 15.10.2020 08:54

17.10.2020 01:11 - 17.10.2020 08:05

19.10.2020 00:43 - 19.10.2020 07:43

21.10.2020 06:38 - 21.10.2020 09:44

23.10.2020 07:35 - 23.10.2020 15:17

25.10.2020 00:54 - 26.10.2020 00:18

28.10.2020 03:46 - 28.10.2020 11:45

30.10.2020 19:12 - 31.10.2020 00:19



01.05.2020 19:04 - 02.05.2020 08:35

04.05.2020 05:25 - 04.05.2020 10:09

06.05.2020 05:31 - 06.05.2020 10:05

08.05.2020 05:39 - 08.05.2020 10:15

10.05.2020 09:11 - 10.05.2020 12:39

12.05.2020 13:30 - 12.05.2020 18:39

14.05.2020 17:03 - 15.05.2020 04:24

17.05.2020 10:59 - 17.05.2020 16:36

19.05.2020 23:33 - 20.05.2020 05:10

22.05.2020 11:01 - 22.05.2020 16:36

24.05.2020 14:09 - 25.05.2020 02:09

27.05.2020 04:06 - 27.05.2020 09:33

28.05.2020 16:30 - 29.05.2020 14:40

31.05.2020 12:17 - 31.05.2020 17:38

02.11.2020 05:29 - 02.11.2020 13:00

04.11.2020 16:49 - 05.11.2020 00:45

07.11.2020 04:27 - 07.11.2020 10:18

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11.11.2020 13:59 - 11.11.2020 19:09

13.11.2020 14:32 - 13.11.2020 19:19

15.11.2020 14:13 - 15.11.2020 18:47

17.11.2020 10:54 - 17.11.2020 19:35

19.11.2020 19:30 - 19.11.2020 23:25

21.11.2020 03:49 - 22.11.2020 07:06

24.11.2020 13:44 - 24.11.2020 18:05

27.11.2020 02:46 - 27.11.2020 06:43

29.11.2020 15:48 - 29.11.2020 19:16



02.06.2020 13:40 - 02.06.2020 19:06

04.06.2020 14:36 - 04.06.2020 20:17

06.06.2020 07:10 - 06.06.2020 22:44

08.06.2020 21:05 - 09.06.2020 03:54

10.06.2020 17:35 - 11.06.2020 12:31

13.06.2020 15:45 - 14.06.2020 00:03

16.06.2020 03:49 - 16.06.2020 12:35

18.06.2020 15:02 - 19.06.2020 00:00

21.06.2020 00:48 - 21.06.2020 09:02

23.06.2020 10:20 - 23.06.2020 15:33

A moon without a course, a single moon or a moon in free care is a concept of practical astrology. The fastest celestial body in the earth's sky, the Moon sometimes finds itself in such sections of its own orbit, which, although they pass inside certain zodiac houses, do not touch any of the planets of the solar system. The state of the "empty" Moon sometimes lasts for several hours, and sometimes for a whole day, bringing confusion into the fate of people and entire states.

The fact is that the Moon without a course preserves and carries with it the situation associated with the already past aspect, it does not correspond to the current situation. After all, one favorable moment has already passed, and the other has not yet arrived. Under the influence of the "empty" Moon, a person is forced to commit actions that are untimely, more suitable for the past time.

Working with information, you can notice that during this period we often receive false messages. Or this information will not be useful to us in the future. Offers that seem so tempting turn out to be unnecessary over time, or contain deception. A “beautiful” idea is actually banal or meaningless. During the period of the idle moon, lateness to meetings, trains and planes becomes more frequent, confusion and confusion arises with documents and tickets. It is not worth starting important business at this time, getting married, buying houses and apartments, submitting documents somewhere (unless you need them to be lost or consideration slowed down). Be careful with any calculations. The calendar was compiled for the city of Moscow.

Moon without a course for May 2018 for Moscow
the datestart / endmoon signlast aspect
1 watt01-05-2018 05:56:04
01-05-2018 18:19:28
♏ Scorpio 23°29"
♐ Sagittarius 00°00"
☽ Moon sextile ⚹ ♂ Mars (in the sign of ♑ Capricorn 23°29"44")
4 pt04-05-2018 03:49:49
04-05-2018 05:06:03
♐ Sagittarius 29°21"
♑ Capricorn 00°00"
☽ Moon trine ∆ ♅ Uranus (in the sign of ♈ Aries 29°21"51")
6 sun06-05-2018 16:48:07
06-05-2018 17:48:22
♑ Capricorn 29°30"
♒ Aquarius 00°00"
☽ Moon quadrature ☐ ♅ Uranus (in the sign of ♈ Aries 29°30"22")
9 wed09-05-2018 05:28:40
09-05-2018 06:10:39
♒ Aquarius 29°38"
♓ Pisces 00°00"
☽ Moon sextile ⚹ ♅ Uranus (in the sign of ♈ Aries 29°38"45")
11 pt11-05-2018 12:02:13
11-05-2018 15:40:14
♓ Pisces 28°02"
♈ Aries 00°00"
☽ Moon sextile ⚹ ♂ Mars (in the sign of ♑ Capricorn 28°02"30")
13 Sun13-05-2018 21:04:45
13-05-2018 21:15:12
♈ Aries 29°53"
♉ Taurus 00°00"
☽ Moon conjunction ☌ ♅ Uranus (in the sign ♈ Aries 29°53"56")
15 tues15-05-2018 23:29:34
15-05-2018 23:43:11
♉ Taurus 29°51"
♊ Gemini 00°00"
☽ Moon trine ∆ ♂ Mars (in the sign ♑ Capricorn 29°51"44")
17 th17-05-2018 21:17:45
18-05-2018 00:47:16
♊ Gemini 27°51"
♋ Cancer 00°00"
☽ Moon conjunction ☌ ♀ Venus (in the sign ♊ Gemini 27°51"37")
20 sun20-05-2018 00:14:17
20-05-2018 02:10:32
♋ Cancer 28°50"
♌ Leo 00°00"
☽ Moon sextile ⚹ ☉ Sun (in the sign ♉ Taurus 28°50"12")
Mon 2121-05-2018 06:29:47
22-05-2018 05:02:50
♌ Lion 16°50"
♍ Virgo 00°00"
☽ Moon square ☐ ♃ Jupiter (in the sign of ♏ Scorpio 16°50"07", retrograde )
23 Wed23-05-2018 17:55:03
24-05-2018 09:51:44
♍ Virgo 21°03"
♎ Libra 00°00"
☽ Moon trine ∆ ♇ Pluto (in the sign of ♑ Capricorn 21°03"41", retrograde)
26 Sat26-05-2018 00:03:51
26-05-2018 16:39:26
♎ Libra 21°01"
♏ Scorpio 00°00"
☽ Moon square ☐ ♇ Pluto (in the sign of ♑ Capricorn 21°01"44", retrograde )
Mon 2828-05-2018 20:25:18
29-05-2018 01:29:01
♏ Scorpio 27°22"
♐ Sagittarius 00°00"
☽ Moon opposition ☍ ☿ Mercury (in the sign ♉ Taurus 27°22"21")
30 wed30-05-2018 09:25:41
31-05-2018 12:26:27
♐ Sagittarius 16°23"
♑ Capricorn 00°00"
☽ Moon square ☐ ♆ Neptune (in the sign ♓ Pisces 16°23"10")
Moon without a course by months for 2018 January February March April May June July August September October November December Moon without course by months for the current 2020 January February March April May June July August September October November December

General forecast

Periods of an ineffective Moon (or a Moon without a course) are unfavorable for any undertakings, and they should be avoided if possible. A business begun in the period of the Moon without a course is rarely carried out as it was intended, if at all, brought to an end. And any undertakings, most likely, will lead to nothing.

Remember: goods purchased during the period of the Moon without a course turn out to be defective, defective or do not work, and the clothes do not fit properly. The started course of treatment will be complicated and long. The ideas that arose at this time turn out to be unpromising. During an ineffective moon, it is useless to look for a job or pass an interview, as you will not get a job anyway. A business trip that you go on during an inefficient moon will be useless. The business opened at this time, after a long and costly effort, will end in failure.

The time of the "Moon without a course" is unfavorable for those cases that are aimed at specific results. The list is quite wide and varied: sending important e-mails, applying for a contest, having surgery, getting a new job, starting a business and opening a business, buying a car or other property, as well as declaring love and getting married. Usually, everything that happens with the "Moon off course" is not implemented at all or is not carried out in the expected direction. Promises are not fulfilled, feelings are not reciprocated, letters do not reach the addressee, contracts are terminated, applications are not accepted, the purchase is useless or defective. Remember the rule: if you want something to happen and happen safely, do not start an important business during the "Moon without course".

Moon without a course, idle Moon, Moon in free motion, ineffective Moon - this is the name in astrology for the period of time when the Moon, having made the last exact major aspect before leaving the sign in which it is located, follows to the end of this sign without forming another exact major aspect before the transition of the moon into the next sign of the zodiac.

Our consciousness is so arranged that it cannot continuously closely monitor the surrounding reality, sometimes it turns off “to rest” from several seconds to several minutes, and at this time we, deep in ourselves, occupied with extraneous thoughts, are completely defenseless against external danger.

It has been observed that such blackouts most often occur during periods Moons without a course. Well, if at this time you are sitting at the TV, reading a book or sleeping, the Moon without a course will pass over you without any trace. But God forbid you at this moment to cross a busy intersection or be driving in a difficult traffic flow ...

The period of the Moon without a course lasts from several minutes to a whole day. If you are aware of it in advance, you either consciously avoid dangerous situations at this time, or by an effort of will you concentrate on what is happening around you - and then everything will be in order.

Under the Moon without a course, a person, as it were, is under the emotional influence of the last lunar aspect and often breaks away from reality. This is a time of uncertainty in the development of the current situation, when a person is weakly connected with it and has not decided on the direction of his actions.

During the period of the Moon without a course, it is advisable

  • refrain from making serious decisions. These decisions are either not implemented at all, or will lead to a completely unexpected result. Judgments at this time are likely to be erroneous, and decisions based on delusion or based on unrealistic assumptions, because some of the important facts relevant to the case escape our attention. It is curious that impractical people most often choose the period of the Moon without a course for their decisions.
  • do not start new cases (for example, registering a business or starting a business) and cases that are aimed at specific results. New beginnings under the Moon without a course can become false starts, can take the wrong direction, lead to a dead end or cause unforeseen consequences. Actions taken during the period of the Moon without a course give an unexpected result, their effectiveness is unpredictable. Creative impulses develop in an unexpected direction. Contracts, promises, laws adopted at this time face difficulties in implementation or lead to complications.
  • refrain from shopping. The purchases made turn into a waste of money: the thing either does not fit or is unnecessary. Often, in a unit purchased under the Moon without a course, hidden defects are subsequently discovered. Expenses and investments made during this time are not effective, or the money remains unused.
  • do not appoint at the time of the moon without a course of important meetings, surgeries, dates and marriages. Delays, delays and complications are common, and problems arise out of nowhere. During the Moon without a course, many people feel scattered, insecure, lost the thread of thought.

What to do with the moon without a course

At this time, you should adhere to the routine activities planned earlier. They go well, but often require subsequent correction.

The best occupation during these hours is subjective, spiritual, self-improving, but not material. This is the time to take a break from business, relax, concentrate on your spiritual growth. The moon without a course gives us the opportunity to look around and then breathe new life into everyday affairs.

Since it is impossible to completely avoid making decisions during the off-course period at the modern pace of life, one should stick to the least important trends of the day or try to make a decision at least an hour before the moon enters the off-course band. (Based on materials

During its movement through the signs of the Zodiac, the Moon enters into interactions (aspects) with other planets. These aspects are positive (for example, a favorable aspect with Venus) and tense (for example, an unfavorable aspect with Mars). During periods when the Moon has already made its last exact aspect, but has not yet moved into the next sign of the Zodiac, it has a negative impact on many life situations. This is the so-called Moon without a course or a single Moon. A period of the Moon without a course usually occurs every two and a half days and can last from a few seconds to two days.

The moon without a course is an important factor that strongly influences our endeavors. The idle moon time is considered unfavorable for starting any activity and making responsible decisions. During these periods, it is necessary to avoid launching new projects and any other cases that are designed for the future and development, and which are aimed at concrete results.

The list of such cases is quite diverse - this is sending important letters, filing applications, signing contracts, finding a new job, buying a car or apartment, surgery, and getting married. The idle moon periods are especially important for business. With the Moon without a course, it is not recommended to register an enterprise, invest money, conclude new contracts, lend. As a rule, things that start with the Moon without a course are not put into practice or are not carried out in the right direction.

The Moon Out of Course calendar can help you avoid setbacks if you are planning an important business.




…………………... - 01.01.2018 11:10

03.01.2018 01:46 - 03.01.2018 10:22

05.01.2018 02:10 - 05.01.2018 11:12

07.01.2018 05:51 - 07.01.2018 15:14

09.01.2018 19:13 - 09.01.2018 23:05

11.01.2018 17:53 - 12.01.2018 10:04

14.01.2018 11:48 - 14.01.2018 22:42

17.01.2018 09:30 - 17.01.2018 11:32

19.01.2018 14:52 - 19.01.2018 23:26

22.01.2018 04:13 - 22.01.2018 09:27

24.01.2018 07:16 - 24.01.2018 16:39

26.01.2018 06:17 - 26.01.2018 20:40

28.01.2018 13:39 - 28.01.2018 21:57

30.01.2018 19:40 - 30.01.2018 21:53

02.07.2018 01:56 — 02.07.2018 20:31

04.07.2018 12:47 — 05.07.2018 07:50

07.07.2018 10:09 — 07.07.2018 15:51

09.07.2018 19:10 — 09.07.2018 19:58

10.07.2018 23:00 — 11.07.2018 20:59

13.07.2018 05:48 — 13.07.2018 20:31

15.07.2018 02:12 — 15.07.2018 20:31

17.07.2018 13:49 — 17.07.2018 22:42

19.07.2018 22:52 — 20.07.2018 04:13

22.07.2018 12:18 — 22.07.2018 13:12

24.07.2018 11:22 — 25.07.2018 00:49

26.07.2018 16:41 — 27.07.2018 13:41

29.07.2018 12:25 — 30.07.2018 02:28



01.02.2018 13:58 — 01.02.2018 22:13

03.02.2018 10:07 — 04.02.2018 00:47

05.02.2018 21:46 — 06.02.2018 06:56

08.02.2018 10:16 — 08.02.2018 16:53

10.02.2018 19:38 — 11.02.2018 05:21

13.02.2018 08:43 — 13.02.2018 18:11

16.02.2018 00:05 — 16.02.2018 05:42

18.02.2018 01:14 — 18.02.2018 15:05

20.02.2018 14:11 — 20.02.2018 22:12

22.02.2018 14:46 — 23.02.2018 03:07

24.02.2018 22:58 — 25.02.2018 06:06

27.02.2018 00:51 — 27.02.2018 07:42

............................ — 01.08.2018 13:54

03.08.2018 05:52 — 03.08.2018 22:51

06.08.2018 02:46 — 06.08.2018 04:32

07.08.2018 10:54 — 08.08.2018 07:01

09.08.2018 14:21 — 10.08.2018 07:18

11.08.2018 12:58 — 12.08.2018 06:59

14.08.2018 07:37 — 14.08.2018 07:57

16.08.2018 10:56 — 16.08.2018 11:54

18.08.2018 18:07 — 18.08.2018 19:45

21.08.2018 02:47 — 21.08.2018 07:00

23.08.2018 17:19 — 23.08.2018 19:56

25.08.2018 07:39 — 26.08.2018 08:32

28.08.2018 16:54 — 28.08.2018 19:35

31.08.2018 02:04 — 31.08.2018 04:30



............................ — 01.03.2018 08:57

03.03.2018 02:50 — 03.03.2018 11:20

05.03.2018 09:19 — 05.03.2018 16:23

07.03.2018 11:55 — 08.03.2018 01:03

10.03.2018 05:27 — 10.03.2018 12:52

12.03.2018 18:36 — 13.03.2018 01:44

15.03.2018 10:32 — 15.03.2018 13:12

17.03.2018 16:12 — 17.03.2018 21:57

19.03.2018 22:29 — 20.03.2018 04:07

21.03.2018 20:21 — 22.03.2018 08:30

24.03.2018 06:52 — 24.03.2018 11:53

26.03.2018 09:58 — 26.03.2018 14:45

28.03.2018 12:54 — 28.03.2018 17:30

30.03.2018 07:59 — 30.03.2018 20:52

02.09.2018 08:56 — 02.09.2018 11:02

04.09.2018 09:37 — 04.09.2018 15:04

06.09.2018 15:43 — 06.09.2018 16:54

08.09.2018 16:31 — 08.09.2018 17:29

10.09.2018 18:12 — 10.09.2018 18:20

12.09.2018 01:58 — 12.09.2018 21:15

14.09.2018 11:54 — 15.09.2018 03:45

17.09.2018 02:15 — 17.09.2018 14:07

19.09.2018 20:10 — 20.09.2018 02:52

21.09.2018 20:13 — 22.09.2018 15:27

24.09.2018 08:26 — 25.09.2018 02:04

26.09.2018 13:28 — 27.09.2018 10:16

29.09.2018 01:36 — 29.09.2018 16:26



01.04.2018 21:29 — 02.04.2018 01:57

03.04.2018 19:06 — 04.04.2018 09:55

06.04.2018 16:36 — 06.04.2018 21:01

09.04.2018 05:40 — 09.04.2018 09:50

11.04.2018 17:56 — 11.04.2018 21:40

13.04.2018 14:27 — 14.04.2018 06:26

16.04.2018 08:59 — 16.04.2018 11:51

18.04.2018 01:05 — 18.04.2018 15:02

20.04.2018 15:05 — 20.04.2018 17:26

22.04.2018 17:58 — 22.04.2018 20:09

24.04.2018 21:40 — 24.04.2018 23:40

26.04.2018 12:49 — 27.04.2018 04:13

29.04.2018 08:32 — 29.04.2018 10:11

........................... — 01.10.2018 21:00

03.10.2018 11:33 — 04.10.2018 00:12

05.10.2018 14:34 — 06.10.2018 02:19

07.10.2018 17:03 — 08.10.2018 04:10

09.10.2018 11:50 — 10.10.2018 07:09

12.10.2018 02:12 — 12.10.2018 12:53

14.10.2018 03:58 — 14.10.2018 22:17

17.10.2018 00:49 — 17.10.2018 10:36

19.10.2018 15:27 — 19.10.2018 23:20

22.10.2018 02:47 — 22.10.2018 09:58

23.10.2018 21:18 — 24.10.2018 17:33

26.10.2018 17:49 — 26.10.2018 22:41

28.10.2018 07:37 — 29.10.2018 02:27

31.10.2018 05:31 — 31.10.2018 05:42



01.05.2018 05:56 — 01.05.2018 18:19

04.05.2018 03:50 — 04.05.2018 05:06

06.05.2018 16:48 — 06.05.2018 17:48

09.05.2018 05:29 — 09.05.2018 06:11

11.05.2018 12:02 — 11.05.2018 15:40

13.05.2018 21:05 — 13.05.2018 21:15

15.05.2018 23:30 — 15.05.2018 23:43

17.05.2018 21:18 — 18.05.2018 00:47

20.05.2018 00:14 — 20.05.2018 02:11

21.05.2018 06:30 — 22.05.2018 05:03

23.05.2018 17:55 — 24.05.2018 09:52

26.05.2018 00:04 — 26.05.2018 16:39

28.05.2018 20:25 — 29.05.2018 01:29

30.05.2018 09:26 — 31.05.2018 12:26

02.11.2018 07:32 — 02.11.2018 08:48

04.11.2018 10:26 — 04.11.2018 12:01

06.11.2018 11:19 — 06.11.2018 16:02

08.11.2018 13:42 — 08.11.2018 21:59

11.11.2018 06:35 — 11.11.2018 06:55

13.11.2018 18:13 — 13.11.2018 18:45

16.11.2018 06:58 — 16.11.2018 07:41

18.11.2018 11:04 — 18.11.2018 18:56

21.11.2018 01:46 — 21.11.2018 02:43

22.11.2018 12:59 — 23.11.2018 07:10

25.11.2018 08:31 — 25.11.2018 09:38

27.11.2018 10:22 — 27.11.2018 11:35

29.11.2018 12:47 — 29.11.2018 14:08



02.06.2018 06:37 — 03.06.2018 01:06

04.06.2018 08:10 — 05.06.2018 13:53

07.06.2018 09:35 — 08.06.2018 00:26

09.06.2018 22:37 — 10.06.2018 07:04

12.06.2018 06:29 — 12.06.2018 09:53

13.06.2018 22:43 — 14.06.2018 10:20

15.06.2018 19:18 — 16.06.2018 10:21

18.06.2018 06:26 — 18.06.2018 11:40

20.06.2018 13:51 — 20.06.2018 15:29

22.06.2018 04:34 — 22.06.2018 22:11

24.06.2018 17:00 — 25.06.2018 07:29

26.06.2018 15:53 — 27.06.2018 18:52

29.06.2018 11:58 — 30.06.2018 07:37

01.12.2018 17:34 — 01.12.2018 17:49