Dream Interpretation to see yourself flying in a dream. What does it mean to fly in a dream according to a modern dream book. Why dream of flying in a dream

Find out from the online dream book why Fly is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Fly in a dream: interpretation of 100 dream books

Miller's dream book

Why dream of Flying in a dream?

Fly - The dream in which you fly means humiliation and unpleasant news about those who are absent. For a young woman, flying in a dream is a sign that she will not resist reproaches and her lover will leave her. If in a dream something flies away from you, then in reality you will win in some kind of competition. In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dreamed that you were flying low above the ground, this promises you an illness or a difficult situation that you will overcome.

Flying over the ruins - unfortunately, sad circumstances. If at the same time you see greenery, trees in some places, then this means that your troubles are a temporary phenomenon; overcoming them, you will come to prosperity. If, while flying, you see the sun, this means that your anxieties will be in vain, life will improve, despite the constant threat of evil. Flying high in the sky, meeting the Moon and other celestial bodies on the way, promises famine, wars and all sorts of troubles for the human race.

For a young man, a dream is favorable in which he flies over green crowns and sees white wings behind him: a dream promises good luck in business and happy love. If he sees this dream often, then this means an improvement in his financial condition and the fulfillment of his innermost desires. But if he flies over dried trees, fate will prepare trials for him on the way to getting what he wants. He will overcome them, but this will not bring the expected results.

If a young girl sees in a dream that she flies from one city to another, landing from time to time on church roofs, this dream suggests that she has a lot to do in order to protect her love from hypocritical people. This dream is fraught with a threat to the health of her or her loved ones.

Idiomatic dream book

Why dream of flying

Fly - “Fly past” - skip, miss the main thing, not participate or successfully pass the danger, difficulty. “fly”, “fly”, “flew” - swiftness, transience of an event, period of life; “Fly into the pipe” - go broke; "to fly with happiness." "Fly from work" “flyed high” - about rapid career growth.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which we dream of Flying

Fly symbolizes movement and freedom. The image of sublimation compensation, the desire to solve life's problems by moving away from them into the creative imagination, a feeling of powerlessness of some insecurity (especially if a person often sees this image). The rarely encountered o6raz of flying is associated with a person's desire to overcome obstacles and get out of a difficult situation. This image can symbolize the desire to get away from problems, to become more powerful and influential, sometimes it can be so influential that it even has power over physical laws, such as gravity. The circumstance in which this action is performed is much more important than the fact of flying itself.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of flying?

Fly - Good, success in business, joy, wealth, harvest, you will look for workers, recover (to the sick), repent, road // illness, death (to the sick); fly down - failure awaits; we fly up - joy, good luck; flying low is a road; we fly high - a happy change // delusion; flying far - love // ​​long wait.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the dream book interpret Fly?

Fly - By air - the road, achievements; (depending on height); very high - false ambition; far away - love experiences, as well as a long wait; in heaven - happiness (for the healthy), death (for the sick).

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation Fly from your dream

Fly - Himself through the air - vital and spiritual forces, achievements in personal, professional, creative or spiritual activities. Very often you have to fly in a dream due to some kind of spiritual practice, which indicates progress. Flying too high - ambition, unreasonable claims, conceit; collapse of plans. Flying in the sky - spiritual revelation, self-knowledge; serious illness or death. Flying on a broomstick or riding an animal is a fascination with demonic spiritual teachings, the imperceptible development of one's own passion, pride, the beginning of spiritual temptation and loss of the soul. Flying on a chair is a loss of a place, a position, or vice versa - career success. Flying on the bed is an original, unexpected turn of life.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Flying, what does it mean?

Flying in a dream is a symbolic separation from the physical body, astral travel. It characterizes the elation of the dreamer's spirit, the ability to rise above his problems. Flying in a dream (outdoors) is evidence of a surge of vitality and sexuality. Trying to fly under the ceiling is the awakening of spiritual forces. Soaring high among the clouds is a separation from real life, a penchant for fantasies.

Fly alone low above the ground - At the moment, ignore the advice of your inner circle and do as your heart tells you. Fly independently up to the sky - your dreams are unlikely to come true in the near future. Direct your interest to a specific case. Fly on an airplane - you are on the right track. A little more effort and victory will crown your desire. Fly in a balloon - Do not miss the person who gives you signs of attention. Fly on land transport - Any business that you now undertake will work out. Be active. Fly and fall - You'll have to accept defeat and save up strength for a new take-off

Modern dream book


Fly - Fulfillment of hopes, good luck in business

Dream Interpretation of Azar

What did you dream about according to spiritual sources

Fly - Success in business, love, trade

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Fly to see in a dream:

Fly - Over a long distance - love experiences; to fall is a nuisance; flying on wings - happiness; flying in the sky - happiness for the healthy, flying for the sick - death.

Esoteric dream book

Fly in a dream

Fly - On a flying carpet, a vacuum cleaner, a bird to travel long distances. With the help of something: wings, a propeller for the acquisition of equipment (car, boat, TV, refrigerator). Without the help of anything to the successful use of their abilities.

Lunar dream book

Fly in a dream what does it mean:

Fly low - To the road.

Explanatory dream book

Why dream of flying

Flying low in the air - Road.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Why did you dream of flying

Flying - We often fly in a dream - this is a significant event, and sometimes we fly spontaneously, so to speak, and in other cases we see a CONSCIOUS dream and consciously choose to fly. But, as a rule, flying is always accompanied by a boundless sense of freedom. During spontaneous flights, you have to make certain efforts - like flapping your arms with wings to stay in the air. However, many dreamed that in soaring they were picked up by an unknown force. Usually such dreams are dreamed when we really want to TRAVEL or in anticipation of a danger that requires ESCAPE.

In the process of lucid dreaming, we slowly rise into the air, hovering above the ground. We choose to fly because we feel we can. This is one of the types of astral OBE experience. Thanks to these flights, the sleeper rises above circumstances, choosing profitable and safe promising directions. What caused the desire to fly - danger or euphoria? What was the result of this flight? Unusual means of flight.

In a dream, a person can fly by himself, on a bicycle, car, boat, or other non-flying means of transportation. Such flights are usually the result of circumstances in which a conventional vehicle becomes unusable or simply dangerous. For example, you prefer to fly a bike rather than drive a car and get into an accident. At the same time, the dream indicates that you see all the illogicality and inconsistency of the emerging danger. But it can also be a dream involving the archetypal image of a HERO.

Fly on an airplane - Fulfillment of desires, success.

Flying saucer, sphere (ufo) - A period of strong anxiety, anxiety, internal contradictions (influence of negative energies). In this form, more often, the demonic consciousness localized in a person's dream from the noosphere of the earth manifests itself.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream of flying

  • Flying in a dream - such symbolism is associated with a feeling of free movement.
  • Flying high means the absence of restrictions, the ability to overcome any obstacles.
  • To see that you are taking off or flying high above the ground, good news awaits you in reality.
  • Fly - the higher you are, the more achievements a dream promises you.
  • For a business person to see himself flying means rapid promotion or great success in business. Be careful, envious enemies can plot and weave intrigues behind your back.
  • Financial well-being awaits a person who dreamed of flying on a plane with friends.
  • If the dreamer flies on an airplane alone, he should be wary of envious comrades.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Fly

Psychologists interpret dreams with flights as a person's internal desire for movement and freedom. Often such dreams can appear to people who are trying to ignore their life problems. Try to accept life as it is, and not run away from it into transcendental distances.

  • Fly high in a balloon - your most cherished desires will soon be fulfilled.
  • If in a dream a person flies from one object to another, as if fluttering, it speaks of the sleeper's low self-esteem. You need to stop being afraid to take responsibility for your actions and trust your decisions more.

Romantic dream book

Why dream of flying

  • Fly - The one who flies in a dream without rising high above the ground will soon have a meeting with a person with whom it is possible to create a happy family.
  • If, while flying, you see the ruins of buildings in front of you, you may lose the trust of a loved one.
  • When one of the spouses dreamed of a fall from a flight height, in reality he may be in for a strong disappointment in his partner.
  • Fly alone - beware of betrayal and betrayal of a loved one.
  • A man who, while in flight, sees in a dream birds flying over his head, in reality should pay attention to his beloved. The dream warns that by going into the world of dreams, you may miss your happiness.

Big modern dream book

Fly - why does the dreamer dream?

  • Fly - Why did you dream that you were flying in space and surveying the planet - a dream portends some natural disasters or catastrophes on a global scale: wars, collapses of states, epidemics.
  • It is as if you are flying and looking at the sun - your worries are in vain; even if you do nothing, your life will get better - probably because others will do it.
  • It is as if you are flying, you experience extraordinary lightness, you are like a bird - a dream means that you are a courageous person, your spirit is free; all roads are open to you, and you are free to choose the best; a beautiful future awaits you; if you ever meet the friends of your youth, you will have something to tell them and something to brag about.
  • It is as if you are flying over the very tops of the trees - some troubles await you, but they will end soon and will not have consequences.
  • It is as if you are flying low above the ground - you cannot get out of an awkward situation without moral loss; you will be accused of having fallen low, and you will not be able to argue convincingly; another interpretation of sleep: soon you will get sick.
  • You are flying over a dead forest or a conflagration - you will overcome all trials and succeed; next to you, the average person will look like a loser.
  • Flying over the ruins - alas, misfortune will happen to you.
  • When flying, you see your wings, they are white - it is you who fly on the wings of good luck; everywhere you will be successful; you will know happy love.
  • Flying, you see your wings, they are black - reality will bitterly disappoint you; you will say goodbye to someone forever.
  • It was a dream that your flight ended in a fall, and you woke up at the moment of the fall - this is not a good sign; you have to go through a great misfortune, be of good cheer.
  • Why should a young woman fly high in the sky in a dream - this woman will have an unhappy marriage; the husband will be boring and grouchy, besides, he will find fault with trifles and even begin to put things in order in the kitchen; with such a husband, no wealth will seem good.
  • The woman dreamed that she was flying from one city to another; she sees that the stars are reflected in the golden domes of temples - this woman has to defend her world from the encroachments of hypocritical people; the fight may cost her health, but in the end she will win.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why Fly in a dream?

  • Flying in a dream - gaining independence.
  • Flying low above the ground is a pipe dream.
  • Flying easily and freely - achievements; overcoming obstacles.
  • Flying under the influence of some kind of force is a premonition of danger; desire to travel.
  • Flying in a car in a dream is anxiety; anxiety about new things.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Flying in a dream - to fruitless dreams.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Fly - Seeing in a dream how you fly above the ground, soaring high in the sky - to growth for the young; for the elderly - to the last flight.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Flying for a couple with someone who feels the delight of flying - to a stormy, but fleeting love.

Flying in a dream means that you take your life or some situations under control. If you can fly easily while enjoying the views of the landscapes below you, then you are on top of the situation. You have risen above something. Flying in dreams and controlling your flight represents the strength of your personality.

Flying in a dream means a new look. When you fly, you see more and more, this symbolizes that you have received a wider view of things. You see the bigger picture and get a different perspective on life.

Flying symbolizes freedom. Your subconscious sends you a message through a dream that nothing is impossible, you can be anyone and do anything. Your ability to fly in a dream means hope, opportunity, freedom of expression. It may reflect your strong character and be a reminder to you not to give up. No one can tell you that you are not capable of something, and no one can interfere. Such dreams give a strong impulse and a sense of freedom.

Flying in a dream falls under the category of lucid dreaming. This means you are aware that you are dreaming and take control of your sleep. Many describe the ability to fly in dreams as an exhilarating and joyful experience of liberation.

Flying in a dream means spiritual perfection. In some cases, flying in dreams means that you have reached a high level of spiritual development. You are in harmony with your spirituality and the dream of flying reflects this.

Flying in a dream - this may represent an escape or an attempt to avoid something. Perhaps you want to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Instead of confronting problems, you take flight, fly away and try to avoid responsibility in this way.

Flying in a dream means high self-esteem. When you fly, you can feel like a superhero. You consider yourself invulnerable and invincible. Perhaps you think that you are better than someone or look down on others. Flying in a dream, you actually look down on people.

When interpreting a dream in which you were flying, consider the altitude, direction, and speed of the flight. Flying high or fast is similar to your level of confidence. If you are flying low or slow, it means that you are happy with the pace of your current life. Flying backwards suggests that you are reminiscing about your past.

Typically, dream flights are characterized as a positive and exhilarating experience. But if you feel fear during the flight, this indicates a fear of the prospects for success, you may not be ready to take the next step. Difficulty in flight means not being able to control your circumstances. Obstacles that exist in real life can be represented in a dream by power lines, trees, mountains, buildings. These obstacles symbolize something or someone who is standing in your way. You need to identify what or who is trying to stop you from moving forward.

Difficulties in flying can be a sign of lack of self-confidence, lack of motivation, or hesitation on your part. You may have set unrealistic goals for yourself and are now struggling to achieve those goals.

Popular dreams:

Everyone who has experienced a flight in a dream will surely confirm that the sensations and emotions received during this are fantastic and simply unforgettable. What does flying in a dream mean? There is no single answer to the question posed, because in modern times there are many different dream books, each of which puts forward its own definition.

It is generally accepted that flying in a dream is a dream until a certain age. It is believed that to see a flight in a dream means to grow. But in this case, explain that there are often people who fly in their sleep and at the age of 25 years and above. Flight in a dream must be initially associated with the development of the brain and brain activity, which is most active at an early age, and after 20 years it declines. The slowdown in developmental processes explains the fact that we begin to see flying in a dream much less often. The human brain is multilayered, various “tectonic” processes are constantly taking place in it, after which the flight occurs in a dream.

What does flying in a dream mean? If you dream that you are flying high above the ground, then soon family troubles will overtake you, if you fly low enough, then be prepared for minor illnesses. A dream in which you soar above muddy, dirty water means that you should devote more time to work and career, otherwise you will become easy prey for competitors. Flying in a dream over destroyed knowledge is a symbol of boredom. You are in danger of temporary difficulties, which after a short period of time will be replaced by success and good luck if you fly and see green meadows or lush treetops below you.

Flying in a dream on black wings is a sign of bitter disappointment. White wings are a sign of good luck in business and love. What does the flight on white wings, which periodically repeats, mean? Falling during the flight symbolizes the abrupt fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Flight in a dream can be safely attributed to a number of inexplicable mysteries of human nature, which, unfortunately, have not been solved until today. Flying in a dream means a restructuring of consciousness, or rather the moment when it dominates the world of emotions and improves the personality. The ability to fly in a dream makes it clear to a person that he has the power to cultivate according to his own will. A person can fly in a dream as long as he is capable not only of physical growth, but also of emotional and spiritual development. Flight dreams are always accompanied by an exit to the astral plane, during which one can solve a specific problem that has arisen. Most often, the problem is associated with the restructuring of oneself and one's consciousness, trust in circumstances and people. From this we can conclude that falling in a dream-flight means failure in solving the problem.

All flights can be divided into 3 types. What sensations arise and what does flying in a dream of each category mean:

1. A person has a feeling that he has wings. This flight occurs in a horizontal state. The role of the wings is small, the driving force necessary for flight comes from the thoracic region of the body. In some cases, the sleeper can even feel the flapping of their wings, which can be of various colors and shapes. It is clear that a dream largely depends on the imagination of a person.

If a person experiences such a flight, this means that there is an increase in the strength of his soul and spirit. About a person who experiences such a flight quite often, we can say that she is trusting and open. Trusting someone, such people will not lose themselves.

2. The driving force for flight comes from the soles of the feet or from the hands. Such a flight in a dream occurs only in a vertical position; it can also include a quick gliding over the surface of the earth and the surface of the water.

Such dreams give the individual the opportunity to learn to fully control the mechanism of their emotions. During the restructuring of the emotional-sensory zone, a person often experiences emotions of various strengths. In a dream, he learns to control them, to curb them. This type of flight is usually dreamed of by people who are very emotional, who value their feelings and do not want to give them up, quickly cope with managing them.

3. Flight in a dream on any object or living object. Everyone dreams of such flights, but women in their dreams most often fly on a broomstick.

Such a dream becomes an excellent opportunity to adapt to any life situation, learn how to analyze it correctly and not fall into despair.

Understanding why you dream of flying in a dream is worth using popular dream books. The main thing is to use the work of only experienced, professional interpreters. For example, Miller, Tsvetkov, Loff and other well-known specialists.

Flights in a dream in most cases have a positive interpretation. Such an action from night dreams symbolizes the general well-being of the sleeper, his inner growth and development.

  • In Miller's work, dream flights are both a symbol of freedom and movement, as well as a hint that a person is far from real life. He constantly hovers somewhere far away in the clouds and refuses to take off his rose-colored glasses. If the flight in night visions was very swift, and it literally took your breath away, then in reality a man or woman is very bothered by some kind of problem. To solve it, you will need to make every effort.
  • In the Islamic dream book, flight is a symbol of power. In the near future, a person will gain power or even become famous. If the flight ended in a fall, you need to pay special attention to the state of your health. Most likely, it is in this area that the sleeper has problems that he simply does not notice in the daily bustle.
  • According to the Wanderer's dream book, flying without assistance and any devices is an excellent sign. Such a plot suggests that a person feels great internal forces in himself. It literally boils with energy. It is necessary to undertake the implementation of plans as soon as possible, even if they seem too ambitious. Everything will surely work out. But too high flights in the same dream book are associated with excessive self-conceit of a person. He literally admires himself and his actions, sometimes forgetting about the comfort of the people around him.

Did you dream of a very easy, pleasant flight, in which a person did not feel his weight at all? Soon he will be able to fulfill an old dream.

Why dream of a woman, a man

When flights are dreamed of by an adult, even his gender can affect the result of the interpretation.

  • So, a woman dreams of moving over dirty water to the appearance of a rival in her personal life. A new acquaintance will make efforts to take her beloved man away from her sleeping man. To win this battle, you will have to actively fight for your love.
  • A man has the same dream as a warning about the increased activity of competitors. If the dreamer has recently started a new business, ill-wishers will try to interfere with success in it.
  • In a dream, a woman flying over the dome of a church has health problems. The deterioration will come abruptly and unexpectedly. Perhaps, long-standing chronic ailments will worsen.
  • Such a dream tells a man that soon he will have to defend his interests and beliefs.
  • A plane flight that ended in a disaster warns a girl about problems because of her friend. You do not need to trust others and open your soul to them, otherwise the sleeping person may be very disappointed in some loved one.
  • For a man, a dream with a similar plot promises a whole series of problems in various areas of life.

Fly by day, by night

Daytime flight without wings is a great sign. It portends a person of any gender development in spiritual, professional or any other way.

Night flight, which is not easy for a man / woman, is a clue that the sleeper does not feel free. He suffers from someone else's despotism and dominance.

Flight without wings

If you dreamed of flying without wings, this is a hint for the sleeper that he has reached great heights in his current position. Now you can safely set yourself new tasks and start moving even further.

It is believed that children dream of moving through the sky without wings for physical growth, and for adults - for spiritual uplift.

What does a recurring dream mean?

It happens that a man or woman often dreams of flying high above the ground, which ends with a sharp painful fall. This is an important clue for the sleeper. In reality, he constantly makes the same mistakes that prevent him from reaching the desired heights in life. It's time to analyze your own behavior in order to find them and eliminate them.

If a person regularly dreams of a pleasant flight, then he is completely satisfied with his current situation. The sleeper managed to achieve inner harmony and overcome all difficulties. He wants to keep this state as long as possible.

Flight over land, river, sea

If you dream of flying in the air, you need to try to remember under what conditions this happens:

  1. In night dreams, did you have to move high above the ground? Very soon the old dream of a man or woman will come true. If, on the contrary, it was necessary to fly very low over sand, grass, then random misunderstandings and mistakes will disrupt plans.
  2. A flight over a river promises a person problems with finances or the law. If it ended in a fall, then for the sleeper everything will turn out to be a failure.
  3. Flying over a raging sea in a dream usually falls on the eve of a new passionate romance.

Fly in a dream on a broom

Men usually dream of flying on a broom during that period of life when all the sleeper's thoughts are occupied with options for revenge on old enemies. The dream suggests that it is worth abandoning insidious plans. It is better to just move away from ill-wishers and try to minimize their impact on your own life.

For women, moving on a broomstick in a dream promises a series of conflicts and quarrels in reality. Troubles can arise both in the workplace and in personal life. If one of the acquaintances turned out to be on the broomstick, it is this person who will provoke a large-scale scandal.

To easily understand the meaning of dreams with flights, you need to remember your feelings in them. If a person is easy, pleasant, joyful, he does not feel discomfort, then the plot of night visions will be a favorable harbinger. Feelings of fear and horror during the flight, on the contrary, suggest that sleep is a warning of possible dangers.

If a child dreamed of a flight, then an adult will certainly say that it is he who is growing! But not only children, but also adults can soar above the ground in a dream. We offer you to find out why adults dream that they can fly, the dream book will also tell you about flying on an airplane, a broom and a balloon.

Consider several popular dream books to get different interpretations. This is necessary in order to get a clearer and more logical picture when analyzing sleep in detail.

According to Grishina:

  1. If you evaporate over straw in a dream, then soon you will cause yourself trouble. If you see grass, then expect good news from a close friend.
  2. For a man, such a dream portends separation from his wife, but only if the flight took place on the street.
  3. Climbing up, then rapidly heading down - inflated ambitions, a thirst for power, which was born due to complexes, dissatisfaction with desires (including sexual ones).
  4. Knowing in flight that flying is unrealistic for a person is a symbol of deep self-knowledge.
  5. If in a dream a person happily flies, jumps from one surface to another - self-doubt. Communicate more with people, go out into the world, and the complexes will go away.
  6. In a dream, flying high above the earth so that you can hardly see houses - to wealth, happiness.
  7. Flying over the water surface is a danger to life or inner peace.
  8. To see how you fly over the mountains - obstacles will soon appear on your way, but you can quickly overcome them.
  9. Fly up - a lot of work to be done. Down - soon you will have to repent of what you have done for a long time.

According to Shereminskaya:

  1. In a dream, fly on your own, without transport and animals - you will soon make a good profit, but you need to be careful with a large amount, do not waste everything on trifles.
  2. If a person moves across the sky on an airplane or other transport (a ball, an animal), dreams will soon come true, the plan will come true. The long work that you did with almost no profit will soon bear fruit, pay off many times over.

According to Shuvalova, the dreamer in reality seeks to overcome some difficulties, to get rid of problems. The desire to gain power, to become a more influential person.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong:

  1. Feeling the wings behind your back - a great joy will happen soon.
  2. Fly without wings - get a good position, nobility, success and wealth.

According to Miller:

  1. If the dreamer is less than 20 years old, then the dream speaks of his physical growth. If older - spiritual growth.
  2. It is easy to soar, the sky is clear - to the fulfillment of desires.
  3. Behind the back wings - to disappointment.
  4. Seeing your fall is a fall in reality (demotion at work, a spiritual, moral fall, a fall in the eyes of people, the destruction of a family). But if you did not fall to the ground, but were able to rise up again, you will overcome all obstacles, you will be able to get out of the most difficult and confusing situations.

According to Veles, it is difficult to fly, you somehow stay in the air - a lot of people support you. If at the moment you are in a difficult situation, help from outside.

According to Martyn Zadeki, flying with or without transport means changing the situation for the better. You will get profit, happiness, everything will work out if something went wrong.

The esoteric dream book says: to fly a bird, a vacuum cleaner, an animal, an airplane - a long road, a journey is coming soon. Fly with the help of wings that have appeared - to purchase expensive equipment or a car. If the flight is completely independent (without transport and wings), use your existing abilities or talent to your advantage.

Muslim dream book:

  1. A person connected with power will get a good high position.
  2. Fly over the mountains - overcome all adversity.
  3. If the dreamer is not connected with power, expect illness.
  4. Fall after the flight - pay attention to what you fell on - this is what you will get in reality.

Whatever the interpretation may be, it is not complete without the interpretation of trifles. For example, a prediction can be completely different for a woman or a man.

Why dream of a woman, a man

If you have to fly in a dream to an adult who in life does not often move across the sky, then you definitely need to look into the dream book. Let's see what such a dream promises to women and men.

The meaning of night vision for a woman:

  1. When you dreamed that you were flying out indoors, you easily tear yourself off the floor against your will, you cannot find support - complete dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in the family. You are unhappy with your husband and children, you want to get more personal space and freedom.
  2. Fly above the ground, just soar - you can go too far, it's time to stop before it's too late.
  3. If you joyfully rise up, then dive down - a lot of happiness lies ahead. But if you feel fear in such a flight, expect trouble, unexpected news that will not please you.
  4. Fly, you cannot land - dissatisfaction with yourself. This can apply to both appearance, character, and behavior, actions.
  5. Seeing that someone else is soaring in the sky is an interesting acquaintance that will lead to friendship or even a serious romance.

Predictions for men:

  1. To take off from the ground against one's will, to try to hold on to objects - to changes in work, in the service (transfer, demotion or promotion) that the dreamer does not need. For example, they want to promote him, but a person is afraid of responsibility and more work, everything suits him in his position. Lower - the dreamer is fighting for his place.
  2. Flying on the street without landing (low above the ground, close to the roofs of houses) - part with your beloved woman at her will.
  3. If you fly on the street, but jump from roof to roof, a new love will soon appear, for which you decide to leave your current girlfriend or wife.
  4. To see a forest, mountains, rocks under you - there are many obstacles on the path of life, but you will overcome the weight, the main thing is not to despair.
  5. Flying over steep slopes and mountains is a long-awaited increase, gaining power.
  6. To move across the sky on a bird or an outlandish beast is to have the support of influential people in real life. If the dreamer has wings - independence in making decisions, and all of them are correct.
  7. If there is someone who is dragging you up, or flying hand in hand with another person, get help from where you didn’t expect it, but you need it now.

Regardless of gender, if you soar very high in a dream, then soon expect happiness, a solution to all problems that will no longer affect you. There will be wealth, fulfill your long-term plans, make your old dreams come true.

I dreamed of flying without wings

Such night visions can bring both pleasure and joy, and horrify, despair. Waking up, do not expect obligatory joy or misfortune, remember the night vision in detail: whether you were on transport, animals, or yourself, as in a fairy tale, broke away from the surface of the earth, which you felt during the flight. This will be discussed further.

  1. Flying in a dream on an airplane, joyfully looking down - expect happiness. If the transport shakes, you are scared, or you are just afraid to fall - there are difficulties ahead, serious health problems are possible.
  2. Being an air transport pilot means taking full control of your life and the current situation. Nothing will stop you, everything that concerns you is subject to you!
  3. To fly without transport, as if by magic, across the seas, while feeling joy - you are a self-sufficient person who knows the limits of his freedom and will not let anyone encroach on it!
  4. Fly without wings and transport, easily tacking, rush through the narrow streets - the desire to work for the benefit of both your own and those around you. You have the purest intentions, and soon your work will be well rewarded.
  5. To fly higher and higher without falling down - you will have to work hard, but from this you will receive only joy, satisfaction.
  6. Fly down without rising up - be more reasonable and prudent in deeds and judgments: you may soon have to repent.
  7. To realize in a dream the possibility of flying in the absence of wings, to try to take off - the dreamer is sometimes harsh and arrogant, sometimes rude, which hurts loved ones! You overestimate your real capabilities, in many ways you consider yourself better than others. Think about it before you lose all your friends.
  8. You are afraid of flying, you doubt the possibility of returning to earth - you will soon have to fight for personal happiness, for a place at work, and promotion. You will not succeed if you are so afraid. Overcome fears, and you can turn fortune in your direction.
  9. I dreamed of flying on a bird or by the hand with an angel (with any character, if only there were wings) - you grow spiritually, develop, become a mature person.
  10. Soaring on a bed or a chair - in reality, you will encounter an extraordinary situation for you or with an interesting person. Both will bring you only positive!
  11. To move across the sky on a beast - correctly distribute and spend your strength, time and money. The dreamer is a competent and responsible person.
  12. Fly by the hand or next to another person - a feeling of loneliness, loss. You need to talk, make friends or a friend.
  13. If in a dream you flew over the sea, the river (flew to the shore) - soon make your dreams come true, plans will not be violated.
  14. Soar in the clouds, see them under you, around, from above - you want to receive universal recognition, love and glory. But for this you need to be less arrogant, lower the requirements for others and your own self-esteem, conceit.

Flight without wings in a dream, if you move without transport and outside help - illusions in reality. This is stated by the Psychological Interpreter of Dreams. It is written here that the dreamer is confused in his own dreams, ceases to be aware of the boundaries between what is desired and what is real. This can prevent him from living a full life.

Fly by day, by night

Some see night flights in their dreams, while others see daytime flights. And from this, too, the interpretation may differ.

If you flew in the dark, could not understand where to go, then there is a lot in life, but you work in vain. You need to find something to cling to. It is this little thing that will become in the future the one with which you can get more profit and satisfaction from the work done.

Soaring in the moonlight - you want to get a lot from life, you have a huge number of plans and desires. But dreaming is one thing, working is another. If you don't work hard, you won't get everything you messed up. Dreams will remain dreams.

If you flew at the height of the day, then the dream book will hint at the possible frivolity of the dreamer. It's time to take responsibility, learn to manage yourself and your abilities, that is, grow up.

What does a recurring dream mean?

It happens that people constantly see the same dream. What will it mean for the dreamer if he has a dream about flying from time to time? It does not matter how you have to fly - without wings or with them, in transport or without it, the interpretation is the same.

You strive for freedom, but do not make any movements for this. You are a completely dependent person, you solve even the smallest problems by avoiding them! You think that they will do everything for you, decide, direct you on the right path. What kind of freedom can we talk about in this case? You need to start living on your own, learn to make decisions yourself and cope with emerging situations.

Flight over land, river, sea

If you move high above the earth so that you can barely see the outlines of cities, it seems that you are about to find yourself in space - success is expected in everything. Happiness is near, and it will soon be knocking at your door!

Seeing a river under you is a quick solution to problems that have piled up.

Soar above the calm sea surface - peace, calm and measured life. If there were any problems, they will soon go away.

If the sea rages under you, then expect trouble. Serious health problems are possible.

In both cases with the sea, if the shore is visible, then calmness will soon end (in the case of calm water), troubles will pass (if the sea is raging).

Fly on a broom

Why dream of flying on a broom, broom or vacuum cleaner? Interpretation does not depend on gender: The dreamer hopes for someone or something. And such hope gives him the strength to go forward, to fight, to live. Faith in someone gives you peace, a feeling of happiness. But it's time to think about the fact that flying on a broom is a fiction. This means that you are wasting your hopes on someone, it seems to you that he is helping you. In fact, everything that the dreamer was able to achieve is the work of his own hands and strength.

See a parachute flight

If you dreamed that you were preparing for a parachute jump, then in reality think again well about what you want to do. You may make a mistake, and the venture should be postponed or canceled altogether.

If you jumped, but don’t serve, but fly slowly, you can see everything - what you started in reality is very dangerous for well-being, but outside support will help you complete the job successfully, without loss.

If you dreamed of flying in a balloon (which can be confused with a parachute, or in a dream the parachute turned into a ball with a basket), then what you started is a good idea! You will succeed, so go ahead, bolder!

A dream in which you could fly not only brings joy or fear, strong emotions, but also helps to make plans, prompts, warns. Do not forget to look into the dream book, because dreams are hints of our subconscious, signs. They help in life. Pleasant dreams, happiness and success in reality!