Where is Neverwinter. Neverwinter Online review, pros and cons. Getting started: character creation

Neverwinter online is a fresh MMORPG project on the market computer games... The game is based on the legendary Dungeons & Dragons universe using all races and classes. For the game, we can choose one of nine races that are taken from D&D. There is also a division of heroes into classes, each of which must perform different functions during the battle. Neverwinter Online is more suitable for solo players than for continuous PvP fans. Interesting story line and difficult quests look more advantageous against the background of the arena for PvP battles. The game does not have a completely open world, but only separate locations in which you will need to complete quests. Most of the tasks are single, and with your friends you have to go down into dangerous dungeons and participate in other equally exciting events. Neverwinter Online Russian localization appeared quite recently, but the demand among players is great. Therefore, our portal has prepared review of the game Neverwinter Online.

Getting started: character creation

After we have downloaded and installed the game client on the computer, we need to figure out how play Neverwinter Online... For those who are initially unfamiliar with Dungeons & Dragons, it will not be very easy, since it is not clear which race you need to choose in order to play as good or bad. The following races are available for selection: human, elf, dwarf, typhlite, halfling, half-orc, half-elf, moon elf, and Mensoberranzan renegade... Each character is unique in appearance. A huge customization panel will help you to make the character to your liking appearance... Literally everything can be changed: facial features, figure, hairstyle, accessories and so on. Choosing your own race, you have to assume which class you will play, since each race has its own bonuses. By combining all the possibilities, you can get a strong hero at the very start of the game.

During the start of the game, each player can come up with a unique story of the origin of his character, which will be available for viewing by other players. In addition, you can choose a deity that your hero worships. True connoisseurs role play this opportunity should really please. We are not only joining the great world of the Dungeons & Dragons universe, we are creating our own unique story. After you plunge into the atmosphere of the game and create a character, you will be taken to the starting training location, where you will get acquainted with the main features of the game.

Neverwinter Online classes

IN Neverwinter Online play it wouldn't be so interesting if we didn't have a class allocation. At the moment there are 6 classes available:
  • hunter-ranger;
  • zealous cleric;
  • cheat-dodger;
  • wizard-master;
  • fearless warrior;
  • guard warrior;

While Neverwinter Online is focused more on solo play, the classes have a clear distribution of combat functions. Neverwinter Online overview classes:

  • The Hunter Ranger is a ranged hero with high physical damage but low health. There is an opportunity to become a melee hero if necessary.
  • The Devout Cleric is a support hero - a healer. Not a single group can do without the participation of a cleric. It's not so easy to swing a cleric, but this hero is very appreciated among the players and you will be taken to any group without any problems.
  • Dodger-Dodger - Damage-inviser. This hero specializes in close range attack and critical strike chance.
  • Wizard Overlord - Incredibly high magic damage from long range. The Wizard has several massive skills, so it's easy to play and at a high level.
  • The Fearless Warrior is the equivalent of the Berserker in other RPGs. A hero with a lot of health and high attack is a mixture of a tank and a damage dealer.
  • The Guardian Warrior is more like a typical tank, which should cover other members of the group with itself. He has a shield that can cover not only himself, but also his allies.
When choosing a class, pay your attention to bonus opportunities. The ideal character will be the one whose racial and class bonuses complement each other. You can read more about each class in our guide,

Storyline and quest organization

Neverwinter online compares favorably with its competitors in that it has a well-thought-out history of the world and a storyline. You get almost all of the quests within Neverwinter's city limits. It is here that there will always be the largest concentration of players, who will then scatter to separate locations. You will not need to race with others to kill dozens of mobs. Each player will go through the task himself, separately from the others. Team play will only be available in special events and group dungeons different levels... The quest system is varied: each task is a link in a whole chain, by completing which you will gradually get closer to the main goal. It is from the tasks that you will receive a greater percentage of experience. There won't be much sense from simply killing mobs - just check how strong your hero is. As I said, you will take most of the quests in Neverwinter and complete them in smaller locations. As a reward for quests, get game currency, buy yourself new things, becoming stronger.

Gameplay: character skills, interface and combat companion

Each class has skills that can be used during combat. You can use 10 skills at the same time, which are distributed on the keyboard and mouse buttons. There are many more such skills in total, so you need to choose which skills you have to sacrifice. This approach allowed not to overload the game interface, and users did not get confused in the buttons. At the starting levels, you will receive your basic skills, which will be relevant even at the last stage of the game.

Neverwinter Online has a non-target combat system. This means that you do not need to select an opponent with the mouse. The main thing is that the hero looks towards the enemy. You press the skill button, and the hero strikes. That is why in Neverwinter Online play will be convenient for both beginners and experienced players. The player's pumping will take place in several directions. In addition to the fact that you will choose which skills to use, you still have to pump the branches of specialization. In other words, to improve your hero according to the selected criteria.

You have the option to use a combat companion while completing quests. Satellites are bought in the in-game store for a special currency. You can also buy a mount for Zen currency. Each satellite has a different set of characteristics. With the help of a faithful friend, try to enhance those parameters that your player has not pumped the best way.

IN Neverwinter online the social part of the game is developed. You can learn a special profession and then make yourself a unique weapon or armor. You can sell the made items or use it yourself. Neverwinter Online overview eight professions:

  • Leadership;
  • Manufacturing of armor;
  • Chain mail weaving;
  • Leather processing
  • Cutting and sewing;
  • Application of patterns;
  • Weapon making.

Neverwinter Online Game Resources

Neverwinter has many in-game resources that can be earned in a variety of ways. The main currency of the game is coins, in particular gold. Most consumables are bought for gold, as well as some types of clothing. one gold coin= 100 silver coins. 1 silver coin = 100 copper. You will receive coins for completing quests, as well as from killed mobs.

You will receive Astral Diamonds for participating in daily events, as well as for completing some tasks. For diamonds, you can buy stronger clothes.

Zen currency is a donor currency that can be purchased with real money. This currency is the same for the games of the Perfect World company and is bought on the official website. Currently 100 Zen can be purchased for $ 1. For Zen, you can buy improvements not only for your hero, but also for your account (more experience, for example).

There are also special game resources for which you can buy unique things. You will receive them during the game in a natural way.

Let's summarize

Neverwinter Online is a modern MMORPG game that differs from its Chinese counterparts in its self-sufficiency. Neverwinter has a long history of its own, which has been cleverly implemented in online versions... This RPG can be played by fans of the Dungeons & Dragons series as well as brand new players. Modern graphics, interesting quests, free movement across locations, a wider selection of races and classes, as well as the ability to create a unique hero with his own history. If you want to immerse yourself in an atmospheric role-playing game, and become not only a participant in the world, but its creator, then you need to register in Neverwinter Online. After leaving Russian localization this is very easy to do, because the game is completely translated. You just need to click on the "Register" button and you will be taken to the official site of the game.

Neverwinter is one of the most famous cities in the Forgotten Realms universe. It never knows winter, although it is located in the far north, because it stands on the banks of a magical river. The grandeur and beauty of Neverwinter has always amazed guests, including the players of the new MMORPG. The city is simply huge here. It enchants with the quiet beauty of narrow alleys and the noise of the market squares. The designers were well aware that players would spend a lot of time in Neverwinter, and they did everything to make the city look cozy.

However, the game impresses not only with its urban beauty. With the exception of frankly outdated graphics and a couple of childhood sores - an example of a great MMORPG, interesting and with a bunch of correct finds.

To begin with, the authors did an excellent job with the difficult task of making an addicting gameplay based on a heavyweight system. The game mechanics are surprisingly easy to learn, do not bind you with a bunch of conventions and restrictions, but at the same time make you think through the actions. In the presence of a popular non-target system - you need to aim at enemies (and comrades, if you are a healer) yourself, and a successful roll, performed on time, you can easily get away from the enemy's attack.

In Neverwinter, players will find not only attractions, but also many dangers

The development system is not lagging behind either. At each level, we are necessarily given several opportunities to pump the character: improve one of the abilities, invest a point in the talent tree, etc. At the same time, you can take a strictly limited number of the entire range of abilities "for war" - this approach makes the player constantly think, carefully calculating the capabilities of the hero.

Doesn't let the player get bored. On the basis of seemingly standard elements - quests, single and group dungeons, PvP arenas - the result is a game that surprises at every turn. Something like "promotions" are constantly taking place here: for example, first we are offered to go through some dungeon, after an hour - to do craft, then pay attention to PvP. All, of course, for additional awards... Thus, the developers do not allow the player to get hung up on one thing and get tired of the monotony.

Another unexpected feature of the game is session. He is very careful about your free time, there are many activities from the category "went to play for half an hour": quests, single dungeons, PvP arenas. Craft is superbly made, which combines elements from The old republic and EVE Online... The hero does not wave a pood hammer himself - instead, he hires workers who perform tasks while you are doing your important business. And the Leadership system is generally an amazing find. This is a special profession for those who do not like professions - the ability to lead mercenaries who do not produce anything, but get valuable things for you: game experience, money, as well as various little things like healing potions.

Each task in any profession takes time - from several minutes to several hours. With the growth of experience, you will be able to distribute more tasks at the same time. The result is a system similar to EVE Online- leaving the game does not mean that your character will stop developing. Just do not forget to leave each worker on assignment before leaving: the next day you will receive a new chain mail, and in addition - experience and money.

A good company is quickly located in, although this is more a merit of the players than the developers. Here a story repeats itself that once happened to The old Republic, - the game has attracted the attention of not only hardcore MMO players, but also fans of the universe who have never played online games before. These people willingly join the group, they are friendly, funny and usually do not make the typical scandals of the genre like “Oh you ***! How dare you take my sword! "

These same players are now doing another important thing - they are participating in development. Perhaps the most intriguing feature of the game is The Foundry editor, which allows users to create tasks themselves and share them with others. You can create any missions - single and group, with battles, with travels and with riddles. You can even create your own mini-campaign if you want. A month after the launch, there were enough custom missions that were head and shoulders above the creation of the in-house game designers. And this is perhaps the main trump card of Cryptic. While other companies are dreaming of how to release content patches at least once a month, Cryptic has invented an MMORPG that is updated literally every day.

From day to day, Neverwinter will have a completely unique location where players will have to fight each other for access to the coolest dungeon

Custom missions are built into the game very conveniently and efficiently. To find them, a special interface has been created - with ratings, reviews and a bunch of other useful information, up to the time that will have to be spent on passing. At the same time, all tasks are scaled depending on the level of the player, experience and rewards are relied on for them. If you wish, you can even donate a small amount to the author of the mission you like in order to motivate him for new exploits.

Neverwinter is distributed on a shareware model, while in the game, in principle, you can live without paying a penny. But if you want to equip yourself well in the process of pumping and enjoy other benefits of civilization (for example, get your own horse early), you will have to fork out.

This is how it happens sometimes - Neverwinter, which almost no one paid much attention to, suddenly turned out to be almost the main online find of the first half of 2013. Instead of the banal "Forgotten Realms" online game, we got a very thoughtful and in many ways innovative MMORPG.

How to play:, register and download the client.

Foreword: This article is for newbies to the game Neverwinter online or just recently started wanderers and contains general recommendations and pumping opportunities from 1st to 70th level.

1. [A little ENT "A] What is Neverwinter ( NeverWinter online)?

If you've never heard of the game series Neverwinter then most likely NWO for you is just an MMORPG game from the MMO list. But if you nevertheless turned your attention to the description or looked at the review, then you already know that first of all, this is part of the lore (Lore) of the aforementioned universe. Dungeons & dragons, which originates from the distant 70s in the form of a board fantasy game, which in turn influenced the creation of a series of guides, books, games, and the development of an entire cult universe with various fantastic settings. In NWO, all action takes place in the vastness of the subcontinent of Faerнаn in one of the most popular settings called the Forgotten Realms. [The same world was used to create the popular role-playing game Baldur's Gate, which fans still play and consider one of best games of this genre.] For more details on the books and information about the game / universe, I recommend myself, and we move on to the next blocks, which will contain more useful information about the game itself.

2. Start of the game, gradual development vs quick start

Before starting the game, you need to decide on the choice of the pumping style from 1 to 70th level. This entire interval, this is the original content, plot, dialogues, and so on, which acquaints you with the basics of the game's mechanics and your class in general. We begin to engage in full-fledged character development closer to level 70, or rather immediately after reaching it, until this moment, it is absolutely not worth bothering with pumping. The only thing that needs to be determined is the race that best suits your class, as it cannot be changed in the future, except for the purchase of the Draconian Seal. You can read more about suitable races.

A: I love MMO / Fan series B: Inveterate MMO / Go straight to the heights!

For you, the storyline is a priority, you do not chase after instant success, but calmly and confidently enjoy the passage, gradually developing in the game.

In this case, you just need to follow the quest track, complete all quests, even minor ones, explore every corner and enjoy the game (for the time being: D).

You boldly skip most of the conversations, the plot is practically not interesting, the faster the maximum level of development is obtained, the better!

By choosing this approach, you can be pumped out quickly enough, it is worth performing only the main storyline campaign, skipping mountains of text.

You will completely unlock all starting content (including lore / scraps / titles and level up starting campaigns + gifts) Very fast pumping, 1-2 days to the maximum level with an intense game (at the bottom there will be a way of pumping in a couple of hours with outside help)
You do not need outside help, you will be able to go to the goal on your own. Character development is faster due to the availability of high-level content
Development will be quite slow, it will take at least weeks to reach 70 Incomplete campaigns, the absence of some gifts / knowledge / titles, for gifts most likely you will need to return to close everything.

A very important point in both options is outside help or factors that accelerate the development of the character:

Do not forget to go through the fight and dungeon available to you several times a day in order to receive astral diamonds and process them into ab, which will be very useful to us in the future, also always pray on time and do not throw things out of your inventory just like that, most of them can be sold for gold that may come in handy someday.

If this is not your first character, and you need to get level 70 as soon as possible, for example, for an additional seal artifact, you will be suitable this method gaining experience on bears in the guild fortress.

You need:

  1. Access to the guild. As an option to join or create your own.
  2. Find a person who will kill them, the stronger the better, for example, ask someone from the guild to help. (I personally did it myself in 2 windows (not prohibited by the rules), with a character of only 9000 oops, since I have several accounts, but in extreme cases, you can ask a friend or his account for a while).
  3. Come to the point, bind the desired character to yourself with the / follow command in the case of 2 windows, and run to kill on the cooldown of the respawn of the bear camp (poor bears: s).

The path and places for the spawn of bears, the respawn time is 1 minute.

3. Tipping point.

After reaching level 60-70 in the game Neverwinter online across the universe Dungeons & dragons we open many doors, locations, campaigns, development paths, in general new content in which it is quite difficult to survive. At this stage, a lot of things need to be done, the passage of the direct storyline campaign is almost completely replaced by repeated daily / weekly quests - daily quests that need to be completed in order to receive campaign resources, gifts and astral diamonds, do not forget to process the diamonds received for daily rewards and move on to character development through the campaign of the sharandar and the beater's fight, at the end of which you can get a random artifact or a horse of even epic quality, or at least a cloak for 5% bonus experience, which will not be superfluous in pumping from 60th to 70th. If you haven't joined the guild yet, do it. At the time of level 70, you should have approximately 4500 OPs, if you have not bought and pumped things up to this time, then first of all, you need to upgrade your equipment in order to get a sufficient level of items (7500/8400) to enter epic dungeons, without this you will have fewer opportunities to get ab and items. Also, before this point, you must definitely read 1 of the game guides for your chosen class in order to understand the general meaning of the mechanics and the need for certain skills / stats / items and, if necessary, use a free retraining token. It is important to find a guide that does not rely on top things and items, since at the beginning we simply cannot have them due to a number of reasons and not chase after overclocking the mighty, but at least a few thousand penetrating damage to penetrate creeps, later with With a steeper pumping, we can completely forget about it, but in the beginning there should be several thousand penetrating damage.

Starting equipment, what to wear? There are actually many options:

After buying things and rings, you need to insert at least 7 stones into them, the cost is very low, and the bonuses already make you feel comfortable when completing almost any dungeon.

Artifacts: In addition to the initial artifact, do not forget to complete the quest to obtain the seal of your class, both seals should be raised immediately to blue, since the cost is again very low. Also, if you have a small amount of ab, consider buying a cheap artifact set from a belt / cloak / artifact, such as lost, and upgrade them to blue. The necklace and belt will cost 10k, and they should be taken right away, and the horn is a little more expensive, from 75,000.

Satellites: First of all, it is worth buying an amplifier satellite (the list is on the link), which transfers all its parameters to you and dress it in cheap things with 7 stones. The minimum cost in the case of a quasit (20,000 ab) will provide a decent increase in stats at the initial levels.

Horses: One of good first horses is a dun horse, costing 35k, and a bonus for the patience of the judge, the rest can be safely put any green ones, and insert the necessary blue / green signs on the sign bonuses.

Weapons: During the passage of the spiral citadel, you will receive fire weapons, for which you can buy or ask to craft someone a howling / drowned kit in the future and upgrade it to blue. The cost at the auction of such a kit varies from 150k for 2 pieces, but the cost of crafting them is much lower, so always ask people in the chat / guild about crafting cheaper.

In total, in just a few days, provided that we ran through campaigns / dungeons / fights / fortresses and earned ab, we get a playable character who can safely run through all the dungeons and feel confident for almost scanty investments. Finally, my personal screen for pumping such an initial character in 1 day on bears: Alas, I already had an initial budget in the form of ingots and ab, and the ogma artifact fell out from the first visit to the beater, but farm 250k ab in a few days, even a week, gradually spraying things for seals and rings and processing diamonds obtained from dungeons / fights will not be difficult, this is already a slightly separate topic which I may write about later, do not forget to check collections for items and where they drop from, read current guides and browse the forum, but for now that's all, thank you all for your attention, and good luck!


Neverwinter - The most famous city in the universe Forgotten realms, it is located in its northern side at the mouth of the Magic River. His Majesty amazed guests, and MMORPG Neverwinter players were driven into a daze. Everyone froze in anticipation to walk along winding, noisy lanes, through market squares, where in their shadows one could find new friends, or fight swords with old enemies. The idea of ​​the designer was to make the city as comfortable and attractive as possible. For whoever entered beyond its walls remained here forever. However, the game impresses not only with the beauty of the architecture. If you do not take into account the outdated graphics, then Neverwinter is an MMORPG as an example to others, with interesting plot, many finds and various innovations:

D&D gameplay - The game is not constrained, at the same time it makes you think about any action.

Non-target system - Introduced for dynamic combat, you now need to aim at the enemy (or your partner, if you are a healer) yourself, and with a successful jump, roll, block, you can easily dodge the enemy's attack.

Form of "shares" - The standard base of elements - single, group dungeons and quests, has undergone changes, now everything here takes place in the form of "shares": for example, we are first offered to do craft, go through a dungeon in an hour, then switch to PvP. And all this, of course, for additional bonuses. This prevents players from getting stuck and tired of monotony.

Sessionality - The developers have taken care of your time, a lot of quests have appeared, single dungeons from the category "I went to play for half an hour"

Items from The Old republic and EVE Online... - Added the same craft, which added elements where the hero hires workers, and they, while you go about your business. perform tasks for you.

Leadership System - A special profession that reveals the ability to lead mercenaries, they are looking for valuable things for you, such as gaming experience, money, and also irreplaceable healing potions.

The system from EVE Online - It takes some time to complete a task in any profession, but with an increase in gaming experience, you can now give mercenaries more tasks at the same time. As a result, the time for their implementation will be reduced, and if you leave the game, this does not mean at all that your character has stopped developing. Before leaving, you leave each employee with the necessary quest, and the next day you will receive new armor. in addition, the experience he has earned and money, experience and money.

The Foundry Editor - Allows users to create their own quests and share them with others. You can create any missions, minicompanies - with battles, travels and riddles, single and group. While others are thinking about how to release patches, Cryptic, with the help of users, invented an MMORPG that is updated almost every day.

Unique location - There are only a few days left until a completely new location appears, for access to which players will have to fight with each other.

Missions from the players - a special interface has been created with information about the time, for their passage, ratings, reviews, All tasks are built depending on the level of the Main Hero, for them the calculation of experience and awards is also carried out. You can also, if you wish, donate a small amount to the best mission author to motivate him for a new creation.

Neverwinter is a shareware model - but you can live in the game without paying a cent. But if you still want in the process of pumping, equip by last word technicians, or get a horse before everyone else - you will have to unbutton your wallet.

Here is such an interesting finish - Neverwinter, to which, almost no one paid much attention, suddenly turned out to be almost the best online find of the first half of 2013. Instead of a banal "online toy", it turned out to be a largely innovative and well-thought-out MMORPG. by Forgotten Realms

How to play Neverwinter online?

Neverwinter has a traditional IP address block, but it is only enabled upon registration. Download anonymous TOR Browser, install, create an account with it. Then download and install the game client. The game is shareware.

If you play Path of Elixir, then following the link - you can purchase orbs, which are so important in the universe of the popular MMORPG. Also, the service will not be fooled one hundred percent, since the guarantor system operates and there are numerous customer reviews.

Votes 39

Neverwinter Online Game Review

In Europe Neverwinter online was released in 2013, quickly gained its fans and by December was localized in the Russian Federation. Cryptic Studios is responsible for the development of the game, and Perfect World is responsible for publishing (they are also responsible for Russian localization). How did the connoisseurs like the game?

The game is based on the Dungeos & Dragons universe, so there are no classes, races, mechanics that somehow contradict the D&G canons. Of course, there is also no question of any literal observance of the classical rules. board game... This is an MMORPG and that says it all!

At the moment, the gamer can choose a character from nine races (elves, half-orcs, humans, dwarves, sun elves, halflings, tieflings, drow are available). Each race has its own unique bonuses. Speaking of classes, there are six of them in the game: Guardian Warrior, Fearless Warrior, Devout Cleric, Wizard-Lord, Hunter-Pathfinder and Dodger-Trickster. It should be noted that the developers are constantly working to increase the number of races and classes. Even at the time of the release in Europe, there were much fewer of them.

During character creation, the gamer needs to distribute the primary stat points, although "distribution" is not an accurate term here. It is necessary to roll the dice until the option that is optimal falls out. Next, you need to choose your origin and Deity. On the game process this choice does not affect in any way, it is needed to "create the story" of the character. The game has a very average customization of the appearance. Physique, facial features - it's all customizable. It remains only to choose the name of the hero and that's it, you can conquer the world of Neverwinter Online.

Neverwinter Online immediately throws the hero into the combat conditions of the invasion. But there is no need to worry - the tips for beginners explain everything quite easily, so even if this is your first MMO, there will be no problems with understanding. Immediately they will not overwhelm the hero with skills, this applies to equipment and stat, there will not be any important choice either. The slots on the panel will open gradually, you will have to "start thinking" only from the tenth level. Compared to other MMORPGs, Neverwinter Online has a fixed number of skills.

- Basic attack: two free, can be used constantly;
- Combat: three free - these are more powerful skills that have a cooldown;
- Daily: two, these skills are the most powerful. They are available only when the AP bar is full (AP is awarded for using combat and free skills);
- Passive skills: two.

Neverwinter online, 8.0 out of 10 based on 39 ratings